Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 25, 1893, Image 5
——Mrs. Owen Hancock, a well known Philipsburg lady, died at her home in that place on Sunday. Cancer of the liver was the cause. —— Herbert Smythe, a great grand- son of Judge Smythe and a grandson of David Smythe of Jacksonville, is ad- other Centre county boy whose talents are being recognized by the outside people. Helis now managing the Bu- reau of the United Press Association at the World’s Fair. ——The Democratic county Conven- tion, of Clinton county, on Tuesday afterncon nominated the following county officers . Sheriff, D. I. McNaul ; Prothonotary, J. K. Heckman; County Treasurer, J. A. Wensel ; Commission- ers, John 8. Bailey and James P. Roach; Auditors, M. A. Rishel and S. E. Wal- ker ; Coroner, Dr. J. H. McGinness. W. H. Mayer was elected county chair- man. Delegates to the State Convention are A. Mayer, Logantown ; J. E. Mar- tin, Lock Haven; J. W. Smith, Renovo. MARRIAGE LICENSES. —Issued during the past week-—Taken from the dock- et. Wm. Houtz, and Mary C. Fishel, both of Lemont. Wm. M. Savers, and Mary E. Biddle, both of State College. amuel Irwin, and Ida Moran, both of Unionville. ’ Wm. OC. Sheasley, and Sarah E. Eisenhuth, both of Coburn. John Woodring, of Retort, and Lenora Beckwith, of Taylor. Andrew Haykie, and Vernika Kocisis, both of Clarence. . Wm. Hettinger, and Martha D. Duck, both of Spring Mills. + BELLEFONTE’S WATER PRACTICALLY Pure. — One great store of wealth which our tc-vn has always boasted is the beautiful spring from which we draw our water supply. Never varying ing an inch in the dryest or rainiest sea- it has al ways supplied the town with cool and wholesome water for drinking, domestic and manufacturing purposes. From time to time it has been custo- mery to have analyses made of it in order to ascertain whether any fereign matter has worked its way into the spring to contaminate and render the water unhealthful. The result of the latest analysis was presented to council, on Monday eve- ning, by Dr. G. G. Pond, head of the Da - partment of Chemistry atthe Pennsylva- nia State College. His examination of it found the water as pure and healthful as it is possible for it to be. KiLLgp oN THE RAIL-roAD.—The Philipsburg Journal publishes the fol- lowing account of the accidental death of Lewis Saylor, a freight brakeman, which occurred near that place on Tues- day morning. “He had gone out in the morning to take the place of Frank Titus, who awolce him at 4 o'clock. It is said that he was on a car about four cars behind the engine, and having on a pair of new shoes, itis thought he slipped, falling under the train, which passed over him, a3 he was afterwards found by his fellow brakeman lving on the track dead. Both arms and his back were broken and his body was badly mangled’ and bruised. His body was brought to this city and taken to Haworth Bros. undertaking establishment, where it was prepared for burial. The deceased was a young man about nineteen years of age, and came here from Mifilin, Pa., where his parents re- side. He was a single man and boarded with Mrs. Hayes, on Spruce street.” DeATH OF A WOMAN oF REVOQLUTION- ARY ANCESTRY.—Hon. John Blair Linn, the historian of this place, has written the following interesting sketch of the life and ancestry of Miss Eliza DeHass, who died on Sunday morning last. Miss Eliza DeHaas died at the resi- dence of the Misses Benner, on High street, Bellefonte, on Sunday morning, August 20, 1893, aged eighty-seven years. She has resided with the Benner family in the capacity of a servant for over sixty years. Her sister Harriet preceded her to the grave, four years ago. Their grandfather, Gen. John Philip DeHaas, was a Major in Lt. Col. Fran- cis Battalion under Col. Bonguet in 1764, in the French and Indian war. For his services he became entitled to a large tract of land in Buffalo Valley, Union county, and a tract of land con- taining eight hundred and nine acres on Bald Eagle creek, a-half mile below the mouth of Beech Creek. He also pur- chased of his brother officers several tracts : Captain William Piper allot- ment, at the mouth of Beech Creek, 533 acres, which DeHaas called * Henrietta,’ after his daughter ; the Captain Conrad Bucher tract, which includes the mouth of Beech Creek, 570 acres; the Lieuten- ant James Foster, tract, and two tracts west of Captain Bucher. Major DeHass became colonel in the revolution and commanded the first Penna. Battalion in Canada in 1776, and was promoted Brigadier General, in 1777 ; as he was very old he served but a short time ; settled in Philadelphia and died there June 8, 1786, possessed of large estates. John Philip DeHass, Jr., (father of Eliza) was appointed an ensign by Gen. Gates, August 6, 1776 in Col. DeHaas’ regiment, but was a boy at school and did not join the regiment. He was promoted Second Lieut. of 2nd Penna. regiment of the line. John Philip, Jr., married Ann Ship- pen, of Philadelphia, a near relative of Mrs. Benedict! Arnold, and removed with his family to Bald Eagle Creek, in 1806. They came with coach and hor- ses, their daughter Eliza, who is just deceased, being then but three months old. Varying fortune reduced the fam- ily in circumstances, and the two daughters mentioned, found a home in the family of J. Matlock Benner, in Bellefonte, where in their declining years they were tenderly cared for by the Misses Benner. Liet. DeHaas’ family consisted of Thomas Stevenson, William, Harriett, Edward, recently deceased in Curtin township, Ann, married to Joshua Roan, and Eliza, all now deceased. Pine Grove Mentions. The musical picnic in our town, Saiurday, bids fair to be a large gathering. The Tyrone Mining and Manufacturing Co. at Toe Hill, (his county, has suspended opera- tions. W. FE. Meek, W.J. Meyersand R. B. Fry, of our town, have engaged tents at the Wil- liams Grove camp. From present indications the veteran's pie- nic at Hunter's park will be well represented by a large delegation from this section, head. ed by the Pine Grove cornet band. Dr. Houser and not Dr. Woods extracted the grain of corn from Mr. Rossman’s ear, that for some days caused him much pain and uneasi- ness, but has now regained its former acute- ness. hustlers from away back were out, and the Reed, Lytle and Wagner wire workers carried off the credentials. Miss Grace Dunlap, daughter of our towns- man, S. A. Dunlap, is seriously ill with Ty- phoid fever. In our last we noted her im- provement, but, sorry to say, there has been a change for the worse. That prince of good fellows, J.B. Ard, is devoting his leisure moments to singing “Lul- la-by baby, boy” to little Joseph the first. Both mother and babe are getting along nice- ly and J. B. bear the honors of papa Ard mod- estly. George Graham Esq., one of Philipshurg’s pleasant gentlemen and clean shavers, is instead of taking his summer outing at the sea-shore having a rolicking good time at the hospitable home of W. A. Tanyer and family. Mr. Luther Smith, one of Punxsutawney’s progressive merchants, is spending a few days with his invalid father here. Mr. 8. political- ‘ly is'a Democrat and when the spirit moves him is’apt to make his influence effective in behalf of his party. The cucumber, which is indeed a poor crop, is gefting its nsnal share of blame for the cause of ali cholic and pains that the human family is heir to, at thisseason of the year. Like all other green edibles it should be properly seasoned before eating and then there is no danger. Our nim-rod friends have supplied them- selves with a brand new wall tent to shelter themselves from cold and wet weather. Be- sides they have replenished theirammunition to the tune of fifty dollars. The first of the sqirre! season wil! be spent along and on War- rior's ridge. Send in your orders. Mr. D. G. Meek has partially recovered from the effects of a dose of medicine which he took without the aid of a lamp. He intended tak- ing peppermint, but after taking it found, from the crampy nature of the effects, upon exami tion that he had taken nox vomica. His wife promptly administered an antidote, but for which he would not be among the Colum- bien sight seers this week, accompanied by his wife and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Weaver. As we announced in our last, Rev. Iilings- worth of State College, filled Rev. Elliot’s pulpit 13st Sunday, p.m. and a large and interested audience was held spell-bound as . he threw back the shutters and turned on the light to show his hearers, St. Paul putting on his robes of white for his ascension as he ex claimed, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith,” Dwelling principally on the kind of heroism seen in St. Paul’s time. The Rev. is a most eloquent pulpit orator, and will in the not dis- tant future rank among the D. D's. in the M. E. Conference. Last Sunday, the 20th inst, the sad messen- ger of death entered the home of Francis Archey and suddenly tore away their only darling little boy, Harry, of two summers. It is indeed a sad affliction for fond parents to endure, but then the happy thought comes ‘to them that he has gone to be one of the in- numerable band that has entered the great beyond, without sin; singing with the angels, “I'm safe from sin with Jesus now”, and will be for evermore standing in Heaven’s portals stretching forth his little hands saying, as he looks upon the scenes below, ‘‘papa, mamma, come, “Not our will bat thine O God be done.’ Died. McGARVEY.—Of Consumption, at 4 a. m, Monday morning, July 31, at her home near Unionville this county, Sarah McGarvey wife of Charles McGarvey, deceased, aged 67 years. The subject of this sketch was born in Huston township, near Jullan, and was the daughter of George and Tamer Richards. She was the last but one of a family of twelve to pass to the spirit world. Being married when quite young to Charles McGarvey, but one child blessed their union, Tamer who died when?7 years old. Her husband preceded her to another world more than 18 months be- fore the summons came for her,so she was the last to leave her beautiful little home on earth, whero her nieces, nephews and many friends { «# »~ for she always had a welcome for | -amiable, kind and beloved by a wide circ. of near and dear friends The funeral took place Wednesday. The Rev. Elliott, of the Presbyterian church of which she was a most devout member, preach ed the funeral sermon. She was tenderly laid to rest beside husband and daughfer in the Unionville cemetery. J. A John P. DeHaas, Eleanor, married to | The Republican primaries last Saturday | evening were unusually well attended. The ! ' Books, Magazines, Etc., i rr — ‘The September Art Interchange is an unusu- ally full number, both in’text and illustration, without omitting any of its five supplements, which include a delightful study of An Adi- rondack Glade, and a decoration in color fora Rose Jar, consisting of seaweed and fish float- ing in the marine depths; what more apprc- priate studies could be found for these sum- mer days ? Other supplements furnish new designs for emktroidery and pyrography. Among the most attractive articles is one with illustrations, singing the praises of Old Litebfield, with its Colonial memories, which quite surprises the busy reader. Antocolski, the Jewish sculptor, just banish- ed from Russia on account of his race, is the subject of another paper with illustrations; while “Three Notable Paintings” treats of the difficulties of collectors who desire to import trations of a suberb Van Ostade that has just | been presented to the Metropolitan Museum, A Lesson From the Fair gives the reader a new thought on the subject of American Art at Chicago. The Observer—a new department of The Interchange—has something 10 say in reply on the same subject, as well as gives us a surprise as to the money rewards some American artists have won in recent seasons. The working de partments of Decorative Art also very interesting, showing that itis the poticy and desire of The Art Interchange to give fuli value for the thirty-five cents it costs, It will be found on sale at the news iealers, or sent on application to the publishers, 9 Des” brosses Street, New York. The Century has just come in possession of one of the most unique and important histori- cal documents of the age. daily life of Napoleon Bonapart on board the Old Liasters into America, and give an illus- and The Home are not only usually full but | i | i i | New Advertsemernts, Fauble’s. Sechler & Co. HERIF *'S SALE! By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county and to me directed will be exp.sed at Public Sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on Satur- day, Sep. 2nd 1803, at1 o'clock P, M. the fol- lowing real estate. All that certain lot of ground situate in Miles Twp., bounded and described as follows: bounded on the south by public road, on. the west by Serenes Harvy, on the north by Reu- ben Sm ull and on the east by John Winters, containing one fourth acre more or less, there- on erected a two story dwelling house and oth- er outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel Simon. 38-31-4t. WM. A. ISHLER, , Sheriff. SHERIFF SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the court house, in the borough of Bellefonte, on Saturday the 26th day of Aug. 1893, at 1 o'clock p. m. the following described real estate, to wit: The one threof situate in the Borough cf Philipsburg, Centre Co. Pa., bounded and de- scribed as follows; Beginning at the corner oflot No. 143 corner of South Centre and Hick- ory streets, thence by line of south Centre street 98 {t. thence at right angles in an east- erly direction 210 feet to South Fourth street, thence by line of South| Fourth street 98 ft. to Hickory street, thence by said street 240 feet to South Centre street the place of begin- ning. Excepting and reserving out of the above described lot or piece ofland a certain lot sold by R. £. Munson et ux toJ. H. Munson by deed dated the 27th day of April, A. D. 1889 and which the said J.H. Munson et ux afterwards conveyed to Emily E. Munson by deed dated April 22nd 1889 and bounded and It is a record of the | described as follows; Beginning at corner of Hickory and South Fourth streets thencealong line of said Hickory street a distance of 106 { English ship which bore him into captivity at | feet to a post, thence at a right angle with | St. Helena, as contained in the hitherto un- | published journal of the admiral in charge. i The reports of many conversations held by | garding his important campaigns are given | with great fullness, and there is much about the bearing and the personal habits of Bona- { part during the voyage. The Memoirs of Las Cases contain the story of the Emperor's de= i portation, as told by a Frenchman and a follow- er; this diary is an English gentleman’s i view of the same memorable journey, and of the impressions made by daily contact with | the man who had had all Europe at his feet. | The diary will be published in early num- | bers of The Century. . for in the Bellefonte P. O. Aug. 21, 1893. R. W. Dickey, Jr. Jared Frederick, R. Ferguson, Annie Fortney, C. H. Hiiler, Jno. Lundell, Wm. J. Lowery, Mrs. Amanda Mil- ler, Marion J. Meninger, M. D. Ritchie, Joseph E. Smith, Mandell Shope, Minnie Woods, Jno. Witmyre. When called for please say advertised. J. A. FIEDLER, P. M. ——1f you want printing of any de- scription the Warcnmax office is the place to have it done. New Advertisements. OURT PROCLAMATION. — Whereas the Honorable A. O. Furst,Pres ident Judee of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Corlis Faulkner, Associate Judges in Centre! county having issued their precept, bearing date the 4th day of August to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre and to commence on the 4th Mouday of Aug. being the 28th day of Aug. 1893, and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said county of Centre, that they be then and there in their proper per- song, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the 23th, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things whieh to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recogni zances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be shen and there to prosecute against them as thall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 4th day of Aug. in the yearof our Lord, 1893, and the one hundred and fourteenth year of the independence of the United States. , WM, A. ISHLER 38 32 4t. Sheriff. SHALE OF REAL ESTATE. n pursuance of an order of the Orphan’s Court ‘of Centre county will be exposed to Public Sale at the Court Houss in the borough o BELLEFONTE, SATURDAY, AUG. 26, 1893 THE TWO TOWN LOTS in the said Boro. 50 by 200 feet each, situate on the west side of NORTH ALLEGHENY STREET immediately north of the residence of the late William F. Reynolds, fronting on said street 100 feet, and extending 200 feet back to an al- ley. There-on erected a TWO STORY FRAME ..... ..... DWELLING HOUSE in £000 repair, Steam Heat, Gas and other modern improvements, Barn and other out- buildings. Terms oF SALE :—Ten per cent in hand when property is sold, balance of 4 upon confirma- tion of sale, 24 with interest in one year to be secured upon the property, and remaining 24 to remain secured upon the property during the lifetime of Mary S. Burchfield, and inter- est thereon paid her gamely J. D. SHUGERT, 37-29 Guardian of T. 8S. Moran. UBLIC SALE OF TIMBER AND FARM LANDS. The following described lands, situated in the townships of Liberty and Curtin, county of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania to wit: On the north by Marsh Creek, on the east br land of David Robb, on the south by “Bald agle ridge and on the west by land of John W. Cooke; containing one thousand, five pucdred and two (1502) acres, net mesasure- ment. Also all that certain tract cf land sit- uate in the townships of Curtin and Boggs in said County and State, described as follows, to wit: North by the 41lspheny mountains, east by land of John H. Orvis, John A. Daley and ney, Howard Tipton and Conrad Long, and on the south by land of the heirs of Joseph Hea- ton; containing one thousand, five Dot and ninety-eight (1598) acres, net measure, will be sold at public sale at Howard, Centre County, Penna. on; SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1893, A. D. at 2 o'clock p. m., at Syracuse Hotel. These tracts are known as the Curtin. Fowler lands and a large portion is suitable for farm- ers, having excellent soil, with plenty of tim- ber for fencing, besides railroad ties, saw tim- r fe. The lands will be sold either as a whole or in sub-divisions as may seem best at the time of the sale, as best suits bidders, The legal title of the above described lands is in ‘Hon. James A. Beaver, who holds the same in trust, and the undersigned have been appointed to make sale of the same. Terms of Sale :—One third cash on the day of sale and the balance in two equal annual paymentg secured by bond, and mortgage up- on the premises. . W. DD. PLETCHER, Howard, Pa. W. C. KRESS, Lock Haven, Pa. I hereby agree to make title to such of the bove lands as shall be sold by W.C. Kress and D. W. Pletcher. 238-20 JAMES A. BEAVER, Trustee. ——-The following letters remain uncalled ; i | i said Hickory street a distance of 45 feet to a post,thence by aline parallel with Hickor street a distance of 106 feet to South Fourth street- thence along South Fourth street a dis: : tance of 45 feet to the piace of beginning, | erected a good dwe The other thereof situate in Rush township, Centra Co., Pa, hounded and described as fol lows; Beginning at a post on the east side of Tyrone turnpike and South-west correr of the Philipsburg cemetery thence by said cemetery lot North 87° East 880 ft, to a post on lineof Morgan Hale & Co., thence by land of said Morgan, Hale &Co., South 36.30 East 131 ft. toa post thenceby land of Harrison Ross south 53.15 west 898 feet to a post on East side of said turnpike thence by said turnpike north 48.30 west 52 ft, thence north 69.15 west 89 ft thence north 63.45 west 27 feet thence north 35.45 west 69 feet thence north 7.15 west 445 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 8.21 acres. Siezed taken in execution and to be gold as the property of R.E. Munssn. ALSO. All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land in Boggs townthip Centre county Pa. bounded and described as follows: Be- ginning at a fallen maple corner of lands late of John Price, thence by lands north 3614° west 230 perches to post, thence south 534° west 8 perches to post thence north 361° west 453° perches to stone thence south 314° west 178 perches to a black ogk, thence by lands of John Fetzer and Samuel Shank south 6914 east 95 perches to stones thence by land of Findley B. Riddle north 53}5 east 671% perchesto stones by same south 36 10-2 east 202 perches to a post thence by land of John Poorman north 76° east 7 perches to post thence north 53 east 66 perches to the place of beginning containing 164 acres and 112 perch- es more or less, thereon erected a two sto frame house, frame barn and other outbuild- ings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Sallie K. Shank and William Shank Ror husband. No deed will be acknowledged until the pur- chase money is arranged for in full. ALSO. All those two certain messuages, tenements and lots of ground situate on the North side of Curtin street, in the borough of Bellefonte Centre Co. Pa. at the north eastern corner of the intersection of said street and Decatur al- ley, thence along said street north 78° east 100 feet to a post, thence by lots late of D. Z. Kline north 12° west 200 feet to an alley thence along said alley south 78° west 100 feet to Decatur al- ley, thence along said Decatur alley, south 12° east 200 feet to the Rass of beginning, thereon ling house, stable and oth- er outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of A. G. Curtin Jr. ALSO. All that those two certain tracts or pieces of land situate in Miles Twp. Centre Co. Pa, bounded and described as foliows: The one thereof beginning ata stone near the big spring, thence south 461° east 5 5-10 per- ches, thence south 29 34° east 15 perches, thence south 62° west 8 perches, thence south 2714 east 43 2.10 perches to bridge, thence north 55 14° east 52 5.10 perches to stones, thence south 1414° east 11 4-10 perches to post, thence north 52° east 6 perches to post, thence north 41° east 23 pershes to stone, thence north 28° west 13 perches to stones, thence south 66120 west 12 perches to stones thence south 761° west 16 perches to post, thence north 8514° west 40 2 10 perches to stones thence south 72° west 15 2.10 perches to the place of beginning, containing 17 acres and 64 perches. The other thereof ! eginning at a post on the | side of turnpike road, thence along said road others, on the south by lands of John McCart- |. and tract above described south 513° west 52.5-10 verches to a post, thence south 10- 8-10 Poronse to a post, thence along tract bought by Volf & Lukenbaugh north 61° east 51 4-10 per- ches to post, thence north 21° east 11 perches to post thence north 4114° west 11 4-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing 4 acres and 94 perches, thereon erected a two story dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the propery of Daniel P. Rishel with notice to J. H. Reifsnyder terre tenants. W. A, ISHLER. Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Bellefonte Aug., 3rd 93. A GREAT OFFER...... : THE [COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE | ——AND THE— DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN, BOTH FOR $3.25 A YEAR. ‘THE great illustrated month- lies have in the past sold for $4.00 a year. It was a wonder to printers how the Cosmopoli- tan, with its yearly 1536 pages of reading matter by the great- est writers of the world, and its 1200 illustrations by clever artists, could be furnished for $3.00 a year. In January lastit put in the most perfect maga- zine printing plant in the world, and now comes what ‘is really a wonder : We will cut the price of the .. . .. «+ +o « Magazine in half for you! [x]- Thick of it, 128 pages of reading, matter, with over 120 illustrations —a volume that would sell in cloth binding at $1.00, and twelve times & year and the ——DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN.— BOTH FOR ONLY $3.25 A YEAR. This off is open to all old patrons who settle arrearages, and to every body else who desires to accept it. 000000000000000000000089000000 This space is reserved for FAUBLE'S whose great bargain sale of Childrens Clothing has giv- en them no time to write anything for you thisiweek. 000000000000000000000000000000 J) PCHLER & CO.——* GROCERS—BUSH HOUSE BLOCK. ——HEAD QUARTERS FOR— FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, SPICES AND FRUITS IN TEAS we have Oolongs, Gun-Pow- dery Imperial, Young Hyson, Japan English Breakfast, and our Fine Blend- ed Tea is something that will please any one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea, IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Al spice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayenn Pepper, Mustard all strictly pure goods. IN COFFEES AND CHOCCLATE, Mocha—genuine, Java—0Ild Govern ment, Rio—Finest Brazilian. All ex- cellent quality and always fresh roasted. Baker's Premium Chocolate and Break- fast Cocoa, Van Houten's Cocoa, Wil- bur's Chocolate, and German Sweet Chocolate. IN COOKING EXTRACTS we keep a line of Joseph Burnett & Co's, (Bos- ton) goods, they are the finest we can Jind, also a line of Knight's extracts. BEANS, California Limas, New York ploy and Pea Beans, dried Green eas. RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice. DOMESTIC CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, ToMAToES Cottage, Home and Worthington Brands —~CoRrN Persian and Mountain Brands, —CoRrN Granules, Lima Beans and Succotash, Dew Drop brand. GREEN Peas, Early Junes, Scottish chief and Cecelia brands. Pine ArrLa sliced and grated, Strawberries and White Cher- ries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked Beans. CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, Yellow Crawford, Lemon Cling, and White Heath Peaches, White Cherria and Apricots. IMPORTED VEGETABLES ANX FRUITS, French Peas and Mush- rooms, Preserved = Cherries, Straw- berries, Brandy Cherries and Crosse Blackwell's Jams all in glass. MISCELLANEOUS, Pure Maple Syrup, Honey strained and in combs, Plum Pudding, Armour's Corned Beef Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed milk, Dunham's Shred Cocoa nut. Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family Cheese, Bradford County Dairy But- ter. Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten Flour, Vienna Flour. Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugars Extra Fine New Crop New Orleans Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table Syrup, Pure Cider Vinegar. NUTS, Princess Paper Shell, Califor- nia ond Bordan Almonds, Assorted Nuts, English Walnuts, Pecans extra large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Cocoa Nuts extra quality. IN CONFECTIONARY, we hav Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates Roast Almonds, Cream Dates, Ros and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, Frencl Glace Fruits, Fine Chocolate Caramels, Chocolate Marsh Mallows, } Cocoa Nut bon bons, Chocolate Madridos, Lozenges, Clear Toys, and a large assortment of ue goods in this line all carefully se- ected. FRANQO AMERICAN SOUPS, French Bouillon, Consomme, Oz Tail, Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, and Terrapin. OLIVE OIL, 8S. Rea §& Co.'s} Pint, Pints and Quarts. The finest ana- lysis in the World pronounces it pure. PICKLES IN GLASS, Crasse §& Blackwell’s Chow Chow, Gherkins, Mixed, White Onions, Cauliflower, Picalilli, and Walnuts. CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled Oat, Cracked Wheat, Pearl Barley, Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Ma- caront and Vermacceli. MEATS. Fine Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, White Rose Lard. GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons, White Almeria Grapes, Catawba Grapes, and Jersey Cranberries. CURED FRUITS. Evaporated Cali fornia Pared and unpared Peaches, and Apricots. ; : RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Lay- ers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and California Seedless and Loose Mus catels. | FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Oodfis boneless and evaporated, SALMC] Magnolia, Astoria and Glacier braro Hoeg’s Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Let sters, Crab Meats and Spiced Oysters Sardines, French }s, and }s Boneless. SECHLER & CO. 38-9 BELLEFONTE, Pa.