Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 15, 1893, Image 2

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    Demonic Acne
Bellefonte, Pa., Sep. 15, 1893
(Probably no poem except “The Beautiful
Snow” has been accredited to more sources
than this. Mrs. Browning, Mary T. Lathrop,
Adelaide Proctor and Ella Wheeler Wilcox
are all spoken of as its author:
Do you know you have asked for the costliest
Ever ae by the hand above?
A woman's heart and a woman's life—
And woman's wondrous love ?
Do you know you have asked for this priceless
Asa child might ask for a toy; :
Demanding what others have died to win,
With the reckless dash of a boy?
You have written my lesson of duty out—
Man-like have you questioned me—
Now stand at the bar of my woman’s soul—
Until I shall question thee.
You require your mutton shall always be hot
Your socks and your shirts be whole ;
1 require your heart to be true as God's stars,
And as pure as His heaven your soul.
You require a cook for your mutton and beef;
I require a far greater thing; :
A seamstress you're wanting for socks and for
I look for a man and a king.
A king for the beautiful world called home,
And a man that the maker, Goa,
Shall look upon as He did on the first,
And say, “It is very good.”
1am fair and young, but the roses will fade
From my soft young;cheeks one day—
Wili you love them ’mid the falling leaves
As you did 'mong the bloom of May ?
Is your heart an ocean so strong and deep
I may launch my all on its tide ?
A loving woman finds heaven or hell
On the day she is made a bride.
1 require all things that are grand and true,
All this that a man should be;
If you gi iismH, I would stake my life
'0 be all you demand of me.
If you cannot be this—a laundress and cook
ou can hire, and a little to pay: °
But a woman's heart and a woman's life
Are never won in that way.
ee sn
Nothing in the career of James Gor-
don Bennett so accurately expresses
his leadership of uncommercial jour-|
nalism as the beautiful Italian palace
at the junction of Broadway and Sixth
Avenue, which was occupied by the
New York Herald on August 20th.
This is his reply to the newspaper pro-
prietors who have erected giant office
buildings, in which the editorial forces
occupy garrets and the pressman are
crowded into dark cellars. Architect
urally, the new home of the Herald is
a rebuke to the utilitarianism of the
American metropolis, an appeal for
something better than sky-scraping ug-
If there is one thing more than an-
other on which the proprietcr of the
Herald is determined, it is that his pa-
per shall never get into a rut, and for
several years he has looked upon
downtownism as the greatest of all
journalistic ruts. Printing-house
Square is too far away from the centre
of life. The Herald must follow the
people. It is an original and daring
step, for the organization and business
of a great newspaper are so nicely ad-
justed to its neighborhood that when
Mr. Bennett first announced his inten-
tion of moving the Herald more than
three miles away from its present site,
nobody believed him to be in earnest.
The Herald now declares itself to be
independent of neighborhoods and fear-
less of the result. And the influence
which a vast newspaper establishment
exerts upon its immediate surroundings
may be judged by the fact that as soon
as the new Herald site was made pub-
lic, the price of real estate in that part
of New York advanced thirty per cent.
The new Herald building covers a
trapezoidal plot of ground formerly oc-
cupied by the army of the Seventy-first
Regiment. Its extreme dimensions are
two hundred feet long and a hundred
and forty feet wide. The structure
consists of two stories and an attic. It is
a little more than fifty feet high.
This splendid example of pure Ital-
ian Renaissance has been go skillfully
adapted by the architects that it meets
all the practical requirements of a
newspaper office without losing a sin-
gle line of beauty. Externally, it is
an exquisite palace; internally, it is an
almost perfect workshop. Art and
science are blended and exhausted in
this wonderful combination. The Her-
ald is now without a rival in the con-
venience and close relationship of the
varied departments necessary to pro-
duce a metropolitan newspaper, and in
the completeness of its apparatus for
interior communication and variety of
mechanical resources.
There is a note of refinement and ele-
gance in the architecture that breathes
through the whole design. 1t, is, per-
haps, too conservative, but that isa
fault rarely discovered in American art
and may be welcomed. The low fa-
cades, with their delicate, pure orna-
mentation, horizontal accents and
sheltering arcades, enriched by dainty
column and arch, the unbroken roof of
red tiles and the simple doorways, de-
void of garish symbolism, all speak
eloquently of the spirit that prompted
this innovation. But the advantage
which the building has in its isolated
position is somewhat marred by the
presence of the grimy elevated railway
which has a tendency to dwarf ite pro-
rtions. The banal and ridiculous
odge statue, which stands about six-
ty feet in front of the main entrance, is
another inharmonious element.
On the Broadway and Sixth Avenue
sides are arcades extending along three
quarters of the building's length, be-
kind rows of polished columns that
support graceful arches whose function
is purely ornamental, as the load of
the outer line is borne by iron floor
girders resting upon the inner main
wall. These arcades are separated
from the interior of the structure by a
series of arched plate-glass windows,
through which hundreds of spectators
can watch the interesting operations in
the immense press-roonr and the ste-
reotyping department. The tascina-
ting rush and whir of men and machin-
ery late at night, when the place is
ablaze with electric light, and the en-
tire mechanical force is straining to
get the paper printed in time for the
early trains will be one of the notable
sights of New York, while around the
edge of the roof a row of twenty gilded
owls will wink electric eyes at regular
intervals by a mechanical device con-
nected with the clock set in a rose-win-
dow, the twin window being occupied
by a wind-dial. Above the roof cor-
nice over the main entrance, and in a
line with the sentinel owls, will be two
great bronze statues standing with up-
lifted hammers on either side of a pon-
derous bell. The mechanism of the
clock will automatically cause the gi-
ants to strike the hours with resound-
ing blows upon the bell, after the fash-
ion of the famous clock machinery of
St. Mark’s Square. This bronze group
is the work of distinguished French
sculptors, but it will not be ready for
its place for months. The presence of
the owls is explained by the fact that
the owl is a jolly fetich of Mr. Ben-
nett’s and is to be seen in every part of
his private establishment — stuffed
owls, bronze owls, printed owls, iron
owls—on his yachts, his carriages, his
note-paper, his coaches in various parts
of France, and in his many residences.
The bird that is awake and alert when
all else is asleep is not a bad emblem
for the Herald.
The exterior of the building is prin-
cipally of pale terra cotta, and the flat
spaces are filled in with pirolith, which
closely resembles marble, but is to be
preferred because of its adaptability to
withstand heat and cold. The general
effect is that produced by the Renais-
sance stucco-work of medieval Italy.
The color scheme is, in this respect,
absolutely perfect, no tone being too
Three arches constituted the main
entrance, but as one of the supporting
shafts stood in the way of the actual
door of the counting-room, the obstruct-
ing pillar had to be removed, and two
of the arches blended into a single flat
arch, The counting-room is superb.
Twelve splendid columns of - Pavonez-
za marble support the ceiling, with its
delicate traceries of white and geld,
from which depends a fine chandelier.
The moulded cases of the columns are
of white’ Vermont marble. The floor
is of mosaic, and the wainscoting of
the spacious room is of Pavonezza
marble. In order to preserve the unity
of tone, all the furniture and fittings of
the counting-room are worked out in
white mahogany. :
From this resplendent hall which is
occupied by the business ‘department,
with a corner allotted to the Commer-
cial Cable Company, a flight of stairs
bordered wich white statuary marble
leads to the second story. Here is the
main hall. Around ic are grouped Mr.
Beanett’s office, his private room and
bath-room, the reception-room for vis-
itors ; the office of Mr. Howland, gen-
eral manager ; the auditor's room and
editorial council-room a circular apart:
ment decorated in white and gold.
The appointments of the executive
headquarters are of the costliest but
simplest character. Each of these
roome opens into the other, and all are
connected by doors with the main hall.
Two corridors penetrate the second
floor from the main hall to the Thirty-
sixth street side or rear of the build:
ing. Along these corridors are ar-
ranged the spacious and convenient
rooms of the editors, reporters, and out
of town correspondents whose journals
enjoy the privileges of the Herald es
tablishment. The editorial and city
departments of the Evening. Telegram
are also on this floor. A ccntral court,
is arranged so that every room is full
of light. The corridor on the Broad
way side ends in a vast room intended
for the army of reporters, while the
corridor on the Sixth Avenue side leads
to the well-equipped library. Between
is the office of the night editor, who has
charge of the Herald at the moment it
goes to. press, and the telegraph room,
into which messages will come direct
on special wires from all parts of the
country. : :
Here is the index department—a
unique feature, for a copy of which
many thousands of dollars were re
fused—containing two and a halt mil-
lions of entries describing news in the
Herald, with date, page, and column
indicated. It took two expert men
working night and day for about thirty
years to build up the index system,
which covers virtually everything
printed in the Herald since its founda:
tion. There are more than one thous-
and entries relating to General Grant
alone ; and the references to Mr. Cleye-
land outnumber all others. The in-
dex is alphabetical, geographical and
topical. There are now three index
editors. In connection with this de-
partment are ‘the bound newspaper
files, more than a thousand volumes
ranged in locked cases. Thereis a
skeleton of the index ‘in the editorial
rooms of the Paris edition of the Her
ald. In addition to the news index
there is an index of ten thousand illus-
trations, and pigeon-holes containing
thousands of obituaries, ready for use
when the subjects die. The. library
numbered eleven thousand booke, but
the least useful volumes have been
weeded out within the last few weeks.
There are three hundred iron frames
for the compositors in the enormous
room on the third floor under the
sharply slanting roof, and this is lit en-
tirely by the central court. ‘Five Mer-
genthaler linotype machines, driven by
electric motors, are on the Broadway
side. But in addition to the compos:
ing-room—a remarkable eight in its
way—there are twelve other apart
ments on this floor, among them the
art department, electric light, photo-
graph-room, restaurant, kitchen, and
But the glory of the new Herald |
building ie in its press-room and pow-
er plant, which stand in full view of
the public. This wonderful system of
machinery is interchangeably operated '
by steam or electricity. Two huge
black marble switch boards, glittering
with brass levers, control the electric
force. When steam-power is undesira-
ble, the huge dvnamos are brought in-
to play, and when everything else fails,
a turn of the wrist connects the opera-
ting mechanism with the electric
lighting mains in the street. In this
way there can be no failure in the
press-work or lighting apparatus. No
matter what breakdown occurs, the
Herald will be printed on time. There
are ten electric motors. The capacity
of this department is illustrated by the
fact that there are more than eighteen
hundred sixteen-candle-power lights in
the establishment, not to speak of the
various electric elevators and ventilat-
ing fans. :
Of the eight massive presses two are
intended to print in four colors, after
‘the manner of the Paris Figaro Illustre.
Each press prints two colors simulta:
neously. The Herald's immense press,
which turns out more than sixty thous-
and copies an hour, will be on the
Thirty-sixth Street side.- 1t is the
most improved and productive printing
machine in the world. The press
room has an aggregate capacity of a
little above two hundred and eighty
thousand sheets an hour. Ink is
pumped from a tank in the vaults un.
der the sidewalk to the fountains of the
presses. The whole course of the
white paper is in full view from the
street, as it spins from the damp rolls
in continuous webs, flashes between
the whirling cylinders, turns, reverses,
enters the marvelous folding appara-
tus, and finally appears pasted, folded,
counted, and ready for delivery. The
machinery is so exquisitely adjusted on
its rock foundation that there is scarce-
ly a vibration to be noticed when the
whole mechanical department is in full
swing. No other press-room ap-
proaches this one in the perfection of
its equipment and the swift inter-
changeability of its various parts. The
lightness and airiness of the space, and
the orderly, logical arrangement of the
engines, motors, and presses, all com-
bine to make this part of the Herald
establishment a model for the world.
The lower floor is so broken that while
the press-room consists largely of the
basement and ground story thrown in-
to a single lofty hall, the delivery
room and stereotyping deparments are
on a level with the street, one on
the Thirty-sixth Street side and the
other on the Sixth Avenue side. The
stereotype metal is melted in sight of
the publicin two huge pots, over which
hangs a metal hood to carry off the hot
air, by means of an electric fan, in the
exhaust duct. Five casting-boxes are
arranged in a semicircle in front of the
melting-pot, so that the whole
process of casting the shining plates
from which the paper actually takes
its impressions can be seen in all its
detail by outsiders.
A remarkable part of the new Her
ald system is the apparatus for com-
munication within the building. Sev-
en lines of pneumatic tubes carry ad-
vertisements, news, and editorial copy
and proofs to and from all parts of the
establishment. Conversation can be
carried on between persons on difter-
ent floors and in different rooms on the
same floor through speaking tubes and
by means of a really notable independ:
ent telephone system of seventeen sta-
tions, any, one of which can connect
with any other without the aid of an
operator. There are twenty-seven lines
of 'speaking-tubes 80 conveniently
placed that the head of any depart-
ment can communicate directly with
any other department.
There is a large coop filled with fine
carrier pigeons over the well-hole in
the central court. It1s proposed to re-
serve these werial messengers for ex-
traordinary occasions.
Notwithstanding the net-work of
electric wires that connects the Herald
with the rest of the civilized world, it
is likely that some great news an-
nouncement may be brought to the of-
fice under the wing of a pigeon.
The cost of this peerless newspaper
building is more than halt a million
dollars, and it is the result of recent
study in the principal newspaper es-
tablishments of Europe and America.
The originality and courage required
to carry out the new undertaking can
scarcely be exaggerated. But the pro-
prietor ot the Herald feels certain that
the office ought not to be at one end of
New York, but right in the heart of
the theatre, hotel, and shopping dis-
trict, close to the centre of population.
In London, Paris, and other great cit-
ies the newspaper offices are grouped
within easy distance of the financial
centres. But the Herald is carrying
out its principle of selt-reliance and ac-
companying the northward movement
of the population. Its splendid mail-
ing ‘department, that bas excited the
admiration and won the applause of so
many postmasters, will be put to a su-
preme test now, for some of the rail-
way depots are far away.
So the old days and the old home of
the Herald have passed away. It isa
mighty organization, with more than
two thousand five-hundred correspond-
entg, and a system of bureaus that car-
ries it into the uttermost ends of the
earth. The elder Bennett started the
paper with a nominal capital of five
hundred dollars in 1835, and he lived
to be a maker of Presidents. The
present proprietor of the Herald, who
is also its real editor in every vital de-
tail, wonld not sell the paper for any
price, although it was recently valued
at twenty million dollars. In 1869 a
group of capitalists offered two mil
lions and a half for the Herald to the
elder Bennett, but he laughed at the
proposal. He declared that he would
Leither know what to do with the mon-
ey nor with himself if he sold the pa-
per. Fonr years ago a New York syn-
! dicate cabled a message to Mr. Ben-
nett asking him what was the lowest
price of the Herald. His only reply
was, “The price of the Herald is three
cents daily, five cents on Sunday.” A
prominent politician offered Mr. Ben-
nett a check for fifty thousand dollars
for the support of the Herald. Mr.
Bennett looked him in the eye, and
said, “This check can be traced to
me.” “Then I'll get you the money,”
said the politician, deceived by the
calm bearing and impenetrable counte-
nance of the journalist. “Good |” said
Mr. Bennett. In a few minutes the
politician returned with a big roll of
greenbacks. Mr. Bennett could no
longer suppress his rage. He tore the
check up, threw it in his visitor's face,
and drove him out of the room ina
burst of fury. Names cannot be men- |
tioned just now. |
The Herald 1s rich beyond the!
dreams of avarice. Its scorn of mon- |
ey considerations is indicated by the
payment of nearly four thousand dol- |
lars in cable tolls for a despatch of
less than two columns, and its proprie- :
tor is planning to make it more and’
more the representative of uncommer- |
cial and impersonal journalism, a pub-
lic institution that cannot fall into the
hands of factions even after his death,
but go on as a sort of journalistic re-
public. Of the Herald more than any
other newspaper in the World Thack-
eray’s words may be repeated:
“There she is; she never sleeps.
She has her ambassadors in every
quarter of the world-~her couriers up-
on every road. Her officers march
along with armies, and her envoys
walk into statesman’s cabinets. They
are ubiquitous. ‘Yonder joutnal has
an agent at this moment giving bribes
at Madrid, and another inspecting the |
price of potatoes at Convent Garden.”
Thomas Jefferson said that he
would rather live in a country with
newspapers and without a govern-
ment, than in a country with a gov-
ernment but without newspapers.
And if this be the expression of a
sound judgment, the future of a great
newspaper like the Herald, whose
agents have opened a continent to civ-
ilization, explored the arctic seas and
talked with crowned monarch, and
overtbrown governments and political
policies, must be a matter of grave in-
terest.— Harper's Weekly.
Remarkable in Surgery Annals.
Captain Robert Staple, a veteran of
the late war, recently died at Allentown,
Pennsylvania. While in the service
Captain Staple was wounded and the
wound was one of the most remarkable
in the annals of army surgery. At the
battle of Chancellorsville he was hit by
a minnie ball, which fractured the
eighth rib, passed through the diaph-
ragm and dropped into the alimentary
canal. Notwithstanding his terrible in-
jury, Captain Staple walked to the field
hospital, a distance of a mile and a half:
At that time it was supposed the matter
which protruded through the cavity,
and which was as big as a fist, was a
portion of the lung, making it really a
hernia of the lung. Ata post-mortem
examination it was discovered that this
was not the case, but the supposed ex-
posure of the lung was the omentum, or
a pro-covering of the intestines, which
had worked itself through the lung cav-
ity and between the fractured ribs, the
edges having grown fast around the
opening. A singular coincidence in
connection with this case is that Cap-
tain Staple, while in New York some
years ago, stopped at a show window of
a book store and saw an open copy of
“The Surgical History of the War,”
and on the page before him was an il-
lustration of his case.— Globe Demo-
How Congressmen Choose Their Seats.
The following are the rules of the
House in respect to the selection of
seats :
1. At the commencement of each
Congress, immediately atter the mem-
bers and delegates are sworn in, the
clerk shall place in a box prepared for
that purpose a number of small balls of
marble or other material equal fo the
number of members and delegates,
which balls shall be consecutively num-
bered and thoroughly intermingled, and
at such hour as shall be fixed by the
House for that purpose, by the hands of
a page draw said balls one by one from
the box and announce the number as it
is drawn, upon which announcement
the member or delegate whose name on
a numbered alphabetical list shall cor-
respond with the number on the ball
shall advance and choose his seat for
the term which he is elected.
2. Before said drawing shall com-
mence each seat shall be vacated and
so remain until selected under this rule,
and any seat having been selected shall
be deemed forfeited if left unoccupied
before the call of the roll is finished,
and whenever the seats of members and
delegates shall have been drawn, no
second drawing shall be in order during
that Congress.
It Was Safe Then.
“Did any man ever yet make any-
thing by opposing a woman’s will ?”
exclaimed a tormented husband.
“Yes, I have made a good deal by
that sort of thing, answered his broth-
er Richard,
“But Dick,” responded the other,
“you're a lawyer, and the woman whose
will you opposed was always dead.”’—
Boston Globe.
Alone by the sounding sea they sat,
He in his flannels white,
She in her gown and jaunty hat,
Fleecy and fluffy and white.
“I’ve promised to marry you soon,” she said,
“And I meant it, so never fear;
But I wanted to ask if you knew,” she said, |
“That gowns like this are dear?
‘I mention this gown because you see,
It fits me and teels so nice;
If you're a good guesser, my dear, may be
You'll hit right away on the price.”
“Why certainly, dearest,” he laughinly spoke,
“I'm aware that your gowns are not Ta :
And of course getting married is never a joke:
Let us say twenty dollars or so.”
She smiled. 'Twas a pitying smile she gave
“It was ninety-five dollars,” quoth she;
And her lover rose as a great green wave
Came in from the sobbing sea.
“Ninety Ly dollars!” he echoed. “Well,
well ?
Excuse me a moment, my own ;
Someone is calling me in the hotel,
But an instant I'll leave you alone.”
And he sped away, and his bill he paid,
And homeward his footsteps got ;
And'as for the ninety five dollar maid,
May be she’s sitting there yet.
— Tom Mason in New York Sun.
A Dark Horse,
“Talk about being beaten at your
own game,” said a well known turf:
man, coming in from theraces at Map-
mouth Park the other day, “I ran up
against an experience down in the In-
dian Territory in 1882 which would
make a man hit his grandmother. At
that time I was riding, and was consid-
‘ered the crack jockey of the country.
Now, although I was such a success as
a horseman, my hobby was cards.
Something within me was whispering
that my fortune was in cards, and in
marked cards. I invested a large per-
centage of my mount winnings in these
cards, until I had a collection which
would have done justice to the biggest
cut-throat gambler in Denver. I sat
up late into the night, when all the
stable was quiet, poring over my mark-
ed packs, studying on and solving the
mysteries of his gambler’s cinch.
“Ag last I felt that I had mastered
the science, and now for some unsus-
pecting victim. I went down stairs,
and, finding all the feeders and traio-
ers busy, made the general and sweep-
ing remark that I had played no cards
for a long time, but if any one present
felt like taking a hand with me I
would give him a chance for his life.
“At this an old codger who was
kindling the fire spoke up and said:
‘Well, Bud, ef yell wait tell I git this
| durned fire to burnin’ I'll try an’ ac-
commodate ye.’
“+All right, Whiskers,” I answered,
and strolled on up stairs. In my room
was a siable boy, who also per
formed the duties of my valet; hand-
ing him a certain pack of cards I told
him to put them in his pockets and
saunter about the stable, and when he
heard me kicking about the cards we
were playing with, and asking if no
one had a deck of decent cards, he was
to flash his deck with the offer to sell
them to me.
“Well, I went down stairs and found
old Whiskers’ fire burning in great
shape. He washed his hands mn a
horse trough, wiped them on a low
sack, took a big chew or black navy,
and remarked that he wes ready to
take my money.
“We played for half an hour or so
with a greasy old deck of his, and I
was winning right along, though not so
heavily as I wanted to. Moreover, I
felt so smart about my marked cards
that I was fairly itching to show off.
Presantly I began my kick. First,
the cards had sand on them; then
they were greasy ; then I found a split
one, and so forth, until I finally lost
patience and called out in a loud voice
to know if no one had a decent pack of
cards. Quick as a flash my confeder-
ate up: ‘I'se got er nice pack, boss, but
dey cosses two bits.’
“J ‘took the cards, gruntel some-
thing about their being a little better,
tossed him a quarter and laid the deck
beside me. Old Whiskers laid his
finger on the top card of my deck, and
with a dexterous twirl had them spread
out before him on the table; then,
gathering them np he laid the pack
beside his own money and went on
dealing with his old greasy ones. I
let him go on awhile. afraid of arous-
ing his suspicions if I was too insistent.
Presently, however, I got the split
card again, and asked suddenly, as if I,
too, had forgotten my purchase : ‘Why
don’t you use the new deck ?’
“¢Oh, I don’t give a durn which deck
I use,’ he replied, and, picking up my
deck dealt the hand out.
“My luck began to change from that
hand. Of course I could read the
cards in his hand, and every time I
caught him with a pair Itried to make
him lay down. In this way I bad t>
bet large suns of money on a small
pair of my own, but the only time I
could make him lay down was once in
a while, when I really had the best
“I lost $900 in this way on one hand,
trying to make my pair of sevens beat
his pair of eights, and whenever I did
have the top hand be would not call
my bet. Of course this one sided busi-
ness couldn’t lat long, and just oue
hour from the time I had introduced
those infallible marked cards of mine
I was dead broke.
t+Ye tired 2° broke in the old man’s
voice upon my reflections.
“Oh, no!’ I said, trying to keepa
straight upper lip.
“Want to play enny more ?'
“tWell—no—er—TI guess not.
“As I went to get up the old man
said, still shuffling that accursed deck ;
‘Say, Bud, whar'd ye git this here deck
er cyards ?’
“‘You saw where I got them,’ I re-
plied, somewhat netcled.
“ ‘Wall, hit may uot be er powerful
lot er satisfaction fur ye to know hit
under the sarcumstances, Bud, but I
want to tell ye that ye're a durn smart
*‘Oh, I guess I've gota thing or
two to learn,’ I modestly replied.
“Yas, thet's so,’ he said, ‘an’ the
very fust thing ye larn, Bud, let hit be
thet when ye're goin’ to use marked
cards ye want to git some other bran’,
‘caze thar ain’t a 6 year ole boy in the
nation that don’t know them durned
things like a hoss knows oats.’
“Then, turning the deck backs up in
his hand, he lifted the cards off one at
a lime, and read them faster than I
could read the faces.””—N. Y. Record.
Shoe Superstitions.
‘When a new pair of shoes is brought
home, never place them higher than
your headlif you would have good luck
while wearing them, and never black-
en them before you have had on both
shoes, or else you may meet with an
' accident and perhaps sudden death.
It is said that the old maids believe
that when their shoes become untied
and keep coming untied, it is true that
their sweethearts are talking and
thinking about them.
The sweetheart, when on his way to
gee his lady love, should he stub his
right toe, will surely be weicome, but
if he stubs his left toe, he may know
he is not wanted.— Cincinnati Commer-
cial Gazette.
For and About Women.
Among the women lawyers whose
names are best ‘known in this country
are Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, Mrs. Belva A.
Lockwood, Miss Lelia J. Robinson,
Miss Phebe W. Couzing, Miss Alice R.
Jordan, who alone has & degree from
tie Yale Law school, and Miss Mary
A. Abrens, well known for philanthro-
pic work in Chicago.
Some very good advice about marry.
ing is given to girls by Harper's Bazar
I quote a small portion of a long article
on the subject.
“A man often does a girl a great in-
justice in supposing that she cares more
for material things than for what
he has to offer her— love, companionship,
a true heart. While to marry without
some certain means of support is an un-
doubted folly, to marry on a small in-
come, when both parties to the contract
are united in their determination to face
the world together, is a piece of wisdom.
There is a certain glory in meeting and
conquering difficulties when people are
young and strong. The very effort to
accomplish an end on which two are set
draws the two into a closer union. «If
there is bread for one. there will be
bread for two,” said the young wife of
a man who set out to try what his brave
heart and skilled hands could do to build
up the fortune of his family, in a new
environment half way across the globe.
Thestrue wife would not remain in the
old home with her parents in luxury
when the young husband was starting
out in perils ot sea and land, They
dared their day of small things side by
The imperative and especial demand
of the day of small things is mutual con-
fidence and inflexible justice. Granted
these premises, the result is never un-
A beautiful little baby blanket was
seen lately, of fine flannel embroidered
with for-get-me-nots. It was folded
exactly like the square of a shawl, with
one puint hanging down in the back to
make a pointed hood. At the sides it
was caught together to form sleeves, so
that it was a compromise between a
loose wrap and a sacque.
As tor the style of coiffure now pre-
valent, says the “New York Sun,” only
a Romola or one of Miss Muloch’s low-
voiced women could wear with becom-
ingness, for the very latest thing in
hairdressing, copied from the old time
mode, has smooth and glossy tresses
combed trimly down on either side a
fine white parting, to be twisted in a
soft coil at the back. This style of
coiffure demands a delicate, youthful
face, a low, broad forehead and an ex-
quisitely molded head. Another style,
much affected by young girls, is a mod-
ification of the 1820 style, with ringlets
falling down either side of the face
from a parting, the hair knotted high in
a puff in the centre. The expression to.
be worn with this coiffure should be one-
of sweet modesty and gentle unopion-
Still smarter and becoming to the
full fledged belle or youthful matron
is that coiffure ‘in which the hair is
tossed back from the forehead to fall
in soft, careless curls at theside or in
a single curl in the middle of the fore-
head. Some women of the dark, Span-
ish type, with faultlessly regular fea-
tures, dare attempt this style of coiffure
with no curls and the smooth haircomb-
ed back lightly to the twist. Handsome
women are distinguished, intellectual
women striking, with this sort of fram-
ing. The woman who isn’t so sure of
herself and her beauty will part her now
dishonored bang a little at the side, per-
haps, and leave the soft fringe to fall
over her forehead, and the petite style of
woman, who has an irregular sort of
beauty, waves her hair into a tangle of
curls, that fall back apparently in spite
of her, to fiutter over her brow. .
If more people understood that any
appearance of hasteor carelessness was
out of place in formal correspondence
they would not use such an expression
as “many thanks,” any more than the
hardly less objectionable phrase “thanks”
in conversation. Such curtness is like
the old story, ‘worse than wicked, its
After the bath it is a nice habit, par-
ticularly in hot weather, to drop a little
benzine in enough water to make a
milky substance, and then apply it to
the skin with a soft cloth. The result is
a delightful, violet-like odor imparted to
the body, not decided enough to bein
the least objectionable.
A very long watch chain is to be seen
sometimes this season worn surrounding
the neck, to fall over the accompanying
blouse front in festoons and to tuck
away the watch itself in the belt.
Velvet will be everywhere seen this
fall and on every possible article of at-
tire—plain, ombred, striped, shot, plaid-
ed and in mirror effects, reflecting many
The gowns being built just now for
seaside and country wear are great
modifications on the earlier season’s
Alpaca is gradually coming to the
front, and this light and cool, if some-
what stiff material, (excellent for bell-
skirt) is admirably adapted for country
wear and early September days. Tn
beige, cool, clear grey or shot--the lat-
ter exceedingly pretty —it will be much
The skirt is either plaid, stitched
around the hem, or ornamented with
three narrow stripes of gros-grain silk,
stitched on about three inches from the
bottom of the skirt; this trimming is
either black or matches the shade of the
material. Plain mohair braid in un-
dulating rows is also used, placed
round the hips about seven inches below
the waist line,
The corsages are of the universally
adopted Eton jacket variety, tight-fit-
ting in the back and finished with short
coat tails. The broad-faced lapels are
turned back with moire, satin or gros
grain. These are worn over fancy
blouses of silk, or mousseline de loie,
with lace inserted ; or more frequently
with the mannish and ever-smart stiffily-
starched shirt with up-standing collar
and‘‘stock’’ tie.