Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 11, 1893, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. II, 1893.
To CoRRESPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
——The Philipsburg opera house has
been condemned as unsafe and dan-
—— Bellefonte won from the Demo-
rests, yesterday afternoon at the Park,
by the score of 17 to 1.
—— Quite a number of Bellefonters
visited camp Potts, at Lakemont, to see
the soldiers under canvas.
——We have lived two hundred and
twenty-three days of this year and only
one hundred and forty-two remain for us.
—OQur correspondence from Pine
Grove mills and Howard is crowded
out this issue because of excess of Con-
vention news.
——Rev. Frank Wetzel, who is visit-
ing friends in this county, filled the pul-
pit in the Reformed church, in Lock
Haven, on Sunday last.
.— The Evangelical church of Un-
ionville will hold a festival on Friday
and Saturday afternoon and evenings,
August 25th and 26th.
——Charles H. Hart, formerly su-
perintendent of the old Centre Iron Co.,
at this place, died suddenly at his home
in Philadelphia last Saturday.
——John O’Connor and his wife, who
live on Spring street, were both serious-
ly ill last week, supposedly from eating
dried beef which poisened them.
——The regular quarterly meeting of
the Grange of Centre county will be
held in the hall of Logan Grange, at
Pleasant Gap,on Thursday, August
——Norman L. Robbins, of Clear-
field, was hit in the eye by one of the
balls from a Roman candle, on the nighy
of July 4th, and is blind in that mem-
ber now.
——This afternoon a local team will
play a game of base ball with a
party of Lock Haven ball players. The
game will take place on the glass works
——Monday was a great day in Belle-
fonte. Candidates were galore, dicker-
ing and trading wherever they could.
All seemed happy and we trust are
in the same mood yet.
—— The Musicale given by the Meth-
odist church in the opera house, on
Monday evening, was a marked success
from an artistic standpoint. The ret
receipts amounted to $35.
——Invitations are out announcing
the marriage of Robert McCay Foster,
of State College, to Mary E. Snyder, of
Beech Creek which is to take place
Thursday, the 17th inst.
——This is certainly delightful weath-
er, but people should watch for the
changes between these warm days and
cool nights, They are dangerous and
everyone should be cautious.
—— George Rider, a resident of Miles-
burg, died on Monday at his home in
that place. He wasa blacksmith by
trade and his age was 77 years. Funeral
services were held yesterday afternoon.
——Rev. Bender, a minister of the
Evangelical denomination, from How-
ard, filled the pulpit in the Methodist
church on Sunday night. Rev. Houck
was indisposed and could not hold ser-
vices as usual.
——Harry Baum, the little son of
Abe Baum, the livery man 1n this place,
was run over by a carriage last Sunday
afternoon. Nothwithstanding the ve-
hicle passed over his stomach he jumped
up and came out all right.
——A Bellefonte Central train ran off
from the conductor and superintendent
of the road at Waddles station on last
Saturday afternoon. The train had
gone five miles before the officials were
noticed as missing. The train ran back
for them and came in a little late.
~——Invitations are out for the mar-
riage of Louise Linn Hoy, youngest
daughterof Mrs. Adam Hoy, to Wil-
liam Frederick Reynolds, of Bellefonte.
The nuptials will be celebrated in. the
Presbyterian church, in this place, on
Taursday evening, August 24th, at sev-
en o'clock.
——Bellefonte defeated the Blooms-
burg team at the Park, on Wednesday
afternoon, in the most uninteresting
game of the season. The score was 16 to
8.From the beginning the visitors began
2 kick and made themselves generally
obnoxious by ‘‘chewing’’ among them-
selves and to the crowd, which was fair
—— Owing to the crowded condition
ofthe paper we are unable to publish
t 1e program for the 68th anniversary of
the Sunday schools, of Ferguson town-
ship, to be held to-morrow, in Ard’s
grove, at Pine Grove Mills. The list of
speakers includes Capt J. A. Hunter
of Stormstown. Col. D.gF. Fortney,
Gen. Jas. A. Beaver and Rev. Geo
Elliott, of this place ; Rev. Black, of
Pine Grove Mills; Rev. Illingsworth
and others.
TION. —Promptly at 12.85 County Chair-
man, J. C. Meyer, called the annual con-
vention of the Democracy of Centre
county to order, and after a few explan-
atory remarks about the presence of dele-
gates, acting Secretary, William G.
Runkle, called the roll of delegates by
When chairman pro tem Meyer de-
clared the convention ready for the elec-
tion of a permanent chairman, W. C.
Heinle HEsq., South ward Bellefonte,
nominated Dr. F. K. White, of Philigs-
burg 1st ward, while Walter Garrity,
North ward Bellefonte, nominated W.
Miles Walker, of the North ward of
Bellefonte, for the office. The roll of
delegates elected White on the first bal-
lot, the vote standing
VAL ar....c civ eeertemssesreenraraseesvervanasases vnere
Upon motion of Mr. Heinle the final
organization of the convention was com-
pleted as follows: reading clerk, I. J.
Dreese, of College Twp. ; roll clerks,
Mortimer O’Donohue, of Spring,
and J. P. Sebring, of Halfmoon ; secre-
taries, R. A. Bumiller, Millheim; W.
Fred. Kurtz, Centre Hall; Charles 1.
Kurtz, Bellefonte, and Geo. R. Meek:
Bellefonte. The committee on resolu-
tions was appointed by the Chairman as
follows: W. C. Heinle, Bellefonte ; S.
J. Herring, Gregg; J. C. Smith; Mill-
heim ; Oscar Holt, Burnside; and W.
W. Spangler, Potter. The order of
business was then adopted and carried
out as per motion.
In order Cyrus Brungart, of Miles ;
Geo. B. Crawford, of Gregg; John P.
Condo, of Gregg ; Geo. Parker, of Phil-
ipsburg; H. F. McGirk, of College ; and
John Corrigan, of College, were placed
in nomination by their constituency.
At this juncture and before the ballot-
ing began the committee on resolutions
reported that it had completed its work,
but asked to have its report held until
after the nominations. Balloting be-
gan as follows :
Corrigan 4 4
8 92 90
Under the party rales the candidate
having the lowest number of votes on
the third ballot was dropped, and the
fourth ballot finds Mr. Corrigan’s dele-
gates divided between MecGirk, Parker
and Brungart, but as the Philipsburg
leader did not catch quite enough he fell
Brungart..i.cho cima dexter si viveries recendl
Crawford. 25
Condo... «13
On the fifth ballot the thirteen dele-
gates let loose on the fourth attached
themselves to Brungart and Condo thus
leaving Mr. McGirk out of the contest.
The sixth ballot was perhaps the most
interesting of the lot as the contest be-
tween Condo and Crawlord, the two
Gregg township aspirants, waged very
warm. The McGirk delegates cut loose
decided the question in favor of the
commercial man and the present deputy
sheriff was laid off to wait further and
more propitious political weather.
The seventh and last failed to decide
the contest in favor of either candidate,
the ballot resulting in a failure of the
tellers to bring the result out alike. An
eighth ballot was taken resulting as fol-
Brongart i. ieee Beet ties aires stsueu inary Foes mind 44
ond... ries St ettttteinse t1etesestatsceesrennnartenerer 49
The presentation of names for the of-
fice of County Treasurer having been
declared in order the following were
presented: Wm. T. Speer, of Belle-
fonte; J. H. Beck, of Walker; A. J.
Griest, of Unionville ; John Q. Miles, of
Huston; John F. Potter, of Boggs;
Howard A. Moore, of Howard ; J. T.
Lucas, of Snow Shoe. The first three
ballots went as follows :
1st. 2nd. 3rd.
8 92 9
The third ballot resulted in a tie vote
between Johnston and Potter and as un-
der the rules neither one could be
dropped, both candidates withdrew
promptly and let their delegates loose
for the fourth ballot, which resulted as
follows :
Speer. sessssnites 13
Br ri ere 21
The question arose at this juncture as
to what constituted second instructions,
whereupon chairman White ruled that
for second instructions a candidate must
have a majority of the votes cast at the
primaries to that effect.
The fifth ballot bowled Mr. Griest out
of the race and resulted as follows :
Speer. esssteresssierees 15
Miles .“
Moore........... esersssrersrsersanses eserreetrve essserss rrsiee 16
Mr. Speer was declared out of the race
on the next ballot, the figures being:
MOOT @ neeer sinsernsersense an’ coeerensnasens
Things took a decided change in the
seventh and when the Speer delegates
got themselves adjusted, it was disclosed
that as a dark horse Mr. Moore was a
winner, for he forced the Walker town-
ship aspirant out of the races,
BECK .iccisiirniensnnnisssnnnsenssersrsssanisensanssane seen 21
Miles. .39
MOOT... csssenneenniesrnessns vee reassess rarreees MIN 33
The eighth and last ballot ended the
monotonous roll calling for the treasur-
er nomination, by giving Mr. Miles,
the Huston township chieftain, the plum.
It was made unanimous on motion.
Milog:ccenss ccsinnicicssessnssseisosasenes reessusstorsaresnness 52
MOOT®..ceesrserenesssenrnrsins sessesnrnnisseeenaseerarnresarrany 41
Nominations for Register came in
promptly when the chairman called, but
they stopped after the names of C. A.
‘Weaver, of Harris; A. G. Archey, of
Ferguson ; W. J. Carlin, of Millheim ;
and G. W. Rumberger, of Philipsburg
had been presented. Before the ballot-
ing began, however, Mr. Archey’s name
was withdrawn leaving but three men
in the field. The first ballots resulted
as follows.
92 9 02
On the fourth Squire Carlin having
cut his delegates loose there was a gen-
eral distribution in which Mr. Rumber-
ger came out on top with a small mar-
As there was no person who cared to
contest Mr. Morrison’s right to a re-
nomination for the office of County Re-
corder, the convention gave him the
honor by acclamation. The fever of
giving acclamatory nominations seized
the convention and T. Frank Adams,
of Bellefonte, and Geo. L. Goodhart, of
Potter, were nominated to succeed them-
selves as Commissioners of the county.
The contagion spread and carried H. W.
Bickle, of the North ward of Bellefonte
and W. W. Royer, of the Southern pre-
cinct of Potter, through as candidates
for auditors. Ellis L., Orvis was the
unanimous choice of the convention for
County Chairman in 1894.
Mr. Heinle having secured the floor
he read the report of the committee on
resolutions which was adopted as fol-
lows : ”
Tue Dewocracy oF CENTRE County IN CONVEN-
1st. That we endorse the administration of
President Grover Cleveland as being a wise
honest, able and upright administration of the
government. We commend his efforts to
bring the government to a sound financial’
basis, in order to restore !confidence to busi-
ness and prosperity to our industries:
2nd. We demand the absolute and uncondi,
tional repeal of what is known as the Sherman
Silver purchase law, a speedy and complete
revision of the tariff, and that strict economy
shall be observed in all public expenditures.
3rd. We insist that the congress now called
in extraordinary session shall with all speed,
laying aside every feeling ot partisanship,
looking only to the prosperity and glory of our
_eountry, promptly and patriotically discharge
the duties for which is was assembled at the
call of the President.
‘4th. We endorse and re-affirm the declaration
of principles contained in the Democratic plat-
form adopted by the Democratic national con-
vention at Chicago, in 1892, and upon which
the people declared for Cleveland, Stevenson
and reform. : .
5th. We commend the patriotic and eco-
nomical administration of Governor Robert E-
Pattison to the confidence and support of the
people of Pennsylvania.
6th. We commend the wise, careful and
faithful administration of the affairs of tha
county by the present board of County Commis-
sioners. Coming into office, 8s they did, when
the treasury had been depleted, and existing
indebtedness of $5,267.63, the taxes due to the
several school, poor and road districts from un-
seated lands misappropriated and commissions
thereon unlawfully taken, they paid the in-
debtedness, returned to the State and the sev-
eral districts the funds justly and properly be-
longing to them, and so managed the county
finances as to have at the last'annual settle.
ment a balance of $6,880.90 on hand over and
above all liabilities. We therefore with confi
dence commend them to their fellow citizens
for their re-election. :
7th. We commend the ticket this day nomi-
nated as worthy the support of the citizens of
Centre county irrespective of party The can:
didates are known to be men of the highest
integrity and honesty and well qualified for the
positions to which they have been nominated.
The following amendment to the rules regu-
lating the Democratic party of Centre county
was offered.
That rule No. 2 of the rules governing the
election of delegates and the County Conven-
tion be amended to read as follows to wit:
“The election for delegates to represent the
different districts in the Aunual Democratic
County Convention shall be held at the usual
place of holding the general election for each
district, on the Saturday, preceding the sec-
ond Tuesday of June in each and every year
beginning at three o'clock, p. m., on said day
and continuing until seven o’clock, p. m. The
delegates so elected shall meet in County Con-
vention in the Court House at, Bellefonte, on
Tuesday following at 12 o'clock m.
The next business taken up was the.
nomination of a candidate for coroner.
Dr. H. K. Hoy, of Bellefonte, being the
only one presented bis nomination was
made unanimous. Thre convention then
adjourned sine die, without having selec-
ted delegates to the State Convention.
Bellefonte, N. W.—R, J. McKnight Jr., Walter
Garrity, W. Miles Walker.
- 8. W.—W. C. Heinle, John Pearl
William Allen, Pat. Garrity.
“ W.W.—H. E. Fenlon.
Centre Hall. —E. M. Huyett, D. A. Boozer.
Howard Boro.—Abe Weber.
Milesburg.~J. C. Smith, A.C. Musser.
Philipsburg.—1st. W.—F, K. White.
b 2nd. W.—Daniel A. Paul, Sol.
bor 3rd. W.—W. C. Lingle, W. C.
South Philipsburg.—H. B. Wilcox.
Unionville—E. M. Griest.
Benner Twp.—Fred Houser,
Wm. Ross.
Boggs Twp. N, P.—Geo. Brown.
“® *“ E.P.—Ezekiel Confer.
£8 “ W.P.—James M. Lucas, Justice
Powaell. ?
Burnside Twp.—Oscar Holt.
College Twp. E. P.—I. J. Dreese, W. W. Wit-
James Huey,
* “ W.P.—Walter O’Brien.
Curtin Twp.—Geo. Weaver.
Ferguson Twp, E. P.—Daniel Lowder, J. B-
Ard, M. A. Dreibelbeis.
W. P.—J. H. Miller.
Gregg Twp. N. P.—~John H. Roush, James P,
er * E. P.—8. J. Herring, Harvey Vo.
nado, W. W. Neese.
“ & W.P.—J. B. Heckman, Wm. Good-
Haines Twp. E. P.—M. F. Hess, K. E. Stover.
# “ W.P.—E. G. Mingle, C. W. Wolf.
Halfmoon Twp.—J. P. Sebring.
Harris Twp.—John M. Wieland, A. B. Kim-
port, James Swabb.
Howard Twp.—W. Yearick, J. L. Gardner.
Huston Twp.—Fillmore Craig.
Liberty Twp —J. R. Runner, W. W. Spangler.
Marion Twp.—Zwingli Hoy, N. H. Yearick.
Miles Twp. E. P.—Jer. Brungart.
8. ‘“ M. P.—H. Miller, G. W. Kream-
er, Calvin Crouse.
W. P.—J. B. Hazel.
Patton Twp.—A. H. Hoover.
Penn Twp.—Henry Zerby, Thos. B. Evert, J.
C.8tover, Adam Heckman.
Potter Twp. N. P.—W. M. Grove, Joshua Pot
ter. ”
8 P.—W.W. Royer, W. W. Spang-
ler, S. J. MeClintick.
Rush Twp. N.P.—J. B. Long, Miles H. Seig-
S. P.—P.R. Gorman.
Snow Shoe Twp. E. P.—R. C. Gilliland, Thos.
McCann. *
W. P.—Frank Turbridy.
Spring Twp. N. P.—~Mortimer O’Donohue.
i “ 8.P.—Wm. H. Ott, Wm. Florey,
H. J. Rothrick.
W. P.—Dominick Judge.
Taylor Twp.—Samuel Hoover.
Union Twp.—P. J. Loughrey.
Walker Twp.—W. E. Shaffer, S. C. Hoy, Wm,
Boyer, D. A. Dietrich.
Worth Twp.—O. D. Eberts.
[3 “"
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[3 “
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—At an early hour, on Sunday morn-
ing barber R. A. Beck came down from
his home to his place of business in the
basement of the First National bank
building to see if everything was in good
condition, just as he has been accustom-
ed to do for a number of years. His at-
tention was attracted by the smell of
smoke and upon making an investiga-
tion he found that it was coming from
the large four story stone. building
fronting on Allegheny street and just
in the rear of the Exchange. He gave
an alarm and the fire department was
on the scene ina very short tinte.
When it arrived the firemen went to
work to locate the fire and as the Irvin
hardware store was puffing out smoke
likea monster engine it was there that
the flames were supposed to be. No fire
could be found in the large store room,
until some one reached the rear of it and
discovered them in the cellar. Three
streams of water were directed to it and
it was not long before the last spark was
flooded. :
‘When the smoke had cleared out, an
investigation revealed the fact that the
fire originated in the rear end of the
cellar and had evidently been burning
for some time before the discovery was
made, as the heavy joists and a large
part of the floor were burned out. The
cause of the fire is not definitely known,
though it is supposed to have been from
spontaneous combustion. There were
several cases of glass goods, packed in
swamp grass, immediately under the
place where the fire began and it is
thought that the grass being damp had
become heated and taken fire.
Ed Irvin, who manages the store, was
out of town, having started on a bicy-
cle ride to his home, at Julian, just a
few minutes before the fire was discov-
ered. The only damage to the stock
was done by the water and smoke, as
both those elements are particularly
destructive to hardware goods. Mr Ir-
vin estimates his loss quite heavy. The
insurance adjusters are at work on the
case and just as soon as a settlement is
effected the store will be open for busi-
ness again.
——The Lock Haven school “oard
has gotten itself into a rather coupro-
mising position by accusing contractor
Tate of this place of being in ‘‘cohoot”
with architect Cole, both of whom are
employed on the new school building in
that city. Messrs Tate and Cole are rep-
utable men and should demand a re-
traction of such a charge as can surely '
have been made from no other than a
" malicious motive.
—— The paved streets in Clearfield
are now over a mile long.’
——0Call and see E. Brown Jr’.
stock of furniture and wall paper.
If you want to know just wha
you are buying go to Faubles.
——A Beech Creek man owns a colt
which is fifteen weeks old and weighs
over five hundred pounds.
—— Have you seen E. Brown Jr’
stock of wall paper.
——DFor well made clothing go to
——The Tyrone Times says that un-
less more orders are forthcoming soon
the Tyrone paper mills will close.
——Furniture at lower prices at E.
Brown Jr's. than any place in Centre
——The Lock Haven paper mill has
been closed by dull business, throwing
out of employment two hundred men.
——Go to E. Brown Jr’s. for your
wall paper.
——The fire brick works at Retort:
Clearfield county, have been sold at
Sheriff’s sale to C. W. Miller, of Blooms-
——The finest assortment of clothing
you have ever seen now open at Fau-
——Rev. Ely, the Methodist minister
at Warriorsmark, has been forced to
leave his pulpit on account of Bright’s
——For well made clothing go to
——Over seven hundred cases of un-
sold tobacco remain in the hands of
Clinton county growers. The valuation
is placed at $25,000.
——The time and force of all men on
the Tyrone division of the Pennsylva-
nia rail-road have been reduced twenty-
five per cent, owing to want jof traffic.
——Lock Haven will undertake to
organize another company to fill the
vacancy in the 12th Reg. N. G. P. caus-
ed bv making company H., of that
place, a signal corps.
——On Wednesday afternoon last,
Milton H. Attig and Samuel Jones, of
Tyrone, started for the World’s Fair.
They were on foot and took turn about
pushing a wheel barrow on which there
was a keg of beer.
——Salvetto Grecco, the Philipsburg
Italian who was taken to Altoona by
United States Marshal Yerger, charged
with opening mail that did not belong
to him, has been discharged because no
evidence could be produced against him.
——-James H. Brown, a well known
resident of Lock Haven, was killed on
the railroad, near that place, on Mon-
day morning. He was walking on the
track when a train of cars struck and
killed him. He was fifty seven years
——While driving up the mountain
from Centre Hall, on last Saturday
evening, Robert Roan, a young man liv-
ing in Buffalo Run, who was accompa-
nied by a young lady met with an acci-
dent which proved rather disastrous.
They were driving a horse from Potter’s
livery stable, in this place, and "some-
thing frightened it causing it to plunge
over the bank. The occupants of the
buggy jumped and escaped uninjured,
but the horse fell over the bank and
was killed.
—— About two weeks ago an oid man
named Shearer, of Black Bear, went
into Philipsburg where he hired a horse
and buggy, ostensibly to attend a funeral
at Port Matilda. He did go to Port,
but continued to Bradford county, where
he has relatives. Liveryman Adams
started to look the matter up and tele-
graphed the Bradtord officials to arrest
the old thief. They did so, but the
horse died the day after its recovery in
Bradford, and Shearer escaped over the
line into New York state. He served
a term in prison for horse stealing some
years ago.
—On Monday morning a new schedule
went into effect on the rail-road between
this place and Snow Shoe, whereby the
the train service was reduced to one
train a day. Formerly a passenger train
left Snow Shoe in the early morning,
ran into Bellefonte and returned to
Snow Shoe at noon, making a corres-
ponding trip in the afternoon, but un-
der the new schedule the train will
leave this place at 8:58 a. m., arriving
in Snow Shoe at 10:23 a. m. Leave
Snow Shoe at 8:00 p. m., arriving in
Bellefonte at 4:50 p. m.
Such an arrangement has undoubted-
ly.been necessitated by the dullness of
traffic and we hope will not prove a
permanent one. It is extremely unsatis-
factory to both ends of the line and will
i have a tendency to drive away what lit-
tle trade from that region Bellefonte
Butter, per pound.....
News Purely Personal.
—Miss Bessie Muflly leaves Moaaay for Chi.
cago, where she goes to visit the World's Fair.
—Mrs. Edwin F. Garman, of Linn street
spent afew days recently with Philipsburg
—Mr. aud Mrs. Harris Mann, of Reedsville?’
are spending a few days at their homes in this
—E. B. Rankin, Western Union operator at
this place, is spending a vacation at the sea
—Miss Annie Gray and Miss Sallie Meek, of
Half Moon, left yesterday morning for a two
weeks visit in Chicago.
—Miss Julia Gray, the youngest daughter of
Rov. G. T. Gray, of Mt. Carmel, is visiting Mr
and Mrs. Miles Kephart.:
—Irvin Bloom, of Lock Haven, was in town
on Tuesday, seeing what a handsome looking
assemblage the Democracy of Centre is.
—Tuesday evening's mail train carried
James Cornely away from Bellefonte on his
way to Washington where he has secured an
appointment as a fireman in the Treasury
—Miss Mary McQuistion expects to leave
the beginning of next week for an extended
trip through the West. She will visit in
Youngstown, Chicago and Omaha before re-
turning home.
—A. E. Peters, of Unionville, came down to
the county seat, on Monday, lo see how the
candidates were getting along. He isa pro-
duce grocer and grower in Bald Eagle and pre-
dicts an unusually short crop of potatoes this
——We never consider an article
sold until the customer is perfectly sat-
istied. You can at any time have your
money in exchange for any goods
bought at Faubles.
Morris’ BurraLo Run LiME KILNS
been just about a year since the lime
kilns of A. G. Morris, on Buffalo Run,
were badly damaged by fire and yester-
nay afternoon flames again threatened
them with destruction. Shortly after din=
ner yesterday workmen were wheeling
lime from one of the kilns into a box car:
It was still very hot and being dumped,
it set fire to the wooden car. The flames
burned with great rapidity, spreading to
the adjoining kiln shed which was entire-
ly burned. The building was a frame
structure which furnished covering for
two large kilns.
—On Sunday morning the home of
Robert H. Boslough, on East Logan
street, was the happiest there has been
in this land for some time. Three little
daughters put in their appearance that
morning and tue proud father has been
doing nothing but receive congratula-
tions ever since. He is boss engineer at
the Valentine Iron Company’s works.
The children are strong and apparently
in the best of health, while their mother
is getting along as nicely as could be ex-
——The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P. O. Aug. 7, 1893.
Abe Arnold, W. T. Kreamer, Geo. Brown, Ja"
cob Spacapan, Wm. Confer, Mrs. Tillie Saylor,
A. H. Confer,J. W. Stover, Clayton Greninger,
P. J. Waltz, Nellie Hull, Miss Josie Webner,
Hannah Womer.
When called for please say advertised.
——Great cash sale of stiff hats brown,
light brown, tan and black.
150 hats now $1.00
200 ¢¢ “ 1.50
250-300 2.00
For Men and Boys
io MonTgoMERY & Co.
The Standing of the Clubs.
The standing of the River League clubs to
date is as follows : WON. rost. P. C.
Demorests...cuuveiieisanes 6 4 .€00
6 4 600
10 3 769
3 6 333
A 4 .200
MiIKon.....ieieisiivine: 50 5 .000
#Game on August 2nd contesied between
Bellefonte and Williamsport,
Rellefonte Grain Market.
“Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
hite wheat...........evese sisessesnsenriie wetsieiairen 00
Old wheat, per bushel.. . 65
Rye, per bushel............. 5 eg
Corn, ears, per bushel... 11108
Corn, shelled, per bushel. Be
Oats—new, per bushel.. 35
Barley, id ushel.....e.s
Ground laster, per ton.
Buckwheat per bushel.
Cloverseed, per bushel
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weékly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel
Eggs, per dozen......
Lard, per pound...
v Hams...
Tallow, perpound.........
The Democratic Watchman,
Published every Friday moraing in Belle:
fonte, Pa., at §2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
publisher. '
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.’
A liberal discount is made to persons adver:
jising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
SPACE OCCUPIED. [sm | 6m | 1y
One inch (121lines this type........|$ 5 |$ 8 [$11
Two inches .censsssitersens =X 110; 18
Three inches 15 | 20
Quarter Column (434 inches)...
alf Column ( 9 inches)... .
One Column (19 inches)............... 56 | 100
Advertisements in special column, 256 pe
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 cts
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wocal notices, Per line... iessinereennn 25 C8
Business notices, per lin@.......eererssreessesens 10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat:
ness and dispatch. The Warcaman office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and Srernaing in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand ¢
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor