Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 29, 1893, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Sep. 29, 1893.
My wife had lefi her home to seek
The glow I worshiped in her cheek,
Like Persian old: my sky had paled ;
A letter every day I mailed,
And oiten said, in cheerful vein,
“The baby slept all night again.’
All hallowed by her tears and prayers,
He stayed with me; it lessened cares ;
If he, the pasting, slept, I knew
My dove would slumber sweetly too,
And so I wrote her now and then,
“The baby slept all night again.”
One morn he languished at my side,
Death sick, and with the day he died,
And day with him. It was my will
That she I loved be happy still;
So wrote I in my wonted strain,
“The baby slept all night again.”
But when, in turn, she fondly wrote,
Her pet names using in her note,
With artless talk about the bed
Of him who slept so cold and dead,
I had the bitter truth to pen,
“He sleeps, to wake no more again.”
And when upon my breast she lay,
And sobbed her precious bloom away,
And grief met grief, while on the dead
We thought, within his narrow bed,
I said, and saw it ease her pain,
“He wakes, to sleep no more again.”
The Miners Helped Him for His Wife's Sake.
“Of all the onery, wuthless, trifling
fellers ever I knowed sence I war
borned, I'm blamed if old Ab Jones
ain’t the wust. I've knowed some mis-
er’bly shiftless cusses in these yere
diggin’s, but I never run acrost any-
body that could hold a candle to old
Ab, an’ for down right triflin’ness I'd
be willin’ to back him agin creation.”
The miners up in Cool Run Gulch
had just finished supper and were
lounging on the grass, enjoying a
smoke, when old Sandy Scott gave ex-
pression to this opinion.
“Why, Sandy, what's struck ye so
suddent ?’’ Rile Creason asked.
“Reckon a feller don’t have to be
struck so awful suddent to know that
old Ab Jones ain’t no count,” Sandy
replied, rather sharply.
“Reckon not, Sandy. I ’low if a
teller is half-witted he kin size up old
Ab to a ‘t’ on fust sight. Guess thar
ain’t a man in camp but what's fig-
gered him out as purty blamed triflin’.
But by sich a suddent burst on your
part I kinder 'lowed mebby somethin’
had happened.”
» “Happened!” old Sandy cried.
“Hain’t somethin’ happened? Hain’t
it nothin’ when a feller works hard in
the mine all day to have to come
home an’ cook supper jest because old
Ab is offskylarkin’ 'round down thar at
the post, hevin’ a good time? Hain’t
that nothia’, fellers 2”
“Why, yas, it is, of course,” Rile ad-
mitted ; ut mebby Ab has business
to keep him down thar.”
“Business? Reckon it ain't likely as
such cattle as him ’ud have any busi-
ness anywhere, less’n it wuz with the
marshal. This makes three times in
the last month that we've come down
from the mine to find old Ab gone an’
no supper cooked, an’ I'm blamed
tired of it. If a feller pertends to cook
I want him to do it, an’ if he e¢an’t do
it, an’ do it reg’lar, why let im quit.”
There was a chorus of assent. Just +
then the object of comment drew near.
Doffing his old hat he said :
“Boys, I'm sorry I didn’t get back
sooner, but I got a letter from—"'
“Oh, give us a rest on that,” Mart
“cried. “We've heerd sich tales afore.”
“But this is a fact, Mart,” Ab went
on, ‘an’ I want a leetle money fer—"
“Git out, old chap. Yer not goin’
to git no money, an’ yer needn’t think
it. Why, blame it! yer don’t pay fer
ver feed, much less earn money.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to git sup-
per,” Ab protested, “but I got a letter
from home an’ it says my wife is sick
an’ needs money, an’ I stayed down
thar tryin’ to raise ten dollars to send
to her. Aun’ I thought—"
*Wal, yer thought wrong,” Mart ex-
claimed, “if yer cackilated to work us
with that story. Git out an’ clean up
them supper things.”
Ab saw that it was useless to argue
further, acd at once withdrew.
“Look here, boys,” says Jack Bone,
“ain’t it jest possible that there may be
some trath in what Ab says ?”’
“Reckon it ain’t likely,” Mart re-
plied. “Don’t s’pose the old scamp’s
got a wife in the first place, an’ he’s
jest a-tryin’ to work us for a few dol-
lars to spend. My notion is we'd best
give 'im ten hours to leave the camp
in, an’ it he don't gostretch im. He's
a tarnal nuieance here, with his con-
tinverly playin’ off sick an’ wantin’
money fer one thing an’ ernuther, an’
the sooner we git rid ot ’'im the better,
an’ I'm fer notifyin’ 'im to git.”
This proposition being unanimously
agreed to, old Sandy Scott and two
others were selected to go down and
give Ab Jones notice to “skip.” The
evening was warm, and the door of
old Ab's cabin stood open, so that the
men as they approached had a com-
plete view of the interior of the little
room. Old Ab was there, and, with
his hands crossed behind him and his
head bowed, paced the floor in a rest-
less manner, stopping ever and anon to
gaze at some small object which he
held in his hand.
“Humph |” ejaculated old: Sandy,
‘that’s a blamed quare sort o’ doin’s,
shore.” :
“Wonder what he’s got in his hand?”
said Jack Bone.
“Dunno,” replied Sandy. “He
"pears to git a good bit o' satisfaction
outen it, don’t he ?”
“Wal, whatever it is,’ remarked
Mart Barker, “I 'low it ain’t nothin’ to
us, and we can’t ‘stay here all night.
Less give him the notice an’ git back.”
The men came to the door and old
Mart said :
“Ab, we've sorter made up our minds
that we don’t want to have you in thie
yere camp no more, an’ we want you
to git. We give you ten bours to cl’ar
out, an’ if you ain’t gone then, why,
yer know what we'll do "uth ye.”
“What'll ye do?” Ab asked, listless:
ly. :
Y Why, blame it, feller! we'll stretch
ye, 0’ co'se.”
For almost a minute old Ab stood
staring vacantly at the men, then,
without a word, resumed his walk,
while the committee went back to the
This affair took place in '54, at a lit-
tle mining camp up in Coon Run gulch
over beyond the Sierra Nevada range.
There were not more than a half dozen
men in the camp, and it was at least
fifteen miles from the nearest post.
For six mouths the miners had worked
on a lead, and, at last, after much la-
bor and many discouragements, had
succeeded in locating a good pay streak
and late in the afternoon on which this
| story opens they had uncovered a
pocket of pure gold, supposed to be
worth at least a thousand dollars. Oa
account of it being so late old Sandy
had advised leaving the ore untouched
until morning, saying:
“It'll be perfeckly safe whar it is,
an’ fer my part I'd ruther take it out
in broad daylight, so's we’ll be shore
not to lose none o’ the stuff.”
The others agreed to this after a lit-
tle demurring, and so the pocket with
its rich contents was left unmolested,
and the miners went np to the camp
feeling happy.
The next morning they were astir at
an early hour, and before the sun had
peeped over the line of mountains
that lay away off to the, east they bolt-
ed a hurried breakfast and started for
the mine, never once thinking of old
Ab and the events of the previous eve-
Old Sandy was the first to enter the
mine, and he had no sooner reached
the bottom than he cried :
“Boys, it's gone!”
“Gone ?’’ they repeated.
“Yes; gone. Ever’ blamed bit o’
the stuft’s gone slicker’n grease.”
The other's hurried down, and for a
little while they all stood about gazing
blankly at the empty pocket.
“Wal, ding my buttons!” Baldy
Perkins exclaimed, “if that don’t nat-
erly tetotally stump my taters.”
“It’s ernuff to stump anybody’s ta-
ters,” said Sandy. “But whar in the
name o’ Sam Hill kin the stuff a’ gone
to mn
Wall, fellers,”” old Mart began, “it
didn’t walk away, did it ?”’
“Reckon not.” ’
“An’ it didn’t fly away, nuther?”
“Guess it didn’t.”
“Then it stan’s to reason that some-
body took it away, don’t it?”
“Course somebody took it away.
But who? Thet's what I want to
“Wal, figger the thing out in yer
own minds, boys,” Mart went dn, “an’
then say who'd be likely to a’ took it.”
“I have figgered it,” said Sandy,
“but blamed if I can settle on anybody.
Don't see who could a’ done it.”
“Don’t none of you ketch a idy?”
Mart asked. ;
They all shook their heads.
“Wal, I've figgered it, tellers,” Mart
continued, “an’ takin’ it up one way
and down t'other, I don’t make out
that it can be anybody but old Ab
Jones. Thar ain’t nobody else up
yere to a’ took it, and so I 'low, put-
tin’ it all together, thar ain't much
room left for doubtin’ of him,”
There was a monetary silence, then
Sandy said :
“Boys, puttin’ this an’ that together,
an’ it does look purty blamed much
like old Ab might a’got that thar stuff.
You know he was in a great stew for
money last night, an’ arter we give im
notice to leave he jest about robbed
thet pocket an’ skipped. As Mart says
thar warn’t no one else to take it, an’
he’s most doggoned triflin’, shore.”
“Old Ab is triflin’ an’ no ’count,”
Jack Bone said, ‘an’ I don’t deny it ;but
[ don’t hardly believe he robbed the
mine. He's been about yere fer six
months, an’ he never stole nothin’
Wal, who else could .t be?” Mart
“I dunno, I’m shore,” Jack replied,
“but I can’t git it into my head that it
was old Ab.”
Another short silence ensued, brok-
en by Saudy, who suddenly looked up
to remark :
“Wonder if Ab’s gone yit 2’
“Dunno,” said Mart. ‘S'pose we go
an’ see?”
The miners at once repaired to old
Ab’s cabin. They found the door shut
the one little window blinded, while a
deathlike stillness reigned all about.
“He's skipped, boys,” Sandy said.
“Yas, he’s gone,” Mart replied,
“but I "low we'd better look through
the cabin an’ see what's to be seen.”
“Come on, then,” cried Sandy, as he
led the way to the door. “It’s blamed
fortnit for the fold cuss that he did
leave, sartin, ‘er he'd a-been hung in
.mouty short order, shore.”
Sandy gave the door a rude push
and it turned back on its rough wood-
en hinges, A streak of sunlight fell
intc the room, dispelling the darkness,
and after a moment the miners were
able to distinguish objects.
“By jix | boys,” old Sandy exclaimed
“he ain’t gone, after all.”
“He ain’t ?”’ the others cried, crowd-
ing up to peerin. “Where is he?”
“Thar, on the bed.”
“He is, as shore as shoutin’,’’ Jack
“I "low we'll git to strech the old
chap yit. Better git a rope, some:
The figure on the bed made a per-
ceptible movement, and a moment lat-
er brought his hand before his eves,
holding some small object at which he
gazed intently.
“That's the same thing he had last
night,” said Sandy. “Wonder what it
“It looks kinder like a pictur, don’t
“Blamed if it don't fellers,” Sandy
said, as he advanced toward the bed
with cautious step.
“What's up ’uth ye?’ Sandy ex-
claimed, giving old Ab a rude shake.
“I'm a-comin’, Liza,” Ab muttered.
“It’s powerful tirin’ climbin’ the range.
A feller has to rest a leetle, but I'll be
har d’reckly.” :
“Humpb!” old Sandy murmured,
“that’s a queer sort o talk. Reckon
your outen yer head, ain't ye?”
“I'm comin as tast as I kin, Liza.”
old Ab went on, “but walkiu’s slow,
an I'm not feelin well, The boys
wouldn’t give me no money, er I'd a
come on the stage. I ain't much
Scount to em, au I only do the cookin’
at the camp, an they think my grub is
pay puff fer that.” .
“What's he gittin through im, San-
dy ?”’ some one asked.
“Blamed if I know. Here's a letter
from somebody. Rile, you got bout
all the larnin thar is in camp, 8'pose
you see what it’s about.
Rile took the leiter and glanced
down the page.
“Fellers,” he said, *‘Ab wuz right.
This is a 1&tter from home, an his wife
is sick. It urges him to come home
at once, as she is likely to die, an begs
fer a sight of him once more afore she
There followed a short silence, dur-
ing which the men looked inquiringly
at each other.
“Wal,” old Sandy asked, “what's to
be done?”
“Blamed if I know,” said Mart.
“Reckon we ortent a’ been so hard on
“Guess we wuz a leetle grain too
fast, Mart, an I ’low he never stole the
ore, or he'd been gone with it. We
ort to a give im some money last night.
Does that thar letter say Ab's woman
is in need o money, Rile ?”’
“It says she is sufferin fer means.”
“Wal, means is money, I’low. Is
her address thar?”
“Yas. She's over at Frisco.”
“Takes a week to git over thar,
don’t it?”
“Most a week, I jedge.”
“An that letter says Ab’s woman is
'bout to die, an’ wants means an’ wants
“Yas; that what it says,”
“Wal,” sandy, “I've got ten dollars
o’ means for old Ab’s woman.”
“An’ so hev I,” cried Mart.
“Me, too,” said Jack.
Rile and Baldy put down ten dollars
“Fellers,” Sandy said, “I’ll go down
to the post an’ send this on, an’ fetch
that ‘doc’ up to see Ab. I’low he
must be purty blamed sick.”
It was late when Sandy returned
with the doctor, and they found Ab
much better. Two or three days later
he was able to take the stage for Fris-
co, and the miners “chipped in” to
pay his fare. They also bought him a
new suit and gave him a little pocket
“Old Ab’s not much force,” Sandy
remarked as the stage rolled away,
“but when a feller’s wife’s sick blamed
if it’s right to hold up agin 'im ’spec-
ially when she’s sich a purty, sweet
creeter as the face in that pictur.”—
Thomas P. Montfort, in Leslies News-
What's the use of feeling languid,
Mopy, dull and blue ?
Cleanse the blood and give it vigor :
Make the old man new.
How ? I'll tell you. To the drug store
Go this very day— :
Buy a medicine to banish
All your ills away—
And that medicine is Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery, the very
best blood-purifier on earth. It builds
up and strengthens the system because
it cleanses the blood, and that’s what
the system must have to be strong and
healthy. There's nothing that equals it.
Absolutely sold on ¢rial I Your money
back, if it doesn’t benefit or cure you.
——On French farms from thirteen to
fifteen acres is the smallest territory on
which & man can live without some oth-
er work. So soon as a laborer saves
some money he buys land at about $200
per acre.
J. B. Wilson, 871Clay St. Sharpsburg,
Pa., says he will not be without Dr.
King’s New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife
who was threatened with Pneumonia af-
ter an attack of ‘La Grippe’’ when va-
rious other remedies and several physi-
cians had done her no good. Robert
Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr.
King’s New Discovery has done him
more good than anything he ever used
for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it, try
it. Free trial Bottles at Parrish’s Drug
Store. Large bottles 50 cents and
$1.00. ;
—— The tallest tree in existence is
perhaps a gum tree, eucalyptus regnans,
recently discovered in Australia. It is
four hundred and fifteen feet high.
re ———
Among the incidents of childhood that
stand out in hold relief, as our memory
reverts to the days when we were young,
none are more prominent than severe
sickness. The young mother vividly re-
members that it was Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and
in turn administers it to her own off-
spring and always with the best results.
Kor sale by F. Potts Green.
———There is a curiosity at Bradford,
Connecticut in the person of a man who
can see like an owl. In the day time
his vision is poor, but in the night he
has no difficulty in distinguishing ob-
——To prevent the grip or any other
similar epidemic. the blood and the
whole system should be kept in healthy
condition. If you feel worn out or have
“that tired feeling’’ in the morning, do
not be guilty of neglect. Give immed-
iate attention to yourself. Take Hood's
Sarsaparilla to give strength, purify the
blood and prevent disease, Hood's
Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, biliousness
sick headache, constipation.
——An Indiana farmer saw an ad-
vertisement which promised, on receipt
of $1.25, to give information how to
raise beets easily and profitably. He
sent the cash, and was told to ‘take!
hold of the tops, and pull.”
Good Evidence.
Mrs. Brickbrac--Somebody must
have given Mrs. Nexdoor a vasa lately.
Mr. Brickbrac—Whby so?
Mrs. Brickbrac —She is beginning to
say ‘‘vawz.”’— Puck.
Three Harvest Excursions,
Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail-
way to all of the best farming sections of the
West and Northwest. will be run on August 22
September 12 and October 10, 1893. Ruturn
tickets good for 20 days. Low rates. Apply for
further information to nearest ticket agent, o
address Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger
Agent, Chicago, Ill, or John R. Pott, District
Agent, 486 William street, Williamsport, Pa.
Cheap Excursions to the West.
An exceptionally favorable opportunity for
visiting the richest and most productive sec-
tions of the west and northwest will be afford.
ed by the series of low rate harvest excursions
which have been arranged by the North West-
ern Line. Tickets for these excursions wil
be sold on August 22d, September 12th and
October 10th, 1893, to points in Northwestern
Jowa, Western Minnescta, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Manitoba, Nebraska, Colorado,
Wyoming and Utah, ana willbe. good for re-
turn passage within twenty days from date of
sale. Stop-over privileges will be allowed on
going trip in territory to which the tickets
are sold. For further information, call [on or
address Ticket Agents of connecting lines.
Circulars giving rates and detailed informa
tion will be mailed, free, upon application to
W. A. Thrall, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Chicago & North-Western Railroad,
Chicago. 31 9t.
Luxurious Traveling.
The climax of comfoggable and luxurious
traveling is apparently reached by the Chica-
go, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Ease and
comfort go with the traveler making a trip
from Chicago to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha
or Sioux City over this road. Their superb
electric-lighted vestibuled trains leaving Chi-
cago for these points early every evening are
great favorites, nothing being left undone by
the officials or employees to ensure a most en-
joyable trip. Excellent dining service is
maintained and buffet library cars are attach-
ed to the train, where current periodicals may
be perused whilelsmoking a cigar with all the
pleasure of one’s own “den” at home. Electric
lights placed in every berth enable the trav.
eler to spend his wakeful hours, after retiring
over his favorite novel or other reading mat-
ter. Private compartment cars are run be-
tween Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. In
fact, everything that goes to ensure comfort
and security is provided. The trip from
Chicagoto any of the above named cities ire-
quires but a night's run, bringing one at the
destination ready for breakfast and business
in the morning. All coupon ticket agents
have tickets on sale via Chicago Milwaukee
and St.\Paul Railway, or call on or address
Jno. R. Pott, district passenger agent, Wil-
liamsport, Pa.
wait on appetite
And health on both.”
To assure both the above ends,
Fonds wholesome, palatable food
s demanded. It is next to impos-
sible to present a sufficient variety
of appetizing bills of fare for our
meals without a liberal allowance
of pastry and other food in which
shortening is required. How to
make crisp, healthful, digestible
pastry has puzzled the cooks. A
difficulty in all good cooking in
the past has been lard. Always
fickle, never uniform, most un-
wholesome—lard has always been
the bane of the cook and the ob-
stacle to “good digestion.”
comes now into
popular favor as
the new shorten.
ing—better than
even the best of]
lard with none;of
lard’s objection-
able qualities.
comes attended by both
Grocers sell it all about.
Send three cents
stemps to N. K. Fair-
bank & Co.,Chicago, for
handsome Cottolene
Cock Book, containing
six hundred receipts,
prepared by nine emi-
nent authorities on
Made only by
CricAGo, In, and
438 N. Delaware Ave, Phila.
Music Boxes.
Are the sweetest, most complet
tone-sustaining, durable, and perfect
Musical Boxes made, and any number
of tunes can be obtained for them, De-
lightful family, wedding, anniversary,
and holiday gift. Buy direct of the
makers, the oldest, most reliable, and
responsible firm. Inspect'n invited.
No Music Box can be guaranteed to
wear well without Gautscih’s patented
Safety Tune Change and Parachute,’
Manufacturers Headquarters for Gem
and Concert Roller Organs; prices on=
ly 6and 12 dollars, extra Rollers with
pew tunes can be had at any time for
the low price of ouly 25 cents,also Sym-
phonions and Polyphones at Lowest
Prices. Factory Established 1824,
and at low prices. New Cylinders
with any kind of tunes made to ordet.
1030 Chestnut St.,
87-46.1y Philade!phia, Pa
Manufacturered at St. Sroix, Switzerland
Established 1824.
Sechler & Co.
Railway Guide.
Sa) ECHLER & CO.——*
ee Debden
IN TEAS we have Oolongs, Gun-Pow-
der, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japan
English Breakfast, and our Fine Blend-
ed Tea is something that will please any
one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea.
IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Al
spice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayenn
Pepper, Mustard all strictly pure goods.
Mocha—genuine, Java—Old Govern
ment, Rio— Finest Brazilian. All ex-
cellent quality and always fresh roasted.
Baker's Premium Chocolate and Break-
fast Cocoa, Van Houten’s Cocoa, Wil:
bur’s Chocolate, and German Sweet
a line of Joseph Burnett & Cos, (Bos-
ton) goods, they are the finest we can
find, also’a line of Knight's extracts.
BEANS, California Limas, New York
yy Yeron and Pea Beans, dried Green
RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice.
Cottage, Home and Worthington Brands
—CoRrN Persian and Mountain Brands,
—CorN Granules, Lima Beans and
Succotash, Dew Drop brand. GREEN
Pras, Early Junes, Scottish chief and
Cecelia brands. PINE APPLE sliced and
grated, Strawberries and White Cher-
ries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked
Yellow Crawford, Lemon Cling, and
White Heath Peaches, White Cherria
and Apricots.
FRUITS, French Peas and Mush»
rooms, Preserved Cherries, Straw-
berries, Brandy Cherries and Crosse
Blackwell's Jams all in glass.
Syrup, Honey strained and in combs,
Plum Pudding, Armour’s Corned Beef
Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed
milk, Dunham's Shred Cocoa nul.
Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family
Cheese, Bradford County Dairy But-
Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten
Flour, Vienna Flour.
Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugars
Extra Fine New Crop New Orleans
Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table
Syrup, Pure Cider Vinegar.
NUTS, Princess Paper Shell, Califor-
nia and Bordan Almonds, Assorted
Nuts, English Walnuts, Pecans extra
large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted
Peanuts, Cocoa Nuts extra quality.
Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates
Roast Almonds, Cream Dates, Ros
and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, Frencl
Glace Fruits, Fine Chocolate Caramels,
Chocolate Marsh Mallows, § Cocoa Nui
bon bons, Chocolate Madridos, Lozenges,
Clear Toys, and a large assortment of
ju Joos in this line all carefully se-
French Bouillon, Consomme, Ox Tail,
Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, and
OLIVE OIL, 8. Rea & Co.'s} Pint,
Pints and Quarts. The finest ana
lysts in dhe World pronounces it pure.
Blackwell's ®how Chow, Gherkins,
Mixed, White Onions, Cauliflower,
Picalilli, and Walnuts.
CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled
Oat, Cracked Wheat. Pearl Barley,
Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Ma-
caront and Vermacceli.
MEATS. Fine Sugar Cured Hams,
Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef,
White Rose Lard.
GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges,
Messina Lemons, White Almeria
Grapes, Catawba Grapes, and Jersey
CURED FRUITS. Evaporated Cali-
fornia Pared and unpared Peaches,
and Apricots. :
RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Lay-
ers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and
California Seedless and Loose Mus
FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Codfis|
boneless and evaporated, SALMc)
Magnolia, Astoria and Glacier brand
Hoeg's Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Lb.
sters, Crab Meats and Spiced Oysters,
Sardines, French 1s, and }s Boneless.
Dec. 18th, 1892.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone,
6.52 a. m., at Altorna, 7.40 a. m., at Pitte-
burg, 12.10 p. m.
Leave Rellefonte, 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.558. m. at Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitt: -
org, 6.60 p: m
Lesve Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyronr,
6.33, at Altoona at 7.25, at Pittsburg at 11.20.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.,arrive «t Tyrone,
6.55, at Harrisburg 10.30 a. m., at Philadel-
phia, 1.25 p.m.
Leave Bellefonte 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., gt
Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyoze.
6.33 at Harrisburg at 10.20 p. m., at Phila-
delphia, 4.25 a. 1.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock
Haven, 10.37 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.25 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte’ at 8.45 p- m, arrive at Lock
Haven at 9.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.37, leave Williamsport, 12.30 BP; m.
at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at
6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 ap m.: arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 5.25. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.45 p. m.,
Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.45 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.26
a. m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewie-
burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.40 a. m.
Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewis:
Sure at, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila.
delphia at 10.55 p. m.
A 5 x |B
2 g Dec. 19, SECT R
E B = g 1892. H i E
P.M.| A. M. | A. M. |ATT. Lv.| A. M. [P.M | P. M.
6 33| 11 55| 6 52|...Tyrone....[ 8 10|3 10| 7 25
6 27| 11 48) 6 45/.E.Tyrone.| 8 17(3 17| 7 32
6 23| 11 43| 6 42|...... Vail...... 820/320] 735
6 19/ 11 88| 6 38/Bald Eagle] 8 25/3 24| 7 39
613; 11 32; 6 32|...... Dix.oeees 830330 745
6 10| 11 29| 6 30|... Fowler 832/333 748
6 OR 11 26| 6 28|..Hannah...| 8 36/3 87| 7 52
601| 11 17| 6 21|Pt. Matilda.| 8 43/3 44| 7 59
5 54| 11 09] 6 13|..Martha....| 8 613 52| 8 07
5 45 11 00{ 6 05|....Julian....| 859/401, 8 16
5 38| 10 51| 5 55.Unionville.| 9 10/4 10, 8 25
5 28) 10 43| 5 48/...8.S. Int...| 9 18/4 17| 8 32
5 25| 10 38) 5 45| .Milesburg| 9 22|4 20 8 35
5 15/10 28, 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 32/4 30| 8 45
5 05) 10 18] 5 25|.Milesburg.| 9 47/4 40| 9 00
4 57| 10 ¢9| 5 18|....Curtin....| 9 56(4 46] 9 07
4 50 10 02| 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 10 02/4 50 9 15
4 44 9 54| 5 07|..Howard...| 10 09|4 57| 9-22
435] 945) 4 59|.Eagleville.| 10 17/5 05| 9 30
433] 9 42| 4 56|Bch. Creek.| 10 205 08| 9 33
421 931 4 46|.Mill Hall...| 1031519] 9 44
418) 9 29| 4 43|Flemin’ton.| 10 34/5 22| 9 47
415 9 25| 4 40|Lck. Haven| 10 37/56 25| 9 50
P.M. A M.A M A.M. [A.M.| P. M.
2 2 ° Dec. 19, g
B g % 1892. =
P.M. P. M. | A. M. (Lv. Ar.(a. M. [A.M |P. BM
730] 315 8 20|..Tyrone...| 6 46| 11 45/6 12
737 322 825l.E. Tyrone.| 6 39| 11 38/8 C5
743 326 831i... Vail,..... 6 34| 11 34/6 00
7 55 8 36] 8 41|.Vanscoyoe.| 6 26| 11 25/5 52
8 00| 3.40 8 45|.Gardners..| 6 24| 11 21/5 50
8 07| 349 8 E5|Mt.Pleasant| 6 16] 11 12(5 43
815 3 56 9 05|...Summit...| 6 09| 11 05/5 33
8 19| 3 59 9 10{Sand.Ridge| 6 05 10 58/5 27
8 21 401 9 12|... Retort.....|* 6 03] 10 54/5 25
824) 402 9 15/.Powelton..| 6 01] 10 52|56 23
830] 4 08 9 24|..0sceola...| 5 52| 10 40/5 11
841 415 233 Boynton, 5 45| 10 33{5 (3
8 45| 418 9 37|..Stoiners...| 5 43] 10 30/4 58
847 422 939 Phijlipenu’y 5 41| 10 27/4 55
8 51| 4 26 9 43|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 21/4 49
8 57| 4 32| 9 49/|.Blue Ball..| 533 10 17|4 44
9 03) 439) 9 55Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 10{4 39
940, 4 47] 10 02|....Bigler..... 5 22| 10 02/4 30
9 17| 4 52| 10 07/.W, land..| 617| 9 54/4 23
9 24| 4 58 10 13|...Barrett....| 512 9 47/415
9 28) 5 02| 10 17|..Leonard...| 509 9 43412
9 35| 5 08] 10 21|..Clearfield..| 5 04] 9 36/4 07
9 40/ 5 11| 10 28|..Riverview.| 5 00| 9 82(4 2
9 47) 6 16| 10 33|Sus. Bridge| 4 54] 9 24|3 56
9 55| 5 25| 10 38/Curwensv’e| 4 50| 9 20/2 50
P.M. P. M. | A. M. A.M. | A. M. [P.M
Time Table in effect on and after
Aug. 14, 1893.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday
Arrive in Bellefonte,.............
Leave Bellefonte, except
Arrive in Snow Shoe
Schedule in effect December 18th, 1892.
111 103 114 112
P. M. | A. M. A.M. | P.M.
2 00} 5 40l....... Montandon........ 9 10| 4 56
6 15 > i eines
8:307 7 88 +esrerssand Coburn......... - 738 330
3 47 7 55|....Rising Springs... 72 314
401 8 09........ Centre Hall 7 06/ 301
4 07 8 16|... 700] 254
413 8 23|.. 6 52| 247
4 18| 8 28|.. 647) 2 42
4 22| 8 32|.. 6 43| 2 87
4 27) 8 37]. 638 233
4 37) 8 47!......Pleasant Gap...... 628 223
4 45| 8 55|........ Bellefonte......... 620 215
P. M. | A. M. A.M. | P.M.
2 = Nov. 16, E 8
Bt o 1891. 2) a
Pe a Bu P
, M. A.M. | P.M.
gene ‘ 4 50|....Scotia....| 921 4 40}......
reer 5 05). Fairbrook,| 9 09] 4 25[......
tis 5 15/Pa. Furnace| 8 56| 4 15|......
roses 5 21|...Hostler...| 8 50| 4 08|......
ond 5 26|...Marengo.., 8 43| 4 01|.....
Tie 5 32|.Loveville.! 837 3 55
Ad 5 39| FurnaceRd| 8 31] 3 49{.
sree A 43 Dungarvin.| 8 27] 3 46,
> 53 ark..| 819] 3 38.
3 U3 Penuington| 8 10/ 3 30.
“ 15/...Stover..... 7 581 3 18].
6 25|... Tyrone 7 500 3810
To take effect April 4, 1892.
Ac Ex. | Mail, go 000 | Ac] Ex | Ma
a P. M.} A. Mm. [AT. Lviamia mle. Mm.
6 35 3 50 9 05|.Bellefonte.|d 30] 10 30] 4 40
6 28 3 44| 8 59|..Coleville.../6 37 10 35| 4 45
6 25 3 41| 8 56/....Morris....|6 40! 10 38] 4 48
6 22| 3 38 8 52/..Whitmer...6 44| 10 43| 4 51
6 19| 3 35 8 49(....Linns....[6 47| 10 46] 4 54
6 17) 3 33| 8 47|.. Hunters...|6 50| 10 49| 4 56
6 14| 3 31| 8 44|..Fillmore...|6 53| 10 52| 5 00
6 11! 8 28! 8 40|....Sellers....|6 57| 10 66| 5 08
6 09 3 26| 8 38|....Brialy.....|T 00] 10 58) 5 08
6 05 323 8 35|..Waddle...7 05| 11 01] 5 10
6 02( 3 20| 8 30Mattern Ju 7 08] 11 03; 5 12
551 38 00| 8 18/.Krumrine.(7 21| 11 13| 5 24
548) 2 #5 8 14|...Struble...|T 24| 11 17| 5 27
5 5| 250 8 10/SiateColl'ge 7 30| 11 20| 5 30
On the Red Bank branch trains will run as
follows :
Red Bank at 8 00 a. m
and 5 35 p.m
Stormstown at 8 06 5 40
Mattern at 8 12 5 48
Graysdale at 8 17 5 46
Mattern Ju. at 8 20 5 50
Mattern Ju. T 14a. m. and 513 m
Graysdale 7 19 516
Mattern 7 24 5 20
Stormstown 7 29 5 23
Red Bank 7 85 5 85
Tues. A. Buormaker,Supt,