Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 29, 1893, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Sep. 29, 1893,
To CozzESPONDENTS. — No communications
pubiished unless accompanied by the real
pame of the writer.
——The Cottage hospital at Philips-
burg is entirely without patients.
— The Bellefonte board of trade
held an interesting and active meeting
on Tuesday evening.
— The sessions of the Lutheran
Synod now sitting in Bellefonte are
being well attended.
—Tt is rumored that E. J. Swavely
wili become proprietor of the Mountain
house at Snow Shos ere long.
——The American express company
will have an office in this place on com-
pletion of the new Central railroad of
——The Odd Fellows in this place
are moving to secure enough visitors to
the Fair to charter a Pullman car in
which to ride out and back.
— The venerable John Curtin, of
Linn street, celebrated the eighty-third
anniversary of his birth on last Sunday.
He is still enjoying good health.
——The Daniel: Irvin & Son hard-
ware store room, on Allegheny street, is
undergoing extensive repairs that will
make it the prettiest store of its kind in
this section.
——Centre county chickens must
have a reputation. Think of it, the
Methodist Conference, the Lutheran
Synod and the Huntingdon Presbytery
all within a year.
——George B. Brandon, who left this
place last spring to manage a hotel at
Spangler, has grown tired of the wild
Cambria county mountains and will
move to Norristown soon.
——Calvin J. Smith, aged 23 years,
died at the home of his father, Jacob
Smith, near Tusseyville, on Saturday,
with consumption, as the direct outcome
of a recent attack of the grip.
——The cool weather that has set in
is already having a telling effect on the
countenances of coal dealers, and the
Bellefonte plumbers are beginning to
sport in anticipation of busted pipes and
big prices this winter.
——The condition of the Lewistown
pike has aroused much favorable com-
ment on the part of those who use that
road. Under the skillful management
of our aged friend, Perry Steele Sr., it is
said to be in a condition never before
——The attraction atthe opera house
next week will be something new to the
theatre goers here. ‘Later On’ is the
name of the attraction that manager
Garman has booked for next Wednes-
day night. It is a musical comedy of
a high order.
——The Bellefonte Academy has nev-
er had such an auspicious opening as
has been that of this fall. The school
has been especially prosperous in the
last few years and since its handsome
rebuilding gives promise of better re-
sults than ever before.
——The Board of Trade is endeavor-
ing to get a cheese factory and a large
stove foundry located here. Bellefonte
offers excellent facilities for both. In
.such a rich agricultural community
plenty of milk iseasy to procure and
iron is here in abundance.
—— On last Thursday Rev. G. P.
“Barvis, of Port Matilda, married Wm.
-G. Flory, of Pleasant Gap, to Miss Ida
Furey, of the same place. The groom
is an energetic young carpenter and will
.make an excellent husband. His bride
is a daughter of the venerable John
~—Two attempts have recently been
made to burn the school house at Port
Matilda. On Monday and Friday nights
of last week only the timely appearance
of some people saved the building. In-
cendiaries should receive prompt and se-
vere punishment if caught, and those at
Port Matilda are being hunted.
——When aboy once learns that
there is nothing manly in imitating the
vices of men, he has made a long stride
io wisdom. Moreover, he may count
himself among the fortunate if he learns
it so early in life that the pursuit of
foolish and wicked pleasure does not
practically injure his future career.
——The Liggett-Long vs Lehigh
Valley rail-road land case that mention
was made of in last week’s WATCHMAN,
was determined by the jury afteran
all night session, in favor of the defen-
dants. The case took nine days for
trial and the jury was out about six-
teen hours before agreeing upon a ver-
——The death of aged Jacob Brun-
gart occurred in miles township, this
county, last week and took from that
community one of its oldest and most
respected residents. Deceased was 80
years of age and was the father of Mill
heim’s prominent Democrat, Mr. Cyrus
Brungart, who with eight brothers and
sisters mourn the death of their beloved
Tue Base Bail ResuME.—The |
River League season has about closed |
and the “Governors” of Bellefunte are
the winners of the pennant by probably
the most remarkable record ever made
by & champion nine. Having played |
twenty-three games, our boys were the |
victors in eighteen and the vanquished |
in five. Only one scheduled game was
prevented and that is still unplayed, and
the indications are that it never will be
played, as the Demorests will probably
prefer not to play at all to playing on
Beilefonte grounds and receiving their
usual medicine of defeat. The wave of
base ball enthusiasm struck our ‘‘sports’’
rather late in the spring, but when it
did come, ard the first River League a
schedule was prepared, it required but a
few days to raise a subscription in the
town amounting to some six or seven
hundred dollars and secure a nine to re-
present us in the first scheduled game at
Renovo. The lot of “starting the ball
rolling,” as the saying goes, fell to
Belletonte, and so on the evening of the
third of July, the first organized nine
to represent Bellefonte in the River
League started to Renovo to play the
strong and experienced team of that
place on the following day. Lack of
practice lost our first league game. On
the 5th of July nothing daunted, they
met the ¢‘crack” Demorests on the Wil-
liamsport Park grounds and took them
into camp to the sweet tune of 8-7.
Defeat had been wiped out by victory
and the sixth of July found the victors
on their way to Tyrone to try conclu-
sions with the players of that hustling
town. But as is well known the Ty-
roners always play their strongest game
at home, and the bats of the Bellefonte
boys seemingly having become filled
with holes made it a not difficult task to
send the team away defeated by a score
of 9-4, but with the determination beat-
ing in every breast of soon showing
their right and ability to deserve the
name of ‘*‘Governors,” which was ap-
plied to them long before they started on
their second trip. Observations made
during the first tour revealed the fact
that material of the strongest character
would have to be secured at any cost to
earn for Bellefonte the winning position
with which alone our citizens would be
satisfied. Telegrams were sent broad-
cast for players of reputation, and with-
in a couple of weeks a team of players
was secured who were not only stars in
their respective position, but perfect
gentleman also, and exceptionally con-
genial with one another. It required
but a game or two to display their skill
on the ball field and ever since they
have worn the black sweaters with the
word ‘‘Governors” across the breast. At
this time the league consisted of the
Demorests, Renoyo, Tyrone and Belle-
fonte nines but later Bloomsburg and
Milton were admitted, the latter dis-
banding after playing but seven or eight
games. The only game lost on the
home grounds was to the Demorests
who played and defeated us before our
“Governors” had come upon the scene.
When the latter were in their
places they werealmost invincible. They
were Roberts, catcher ; Hodson and
Meany, pitchers; Magee, first base;
Reed (captain) second base; Wetzel
third base ; Miller, short stop ; Walters,
left field ; Steele centre field; and
Howell, right field. Their first trip was
attended by marvelous success in face of
the heaviest odds. They played six
games and won six. Such a record
could not be surpassed. They at once
out classed all their opponents, winning
every game where the umpire was at all
fair, and making for themselves a record
to which they will ever refer with pride.
In their series with Tyrone they won
four games hy scores of 8.2, 15-3, 8-3,
and 13.7, lost two by scores of 9-4 and
10-8. They defeated Milton by scores
of 13-1 and 27-3. From Bloomsburg
they won three games by scores of 13-10,
16 8'and 3-1, losing but one and through
an umpire’s robbery by the score of 4-0.
In the series with Renovo, they won
five games by scores of 8-1, 54, 15.8,
3-2 and 5-3 and lest but one by a score
of 8-1. The Demorests who for a time
were generally regarded as pennant
winners, were defeated by the “Gover-
nors’’ by scores of 8-7, 17-1, 7-5, and 2-1.
The Demorests won one game by a score
of 6-1 and have as yet failed to play the
sixth and last of the series which was
necessarily postponed on account of
rain. Summing up, the games won
numbered eighteen, they lost five and
one postponed. A record brilliant be-
yond compare. Ye worthy ‘Governors’
you have acquitted yourselves most
creditably, you have by your gentle-
manly conduct won the admiration of a
host of friends, you have by your athlet-
ic skill won not only glory for your-
selves but for Bellefonte, who is proud to
claim you as her own and we are sure
that we voice the sentiment of the
community when we express the desire
to see each and every one of you back
among us next year filling the same
places on the field and in the esteem of
our citizens. Farewell for the succeed-
ing months and happy success follow
you in whatever business you engage
until you return to us in the base ball
season of 1894.
——The Huntingdon
meets here on October 3rd.
——The Clearfield county fair is said
to have been a great success.
——A balloon ascension with a par-
achute descent was a Saturday evening
attraction in Lock Ha ven.
——A new ¢ompany intending to
manufacture fire-brick has been organ-
ized and chartered to do business at
Sandy Ridge, with a capital of $50.000.
——Tyrone brutes have been guilty
of tying peanuts to each end of a string
then throwing the same into the water
to watch ducks eat the nuts. The duck,
have in many cases torn their craws out
in their struggles.
——The Jersey Shore Herald has
passed its 37th birthday and talks as
hopefully of the future as if it had never
experienced the vicissitudes common to
the county press, or known what it is to
have delinquent patrons.
——The funeral ceremonies over the
remains of Mr. Chas. Noyes, a brother
of the late Col. A. C. Noyes, were held
at Westport on Saturday last. Mr.
Noyes was one of Clinton coun ty’s most
prominent citizens and a very active in-
telligent Democrat.
——The temperance woman have
just concluded a season of most interest-
ing religious services. If their work
were rewarded in any proportion to the
zealous hope that promotes it this
would be a thoroughly christian and
temperance community in a very short
——Howard’s water works which are
to be erectedjas speedily as possibly,
will require in addition to fire plug and
hydrant connections about 15,000 feet of
pipe. The water will be taken from
springs between Jacksonville and How-
ard and will be as pure as any water
in the State.
——Mzrs. Gilmore is now in the east-
ern cities laying in her fall and winter
stock of fancy millinery goods. Every
season her trade increases and she pur-
chases accordingly, so with her return
you will find an elegant line of stylish
hats und bonnets, as well as other sea-
sonable goods in her line, at her store in
the Brockerhoff house block. Prices are
reasonable and styles the latest.
-—The failure of Liveright, McCoy
& Co., one of the largest soft coal opera-
ting firms in the Clearfield region, was
announced at their Philadelphia office
last Thursday and it is thought that the
foreseen crash is what caused the late
Col. McCoy’s suicide as he was a mem-
ber of the firm, being cashier of the
Tyrone bank. Judgments aggregating
$81,428,834 have been entered against
the firm.
“Later On,” that merry melange of
music and dancing which has pleased
and amused the theatre-going public
from the Atlantic to the Pacific, is book-
ed for an engagement at Garman’s opera
house, next Wednesday night, Oct. 4th.
It has been entirely rewritten, new
songs and dances introduced, and still
retains a foremost position among the
best farce-comedies on the road. A good
company and several European novel-
ties combine to give three hours of sol-
id laughter.
——The following appointments of
post masters, for this county have been
announced since our last issue : Rich-
ard Runner, Blanchard ; John Martin,
Milesburg ; W. D. Kelley, Snow Shoe ;
C. H. Meyer, Centre Hall, and J. H.
Weber, Boalsburg. This pretty nearly
finishes the post office appointments in
Centre. There are the Lemont, Millheim
and Pine Grove appointments which
have been due some time waiting for the
decision of the department, for each of
which there are several applicants, the
one at Clarence for which there is but
one Democratic applicant, and the Phil-
ipsburg and Bellefonte offices which are
not yet due, lgaving but about a half-
dozen appointments yet to make. Of
those appointed four filled the sam®
offices during Mr. Cleveland’s former
~——The law passed at the last session
of the legislature giving the children of
soldiers of the late war the privilege of
attending the public schools in the dis!
tricts outside of their own homes is not
generally understood and frequent in-
quiries are received at the department of
public instruction for an interpretation
of it. Deputy Superintendent Stewart
says the law does not give to the chil-
dren the right to go to schools of ad-
joining districts from their own homes
the same as to schools in the districts in
which they reside. He interprets the
act to mean that such children must at
least have a temporary residence in the
district where they attend school. Mr.
Stewart says an arrangement made by
these children or their parants by which
they would temporarily reside in the
district in which they desire to attend
school would entitle them to school
privileges therein, but without such an
arrangement they cannot claim admis-
sion under the terms of the act.
——Read the WATCHMAN.
‘planting trees, ete.
County Superintendent Gram ley has
made kis report of the condition of the
public schools of the county, from which
we get the following facts :
“No enthusiastic spirit has bean shown to
improve scheol grounds by way of fencing,
While a few districts are
moved to a just sense of duty in this respects
too many utterly neglect this work, by provid-
ing no grounds at all, or locating the houses on
the edge of some forest, where private proper-
ty in the form ot a large uncultivated domain,
is supposed to answer the purposes of that
playground. Many out-houses are in bad con-
dition, but recent legislation will, no doubt
bring about much nseded improvement.”
“We still have a number of poor houses, but
they are fast disappearing. and giving way to
a popular demand for better facilities. In a
number of instances I have noticed that
teachers succeeded in arousing an interest on
the part of patrons by way of decorating the
the school rooms,and thereby make school
life home-like. Some have shown taste in
this direction that is highly creditable. Do
we err when we say that beautifully decorated
school rooms are indicative of good dicipline
and successful teaching ?” “
‘Seven new houses were built during the
year. Space forbids to give details ofeach
one; all are good buildings, furnished with
improved seats and desks. The house in
building, containing four rooms,—~1 model of
convenience and comfort, and certainly re-
flects great credit upon the directors under
whose supervision it was erecied.”
“Credit must be given to some of our boards,
for the interest shown in furnishing school
rooms with valuable apparatus; many mote
boards should do likewise, but a suggestion
kindly given may not be amiss. Buy the
needed apparatusat fair prices, but give no
audience to agentswho come asking exorbi,
tant figures for ordinary material, and} whose
sole object is to deplete your treasuryand re-
plenish their own purses accordingly ; also
require yourteachers to use the apparatus
The increased state appropriation has stim.
ulated the directors in eight districts to in-
crease the teachers salaries, while in eleven
the term was made Jonger, but the tax rate of
quite a number of districts was diminish.
ed, on account of the increased liberality of
the state, thus necessitating a misapplication
of the appropriation.”
The above, with the exception of
brief references to the kindness of the
retiring superintendent, Columbus day,
the county institute proceedings and
the dilatorious results of allowing chil"
dren to absent themselves from school, is
the report, us made to the State depart-
Superintendent Gramley in generaliz-
ing his report, has followed the |prece-
dents furnished by his predecessors, but
we doubt, if in doing so, if as much
good has been accomplished, as if he had
boldly struck out on a new practice and
given - each district credit for such im-
provements as they have made,; and
have told the public plainly what dis-
tricts“in the county are negligent in
furnishing buildings, books and supplies)
in ‘beautifying grounds, and in? that
general interest in the control of the
schools that is so necessary tojmake them
According to the report but eight dis-
tricts in the county have increased the
salaries of teachers and but eleven
lengthened their school term, while a
number have decreased their tax levy,
asa consequence of the increased) liber-
ality in stale appropriations. What
districts these are the publicis left to
conjecture, and just here is where the
short coming, in such a report is made.
There is nothing that ‘stimulates good
work, like proper credit being given for
that work, and the generalization of a
report, without indicating what districts
deserve credit for eommendable efforts
to improve their schools or sehool pro-
perty, leaves those who have done their
duty in the same unenviable position, so
far as public appreciation goes, that the
indifferent, negligent or incompetent oc-
It would be a good thing in future
reports, we believe, if the superintendent
would specify what districts are doing
the best they can and in what districts
directors fail in the ;pertormance of the
duties they owe to their own districts
and to the State alike.
A counterfeit $5 silver certificate has
been putin circulation by shovers of
the “queer” in several of the eastern
cities. It is of the letter B series, issue
of 1886, with a portrait of General
Grant. Itis said that the work on the
bill is dark and scratchy and the figures
and numbering are not uniform. The
back is of a dark bottle green also, in-
stead of the yellowish sea green of the
original. The counterfeiters have also
made a curious error. In the old style
silver certificates with dark green backs,
a large brown seal was used. The new
style certificates have a small pink seal.
The counterfeit has this pink seal in
connection with the green back. The
threads of the genuine note are imitated
by black lines. Some of these notes are
in circulation.— Ez.
Hick’s Says WE WiLL HAVE A
CoLp WiNTER.—! Winter, according
to Dr. Irl. Hicks, will begin with
storms of more or less severity about the
middle of November, and ‘‘March will
prolong it al the last. We may reason-
ably say that we expect upon the whole,
a hard winter.” He adds a word of ad-
vice: ‘We candidly think that tne
man who begins early and prepares well
for a.disagreeable and hard winter will
have no regrets, but cause of rejoicing.”
—— Subscribe for the WAToHM AN.
Miles township is an elegant two-story brick |
“LATER ON.”’—Harris’ Theatre was
well filled last night ty an audience
which, for three hours, laughed at the
jokes and funny doings of a bright zom-
pany. The girls of the cast are pretty
and are capable singers and dancers,
The “Georgie” song of Miss Lacelles
always gets an encore, and Miss Wil.
son’s dancing never fails to please. The
company’s droll ways and their excel-
lent musical entertainment . cap the ex-
cellence of the form of amusements of-
fered,-- Washington Post.
——Tha Logan Machine Works Co.,
of this place has secured the contract for
building the new water works at How-
ard. The reservoir will be built in
the Jacksonville gap of the Muncy or
Bald Eagle mountains, where springs
will be used to keep it full. The water
will then be piped over a mile in dis-
tance to the town of Howard, where hy-
drants, fire plugs and other connections
will be made. In the labor part of the
work the contractors are restricted to
the employment of residents of Howard.
They will get $7,000 for the job.
more or less of a figurein our county
court since 1885, was settled last Friday
when after a two weeks triala jury re-
turned a verdict in favor of the defend-
ant. The history of the case is 43 fol-
lows: Clinton Loyd brought suit
against the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., to
recover a tract of supposed coal land in
Snow Shoe township comprising about
two thousand acres. The land origin-
ally belonged to the Snow Shoe land
company from whom the Lehigh Co.,
purchased, Loyd having claimed that it
was vacant and he paid the taxes and
bought it at Commissioners’ sale. De-
fendant showed a title back to July
1st, 1792 however, and got a verdict ac-
cordingly. The case’ has been tried
many times.
-——At a meeting of two directors of
the River League, at Lock Haven, on
Saturday night, the following percent-
age was allowed the various teams in
the League.
Woy... ‘ros, P.C.
Bellefont@.siuuseiseesereerce see 15 6 710
Demorests..... 14 6 700
Renovo....... W12 8 600
Tyrone .8 15 .350
Bloomsburg... wi 13 235
Milton wcccerrriisncisiviin Mruieives 0 5 .000
Just how Messrs. Roberts, of Renovo,
stitute themselves the board of directors
of the League and dispose of its business
we are unable to see, but they did and
fixed everything up to their own satis-
faction. Bellefonte’s disputed game
with the Demorests, at Williamsport,
was given tothe Demorests and the Re-
novo-Bellefonte, game played here Sept.
20th, was ordered to be played over
again which was an impossibility, since
Bellefonte had disbanded for the season
and the two fellows knew it, which pos.
sibly accounts for their action.
Cnicaco. — The rapidly approaching
termination of the Columbian Exposition
and the enormous travel now directing
itself to Chicago prompt the Penn-
sylvania Railroad Company to still
further reduce its round-trip rate on the
popular World’s Fair coach excursions.
The rate from Philadelphia will be
$17; Lancaster, $16.85; Harrisburg,
$15.75 ; Altoona, $14.50, and a pro-
portionate reduetion from other points
along the main line and branches.
These rates apply only to special
train leaving eon October 2nd
and an additional one just arrang-
ed for October 6th. The tickets will,
as before, be good for return passage
within ten days on trains leaving
Chicago at 3:15 and 1.30 P. M.
possible point, andi is within the means
of almost every one, which end the
railroad company has long been en-
deavoring to attain. Early application
for tickets is urged, in view of the
increased demaad which will un-
doubtedly follow this liberal announce-
men t.
The service for this travel will be
pany is justly world-wide famous.
News Purely Personal.
—Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Chambers were among
the excursionists to the Fair on Monday.
—Will Royer, foreman of the Centre Demo-~
crat's composing room is seeing the sights at
the Fair.
—R. M. Magee: and family" left for their
home in Philadelphia, on Tuesday evening.
The time they spent here among old friends
and relatives was both enjoyable and recrea-
—Al. Garman, proprietor of the Garman
house; John D. Sourbeck, W. R. Brackbill and
Andrew Howley are among the Fair visitors
from this place now in Chieago.
—M. C. Bohn Esq, director of the Union
and Spence, of Williamsport, could con- |
The rate has now reached the lowest |
maintained at the same standard for |
which the Pennsylvania Railroad Com. |
| Potatoes per bushel
No more they roam the quiet streets
Or biithely bask in sylvan shades,
Chewing the cud of fancy sweet
And bitter, watched by pretty maids.
No more they browse on blade and leaf
In highways, by long custom free
And used as “commons,” to be brief,
A homely rural sight to see.
Now modern progress bars the way,
And though remote, secluded far
From “maddening crowds ignoble sway’
And desecrating Sunday cars,
The fair town of the Belle Fontaine
Wakes from her sleep of dreamful ease,
And in her might of law ordains
Death to idyllic scenes like these.
A voice cries from her babbling pool,
Place, like the Arethusian fount
Or spring Pierian clear and cool,
For poet's walk or muses haunt.
Sabrina fair, who sits below,
The cool iranslucent waves among,
Thus wails the passing of the cows
From streets familiar, trodden long.
“My poor dumb inoffensive friends!
“Loved of the fairies, nymphs and sprites,
“Ye're driven out the last act ends
“And naught remains for me but flight.
“The classic streams that long ago
“Shed lustre on a distant age,
“Are all defiled. No longer glow
“The hearts of man with noble rage.
¢ The spirit of the time invades
#This secret, sacred, solitude
#30 long exem of, new thoughts engage,
“Romaiiéé is dead, in bitter Mood.
“Pale realists, peering thio’ the dusk
“With narrow souls and downcast eyes,
“Who only see the outer husk,
“And miss the beauty of the skies.
“Will find me here and fish me out,
“And curious scientific men
¢ Will flay me as they would a trout,
“To sarve utilitarian ends.
“Life giving fount a long farewell
“And city by thy waters blest,
“May peace and kindness in thee dwell
Though romance crumble into dust.
Bellefonte thy children well may be
Proud of their home that like a star
Reflected in the deep we see,
Shines with a beauty known afar.
Sons of thy mountains lusty grown,
In chair of state have frequent sat,
Long may they strive for honor’s crown
And, worthy, wear a governor's hat.
‘“ Governors” won their last game of the
season on Friday last, when they de-
feated the “crack’’ team from Corning
N. Y. after victory seemed assured to
the latter. . A large crowd from Belle-
fonte and the Pennsylvania State Col-
lege attended the game. By two or
three careless errors of the home boys,
the visitors were enabled to secure a lead
of three runs the score standing 6 to 8,
which the Governors’ could not over-
come for several innings. But in the
glorious ninth with an amount of nerve
rarely witnessed on a ball field our boys
went to the bat and with a click, click:
click, drove out singles, doubles and
tripples until five men had crossed the
home plate. It was a wonderful piece
of work and the pandemonium that
reigned supreme while the boys were
scoring the runs that meant victory after
all, evinced the thorough appreciation
the crowd felt for the noble efforts. Tha
score at the close of the contest was 8
to 6 in favor of the “Governors.” The
next day the latter disbanded and went
to their respective homes.
——Head quarters for ready made
clothing for Men, Boys and Children.
Clothing made to order. Dunlaps,
Youmans, and Sherman’s latest shapes
in Derbys, Full line of mens furnish-
ing goods. Additional room has been
made by making a new salesroom out
of the celiar.
MonT6OMERY & Co.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
hite. Wheat......ccceresersnenssarsssmnisssninnne -~ 65
Old wheat, per bushel 55
Rye, per bushel........... 60
Corn, ears, per bushel.. 25
Corn, shelled, per bush 50
| Oats—new, per bushel 32
Barley, per bushel...... 48
[| Grou laster, per ton... we 950
Buckwheat per bushel........ieiiiciicansnns 75
Cloverseed, per bushei.... eeeee§9 30 tO §9 60
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Fotatoss por DUNS] i mumsinumiummn
Lore ie pound
CountryShoulde: 12
Sides ol ule
Hams. - 1
Tallow, per pein 4
Batter, per vound.. aasssesese 18
The Democratic Watehman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued uni
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal diseount is made to persons adver-
Hisiag by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol.
Roofing Co's operations at Norfolk, Va., p
through town yesterday on his way from
State College to Altoona, where his wife and
child are visiting.
—Miss May Barrett, who for some time has
filled a responsible position in the J. A. Har-
per & Co. store, in the Exchange, will leave
soon for White Plain City, Kansas, where she
will make her future home with her brother
~Harry U. Tibbens, who is well known in
this place, and is now assistant city editor of
the Johnstown Democrat, has announced to his
friends that he will be at home with his wife
nee Alice Bertha Houck, of Ebensburg, at 11
Napoleon street, Johnstown, after October 1st,
SPACE OCCUPIED, |3m |6m ly
One inch (121ines this t $5 88811
Two inches... 171101 18
Three inches. 10 | 156 | 20
uarter Column (434 12 | 20 | 80
alf Column ( 9 inches) ..120| 85} B88
One Column (19 inches)............... 36 | 65 | 100
Advertisements in special column, 25 pe
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 cts
Each additional insertion, per line.......... 5 cts
vocal notices, per line.....uuee 25 Ct8
Business notices, Per iB. ini sererssisens 10 cta.
Job Printing of every kind done with nea:
ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line cam
be executed in the most artistic mannerand ¢
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor