Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 21, 1893, Image 6

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    Demorwaic Wald
Bellefonte, Pa., July 2i, 1893.
What Buddhism Is?
A System Sprung from Brahmanism Withou!
Mystery.— There Is No Such Thing as Esoteric
Buddhism According to That Distinguished
Scholar, Max Muller—A Clear Explanation of
the Religion. :
If people wish to be deceived, there
are always those who are ready to
deceive them. This I think, is the most
charitable interpretation which we can
put on the beginning of that extraordi-
pary movement which is known by the
name of esoteric Buddhism—nay,
which, on account of the similarities
which exists between Buddhism and
Christianity, claims in some places the
name of Christian Buddhism. At pres-
ent I only wish to show that if there is
any religion entirely free from esoteric
doctrines it is Buddhism. There never
was any such thing as mystery in Budd-
. hism. Altogether, it seems to me that
mystery is much more of a modern
than of an ancient invention. There
are no real mysteries even in Brahman-
ism, for we can hardly apply that name
to doctrines which were not communi-
cated to éverybody, but only to people
who bad passed through a certain pre-
paratory discipline. The whole life of a
Brahman in ancient India was under a
certain control. It was divided into
four stages, the school, the household,
the forest and the solitude.
Up to the age of 27 a young man was
supposed to be a student in the house of
a guru. After that he had to marry
and found a household and perform all
the religious acts which were prescribed
by the Vedas. Then when he had seen
his children’s children he was expected
to retire from his hous> and live alone
or with his wife in the forest, released
from social and religious duties—nay,
allowed to enjoy the greatest freedom of
philosophic speculation.
The highest object of this contempla-
tive life in the forest was the finding of
one’s own soul, the saving of one’s soul
alive, the discovery of the Atman, the
self, and not the mere Ego, Even in
those early days the existance of a soul
had been denied. Some held that body
and soul were the same : others, that the
soul was the breath]; others, again,
that 1t was the Ego or the mind with
all its experiences, with its perceptions
and all the rest. The hermits in the
forest, after they had subdued all the
passions of the body and wrenched
themselves free from all its fetters, had
now to learn that the soul was some-
thing that according to its very nature
could never be seen or heard, or per-
ceived like the objective world which
was visible and perishable, because if
perceived it would at once become some
thing objective, something totally differ-
ent from the perceiving subject. It
would no longer be the soul, The un-
seen and the unperceived something
which was formerly called the soul was
now called the self, Atman.
Nothing could be predicted of it ex-
cept that 1t was, that it preceived and
thought, and thatit must be blessed.
W hen they had once discovered that
the Atman, the self within us, shared its
only possible predicates with the Brah-
man the invisible self behind nature and
behind the socalled gods of nature, the
next step was easy enough—namely the
discovery of the original identity of the
self and of Brahman, the eternal oneness
of God and man, the substantial identi-
ty of human and divine nature. To re-
store that identity’ by removing the
darkness of ignorance by which it has
been clouded—to become, a3 we should
say, one with God and he with us, or
rather to lose ourself and find ourself
again in God—that was henceforth the
highest goal of the remaining years of
the old man’s life in the forest.
But the time came when those who
had passed through all the trials and
miseries of life, and who after a stormy
voyage had found a refuge in the har-
bor of true philosophy, whose anchors
were no longer dragging but resting
firmly on therock or truth--the time
came when these men themselves, con-
scious of the bliss they enjoyed, said to
themselves, “What is the use of this
dreary waiting, of all the toil of youth,
of all the struggle of life, of all the trou-
ble of sacrifices, of all the terrors of re-
ligion, when there is this true knowl-
edge which changes us in the twinkling
of an eye, discloses to us our real nature
our real home, our real God ?”’ This
thought—1I do not mean the belief in a
union between the human and the di-
vine, but this conviction that the pre-
paratory stages of student life and mar-
ried life were useless, and that it was
better at once to face thetruth—has al-
ways seemed to me the true starting
point of Buddhism as a historical relig-
Buddhism has come to mean so many
things that I always feel a kind of shiv-
er when people speak of Buddhism as
teaching this or that. Buddhism had
no doubt a historicul origin in the fifth
century B. C., and there were many
causes which led to its rapid growth at
that time, But from a social point of
view, the first and critical step consisted
in Buddha's opening the doors of a for-
est life to all who wished to enter, what-
ever their age, whatever their caste.
That life in the forest, however, is not
meant to be what it used to be in former
times, a real retiremcnt from the village
and a retieat into the solitude of the
forest, but simply a retirement from the
cares of the world, a lite with the broth-
erhood, and a performance of the duties
imposed on the brotherhood by the
founder of the Buddhist order. This
leaving of the world before a man had
performed the duties of a student and of
a father of a family was the great of-
fense of Buddhism in the eyes of the
Brahmans, for it was that which depriv-
ed the Brahmans of their their exclusive
social positions as teachers, as priests, as
guides and counselors. :
Much as Buddhism in its latter de-
velopement differs from Brabmanism,
Buddha's teaching would be quite in-
conceivable without the previous growth
of Brahmanism, It is generally imag-
ined, for instance, that Nivana, about
which so much has been written, was a
term coined by Buddha. But Nivana
occurs in the Bhagavadgita, and in
some of the Upanishads, It meant ori-
ginally no more than the blowing out or
the exp ring of all pussion, the calm af-
ter the storm, the final emancipation
and eternal bliss, reunion with the Su-
preme Spirit (Brabma Nirvana), till in
some of the Buddhist schools, though by’
no means in all, it was made to signify
complete extinction or annihilation.
‘Whatever Nirvana may have come to
mean in the end, there can be no doubt
as to what it meant in the beginning—
the extinction of the fire of the
passions. But that beginning lies
outside the limits of Buddhism ; it is
still within the old domain of Brahman-
I cannot give a better explanation of
the change of Brubmanism into Bud-
dhism than by stating that Buddhism
was the highest Brahmanism populariz-
ed, everywhere esoteric being abolished,
the priesthood replaced by monks ard
these monks being in their true charac-
ter the successors and representatives of
the enlightened dwellers in the forest of
former ages.—Max Muller in Nine-
teenth Century.
The Greatest Railway.
The Czar of Russia shows undoubted
sagacity in adopting the best physical
means to hold together his vast Empire.
He has pushed the transcaspian military
railway southeastward until it has al-
most reached the frontiers of British
India and China, the two Powers most
likely to dispute with him the acquisit-
ion of further dominion in Central
Asia. Having thus assured the safety
of the Russian position in the southeast,
he has undertaken a more stupendous
work in beginning the construction of
an unbroken line of railway to connect
European Russia with a port on the
Pacific Ocean. This project does not
present such serious engineering diffi-
culties as were surmounted in the con-
struction of the first American railway
across the Rocky Mountains. The step-
pes of Siberia for a great part of the
distance afford a level way on which a
roadbed may be cheaply built. The
most costly impediment 18 found in the
numerous rivers to be crossed, many of
them large, swift and particularly sub-
ject to obstruction from ice. The whole
length of the Asiatic or main Siberian
line is 4800 miles. The estimated \cost
is $500,000,000. The work, which is
now progressing from both ends toward
the centre, is to be completed in about
ten years- There will then be a stretch
of railway, all located upon Russian
territory, about 6000 miles in length,
holding European Russia and Asiatic
Russia firmly together with a contin-
uous band of steel. © Uutil the proposed
railway, running north and south, to
connect the two Americans shall have
been built there will be nothing on the
earth to rival this great stretch of eas-
tern and western railway across the Rus-
sian Empire. Our transcontinental rail-
ways, great though they be, suffer in
the comparison,
Siberia is so sparsely inhabited that
there is no present commercial warrant
for the Czar’s great undertaking, though
the future development of agricultural
and mineral possibilities will be greatly
assisted by the proposed railway facili-
ties. But there are vast regions in Si-
beria similar in soil and climate to that
part of the Canadian territory lying
immediately north of the United States
and west of the Great Lakes which may
in time become great wheat producing
areas ; the mountainous parts of Has-
tern Siberia are rich in mineral wealth,
and plains and mountains, practically
untouched are lying fallow to the hand
of civilization.
The immediate value of the transiber-
ian railway will consist in the military
guarantee which it will afford that the
Asiatic realm of the Czar, which is now
easily assailable from the Pacific coast
by any strong maritime Power, will be
firmly held in hand. The railway will
also serve as a menace to China on its
northern frontier, a reminder of danger
from Tartar invasion more formidable
than any which has heretofore threatened
the safety of the Celestial Empire.
TEEN CENTS.— Upon receipt of your ad-
dress and fitteen cents in postage stamps,
wo will mail you prepaid our Souvenir
Portfolio of the World’s Columbian Ex-
position, the regular price is Fity cents,
but as we want you to have one. we
make the pricenominal. You will find
it a work of art and a thing to be prized.
contains full page views of the great
buildings, with descriptions of same and
is executed in highest style of art. If
not satisfied with it, after you get it, we
will refund the stamps and let you keep
the book. Address H. E. Bucklen &
Co., Chicago, III.
—— Queen Victoria is now sovereign
over one continent, 100 peninsulas, 500
promontories, 1,000 lakes, 2,000 rivers
and 10,000 islands.
——Last fall I was taken with a kind
of summer complaint, accompanied with
a wondrful diarrhea. Soon after my
wife’s sister, who lives with us, was
taken in the same way. We used al-
most everything without benefit. Then
I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy, which
we did, and that cured us right away.
I think much of it, asit did for me
what it was recommended to do. John
Hertzler, Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. 25 and
50 cent bottles for sale by F. Potts
——The first bread was made by the
Creeks : the first windmills by the
—— With Ely’s Cream Balm a child
can be treated without pain and with
perfect safety, It cures catarrh, hay
fever and colds in the head. It is easily
applied into the nostrils and gives 1m-
mediate relief. Price 50 cents.
——A natural ice bed of astounding
dimensions has been discovered on Stone
mountain, in Scott county, Va.. the ice
bed, which is in reality a large cave,
was located by a settler in 1880. The
ice, which is protected from the rays of
the sun by a thick growth of moss,
varies from three inches to several feet
in thickness, and may be thousands of
years old.
——4I would like to sound the
praise of Hood’s Sarsaparilla over the
entire universe,” writes Mrs. Longe-
necker ot Union Deposit, Penn.
The Cold Potato.
Don’t throw away cold potato. Save
and utilize it. There are numerous
ways in which it can be quickly rewarm-
ed, and in many of them when properly
done, it is almost as good as when first
Slice cold boiled potato, put in a stew
pan with cold gravy of any kind, season
with salt and pepper, stew gently for 10
minutes, or until thoroughly heated,
and then serve as plain stewed potato.
Slice cold boiled potato, stew in broth
or milk, season with salt and pepper,
sprinkle with grated cheese and bread
crumbs mixed, and brown in oven, then
it becomes potato au gratin.
Stew cold sliced boiled potatoes in
broth or milk and dress with caper
sauce, and you will have potato polon-
Stir together in a sauce-pan over the
fire equal portions of butter and flour,
pour in a little milk, add cold boiled
potato, evenly sliced, let it simmer till
well heated, season with salt, pepper,
lemon juice and minced parsley, and the
product will be the famous potato a la
maitre de hotel.
Mix well equal portions finely minced
cold meat of any kind and minced cold
potato, moisten with milk, gravy or
soup stock—never with water—season
with salt and pepper, make into a roll,
put in a buttered pan and bake in the
oven. This, if properly prepared and
cooked will be delicicus hash.
Cut cold boiled potato in even slices,
dredge lightly with flour and fry brown
in butter, drippings, cottolene or lard.
Cut cold boiled potato the shape and
size of olives, and fry with a spoonful of
minced herbs added in olive oil or cotto-
lene and you will have potato a la bar-
Cut cold boiled potato into little dice-
shaped pieces, and minced onion, fry in
butter, season with salt and pepper,
sprinkle with chopped parsley and you
will have Lyonaise potatoes.
Enrich cold mashed potato with beat-
en egg yolk, make the mixture into
balls, dip the balls into beated egg, roll
in bread crumbs or corn meal and
brown in a quick oven. These will be
potato balls. Make the preparation
mixture into fiat cakes, and brown in a
little hot fat and you will have potato
Add a cup of milk and a half teaspoon-
ful of salt to a quart of cold mashed pota-
to, work in flour until the dough is suffi-
ciently stiff to roll out and cut into bis-
cuit. Bake on a floured griddle or bak-
ing pan. Scrve hot.
Emma P. Ewing.
Dictionary of Discontent.
Science, dear Lady Betty, has dimin-
ished hope, knowledge has destroyed
our illusions, and experience has de-
prived us of interest. Here, then, is the
authorized dictionary of discontent.
‘What is creation ? A failure.
‘What is life? A bore.
What isa man? A fraud.
‘What is woman ? Both a fraud and
a bore.
What is beauty? A deception.
‘What is love ? A disease.
‘What is marriage ? A mistake.
What is a wife? A trial.
What is a child? A nuisance,
What is the devil ? A fable.
What is good ? Hypocrisy.
‘What is evil? Detection.
‘What is wisdom ? Selfishness.
‘What is happiness ? A delusion.
What is friendship ? Humbug.
What is generosity ? Imbecility.
What is money? Everything.
And what is everything? Nothing.
‘Were we, perhaps, not happier when"
we were monkeys ?—London 77uth.
Japanese Toothbrush.
Tooth-brushes will not always insure
good teeth, as the experience of many
young people in this country will bear
witness. On the other hand, in coun-
tries where no brushes are used teeth
may be reasonably white and sound. A
visitor in Japan says that he was full of
admiration at the teeth of a lady in the
family with whom he boarded. Never
had he beheld such dazzling white teeth.
He asked the woman one day how she
kept them so bright, upon which she
became, as to her teeth, more dazzling
than ever, and produced her tooth-brush
a simple contrivance, indeed. It con-
sisted —alas for the money our people
waste on brushes and powders—simply
of a small stick of bitter wood. One end
of the stick was beaten and hammered
into a rough, fibrous brush, and this,
with a cup of cold water, was the only
implement she used.
Re ——————— ———————————— .—.——
——Last year’s report of the commis-
sioner of internal revenue states that for
the year ended June 380, 1892, there
were produced in the United States
118,436,500gallons of distilled liquors
and 987,555,623 gallons of fermented,
making a total production of more than
1,000,000,000 gallons of whiskey and
beer production in one year. We im-
port more liquors than we export, so
that it follows those thousand million
gallons of intoxicating liquors were con-
sumed by the people. This means that
the consumptiun of intoxicating liquors
in this country emounts to 15 gallons
per capita or about 75 gallons for every
tamily in the land. A suggestiveshow-
ing, indeed, especially in view of the
continued increase of consumption,
which at the close of the war was only
about one-quarter as much per capita as
it is at the present time.
The Consumption of Redwood,
In the redwood district 48 mills are at
work cutting logs into boards or shing-
les, while new mills are being started
and old ones increasing their capacity.
To supply these mills requires the de-
struction annually of trees representing
nearly 1,000,000,C00 feet of lumber,
board measure.
The entire amount of standing red-
wood is estimated at from 50,000,0€0,-
000 to 80,000,000,000 feet. As the rate
of consumption is annually increasing
it is evident that ere many years red-
wood is likely to become scarce, unless
it can be successfully cultivated and
the supply in native forests conserved,
——The saucy early morning fly may
insult us with impunity now, but wa
: Chicago via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St
expect to take him down when the
buckleberry pie season opens.— Elmird
Gazette. !
——1It is only forty-nine years since
dear Tom Hood wrote his “Song of the
Shirt .”’
With fingers weary and worn,
With eyelids heavy and red,
A woman sat in unwomanly raos,
Plying her needle and thread—
Stitch! Stitch Stitch!
In Poverty, hunger and dir,
And stil! with a voice of dolorous pitch
She sangthe “Song of the Shirt,”
1n 1844 the average wages of a Lon-
don needle woman was 2} pence an
hour. The wages of many poor needle-
women in London do not now exceed
1} pence per hour. There is some ameli-
oration at the present time in the
cheaper cost of food and apparel; but
the long hours “from weary chime to
chime,” the unsanitary conditions and
uncertain employment which existed in
1844 still exist in 1893. “Punch’’ ought
to find a new Tom Hood to write a new
song of the shirt, adapted to present
circumstances, which should again
touch the heart of Christendom,
i ————————
2,560 Pensioner Suspended.
WASHINGTON, July 14,—It is learned
at the pension office to-day that 2,560
pensioners have been suspended up to
date under Secretary Hoke Smith’s re-
cent ruling, requiring beneficiaries of
the act of June 27, 1890 to prove total
disability where they are drawing pen-
sions of $12 por month. The suspension
are not confined to any particular local-
ity, but are well distributed throughout
the country.
No pensioner had been dropped under
the decision for the reason that the sixty
days allowed the pensioners in which to
make proof of disabiltity have not
Mrs. J.—John what time is it ?
John (half asleep) —Ugh ?
Mrs. J. (twenty minutes later)—John
what time is it ?
John—Ugh ?
Mrs. J. (one hour later) —John what
time is it ?
John—S8even o’clock.
Mrs. J.—Well, why couldn’t you
have said so an hour ago?
John — Because it wasn’t
o'clock then.— Harper's Bazar
——A New York man is about to
walk from that city to Chicago. He
expects to accomplish the journey in
two weeks.
. “More Facts.
The Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
Company has just issued another fifty page,
handsomely illustrated pamphlet, giving
“More Facts” about South Dakota, regarding
agriculture, sheep raising, climate, soil, and
its other resources. It also contains a correct
county map of North, as well as South Dakota
It will be sent free to any address, upon appli-
cation to John R. Pott, District Passenger
Agent, Williamsport, Pa. Write for one of
A Visit to the World's Fair.
At Chicago will be incomplete without *“cool-
ing off” somewhere in the lake regions of
Wisconsin, Northern Michigan and Minnesota.
All of the best summer resorts in the North-
west can be reached in a few heurs’ ride from
Paul Railway and the Milwaukee & Northern
For a complete list of Summer homes and
“How to Visit the World’s Fair,” send a two
cent stamp, specifying your desires, to John
R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Williams-
port, Pa., or 42 South Third Street, Philadel-
phia, Pa.
Pennsylvania Exhibits at the World's
Are ahead of them all, chief among them
is the display of pure liquors manufactured in
tne state. It is conceded that no rye whiskies
made inthe world can equal those made in
Pennsylvania, more especially Silver Age,
Duquesne or Bear Creek. Thesethree brands
head the list of pure Ryes, and sre so well
known that every reputable dealer sells them.
North, East, South and West they lead all
others, because they are pure ; because they
are reliable,and because they are stimulants
that strengthen and invigorate. They are
sold at prices within the reach of all, and are
sold upon their merits for.purity and strength.
Silver Age, $1,50 ; Duquesne, $1,25 ; Bear
Creek, $1.¢0, full standard quarts. Ask your
dealer for tnem ; Insist on having them, and
if you cannot be supplied, send to Max Klein,
Allegheny, Pa. Price list of all liquors sent
on application. All goods nacked neatly and
securely. Max Klein, Allegheny, Pa.
38- 23-1y,
New Adveriisements.
Makes the hair soft and glossy.
“I'have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor
for nearly five years, and my hair
is moist, glossy, and in an excel.
lent state of preservation. Iam
forty years old, and have ridden
the plains for twenty-five years.”
—Wm. Henry Ott, alias “Mustang
Bill,” Newcastle, Wyo.
Prevent hair from falling out.
“A number of years ago, by
recommendation of a friend, I be-
gan to use Ayer’s Hair Vigor to
stop the hair from falling out and
prevent its turning gray. The first
effects were most satisfactory. Oc-
casional applications since have
kept my hair thick and of a natural
color.”—H. E., McKinney,
Restores hair after fevers.
“Over a year ago I had a severe
fever, and when I recovered, my
hair began to fall out, and what lit-
tle remained turned gray. I tried
various remedies but without suc-
cess, till at last I began to use
Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and now my
hair is growing rapidly and is re-
stored to its original color.” —Mrs.
A. Collins, Dighton, Mass,
Prevents hair from turning gray.
“My hair was rapidly turning
gray and falling out; one bottie of
Ayer’s Hair Vigor has remedied the
trouble, and my hair is now its ori.
ginal color and fullness.”'—B. Ouk-
rupa, Cleveland, O.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,Mass.
Sold by Druggist and Perfumers,
37 32
Railway Guide.
and every thing kept in a first class*Drug
87 14 6m .
eo Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written
in Standard’ Cash Compenies at lowest rates.
Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna.
does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between
Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel, 24
3 y
Represent the best companies, and write poli
cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason:
able rates. .Office in Furst’s building, opp. the
Court House. 22 6
Miscellaneous Adv’s.
Dee. 18th, 1892.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone,
6.52 a. m., at Altorna, 7.40 a. m., at Pitts-
burg, 12.10 p. m. :
Leave Rellefonte, 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone
11.35a. m.. at Al*oona, 1.456 p. m., at Pitts
ourg, 6.50 p: m.
Lesve Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyrone.
6.33, at Altoona at 7.25, at Pittsburg at 11.20.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a.m. arrive at Tyrone
6.55, at Harrisburg. 10.80 a. m., at Philadel-
phia, 1.25 po
Leave Bellefonte 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m.,at
Philadelphia, 6.50 po. m.
Leave Boilefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.33 at Harrisburg at 10.20 p. m., at Phila
delphia, 4.25 a. rr.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock
Haven, 10.37 a. m.
Leave Bellefor. ‘e, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.25 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 8.45 p. m., arrive at Lock
Haven at 9.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.37, leave Williamsport, 12.30 B; m;
2 Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at
.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 5.25. p. m.; illiamsport, 6.45 p. m.,
Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.45 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.26
a. m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m.
Leaye Bellefonte at 6.20 8. m., arrive at Lewis
burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.40 a. m.
Philadelphia, 3.60 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewis.
burg, 4.47, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila-
delphia at 10.55 p. m.
OARDING.—Visitors to Philadel-
phia, on business or pleasure, from
this section, will find pleasant rooms and good
boarding either by the day or week, at 1211
Greene Street. Centrally located. Pleasant
surroundings. 37-32.
Since Cottolene has come
to take its place. The sat-
isfaction with which the
people have hailed the ad-
vent of the New Short.
evidenced by the rapidly
increasing enormous sales
is Proof positive not only
of its great value as a new
article of diet but is also
sufficient proof of the gen-
eral desire to be rid of in-
digestible, unwholesome,
Puanseiiuing lard, andall
fhe ills that lard promotes.
at once and waste no time
.in discovering like thous-
ands ot others that you
have now
- - NO USE FOR LARD. - -
Made only by
138 N. Delaware Ave., Phila.
Send three cents in
stamps to N. K. Fair-
bank & Co., Chicago, for
handsome Cottolene
Cock Book, containing
six hundred receipts,
prepared by nine emi-
nent authorities on
cooking. 38- 26-n r-4t
Farmer’s Supplies.
Pennsylvania Spring Hoed Two Horse
Cultivator, with two rowed
Corn Planter Attachment.
Buggies, Pleasure Carts and Surreys
of the finest quality.
Champion Rock Crusher and Champion
Road Machines,
both link and hog wire.
The best Implements for the least
money guaranteed.
Office and Store in the Hale building.
36 4 McCALMONT & CO.
g 8 % |H
Elfe/ 3° |B iE
P.M. A. M. | A. M. |ArT. Lv. A. M. [p.m | p.m.
6 33| 11 55| 6 52|...Tyrone. 8 10|3 10 7 26
6 27| 11 48] 6 45|..E.Tyrone..| 8 17|3 17| 7 82
6 23| 11 43| 6 42|...... ail......| 8 20(3 20] 7 35
6 19| 11 38| 6 38/Bald Eagle] 8 25/3 2¢4| 7 89
18] 11 321 6 32 ....., DIx...... 830330 745
6 10 11 29 6 30|... Fowler 832333 748
6 08] 11 26| 6 28|.. Hannah... 8 36|3 87| 7 52
6 01| 11 17| 6 21|Pt. Matilda.| 8 43|3 44| 7 59
5 54| 11 09| 6 13|...Martha....| 8 51{3 52| 8 07
5 45| 11 00, 6 05|....Julian...., 859/401 816
5 36) 10 51| 5 55/.Unionville.| 9 10/4 10| 8 25
5 28] 10 43| 5 48|...8.8. Int...| 9 18i4 17| 8 82
5 25| 10 38| 5 45| .Milesburg | 9 22(4 20 8 35
5 15| 10 28 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 32|4 30| 8 45
5 05| 10 18) 5 25|.Milesburg.| 9 47/4 40| 9 00
4 57| 10 €9| 5 18|....Curtin....| 9 66/4 46| 9 07
4 50) 10 02| 5 14|..Mt. Eagle..| 10 02/4 50] 9 15
4 44| 954 5 07|..Howard...| 10 09/4 57| 9 22
4 35 945) 4 59|.Eagleville.| 10 17/5 05| 9 30
4 33| 9 42| 4 56|Bch. Creek.| 10 20/5 08] 9 33
421) 931 4 46|.Mill Hall..| 10 31|5 19| 9 44
4 18/ 9 29 4 43|Flemin’ton.| 10 34/56 22| 9 47
4 15| 9 25| 4 40/Lck. Haven| 10 37/5 25| 9 50
P.M. A M.A M A.M. [A.M] P.M.
I] 9 Dec. 19, ©
g B 5 3 1892, AE
P.M.| P. M. | A. M. |Lv. Ar. | A. um. [A.M [P.M
7 30] 315 8 20|..Tyrone....| 6 46| 11 45/6 12
7 37, 322 825.E. Tyrone. 6 39| 11 38/6 05
743 326] 831i... Vail...... 6 34| 11 34/6 00
7 55| 3 36/ 8 41|.Vanscoyoe.| 6 26| 11 25/56 52
8 00| 3 40| 8 45|..Gardners..| 6 24| 11 21/56 50
8 07| 3 49| 8 £5|Mt.Pleasant| 6 16| 11 12/5 43
8 15| 3 55 9 05|...Summit...| 6 09] 11 05/5 33
8 19| 3 59) 9 10{Sand.Ridge| 6 05| 10 58/56 27
8 21) 401/ 9 12]... Retort..... 6 03| 10 546 25
8 24| 4 02] 9 15}..Powelton...| 6 01] 10 525.23
830] 408 9 24|...0sceola...| 5 52| 10 40/5 11
8 41| 4 15| 9 33|..Boynton...| 5 45| 10 33/5 3
8 45| 4 18| 9 37|..Stoiners...| 5 43| 10 30/4 58
847 422 939 Phjipsig 5 41| 10 27/4 55
8 51) 426] 9 43|...Graham...| 5 37| 10 21/4 49
8 57| 4 32| 9 49|..Blue Ball..| 5 33| 10 17/4 44
9 03| 439] 9 55/Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 10{4 89
9 10| 4 47| 10 02|....Bigler..... 5 22| 10 02(4 30
9 17| 4 52] 10 07(.Woodland..| 5 17| 9 54/4 23
9 24| 4 58| 10 13|...Barrett....| 512| 9 47(4 15
9 28| 5 02| 10 17|..Leonard...| 5 09| 9 43/4 12
9 35 5 08] 10 21|..Clearfield..| 5 04] 9 36/4 07
9 40| 5 11] 10 28|..Riverview.| 5 00| 9 32/4 02
9 47| 5 16| 10 33|Sus. Bridge| 4 54| 9 24/3 56
9 55 b 25 10 38/Curwensv’e| 4 50 9 20/2 50
P.M.| P. M. | A, M. A.M. [A.M [PM
Time Table in effect on and after
Dee. 19, 1892.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 45
Leave Bellefonte, except Sunda;
Schedule in effect December 18th, 1892.
111 | 103 114 | 112
P. M. | A. M. A.M. |P M
2 00] 5 40|....... Montandon........ 9 10{ 4 55
2.080 6 15[........ Lewisburg........ 9 00] 447
Gancasaselssersarsslonaaee Fair Ground....... .oessseisjescessese
3 IH 6 23 cceon Biehl .| 852 39
2 22| 6 28. 4 35
231 6 427
2.43 6 415
251 6 4 07
311 T18|. 348
3 30 738]. senreaivin 3 30
3 47| 7 55|....Rising Springs..... 721 314
4 01 8 09|.......Centre Hall.......| 7 06] 3 01
4 07| 816. 700] 254
413] 8 23. 652) 247
4 18) 8 28/. 647 242
4 221 8 32. 6 43| 287
4 27 8 37]. 6 38/ 233
4 37| 8 47|......Pleasant Gap......| 6 28] 2 23
445 8155 Bellefonte.........| 6 20] 215
rom la nm A.M. | PM,
= 2 Nov. 16, 2 2
i " 1891. Lo] Be
BP ge So £.
A.M. | P.M. A.M. | P.M.
tess 10 00] 4 50|....Scotia....| 9 21] 4 40|......
ceedun 10 1¢| 5 05|..Fairbrook.| 9 09| 4 25|......
vesses 10 28| 5 15/Pa.Furnace| 8 56 4 15|......
Veress 10 34 5 21|...Hostler...| 8 50 4 08......
ares 10 46| 5 26 ny ISTenss, 8 43| 4 01i.....
rene 16 52| 5 3%|.Loveville... 8 37 3 85|...
arses 10 58/ 5 39) FurnaceRd| 8 31] 3 49|.....
ated 102] 5 #3|Dungarvin.| 8 27] 3 46|.....
2230 353. W. ark. 819 383...
‘i 26) » 03|Penuiagton| 8 10, 3 30
MP 11 32] vis]. Stover...| 758] 318
11 40] 625 one. 7 50{ 3 10,
To take effect April 4, 1892.
Ac. Ex. | Mail| go os. [Ac] Ex | Ma
dl P. M.! A, M. |AT. Lv.aM.| A, Mm. | P.M.
6 35 3 50[ 9 05|.Belléfonte.s 30 10 30 4 40
6 28) 3 44| 8 59|..Coleville.../6 37| 10 35| 4 45
6 25 341] 8 56|....Morris....[6 40, 10 38] 4 48
6 22] 3 38| 8 52[.Whitmer...|6 44| 10 43] 4 51
6 19] 3 35| 8 49/....Linns.... 6 47) 10 46] 4 54
6 17) 3 33 8 47(.. Hunters...|6 50] 10 49| 4 56
6 14) 3 31| 8 44|..Fillmore...[6 53| 10 52| 5 00
611 8 28| 8 40|....Sellers....[6 57| 10 56| 5 08
6 09] 326 8 88|...Brialy.....|7 00! 10 58) 5 05
6 05 3 23| 8 35|..Waddle...(7 05| 11 01| 5 10
6 02] 320 8 30/Mattern Ju(7 08] 11 03] 5 12
5 51] 300 818. .Krumrine.7 21| 1113] 5 24
548, 2 55 8 14|....Struble...[7 24! 11 17| 5 27
5 45 2 50) 8 10{StateColl'ge 7 30| 11 20, 5 80
On the Red Bank branch trains will run as
follows :
Red Bank at 8 00 a. m
Stormstown at 8 05
Mattern at 8 12
Graysdale at 8 17
Mattern Ju. at 8 20
and 6 85 p.m
Mattern Ju. 7 14a. m. and 513 m
Graysdale 7 19 516
Mattern 7 24 5 20
Stormstown 7 29 5 23
Red Bank 7 385 5 86
Taos. A. Swozmaxea,Sup .