Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 04, 1893, Image 3
Dewi Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 4 , 1893. — Farm Notes. Black bees are better architects than taliaus, and can gather as much hon- ey 5 but the docility of the Italians al- lows us to handle four colonies where Wwe can one of the blacks. Too much care and judgment can- not be exercised in choosing salt for dairy purposes, as upon this depends to a large extent, the salable appearance and keeping quality of the products, Peach trees that appear yellow may not be diseased. The loss of color occurs from several causes. Ag this season the damage may be traced to the borer rather than to diseases of any kind, In wo way will late chickens do so Well as by scattering the coops around In the orchard or if you have no or. chard scatter them around over the place among the weeds if you can do uo better. An exchange says that if a cow gets choked with an apple or potato, hold- ing up ite head and breaking an egg in its mouth is a sure cure. The same remedy is recommended for horses un, der similar circumstances, The yolks of eggs in butter as color ing matter will make sweet butter ran- os in a short time, as will also the Juice of carrots, If the butter is to be used within a short time either will do nicely ; but the butter color is best and not expensive. What is commonly called cholera among chickens is a disease which is almost always the result of the poor condition which surround them. With good food, fresh, pure water daily and clean quarters with a good range the disease rarely gets a foothold, A farmer who tried the experiment ot rubbing the hide of an animal with a raw onion reports that the result was to rid the animal of lice, and it is be- lieved that onions will serve to rid animals of all such pests as lice, tick, fleas, etc, the difficulty being the labor of application of the remedy. Roup is a disease which is very apt to make trouble in the poultry yard in autumn. The changeable and rainy weather seems to favor its development. Dampuoess, filth and impure food will help it along, Let the sunlight into the coops and keep the floor clean and dry, and it will help toward keeping it away. The “London Dairy Journal” tells of a remarkable Dexter cow, 7 years old, which, during 12 months ending April 1, 1893, gave over four tons and 900 pounds of milk. She isa small cow, as Dexter cows are, and weighs only a little over 600 pounds, so that her milk product was 13 times her own live weight, When linseed meal and cottonseed meal are used on the farm, they repre- sent much valuable fertilizing material to be added to the soil, hut the best mode of preparing them to serve as plant food is to add them to the rations of the animals, when they finally reach the manure heap. Nothing is lost by purchase of materials which serve to enrich the farm. Middlings and skim milk is the best food for growing pigs. Cornmeal is unnecessary. The growing pig re- quires the elements of bone and muscle, and should not be made fat. Every pound of fat on a pig in summer is an incun.brance. It will be time enough to fatten it when it has made the frame upon which to place the fat. One of the most instructive lessons at a recent session of a farmers’ insti- tute was the sample pounds of butter, one of which sold at ten cents and the other at thirty cents. It was explained that they were made out of the same quality of milk and cost about the same to make. The difference in sell ing price was due mainly to the differ- ence in skill in making, It is claimed by squash raisers who have tried it that the laying of a shin- gle or two by the side of ‘the hill will trap large numbers of squash bugs, which can then be easily destroyed at an early morning visit. One writer says he has known 25 or 30to be found under a single shingle. But the gardner needs to get there before the bug turns out for his days work. There should really be no weeds on any farm. It may not be an easy undertaking to destroy them in a single season, bat it can be done by persistent work in two or three years, and each year there will be fewer weeds. Weeds, like the regular crops, come from -8eeds, and when the seeds have grim. inated their mission is ended, and they will no longer exist. If the young weeds are then destroyed there can be no reseeding of the land. It means hard work in succeeding years, The white butterfly, the parent of the cabbage worm, will now be busy, -and it will pay to go out daily and des. troy as many as possible, which is not as difficult as it may appear, The ‘destruction of one butterfly means the prevention of many worms in the cab. bage. Dusting the cabbage with insect wder is one of the best remedies, ‘The use of the kerosene emulsion is resorted to by some, but thereis a liability of the cabbage being im- pregnated with the odor of kerosene. WHEAT Tests. —The following re- ‘port by Prof. H. J, Waters of the Experiment Station, State College, Pa., upon the tests of verities of wheat, will be of iuterest to every farmer who " reads the Warcuman. The fourth season’s test of the leading varieties of wheat at this Station has ' Just closed and a brief summary of the results will be found below. They were grown in 1893 on an upland limestone clay =0il of moderate fertility asa part of a four years’ rotation, consisting of corn, oats, wheat and clover; sown Sept. 1-2 at the rate of eight pecks per acre, with an application of 800 lbs. of dissolved S. C. rock. None of the var- ieties named in the table suffered appre- ciably {rom winter killing. The subjoined table shows the yield of grain and straw per acre, weight of grain per bushel, and the average yield per acre for the past four years of such varieties as have been tested through this period. : Tables showing yield of different va- rieties of wheat for 1863 and an average of the past four years : 1893. BFF Su3(8E|2e3 8 ; EE2IZP RINE Name of Varieties. “WER SFB 2 (T2/T (dE = a =lad Ra Fel 35 £2 ol =o = "~ 1 Reliable... 32 3/27 0/63 34480 2 Cuarrell’s Pro 31 2{27 3/61 5/4673 3 Dietz Longberry R 80 829 [62 6/5790 4 Wyandote Red......... 30 7/28 9/63 7/4846 5 Fulcaster............ 30 3/27 1/62 6/5715 6 Ontario Wonder, 2 7/27 8/02 4/1199 7 Mediterranean... 28 9/29 5/62 5/5715 8 Valley............. 28 4/31 8/61 [6467 9 28 3/28 [61 5/3961 28 2/27 5/61 5(5866 tsesessnesse eerarsees 27 8/27 8,62 4/4499 27 5/25 3/01 2/4889 in 27 3/26 5/61 (4222 27 2/22 2/63 5|3322 26 9/24 7,63 2/3911 26 8/26 4/59 6/4845 26 427 9163 54807 26 1/31 5/62 1/5790 y 25 9135 1/62 7/3807 20 Democrat......... ores 25 5|27 0/63 3/4499 21 McGhee’s Whit 25 4/28 8/62 64603 22 Tuscan Island “5 2/22 1/62 1/4888 23 Velvet Chaff... 24 6/24 4/62 2/4400 24 Improved Rie 23 2/21. [63 2/3525 ) 22 2/22 4/61 9/4222 26 Diehl Meditterranean.| 21 8/20 5/61 8 2046 27 Canada Wonder.... . 32 [63 55179 28 American Bronze.. 29 8/61 2/4544 29 Royal Australian, . 29 [61 [4600 30 Poole... i, 28 3/60 9/4222 31 Jones’ Winter Fife.. 28 3/61 8/4337 27 5/60 2/4335 32 Jones’ Square Head : dy a i 22 2,62 93857 A study of this table shows that in 1898 Canada Wonder gave the highes; yeld. This is our first season’s exper- ience with this wheat and while it gives good promise we do not advise farmers to discard thoroughly tried and standard sorts for this variety until further tests are made, A good example of the loss that may result from such a practice is found in the case of the valley wheat which in 1893 gave the second highest yield, but in the four years’ average falls far below 2 number of other varieties: Those that have given the best results on the Station grounds for the past four years are, in the order named : Reliable, Currell’s Prolific, Dietz Longberry Red, Wyandotte Red and Fulecaster. A ————— STRENGTH AND HEATH. —If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Elec- tric Bitters. If “La Grippe” has left you weak and weary, use Electric Bit- ters. This remedy acts directly on Liv- er, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions, If you are afflicted with sick Headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this is the reme- dy you need, "Large bottles only 50¢ at Parrish’s Drug Store. Fe — — Sixty persons now occupy Robin- son Crusoe’s island, Juan Fernandez. They are cattle-herders. Pe — What stronger proof is needed of Hood’s Sarsaparilla than the hundreds of letters continually coming in tellin of marvellous cures it has effected after all other remedies had failed ? Truly, Hood’s Sarsaparilla posse:ses peculiar curative power unknown to other med- icines. Hood’s Pills cure Constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. They are the best family cathartic. New Advertisements. TCHING AND BURNING. SURES ALL OVER HER BODY, SUFFER- ING ENDLESS. DOCTOR USE- LESS. CURED IN 4 WEEKS : BY CUTICURA. Your most valuable Cuticura Remedies have done my little girl so much good that I feel like saying this for the benefit of those who are troubied with skin diseases. She was troubled with itching, burning sores. When I took her to the doctor the first time, he called it the Italian itch, and said he would cure her in two weeks. When the two weeks were up, he called it eczema, and in that time she was worse than before. He doctored her for three months, and she was so bad that we did not know what to do, He did not do her any good. I saw the advertisement of Cuticura Remedies in the paper, and I said to my wife, “I am going to try them.” Mind what I say, she was so thick with sores that we had to soak her clothes to take them off. Itch | there was no end toit. She had it all over her bodys back, ‘legs, arms, in between her fingers, She did not have it on her head. But after taking your Cuticura Remedies for two weeks the itch stop- ped, and in four weeks the sores wers all gone. enclose her portrait. 1 am more than pleased with Jour Cuticura Remedies, as they speedily cured my daughter, and it anybody asks me about your remedies, I will uphold them wherever I go. CHARLES M. GRONEL, Conshohocken, Montgomery County, Pa. WHY SUFFER ONE MOMENT From torturing and disfiguring skin diseases, when a single application of the Cuticura Rem- edies will, in the great majority of cases, afferd instani relief in the most agonizing of itching, burning. sealy, crusted, pimply, and blotchy skin, scalp and blood diseases, with loss of hair, and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical curs. Sold everywhere, Price, Cumicuna, 50c ; Soar, 25c.; ResoLvent, $1. Prepared by the Porren Drue AND CHEMICAL Corporation, Bos- on, A5=“How to Cure Skin Digeaser,” 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and testimon ials, mailed free. tt PY ABY’S, Skin and Scalp purified and beautified by Cuticura Soap. Ab- solutely pure. Pas AND WEAKNESS. — of females instantly relieved by that new, elegant, and infallible Antidote to Pain Inflammation, and weakness, the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, 38-304t n. r, Business Notices. —=All that honesty, experience and skill cau do to produce a perfect pill, has been em- ployed in making DeWitt’s Little Early Ris- ers. The result is a specffic for sick head- ach, biliourness and constipation.—For sale at C. M, Parrish’s Drug Store. ——The United States have nearly 200 ac- tive geysers. ——All the talk in the world will not con Witch Hazel Salve for scalds, burns, bruses, skin affections and piles.—For sale at C. M. Parrish’s Drug Store, ——G@Glass originally came from India. —Little vegetable health producers: De Witt's Little Early Risers cure malarious dis- orders and regulate the stomach and bowels, which prevents headache and dizziness.—For sale at C. M. Parrish’s Drug Store. vinee yon so qujekly as one trial of De Witt’s | New Advertisements. ’ Saddlery. ——O0wl have a.very acute sense of hearing. —If you can afford to be annoyed by sick headache and consti ation, don’t :se De Witt's Little Early Risers for these liitle pills will cure them.—For sale at C. M. Parrish’s Drug Store, ——Bome Chinese razors are made of horse shoes. ——One word describes We refer to DeWitt’s Whitch Hazel Salve cures obstinate sores, burns skin diseases and is a well known cure for piles.—For sale at C. | M. Parrish’s Drug Store. ——Gold mines about Nevada City are the deepest and richest in the world. ——We could not improve the quality if paid double the price. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Sale is the best Salve that experience can pro- duce. or that money can buy. ——The way out of it, for Australia is to set her pugilists to killing rabbits, —Ignorance cf the merits of DeWitt's Lit- tle Early Risers is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the liver, cure headache, dys- pepsia, bad breath, constipation and billious- ness.—For sale at C. M. Parrish’s Drug Store. —The tall hat worn by men first appeared in France nearly five hundred years ago. —De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. —De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures burns, —~—De Witt,s Witch Hazel Salve cures sores, ——De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures ulcers —PFore sale at C. M. Parrish’s Drug Store, Sure Cure for Diptheria. G. 8. Clements, of Centre Hall, Pa., puts up a medicine that is a sure cure for Diptheria, and for sore throat it has no equal. 38-28-3m* Pennsylvania Exhibits at the World's Fair, Are ahead of them all, chief among them is the display of pure liquors manufactured in the state. It is conceded that no rye whiskies made in the world can equal those Pennsylvania, more especially Silver Age, Duquesne or Bear Creek. These three brands head the list of pure Ryes, and sre so well known that every reputable dealer sells them. North, East, South and West they lead all others, because they are pure ; because they are reliable, and because they are stimulants that strengthen and invigorate. They are sold at prices within the reach of all, and are sold upon their merits for purity and strength. Silver Age, $1.50 ; Duquesne, $1,25; Bear Creek, $1.00, full standard quarts. Ask your dealer for them ; Insist on having them, and if you cannot he supplied, send to Max Klein, Allegheny, Pa, Price list of all liquors sent on application. All goods packed neatly and securely. Max Klein, Allegheny, Pa. 38. 23-1y, ——1If you want printing of any de.’ scription the WATCHMAN office is the place to have it done. For Ladies Only. $250 in gold will be given to the lady making the largest list of words from letters contained in the word “BEA UTIFUL,” $100 in gold for the second largest list, $50 in gold for each the third and fourth largest lists, diamond ring for fifth largest list, fine lady’s gold watch for sixth largest list, solid gold necklace for seventh largest list, handsome Swiss music box for eight largest list, banquet lamp of elegant design for ninth largest list, lady’s toilet case, complete, ornamented in silver, for tenth largest list. We shall give away more than one hundred other prizes in order of mer- it. if there shall be that number of successful contestants. If two or more lists tie the on® bearing earliest postmark will receive reward’ The competition is open to ladies only, and is given for the purpose of introducing in the United States Madam Le Fontaine’s Parisian Beautifier, endorsed by leading singers, actresses and society belles. Itis a standard Preparation of exceptional purity and wonder” ful qualities. Every contestant must order the Parisian Beautifier, which will be sent prepaid to any address in the United States upon receipt of fifty cents (introduction price). Enclose postal note or stamps with list of words, and address at once, THE Bazaar oF Beauty, NOTRE DAME Sr., MontnEAL QuEzEC, 38-29-3t. Sewing Machine. Yeni & WILSON. Ii = 13 DUPLEX MH © = d = od By 9 = = = 5 ™ DUPLEX Say, what does that figure mean As it t=". Cs there all alone? 'Tis the name of a Sewing Machine, The best that ever was known, "Twill sew with never a hitch, The handsomest ever seen, With LOCK or with RUNNING stitch— The WHEELER & WILSON machine, o]—I[o it—*perfection.” ——AGENTS WANTED. — BEST GOODS. - - = =~ BEST TERMS. Send for a Catalogue. WHEELER & WILSON Mfg. Co., 1812 Chestnut 38-12-1y PHILADELPHIA, PA. ¢— FURNITURE { OF t ALL { KINDS—3} 37-45-1yr E BROWN Jr. ° DEALER IN OFFERS great inducements to the Spring Trade in the Furniture line. He has controll of a special Bedroom suit made to his order which he will sell at a lower price than an all oak chamber suit has ever been sold heretofore in this county. ~——CALL AND SEE IT.—— A¥All suits shipped direct from the factory. E. BROWN JR. Nos 2 and 6 W. Bishop St. BeLLEFONTE, Pa. Liquors. SCHMIDT BUILDING.,— 0—7THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLET E—o +I WINE, LIQUOR AND CIGAR HOUSE—— fj {—IN THE UNITED STA TES,—t o——ESTABLISHED 1836, SCHMIDT, 0 DISTILLER 0 AND o JOBBER FINE— 8 —WHISKIES. w OF Telephone No. 666. — Qe IMPORTER OF ‘ INES, LIQUORSAND CIGARS, No. 95 and 97 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA. —+ oe &F=All orders received by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. Family Trade Supplied. 38-9-9m es — Printing, Printing. PE JOB PRINTING, Fine Job Printing : Job Printing, Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing, Fine Job Printing, Fine Job Printing, Fine Job|Printing, Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing, Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine}Job Printing. FINE JOB PRINTING} Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing, Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing, Fine Job|Printing. Fine J ob; Printing. : Fine Job Printing Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing. —[AT THE WATCHMAN OFFICE{— ‘] invaluable. S CHOFIELD'S NEW HARNESS HOUSE. We extend a most cordial invitation to mio patrons and the public, in general, to witness one of the GRANDEST DISPLAY OF Light and Heavy Harness layed and still kept away from ust, the enemies of long wear in . Our factory now oceu ies a room 15294 Jest sud the store 29x00 added makes it e largest es ment of its kind outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Weare prepared to offer better in the future than we have done in the past and philanthropy. It is purely business. We are not making much, but trade is growing and that is what we are interested in now. Brofits will take care of themselves. When other houses discharged their work- men during the winter the were all put to work in my factory, nevertheless the big (2) houses of this city and county would smile it Wwe compared ourselves to them, but we do not mean to be so odious, except to venture the as- section that none of them Can say, as we can say “NO ONE OWES US A CENT THAT WE CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story, The following are ke t constantly on hand. 50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, or from $8.00 to .00 and upwards LARGE STOCK OF HEAVY ARNESS r Sr Lond upwards, 600 HORSE COLLARS id $1,50 Bem each, over $100.00 worth o; HARNESS OILS and AXLE GREASE, $400 worth of FI Nets sold $150 wort, of whips from 15¢ to $3.00 each, a Horse Brushes,Cury gombs onges, amois, IDING SADDLERY, LADY SIDESADDLES Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand for sale, Harness Leather as low as 250 er pound. We keep eve thing to be found $ a FIRST CLASS ARNESS STORE—no chang. cheap JAS. SCHOFIELD, Svring street, Bellefonte, Pa. IMuminating Oil. —_—_——— C ROWN ACME. 33 37 THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM, It gives a Brilliant Light. It will not Smoke the Chimney, It will Not Char the Wick. t has a High Fire Test. It does Not Explode. It is without an equal AS A SAFETY FAMILY OiL. We stake our reputation as refiners th IT IS THE BEST OIL IN THE WOR Ask your dealer for it, Trade supplied by THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Belstonte ation, 37 37 1y ellefonte, Pa, sori r— eee Music Boxes. ee ()FPHEA MUSIC*BOXES Are the sweetest, most complet tone-sustaining, durable, Jand perfect Musical Boxes made, and any number of tunes can be obtained for them, De- lightful family, wedding, anniversary, and holiday gift. Buy direct of the makers, the oldest, most reliable, and responsible firm. Inspect'n invited. No Music Box can be guaranteed to wear well without Gautscih’s patented Safety Tune Change and Parachute, Manufacturers Headquarters for Gem and Concert Roller Organs; prices one ~ ly 6and 12 dollars, extra Rollers with new tunes canjbe had at any time for the low price of ouly 25 cents,also Sym- phonions and Polyphones at Lowest Prices. FactoryjEstablished 1824, OLD MUSIC BOXES CAREFULLY RE- PAIRED AND IMPROVED and at low prices. New Cylinders with any kind of tunes made to order, 87-46.1y Manufacturered at St. Sroix, Swi Established 1824, ee ————— Whisky. P. M. * OLDEST AND BEST. ’ [ESTABLISHED IN 1823.] Y. P. M. is the best Whisky in the mark. et for Family Use and Medical Purposes, YX. It has now stood the test of nearly 80 years and has improved with age. Our 7 Sear old Wisigky is not surpassed by anythin in the market. In case of wea) Jags it 18 P. The 5 year-old is $1 and the Tyear.old $1.25 per quart. Orders x mail will receive prompt attention. All 800ds securely and neatly Backed in plain M, cases and sent C. O. D.” Orders by Mail solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, Send for, Price List. ALEXANDER YOUNG COMPANY, Limited, 00 2 Passayunk Ave. 7 » 88-23-3m Opposite Monroe 8t., Philadelphia. — ono St, Philadelphia, Gas Fitting. . GALBRAITH, Plumber and Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa, Pays perticular attention to heatin buil by steam, copver smithing, vebronsi gas fix. ek &e. r : ne 20 26 ~———