Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 18, 1893, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 18, 1893.
To CORRESPONDENTS. — No communications |
published unless accompanied by the real |
pame of the writer.
en —————
Bellefonte needs a village im-
provement society.
~The chestnut crop will be a good
one, if reports are true.
— The Tyrone ball club plays Belle-
fonte at the Park to-day.
— The Epworth League, of ‘Belle-
fonte, picnicked at the Park yesterday.
We were pleased to see Col Kel-
]ar on the streets on Wednesday after-
noon. ;
— Comparatively few bass are being
caught in the Bald Eagle creek this
— The Mill Hall axe works have
resumed operations In all depart-
The death of Mrs. Agnes Crotzer
occurred in Boalsburg on last Friday
___All the tents at the Pine camp
meeting ground have been taken for
next year.
—The first consignment of
rails for the new rail-road were received,
on Tuesday, and are now being laid.
—__Workmen are now grading the
new rail-road through Armor’s gap and
along the old tow path below town.
— Wednesday was pay-day on the
Central rail-road of Pennsylvania.
$17,000 in wages were paid the men.
— The beauty of the memorial win-
dows in the new Lutheran church in
this place are attracting much atten-
tion. %
— What has become of the out-of-
door concerts we had reason to believe
that Prof. Meyer's orchestra would give
us thissummer ?
— Don’t forget to get registered. If
the assessor forgot you look him up so
« you don’t lose your vote this fall. It
will be important that all Democrats
— The Sunday schools of the Half
moon circuit will picnic at the Park
pext Tuesday. All the Methodist
youngsters from Gatesburg to Fillmore
will be there.
— The marriage of Miss Grace
Moore, of State College, to Mr. George
Mock. of Philipsburg, will be solemniz-
ed in the Presbyterian church, at Le-
mont, on Tuesday afternoon, August
— As Hunter's park is a resort kept
up entirely for the benefit of the Belle-,
fonte Central railroad any persons who
drive there will be charged just as much
admission as they would have had fo
pay fare on the train.
— Edward Eckenroth, a son of
Mr. Charles Eckenroth, of this place
was married to Carrie Austin, of Miles-
burg, on Wednesday evening. The
ceremony was performed at the resi-
dence of the bride’s parents.
——One last night last week was the
first in the history of the Bald Eagle
rail-road that a coal train did not run
into Lock Haven over that road. The
general dullness in the bituminous coal
trade has made business very slack. -
——Mesh Graham, whose barber shop
is in the basement of the old Conrad
house, is the oldest barber in town, being
in his 69th year. He has worked at his
trade in Bellefonte for forty-five years
and is one of our most industrious citi-
——Co. B., 5th Reg., N. G. P., came
from the summer camp with the Guards
on Saturday evening. The boys looked
as though they had had a good time
tgojerin’”’, By their bronzed faces one
could readily sev that there was’'nt much
shade to be found at camp Potts.
——The “R. H. B.” a social organi-
zation made up of thirteen young Rep-
ublicans in this place, the organization
of which dates back to the boyhood
days of the members, held a re-union at
the residence of Gen. James A. Beaver,
on last Saturday night. Nine .of the
members were present.
——The old fire whistle has been put
back on the electric light station. Ig
was found that the other one would not
answer the purpose and that dismal old.
fog horn is again ready to call people to
fires in Bellefonte. The workmen test-
ed it on Saturday morning and scarce
had the first “toot” sounded ere the
small boy was running in every direc-
shouting “fire” at the top of his lungs.
——The closing down of the Valen-
tine Iron Co’s mine banks effects 850
men, . The mines will not be worked
until al) the ore in stock now is used up,
then if the iron market improves the
banks wil resume again and the furnace
will continue in blast, but if the price of
iron does not go up the fires in the fur-
nace will be banked and the mines alone
oF His CompANY,—We have it, from
what we consider a most reliable source,
that in closing down the ore banks! be-
longing to the Valentine Iron company’
| on Saturday last, Mr. Harry Valentine,
who has charge of that department of
the company’s works, took: particular
pains to try to impress the workmen
with the belief that the reason for the
stoppage was the fear of a reduction of
the tariff by a Democratic congress.
We have no complaint to make Dbe-
cause Mr. Valentine is a bigoted-dyed-
in-the-wool protectionist. He has a
right to his beliefs just as every other
citizen, and has likewise a right to air
them when and where he thinks proper,
but we submit that it is neither the sen-
sible nor creditable thing to do, for the
poor purpose of making political capi-
tal, to attempt to discredit the property
of the company that employs him, by
leaving the impression that it is worth
nothing except as the government taxes
others for its protection.
Mr. Valentine knows as well as he
knows where the Nigh bank is located,
that fear of a reduction of the tariff, or
that Democratic success last fall, has
nothing to do with closing down the
banks of their company. He knows
that the trouble with the iron industry
is an over-production that has: gorged
every iron market in the country to the
extent that the supply exceeds the de-
mand, and that this over-production is
the direct result of the fictitious stimu-
lus given this'industry by an excessive
Republican protective tariff.
In addition to these facts he knows,
that with any reasonable demand for
iron within the country, that both the
Valentine Iron Co., and the Bellefonte
Furnace Company could manufacture
and sell iron, at a profit, if there was
not a cent of tariff upon it ; The r loca-
tion, facilities and surroundings, being
such, that their are no furnaces in this
country, or for that matter in Europe,
that can turn out the quality of iron
they produce at & less cost than they
It is this fact that adds so much to
the value of both these plants, and it is
a surprise to us that any one connected
with them or interested in their success
should be-little their facilities for the
cheap production of iron, and detract
from their value because of these facili-
ties, by asserting that they can only be
run at a profit when the public is fleec-
ed by tariff laws to protect them.
If Mr. Valentine desires to make
capital against the Democratic party,
he should do it in some other way than
by casting suspicion upon the value of
the property of the company that em-
ploys him.
Our BuiLpine THIS SUMMER.—AcC-
cording to an estimate made recently
from observation of the building being
done in Bellefunte there are over $45,000
worth of work and material in residence
and other like buildings that are just
about completed. Quite a fair showing
for such a dull season.
The structures are the following :
On Bishop street the new Catholic par-
sonage will cost $5,000. It will be of
brick and stone ; the dwelling houses of
Christ Swartz and Frank Déitrick will
cost $1,800 and $1500 respectively. H.
Y. Stitzer’s double tenement house, on
east High street, will be of brick and
will cost $3,600. John C. Miller is
building for himself a $4,000 home on
east Linn street, while W. Fred Rey-
nolds is building a brown stone stable
and coachman’s house on his property
that will cost $6,000. © Jim Barnhart’s
nest for his bride, on north Thomas
street, is a cosy little frame structure
that cost him $2,000. Barber William
Storm’s queen Anne home, on Spring
street, will be a beauty for $4,000. The
improvements to Jas. Harris & Co's
hardware building have been extensive
and will cost at least $4,500. The Elec- |
tric Light Company is making improve-
ments to the extent of $4,500 and A. V,
Smith is doing a little building on his
Thomas streetlot which will cost him
geveral hundred dollars.
Allowing about $5,000 for minor im-
provements, of which we usnally hear
nothing it will be seen that notwithstand-
ing all the cries of dull times Bellefonte
has been pretty steadily at work during
the season. :
day evening, about eight o'clock, Char-
ley Shearer, a blacksmith whose shop ig
located near the Phoenix flour mill, was
on his way home with both arms full of
purchases he had made for his family.
He turned into High street off, Allegh-
eny, and had just reached the entrance
to the Brockerhoff house bar room when,
without the slightest provocation or a
word of warning, Sammy Meese, an iron
worker by trade, who has been employ-
ed on the new rail-road, struck him just
over the right eye with such force as to
knock him clear off his feet and cut an
ugly gash in his fore head.
Meese was arrested and taken to the
lock-up where he remained until ‘Wed-
nesday morning, when he was taken to
jail to await trial for assault and battery.
will be worked, thus giving employ-
ment to balt of the men all the time.
Earlier in the evening he bad been try-
ing to raise a fuss with his boss down
about the High street bridge.
Clinton county will be held to-morrow
— The Tyrone ball club lost a ten
the score of 5 to 4.
— Budd Hoover the ten year old
son of Mr. J. C. Hoover, of Julian, died
at his home in that place on last Fri-
— Tuesday, September 19th, has
been set as the day for the meeting of
the Democratic State convention in
—— What is the use in trying to boom
Bellefonte when weeds and grass are al-
lowed to grow on all the streets. Such
evidence of slothfulness is convincing of
a poky place,
——The Belvernon broom works, in
' Tyrone, have resumed. The money
stringency forced a suspension not long
since, but its management has gotten in
shape again.
——The two Tyroners who started to
shove a wheel barrow and a keg of beer
to the World’s Fair got as far as Johns-
town and deserting their barrow and
keg returned home. We suppose that
is all the farther the beer lasted.
——When the Clearfield toy factory
gets in operation it will be given an or-
der (?) to supply enough jumping-jacks
to amuse all those fellows out there who
won’t know what to do with themselves
when judge Krebs is re-elected to the
—— For a mosquito bite, or any sting
of insect or small eruption, there is noth-
ing better than the old-fashioned reme.
dy of mothers, soda mixed with vinegar
until it foams well. This panacea has
the further merit of being almost always
at hand for instant application.
——Mrs. A. S. Bickford, of Lock
Haven, attended the picnic at the Park
which the Lutherans of that place had
last Thursday, and some time during
the day lost her gold watch. It was
found in a Bellefonte Central coach and
returned to her.
——The appraisers, who were selected
to appraise the damage done by the re-
cent fire in Daniel Irvin & Son’s hard-
ware store, made a return which is ridic-
ulous in the extreme, and we rather
think that were the appraisers in the
position that the hardware firm finds it-
self they would kick like fine fellows.
—Stuart Johnson, colored,and Chas.
Heslin, white, two prisoners awaiting
trial at Lock Haven, the former for
slashing C. M. Wetzler, of Milesburg,
with a razor ; the latter for assaulting
a woman, broke jail on Monday morn-
ing and were at large for two days.
They were caught in Corning, N.Y., on
—The dedication of the new Luth-
eran church in this place will be made
on Sunday, September 8rd. Rev. E. J.
Wolf, D. D., professor of Church His-
tory ia the Gettysburg Theological Sem-
inary, will preach the morning sermon
and Rev. H. W. McKnight, D. D.,
L. L. D., president of the Pennsylvania,
College, at Gettysburg, will deliver the
evening sermon.
——The people of Millheim can’t de-
cide upon whom they want to be their
postmaster. They putit to a special
election, on last Saturday, which resulted
in the choice of the druggist, Captain
Eisenhuth, but the people are stili dis-
satisfied, as some of the candidates would
not allow their friends to vote for them,
and there is no telling what the out-
come of it will be. Ex-County Record-
er, W. A. Tobias, was appointed by the
Department, but resigned before his
commission was issued.
——After a lingering illness of a
number of weeks, suffering with a
disease, the exact nature of which baf-
fled the skill of the physicians Jane C.,
wife of James Derr, the auctioneer and
city bill poster, died at her home, in
Spring township, at an early hour Sun-
and five children to mourn their irre-
parable loss. Deceased was poisoned
while picking berries on the mountain
near her home some time ago, and it is
thought that that was the real cause of
death. Funeral services wera held in
St. John’s Catholic church on Tuesday
—.On Monday evening the employees
of the BellefonteCentral rail-road got
themselves together and inveigled their
old Superintendent, Thomas A. Shoe-
maker, to enter Rowe’s furniture store,
where they had a beautiful present
waiting for him. = Hon John G. Love,
solicitor for the road, was there and in a
neat little speech, expressing the appre-
ciation of the rail roaders for their for-
mer superintendent, he presented him
with a full leather uphelstered, walnut
library chair, which he hoped would be
a lasting testimonial of the regard in
| whieh Mr. Shoemuker is held by the
' men.
——Tyrone vs Bellefonte at the Park
' pors.—The farmers of this county will
= : . need very little information to convinee
The Democratic primaries In:
day morning, leaving a devoted husband {
Sport Crops oF CorN AND PorTa-
them that there will be short crops of
potatoes and corn this fall. The recent
dry spell has seriously affected the carn,
i and potatoes will be small because the
inning game at Renovo, on Tuesday, by | stalks died before the tubers had grown
to full size.
Secretary Edge, of the State Board of
Agriculture, bas prepared the following
crop report: The crops of corn and
late potatoes are sufficiently advanced
to show conclusively that the recent
drought will greatly reduce their yield-
ings. As a natural consequence corn for
future deliverey will advance in price
and the price of potatoes must neces-
sarily go higher. The same cause has
decreased the yield and size of ap-
ples and peaches, but will increase their
flavor and quality. The crop of black-
berries was practically cut down 75 per
cent. and the few that wire picked were
inferior in quality and size. In many
places the grape crop has been very
much decreased, but the unusual num-
ber of bunches seton the vines may,
with good weather, make up for the de-
«In Southeastern Pennsylvania dairy-
men have been compelled to feed hay
and grain to their cows to make up for
the great decrease in the amount of pas-
ture. Many of them have contracts
calling for a definite number of quarts
of milk per day, and the supply must
be kept up either by purchase or by in-
creased feed. The general feeling among
stockmen is that feed and provender of
all kinds must necessarily advance as
winter approaches, and that hay espe-
cially will command better prices before
remarkable old gentleman leaned over
the sill of our window on last Saturday
afterncon, and his cheery disposition
forced us to lay down our pen for a few
moment’s chat with him. It was the
venerable William Reed, of Buffalo Run,
whom nine-tenths of the people whom
he meets would suppose to have not yet
reached his seventieth year, when in
truth ke has already passed the eighty-
second mile stone of his life. He does
not look a day older than he did a de-
cade since and the same pleasant man-
ner that inspired our respect in younger
days now demands more than the usual
honor to old age.
Mr. Reed moved into the Buffalo Run
valley when this century was. quite
young in history and for more than fif-
ty years has been one of its most reputa-
ble husbandmen. He has seen many
of the best families grow and prosper,
and to-day delights in reminiscences of
how many of us got started in life.
Perhaps the most peculiar incident in
Mr. Reed’s own history is the fact that
notwithstanding he has always been a
staunch Republican, his four sons are
every one Democrats of the most Jack-
sonian stripe. Though so far advanced
in years this genial old man still does
considerable work about the farm and
during the rush in the last hay-making
season took a hand in the field along
with the rest of the boys.
A Nortep CrtizeN oF HARRIS TowN-
saip DeEaD.—The death of William
McFarlane, of Harris township, this
county, which occurred at his country
Lome, near Boalsburg, on last Saturday
morning at half past three o'clock, re-
moves from this section of the State one
of the best known citizens and agricul-
turists. For some time previous to his
death he had been indisposed, but not
until two weeks ago was he compelled
to take his bed. Even then nothing se-
rious was thought of and his death, fol-
lowing so soon, was a great shock to
the host of friends who now mourn with
the bereaved family.
Deceased was born at Slab Cabin,
near his late home, about seventy years
ago, and when quite a young man was
married to Miss Margaret Kyle, of
Mifflin county. Three children blessed
this union, J. Kyle, of this place, Frank
and Janette, who live at home. Mrs.
McFarlane died about twenty eight
years ago, her husband having lived to
be honored by all who knew him.
He owned considerable farming land in
this county and was heir to the McFar®
lane hard ware store, in this place, which
his brother the late Col. Robert McFar-
lane left. In church life he was a
working Presbyterian and to his zealous
efforts the church at Boalsburg largely
owes ts present cosy home. The funer-
al was held on Tuesday morning, inter-
ment being made at slab cabin grave
— From the Shamokin Herald, of
June 25th, which hay been consider-
ably delayed in reaching this office, we
learn of the death of Mrs. Clara Msacha-
mer Ward, wife of Dr. J. H. Ward,
formerly of Pine Grove, which occurred
at Treverton, on the 24 of June, of Con.
sumption. Mrs. Ward visited in this
place, at the vesidence of Dr. J. E.
‘Ward, last summer, and was favorably
known to many of our readers. She
was 31 years of age and leaves a hus-
' bani and one child to mourn the lcss of
a devoted wife and indulgent mcther.
——The Blair county granger’s pic-
nic was held at Roaring Springs, on last
——Call and see E. Brown Jr's.
stock of furniture and wall paper.
——The Huntingdon and Broad Top
railroad reports a better business than
ever before in its history.
—— Have you seen E. Brown Jr’
stock of wall paper.
——Property owners should be com-
pelled to kesp the weeds and grass down
in front of their possessions.
——Furniture at lower prices at E.
Brown Jr’s. than any place in Centre
——The Tyrone and Renovo ball
clubs played a benefit game at the lat-
ter place, on Tuesday, for two of the
Renovo players who have been ill with
the fever.
——Go to E. Brown Jr's. for your
wall paper.
——J. P. Gephart Esq., is reported to
be lying seriously ill at the home of his
wife's parents in Logausville, Clinton
county. He went down there several
weeks ago.
—— Engineers are at work surveying
on the line of the Bellefonte Central
railroad, between here and State College,
with a view to taking out a number of
the curves on the road and straighten-
ing it up generally. Itis the desire of
EAGLE. —A slight wreck occurred on the
Bald Eagle valley railroad, on last Sat-
urday morning, which might have been
disastrous. Day express left this place
on time and had made the run to Snow
Shoe Intersection without urusual in-
cident. There the engine stopped for
water leaving the passenger coaches ex-
tended back along the track, the rear
coach a little past the point of intersec-
tion of the road to Snow Shoe snd the
Bald Eagle tracks. During the stop
the pay train ran in from Snow Shoe at
a fair speed and when the engineer
went to stop his train the brakes worked
all right but the wheels slid rapidly
along the rails, the result being that the
engine of the pay train crashed into the
rear coach on the express dumping it
over against the fence.
About sixty passengers were in the
wrecked car and some of them were
badly bruised, though none were ser-
jously hurt. Mrs, N.E. Walker, of
Jersey Shore, J. C. Breen, of Utica, N.
Y. were both sufferers from a number
of bumps. Mrs. Minnie Harper, of
Linn street, this place, was in the accis
CREASING.—Says the Jersey Shore Her-
ald the train dispatching force will be
doubled by the Beech Creek road in the
near future. The office formerly occu-
pied by the general freight agent is un.
dergoing repairs and will soon be ready
for occupancy. The dispatchers will be
removed from the first to the second
the officials to make a first class road Rfloor, which will be a decided improve-
bed over which fast time can be made.
——The Court House yard is at last
in a presentable condition and citizens
of the county are no longer disgusted
and ashamed to recognize the place as
the seat of county government. The
sodding was completed on Tuesday
and the contractor, Mr. Frank West"
cott, has reason to feel proud of his job.
The grass looks beautiful. It is well
1aid and has good strong life.
———_— —
News Purely Personal.
—Dr. and Mrs. Tobin, of Stormstown, are in
Chicago seeing the World's Fair.
—Berenice Moore, of Howard street, is the
guest of Miss Bertha Lightner in Tyrone.
—The next Treasurer, John Q. Miles, of Ju- |
lian, was in town between trains on Wednes-
day afternoon.
—Dr. A. W. Hafer will start for the Fair, on
Monday morning. He intends attending the
World’s Dental Congress.
—Miss Minnie Coats, of Tyrone, passed
through this place on Monday for Centre Hall,
where she is visiting friends.
—Mr. and Mrs. John I. Thompson and
family, of Lemont, left last Monday morning
for the great Fair at Chicago. ‘
—Wilbur F. Harris, of Washington, D. Cig
home on a visit to his many friends here. He
has just returned from the Fair.
—Mrs. Jack MeClellan, of Blairsville, In-
diana county, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Wagner, and sisters in this place.
—Mr. A. W. Bartley, and family of Lock
Haven, are visiting at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bartley, of this place.
— Arthur Goheen, of Tyrone, ison a bicycle
trip to Centre county friends. He will visit
Spring Mills and other points in Pennsvalley.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Rishel, of near Axe
Mann, left for Chicago on Wednesday morn-
ing. They intended stopping at the Park
Rev. J. C. Kelley, of Williamsburg, filled the
Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday in the absence
of Dr. Laurie, who is having a good time at At-
lantic city.
—Misses Laberta and Gertrude Erhard, of
St. Marys, are guests on Howard street at the
residence of their grandparent’s, Mr. and Mrs.
John Morgan. !
—Miss Minta Wayne, of Du Boise, who has
been visiting her friend Miss ;Annie Cleaver,
on Howard street, left for her home on Wed"
nesday morning.
—Mr. Mary Powers formerly of this palce,
now of Philadelphia, is visiting at the home of
her daughter Mrs. M. M. Conley. Her many
friends here were delighted to see her.
—Misses Elizabeth Harris, of Lock Haven,
and Mame Jackson, of Berwick, are
guests at the home of Wilbur F. Reeder Esq.
at the corner of Allegheny and Curtin streets,
—On last Saturday Mr. George Wilson, of
MecAlery’s Fort, in Huntingdon county, found
his way to Bellefonte where his many friends
were glad to see him. Heisa good old Dem-
—Miss Sallie Baum, of east Bishop street
| Buckwheat per bushel
| Cloverseed, per bushei.
ment and greatly appreciated by them.
Under the new arrangements there will
be two divisions as far as train orders
are concerned, one corpse of dispatchers
running the trains east of Munson and
the other west. The rapidly increasing
business of the company makes it im-
pochible for the present force to handle
the trains when they commence the fall
movement of coal. It is expected the
additional force will begin about Sept.1.
TION. —A mong the contracts that have
been made with combinations for an
early appearance at Garman’s opera
house, that of the Gilbert Opera Com-
pany has the most interest for the gen-
eral public. This attraction, booked to
appear in October, contains forty people
and will give a specially elaborate pro-
duction of Millocker’s merry opera, the
«Black Hussar.” The company carries &
special orchestra, scenery and rich cos-
tumes and every effort will be exerted
to make the representation equal to the
original McCaull productions.
CLARK—JACKSON.—At the home of the
bride’s parents, in Buffalo Run, by Rey. J. F.
Tallhelm, Mr. George R. Clark and Miss Al-
berta E. Jackson.
it L ite
EERLIN.—July 13th, 1893, at Rudd, Towa,
Mrs. Rebecca Kerlin, wife of Wm. A. Kerlin,
formerly of Bellefonte, Centre county, Pa.,
The deceased reached the age of 65 years Ll
months snd one day.
——— Great cash sale of stiff hats brown,
licht brown, tan and black.
150 hats now $1.00
200 ¢¢ ‘“ 1.50
250-300 2.00
For Men and Boys
MoxrtaoMERY & Co.
———— :
The Standing of the Clubs.
The standing of the River League clubs to
date is as follows : woN. rost. P.C.
Bellefonte......oovsimrenens 10 3 © .769
Demorests xt 4 £36
Renovo..... 6 4 600
Tyrone..... 3 7 300
Bloomsburg. wid 4 .200
Milton .cuereresssssssssassaens 0 5 000
#*Game on August 2nd contested between
Bellefonte and Williamsport. Game on Aug-
ust 15 contested between Tyrone and Renovo.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. JAcksoN & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White wheat..........e es 65
Old wheat, per bush 55
Rye, per bushel..... 60
Corn, ears, per bushel.. 25
Corn, shelled, per bush 60
Qats—new, per bushel. 36
Barley, per bushel....... "48
Ground laster, per ton . 950
wore TB
...§9 230 to §9 60
departed for Evansville, Indiana, on Monday
evening. She accompanied her aunt, Mrs. |
Anspach, and her cousin Nathan to their home
for a visit. i
—QCap't. A. C. Mingle, the boot and shoe man,
and Ad Fauble, the junior operator of Faubles
Allegheny street clothing emporium, left for
the Fair on Saturday evening. They took the
Chicago Limited at Altoona.
—Among the callers this week in whom we |
had more than the usual interest was our |
friend Emanuel Noll, baggage master at the
station in this place. He is one of those men
who goes uncomplainingly on in a contented
and happy life.
—Mr. and Mrs. George Brew, of Grantville |
'Md., are in towd visiting at the home of Mrs’
Brew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jack-
son, on Linn street. Master Maurice Jackson
had been visiting them and returned looking
as brown as a berry. |
_ Will . Keller leaves his home in this '
place this morning for Lancaster, where
he will begin the practice of law. Mr. ‘Keller
is the second son ot Col. D. 8S. Keller, one of
Centre county’s well known attorneys. He is
a graduate of the Bellefonte High school, of
Franklin and Marshall College, at Lancaster,
and of the Columbia Law School, at Washing-
ton, D. C.,, from all of which institutions he
was graduated with honors. If the zealous
work of conscientious and thoroughly cap-
able young man is worth anything;we have no
hesitancy in predicting a bright future for him
at the Lancaster bar. 3
TE ——
———Real the WATCHMAN,
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel .........oeeeiiiininn 80
Eggs, per dozen... 12%
Lard, per pound.... 12
CountryShoulders. 12
Sides... 12
Hans... 14
Callow, per pound.. 4
~ Butter, per pound.. 18
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle
Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
$2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver
Hsing by the quarter, half year, or year, &s fol.
SPACE OCCUPIED. |sm | 6m iy
One inch (12 lines this type........|§ 6 $8811
Two inches... reeeassyenne] 1 2 101518
Three inches 1015 | 20
uarter Column (4% inches)....... 12 | 20 | 80
alf Column ( 9 inches)... 20 | 35 | 68
One Column (19 inches)... .| 856 | 55 | 100
“Advertisements in special column, 25 pe
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 8 insertions......20 cts
Each additional insertion, per line......... 5 ct8
Local notices, per line....ccuuiiien 25 cts
Business notices, per line....... uses ssariveraeLy 10 ota.
Job Printing of every kind done with peat:
ness and dispatch. The WarcmmaN office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the rinting line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand ¢
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor
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