Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 04, 1893, Image 4

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    CECE Sr sty
I Er, oi
Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 4, 1893.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Ebprror
The Bardsley Pardon Promise.
The Philadelphia Press calls it “idiot-
ic-clap-trap” in the WaTcHMAN to as-
sert that “if the next Governor of
Pennsylvania be a Republican he will
pardon JouN BarpsLEY,” for the rea-
son, a8 the Press puts it, that “the
Governor of Pennsylvania has no
power to pardon any one.”
This is possibly as easy a way, as
the Press can conceive of, to try to
dispose of the fact that the pledges of
the leaders of its party were given
JouN BarpsLey that his pardon
would be secured as soon as a Republi-
can Governor was elected, in return for
his silence, at the time of his trial as
to who were the beneficiaries of the
robberies inflicted upon Philadelphia
and the State during his administra-
tion of the office of city Treasurer.
But it won’t succeed.
That these pledges were given the
Press does not dispute, that they will be
made good it does not deny. It only
seeks to discredit the statement by as-
serting that the “Governor has no
power to pardon any one.” That the
Governor of himself has not the power
to grant pardons the WarcEMAN well
knows, but it also knows that it is
through him all pardons are issued and
that the method of constructing the par:
don board, is such that in case of Repub-
lican success, any pledge that he has
made can be as readily carried out
through its recommendation and his
action, as though he was exclusive ar-
biter in the matter himself,
To the people of the State, and as a
matter of justice, it matters nothing
whether a pardon is granted through
a Governor himself, or by the joint ac-
tion of the chief executive and a board,
part of which he appoints and part of
which is elected at the same time, on
the same ticket, and pledged just as he
is. It is the fact that the ends of
justice are to be thwarted ; that the ras-
cals who stood back of BarpsLEy and
assisted him in robbing the city and
State are to succeed in the payment of
their promised bribe for his silence ;
that the Republican party, that benefi!-
ted by the robbery, is to escape the ex-
posure that otherwise would have been
made, and that the power and author-
ity of the commonwealth are to be
used for these base ends, is what will
create public interest and arouse public
The Press cry of “clap trap,” may
satisfy itself. It will not convince the
people that the promise of a pardon
for BARDSLEY, as a reward for the si-
lence that saved Quay and Wana-
MAKER, and the big Philadelphia con-
tribution to the Republican presidential
campaign fund, from exposure was not
made ; nor does it assure them that
this promise will not be fulfilled in
case of the election of a Republican
Governor next fall.
——The Democratic voters of the
county should remember that to-mor
row, Saturday, afternoon is the time
fixed for them to expose their preference
as to the candidate they prefer voting
for at the fall election. The ticket that
will be placed in nomination on Tues
day next, will be virtually named at
the primaries to-morrow. At these
each voter has the right to express his
preference, and he who fails to go out
and vote will have no right to com-
plain if some candidate other than the
one he desires to see nominated should
succeed. Let there be a full turn out to
the primaries; a general acquiescence
in the will of the majority, and then a
Democratic victory that will put all
past victories far in the shade.
When the British Parliament
is enlivened by the practices of Donny-
brook Fair, the English members are
not behind their Irish brethren in hit
ting any head that may appear in
sight. This was shown in the row
that recently came off in the House of
Commons, when English, Tories ‘and
Liberals struck out from the shoulder
with equal vigor and vivacity. It
used to be a favorite slur of the Lon-
don papers to speak of the rowdy pro-
ceedings in the American Congress,
their prejudice always exaggerating the
altercations that sometimes occur in
the latter assemblage, but it never hap-
pened that American congressmen
rolled over the floor in a rough and
tumble fight as was done by honor-
able (?) members of Parliament, in a re-
cent squabbleover the Home Rule bill.
That was a scene exhibiting exclusively
the high breeding of British leg
——Read the WATCHMAN,
Not the Work of the Old Soldier.
The old Soldier who had the courage
to stand at the front during the war, is
pension will be either reduced or dis-
continued. The chaps who are doing
the kicking, about a revision of the
while they sought safety in the hospi:
tals or at home. These, along with
Republican politicians and pension
agents, are the opponents of a peasion
system that will discriminate between
the deserving soldier and the bounty
jumper, the skulker and the pension
shark, No real>old soldier has, or need
have, any fear of being left in the
struggle for an honest and honorable
pension roll. Itis to give to each as
he deserves, and the full measure of
his deserts, that the effort is being
made to revise the list of pensioners.
——-Contrary to the reasonable be-
lief that the invention of labor saving
machinery would make labor more
plentiful, than it was when every farmer
needed at least a dozen men to garner
his crops, the experience of the season
now drawing to a close has shown that
farm help was never known to have
been so scarce. Notwithstanding the
fact that there are a large percentage
of self-binding harvesters in this county
farmers have been greatly handicapped
for want of helpers.
——The bankers and monev brokers
who started the calamity howl for the
purpose of demonetizing silver, evident-
ly “bit off more financial trouble than
they can chew.” They failed in their
effort to create a business panic, but
succeeded admirably in bringing about
a banker's panic, and just now the re-
sults of their labor, like chickens, are
coming howe to roost.
——What do Republican howl
ers about here say to the increase of
Jases DoLaN’s pension, The veterans
are satisfied. It is the thieves who are
doing the kicking.
The County Convention to be
held in this place, on next Tuesday,
will nominate a good ticket which
every Democrat can support.
Every Democrat in Centre coun.
ty should be a reader of the Waromaax.
It is a truly reliable and always
Democratic journal,
A ————————————
Doom to Peary’s Trip.
The Falcon Nearly Swamped in a Severe Storm,
—Donkeys Perished From Exposure.~Dogs
Must be Found to Replace the Burros or the
Expedition Will Fail—Now Searching for the
Needed Animals— Lieutenant Peary Unable to
Find Dogs at the Settlements he Visited.
Harrrax, N. S. July 81.—Lieuten-
ant Peary’s expedition to the North
Pole is evidently doomed to serious de-
lay and perhaps utter failure, according
to word from St. Johns, N. F.
Notwithstanding that the Falcon is
commanded by Henry H. Bartlett, one
of the most experienced commanders on
the coast, the party bad a very severe
passage on the voyage from Newfound-
and to Labrador, the storms being so
furious and severe that the vessel was in
danger of going down. Their donkeys
perished from exposure, and as Lieuten-
ant Peary depended on them for much
of the laborious work, their loss is keen-
ly felt.
Lieutenant Peary was unable to buy
dogs at the settlements he visited and
was forced to go further in the endeavor
to obtain them. It is necessary for the
explorer to replace the donkeys with
dogs suitable for the work in view, oth-
erwise his movements in the frozen
North will be seriously handicapped.
The lieutenant hoped to be able to re-
place the lost animals, and was willing
to pay a big price for substitutes, as
failure to get them might mean the col-
lapse of the expedition.
Repair will be made to the Falcon
while cruising in search of dogs, ard if
success crowns his efforts. Peary says he
will at once set out for the desired goal.
Siam Accepts the Ultimatum.
A Big Indemnity Will Also Have to be Paid by
the Siamese—The Concession Made Removes
the Probability of War.
Bangkok, July 80.—The Siamese
governmen?, has accepted the full terms
of the French ultimatum. The sub-
stance of the ultimatum was as fol-
lows :
First. A recognition of the rights of
Annam and Cambodia on the left or
eastern bank of the Mekong river, as
far north as the twenty-third parallel of
Second. The evacuation within a
month of the forts held by the Siamese
on the east bank of the river,
Third. Full satisfaction for various
Siamese aggressions against French
ships and French sailors on the Menam
river. !
Fourth. The punishment of the cul-
prits and provision for the pecuniary in-
demnity of the victims.
ifth. An indemnity of 1,000,000
francs for various damages sustained by
French subjects.
Sixth. The immediate deposit of
8,000,000 fraacs to guarantee the pay-
ment of the fourth and fifth claims, or
the assignment ofthe taxes in certain
districts in lieu of the deposit of 8,000,-
000 francs.
i ——If you want printing of any de-
| scription the WATCHMAN office is the
place to have it done.
not the one who is afraid now that his .
of four destinations is allowed —whether |
pension rolls, are the fellows who left :
the real soldiers to do the fighting, !
$10 the Round Trip to the Atlantic
Coast via the Pennsylvania Railroad.
On August 10th and 24th thelast two |
of the popular summer series of sea-
shore excursions will be run. A choice
Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City,
or Sea Isle City The rate of $10 from
Pittsburg and proportionately reduced
rates from other places is 8 most extra-,
ordinary offer when the distance
covered is considered. The tickets
are good for return passage within
twelve days, which gives ample time for
a restful vacation by the sea.
The success of these remaining excur-
sions is assured by the patronageaccord-
ed the preceding two of the sume series.
Great satisfaction has been expressed on
all sides at the manner of service witli
which the Pennsylvania Railroad Com-
pany handled these attractive trips,
everything possible being done for the
convenience of 1ts patrons.
The special train will leave Pittsburg
at 8:50 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia
a little after 7 in the evening. The
night may be spent in the Quaker City
and any regular train taken the next
day for the shore.
The rates apply on regular trains
leaving Pittsburg at 4:30. 7.00 and 8.10
P. M,, or on special train leaving at
8.560 A. M. on the above mentioned
~The special train will be run on the
following schedule, and the tickets will
be sold at the rates quoted :--
Rate. Train
Altoona....... 33 00 1255 P. M
Hollidays 800 1105A.M
Bellwood. 8 00 1.06 P.M
8 90 9.36 A. M
8 25
.8 65
«7 6D
apply to Thos. E. Watt, Passenger
Agent, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg.
Bering Sea Case Decision.
It Will Be Theoretically in Favor of America’s
Paris, July 81.—The decision in the
Bering sea case will be theoretically in
favor of America’s contention that pelag-
ic sealing should be restricted so as to
prevent the extinction of the fur seal
species. But the arbitrators will not
give Americans the full property rights
in the herd which are claimed. This
forecast of the result is given by the
New York World's correspondent, and
is substantially indorsed by those Ameri-
cans and Englishmen best qualified to
Such a decision would avoid the com-
plete turning down of either party to
the dispute, and in that respect would
be agreeable to both sides. If the arbi-
trators decide to restrict pelagic sealing,
the American counsel will feel that they
have won their fight for great princi-
ples cf humanity and morality.
The date for announcing the decision
is only to be guessed. The question of
damages is understood to be the one
which is chiefly prolonging the labors
of the arbitrators. Senator Morgan had
announced his departure for Aug. 5,
but has changed his date to Aug. 19,
and says he is not sure he can get away
| eme———————
Recommendations of West
WasniNaToN, Aug. 1.—The report
of the board of visitors to the West
Point Military academy makes the fol-
lowing recommendations among others:
An increase of the number of cadets,
elevation of the standard of admission,
a fuller course in history and English,
opportunity for professors and instruc:
tors to visit other institutions of learn-
ing, the establishment of full professor-
ship in the department of ordnance and
artillery, the procuring of a new heavy
ordnance of the best types, the appor-
tionment of the director of the gymna-
sium to first lieutenancy in the army
and the appointment each year of
two or more members of the previous
board of visitors.
Multum in Parvo.
From the Columbia Independent.
The farmer who receives 60 cents
for his wheat can sit down in the
evening and figure out how greatly he
is benefited by the McKinley bill.
The law of supplying and demand
knocks the protectionist’s theory into
a cocked hat,
——To-morrow evening the Zion
band will hold a festival in Gentzel’s
grove, two miles west of Zion.
—— Over three hundred people at-
tended the Catholic picnic at the park,
on Wednesday. All had a good time.
——~Samuel Tlgen’s sieam saw mill,
in Sugar Valley, with 500,000 ft. of
sawed timber, was burned last Monday
——The Reformed church congrega-
tion, of this place, held a delightful
sociable at the country home of Mr. H.
K. Hoy, two miles south of town last
——A slight fire in the stable, on
Bishop street, used by John Curry,
burned one of his horses legs and tail
last Saturday evening. It is supposed
to have caught from a match lighted by
the horse stepping on it.
——The Bellefonte band has again
lapsed into a state of innocuous desue-
tude. Even Mr. Spangenburg did not
have the requisite energy to hold it to-
gether. The instruments haveall been
turned over to President Scott Lose for
safe keeping.
——Meyer’s orchestra went to Centre
Hall, on Tuesday night, and rendered
a concert for the citizens of that place.
The music is eaid to bave been greatly
appreciated and Centre Hall turned out
en masse to hear our musicians.
——Mr. Charley Brown, of Wesg
Logan street, is the champion gooseber-
ry grower of this section. Several days
ago he brought into this office a branch
of a two year old gooseberry bush that
bad twenty four berries on all of them
remarkable for their flavor and size. In-
deed several of them measure three and
a half inches in circumference. Who.
can beat that ?
—Dr. A. W. Hafer seems always to
have something on band. When it is'nt
flowers it is fruit. For several years he
has been favoring this office with sam-
ples of the peaches he raises in his yard,
on Reynolds avenue, and while we were
kind of expecting one of his visits this
year we had no idea he would be around
so early in the season. On Wednesday
morning he dropped in with sume of the
most luscious fruit it has been our plea-
sure to taste. ,
MARRIAGE LicENsEs. —Issued during
the past week-—Taken from the docket
W. T. Steely, of Lewistown, and Sue
D. Miller, of Spring Mills.
James P. Miller, of Sober, Pa. and
Ezliabeth M. Vonada, of Madisonburg
Geo. R. Clark, Jr. and Alberta E
Jackson, both of Buffalo Run.
Howark Goodling, of Centre Hall and
Maggie Spangler, of New Berlin.
Roland J. Burchfield and .Marian
Rumberger, both of Philipsburg.
Joseph Brown and Sarah E. Bean,
beth of Philipsburg.
Walker Items.
The Italian and Hungarian workmen have
all left Hecla, and moved to Nittany Hall to
resume their work on the railroad.
The farmers are appreciating the thought of
having soon stored away their summer crops,
but are grieved at the idea of sacrificing it for
the meagre sum of from sixty to seventy
cents a bushel.
Everybody seems to be elated over the fact
that Nittany Valley will goon step to the front
rank in the line of rail-road accommodation®
it will, no doubt, revive many a dormant and
sluggish enterprise, arouse the people from
their lethargy, and instill into their minds and
hearts energy and enthusiasm.
Walker Grange, No. 345, P. of H., is supply-
ing a long needed want, in the shape of a hall
at Hublersburg. This is sure proof that Wal
ker grange is still in the land and among the
living, and is making ample preparations for
more and better work for the grange organi-
zation. The carpenter work is being accom-
plished by Messrs Twitmyer and Kerstetter,
of Pleasant Gap, who long ago have proved
themselves expertsin the trade. It is also
rumored, by good authority, that this grange
will hold an ice cream festival, in their newly
built hall, on Saturday, the 12th of August.
afternoon and evening, to which the writer in-
vites all to attend and make it a success.
News Notes from Howard.
We report the sickness of Geo. Confer's
child, of spasms,
Messrs, Shutt and Allison are laying new
Several Bellefonte fishermen came here this
Miss Ella David, of Renovo, is visiting at the
home of G. D. Johnson.
The Evangelical ladies Mite Society realized
$70.00 at their last festival, netting them at
least $50.00 cash.
The G. A. R. will givea grand festival at the
school house Saturday. The band is expected,
as is a big attendance.
Messrs, H. T. Hayes, W. O. Wagner, J. Z,
Loder, W. Rossman, D. Hoiter and H. S: Free-
man visited Eagleville Jr. O. U. A. M., this
Mrs. Benner Way and two sons, of Fillmore,
visited her sister, Mrs. McEntire, over Sun
day. Master Gray assumes charge of Earl's
watermelon stand.
Messrs. Geo. and Henry Robb, Wm. Smith,
Dave Packer, Misses Clara and Cora Kline
Sadie Bechdel and Bertha Nilson, started for
Beech Creek mountains in Cooke’s Tally-ho
this week, to remain a week or so.
At the party given at the residence of Fred
Leathers, the following were present: Mrs.
G. D. Johnson, Miss Ella David, Messrs Am-
brose Holter and H.S. Freeman. It wasan
unexpected meeting of friends, and was turn"
ed into a party.
J. Diehl, the huckster, had a bad smashup
last Tuesday, caused by a wheelbarrow pass-
ing by his colt, frightening him, whereupon
the horse broke loose and ran away. The
harness was badly damaged, and the 1igsome-
whet disfigured. Nothing but Diehl was in
the wagon, and he came out all right.
The base ball game between Howard and
Lock Haven Saturday, resulted in a defeat for
the visiting team by a score of 13 to 6. It was
the most peaceable game ever played here
and we take occasion to compliment the Lock
Haven team upon their gentlemanly behavior.
The Howard team will visit the former some
day this week.
About 11 o'clock .p. m., Thursday night some
mischievous person, or persons presumably:
set fire to the immense pile of brushes below
the furnace school-house. Several saw the
blaze, and thinking it to be Clarence Cooke’s
mill, shouted fire which was quickly taken up
by others and led Bert Poulsen to blow his
famous mill whistle. This again startled the
town, which remembering the afternoon oc-
currence, thought that fire had started again,
and started to help fight the dreaded monster.
Luckily this was but a hoax, and Mr. Poulsen
is heartily thanked for his prompt action, but
if those who possibly setthe fire had been
known and seen, they might never have been
heard of again. Every one isready to respond
to an emergency call but when fooled about
two or three times, are ready to grab anything
that comes handy and use it with effect.
As the gravel train passed through this bor-
ough last Thursday, the engine threw sparks
from its stack, spitting fire over the fields
in the vicinity of Poulsen’s mill and Reber’s
house, setting them afire as well as portions
of the surrounding farms. Pretty soon Anse
Schenck and our genial ticket agent, Walter
L. Cooke, ran over to see what was going on.
Brother Schenck came back in a harry,
leaving Walt thereto fight the flames, while
he called out the fire department and, by
way of courtesy, the whole town, by the
vocal fire signal. Had not the thirty or
forty men and boys promptly responded
and watered the fire as well as beat it out with
brush, Mr, Reber's barn would have been des-
troyed and that portion of the borouzh been in
constant danger of catching; as it was about
as hard a fire as is generally known to |
have occurred. Many thought the Poulsen’s :
mill was on fire and hastened to the scene !
and offered help. That wasa mistake, but !
they all turned in and put the fire out,
Beyond burning the stubble, and parts of the
fence no damage was done.
Pine Grove Mentions.
Mrs. Dr. Smith is offon a month’s visit to
her son George, at Harrisburg.
Early potatoes are not yielding as profitably
as was expected, but are of good size.
The drought still continues and unless rain
comes goon the corn crop will be a short one.
Miss Bessie Elliott, of Bellefonte, paid a
brief but pleasant visit to her friend, Mary
Bailey, last weels.
Rev. C. T. Aikensis arranging his minister-
ial duties for a Columbian Exposition trip.
He expects to be absent four weeks,
N. T. Krebs and Hewit Meyers, of this place,
are in attendance at Prof. Wolf's select school
before taking up the Lirch for the winter
The exceedingly heated spell brought on a
number of cases of como among horses. Mr
D. G. Meek lost a very fine Hambeltonian
gelding last week by the disease.
Mr. William Kepler, one of Tionesta's
athletes, is now taking a course of practical
agricultural under the direction ot his father,
Capt. J. W. Kepler, who is personally super-
intending his large plantation with a view of
making William a stock raiser.
Several days ago a horse belonging to Hon.
J.T. McCormick, hitched to his buggy, be.
came frightened, while hitched to a post, and
in his break-neck speed completely demolish-
ed the buggy while his honor leisurely fol-
lowed in the wake to gather up the wreck.
Jacob Hendershot, who we notedin our last
Istteras having had his l-g amputated, died
Wednesday from the effects. Aged 40 years,
He leaves a wife and three small children. He
was a memberor P.O. S. of A. and was buried
yesterday at 3 o'clock p. m., in the Penna Fui-
nace cemetery.
Swarms of the little Texan flies are pester-
ing cattle. Many receipts have been tried fo
check this vicious little insect, with but little
or no benefit; the safest and probably the
simplest remedy, is a application of pine tar
and ecarbolic acid, semi-weekly, about the
base of horns and top of the hooves, stable in
the daytime and pasture at night.
Our assessor has a big time explainingy to
owners of the canine tribe why his appeal no-
tices called for but 50 cents and $1 tax. We
simply say to such thatthe new law was ap-
proved May 25, after the appeal notices were
sent out. It will be collected by the Commis-
sioners instead of School Board. Two and
four dollars each for male and female.
The Pine Grove cornetband, under the leader-
ship of W. Ward, has recently been resurrected.
One evening last week it put in an appearance
on the street, the first time for a year, filling
the night air with choice selections, Pine
Grove is noted for its musical talent and
should have zeal and energy enough to keep
up a first class band. It can be done.
Among the many visitors to Pine Grove
Mills during the week were Miss Mary Shiffer,
of Sunbury, Mrs. W. H. Musser, ot Milesburg,
Wm. McFarlane and Mrs. Alice Magoffin, of
Boalsburg, all guests of Dr. Geo. H. Woods
Other visitors in town were Curt Musser and
Miss Etta Hartzel, Mrs. Kanode and daughter
Francis, Mrs. Lillie Musser, Misses Kate and
Lula Stover, Mrs. Sarah Seveney, Miss Rachel
Meek and Master Ed. Goss.
Our school board have posters up giving
dimensions for a new public school building to
be built in the Krum rine district. We under-
stand the new building is to be erected on the
same site as the old one, it being too small.
An effort will be made by some, in the western
part of the district, to have it moved westward.
To this the eastern patrons will object, unless
a new district can be formed, which is not at
all probable, it being too close to Patton and
College township lines. However a new and
larger house is needed in the district.
The first straw ride of the ®eason hailed
from State College last Monday night, and
halted in the Diamond of our town at a late
hour, alighted and promenaded the streets in
a gleeful mood, at the call of the bugle they
remouated to be snugly packed away in a four
horse wagon-ladders, to pursue their pleasant
journey, bidding Pine Grove adieu, the next
objective point being Shingletown to return
home by daylight, on schedule time.
To the Democrats of Centre County.
Boggs Township, July 31 1893.
I desire to say to my friends, in this Way,
that I was unable to call upon them personal-
ly and talk to them on the subject of County
Treasurer, for which office Iam asking the
nomination, because [ was too poor to make a
general canvas. I lost my home in Bellefonte
by going security for others and hence moved
to Boggs township, five years ago, and went to
gardening. At the time of the June flood, I
lost all I had on four acres of ground and the
soil with it to the depth of tree feet, and a
deposit of stone was left in place to almost the
same depth in many places ; a month later my
household goods were destroyed by fire turn-
ing me out of house and home without any-
thing, but a family of thirteen children to
support (twin babies about five months old
now) and the only source of income I have is
through my hands at day’s labor. I wish to
say further that over 22 years ago I. had one
term in the District Attorneys office to which
I was entitled to two terms according to party
rule ; but did not get it. I do not claim that
Iam ony better or have any superior . merit
over my competitors for the nomination, I
take them all to be honorable men. I only
say that if the Democrats of Centre county
can give me the nomination that I will surely
feel very grateful.
CALDREN—July 27th, at Lemout, Harry, son
of William and Agnes Caldren, aged 6 years,
7 months and 22 days.
Dear Harry, we are lonely
Since thou art gone to rest,
Our hearts are wrung with anguish
And sorrow fills our breast.
Our home we thought so happy
Is now a lonely place,
It is there we miss our Harry,
That dear sweet little face.
We did not ask for honor.
We did not ask for wealth,
We only asked that Harry
Might be restored to health.
But that wish was denied us,
And we are le ft to mourn ;
The little one we loved so well
Is to a new life born.
Oh ! our darling little boy.
'Tis hard to give thee up ;
'Tis by the Father's gracious will
That we drink the bitter cup.
Carrie Mulbarger.
Better for the Farmer,
From the Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph.
Altogether the coming year promises
to be much better for the American
farmer, aud with returning confidence
in financial circles there ought speedily
to be a much better feeling in the grain
Only Twenty-Four Hours a Week,
SusQUEHANN4, Pa., Aug. 1.—Begin-
ning today, the extensive locomotive
shops of the New York, Lake Erie
and Western road will be in operation.
only twenty-four hours per week.
Democratic Delegate Election and.
County Convention,
The Democratic voters of Centre County
will meet at the regular places of holding the
general elections in their respective election
districts, on
to elect delegates to the County Convention.
Under the rules of the party the election will
openat 2o’clock P. M. The delegates will
meet in the Court House, in Bellefonte on
TUESDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1893.
at 12 o’clock, noon, to nominate, one candidate
for Sheriff, one candidate for Treasurer,
one candidate fer Recorder, two candidates
for Commissioner, one cardidate for Coroner,
two candidates for Auditor.
To elect four delegates to the State Conven-
tion for 1894; a chairman of the County Com-
mittee to serve for one year from Jan’y 1st,
1894, and to transact such other business as
the interests of the party may require.
The number of delegates to which each
election district is entitled, based upon the
Yous for Presidental Electors in 1892, is as fol-
ows :
Bellefonte, N. W.....3 | Haines, W.P.... 2
44 .W.....4 | Halfmoon...
$¢ W. W....1 | Harris.....
Centre Hall Boro.....2 | Howard
Howar ® woul | Husion
Milesburg « 1 | Liberty
Millheim esis 2 | Marion
Philipsburg 1st W...1 | Miles, E
be 2nd W... ie
3rd W....
S. Philipsburg.........
Unionville ¢ i
IW. P.
College, E. P
* W.P
Furguson, s
Secretary, Chairman,
Aveust 5th, 1893.
The following have been appointed by the
county committee to hold the delegate elec-
tions in each voting precinct. The board con-
cists of the local chairman and two assistants,
Bellefonte, North Ward , L. A. Shaffer, Ch.,
W. J. Singer, J. M. Kephart.
Bellefonte, South Ward, ‘Jacob L. Runkle,
Ch., John A. Rupp, Harry Jackson,
Bellefonte, West Ward, Dr. M. A. Kirk Ch.,
A. Luckenbach, J. R. Sheflier.
Centre Hall Boro., R. D. Foreman, Ch., D. F.
Luse, C. H. Meyer.
Howard Boro. Abe Weber, Ch., Solomon Can-
dy, John Deible.
Milesburg Boro., A. M. Butler, Ch., W. T.
Hall, E. H. Carr.
Millheim Boro., J. C. Smith, Ch., B. F. Kis-
ter, Frank Knarr.
Philipsburg, First Ward, F. K. White, Ch.,
J. A. Lukens, Sam’l W. Cross.
Second Ward, Daniel Paul, Ch., Geo. Potts-
grove, Ed. Henderson.
Third Ward, W. J. Howe, Ch., Frank Hess,
John Hudson.
8. Philipsburg, John Hoffman Ch.,
Unionyille Boro. E. M. Greist, Ch,, William
Moran, Eugene Hall.
Benner Twp., Daniel Heckman, Ch , Louis
Rearick, Daniel Houser,
Boggs, North P., G. W. Brown, Ch., James
Koakley, Andy Fetzer.
East P.. G. H. Leyman, Ch., R. C. Irvin, Mil-
ton Leyman.
West P., George Noll, Ch., Ed. Johnson, D.
F. Poorman.
Burnside Twp Oscar Holt, Ch., Fugene
Meeker, William Hipple.
College, West P., T. F. Kennedy, Ch., John
Krumrine, L Ray Morgan.
East P. Daniel Grove, Ch., I. J. Dreese, L. U.
Kimport. .
Curtin Twp. N. J. McCloskey, Ch., James M
Packer, Jerry Ryan.
Ferguson, East P,, H. M. Krebbs, Ch., W.
D. Port, William Corl.
West P., J. H. Miller, Ch., Christ Harpster,
Thomas Gray.
“Gregg, North P., J. C. Rossman, Ch., C. A.
Rachau, Emanuel Eungard.
East P., David Sower, Ch., F. M. Fisher, J.
West P., William Pealer, Ch., H. M. Cain,
Jno. H. Goodhart.
Haines, Fast P., John Orndorf, Ch, T. E.
Smith, John C. Snyder.
West P., George Bower, Ch., Howard Acker,
Seymore Winkleblech.
i omer Twp., J. B. Sebring, Ch., J C.
Markle, David J. Gates,
Harris Twp, P. N. Meyer, Ch., Adam Zeig-
ler, Charles Moore.
Heward Twp. Franklin Deitz, Ch., Joseph
Dunkle, Henry M. Confer.
Huston Twp., O. H. Nason,
Morge Richards.
“Liberty Twp. Henry Weaver, Ch., Ira Me-
Closky, Benj. S. Brown.
Marion Twp. James Martin, Ch., J. L. Shaf-
fer, Daniel Harter.
Miles, East P., Jeremiah Brumgart, Ch., Al-
len Zelgiel, E. R. Wolfe.
Middle P., Austin Gramley, Ch., J. B Kream-
er, J. W. Beher.
West P., Jacob Deitrick, Ch., Jac. B. Hazel,
Jac. N. Royer.
Patton Twp, D. L. Meek, Ch., P. A. Sellers,
D. H. Thomas.
Penn Twp. J. C. Stover, Ch., J, F. Garthoff,
Jacob Sanders.
Potter, North P., George Emerick, Ch., B.
F. Foreman, John Heckman,
South P., W. W. Royer, Ch., H. F. Musser,
J. F. Smith.
Rush, North P., Miles feigfried, Ch.,
South P., Patrick Heffren, Ch., John MeGin-
ley, John Heffren.
Snow Shoe, East P., John D. Brown, Ch., M.
D. Kelley, D. R. Thomas,
West P,, Frank Trubridy, Ch., Clide Lucas,
Henry Barger.
Spring, North P., A. V. Hamilton, Ch.,
William Meyers, George Rhoads. 4
Stuih P, John Mulfinger, Ch., James Corl, J.
. Hazel.
West P.,, John Garbrick Jr., Ch., John Year-
ick, L. H. Wion. i
Taylor Twp. Vinton Beckwith, Ch.
Union Twp. P. J. Laughrey, Ch.,S. K. Em-
rich, Aaron Fahr.
Walker Twp. Sol Peck, Ch., Bilger Shaffer,
Samuel Hoy. ;
Worth Twp. G. J. Woodring, Ch., William
Young, G. R. Williams.
(*The rules governing the delegate elections
and county convention will be found on the
6th page of this paper.)
Fillmore Craig,
The following are the prices charged for an-
nouncements in this paper. Sheriff $8,00;
Treasurer, $8,00 ; Register $6,00 ; Recorder
$5,00 ; Commissioners, $5,00. All candidates
are required to pledge themselves to abide the
decision of the Democratic county convention.
We are authorized to announce the name of
John Corrigen, of College township, a ‘candi-
date for the office of Sheriff of Centre county
subject to ‘the decision of the Democratie
County Convention.
We are authorized to announce G. B. Craw-
ford, of Gregg township, a candidate for the
office of Sheriff. Subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention. {
We are authorized to announce Cyrus
Brungart, of Millheim borough, a candidate
for the office of Sheritf. Subject to the decis-
ion of the Democratic county convention. *
We are authorized to announce John P.
Condo, of Gregg township, as a candidate for
Sheriff. Subject to the decision of the Demo-
cratic county convention.