2 Bellefonte, Pa., Sep. 15, 1893. mem To CorrESPONDENTS. — No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. smc THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY ~~ A woman's “no” sometimes means *‘yes,” A woman's “don’t,” “you may; But when they say “my dear, you must,” They mean just what they say. The Academy schools opened more auspiciously than usual on Mon- day last. — The teachers’ institute for this county will be held the week commenc- ing with the 18th of December. — Don’t miss Charles A. Loder in “Qh, what a night,” at the opera house, on next Wednesday evening, September 20th. : ——T. T. Abrams Eeq. one of Lock Haven oldest and best known attorneys died in that city, after alingering illness, on Saturday last. ——A special train carried about 200 returning World's Fair Renova people down the Bald Eagle Valley railroad Sunday afternoon, ——A most enjoyable drop-in party was held at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. John Toner, out at the Valen- tine works, on Thursday evening. ——u« All work is hard work to a lazy man,” which probably aceounts for the fagged out appearance of brother Tuten when he gets down town from dinner. ——Mr. F. H. Cota, of Long Branch N. J., has been called to the secretary- ship of the Bellefonte Y. M. C. A., and is expected to enter upon his duties, to- day, Friday. ——Wednesday night, September 20th, Charley Lodar willbe here in ¢‘Oh, what a night.” His German dialect is made up of the best specialty artists in the profession. ——Millheim borough is to be lighted with electricity by an Altoona firm, at a yearly expense of $260, This is but $41.50, more then Bellefonte pays for a single month. ——Members of the U. B. Church at Port Matilda, held a festival in the G. E. Hall a few evenings since which was well attended, with good order and fin- ancial success as well. ——An uptown beau after worrying his brain for weeks to figure out the dif- ference between a summer girl and a winter girl, was surprised when told it was about three months. ——The snmmer is over and the Sep- tember scenes of children wending their way daily to and from the several schools, with books and tablets in hand, are as interesting to look upon as ever. ——The WATCHMAN extends its most sincere sympathy to brother J. B. G. Kinsloe of the Lock Haven Republican in the deep affliction that has befallen him in the loss of a devoted and beloved wife. ——The fall weather is welcome for a great many reasons, but if it will only preclude the necessity of turning our streets into mud holes, as has been the case during the past summer months, it will be doubly welcome. ——1In China a class of woman ap- pointed for the purpose retail choice bits of scandal at a half crown an hour. In Bellefonts there are people who would pay that amount for the pleasure it gives them to do that kind of work. ——The Demorests play here to-day the decisive game in the River League race, and every loyal supporter of the “Governors” should attend the game and give our boys all the encourage- ment they possibly can. It will be a close and exciting contest, ——Philipsburg’s Board of Health has expended a half a "hundred dollars in complying with the law. We haven’t heard that Bellefonte’s Board of Health has expended a balf acent. In fact we havern’t heard that we have a board of Health or that one is needed. ——The 30th of this month is the last day the tax-payers have to save the five per cent. abatement allowed for advance payments. Itis worth work- ing to make this point. Five per cent, sixty days, means thirty per cent per annum,-—a figure far above the highest rate of interest the most sordid Shylock could hope for. ~—1In dull periods of all markets is the proper time to do generous adver- tising. Itis indeed, the only true pro- cess to scoop in customers who are abroad hunting for bargains in mid summer. Make it advantageous for buyers and they will clear the goods from your shelves, if prices for them are right, and the course to prove that they | are is to advertise. { —— Bellefonte’s Board of Trade is in ! high hopes of being instrumental in se- | curing the location of a number of new | enterprises at this place. It might be well for the merchants, who are mem- bers of that body, to try to adopt some means to secure the trade of the sur- rounding farming communities that has long been lost to them, in consequence of a want of market for farm procucts. AxoraER FATAL ACCIDENT. MR. E. H, CARR KILLED IN A RUNAWAY. — On Tuesday evening about eight o’clock, Mr. E. H. Carr of Milesburg, one of the best known and most highly res- pected citizens of the county, met with an accident that ended his life shortly afterwards. He had been out in the neighborhood of Pleasant Gap, arrang- ing the sale of some farm implements, a business he was engaged in, and while driving down a steep hill near the resi- dence of Mr. John Bilger, his horses became unmanageable and started to runaway. Inhis efforts to stop them, by turning them into the fence, his buggy was overturned and he was thrown out receiving internal injuries from which he failed to recover. He was picked up | and taken to the residence of Mr. Bilger, where everything that kind hands and medical skill could do, was done to re- lieve his sufferings, but to no purpcse. After lingering until two o’clock on Wednesday, his spirit passed quietly away. Thebody was taken to his home in Milesburg and will be buried in the cemetery at that place. Mr. Carr was about sixty five yearg of age. A man of the highest character and commanding the esteem of all who knew him, In his manner he was quiet and unasuming, and in his dealings with his fellow man was straight forward and strictly honest. His loss will be keenly felt not only by his stricken family, but by the entire community in which he resided. A WORD WITH SUPERVISORS.—I many townships of the county, supervis- ors have the custom of doing what re- pairing the roads need after the seeding is done, and most of the fall work on the farm is through with. ‘Where the roads are stone and but little earth is used in the repairs, this time of year is probably as good » time as any, although it Jeaves a rough road for sledding over in‘ the winter, the stones not having time to pack or the road to become smooth before winter sets in. It is to the folly of making repairs to clay or mud roads, in the fall, that we want to call atten- tion too. All along the Bald Eagle Valley, in parts of Ferguson, College, and in fact nearly every township in the county. many miles of the public roads are of clay alone, and where these are ploughed up and scraped, or dug up and elevated in the fall, it is simply that much money thrown away, for the rea- son that theroad has not time to pack un- til the fall rains come—then the freezing weather—then the spring rains—and by the, time these are over, all the dirt that was shoveled up out of the ditches is back in them again, and the road beds are as flat as ever. If there are clay roads to. repair, put off the work until spring and let the summer travel harden the roads before they freeze up, and you will see that the work will last years and years longer than fall fixed roads. At least this has been the expe- rience of every district that has experi- mented in making roads. SHOULD BE REPRESENTED.—The meeting of Democratic clubs at Allen- town, on the 26th inst, promises to be one of the largest and most important meetings of the kind that has been held within the state. Clubs from every prom- inent place in the State will be present either in bodies or will be represented by delegates. The most distinguished speakers in the country will be on hand. Prominent representatives of the party in the State will be in attendance. Bands will be there in profusion. Al- lentown will have on its holiday dress, and the doors of her hospitable people will be open to welcome the representa- tives of Demoracy. What is our Belle- fonte club, going todo aboutit? As yet it has no delegates chosen, nor do we see any signs of any movement to to select them, We ought to have a delegation there. It would do our Cen- tre county Democrats good to go down and participate in a real Democratic meeting, held among the sturdy Demo- crats of the Tenth Legion. In fact every club in the country should send representatives, and the WATCHMAN hopes they will. WaITE CAPs IN UN1oN COUNTY.— It won’t do for our Republican neigh- bors down in Union county to have much to say in the future about White Caps, KluKlux, and like organizations down south ; or at least not as long as their own people, take the law in their hands, as they did in the following in- stance which we get from the Mifflin- burg Herald. “On Saturday night white-caps treated a citizen of West Fayette to a little discipline, that while unlawful and reprehensible, may prove salutary to him and others of similar loose morals. It seems that for some- time he, although a man of a family, has becn running after and devoting his attention to a single woman, to the grief of his wife and disrepute of the neigh- borhood On that night he was caught his long bushy whiskers partly shaved | oft, tried, condemned to death and puta !' rope around his neck for execution, | Like all cowardly transgressors, hegbeg= | ged pitiously for mercy, which was' granted, on condition that bie turns over a new leaf, which promise bie nad better never ehirk,” — The office of the Assistant Pas- senger Agent of the Beech Creek rail- road is to be removed from Jersey Shore to Philipsburg. — If you want to laugh and enjoy a good, clean musical comedy, go and seo «Ob, what a night’ at the opera house next Wednesday evening, September 20th. i ——The full moon that occurs nearest the autumnal equinox is popularly termed the harvest moon, This year its soft benignant and mysterious light will shine at the full on September 25, or three days after the sun has passed the line. ——According to statistics the Luth- eran synod of Pennsylvania numbers 291 ministers, 471 congregations, 115,- 890 communicants at present. The grand total of contributions for church and charity amounts to $613.959, and $70,725 of this passed through the hands of the treasurer. ——The cornfields throughout the County, since the heavy wind-storm of a couple of weeks ago, have anything but an inviting look to the crop gath- erer. In some places itis as flat as if rolled down, and in most instances is so tangled up that: it will be almost "im- possible to cut and shock it. ——The finest specimen of the Nia- gara grape ever presented to our view and delectation, was a bunch from a vine grown by Mr. John Wagner of this place. It measured eight inchesin length and the grapes were so massed that had an artist thus painted them he would certainly have been accused of over drawing nature. ——Miss Savanah Weaver, daughter of Moses Weaver of Port Matilda, died at Tyrone at the early age of 16 years 2 months and 6 days. Her remains were interred in the M. E. cemetery at Port Matilda, Saturday September 9, Rev G. P. Sarvis officiating, assisted by Rev. Jackson. She died leaving bright evi- dence of her fitness for a better world. ——The Armor Will case, which pro- voked such general interest last week, and even caused the elite of our ladies to throng the court room, is settled for the present. The jury were locked . up in the jury room all of Thursday night and until ten o’clock on Friday morning be- fore they had agreed upon their verdict, that the will should be set aside. No allusion was made in the verdict to the point of “undue influence” emphasized in the trial, but it declared that Mrs, Ruth Armor was not in a sound state of mind at the time the will was made, and that, therefore, it could not have been planned by her in the form it was financially revealed. What further dis- position will be made of the case is not known at present. —— Our correspondent at Port Ma- tilda writes that the Methodist Episco- pal congregation, at Hannah, held a picnic a few days since in the Willow Grove near that place, which was not only largely attended but a success in every particular. During the day a Bible presentation, and a very appro- priate address to the Sabbath school of the above place, was made by Rev G. P. Sarvis, pastor of the church. Rev, 'W. Cramer, pastor of the U. B. church at Port Matilda and daughter were among the happy throng and seemed to enjoy themselves largely. Music was served by the Stormstown Cornet Band. The boys are young both in years and practice but discoursed some very fine music to the satisfaction of all present. ee A great deal has been said and printed of late upon the alleged appear- ances, on our streets, at night of some person or persons dressed in black cloaks and wearing masks to the terror of all within their sight. Whether the so- called ‘‘spooks’’ have been engaged in their work of terrorizing the citizens, we know not, but one thing we do know, and that is, that either the actual appearance or the alleged appearance ot the same, will be conferring a great benefit on some of the youth of this town, if they are thereby influenced to remain at home where they can spend their leisure hours in reading or study- ing, instead of wasting so many hours, as the nights go by, running the streets and loafing on the corners. ——A drive down through the Nit- tany valley and across to Mill Hall, will reveal the fact that a great amount of hustling is going on just at present among the railroad builders. It is the intention, we believe, to have the road | completed by Dec. 1st. When that point is reached in the progress of that grand enterprise, then we can reasona- bly hope to see new industrial enterpri- ses created in our midst. Plenty of rail- roads generally means plenty of business, | and if such competition, in the nature of ! things, should offer inducements to man- | | uets, to come and locate here where ore, | i hig " > | { at the home of his inamorata, taken out, | ufacturers, of every form ‘of iron prod- coke, lime, sand, coal and first class wa- ter power are abundant, then, in the near future, we can expect to see every tactory in Bellefonte running at full blast, and many new enterprises started in the way of iron manufactures that we never have had before. Such a flood of success cannot come in on us any too soon. { OPENING AT THE STATE COLLEGE. —The Pennsylvania State College opened for another year’s successtul work on Tuesday last. The excellent reputa- tion that our Centre county institution now enjoys, wherever her work is known, has attracted to the College a Freshman class of eighty students, the largest ac- cession of new students in its history. And the new fellows impress one as be- | ing more mature and manly than usual. They are students, for the most part, whose preparation has been received at . first class preparatory schools so that the | College will be benefited by having so many new men enter that will be able "to appreciate to the full, the supericr advantages it offers and eventually be- come graduates who will do honor to themselves and to their alma mater. It's a source of gratification to all friends of the College to know that its popularity, among young men seeking a thorough practical education is increasing so rap- idly, and it is certainly hoped that the day may come when the elass of the Col- lege will number in the hundreds. For hundreds there are who need just such an education as this institution, but twelve miles distant, affords. The new mining department recently established of which a thorough description has been detailed in a former issue of the WATCHMAN, opens most auspiciously, there being students in every class. We expect to hear great things from this new feature of the College work, because it is under the supervision of instructors of experience ard reputation. While the future will undoubtedly bring grand results in the intellectual chan- nels of the work, there is another inter- esting prospect to which we must allude to make one observation complete and that is the foot ball. Better material will be on hand this year for a winning team, than ever before, and if some of the leading foot ball teams in the state are not forced to lower their colors by the prowess of the State College team before Thanksgiving day has come and gone, our calculations will have missed the mark widely. Happy success to you faculty and students, for another year in every good work you under- take. Or IMPORTANCE To TRACTION EN- GINE OwNERs.—Centre county is full of traction engines. One meets them on every road and at times and places very unexpected. While the owners, in most instances, are careful and consid- | erate of the public welfare, there are some who seem to think that they have the same rights to the public roads that others have, and that ea¢h one is requir- ed to look out for themselves. That they have the right to use the public road is certain, but it is also certain that their | are restrictions placed upon them which they are obliged to recognize and obey, or, be subject to fines and penalties which would be onerous and oppres- give. The law as it stands requires “gvery engine propelled by steam to have a man at least 300 yards ahead of his engine to warn persons riding or driving upon any public road, of the fact that the engine is coming, and also assist!’ in the ‘‘management’’ of any horses that may require his assistance to control.” It also requires the engines to berun as far as practicable to the sides of the road and to remain station- ary until said horses have passed to a safe distance in the meantime making as little noise as possible with the steam. The penalty for failing to comply with the act is a fine of ten dollars and costs. The law further requires him to have a printed copy posted on his engine under the fine of not less than ten dollars. DEATH oF A ForMER CENTRE CoUN- 7Y CITizEN IN THE FAR WEST.— News has reached this place of the death of Mr. David Furey, formerly of this county at his home in San Bernandine, California, which occurred on the ever- ing of the 26th ult, of paralysis of the heart. His death was sudden and un- expected, having complained, as we un- derstand, of not feeling well buta few days, and his physician assuring the family that there was nothing serious the matter with bim. Mr. Furey was the last of the older members of that branch of the Furey family, once quite prominent in this county. He was a brother of William Furey at ome time Commissioner of the county and a cous- in of Mr. Jno. M. Furey a prominent citizen of spring township. Nine years ago with his wife and two daughters he left Milesburg for San Bernandino, where he has since resided and had se- cured for himself a comfortable home, He was a quiet, unasuming, man, 8 mem- ber of the Presbyterian church, and died having the respect of all who knew him. «QOH, WHAT A NigHT.’’--That popu- lar German comedian, Charles A Loder, and his strong company of merry mak- ers will be with us again on next Wed- nesday evening, September 20th. They ' made their first appearance here in the rollicking musical comedy ‘‘Oh, what & night,” two years ago, but our people have not forgotten the long cast of ar- tists that were in the company and will expect something good next week. ——Read the WATCHMAN. It would be a grand treat * The Huntingdon Presbytery will hold its next session in this place begin- ning Oct. 3. —— Wall paper at Schreyers. ——The Democrats down at Howard are pleased that the post office in that place will hereafter be under the charge of a Democrat. The new appointee is Mr. Howard A. Moore, who so accept- ably filled the same position during Mr. Clevelands former administration. ——The friends of Mrs. Emma C. Roberts, mother-in-law of Rev. J. P. Hughes, of this place, will be pained to hear that she is gradually dying at the Academy. Her oldest son Mr. Mar- tin Roberts of, Brooklyn and the latter’s daughter, Mrs. David Myerle, also of Brooklyn, are the guests of Mr. Hughes, during Mrs. Roberts sickness. — Wall paper at Schreyers. ——The special election at. Howard on Monday last to determine the ques- tion whether the borough should erect water works or not, resulted in a victory in favor of the borough going ahead with the enterprise, by a vote of two to one. ‘We don’t know that the good people down there will be, or can be, any cleaner than they now are, but when they get in their pipes, and have a sufficient supply of good pure water, they will find that they determined wisely and well in this matter. News Purely Personal. —Mr. George Boal, and wife of Washington, are guests of relatives here. —Mrs. C. M, Bower and her son John are now at the World’s Fair. —Mr. M. Miller, has returned to his home after a pleasant sojourn at Atlantic City. —Mr. Robert Green, of Butler Pa., a student of the College visited Ed Harris on Tuesday. —County Treasurer Gramley and wife are among the people who are sight seeing at Chicago. —J. P. Sebring, one of Halfmoon township’s most solid citizen attended to business in Bellefonte on Monday. —The Misses Stine, of Cassville Huntingdon county, have been enjoying the hospitality of Miss Elsie Weaver. —Hon, John J. Metzger, the popular and able judge of the Lycoming district is presi- ding over the courts of this county the present week, —The social dance in the Arcade hall last Friday evening was avery enjoyable affair, Messrs. Furst, Houck and Atherton deserve a vote of thanks. v —Ex-Senator Peale of Lock Haven ‘is en- gaged as one of the attorneys in the Leggett. Long vs Lehigh Valley, land case that is be- ing tried in our court this week. —Mrs, Satterfield, and her niece Miss Carrie Noll of Allegheny street, have just returned from a delightful visit including ’Atlanfic City, Dover, Wilmington, Baltimore and Phila« delphia. —His Honor. Judge Mayer of Lock Haven, spent a few days during the early part of the week, watching our court get started in the big land case on trial, and in greeting his many friends hereabouts. : —Miss Mary Sterrett of Titusville, Pa., who has been visiting the family of Mr. Wm Shortlidge, for seven weeks, departed on Monday evening, much tothe regret of her hosts of friends in Bellefonte. —Miss Dorothy Kase, of Howard street, who after spending several weeks with relatives near Williamsport, returned home on Tuesday evening, accompanied by her uncle, Graffius Hylemen, who was also visiting at the same place. —Don’t forget the meetings in the court house next week to be conducted by the womans gospel temperance union Orator Mr. Hilton. It will pay you to hear Mr. Hilton every time he speaks. And he speaks fora good cause. —Mr. Francis Speer, local editor of the Gazette, is enjoying a look at the many things to be seen at the Chicago Exposition. The WarcanAN wishes him a thoroughly pleasant vacation, and hopes he may return greatly benefited by his “few days off.” —The following students entered college from the Bellefonta Academy this year; Thomas Beaver, the State College; James Cook and Guy Furst, Lafayette, and Misses Rebekah Blanchard and Eleanor Mitchell, Wellesley College, Mass. We understand 320 freshmen entered Wellesley this year. —And still cupid is in our midst, notwith- standing the ‘distractions and attractions of the great Fair. Wm..P. Brew, who since his graduation at the State College, has been so successfully pursuing his work in mechanics! engineering in Pittsburg, will be married on the twentieth of this month to a young lady from Ridgway, Pa. —Philip Waddle, willgo this week to the Metropolitan College of music in New York City, there to have cultivated his voice of which so much has been justly said as to its strength and volume. We sincerly hope that all of the young moan who are starting this fall, so far from home, to win fame and for- tune, will ever be surrounded by fate's san- niest smile. —Mr. Charle Roberts Jr., of New York City, a son of Mrs. Roberts who is very sick at the Academy, arrived this morning. Mr. Roberts is the Professor of Elecution in Union Theo- logoeal Seminary. His elocutionary enter- tainments in New York City and other cities Fave always received the most flattering notices in the Press. We wish the circum- stances might be such that he could give a reading in Bellefonte before he leaves again. for our good people. —Some of the loyal Pennsylvanian’s seen by our reporters doing honor to their Governor at Chicago, were the Misses Paulin and Victorine Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, Miss Lever of Stormstown. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lever, Dr. and Mrs. Gray Mattern, Mrs. Mong, and Mr. and Mrs, Study of Tyrone, Gen’l. and Mrs. D: H. Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emory Smith, of the Philadelphia Press, Mr. and Mrs Lambert, Rev. George W. Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of Lock Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Robins of Westbrook, Messrs. Haley, Martin, Yocum, Hepenstall, Brown and Aull, State College students, but all well known to the people in our vicinity. WHAT A PHILIPSBURG HORSE DIDg The Philipsburg Ledger tells the foliow- ing story of how a horse recently made quite a show of itself out there. “On Monday afternoon a horse be® longing to John Douglas, of South Philipsburg, which has been running at large, attempted the dangerous feat of walking the railroad track. About half a mile above the upper bridge of the Pennsylvania railroad he was start, led to find, like many a more intelligent creature, that trains have the right of way on railroad tracks, and any person or thing that doesn’t want to get hurt had better give the iron steed undis- puted possession. In his fright he took to his heels and made good time till he entered the bridge. Possibly he grew dizzy—people sometimes do—lost his footing and became inextricably tangled up with the ties, In the meantime, the train which had been slowing up, stop- ped and waited until a gang of men struggled and pried until they got the animal loose, when he finished up the performance by falling off the bridge into the creek. Everybody supposed he would be killed, but he gotup and walked out of the water none the worse except for some pretty bad bruises. The day express was delayed nearly an hour by this equine show.” -——Carpets at Schreyers. Must Have A Voting Boorn.—The papers last week, getting their informa- tion from the decree of the court, stated that the voting place for the citizens of the west ward of Bellefonte, had been fixed at the United Brethren church, leaving the impression that the church would be used as a polling place. This is incorrect. No arrangements had been made for the use of the church for this purpose, nor could any have been made had any one attempted it. The fact is that since the decree of the court has fixed the voting place at that point in the ward, and the church cannot be used as such, it will be necessary for the commissioners to erect a poling booth, which will be the first, and probably the only building of the kind, in the county. ——Carpets at Schreyers. INFORMATION WANTED.—Any one knowing of the whereabouts of Jesse S. Swavely formerly of Bellefonte Pa., will confer a favor by communicating with . E. J. Swavely, Snow Shoe Centre county Pa. Will Exchanges please copy. EXCURSION TICKETS To CENTRE HarL.—On account of the 20th Annu- al Picnic and Exhibition of the Patrons of Husbandry, at Centre Hall Sept. 18th to 23rd, 1893, the Pennsylvania Rail- road Co., has arranged for sale of excur- | sion tickets to Centre Hall Sept. 18th, to 23rd inclusive, good to return until Sept. 25th, 1893 inclusive, and will run special trains on Sept. 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd from Sunbury and Bellefonte to Centre Hall and return. ——Head quarters for ready made clothing for Men, Boys and Children. Clothing made to order. Dunlaps, Youngmans, and Sherman’s latest shapes mn Derbys, Full line of mens furnish- ing goods. Additional room has been made by making a new salesroom out of the cellar. MonrtaoMERY & Co. To the Tax Payers of Spring Town- ship. The undersigned will be in Bellefonte, on { ednesday, September 27th, at the office of J.R. Alexander, in the Garman building, from 9. a. m., to 5 o'clock p. m., for the pur- poses of receiving taxes. W. H. TAYLOR, 35-36 Collector. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co! The flowing are the quotations up tosix o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper oes to press : hite wheat 65 Old wheat, per bushel 55 Rye, per bushel........ 60 Corn, ears, per bushe 25 Corn, shelled, per bush 50 Oats—new, per bushel. . 32 Barley, per bushel........ tre . 48 Ground Plaster, per ton... . 950 Buckwheat per bushel... 75 Cloverseed, per bushel.......... 30 to §9 60 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel Eggs, per dozen. Lard, per pound. CountryShoulders. ides... Hams....... otesees I'allow, per pound.. Butter, per pound....... The Democratic Watchman: Published every Friday morning, fn Belle fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- jising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol- OWS : SPACE OCCUPIED. One inch (12 lines this type...... Two inches ...ceceessensnns eis |3m [6m | 1y [85 (88811 7|10| 18 Three inches....ccuseeetssnninesissnnes 10 | 15 | 20 Quarter Column (4% inches)....... 1220 | 80 alf Column ( 9 inches) | 2 | 35 BB One Column (19 inches)............... 36 | 86 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 25 pe cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts Each additional insertion, per line... woctl notices, per line......... Business notices, per line... Job Printing of every ki ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can he sxecuted in the most artistic mannerand the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor