Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 25, 1893, Image 4

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    TD FOR 2,
Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 25, 1893.
P. GRAY MEEK, Epitor
Democratic County Ticket.
For Sheriff.—J. P CONDO.
For Treasurer.—JOHN Q. MILES.
For Register.—GEO. W. RUMBERG ER.
For Recorder.—~W.GALER MORRISON.
For Commissioners. SEO. 4 SOU RART.
For Coroner.—DR. H. K. HOY.
For Auditors, { iT Y Doe
The Veragua Relief Fund.
When the Duke of VErRAGUA Was in-
vited to visit this country as the na-
tion's guest, in connection with the
Columbian Exposition, it was a proper
compliment paid to him as a descend-
ent of the great discoverer, and a prop-
er tribute to the memory of the illus
trious man without whom probably this
continent would never have been dis-
covered. The Duke came here with
the prestige of a great ancestry ; he re
ceived the attention that was due him,
which was shared by ihe relatives who
accompanied him and his presence was
one of the most interesting and pic-
turesque features of the opening period
of the Fair. By general consent it was
agreed that nothing could have been
more appropriate than the attendance
of the descendants of him whose
achievements the great exhibition was
intended to commemorate. Wherever
the Duke and’ his party went the dem-
onstrations of the people towards him
showed that they were grateful to his
great ancestor for having discovered
the land of the free and the home of the
brave, and were determined to show
their gratitude by giving his offspring
as good a time as the liberality of the
government and the hospitality of the
people were able to furnish.
The Duke came among us with the
additional distinction of being a man
of great wealth. He was reputed to
possess any number of castles in
Spain. He was said to be a great land-
ed proprietor, owning farms in various
parts of the Spanish dominions, from
which he derived a large revenue, espe-
cially from the raising of bulls which
were in demand all over the kingdom
for the national amusement of bull-
fighting. In short the Duke of VERA-
GUA, while among us, was looked upon
as one of Spain’s most prominent mil-
But since his return home bad news
has been received concerning his pe-
cuniary condition. It is reported that
on account of injudicious movements
and the dishonesty of a friend to whom
he had intrusted his financial interests,
his fortune has been so impaired that
he is the next thing to a bankrupt.
Such news as this is calculated to ex-
cite the sympathy of a people who
would not be in this great country to-
day, enjoying all its advantages, if it
had not been for the Duke's illustrious
ancestor, and on account of such sym-
pathy, a movement has been started by
prominent citizens who are rich
enough to indulge in acts of liberality
without feeling it, having for its object
the raising of a sum of money suffi-
ciently large to repair the Duke's shat-
tered fortune, and to put him on his fi-
nancial legs again. We are by no
means disposed to throw cold water on
this so called benevolent movement but,
we have a positive opinion that taking
all the circumstances connected with
the Duke’s past life, his reckless ex-
travagance and manner of living into
consideration, that this proposed sum
could be used to make better advautage
by donating it to some worthy charity.
——Well Mr. Cook, how do you
like the way they treated you? Maj.
Worr and his Philipsburg delegation
forgot your heroic work for the last
Republican candidate for sheriff, and
you were tricked into defeating your-
self by keeping Mr. Harter in the
convention and dropping Mr. Stuart,
whom you could have defeated on
a final ballot.
~——Col. J1x Coeurx should be in
Congress. He has solved the silver
question in a wonderful manner. Aec-
cording to his views, if the Republican
county ticket is elected this fall confi-
dence will be restored and the silver
question no longer bea menace to busi-
——The Republicans nominated a
good ticket on Tuesday. That is, a
good one to turn in and defeat with a
good old fashioned Democratic major-
——After putting up for the party,
as he has done, and being the choice of
most of its delegates Mr. Cook has
reason to wonder where he is at.
——HARTER'S nomination was just
a little “chady.”
The Prohibition Slump in Iowa.
As long as Republican Prohibition
in Towa was not attended with a loss
of votes, it was maintained with great
moral pretensions, but when the State
began to cut loose from the fraudulent
old party on account of its affiliation
with the cold water exclusionists, the
leaders became impressed with the nec-
essity of repudiating its prohibitory
connection. Therefore at the recent
State convention they concluded to put
themselves in more friendly relations
with the liquor interest by declaring
that “Prohibition is not one of the
principles of the Republican party.”
This is manifestly a bid for the liquor
vote, but it is attended with a descrip-
tive straddlein proposing that the Leg-
islature shall maintain “the present
Liquor law in those portions of the
State where it is now, or can be made
efficient, and giving the localities such
methods of controlling and regulating
the liquor traffic as will best serve the
cause of temperance and morality .”
There is no disguising the decep.
tion that lurks in this proposition of
the Iowa Republicans. While con-
tinuing their claim to being the moral-
ity party, they are willing for a polit-
ical advantage, to abandon the high
moral ground of temperance, which
has endangered their hold on the poli-
tics of the State. They favor free
whiskey or cold water, just as may
suit the prefereace of different sections.
They no longer recognize the morality
of the issue, but have reduced it to a
question of political expediency.
The position of the Towa Democrats
in regard to the liquor traffic has all
along been more honest and commend-
able, than that of their opponents.
They have opposed the sham prohib-
itory policy that has failed to prohibit,
and have favored a restraint of the
evil by a reasonable system of high
license. This has been the Democrat-
ic policy in all sections, and results
have proved it to be the most effective
method of limiting and restraining the
injurious effects of the liquor traffic.
After twelve years’ effort to maintain
an arbitrary Prohibition law, the Iowa
Republicans acknowledge their willing-
ness to make concessions to the liquor
interest for the sake ef votes. The
Democrats have stood by the princi-
ple of a licensed traffic, and have no
occasion to yield an inch from the
position they have always taken that
in dealing with such an evil, more
practical results are to be attained by
restraining than by attempting to com-
pletely suppress it.
——Some one said the angel oa the
fountain opposed Coox in the Conven-
Trying to Frighten Old Soldiers.
Our attention has just been called to
the following which appeared in the
Glazelte of the 4th inst.
Wednesday of this week a gentleman drove
up to the toll gate between Bellefonte and
Pleasant Gap. He stopped but at first object-
ed to pay toll, remarking, “Why, this is the
first instance I was called upon to pay toll for a
long time.” Mrs. Miller, who attends to these
duties in the absence of her husband and
daughter Lizzie, replied : “Well, that may be,
but this pike is kept up by money collected in
toll, that is what we are here for and you will
be obliged to pay your share.” The stranger
began to inquire about certain pensioners in
the neighborhood and before he left it was as
certained that he wasan employe of the pres-
ent administration and paid for traveling the
country hunting up the record of each and
every man receiving a pension. He boasted
that he was a Georgia rebel and glad of it.
A party must be hard up indeed for
political capital to attempt to manu-
facture it by such bare faced lying as
the above. The only truth in the
above. The only truth in the: entire
paragraph is that a gentleman named
Col. HorFyMaN, and who happens to
have his home in Georgia, while pay-
ing his toll, at the time stated made in-
quiry about several citizens of Spring
township. They were not pensioners
or if they were that fact had nothing
to do with his business. He was a
school book agent, and had no more to
do with the old soldiers and their pen -
siore, than the editor of the Gazette
has with truth and decency.
In place of being in the employ of
the “present” (Democratic) “adminis-
tration,” he was, and is still here in
the employ ot Mr. Cras. W. Scorr, a
leading Republican politician of Wil-
liamsport, as his assistant in securing
the adoption of the series of school
books for which Mr. Scorr has long
been the general agent.
It is through such falsehoods as the
above that the Republican party hopes
to prejudice the old soldiers of the
country against the Democratic admin-
istration and if any of them are caught
easier fooled then people imagine.
A New Equestrian in Heaven.
From the Lebanon Star.
A circus rider in Indiana, the other
day, tried to turn three somersaults on
horse back. The manager sent to Chi- The farmers were in despair, but the lumbia and Costa Rica, which was
cago for another somersault man,
by this sort of dirty chaff, they are !
A Traction Company Fails to Comply
With a Borough Ordinance.
But a Settlement was Made.—An Irresponsible
Fellow Caused a Tumult by Firing Into the
Crowd, Instantly Killing One Man—The Fight
Was General the Details.—The Killed and
ManaNoy City, Pa., August 22.—A
terrible battle occurred at Gilberton,
near this place, this morning. The
zens of Gilberton tore up the tracks of
the Schuylkill Traction company for
not complying with the borough ordin-
This morning the company, with a
large force of men, all armed, attempted
to relay the tracks under the supervis-
ion of Assistant Superintendent Rich-
ard Armour. A battle followed in
which James Paifitt, aged 25 years, and
‘William Hughes, citizens, were killed.
Evan Davis and Richard Amour, the
assistant superintendent of the company
were seriously wounded, and Will Con-
nor was shot in the hand and foot.
Others are also reported injured and the
wildest excitement prevails.
A dispatch from Gilberton gives the
following account of the battle: The
tearing up of the Schuylkill Traction
company’s tracks here last night by the
borough officials resultel most disas-
trously. When the company officials
heard of the action of the Gilberton peo-
ple they immediately sent a force of
men to try to effect an amicable settle-
ment. When the break in the road
was reached President R. E. Jones of
the Traction company, with Richard
Amour, of Shenandoah, chief of the
company’s police, got off the car, and in
a few moments had affected a sottle-
ment, and the work of tearing up tracks
was stopped. In the car were a num-
ber of men taken on at Girardsville,
members of the National Guard, who
bad with them rifles belonging to th2
‘While the railway officials were en-
gaged in conversing with the borough
officers, scme of the crowd taunted the
men on board the’ car and called out:
“Where is the Girardville militia?” A
man named John Briggs, of Girardville,
stepped out and said ; “Here we are,”
accompanying his salutation with an
oath, and, levelling his rifle, fired into
the crowd, killing Richard Paifitt, aged
25 years, single, a spectator.
Chief Armour and President
Jones had settled the trouble, and
Briggs shot over Amour’s shoulder.
This immediately enraged the people,
and stones were thrown, shots from the
car became general, and for a while a
terrific battle ensued. Chief Armour
tried to subdue the trouble, and while
in the act of stopping his men was shot
in the breast and may die. It is sup-
posed that he was shot by one of his
own men. The battle raged for an
hour or more until the cooler-headed
poople of Gilbertonville prevailed upon
the crowd to disperse, und the dead and
injured were then looked after.
In addition to Paifitt, William
Hughes, aged 19 years, of Gilberton, an
onlooker, was shot and instantly killed.
Richard Connors was shot in the hand
and leg, not dangerous. Evan David
was shot in the leg, which will bave to
be amputated. James Hullihan had his
gkull fractured by a stone, and may die.
Briggs, who started the riot, was shot
by a companion accidentally, he receiv-
ed a scalp wound and was also wounded
in his leg.
When the trouble had quieted down,
Briggs escaped, and, running toward
Mahanoy Plane, hid in a barn, but was
captured and, together with Arthur
Wiville, also a member of the Girard-
ville militia was taken to the Pottsville
jail. The people about Gilberton were
infuriated at the action of the railway
men, none of whom, they claim, were
officials of the company. Some were
employes, others were outsiders, picked
up solely for the purpose of fighting.
This is shown, they say, in the fact that
rifles were borrowed from members of
the Girardville militia. Armour, when
he saw trouble arising, tried his utmost
to prevent bloodshed and is now sorry
be allowed his men to be armed. Had
there been no weapons in the posse’s
hands no trouble would have arisen.
Everything quieted down when the
railway compajny’s force was withdrawn
and, outside ot an excited populace,
talking over the disturbance, nothing
has transpired to cause any repetition
of the trouble. i
GILBERTON, Pa., August 22.—Spe-
cial Officer Armour, who was shot in the
riot at this place, died this afternoon.
Everything is quiet at the scene of the
disturbance and no move has been made
to either relay or tear up the tracks,
Joseph Wall, high sheriff of Schuylkill
county, is now on the ground, and has
taken possession of the tracks to prevent
any disturbance which might arise to-
Plenty of Work in Pittsburg.
PrrrsBurG, Pa., August 21.--There
is plenty of smoke issuing from count-
less chimneys of many iron mills in the
vicinity of Pittsburg The Sligo works
of Philips, Nimick & Co. went into full
operation this morning. Three thousand
men were at work at Jones & Laughlin’s
to-day and every department is at
work except four mills and the sheet
iron rolls. The United States Iron and
and Tin Plate company is in partial op-
eration as is also the Lockhart Iron and
Steel company, at Chartiers. The Black
Diamond steel works started in full to-
day giving enployment to 4,000 people,
Outside of the city there was a partial
resumption at reduced wages at the Na-
tional tube works at McKeesport. Three
open hearth furnaces were placed in op-
eration at the Carnegie Homestead
plant. The Oliver Coke Furnace com-
pany fired one hundred ovens at Union-
town this morning, employing 300 men.
Before the end of the week it is expect-
ed that other large plants will be i!
in operation.
Rain Saved the Farmers.
Easton, Pa., August 20.—Drouth
which has existed over this section
, since the first week in July has been
i broken by a steady rain which set in
. last night and continued until to-day.
' Rivers were lower than for thirty
years ; springs and wells were dry and
the crops threatened with destruction.
rain has saved them.
trouble started last night, when the cit- |
Rascally Pension Agents Who Are
Getting Old Soldiers Into Trouble,
The Van Leuven Investigation. This Man Has
for Many Years Done a Large Pension Busi_
ness and Has Carried on a Snccessful System of
Dishonest Practices. He Has Been Suspended
And Claims Allowed Upon Evidence Furnished
by Him Are Being Investigated.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.—The follow-
ing statement was today given out for
publication by Commissioner Lochren :
“Sp much misapprehension concerning
the attitude of the pension bureau
towards ‘the old soldiers’ is current
that it seems proper to make a public
statement concerning matters growing
out of the recent and now pending Van
Leuven investigationts.
“Mr. Van Leaven has for many
years done a large pension business,
having his office at Lime Springs,
Towa. His clientage has been by no
means confined to his immediate
locality, but has been drawn from all
over the states of Jowa and Minnesota,
and even from more remote parts of
the country. In June last as a result
of a preliminary investigation into his
methods he was suspended by the
secretary of interior from practice be-
fore the department.
“While it would not be judicious to
enter into details at this time as to the
facts brought to light in the prelimin-
ary examination, I will say it was
clearly shown that for years he has
supported the claims which he has
prosecuted by a highly developed and
successful system of dishonest prac-
tices. At the time of his suspension
evidence was before the bureau show-
ing beyond question instances of
fraudulent preparation of affidavits,
bribing of sworn officials of the govern-
ment, and wholesale deception of
applicants for pensions, by means of
which they were induced to show their
gratitude by the payment of fees and
beyond the amounts allowed by law.
It was apparent that all claims allowed
upon exparte evidence furniched by
Van Leuven must be investigated. In
the few cases inquired into at the time
of the preliminary investigation evi-
dences of fraud were so plain that
every claim filed and presented by him
became inevitably an object of sus-
“Accordingly all his cases which
could be at once identified in the files
of the bureau were drawn and examin-
ed, and nearly 500 have been sent to
Special Examiner Waite, at Minneapo-
lis, for investigation. In such as
seemed to rest wholly upon evidence
prepared by Van Leuven—somewhat
more than 200 in all—suspension of
payment was ordered, pending the
necessary inquiry. This was in ac-
cordance with the uniform practice of
the bureau for many years and itis
eingular in this instance only, by
reason of the fact that the majority of
thesuspended pensions were drawn in
a few adjacent counties.
“Special Examiner Waite has been
for several weeks engaged exclusively
upon these cases. In some instances
it has been found practicable to rescind
the order of suspension in advance of
thorough investigation. In such cases
there has been but a brief withholding
of the pension. But in most of the
cases the evidence upon which the
original action of the bureau was
based is now known to be so worthless
that it would be a breach of official
trast to continue payments before the
facts have been thoroughly sifted.
“Doubtless there are some cases in
which the temporary loss of the pension
works hardship to worthy men, but
no pains will be spared to ascertain
such cases, and make the period of
suspension as brief as possible. It is
not charged or believed that in each
suspended case the pensioner himself
has been guilty of misconduct, It was
Van Leuaven’s practice to take the
prosecution of his cases quite out of
the hands of the applicant, and thus it
often happened that honest claims in
his charge were quite often supported
by dishonest means. Four special
examiners, experienced employes of
the bureau, are now upon the Van
Leuven case in Towa and Minnesota,
and the work will be carried foward
with the greatest possible diligence
and dispatch.
“Special Examiner Waite has been
denounced in some quarters on account
of the way in which he is represented
to have obtained important evidence
in the Van Leuven matter in May
last. His conduct of the case is, how-
ever, fully known to the bureau and is
Weekly Crop Report,
‘WASHINGTON, Aug. 22.-—The weekly
crop report of the weather bureau says :
Reports from Indiana and portions of
Illinois indicate that the yield of corn
will be reduced owing to continued dry
weather. In the extreme northwest,
the week has been especially favorable
for harvesting and threshing, the former
being practically completed, but all
growing crops are in need of rain.
Timely rains are reported from Wiscon-
sin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri
and portions of Illinois where conditions
were favorable and here corn has im-
proved. Drought has been completely
broken in New England and over a con-
siderable portion of the Middle Atlantis
states but continues in Virginia and por-
tions of Maryland.
Pennsylvania—Rain too late to ma-
terially benefit corn, potatoes and tobac-
co; late garden crops and pastures
greatly benefitted.
Appointed by the Governor.
HarrisBurGg, August 24.—Colonel
William F. Shunk, of this city, to-day
was appointed by Governor Pattison a
member of, and engineer to, the state
forestry commission, vice Colonel A.
Harvey Tyson, of Reading, removed.
Mr, Shunk is a famous engineer and is
a son of ex-Governor Shunk. He had
charge of the survey for the Inter-Con-
tinental railroad throngh Equador, Co-
completed last year.
Takes The Responsibility.
Speaker Crisp Did Not Ask Advice in the Ap-
pointment of His Committees.
WASHINGTON, August 21.—The prin-
cipal changes by Speaker Crispin the
chairmanships of the committees announ-
ced by him to-day had been discounted
in the public mind by the publications
previously made concerning their com-
position. The chief surprise was there-
fore occasioned by the assignment given
Mr. Springer. He had generally been
accorded a place at the head of the com-
mittee on foreign affairs incase of a tran-
sfer from the committee on ways and
means no one had suggested him for mem-
bership on banking and currency. The
announcement of thelist asit was read
from the clerk’s desk was the first intima-
tion that the members had of the speak-
er’s determination in the matter. An
intimate friend of Mr. Crisp said that he
had consulted no one in arranging the
list. The explanatation for this action
wag, the gentleman said, that there had
been so much friction occasioned two
years ago that he (the speaker) preferred
to make the selection without advice or
assistance and assume the entire respon-
sibility for the work. In addition to
the changes of the chairmen, the rank
and file of the committee has undergone
an unusually radical change, former
membership being in many causes no
indication of continuance in service on
that particular committee. For in-
stance, Messers. Cobh, of Alabama, and
Painter, of Kentucky, are. not on the
committee of elections, and C. R. Breck-
enridge, of Arkansas, is not on the com-
mittee on appropriations. Mr, Cannon
goes to the foot of the committee of
which be was chairman in the Fifty-
first congress, and Mr. Gear, of Iowa,
again finds himself on the ways and
means committee. After November,
when Mr. O’Ferrall wiil resign to en-
ter upon the duties of governor of Vir-
ginia, Jason B. Brown, of Indiana,
will go to the head of the committee on
New York Anarchists Endeavor to
Cause Strife In That City.
Wanted to Incite to Riot—Staled a Meeting
Would be Held in One Locality ata Certain
Hour but Afterwards Changed Their Minds.
The Police Then Dispersed Them.—And the
Meeting Broke Up.
NEw York, August 22.—The anar-
chists tried to hoodwink the police this
morning and hold a meeting at 97
Stanton street. They had given out
that the meeting would take place at
2 o'clock, and instead of that, however,
they decided to hold it at noon.
Everything went swimmingly along
until 1 o'clock when Police Captain
Devery with {wo roundsmen and thirty
policemen in full uniform moved down
upon the reds. The greatest excite
ment ensued. Fully 2000 persons
blockaded the street and sidewalk as
soon as the police appeared. Clubs
were drawn and the mob scattered in
every direction.
Some of the anarchists made a futile
attempt to stand and fight, but a vigor-
ous use of the clubs soon dispelled
them. Finally the mob was driven
away and order restored. Despairing
of holding meeting to incite the unem-
ployed to riot, because of Captain De-
very’s stand, the anarchists laid a plot
to capture a peaceable mass meeting of
3,000 members of the United Hebrew
trades, at Pythagoras hall, but were
prevented by the police. They had
caused considerable disorder when
Chairman Milch stepped forward and
asked all present to depart, “before
blood is spilled,” he added. The meet-
ing broke up in the greatest disorder.
Excited knots of men gatirered outside
and denounced the anarchists. Cap-
tain Devery has men looking for the
anarchists who created the disorder.
aoe Ta—
Statue of Lincoln.
Unveiled in Edinburg, Scotland, in the Presence
of a Distinguished Assemblage.
EDINBURG, Aug. 21.—The statue of
L Abraham Lincoln, ‘the martyr presi-
dent” of the United States, erected as a
memorial to the Scottish-American sol-
diers of the American civil war, was
unveiled here to day in the presence of
the municipal authorities, many distin-
guished guests, a number of Americans,
and a large crowd of residents of Kdin-
burgh, including most of the elite of
the town and people from the surround-
ing country. The statue of Lincoln,
which is cast in bronze, stands upon a
base of polished red granite. Upon the
surbase sits a freed slave in bronze, his
face turned upward to Lincoln, who
holds in his right hand the emancipa-
tion proclamation. Several battle flags,
also in bronze, lie beneath the out-
stretched left hand of the slave.
The monument is erected in the com-
tery set apart for the burial of Scotch-
American soldiers, a handsome plot of
ground in Calton Hill cemetery, which
was given for the purpose by the town
council. The ceremony of unveiling
the monument was an imposing one
and was of international charac-
Ordered to Pay Out Gold,
W AsHINGTON, Aug. 21.--Orders have
been issued by the treasury department
to all sub-treasurers to pay out gold
over the counters the same as otber
classes of money. The effect of this is
to practically place the gold reserve
among the available treasury cash as.
sets. As a result the gold balance has
been somewhat reduced, being slightly
below $100,000,000. The net treasury
balance is $11,750,000. Receipts con-
tinue light and expenditures heavy, so
that before the month of August ex-
pires the treasury balance will both
probably be lower than now.
Requested to Resign.
‘WASHINGTON, August 23-—Mr. H.
C. Rogers, of Pennsylvania, chief clerk
of the internal revenue bureau, treas-
ury department, has been requested to
resign. He is one of the oldest officials
of the department and was deputy
commissioner of internal revenue up to
the last democratic administration,
| when he was removed. In the suc
' ceeding republican administration he
was appointed to the position he now
The Gilberton Riot.
Who is Responsible for the Arming of Ems
ployes ?
GILBERTON, Pa., August 22.—Cor-
oner Marshall, assisted by District At-
torney Ryan, are thoroughly investi-
gating the Gilberton riot trouble and
voluminous testimony is being taken.
Amour, the special officer in charge of
the armed force of employes, who was
shot during the disturbance, still lives,
the statement that he died yesterday
having been misinformation. Warrants
have been issued for the councilmen and
borough officials of Gilberton, charging
them with riot, on oath ot the traction
company officials to offset the warrants
that were sworn out against the traction
people. Briggs, the railway employe
who started the shooting. and Weebil,
his companiar, who assisted him, are
the only ones in jail. Captain Wagner,
of the Girardville military company,
says that some of his men werein the
habit of keeping their rifles at home.
Briggs says Armour told them to take
the guns along and ordered them to
load just before they reached Gilberton.
Armour, the only man in the party who
could legally carry fire arms, is too bad-
ly injured to tell who gave him instruc
tions to arm employes. If Armour dies
the responsibility for the use of the fire
arms will be buried with him. If
he lives, some of the railroad officials
will be in unenviable positions.
Flim Flamed OQutof $3,000.
Barrymore, Augnst 23.—Edward
Rider, a farmer living near Sherwood,
Md., has discovered that he was flim
flammed out of $3,000 two weeks ago.
A well dressed stranger negotiating for
a piece of property took a drive with
Rider and they were soon accosted by
the inevitable “pal” of the would-be-
purchaser, First the stranger and Ri-
der each won $5,000 from the “pal.”
For the purpose of making a swell bet,
Rider drove over to Townson and drew
$3,000 from his bank. This money,
along with what had been won
($10,000) was placed in a box. It was
agreed that Rider should keep the box
until evening, while first stranger held
the key. Rider waited two weeks for
the reappearance of his friends and
then broke the lock. Instead of $13,
000, he found a piece of wood nicely
wrapped in paper.
Unfoun ded Reports.
WasnINGgToN, August 23—. Reports
that the Chinese government has sent
an ultimatum to the United States
with regard to the Chinese exclusion
law are pronounced at the state depart-
ment 1» be without foundation. It is
regarded, particularly if such a mes-
sage should be sent by the mouth of a
United States consul and via Cleveland,
Ohio. The Chinese government has
made representations to the state de-
partment through proper diplomatic
channels as to what it considers should
be done in the matter of the exclusion
law, but no disposition to retaliate has
been shown. In fact, the state depart-
ment has been informed that action by
China will be held in abeyance until
congress has had a chance to take up
the matter for consideration.
China's Forbearance.
She Will Take No Retaliatory Measures at Pres-
W ASHINGTON, August 20.—It trans-
pired that somo days ago the State
department received a message fram Li
Hung Chang, the Chinese Viceroy, ad-
dressed to the President, to the effect
that for the present no retaliatory meag-
ures will be initiated as regards the cifi-
zens of the United States resident in
China, and further that every affort will
be mada to protect them and their inter.
ests in peace and safety till the assemb-
ling of Congress in regular session.
A Reporter Fatally Injured.
Mr. Grerya, August 23. —Alfred
Ashley, a former New York newspa-
der man who is at the farmers’ en-
campment doing reportorial work for
the National Economist of Washing-
ton, D. C., was fatally injured on the
parade grounds this evening, He was
watching the inflation of a hot air bal.
loon when one of the supporting poles
fell and struck him on the head, pro-
ducing a fracture, He was taken to
the Lebanon hospital and was in a dy-
ing condition to-night.
——Four miles of rails have already
been laid on the new Central Rail-road
of Pennsylvania.
——A horse, wagon, harness and hay,
the property of greceryman Yost, burned
in Brown’s stable, in Lock Haven, at an
early hour on Monday morning.
——Centre county post masters were
yesterday appointed as follows: Zion,
John Cole; Rebersburg, J. C. Smull ; Mt.
Eagle, Mrs. Ella R. Leathers ; Farmers
Mills, J. N. Rishel ; Coburn, Andrew
Harter; Fleming. B. PF. Leathers,
Quite a batch of plums for Centre
county Democrats to gather all in one
——At half past three o'clock yester-
day afternoon the marriage of Miss
Grace M. Moore to Mr. George Mock,
of Philipsburg, was solemnized in the
Presbyterian church at Lemont. The
pretty little structure was tastefully
decorated for the nuptials and the as-
semblage of expectant friends were de-
lighted when the bridal party entered.
Rev. Haney pronounced the ceremony
that made them one. After it was done,
a short reception was held and the hap-
py pair left on the 4:37 train for a bridal}
tour. The bride is the daughter of Mr.
John P. Moore, of College township,
and is a sister of Mrs. James McKee of
this place. Her husband is a prosper-
ous young business man of Philipsburg,
his father being Jacob Mock Isq., one
of the Commissioners of Clearfield