Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 21, 1893, Image 5

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    5 J)
crowd of people gathered at Hunter's
Park yesterday afternoon to witness the
River league championship game be-
tween Tyrone and Bellefonte. Hun-
dreds left here on the ball train at 1:45,
and when the Park was reached most of
the Logan picnickers, who were there,
had made up their minds to see the
game also. When Mr. Haley called the
men in from practice to play ball the
largest audience ever gathered at a
Park game was waiting breathlessly
for the first man to step up
to the plate. The day was perfect
and both teems showed up well
in the preliminary practice. Many
Tyroners were on the ground. They
had come down to encourage their team
to better work than had been done at
Williamsport and Renova, where they
lost by the respective scores of 9 to 3
and 9 to 4, but ‘twas all of no avail. It
was a fight for tail end and Tyrone suc-
ceeded in getting it. Before the game
Bellefonte and Tyrone had each won
one and lost three games, making their
averages tie at 250.
The teams played in the following
Tyrone: Gill r, Jahns 8rd, Good-
hart ¢, Aschenbach m, Richards 1st,
‘Watts ss, Stuart 2ad, Dunn p, Gillam 1.
Bellefonte: Wetzel 8rd, Woodcock
m, Soper c, Walters 1, Jones 1st , How -
ell ss, Reed 2ad, Steele r, Hodson p.
1st,—Promptly at 2:45 Bellefonte
came up and Wetzel led off with a sin-
gle to left and was avanced on a balk,
Woodcock flew out to Gooedhart.
Soper knocked a 2 bagger over 3rd to laft
and Wetzell scored. Walters fiew out to
r. Jones lined a 2 bagger to center and
was fielded out at home by Gill on
Howell's pretty single.
Tyrone in her half sent Gill up, he
reached 1st on a short hit to left. Jahns
reached first on a scratch, Gill going to
third on Wetzell’s muff of a fielded ball
to catch Gill. Goodhart reached first on
a scratch. Gill and Jahns both scoring,
Goodhart was forced out at 2nd on
Reed’s muff of Aschenbach’s pop fly.
Aschenbach was thrown ont while try-
ing to steal second. Richards reached
Ist on an error. Watts flew out to left
leaving Richards at 1st.
2.—In the second inning the home
team had Reed lead off with a hit for three
bases, Steele knocked him in and reach-
ed 1st on a scratch, was advanced to 2nd
on another balk. Hodson walked down
on balls, Wetzel walked to and there
was a force which Woodeock relieved
by walking also and forcing Steel home.
Soper flew out to Dunn. Walters then
walked and Hodson came home. Jones
scratched through short and cleared the
bases. Howell got a base on balls and
retired the side by being thrown out
while trying to steal 2ad. .
For the visitors Stuart led off by fly-
out from Hodson to 1st. Dunn fanned
the air and Gillam went out from short
to Ist.
3rd—The third was led off by Reed
who flew out to Dann. Steel did the
same thing and Hodson ended Belle-
fonte’s hopes by flying out to Goodhart.
Gill began for Tyrone by flying out
to Howell. Jahns reached 1st or a hit
through Howell and was doubled up
by Goodhart’s out to Steele.
4th—Wetzel led off for the “Gover-
nors”’ by flying out to m. Woodcock
was presented with his base and Soper
advanced him to third on a long hit to
right and he stole home. Soper scored
on Walters scratch through first. Jones
fouled out to Jahns, Howell ending
the run getting by going out at Ist.
The garnet suits then sent Aschenbach
up to fly out to left. Richards fouled
out to Soper. Pop Watts took his base
on balls and Stuart ended by being
thrown out at Ist.
5.—Our turn came then and Reed
flew out to Stuart. Steele went out from
short to 1st. Hodson took his base on
balls and Wetzell went out at 1st. The
visitors tried their luck. Dunn came
up but went down at once on a foul to
Soper. Gillam tried it next but couldn’t
connect. Gill then waited for his base
but was called out on strikes.
6.— Woodcock went out on being hit
by a batted ball. Soper walked. Wal-
ters hit for a base. Jones sacrificed.
Howell couldn’t size up to the situa-
tion and retired theside by dying at 1st.
Tyrone led off with a hit which was too
hot for Howell and Jahns reached 1st.
Goodhart flew out to Soper, Aschenbach
struck out,Richards drove a pretty single
to right and Jahns scored. Watt fol-
lowed by striking out.
7 —The seventh began with Reed up.
He led off with a pretty single to m.
Steele forced Reed out at 2nd: Hodson
walked again. Steele scored on Wetzle’s
liner to left for one bag. Woodcock filled
the bases by a fly: down the foul line
which Gill couldn’t handle. Soper
promptly relieved the bags of their bur-
den by a three bagger to right. Walters
flied out to middle. Jones followed
suit and left Soper at 3rd. For Tyrone
Stuart led off with a hit to short left but
was caught napping at 1st. Dunn was
hit by a pitched ball but soon went out
on the pretty double from Howell to
* Reed to Jones on Gillam’s short hit.
8th.—The home team sent Howell
up but he died at 1st. Reed hit through
3rd and left for 2 but was fielded out
while trying to get home on a passed
. ball. Steele retired the side by flying
| out to left. The visitors sent Gill up
{ who flew out to Reed. Jahns went
walking ; Goodhart went out at lst
Reed missing a chance for a pretty
double by fumbling Jones clean field of
the hit.
9th.—Hodson opened the 9th by fly-
ing out to 2nd. Wetzel went out at 1st.
‘Woodcock reached 1st on a fly to Cen-
tre which too many got after and
scored on Soper’s single toright. Soper
was fielded out at home on Walters
! clean grounder to Centre.
The game ended by Richards going out
at 1st. Walters muffled Watts hot one
to left after along run. Stuart singled
past 1st. Dunn stuck cut and Gill am
ended the misery of the visitors by fly-
ing out to Steele.
The score by innings was:
Tyrone--200001000— 323
Bellefonte—2 6 0 2 0 0 4 0 1-15
hits Bellefonte 14,
Tyrone 6. Errors: Bellefonte 4. Tyrone 6.
Passed balls, Goodhart. Wild pitch, Hodson.
Base on Balls, off Hodson £, off Dunn 7. Time
of game 2 hours and 5 min. Umpire Mr.
Haley and Mr. Ray. Attendance 1000.
Summary: Base
—— Tuesday evening’s train carried a
party of Centre countians to Chicago.
They were Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Glenn,
of State College, Rev. and Mrs. Frank
Hartsock, Miss Esther Gray, of Buffalo
Run and Mrs. Geo. M. Glenn, of
——The editor of the Houtzdale Ad-
vance has our sympathy. While under-
taking to run a charity ball on an
economic scale, the other night, he was
“poked in the neck’ several times and
finally put out of the hall with all of his
—— Chief of Police R. J. McClaugh-
ry, of Chicago, has resigned because of
disagreements with Mayor Harrison.
Major McClaughry is well known in
this community, he having been Super-
intendent of the Huntingdon Reforma-
——After a prolonged illness Ww.
Potter, one of our most respected color-
ed residents, died at his home on Fri-
day night. For years he had been the
driver of Wilson & MecFarlane’s
hardware wagon. Deceased was 61
years old and a member of the Presby-
terian church.
——The venerable Mrs. Meese, moth
er of our townsman John Meese
died at her bome, in Howardy on Mon-
day afternoon. She had been ill for a
long time previous to her demise. De-
ceased was eighty years old and all her
life had been a devout member of the
Methodist church. Funeral services
were held on Wednesday afternoon.
An Interesting Letter From a Centre
County Boy in Alabama,
Florence, Ala., 7, 15, '93.
Editor Warcumax, Belletonte, Pa.
Dear Sir:
To any farmer, or: to any person in Centre
county, who may be entertaining the thought
of moving to some section where thereare ap-
parently greater inducements offered to culti-
vating the soil, I should like to say that with-
out doubt, I feel satisfied that there can be
but few places offering greater advantages
than those in the north western section of the
State of Alabama.
Being thoroughly acquainted with the con-
ditions afforded farmers in Centre county and
comparing with those here, there is no doubt
but that this section has many advantages.
It is generally understood that the Southern
people are opposed to hard work, which I find
indeed to be an undisputed fact. The farmer
makes no attemptat anything beyond seratch-
ing the surface a little with a one horse plow,
sowing and reaping. They possess no ma-
chinery, no stock that would be used by a
Centre county farmer, and such a thing as fer-
tilizing is never thought of. They seem, how-
ever, to make a very fair living and are the
most sociable and agreeable people you will
meet anywhere. They seem to possess the
happy disposition of suiting themselves to any
About four years ago a colony of Germans
settled a few miles from Florence. They have
been very prosperous and are always referred
to in order to show what can be done when an
attempt is made.
The land generally is level, is very well
watered and the soil is a rich dark red clay
with very little of sandy nature to be found.
A great deal is not taken up which makes very
good pasturage. The people generally, instead
of raising the grains, hay ete, to which
the soil has proven to be so well adapted,
spend the most of their time in trying to raise
cotton because their fathers have done so in
the past, but to which the soil does not seem to
be suited.
The farmer who has been reared in this vi.
cinity has no ambition beyond the present,
He does not care to experiment with anything
new, or to make any improvements, being en-
tirely satisfied to ekeouta living from the
mere necessities of life. As a result the
towns instead of being supported by the
country are obligad to import most of their
grains, fruits, vegetables ete.
The climate is of the very best, somewhat
warm in the sun though we always have a re-
freshing breeze and comparatively cool nights.
The warm season is, to be sure, considera-
ble longer, but in general I do not believe the
heat is more oppressive than it is in most sec-
tions of Pennsylvania.
Florence being the principal town in this
part of the State, is a beautiful little place of
something over 5000 people ; located on the
banks of the noble and picturesque Tennessee
river, with the L & N., the M. & C. and the B.
S. & T. R. railroads leading from it, affording
easy means of traffic to all points of the
These facts, together with the one that the
best land can be had at from five to twenty
dollars per acre, dependent largely upon the
distance from town, and the extent to which
it is improved, and the surface being lower and
smoother, requiring less expensive ma:
chinery, are to my mind strong points in favor
of the agricultural prospects of this section.
James C. Fosrea.
News Notes fromm Howard.
“Hotter than thunder” is a common expres-
“Qh for water” is another ery soon coming.
Messrs Bricker and McCloskey were pleas-
ant visitors from the woods this week.
Wheat crops are not very heavy, so the farm
ers say.
Arthur and John Allison, of Parvin, were
at the Peck house Sunday.
The circus drew large crowds Friday, many
standing for want of seats.
The gap railroad is in a fearful condition as
yet, and people expressed their disgust by de-
stroying the lower toll-house.
Chas. Pressler boasts of a new arrival at his
house. Whether its Grover or Francis we
don’t know.
Will the proper authorities look after the
board walk along the railroad track and
have it put down?
Master Ward Beck is visiting J. M. Allison.
Last week he tried to pump water but the
handle flew off and struck him on the nose,
Ward fainted Lut soon came too.
Grasshoppers have made sad havoc of
the crops in this vicinity. This is something
unusual 1n this section, and farmers are at a
loss to account for them.
Recognizing the abilities of ‘Harvey Free-
man, the Pennsylvania Industrial Reformato-
ry, has re-appointed him as special representa-
tive for this county, to look after the boys &
The Howard P.O. S. of A. Camp invited
Rev. Mr. Gross to preach them an interesting
sermon last Sunday in the Evangelical Church.
Delegations from Bellefonte Camp and How-
ard Council J. O. U. A. M. were also present as
were other organization representatives. On
the whole, many interesting notes were taken
by those present, the preacher giving vent to
some very popular and patriotic feelings. The
Bellefonte Camp drove down in the Cox’es
tally-ho and then marched from the hall to
the church in company with the iocal organ-
Some time ago, and many a time since then
the subject of straightening a certain street
was mentioned in the council chamber by ¢ne
member who is deeply interested. Though
nothing to amount to anything was done, one
outsider who lays claim to being a prominent
citizen, moved his sidewalk to a point where as
it stands now, bas caused many an accident
after dark. Young men and their best,
old folks out for a stroll, visitors to the festi-
vals, and many others have fallen
against the fence by reason of the great height
of the walk from the ground, and
distance of the fence or guard rails. We
have been requested to ask this gentleman to
look at it as others do, and either put up the
proper guard or replace it where it belongs,
without further talk.
COMER—CHATMAN.—July 16, 1893, by Rev.
G. BE. Zehner, Mr. William R. Comer and
Miss Viola B. Chatman, both of Niles, Ohio.
The following are the prices charged for an-
nouncements in this paper. Sheriff $8,00 ;
Treasurer, $8,00 ; Register $6,00 ; Recorder
$5,00 ; Commissioners, $5,00. Al candidates
are required to pledge themselves to abide the
decision of the Democratic county convention.
We are authorized to announce the name of
John Corrigen, of College township, a candi-
date for the office of Sheriff of Centre county
subject to the decision of the Democratic
County Convention.
We are authorized to announce G. B. Craw-
ford, of Gregg township, a candidate for the
office of Sheriff. Subject to the decision of the
Democratic Ccunty Convention,
We are authorized to announce Cyrus
Brungart, of Millheim borough, a candidate
for the office of Sherif. Subject to the decis-
ion of the Democratic county c¢cnvention, #
We are authorized to announce John P.
Condo, of Gregg township, as a candidate for
Sheritt. Subject to the decision of the Demo-
cratic county convention.
We are authorized to announce Geo. E.
Parker of Philipsburg as a candidate for
sheriff subject to the decision of the Demo-
cratic county convention.
We are authorized to announze H. F. McGirk
of College township, a candidate for the office
of Sheriff of Centre county, subject to the de-
cision of the Democratic County Conventon. *
We are authorized to announce John F. Pot-
ter, of Boggs township,, a candidate for the
office of Treasurer of Centie county subject to
the decision of the Democratic County Con-
We are authorized to announce the name of
J.T. Lucas, of Snow Shoe township,a candidate
for the office of county Treasurer. Subject to
the decision of the Democratic county conven:
We are authorized to announce A. J. Griest
of Unionville a candidate for the office of
county 'I'reasurer. Subject to the decision of
the Democratic county convention. *
We are authorized to announce John Q.
Miles, of Huston township, a candidate for the
office of county Treasurer. Subject to the
decision of the Democratic county convention.
Weare authorized to announce John H.
Beck, of Walker township a candidate for the
office of county Treasurer subject to the de-
cision of the Democratic county convention.
We are authorized to announce George D.
Johnston, of Howard township, a candidate for
the office of county Treasurer. Subject to the
decision of the Democratic County Conven-
tion. - *
We are authorized to announce Howard
Moore, of Howard borough, a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer. Subject to the de-
cision of the Democratic county convention.
We are authorized to announce W. T. Speer
of Bellefonte a candidate for the office of coun-
ty Treasurer. Subject to the decision of the
emocratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce G. L. Good-
hart, of Potter township, a candidate for the
office of county Commissioner. Subject to the
decision of the Democratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce T. Frank
Adams, of Bellefonte, formerly of Boggs town-
ship, a candidate for the office of county Com-
missioner. Subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce S, B. Meyers,
of Milesburg, a candidate for the office of
County Commissioner. Subject to the de-
9jsion of the Democratic County Conven-
on. *
We are authorized to announce W. Galer
Morrison, of Bellefonte, a candidate for the of-
fice of county Recorder, Subject to the de-
cision of the Democratic County Convention.
We are authorized to announce W. J. Carlir,
of Miles townsi.ip, a candidate for the office of
Register of Centre county. Subject to the de.
sision of the Democratic Ccunty Convention.
We are authorized to announce A. G.
Archey, of Ferguson township a candidate for
the office of county Register. Subject to the
decision of the Democratic County Conven-
tion. »
We are authorized to annopnee C. A. Weaver
of Haines township as a candidate for Register
subject to the decision of the Democratic
county convention. *
We are authorized to announce G.W. Rum-
berger, of Philipsburg, a candidate ‘for the
office of Register of Centre conntv. Subject
to the decision of the Democratic County Con.
vention. .
New Advertisements.
Sechler & Co.
ANTED.—A lady as companion
and to help in care of children, the
Summer or longer. Address P. H., WATCHMAN
fice. 38 47-3t.
i HORSES.—Came to the
residence of the subscriber on Buffalo
Ruan 34 mile from Waddle Station, on or about
the first of June two mares a bay and a black,
the bay blind of an eye, both having the ap-
pearance of farm horses. The owner is re-
quested to prove property, pay charges and
take them away otherwise they will be dis-
posed of as the law directs.
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of Mary Neff deceased late of Boggs town-
ship having been granted to the undersigned
he requests all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate to make immediate
payment and those having claims against the
same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. JOS. L. NEFF,
38 26.6t Roland Pa.
CREDITORS.—Notice is hereby
given that letters of administration on the
estate of Martin McGowan, late of the township
of Spring, County of Centre and State of Penn-
sylvania, deceased, have been granted to
William McGowan resident of Benner town-
ship to whom all persons indebted to said es-
tate are requested to make payment and those
having claim or demands will make known
the same without delay.
88-27-6t Atty. Administrator.
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of T. V. Hunter having been granted, the
undersigned by the Register of Wills of Law-
rence Co., Pa. All persons indebted to said
estate, are requested to make immediate pay-
ment, and those having claims against the
same will present them without delay to
aN Een } Administrators.
203 Elwood City,
Lawrence Co., = Pa.
Sarah M. Wert.
In the Court of Common
Pleas of Centre County
Judgment No 257 Aug. T. 1892
Fi Fa No 34 January T. 1893.
Sur exceptions to acknowledgement of Sher-
iffs deed.
The undersigned an Auditor appointed by
said court to hear and pass upon the excep-
tions filed to the return of the Sheriff to the
above writ of Fieri Facias and to report a
schedule of distribution of the funds arising
from the Sheriff’s sale of the real estate of
said Elias Wert on the Fieri Facias to No. 34
January T' 1893, hereby gives notice that he
will meet all parties in interest for the pur-
poses of his appointment at his office in Belle-
fonte, Pa., on Tuesday, the 18th day of July
1893, at 10 a. m., when and where all parties in-
terested may attend if they see fit.
Elias Wert.
38 25.3t.
N ORDINANCE.— To prevent
cows, heifers and other horn cattle from
running at large in the Borough of Bellefonte.
Src. 1.—Be it ordained and enacted by the
town Council of the Borough of Bellefonte and
it is hereby .ordained and enacted by the
author of the same : That no bull, ox, steer,
cow, heifer, or calf, shall be suffered to go or be
at large within the limits of the Borough of
Bellefonte and the owner or owners of any
such animals, who shall willfully permit the
same to large, shall forfeit and bay for
each and every offence, for each and every
animal so running at large, the sum of two
dollars for the use of said Borough to be re-
covered as fines and penalties are by law re-
coverable, and any person may impound any
such animal or animals found running at
large as afore:aid,and give notice to the High
Constable of said Borough, who shall proceed
according to the provisions of the second sec-
tion of this Ordinance, to dispose of the same.
SEc. 2.—That it shall be the duty of the High
Constable, and he is hereby authorized,
directed and required without any special
warrant or authority other than this ordi-
nance to sieze and secure any bull, ox, steer,
cow, heifer or calf that may be running at
large, as providedin the first section of this
Ordinance, and the same to sell at public sale,
first having given at least three tanh public
notice of said sale by ten written or printed
hand bills posted up in conspicuous parts of
said Borough, of the time and place of such
sale. Provided however, ifthe owner or own-
ers of such animal or animals shall pay to the
said High Constable the penalty of two dollars
for each and every animal taken up as afore-
said, for the use of said Borough, together
with the costs of taking up, keeping and ad-
vertising the same for sale, then it shall be the
duty of such High Censtible to deliver such
animal or animals to the owner or owners
thereof : if the High Constable shall make
sale as aforesaid, he shall par the excess, af-
ter paying the penalty an SFpenses and costs,
to the cwner or owners of said animal or ani-
mals ; and the said High Constable shall pay
one half of said penalty to the Treasurer of
said Borough for the use of said Borough and
the remaining one-half, the said High Con-
stable shall retain as his compensation in ad-
dition to the fees allowed by law.
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances incon-
Siatent with this ordinance are hereby repeal-
Ordained and enacted into an ordinance
this 3rd day of July A. D. 1893.
Attest :
Clerk of Council. Pres. of Council.
wl rrorsd this Fourth day of July. A. D.
Chief Burgess.
———AND THE——
THE great illustrated month-
lies have in the past sold for
$4.00 a year. It was a wonder
to printers how the Cosmopoli-
tan, with its yearly 1536 pages
of reading matter by the great-
est writers of the world, and
its 1200 illustrations by clever
artists, could be furnished for
$3.00 ayear. In January last it
put in the most perfect maga-
zine printing plant in the
world, and now comes what is
really a wonder :
We will cut the price of the . . . . .
«+ + « « Magazine in half for you!
Think of it, 128 paces of reading,
matter. with over 120 illustrations
—a volume that would sell in cloth
binding at $1.00, and twelve times
a year and the
This off'is open to all old patrons
who settle arrearages, and to every
body else who desires to accept it.
This space is reserved for
whose great bargain sale of
Childrens Clothing has giv-
en them no time to write
anything for you thisiweek.
{J oouLER & CO.——*
IN TEAS we have Oolongs, Gun-Pow-
der, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japan
English Breakfast, and our Fine Blend-
ed Tea is something that will please any
one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea,
IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Al
spice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayennt
Pepper, Mustard all strictly pure goods.
Mocha—genuine, Java—Old Govern-
ment, Rio—Finest Brazilian. All ex-
cellent quality and always fresh roasted.
Baker's Premium Chocolateand Break-
fast, Cocoa, Van Houten's Cocoa, Wil-
bur's Chocolate, and German Sweet
Chocolate. ; i
a line of Joseph Burnett & Co's, (Bos-
ton) goods, they are the finest we can
find, also a line of Knight's extracts.
BEANS, California Limas, New York
Marrow and Pea Beans, dried Green
RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice.
Cottage, Home and Worthington Brands
—CorN Persian and Mountain Brands,
—CoRrN Granules, Lima Beans and
Succotash, Dew Drop brand. GREEN
Pras, Early Junes, Scottish chief and
Cecelia brands. PINE APPLE sliced and
grated, Strawberries and White Cher-
ries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked
Yellow Crawford, Lemon Cling, and
White Heath Peaches, White Cherri
and Apricots.
FRUITS, French Peas and Mush-
rooms, Preserved Cherries, Straw-
berries, Brandy Cherries and Crosse
Blackwell's Jams all in glass.
Syrup, Honey strained and in combs,.
Plum Pudding, Armour’s Corned Beef
Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed
milk, Dunham's Shred Cocoa nut.
Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family
Cheese, Bradford County Dairy But-
- Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten
Flour, Vienna Flour.
Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugcrs
Eztra Fine New Crop New Orleans
Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table
Syrup, Pure Cider Vinegar.
NUTS, Princess Paper Shell, Califor-
nia ard Bordan Almonds, Assorted
Nuts, English Walnuts, Pecans extra
large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted
Peanuts, Cocoa Nuts extra quality.
Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates
Roast Almonds, Cream Dates, Ros
and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, Frencl
Glace Fruits, Fine Chocolate Caramels.
Chocolate Marsh Mallows, Cocoa Nui
bon bons, Chocolate Madridos, Lozenges,
Clear Toys, and a large assortment of
Tue Jools in this line all carefully se-
French Bouillon, Consomme, Ox Tail,
Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, and
OLIVE OIL, 8S. Rea § Cos} Pint,
Pints and Quarts. The finest ana
lysts in the World pronounces it pure.
Blackwell's Chow Chow, Gherkins,
Mixed, White Onions, Cauliflower,
Picalilli, and Walnuts.
CERZAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled
Oat, Cracked Wheat, Pearl Barley,
Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Ma-
caront and Vermacceli.
MEATS. Fine Sugor Cured Hams,
Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef,
White Rose Lard.
GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges,
Messina Lemons, White Almeria
Grapes, Catawba Grapes, and Jersey
CURED FRUITS. Evaporated Cali-
fornia Pared and unpared Peaches,
and Apricots.
RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Lay-
ers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and
Californie Scedless and Loose Mus
FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Codfis
boneless and evaporated, SALMcY
Magnolia, Astoria and Glacier brand
Hoeg's Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, L¢b
sters, Crab Meats and Spiced Oysters
Sardines, French }s, and 4s Boneless.