Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 04, 1893, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 4, 1893.
To CorresPONDENTS. — No communications
pubiished unless accompanied by the real
aame of the writer.
West WARD Cavcus.—The Demo-
crats of the West ward of Bellefonte will
meet in caucus this evening, at 8 o’clock,
in the WATCHMAN office, for the purpose
of naming and instructing a delegate to
the Democratic County Convention.
NorTH WARD CAavcus.—The Demo-
cratic caucus for the North ward will
be held in the Arbitration room, in the
Court House, this evening at 8 o'clock,
to name three delegates to the County
SourE ‘WARD CAvucus.--The Demo-
cratic caucus for the South ward of
Bellefonte will be held in the Recorder’s
office, in the Court House this, evening
at 8 o'clock to name four delegates to
the County Convention.
——Wait for “the Hustler.”
——What has become of Mr. Span-
genburg’s band (2?)
—— Philipsburg has declared war on
the wooden awnings.
——~Centre county is larger in area
than the state of Rhode Island.
——The Milton club will play with
Bellefonte at the Park to-day.
——=Saturday’s rain went a long way
toward saving the Centre county corn
~——The musicale, in the opera house,
Monday evening, Aug. 7th, don’t for-
get it.
——Bellefonte got $3,955.97 for her
share of the State appropriation of $5,-
000,000 to public schools.
——The Magnet knows how to lie,
just the same as any other paper, even
if itis a temperance organ.
——Oscar Struble, a son of Watson
Struble, who lives near Axe Mann, re-
cently had his leg broken by a horse
——A number of young folks had an
informal dance in the Arcade, on Mon-.
day evening. A street piano furnished
the music.
——Charles E. Hurlburd, State’ Sec-
retary of the Y. M. C. A., is making an
effort to give Houtzdale a free reading
—A few well placed advertisements
will make the average store keeper for-
get that there is a dull season in the
-— Bellefonte property ~~ owners
should be compelled to keep the grass
and weeds cut down in front of ther
——4The hustler,” one of the liveliest
of musical comedies, will open the
opera house season, on Tuesday evening,
August 8th.
——A Mrs. Knox, who has been a
missionary to India, will address a
meeting, tomorrow evening, in the
Presbyterian chapel, on Spring street.
——A lawn festival will be held to-
morrow, Saturday evening, at the resi-
dence of Rev. G. E. Zehner, on Wil-
low-Bank street, for the benefit of the
Evangelical church.
——The new board of pension exam-
iners for this county will be made up of
Drs. H. K. Hoy and J. L. Seibert, of
this place, and Dr. PS. Fisher, of Zion.
It will meet Wednesdays at the office
of Dr. Hoy in this place.
——Our readers are warned against a
well dressed lady who is likely to appear
and profess that she is going to start a
class in painting. After selling you the
necessary outfit she “works” all your
neighbors, then leaves the town.
——While working at the cornice on
a barn, on the farm of W. Fred Rey-
nolds, on last Thursday afternoon, Mr.
David Bartley fell to the ground, a dis-
tance of sixteen, teet injuring himself
quite severely. Heis able to be about
again. ;
——It is said that the grass at Hunt-
ers park is entirely too long for comfort
at a resort of that kind. It would re-
quire very little trouble to keep it crop-
ped and it is a wonder the management
does’nt do so, when so many complaints
are made.
——The musicians under instructions
of Prof. Weaver, will hold a picnic in
Ard’s grove, at Pine Grove, in the near
future. Arrangements for the same are
being made. Itis expected that 200
voices accompanied by 40 instruments
will take part in the entertainment
The date will be announced shortly.
——A rare sight was that witnessed
at the home of Dr. A, W. Hafer, on
Reynolds avenue, on last Sunday even-
ing. Ten buds on an immense night
blooming cereus came into flower and de-
lighted the numbers of people who vis-
ited the house to see them, The rare
and powerful fragrance of the flowers
was a matter of great inter est.
Us— Mr. preacher-weather prophet
Hicks says thatthe weather we will have
during the month of August will be
somewhat after this manner.
On the 2nd and 8rd of August will
center a reactionary wave of great
warmth, resulting in severe storms with-
in the period embraced between the 2nd
and night of the 4th. At this time we
will be nearing the center of the Venus
Equinox, and the phenomena will take
on characteristics so often defined as re-
sulting from that disturber. Excessive
heat is apt to end in lightning, thunder,
hail and wind, and a sudden change to
abnormally cool on the very heels of
great heat. The storm period, 8th to
12th, promises the most active and dan-
gerous storms of the month, having as
the disturbing causes “Vulcan” central
on the 8th, Venus central on the 9th,
New Moon on the 11th and Mercury
central on the 12th. There is reason to
apprehend violence in the elements be-
tween the 8th and 12th. The heat will
become intense before the storms appear,
the barometer will be depressed general-
ly, reaching .phenomenal “lows” at
some points, and cloud formations will
be black and ominous. Heavy hail,
thunder and wind may be expected, and
cloudbursts are sure to result here and
there. Such are the results ordinarily
following such a combination of causes,
but there are exceptional cases, when in-
stead of the heat breaking into storms
of rain, hail, wind and thunder, the
warmth is prolonged, growing more and
more oppressive, the life element in the
atmosphere seems exhausted, and the
sky assumes a gray to brassy aspect, an
incumbus seeming to fasten up all na-
ture, until violent earthquake phenome-
na break the spell and allow the ele-
ments to return to their normal condi-
tion. If perchance this particular per-
iod should take this turn, we call upon
the people and press everywhere to note
carefully whether or not it terminates af-
ter the manner we have indicated.
Whether it endsin storms orsceismic per-
turbations, there will be certain revul-
sions from great heat to very cool, with
probabilities of temperature falling al-
most or quite to the frost line in north-
ern regions—say from 11th to 14th,
About the 15th, reactionary temperature
with southerly winds will most likely
result in another spell of storminess, and
be followed by another northwesterly
inrush of cool air.
From the 18th to 22nd falls another
period of heat and storms. We name
the 18th, 20th and 21st as days on which
the chief disturbances will be at their
crisis. The moon’s first quarter on the
morning of the 19th in connection with
the prevailing Venus electric strain is
very apt to produce gales and thunder
squalls within twenty-four hours of 6 p-
m. on that date. Another series of dis-
turbance for two or three days will be
natural during this period, but the ba-
rometer, wind currents and temperature
will plainly announce when the storm
currents have been reduced to the nor-
mal--the wind coming cool and steadily
from the west and north—the barometer
moving upward, and temperature fall-
ing. Alter these disturbances there will
be a close approach to the frost line in
the north. Pleasant days and very cool
nights will follow up to reactionary
changes and storms on and touching the
26th and 27th. The full moon on the
27th will tend to centralize the distur-
bances on and around that date, and
will help to precipitate any tendency to
sceismic throes that may exist, such be-
ing more than probable at the time, if
electral storms should not have been fre-
quent and hard during the month. Au-
gust ends with the first stages of a storm
period coming into action—that is, ba-
rometer will be falling in the west, with
temperature rising in advance of it, fed
by the southerly air currents that trans-
port moisture, heat and electric force,
from the equatorial regions. August
storms in most of the northern hems-
pheres, will develop and move from the
northwest, the first marked indication of
their coming being generally a dark or
leaden bank across the northwest at sun-
set. There is cause for this. Itis the
return of our globe toward the autum-
nal equinox, and an effort of nature to
let in through our polar gates cooler
ozene and atmosphere from outer space.
could two persons be born at the same
time and die at the same time, at the
end of fifty years, and yet one of them
live a hundred days more than the oth-
er?” is a query propounded to the
writer the other day. Can you tell ?
Perhaps not. Well, the answer turns
out upon the familiar fact that a person
who goes around the world toward the
west loses a day, while the person who
travels in the opposite direction gains a
day. We will suppose then, that two
men in question were born in New
York, from whence a.trip around the
world may easily be made once a year.
One of them goes always toward the
west, the other toward the east. One
losses a day ever year, the other gains a
day every year,
after fifty years of age, one has seen
one hundred days more than the other.
— Exchange.
When the men die,
——The process of topping tobacco
has begun in the Lock Haven region.
——The season will open next Tues-
day night when “the Hustler” comes to
the opera house.
—— The Bloomsburg base ball club
paid $50 for the release of “pap” Watts
the Tyrone in fielder.
——Twenty-two miles of Telford
paved streets will be laid in Hunting.
don. Work has begun already.
——The public roads in Ireland are
said to be the best in the world. Per-
haps this is the reason the people get out
of it so easily.
——The Juniata Valley editorial ex-
cursion which was to have gone to Bed-
ford has been declared off, because so
many of the editors have gone to Chi-
——A Houtzdale man recently kil-
led a rattle snake that weighed seven-
teen pounds and had twenty-one rattles.
The Advance thinks it was eiiher a
large snake or is a correspondingly large
——Clearfleld papers say ‘nobody
here complains of hard times. “It is no
wonder. It has been so long since the
place has known what good times are
that nothing, however panicky, would
disturb her.
——The Keystone express, on the
Pennsylvania road, made the run be-
tween Altoona and Harrisburg, on last
Sunday, in 145 minutes. The distance
is 182 miles. Itis the fastest time on
record between the two points.
——1It is delightful without the cows
on thestreet. But now since they are
gone cne can hardly get along our thor-
oughfares for the crowds of pretty girls.
It hardly seems possible that the bovine
tribe should have exercised such a sub-
duing influence over the feminine popu-
——The Lock Haven company of the
National Guard will become a signal
corps. The company will be reduced
to forty members who will carry small
bore guns, wear dark blue uniforms and
drag along enough poles, wire, ete, to
put up a mile of telegraph line in a very
few moments.
—— While crossing the mountain, on
last Friday, James McClanathan, of
Centre Hall, met a large black bear.
Bruin was down pretty well on the
Centre Hall side of the moun-
tain, but as Mr. MecClanathan
was on foot, without any means
of attacking it he left it pass.
——*The Hustler” will come to the
opera house, on next Tuesday evening,
July 8th, and give the people of our
town one of the brightest, cleanest mus-
ical comedies it has ever been their good
fertune to witness. Remember it will
be the opening of the opera house season
and a good show may be looked for.
—— While listening to the free show
in the Diamond, on Saturday night,
Gladstone, a young son of Hugh Tay-
lor, fell backward off the top rail of the
band pavilion, striking his head on the
hard street below. He was carried into
the office of Dr. Geo. F. Harris, in a
semi conscious condition, where his
wounds were dressed. No bones were
broken, though his skull received quite
a concussion.
——The Bellefonte ball club started
outon its trip on Monday morning.
Games have been played at Milton,
where wo won 13 to 1 ; at Bloomsburg,
where we won 13 to 10; at Williamsport,
where the score was 6 to 5 in our favor
at the end of the 8th inning, when a
rank decision of the umpire forced Cap-
tain Reed to take the team off the field.
The game will be contested.
——A slight blaze on the roof of a
small frame house occupied hy Abe
Jackson and family, on east High street,
called the entire fire department out on
Friday morning. In turning into Al-
legheny street, from Howard, the Logan
steamer horses were going at such speed
that driver Sam’l Guisewhite was
thrown from his seat and narrowly es-
caped being run over by the heavy en-
gine. Only his presence of mind in
holding onto the lines saved him. In
that way he was dragged along until
the team was stopped.
——Rev. Morris Swartz, who will be
remembered by most of our readers as
the youngest son of the late Dr. Geo,
M. Swartz, preached in the Methodist
church, in this place, on Sunday even-
ing. He is a graduate of Dickinson
college, at Carlisle, and is now filling a
charge at West Fairview, just across
the river from Harrisburg. His sermon
was listened to with.a keen interest by
the friends who filled the church, Dur-
ing the services Loe B. Woodcock sang
the “Ave Maria” and Mrs. North, of
Bradford, sang “Come Unto Me” a
rarely suitable selection for her rich
soprano voice.
WuAN Herp UxbpeEr $5000 To
AND MAL-PRACTICE.—The habeas cor-
pus proceedings in the case of John N.
‘Whan, who has been confined in the
Centre county jail since last May,
charged with abortion and mal-practice
on the person of Mrs. Maize Winkle-
man of Nittany all, were #gain sum-
moned before Judge Furst, on last Mon-
day morning. The prosecution had
time to prepare its side of the case and
the defense did not have the easy sail-
ing it had the week previous, when
Judge Furst neatly got out of releasing
the prisoner by granting a stay to the
The case occupied the attention of the
court during nearly the whole of Mon-
day. All of the witnesses that both
sides could summon were called for their
testimony. The commitment which
was supposed to have been irregular was
proven to beall right. Whan’s inter-
views were given and his kit of surgical
instruments were explained by Dr. Har-
ris, who also gave testimony regarding
the post-mortem on the body of Mrs.
Winkleman, which disclosed every evi-
dence of abortion. Perhaps the most
damaging bit of evidence brought out
was that of Ernest L. Eddy who ac-
companied the prisoner as far as the
Winkleman house on the day of the
crime. He testified that Whan was so
thoroughly disguised that no one would
have known him.
The evidence all in the court decided
to re-commit the prisoner in the sum of
$5,000. As he was unable to find
boudsmen he went back to jail to await
A Goop CarcH.—Our stalwart Dem-
ocratic friend Mr. J. I. Delong, of
Blanchard, has no idea of turning fisher-
man, but as an amateur in the business
thinks he can coax as many bites out of
the same number of bass, as any one
else. One day last week, in company
with Mr. John Wagner, of Milesburg
he tried his luck and in just
three hours landed 25 pounds of the
black beauties, one of them weighing
over 34 pounds. During this time, it is
said that Mr. Wagner, who imagines
he is a son of old Nimrod, had
not found a hole worth throwing
his bait into, and when the Liberty
township leader had packed his fish
into his basket and was ready to return
home, our Milesburg friend had not
experienced the pleasure of having a
bite. If Mr. Delong could only capture
Republicans as readily as he does bass,
the majority against him, in his town-
ship, wouldn't be as big each year as it
usually turns cut to be.
CLINE.—Says the Lock Haven Express.
“A gentleman of this city, who is thor- |
oughly posted on matters, pertaining to
the lumber business, informed a repre-
sentative of the Express that the out-
look for next year’s log crop 1s not en-
couraging. The mill yards are crowded
with sawed lumber, for which there is |
but little demand, and owing to the un-
——George W. Dry, one of Tyrone’s
pioneer residents, died on Saturday, in
his 83rd year.
——Call and see E. Brown Jr.
stock of furniture and wall paper.
—— By ail means attend the musicale
given by the Methodist choir, in the
opera house, next Monday evening,
——1If you want to know just wha
you are buying go to Faubles.
——Have you seen E. Brown Jr’
stock of wall paper.
——The new Lutheran church, in
this place, will be dedicated on Sunday,
September 3rd.
~——The Passmore house, in Philips-
burg, has been remodeled and now pre-
sents a very attractive appearance,
——For well made clothing go to
——The soldiers will leave for camp
Potts, at Lakemont, near Altoona,
where the 5th Reg. will encamp, this
——Furniture at lower prices at E.
Brown Jr's. than any place in Centre
——Lock Haven, Philipsburg and
Clearfield all have the advantage of
competing express lines. The Ameri-
can and Adams companies both touch
those towns.
——On next Monday evening there
will be a musicale in the opera house.
The ladies of the Methodist church are
getting it up and the best talentin town
will be drawn upon, as well as that from
a number of nearby towns. The con-
cert will be an innovation in the mus-
icale circles here and every one should
attend. The admission to any part of
the house will be 25 and 35 cents.
News Purely Personal,
—L.J. Evans, lately of Curwensville, |is a
new resident in Bellefonte.
—Miss Gertrude Stonerode, of Milesbur g, iS
visiting her friend, Nellie Gibbony, in Philip s-
—Miss Jennie Fauble, of east High street,
returned from the Fair on Wednesday, eve_
—Tom Brew returned from Spangler on
Wednesday afternoon. He had been clerking
in a store up there:
—Miss Hattie, daughter of J, Fearon Mann,
of this place, is enjoying herself at !Asbury
—A. Scott Harris, who is mining%in the
Hastings region, Sundayed at his home in
this Place.
—DMiss Mary beveling, disbursing clerk for
the Valentine Iron Co., left on Monday morn_
ing, tor a trip to Chicago.
—Mrs. Dr. E. S. Dorworth and daughter Bes-
sie, are spending a few weeks with* friends in
the Connellsville coke regions.
—Charles G. Valentine, of Atlantic City, N.
J. is visiting his wife at the home of W, T.
Speer, on west High street.
—Mrs. Mary Gray and son, Durbin, are vis-
iting at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs, J.
Edward Horn, in Philipsburg.
—Mrs. John Noll, who has been enjoying
settled condition of business affairs gen-
erally the stock of logs put in this
season for next year’s sawing will be |
very small. In fact he stated that the |
people of this city will see the smallest |
num ber of saw logs float down the Sus-
quehanna next spring that they have
ever seen. Several lumbermen of whom
he mentioned; as having ten to fifteen
million feet this year, will not put in a
log for next year’s sawing.”
——On Monday afternoon the frame |
dwelling house on the farm of Eman-
uel Musser, located on the pike, about |
one half mile east of State College, took |
fire and in a remarkably short time was
reduced to ashes. When the flames |
were first discovered an effort was made |
to extinguish them, but all to no avail. |
The building was an old frame struc- i
ture and burned like tinder. The '
prompt appearance of workmen and
residents about State College added
much to the saving of the furniture as
it was nearly all removed before the
building was demolished. Mr. Musser
can assign no cause for the origin of the
fire, though it was apparently caused by
a defective flue. He carried insurance
on the building, but none on the furni-
——Salvetto Grecco, an Italian resi-'
dent, of Chester Hill, a suburb of Phil.
ipsburg, has been arrested and taken to
Altoona by United States Marshall
Yerger, for opening mail addressed to
other Italians, which he secured at the
Philipsburg post office. It is the cus-
tom to hand all the letters addressed to
foreigners out, in a batch, to any who
may call, whereupon they are supposed
to extract only their own. Grecco took
other people's also, and is now in the
—— George Owen, mail carrier John
Wagner and Lee Woodcock left this
place at 8 o'clock, on Wednesday morn-
| ing, for Liggett’s dam on the Bald
Eagle creek, near Eagleville. They
returned in the evening with twenty
, two pounds of black bass, the result of
their day’s fish. An idea of the size of
the fish may be had when we say that
they had only eight on the string.
the sights of Atlantic City for the past three
| weeks is coming home Saturday.
—Miss Malone, of Germantown, who had
been visiting at the home of Judge Furst, on
Linn street, departed on Wednesday after-
—Balser Weber, the Howard merchant, and
candidate for Treasurer, Howard Moore, began
the week by circulating among Bellefonte
—R. M. McGee Esq., and family, of Philadel.
phia, will spend the summer in their old home,
They have furnished rooms intheir house on
Penn street.
—Milford Luce and wife, of Centre Hall
passed through town, on Tuesday, on; their
way home from a visit to Altoona and; Tyrone
Rev. William Laurie D. D., is spending his
min-surrmer vacation at Atlantic City. The
Presbyterians will have services as usual dur
ing his absence.
—Miss Jacobs, after a pleasant visit to the
Misses Valentine, cornerof Howard and Alle-
gheny streets, returned toher home in West
Chester yesterday morning.
—Misses Susie, Nan, and Bert Collins, of
Phil.delphia, are visiting their aunts, Mrs.
Shoemaker and the Misses Collins, at their
beautiful home just below town.
—Miss Bess Parsons, of Williamsport, and
Miss Jennings, of Pittsburg, two charming
guests of Miss Blanche Hayes, on High street,
departed for their homes on Wednesday.
—Geo. T. Bushand John and Wonds Sebring
left for the Fair, on Wednesday. § They took
their bicycles along with them so they can
join in the grand celebration which the L. A:
W. will have.
—Miss Marion Nevling, of Sioux City, Ia., has
been visiting at Mr. Fearon Mann's. Although
it is but a few yearssince Miss Nevling left
Bellefonte she has mada quite a reputation as
a teacher in that time.
—Mr. Wilbur Twitmire and family are
among the Bellefonte people who have en-
gaged tents at the Juniata Valley camp meet.
ing, and will leave the beginning of next week
for Newton Hamilton.
—Mrs. W. E. Burchfield, of Philipsburg,
with her brother, Mr. Finley Shugert, of
Washington, D, O,, arrived in town Wednes-
day evening and are visiting at the home of
"J. Dunlop 8hugert, on Linn street.
—Jerome Harper and William Kelley, two
dashing young society swells from the ancient
and aristocratic old borough of Bellefonte,
smiled sweetly on our fair ones Wednesday
evening. They are ‘‘Lulus.”—Saturday’'s Ty-
rone Times.
—Thomas K. Morris came over from Belle-
fonte on Thursday to see the game. “Tom”
is thoroughly Bellefontized by this time, and
can talk by the hour about their base ball club.
He believes their club can beat the world.—
Saturday’s Tyrone Times.
—— While trying to make a kitchen
fire burn faster, by pouring on kerosene,
Rose Mayer, a 17 year old Russian Po-
lish girl who lived with her mother and
brother, in Altoona, was so frightfully
burned that she can hardly recover. The
accident occurred at noon on Tuesday.
The girl was pouring the oil on the fire
when the flames leaped out, catching
her dress and burning her from head to
foot. All the hair was burned off her
head and she is a mass of the most
painful burns. She inhaled some of the
flames, thus burning her internally. She
died yesterday.
For well wade clothing go to
Don't forget to attend the musi-
cal in the opera house, on Monday
night. Mrs. Kress, of Lock Haven,
Miss Robbins, of Philadelphia, Mrs.
North, of Bradford and an elocutionist
from Huntingdon will make up the
talent from a distance. Mr. Phil. Wad-
dle, Hard P. Harris and Lee B. Wood-
cock, of this place, will each sing. The
proceeds will be given to the Methodist
church. Admission 85 cents and 25
Go to E. Brown Jr's. for your
wall paper.
The finest assortment of clothing
you have ever seen now open at Fau-
——The funeral of the late Thumas
Fleming, who died at his home near
the mine bank recently, was held on
Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Robert E.
Wright, rector of St. John’s P. E.
church officiating, and the large cortege
of mourners attested the great esteem
in which the deceased was held by all
who knew him.
——Punxsutawney has legislated
against the small boy nuisance. All
youngsters found on the streets after 8 :30
in the evening will be arrested, unless
they produce positive proof that they
are on an errand.
—— “The Hustler” comes to the opera
house, on next Tuesday night, with
everything new, from beginning to end.
The caste is a strong one and being led
by John Kernell something good may
be looked for.
——We never consider an article
sold until the customer is perfectly sat-
istled. You can at any time have your
money in exchange for any goods
bought at Faubles.
——The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P. O. June 24, 1893.
Mrs. Sue Glenn, Jno. Landell, Marinette
Manro, David J. Neiman, Thomas Ralston,
Agt. Wide Awake, Jacob E. Wilson,
When called for please say advertised.
Benner Township Caucus,
The Demoeratic eaucus for the township of
Benner, Centre county; will be held in the
Distriet Attorney's office, in the Court House,
in Bellefonte, on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 5th
between the hours of 2and 6p. m. to elect
three delegates to attend the County Conven-
tion. A full attendance is desired.
Danier HEckmAN. Chairman,
fot ——
Great cash sale of stiff hats brown,
light brown, tan and black.
150 hats now $1.00
200 ¢¢ “ 1.50
250-800 « 2.00
For Men and Boys
MontcoMERY & Co.
The, Standing of the Clubs.
The standing of the River League clubs to
date is as follows : WON. post. P.C.
Demorests 4 2 666
Renovo..... 5 2 J14
Bellefonte 5 3 625
Tyrone...... 2 5 285
Bloomsburg. 0 1 000
Milton........coieieiiees wre 0 3 .000
#Game on August 2nd contested between
Bellefonte and Williamsport.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Tor evening, when our paper
oes to press :
Nite! Wheab....iuimiiinnsimmssinesas | 50
Old wheat,« per bushel...
Rye, per bushel......u....
Corn, ears, per bushel....
Corn, shelled, per bushel...
Oats—new, per bushel..........
Barley, per bushel...........
Ground Plaster, per ton.........
Buckwheat per bushel.
Cloverseed, per bushei
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes'per bushel .............ccooniiniisee 80
Eggs, per dozen.... rss . 1214
Lard, per pound v 12
CountryShoulde; 12
ides 12
Hams 14
Tallow, per pound. 4
Butter, per pound.. 18
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
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