Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 11, 1893, Image 4

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    Democratic, Wace
Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. Il, 1893.
- - - Ep1rTor
Democratic County Ticket.
For Sheriff.—J. P CONDO.
For Treasurer.~JOHN Q. MILES.
For Register.—GEO. W. RUMBERG ER.
For Commissioners. SEO Coonan.
For Coroner.—DR. H. K. HOY.
For Auditors, WH. ROYER.
The Ticket.
Oa the local page of this issue of the
Warcaman will be found in full the
proceedings of the Democratic County
Convention, which so satisfactorily ac-
complished the work of naming a
ticket on Tuesday afterncon last. The
convention worked harmoniously and
pleasantly and we have every reason
to believe that the ticket nominated
will meet with the approbation of the
Democratic voters of the county.
Every candidate did the best he could
for himself in an honorable way, but
when all was over each accepted the
result in a manly acquiescence in the
result, and expressed his determination
- todo all in his power to secure as
large a vote for his successful competi-
tor as he would have expected
At the head of this column will be
found the ticket as nominated. We
will not say that it is the best that
could have been made for that wonld
be an unkind reflection upon the many
good men who were unsuccessful, but
that it is a good ticket made up of re-
sponsible . competent, worthy, Dem o-
crats all will admii. It is a ticket,
which when elected will do (honor to
the party and people that has selected
In giving the nomination of Sheriff
to Mr. J. P. Conpo, of Gregg, the
claims of the district, of which he isa
resident, were considered as fully as
were the qualifications of the eandi-
date. Greg, although one of the
largest and truest Democratic districts
in the county, has not had a nominee
except an Auditor and County Surveyor
in twenty years. It was given Mr.
Coxpo, because the township deserved
it,and with the knowledge that he
would make a competent and worthy
official. Mr. Convo is a native of the
county and has resided in Gregg town"
ship since boyhood. He is a salesman
by occupation and as such is favorably
known to almost every merchant in
the county. He is comparatively a
young man, with an irreproachable
character, a host of friends, and has
the qualifications that will make him a
most popular candidate and an excel-
lent official.
For Treasurer, Mr. Jouxy Q. MiLEs,
of Huston township, was the choice of
the convention. He isso well known all
over the county, as a working Demo-
crat,that an introduction to the readers
of the WarcaMaN would almost seem
unnecessary. He isa farmer and re
sides near Martha Furnace. For
years he has been the Democratic
stand-by in that Republican section of
the county, receiving the rebuffs of kis
political opponents without any re-
wards from his party. He is an
affable gentleman, deservedly popula,
wherever known. courteous to all he
meets and admirably fitted for the pos:
ition for which he was named. He
will poll an exceedingly large vote where
he is best known and with all the
other candidates is certain to be elected
by a rousing majority.
Mr. Geo. W. RuMBERGER , who was
the lucky aspirant for Register, 1s at
present a resident of Philipsburg, to
which place he moved from Union-
ville a few years since to accept a
clerical position. He is well known to
many of our readers, having taught
school in different sections of the
county and for three years filled the
position of Commissioner’s clerk in this
place. He has always been an active
Democrat and under any and all cir
cumstances has been tound ready to do
any political duty assigned him. His
qualifications are beyond question, and
when elected, as he is certain to be, the
Register’s office,(without any disparage.
ment to any one who has preceded
him) will have as competent an official
as ever filled that position. :
For Recorder W. GayrLor MoRRI:0ON,
the present popular and worthy official
was nominated by acclamation, Our
people know him ; they have tried him
and found him faithful in every duty
pertaining to his position. He has
been prompt, obliging courteous and in-
dustrioug, and knowing him to be such ;
knowing that he is not only admirably
qualified but deserving of the position,
his election will be beyond question
and the voters of the county will rest
assured that the office of Recorder will
be carefully and satisfactorily filled
during the comiog three years.
Both of the present Democratic
Commissioners, Messrs GoopHART and
Apams, were the unanimous choice of
the convention. The fact that no ef
fort was made to present other candi.
dates for the position, and that they re-
ceived every vote in the convention is
evidence that their control of the fi-
Democratic voters are willing to trust
to their management the affairs of the |
county during another three years.
They may have made mistakes, just
98 others would have done had
they had the difficult duty of ad-
justing taxation to suit the opin-
ions of eight thousand taxables to per-
form, but whatever mistakes or short
comings may be charged to them, the
tax-payers know that the finances ot
the county have been so managed that
the debt left by a Republican board has
been wiped out, and that Centre is one
of the few counties in the State whose
people pay no interest on borrowed
mouey. !
For Coroner, Dr. H. K. Hoy, a rep-
utable {physician and an active Dem-
ocrat of this place, was named. The
Doctor did not seek the position but
all the same will make an excellent
candidate as we!l as an efficient offi-
The ticket was completed by the
nomination by acclamation of Mr.
H. W. BickLE, of Bellefonte, and Mr.
W. W. Rovkr, of Potter township, the
former a teacher and at present a law
student, the latter a farmer. Both are
excellent accountants, and admirably
fitted for the important duties of the
place, as well as deserving of this
recognition by the party.
——Vote for the ticket.
——There was a hot fight on Tues-
day, but it’s all over now.
A Big Convention.
The Democratic County Convention,
which met on Tuesday, was one of the
largest gatherings of the kind, that
ever convened in Centre county. Not
only was every district fully represent-
ed, but from every part of the county
interested Democrats came with the
delegates so that when the Convention
was organized every seat in the Court
House was crowded, and scores were
unable to find even standing room.
Pennsvalley had a train-load of sub-
stantial party workers who came up to
say a good word for the respective can-
didates they desired nominated. Uper
Bald Eagle sent down a goodly number
of representative citizens and lower
Bald Eagle added to the crowd, a good
per. cent of its best Democrats. Other
sections of the county were equally well
represented, and when ‘one looked
upon the crowds about the Court
House, on the street corners, and at the
hotels, it seemed much more like a
mass-meeting’ than a Convention day
With all the crowd and the many
different interest at stake there was,
during the entire day, the utmost good
feeling and the greatest harmony.
Everyone seemed disposed to look
more to the interests of the party than
the success of individual preferences,
and when the day’s work was done it
could be said that no ring, or clique, or
combination, had controlled the Con-
vention, but that its action was the
untrammeled work of the delegates
chosen to voice the views of the con-
stituentsjthey represented.
With the interest manifested by the
Democratic people of the county in the
selection of a ticket, as shown by the
number present at the Convention,
and with the good feeling that prevail-
ed among all when the ticket was an—
nounced, existing in every part of the
county, there is every reason to look for
and expect a full Democratic vote
and a solid majority for every
candidate whose name appears on
the ticket.
So tar the Democrats of Centre are
in good shape. Let us all put our
shoulders to the wheel and see if under
a Democratic administration we can-
not increase the Democratic majority
within the county.
——Work for the ticket.
——The convention named a ticket
which all can support.
——Democrats remember that even
if your man did not get the nomination
you are still Democrats and should
unite for the ticket.
—If there is one thing more than an-
‘thousand ounces of
other to be despised and shunned by
every good honest man it is the leech
that suck’s the life blood of the govern-
ment under the guise of aiding those
who aided it in time of trouble.
Paid Admissions to Fair.
Cuicaco, Aug. 7.—Paid admissions
were 89,100.
CATE sant
The Silver Law Should Go.
President Cleveland Urges its Immediate and
Unconditional Repeal by Congress.— Tariff Re-
form Will Come Later.—Currency Wanted That
Will Be Sound in every Market.— The Question
of Providing it Rises Above Party Politics—
The Loss of Gold and Gain of Silver—The
President Shows How Party Would be Effeet-
WasHINGTON, Aug. 8.—President
Cleveland’s message to the Congress
! now in extraordinary session was in
nancial affairs of the county, has been |
satisfactory to the people, and that the
substance as follows:
Srares.—The existance of an alarming
and extraordinary business situation,
involving the welfare and prosperity of
all our people, has constrained me to
call together an extra session of the
people’s representatives in congress, to
the end that through a wise and
patriotic exercise of the legislative
duty, with which they solely are charg-
ed, the present evils may be mitigated
and the dangers threatening the future
may be averted. ;
Our unfortunate financial plight is
not the result of untoward eveuts nor
of conditions related to our natural re
sources, nor is it traceable to any of
the afflictions which frequently check
national growth and prosperity. With
plenteous crops, with abundant prom-
ise of remunerative production and
manufacture, unusual invitation to
safe investmeat and with satisfactory
assurance to business enterprise, sud-
denly financial distrust and fear have
sprung up on every side. :
Numerous moneyed = institutions
have suspended because abundant as-
sets were not immediately available to
meet the demand of the frightened de-
positors. Surviving corporations and
individuals are content to keep in hand
the money they are usually anxious to
loan, and those engaged in ligitimate
business are surprised to find that the
securities they offer for loans, though
heretofore satisfactory, are no longer
accepted. The values supposed to be
fixed are fast becoming conjectural,
and Joss and failure have involved ev-
ery branch of business. ;
I believe these things are principally
chargeable to congressional legislation
touching the purchase and coinage of
gilver by the general government.
This legislation is embodied in a
statute passed on the 14th day of July
1890 which was the culmination of
much agitation on the subject involved,
and which may be consideeed a truce,
after a long struggle, between the ad-
vocates of free silver coinage and those
intending to be more conserva-
tive. Undoubtedly the monthly pur-
chase by the government of four mil-
lion and five hundred thousand ounces
of silver, enforced under that statute,
were regarded by those interested in
silver production as a certain guaranty
of its increase in price.
The result, however, has been entire-
ly different, for immediately following
a spasmodic and slight rise the price
of silver began to fall after the passage
of the act, and has since reached the
lowest point ever known. This disap-
pointing result has led to renewed and
persistent effort in the direction of free
silver coinage. Meanwhile, not only
are the evil effects of the operation of
the present law constantly accumula.
ting, but the result to which its execu-
tion must inevitably lead is becoming
palpable to all who give the least heed
to financial subjects.
This law provides that in payment
for the four million and five hundred
silver bullion
which the secretary of the treasury is
commanded to purchase monthly,
there shall be issued treasury notes re-
deemable on demand in gold or silver
coin, at the discretion of the secretary
of the treasury, and that said notes
may be reissued. It is, however, de-
clared in the act tobe “The establish-
ed policy ot the United States to main-
tain the two metals oa a parity with
each other upon the present legal ratio
or such ratio as may be provided by
This declaration 80 controls the ac-
tion of the secretary of the treasury as
to prevent his exercising the discretion
nominally vested in him, if by such
action the parity between gold and sil-
ver may be disturbed. Manifestly a
refusal by the secretary to pay these
treasury notes in gold, if demanded,
would necessarily result in their dis-
credit and depreciation as obligations
payable only in silver and would des-
troy the parity between the two metals
by establishing a discrimination in
favor of gold.
Up to the fifteenth day of July, 1893
these notes may have been issued in
the payment of silver bullion purchased
to the amount of more than one-hun-
dred and forty-seven millions of dollars.
While all but a very small quantity
of this bullion remains uncoined and
without usefulness in the treasury,
manv of the notes given in its purchase
have been paid in gold. This illustra.
ted by the statement that between the
first day of May, 1892, and the fif-
teenth day of July 1893, the notes of
this kind issued in the payment for sil-
ver bullion, amounted to a little more
than filty-four millions of dollars, and
that during the same period about
forty-nine millions of dollars were paid
by the treasury in gold for the redemp-
tion of such notes,
The policy necessarily adopted of
paying these notes in gold has not
spared the gold reserve of one hundred
millions of dollars long ago set aside
by the government for the redemption
of other notes, and this fund has al-
ready been subjected to the payment of
new obligations amounting to about
one hundred and fifty millions of dol-
lars on account of silver purchases, and
has, as a consequence, for the first
time since its creation, been encroached
We have thus made the.depletion of
our gold easy, and have tempted other
and more appreciative nations to add
it to their stock. That the opportuni-
ty we have offered has not been neg
“lected is shown by the large amounts
ot gold which have been recently
drawn from our treasury and exported
‘to increase the financial strength of
foreign nations. The excess of exports
of gold for the year ending Juse 30,
1893, amounted to more than eighty-
seven and a half millions of dollars.
Between the 1st day of July, 1890,
and the 15th day of July, 1893, the gold
coin and bulli on in our treasury decreas-
ed more than one hundred and thirty-
two millions of dollars while during the
same period the silver coins and bullion
in the treasury increased more than one
hundred and forty-seven millions of
dollars. Unless government bonds are
to be constantly issued and sold to re-
plenish our exhausted gold, only to be
again exhausted, it is apparent that the
operation of the silver purchase law now
in force leads in the direction ofthe en-
tire substitution of silver for the gold in
the government treasury, and that this
must be followed by the payment of all
government obligations in depreciated
part company, and the government
must fail in its established policy to
maintain the two metals on a panty
with each other. Given over to the ex-
clusive use of a currency greatly depre-
ciated, according to the standard of the
commercial world, we could no longer
claim a performance of its obligations,
so far as such an obligation has been
imposed upon 1t, to provide for the use
of our people the best and safest money.
If, as many of its friends claim, silver
ought to occupy a larger place in our
currency, and the currency of the world
through general international co-opera-
tion and agreement, it is obvious that
the United States will not be in posi-
tion to gain a hearing in favor of such
an arrangement so long as we are will-
ing to continue our attempt to accomp-
lish the result single handed. :
The knowledge in business circles
among our own people that our govern-
ment cannot make its fiat equivalent to
intrinsic value, nor keep inferior money
on a parity with superior money by its
own independent efforts has resulted in
such a lack of confidence at home in the
stability of currency values that capital,
refuses its aid to new enterprises, while
millions are actually withdrawn from
the channels of trade and commerce to
become idle and unproductive in the
hands of timid owners,
Foreign investors equally alert not
only decline to purchase American se-
curities, but make haste to sacrifice
those which they already have. It does
not meet the situation to say that the
apprehension in regard to the future of
our finances is groundless, and that
there is no reason for the lack of confi-
dence in the purposes or power of the
government in the premises. The very
existence of this apprehension and lack
of confidence, however caused, is a
mensce which ought net for a moment
to be disregarded.
Possibly, if the undertaking we have
in hand were in maintainance of a speci-
fic known quantity of silver as a parity
with gold, our ability to do so might be
estimated and gauged, and perhaps, in
view of our unparalleled growth and re-
sources, might be favorably passed up-
on. But when our avowed endeaver is
to maintain such parity in regarded to
an amount of silver, increasing at the
rate of fifty millions dollars yearly, with
no fixed termination to such increase,
it can hardly be said that a problem is
presented whose solution is free from
The people of the United States are
entitled to a sound and stable currency
and to money recognized as such on
every exchange and in every market of
the world, Their government has no
right to injure them by finaneial experi-
ments opposed to the policy and prac-
tice of other civilized states, nor is it
justified in permitting an exaggerated
and unreasonable reliance on our nation-
al strength and ability to jeopardize the
soundness of the people's money. This
matter rises above the plane of party
politics. It vitally concerns every busi-
ness and calling and enters every house-
hold in the land.
There is one important aspect of the
subject which especially should never be
everlooked. At times like the present,
when the evils of unsound finance
threaten us, the speculator may antici-
pate a barvest gathered from the mis-
fortunes of others, the capitalist may
protect himself by hoarding, or may
even find profit in the fluctuation on
values, but the wage earner, the first to
be injured by a depreciated currency,
and the lust to receive the benefit of its
correction, is practically defenseless. He
relies for work upon the venture of con-
fident and contented capital. This fail-
ing him, his condition is without alle-
viation, for he can neither prey on the
misfortunes of others nor hoard his
One of the greatest statesmen our
country has known, speaking more than
fifty years ago when a derangement of
the currency had caused commercial
distress, said: “The very man of all
others who has the deepest interest in a
sound currency snd who suffers most by
mischievous legislation in money mat-
ters, is the man who earns his daily
bread by his daily toil.” These words
are as pertinent now as on the day they
were uttered, and ought to impressively
remind us that a failure in the discharge
of our duty at this time must especially
injure those of our countrymen who
labor, and who, because of their num-
ber and condition, are entitled to the
most watchful care of their government.
It is of the utmost importance that
such relief as congress can afford in the
existing situation be afforded at once.
The maxim ‘‘he gives twice who gives
quickly’’ 1s directly applicable. It may
be true that the embarrassment from
evils apprehended as from those actually
We may hope, too, that calm counsels
talists nor the wage earners will give
way to unreasoning panic and sacrifice
their property oi their interests under
the influence of axaggerated fears. Nev-
theless, every day’s delay in removing
one of the plain and principal causes to
prevent this state of things enlarges the
mischief already done and increases the
responsibility of the government for his
A’ this stage gold and silver must |
will prevail and that neither the capi- |,
existence. Whatever else the people
have a right to expect from congress
they may certainly demand that legis-
lation condemned by the ordeal of three
years’ disastrous experience shall be re-
moved from the statute books as svon
as their representatives can legitimately
deal with it.
It was my purpose to summon con-
gress in special session in the coming
September that we might enter prompt-
ly upon the work of tariff reform, which
the true interests of the country clearly
demand, which so large a majority of
the people, as shown by their suffrages,
desire and expect, and to the accomplish-
ment of which every effort of the pre-
sent administration is pledged. But
while tariff reform has lost nothing of
its immediate and permanant impor-
tance, and must in the near future en-
gage the attention of congress, it has
seemed to me that the financial condi-
tion of the country should at once, and
before all other subjects, be considered
by your honorable body.
I earnestly recommend the prompt re-
peal of the provisions of the act passed
July 1, 1890, authorizing the purchase
of silver bullion, and that other legisla-
tive action may put beyond ail doubt or
mistake and the ability of the ‘govern-
ment to fulfill its pecuniary obligations
; in money universally recognized by all
I civilized countries.
A Big Collapse,
PorrsviLLE, Pa., August 7.—This
afternoon the workings of Moore &
Burchill’s Lawrence colliery, near
Frackville and right alongside of the
Reading railroad, Mahony plane col-
lapsed, carrying down into a deep cav-
ernous opening a considerable area of
surface ground, including some small
buildings, and the large colliery stable,
including a number of mules, horses,
hay, feed and wagons.
the past week—Taken from the docket
Edgar McMurtrie, of Coleville, and
Mary C. Bathurst, of Milesburg.
Alfred G. Robb, of Nittany Hall, and
Mary P. Cole, of Zion,
James Wilson and Dorothy Elliott,
both of Smoke Run.
Elmer Houtz, of Linden Halil, and
Flora S. Brown, of Boalsburg.
‘Wm. H. Harter and Orrie C. Vonada,
both of Coburn.
Jacob RBechdel and Lydia DeHass,
both of Blanchard.
Edward Cole and Amanda Ruthen-
berg, both of Snow Shoe.
Thomas Green and Bridget Mullaney,
both of Osceola Mills.
David H. Kennedy, of Jersey Shore,
and Katie A. Smith, of Vail Station.
County.—The way southern and west-
ern people lay out, sell and start thriv-
ing towns off in their history has always
been a matter of interest to people who
have never Lad the opportunity of ob-
serving the methods of boomers. On
Tuesday, August 220d, a new town will
be opened in Clearfield county. It is
named Ames and is already laid out in
plots which if all taken up will make it
a veritable city. The place surrounds
the Winburne station on the line of the
Beech Creek rail-read.
The opening of this plot resembles a
great picnic in one respect, for people
from everywhere will gather there to
see each other, listen to the speeches
and hear the music which the Kyler-
town band will furnish. Matt Savage,
editor of the Clearfield Public Spirit,
will address the people and there be a
general good time.
OpPENED.—The Lutheran congregation
of this place has been at work ever
since 1889 building for itself a home for
worship and the result of all this
earnest labor is seen in the large
brick structure that has been reared at
the corner of Linn and Allegheny
streets. Ever since the old church, on
jal hill, was burned in 1887 the Luth-
erans have been holding their services
in the hall on the second floor of the
Centre county bank building, So it
will be readily seen that it was not with
a feeling of regret that they left the
crowded quarters, in which they have
met so long, and went for the first time
to the commodious church they have
built for themselves.
The services they held in their new
building were not dedicatory, but never-
theless partook something of that nature.
The main auditorium was not open for
service. The meeting having been held
in the Sunday School room where the
children were at home and carried out
their children’s day program with a
vigor that manifested the pleasure they
felt at being in such a nice place. Dur-
ing the services Rev. Hoshour unveiled
a beautiful’ memorial window which
had been placed in the Sunday School
in memory of Edith Dale, Mary Mus-
ser; Annie Ishler and Frank Harbaugh,
four scholars who died during the build-
ing of the church.
In the evening Rev. Dornblazer, of
Bucyrus, Ohio, delivered an able sermon
on ‘“Talents,” to a crowded house. The
time next month.
BaLnists.—The Bellefonte base ball
club came home from Tyrone last Sat-
' urday night after having completed its
second trip on the River League
schedule and having accomplished the
remarkable feat of winning every game
played, while away from home. A
church will be formally dedicated some
great crowd of enthusiasts met the
team at the station and midst a bril-
liant pyrotechnic display the players
were escorted to Potter’s tally-ho
coach, on which they made a triumphal
ride to their quarters at the hotel
Brandt. On arriving there, another
crowd of people cheered and cheered
while addresses of congratulations and
welcome were made from the hotel
Proprietor Henry Yearger was as hap-
py asif every-one of those eleven player
were his own boys and he bustled about
his popular house with a very conscious
pride. He seemed to be giving the base
ball people the wink for something or
other, but his mysterious movements
were all explained when the club, with
a number of the stock-holdars, stood in
the dining rooms where everything was
in readiness for a sumptuous feed. The
various courses of the dinner that were
served, thus in honor of ‘the Govern-
ors,” were gone through with a relish,
and when all was done and ‘Young
George Hodson’ responded to the toast
which Mr. John N. Lane proposed
everyone was in a humor to enjoy the
crack pitcher’s fun.
Mr. Yearger deserves much credit for
the manner in which he prepared the
entertainment for his guests, but then
nothing else could have been expected
from such an old and reputable hotel
man as he is. The Brandt is fast grow-
ing in popularity with the traveling
Council met on Monday night and aside
from finding out exactly how head-over
heels they have run in debt did little
business of interest. The borough is in
debt to Treasurer Cook over $10.000 and
bills aggregating over $500 more were
approved, notwithstanding. The con-
tract for relaying the water pipes on
east Bishop street and for new ones on
Wilson and east High streets was not
awarded, the bids being as follows :
Logan Machine Company $6.99. The
Bellefonte Supply Company offered to
dig the ditches, lay the pipes and cover
them for $5.44; James Harris & Co.
made an itemized bid but the exact
amount was not named. As to digging
the ditches Frank Miller's bid was 10
| cents a foot ; Frank Wescott, 10 cents ;
Perry Steel, $1,48 per rod. After some
consultation it was decided to lay the
subject on the table until the next meet-
ing night.
The street committee reported that
the stone crusher was at work, turning
out very desirable stone for the streets,
Matters of minor importance received
attention and privilege was granted the
Atlantic Refining Co., to erect oil tanks
in the hollow of half moon hill on the
road to the car works after which Coun-
cil adjourned.
It seems that there is very little con-
sideration being paid the financial end
of borough business, for expenditures go
steadily on, money is being borrowed at
6 per cent. interest while the tax col-
lector is permitted his own time in set.
tling his duplicates. Some-one needs a
decided shaking up. This thing of
forcing the tax payers to pay exorbitant
interest for the negligence of one official
and the general loose manner in which
a half dozen others act is becoming in-
John Kernell and his company opened
the season of ‘93-94 here, on Tuesday
night, and set a pace for the rest of the
bookings which it will hustle them to
keep. The company had their rendez-
| vous here and the first night was a daz-
zling success. An idea of the way it
caught our people can be had when we
state that the many recalls drew a two
hour’s performance into three hours and
fifteen minutes.
“The Hustler’ is “not a play but an
institution,” a thread by which fifteen
as clever specialty people as can be seen
any where, are woven into a delightful
program of comedy and music. There
is no plot, only a general jumble of good
things by good people. John Kernell is
too well known for further praise, but
we must say that it is unjust to his
company for him to have his name
programmed in bold, black type, as
every other one is deserving of the same
Jas. Norrie, as the tenor in the merry
troubadours, will meet with the same
reception he got here, everywhere. A
sweeter voice is seldom heard and his
careful enunciation charmed the audi-
ence into three encores for him. E. J.
Heffernan, as “Quiver Kilum,”’ of the
Keely Institute, caught the people on
the merry side and simply brought
down the house with his ‘do-do’’ song
as well as with his nation song from
“the Isle of Champagne.” Jas. F. Cook
and Jas. P. Smith are two clever come-
dians and acrobats who add very mate-
rially to the success of the show while
Mollie Thompson, the petit little sou-
brette, is an artist of genuine merit.
Mamie Mayo, one of the chorus, sang
“Dadda Would’'nt Buy Me a Bow-
Wow’ in German,and made a hit with it.
As a whole the company is an exception-
al one. Well balanced choruses, pretty
, girls, who wear the latest New York,
gowns, and pleasing situations prevail.