Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 01, 1893, Image 7

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Sep. I, 1893.
— e— —
To CorrEsPONDENTS. — No communication
published unless accompanied by the real
aame of the writer.
——The borough of Howard wants a
water works.
——No damage has been reported as
a result of Monday night’s storm.
——The only man in town who seems
to be exceptionally busy is the High
—The Bellefonte Academy will
open for the fall term on Monday, Sep-
tember 11th.
——The wind and rain storm on
Monday night did much damage %o corn
in this county.
— The Phenix planing mill in this
place is forced to run night and day to
keep up to orders.
— The sixtieth annual meeting of
Christian church conference is now in
session at Eagleville.
——Teachers Institute for this Coun.
ty will meet in Bellefonte, in Garman’s
opera house, on December 18.
——Don’t forget the attraction at the
opera house next Monday night will be
Madeline Merli in “a story of a kiss.”
—— Grand opening of Fall and Win-
ter clothing for men, boys and children.
to-day at Montgomery & Co’s.
——The Bellefonte High school is
just ten years old and has graduated
eighty-four pupils, forty-one of whom
are males.
——The ten months old daughter of
marble dealer, Andrew Mott, died on
Sunday and was buried Wednesday
.——Hoover, Hughes & Co., at Phil-
ipsburg, have posted a notice of a 10
per cent reduction of wages on and after
Friday, September 1st.
—Tthel, the seventeen months old
daughter of Harry and Ida Johnson, of
Boggs township, died on Saturday,
August 19th, of cholera infantum.
——Rev. Dr. Hamlin, presiding el-
der of the Altoona district, delivered an
able sermon in the Methodist church,
in this place, on Sunday morning,
——Rev. David Shoemaker, a Re-
formed minister who had filled a charge
at Jacksonville, this county, died at
Sloysburg, Bedford county, on Saturday
——A stone from a blast in the quar-
ries of the Bellefonte Furnace Co.,
struck Garver White on the head, on
Monday afternoon, inflicting a rather
peinful wound.
— Madeline Merli, the talented
young Italian actress whose “Frou
Frou” left such an impression here last
season will, appear at the opera house,
on Monday night, in *a story of a kiss.”
—-At the Evangelical picnic, on
Tuesday, there was 2 woman, who hag
resided near Bellefonte for thirty years,
yet she had her first car ride on that day
and saw the station for the first time in
her life.
~The Valentine Iron Co’s., fur-
nace, at this place, was blown out on
last Wednesday foran indefinite time.
Dull trade occasioned it, but as soon as
the stock on hand is worked off the
plant will resume.
——Every time the femiperance peo-
ple go to picnic it begins to rain. Last
year they were almost drowned at the
park, and the awful rain on Mondey
night saved them from a similar fate on
——The Academy schocls will open
on Monday, Sept. 11th, with every
needed facility in all the departments,
for furnishing pupils a thorough prepa-
ration either for college or a business
—-The venerable William Reese was
stricken with a partial paralytic stroke
at the home of his son, G. Washington
Rees, on Reynold’s Avenue, on Sunday
morning. His condition is slightly im-
——A thief stole a horse from the
stable of John Rockey, who lives on the
mountain road near Zion, early Monday
morning, and then abandoned the ani-
mal in the ridges near Milesburg. It
was returned to its owner.
—Two frame dwellings, the prop-
erty of J. C. Marks, at Port Matilda,
were totally destroyed by flre on Friday
night. They were to have been sold at
sheriff’s sale, on Saturday, but their
burning ended that, Amount of insur-
ance is not known,
——The pews for the new Lutheran
church were received in this place one
day last week and when about ready to
begin putting them in place the build-
ing committee found that they were not
according to contract. Instead of being
antique oak they are plain oak finish
and consequently will not match the
church wood work. They will not be
accepted, but the church will be dedica-
ted all the same on Sunday. Chairs
will be used.
Session’s CourT.—Monday morning
the regular August term of Quarter
sessions began in the court house with
Judges Furst, Riley and Faulkner pre-
siding. The unusually large attendance
was the source of considerable comment, |
and it was generally ascribed to the fact
that the people in the country districts
could do nothing, as their farm work
was at a standstill owing to the want of
rain, and took the opportunity of spend-
ing a little time with friends here.
The whole of the morning session was
taken up with the ordinary routine, such
as hearing the reports of Constables,
petitions, etc. Robert Haines Esq., of
Snow Shoe, was appointed foreman of
the grand jury after which the bar com-
mittee on resolutions read the following
on the death of the late James H. Ran-
kin, the oldest practitioner in the courts
of the county :
James H. Rankin, Eeq., wasborn in Belle-
fonte March 3, 1819, and died in the borough
of his birth July 22, 1893. His family was
among the earliest settlers of Penns Valley.
His grandfather, William Rankin, was the
Sheriff of Centre county in 1803,and his father
John Rankin, became Sheriff of Centre coun -
ty in 1812, and held the office of Prothonotary
by two appointments, in 1818 and 1824, for the
term of nine years.
At the time of his death James H. Rankin
was the oldest practicing member of the Cen-
tre county bar. His earliest education was
acquired at the Bellefonte Academy, and af-
terwards he graduated at Jefferson college,
Cannonsburg, Pa. He entered upon the stu-
dy of law in the office of William H. Potter, in
Bellefonte, and was admitted to the bar of
Centre county atthe January term, 1840.
Mr. Rankin filled the office of District At-
torney for the county ot Centre for three
terms, from 1850 to 1859, having been three
time successfully elected to that office during
that period, and we may say his long, active
career of fifty-three years was in connection
with the legal profession, though interrupted
for some years: by his duties as an officer of
the Internal Revenue Department of the
United States. He has spent a life and left a
record of unostentatious labor and zealous
care for the interests entrusted to him.
Resolved, That in the death of James H.
Rankin, Esq., this bar has suffered the loss of
a most highly esteemed member, of whose
generous and good impulse and fraternal
spirit in Jong intercourse we will ever pre-
serve pleasant recollections.
Resolved, That the Bar will attend his fun-
eral, this afternoon, in a body, and as a testi-
mony of our affectionate respect to his mem.
ory the Court, at its next session, be requested
to direct the foregoing minutes and resolu-
tions to be entered upon the records of the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre County.
JouN B. Linn,
Eris L. Orvis, L Committee.
Cuas. P. Hewes, |
The cases taken up during the week
were in order as follows :
Commonwealth vs; Samuel Bennet.
Larceny. Case for stealing $400 from
the trunk of Fred Schiele, at Philips-
burg. The indictment was quashed be-
cause of a technicality and the prisoner
was held until Thursday morning when
he pleaded guilty to a new indictment and
was fined $1, costs and imprisonment in
the western penitentiary for one year.
Commonwealth vs Dr. R. L. Dartt.
Assault and battery. Not guilty. De-
fendant pays three fourths of costs and
the prosecutor, Jas. Barry, one fourth.
Commonwealth vs Harry Schreyer
and James Barry. Assault. Jury re-
turned a verdict of not guilty and divid-
ed the costs between the prosecutor,
Dr. R. L. Dartt, and the defendants
Commonwealth vs G. W. Campbell.
Embezzlement. Nolle prosced on pay-
ment of costs. W.F, Rockey was the
Commonwealth vs Wm. Walker.
Charged with unlawfully catching trout
on out lines. Defendant was found
guilty, but owing to a flaw in the in-
dictment he was held under bail of $100
for his appearance at the next term of
Commonwealth vs James Heverly
and Harry Neff. Furnishing liquor to
minors, Nolle pros entered. Nancy
Knoll prosecutrix.
Commonwealth vs Joel Barner. As-
sault and battery. George W. Beigh-
tol prosecutor. Bill ignored and pros-
ecutor to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs John Gardner.
Selling liquor to persons of intemperate
habits. Defendant plead guilty and
will be sentenced on Monday.
Commonwealth vs John Bowers.
Charged with surety of the peace and
threats. Defendant plead guilty to
disturbing a festival. Sentenced to pay
costs and give bond of $100 for keep-
ing the peace for the period of one year.
Commonwealth vs Robert Watkins.
Assault and battery on Nancy Mayes.
Bill ignored.
Commonwealth vs Sarah Smith. Ad-
ultery. Bill ignored and J. J, Smith
prosecutor made pay costs.
Commonwealth vs Sara Smith. As-
sault and battery on Nancy J. Mayes.
Bill ignored and Nancy Mayes pay
Commonwealth vs Geo. W. Beightol.
Assault and battery on Joel Barner.
Bill ignored and prosecutor pay the
Commonwealth vs Robert Watkins.
Keeping house of ill fame, on Marsh
Creek, where all kinds of monkey busi-
and fornicaboobary was continually
going on. Defendant found guilty and
sentenced to one years imprisonment in
the county jail, pay a fine of $25 and
costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs Thos, E. Fleming.
Neglecting to perform his duty as Over-
geer of Poor in Snow Shoe township.
Cornelius Bestman prosecutor. Nolle
pros. :
Commonwealth vs George Catheart.
Surety of the peace. James Purks pros-
ecutor, Not guilty and Parks pays the
Commonwealth vs Michael Doagh-
erty. Assaultand battery. Bill ignored
and prosecutor, Sophia Doug herty, pay |
Commonwealth vs Samuel Meese,
Felonious assault on the person of
Charles Shearer. This is the case which
the WATCHMAN published an account
of two weeks ago. Meese, while drunk,
wilfully and without provocation what-
ever struck the prosecutor while he was
walking down High street. The blow
felled Shearer to the ground and se-
riously cut him about the head and
face. Defendant pleaded guilty and was
sentenced to pay a fine of $25, costs
of prosecution and undergo an imprison-
ment of nine months in the county
Commonwealth vs Jas. M, Hurley.
Assault and Battery. Not guilty and
costs divided between prorecutrix, Mary
A. Morrissey, and defendant.
Commonwealth vs Jas. Potts. Va-
grancy. Wm. Miller prosecutor. Potts
was charged with atteidpt fo burna
barn in Huston township. Defendant
acquitted on the ground of insanity.
Commonwealth vs Wesley Straw.
Malicious mischief. Accused of shoot-
ing a dog in Union township. Kate
Brown prosecutrix. Not guilty and
county pay costs. The dog was seven
miles from home and running sheep at
the time.
Common wealth vs Sophia Dougherty.
Assault and battery. Not gulty and
prosecutor, Michael Doughtery, pay
Commonwealth vs Wm. H. Young.
Charged with stealing $22 from John
M. Lannen. Defendant pleaded guilty
and was sentenced to pay a fine of $1,
restore property and undergo an im-
prisonment in the western Pehiten-
tiary for one year and nine months.
Commonwealth vs George Miller
alias “Foxy.” Surety of the peace.
Found guilty, and sentenced to pay costs
of prosecution and enter bail in the sum
of $100 to keep the peace for one year.
Commonwealth vs John Richards.
Surety of the peace. Guilty, and de-
fendant sentenced to pay costs of prose-
cution and enter bail of $100 for keeping
peace for one year.
Commonwealth vs Bridget M. Hur-
ley. Assaultand battery, Not guilty,
and costs divided between defendant and,
Mary Morrissey, prosecutrix.
Commonwealth vs T. Feragus, Va-
grancy. True bill. Defendant not guilty
and county pay costs.,
Commonwealth vs H. C. Stuart.
False pretence by which he securcd
money on a hearse which another com-
pany claimed he only had on lesse.
Some witnesses were absent and the
case was continued.
The Wahn case was then taken
up and is now {rying. John N. Wahn, a
“quack” doctor of Lock Haven, is held
for the death of Miss Maize Winkle-
man, of Nittany, by abortion.
—President James A. Beaver, of the
Centre county Veterans’ association,
has sent out the following letter of in-
structions to all the old soldiers in the
county. If concerns the annual picnic
of the veterans at Hunter’s park, on the
line of the Bellefonte Central R. R. and
should be read with care by all those
intending going.
The Veteran picnic at Hunter's park,
to-morrow, September 2nd, promises to
be the greatest success in the history of
the Veteran club organization. An
unusual number of distinguished guests
from outside the county will be in at-
tendance, among them ex-Lieutenant
Governor Davies, Judge Greer, of But-
ler, Generals Gregg and Snowden and
probably a number of Congressmen
from Washington, including Stone,
Sibley, Kribbs and others.
Definite arrangements have been
made for railroad fare, within the
county and along the line of the Tyrone
and Clearfield, Bald Eagle Valley and
Tyrone and Lewisburg roads, for one
fare for the round trip, without special
card orders. This is the best rate that
has ever heen given for the purpose and
itis hoped that the old soldiers and
their friends will manifest their appre-
ciation of it by turning out in full force.
A special return train will leave
Bellefonte over the line of the Lewis-
burg road at 7 o’clock p. m., in order to
secure which the guarantee of one hun-
dred passengers leaving in it has been
made. This necessitates a good turnout
from Lemont, Oak Hall, Boalsburg,
Linden Hall, Centre Hall, Rising
Springs and Coburn. Let there be a
generous response to this arrangement,
so that there will be no charge to the
funds of the club for guaranteeing the
train. Centre county hospitality will
be taxed probably to its utmost and
it is important that the baskets
should be large and their contents varied.
Special trains on the the Bellefonte Cen-
tral have been arranged so as to meet all
contingencies, but the arrangement is
flexible and as many can be run as will
be necessary to accommodate the crowds.
~The Tyrone paper mill has par-
tially resumed.
——Barnum and Bailey’s show will
be in Williamsport to-day.
——There are nearly tnree thousand
Christian Endeavor societies in Penn-
——To-morrow there will be a grand
! wheelmen’s tournament at the driving
| park, near Houtzdale.
$800 in prizes
will be given away at the races.
——Dan Lennon, editor of the Houtz"
dale Advance, has sold his interest in
that paper to Wm. Allen Jr., of Du-
Boise. Mr. Lennon evidently did’nt
enjoy running a newspaper for glory.
——Prof. J. F- Rothrock, botanist to
the State Forestry Commission, deliver”
ed a highly entertaining illustrated lec-
ture, in the Court house, on Tuesday
evening, on the depletion of the forests.
The lecture was free,
——Jokn F. Fearon Esq.,a promi-
nent citizen, of Beech Creek, died on Sat-
urday evening of cholera morbus. He
bad been ill but a week. His son Er-
nest was for a while clerk in Greene's
pharmacy in this place.
——TF'rank S. Herdic,a Williamsport
pool seller who follows up the races, was
arrested and sent up for three months in
Springfield, Mass., on Saturday, for vio-
lating the State statute regarding sel-
ling pools. He was fined $1000 in ad-
dition. :
——The general mercantile store of
J. W. Gardner & Bro., of Tyrone, was
gutted by fire at an early hour last Sat-
urday morning. The loss is estimated
at $5000 and is fully covered by insur-
ance. The fire is supposed to have been
of incendiary origin.
—— Madeline Merli, the most talen-
ted emotional actress who has ever visit-
ed Bellefonte, will be here for one per-
formance of ‘‘a story of a kiss” on next
Monday night. She is young, handsome
and an artist of considerable ability.
Her production of “Frou Frou’ here,
last season, was a marked success.
StoLE $11,000 AxD Is Now IN JAIL,
—One of the biggest thefts that has ever
been heard of in this part of the country
was perpetrated at Cross Forks, in Pot-
ter county, on last Thursday morning.
On the Wednesday evening preceding
the day mentioned D. A. Craig arrived
at the boarding house of Isaac Bailey,
in the little back woods town of Cross
Forks. He is a contractor on a lumber
rail-road now being built thiough Pot-
ter county and had come direct from
Buffalo, N.Y. In two satchels he carried
$11,600 in currency with which he
intended paying off his men next day.
When bed-time came Craig was
shown to the room he had been accus-
tomed to occupy and there arranged the
money in pay envelopes for the men.
This being done he put all back in the
satchels and locking the door, went
to bed. When he awoke in the worn-
ing both bags of money were gone and
the empty envelopes were found behind
the house, The lock to the room had
been picked and the thief had suc-
cessfully carried off the plunder.
Forsome reeson, not exactly account-
ed for, suspicion fastened on a Greek nam-
ed John Billy and as he had mysteriously
disappeared, telegrams were sent in every
direction for his apprehension. He was
traced to Renovo and from there to Pad-
dy’s Run whers he wasarrested, on Sat-
urday morning, by Chief of Police, Lee
Berry, of Renovo, Constable John Roon-
ey, of Noyes townshipand Hugh Me-
Gowan. The thief had gotten rid of
$400 of the stolen silver and $1700 were
found on his person. He afterwards
took the officers to tha place where he
had concealed thesatchels and it was all
Fern From His ENGINE — About
noon yesterday a Bald Eagle valley
freight train stopped at Milesburg.
That veteran rail-roader, conductor
James Waddle, had charge of the train
and Wm. Blair, of Lock Haven, was the
engineer. While walking about in the
cab Mr. Blair tripped over the poker
and fell head-first ont onto the track,
He suffered intensely and bis fellow
trainmen put him on a stretcher and
hurriedly brought him to this place,
where railroad physician, Dr Geo. F.
Harris, attended him. - No bones were
broken nor any internal injuries receiv-
ed though his back was badly wrench-
—In June a regular civil service ex-
amination was held in this place and
since then nothing has been heard as to
the result of the four men’s work who !
undertook to pass it. Assistant post- |
master G. W. Reese has informed us
that the Department will forward its’
judgment of that examination in a few
days, Upon its result will depend the
holding of a special examination here
before the next regular one in February.
If none of the applicants have passed
then a special examination will be nec-
essary as a substitute carrier is needed at
the Bellefonte post-office.
——John T. Lucas has been appoint.
ed post-master at Moshannon.
Tae DepicatioN.—The dedicatory
sarvices of the new Lutheran church,
at the corner of Linn and Allegheny
streets, will be held on Sunday morning
at 10:30 o'clock. The morning sermon
will be delivered by Rev. Dr. E. J.
Wolf, professor of church history and
new testament exegesis in the Gettys-.
burg Theological semicary. Rev. Dr.
McKnight, President of Gettysburg
college will deliver the evening sermon.
The public, generally, is invited to be !
present at both services.
new dog tax law has gone into effect
there seems to be an impression abroad,
among owners of dogs, that their ani-
mals can do whatever they please, as
long as the tax is paid, but such is not
the case.
A recent ruling of Judge Furst is to
the effect that any dog when away from
home, unless accompanied by its master,
is a trespasser and can be treated as
such. In the case of Kate Brown, of
Huston township, vs Wesley Straw for
malicious mischief, Straw was acquit-
ted for shooting Mrs. Brown’s dog, on
the ground that it was seven miles from
home and was in Straw’s barn-yard.
This action will be important as estab-
lishing a precedent for similar cases.
passengers boarded the early train over
the B. N. & L., on Monday morning,
and their destination being Camden, N.
J., it did not take the conductor guess-
ing very hard to make up his mind that
a marriage was in the wind and that
Register Roop was being defrauded of
fifty cents for license. The couple are
well known here, but their intended
trip to Camden was a decided surprise.
Not even the parents of the young peo-
ple dreamed of their going away to get
married and didn’t realize the truth un-
til Wednesday evening when they re-
turned for forgiveness and blessings.
David W. Keller, of Axe Mann,
whose business is that of a dairyman in
this place, and Lucy Rice, of Valentine's
works, were the elopers referred to.
Their departure, on Monday morning,
was a surprise to everyone, but now
that they are happily married we trust
that their union will be ene of content-
ment and prosperity. When they return-
ed, on Wednesday evening, their parents
promptly forgave them and a pleasant
reception followed at the home of the
bride’s parents.
News Purely Personal,
—Miss Ida Tate, of Clearfield county, is the
guest of Miss Hannah Hamilton of this place.
—Mrs. Dr. Vantriese and son, of Blairsville,
spent Sunday visiting Bellefonte relatives and
—'Squire A. G. Archey, of Pine Grove Mills»
accompanied by young Mr. Krebs, was in town
Monday morning.
—J. Fearon Hughes, of Axe Mann, but lately
employed in the axe works at Lewistown, is
visiting his parents.
—Will Farst, accompanied by his brother
John, who is in the Williamsport National
bank, left for the Fair, on Wednesday.
—Mrs. Annie Dolan and Miss Ollie Garret,
of this place, departed on Friday evening for
Philipsburg where they are visiting friends.
—Last Saturday afternoon, Miss Tillie Wil.
son, of S. Allegeny street, returned home
from a three week’s visit in Jersey Shore, and
—Miss Mary McQuistion and Miss Caroline
Harper left Tuesday morning for Chicago and
other points in the West where they expect to
visit for some time.
—Among the recent visitors to the Fair ftom
this vieinity who have recently returned are:
Mr. and Mrs. John Rishel, Henry and Jacob
Lyon and Edward Grenslade.
—Miss Theresa Meek and Miss Nora Gray of
Buffalo Run start Monday morning for Chica-
go where they expect to be several weeks en-
joying the sights of the great exposition.
—Dr. and Mrs, Gray Mattern, of Philadelphia,
who have been spending|the summer with the
doctor's parents in Buffalo Run, and the Miss.
es Lever, of Stormstown, will leave;Monday for
a visit to Chicago.
—Mrs. Harvy Yarrington, Missj McCalmont
and Miss Elizabeth Shortlidge arelamong the
Bellefonters who are going to enjoy Pennsyl-
vania Day at the World's Fair, as they leave
Monday for an extended stay in Chicago.
—In the absence of Charles R. Kurtz, jeditor
of the Centre Democrat, whokis doing the Fair,
Fred Kurtz is writing for our esteemed up
town contemporary. The Democrat will,doubt-
less be replete with the spice that has made
the Centre Reporter such an enjoyable ex-
—One of the latest undertakings of the Pitts-
burg papers has been to get into this place in
the morning, fully eight hours ahead of their
Philadelphia contemporaries.{ jMr. Kirkland,
a representative of the Times, has been in
town for the past week establishing an agency
and looking up the interests of his fast grow=
ing paper.
—If every community‘responded as largely
as this one is doing to Governor Pattison’s in=~
vitation, the Chicago hotel keepers would not
be on the verge of bankruptcy. Messrs. will
and John Furst are already there having start-
ed last Thursday. Mrs. Kurtz with a number
of other Bellefonters go Monday morning.
—Mrs. Fannie Heller andjher two bright lit-
tle children, after spending ten weeks with
her sister, Mrs. Joseph, at the corner of High
and Spring streets, departed for their home in
Brooklyn on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Heller's
rare musical accomplishments will be missed
by those who had the pleasure of knowing her,
—Mrs. W. B, Dix, nee Mary Gephart, who has
been spending the summer at her old home
here, left on Monday night for her home in
Dayton, Ohio. She was accompanied by Miss
Roxy McMillen, the bright young daughter of
Mayor McMillen, of that city, who had spent
the last four weeks as the guest of Winifred
Meek, on west High street.
——A mule kicked the young son of
. Nathan Hough,in Brush valley, last
Thursday, fracturing his skull.
——Track is being laid on the new
Central Railroad of Pennsylvania at
the rate of a half mile every day.
-— Wm. H. Sandford has resigned
his position as cashier of the Moshannon
bank of Philipsburg to accept a similar
. position in a National bank which Cur-
wensville capitalists are starting at Pat-
ton, Clearfield county.
——Martha, the nine months old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mec-
Knight Jr., died of cholera infantum, at
the home of its grand parent’s on Spring
street, yesterday morning at eleven
o'clock. The funeral will be held Sat-
——While building fence on the
Schell farm, a short distance west of Ty-
rone, on Monday morning, Adam Schell
was bitten on the index finger of his
right hand by a copperhead snake. Af-
ter trying all the home remedies he
hastened into Tyrone and had Dr. Piper
dress the wound. He will live,
——Jonathan Rhule, the aged and re-
spected father of contractor George
Rhule, of Philipsburg, died at the home
of his son, in that place, on Sunday
morning. Daceased was well known in
this community, he having lived at
Milesburg, for a long time prior to his
going to live with his son. He was in
his 86th year. Mrs. Christian Derr, of
this place, is a daughter.
——On Sunday morning Col. Edward
Pruner, of Tyrone, who spends his Sun-
day’s with his sister, Mrs, John Hoffer,
in this place, received a telegram that
his brother Joseph had died very sud-
denly in the Polyclinic hospital in
Philadelphia, where he had gone for
treatment for lung trouble. Deceased
had been suffering with pulmonary dis-
ease for some time and it was thought
that he would find relief in the hospital.
He had been there only two weeks and
whil e appearing to be improved a fatal
hemorrhage came on. Joseph Pruner
had been a life long resident of Belle-
fonte, his simple and unpretentious
manner of living making him a friend
of all who knew him. He was in his
fifty-second year. His remains were
brought here for burial on Tuesday.
Special Schedule For the Veterans’ Pic-
nic To-morrow.
Trains will leave Bellefonte for the Park at
6:30, 9.30, and 10°30 a. m. and at 1:45 and 4:40 p.
Trains will leave the Park for Bellefonte at
8:47 a. m., 3:35, 4; 4:45 and 6:17 p. m.
Trains will leave State College for the Park
at 8:10 a. m., 2:50 and 5.45 p. m. Returning to
the College they will leave the Park st 6:50
and 10:49 a. m. and at 4:56 p. m.
A special train will leave Stormstown at 8:15
a. m. and will return leaving Park at 5 p. m.
F. H. Taonas, Supt.
-——=The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P. O. Aug. 28, 1893.
J. T. Frederich, J. R. Johnson, Mrs. Geo. C.
Hall, Wm. F. Knopy, Rob’t. Hayward, Robert
Lytle, Chas. L. Howeil, Miss A. B. Reed.
When called for please say advertised.
Great cash sale of stiff hats brown,
light brown, tan and black.
150 hats now $1.00
200 ¢¢ ut 1.50
250-300 2.00
For Men and Boys
MonrtaoMERY & Co.
McMURTRIE—BATHURST.—August17, 1802
by J. H. Oliger, J. P., Eagar McMurtrie an
Mary C. Bathurst, both of Spring Twp., Cen-
tre county.
Bellefonte Grain Market,
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
0es to press :
hite wheat............ hisesrsentereesines v- 65
Old wheat, per bushel... 55
Rye, per bushei.......... 60
Corn, ears, per bushel. 25
Corn, shelled, per bushel... 50
Qats—new, per bushel... 32
Barley, per bushel......... 48
Ground Plaster, per ton..
Buckwheat per bushel...
Cloverseed, per bushei...
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ........ccerinininns, reheat 80
Eggs, per dozen... we 1214
Lard, per pound... .
CountryShoulders. x
Tallow, per pound.
Bo ound 18
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver.
ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol.
SPACE OCCUPIED. |3m | 6m 1y
One inch (12 lines this type........|85 [8 8 |§ 11
Two inches ...cooeeisssssnsescans el 1 1101°18
Three inches........ seanasriesse «|10| 15 | 20
uarter Column (434 inches), 11220] 80
alf Column ( 9 inches)... 85 | 58
One Column (19 inches)......ccuuian.. 55 | 100
Advertisements in special column,25 pe
cent. additional. x
Transient advs. per line, 8 insertions......20 cts
Each additional insertion, per line.......... 5 ¢t8
wocal notices, per line.......uu.... ve
Business notices, per line....c.ceeieiisnenens 10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
ness and dispatch. The Warcrman office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor