Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 21, 1893, Image 4

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Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., July 2I, 1893.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Epitor
Democrats, Your Duty is Plain,
Oa Saturday, August 5th, just two
weeks from to-morrow, the Democratic
primaries, for the election of delegates
to the county convention, will be held
in the various election districts of the
county. Itis the duty, patent, of every
Democrat in the county to attend the
primaries and vote for the delegates
whom he knows will be for the candi-
date he prefers.
It is just as much a duty of the
Democracy to attend the primaries as
it is to attend the general election
later. The ticket is the all important
thing, because; to insure its success
everyone must be satisfied. There will
not be general satisfaction and har-
mony unless everyone has had a hand
in making the ticket, thus will be seen
the necessity of your attending the
primaries, for it is there that the in-
dividual voters have the voice in nam-
ing delegates who will represent their
wishes in the convention.
With so many excellent men in the
field there is scarcely any chance of
making a mistake in naming a tickets
yet the voters are none the less obliga-
ted from attending the primaries.
Every man in the county undoubtedly
has a friend, among the number of as
pirants, whom he would like to have
his district delegates instructed for and
the only possible way for him to have
his wish gratified is to attend the pri-
Everyone should attend, then all
will feel that they have had a voice in
making the ticket. This thing of won-
dering “why this wasn’t done,” and
“why that wasn’t done,” after itis ov-
er, isn't becoming good Democrats, es-
pecially when they know they could
have been there to have seen it all.
Have a voice in the primaries then
you will be satisfied with the ticket.
A Word to Would-be News Makers.
There was a time when any l'on,
Dick or HARRY in the country could
rush, breathless, into the sanctum of
the newspaper office and gasp out some
awful tale of murder, theivery, or a
fight that had or was occurring at a dis-
tance which the news carrier knew
was beyond the immediate reach of
the editor. Such information was of a
necessity accepted as “gospel,” simply
because it was never contradicted until
it appeared iu print, when all the
readers of the paper laughed at the
credulity of the “poor simple editor.”
Now it has not unfrequently happen-
el that later day journalists have
found themselves “worked” by the
same game that at one time canght
the writer, who did not have railroad
and telegraphic facilities for gathering
the news and depended wholly on w hat
the gossips brought in. The Baker
ville, Tenn., riot of last winter was an
excellent illustration.
At the last session of the Legislature
a law was passed, which has been ap-
proved by the Governor, fixing a fine
and imprisonment on all offenses
whereby newspapers are led to publish
manufactured news. The law is a
good one and will tend to put a stop to
this indiscriminate practice of reporters
of manufacturing news. It is in sub-
stance as follows:
Section 1. Be it enacted, etc. Thatany per-
son who wilfully states, delivers or transmits
by any means whatever to the managing editor
publisher or reporter of any newspaper, ma g!
azine, publication, periodical or serial for pub-
lication therein any libelous statements con -
cerning any person or corporation, and there-
by secures the actual publication of the same,
is hereby declared guilty of a misdemeanor
and-upon conviction shall be sentenced to pay a
fine not exceeding $500 and undergo imprison-
ment for a period not exceeding two years or
either or both at the discretion of the court.”
The Free Text Book Law in Effect Now.
It is not generally understood that
the free text book law went into im-
mediate effect upon the Governor's ap-
proval of it, but such was the case and
according to a recent decision of Siate
Superintendent ScHAFFER it is the duty
of school directors to make provisions
for supplying the schools with neces:
sary books and equipment,
As the public school appropriation
cannot be drawn upon it will be neces-
sary for Directors to advance sufficient
amounts out of the ordinary district
school funds for the purchases requir:
ed by the new act. Such contingen-
cies will be readily relieved, however,
when the destribution of the State ap-
propriation is made.
——The new road law for Pennsyl:
vania appears to be a practical meas.
ure, but it won’t be thought of until
next spring when people in the country
districts are in the mud hub deep.
What Auditors Can Expect.
Recent decisions of several courts in ;
the State have about definitely out-
lined the sources from which auditors
are expected to draw pay for their
various services at election time.
Judge McPHERsON, of Lebanon, and
Judge SinmonToN, of Dauphin county,
have concurred in the decree that for
holding meetings for receiving certifi-
cates of nomination, and nomination
papers, bearing objections thereto and
withdrawals, and filling out certificates
for watchers, the township must pay
the Auditors, but for arranging ballots,
correcting proof, going to and from the
printing office and distributing ballots
to the proper officer of any township,
the cost must be paid by the county
Such a ruling seems exceedingly ex-
plicit and should obviate any future
misunderstanding between auditors,
their townships and the county com-
missioners about pay for the election
services rendered. a
Pennsylvania’s citizen soldiery
continually keeps ingratiating iteelf in
the hearts of her people. No other
state in the Union can turn out such a
vast army of men, and it should be a
matter of great pride to us all that the
Keystone State is the keystone of the
National Guard of the country.
——Things are shaping up in the
Republican ranks and it looks very
much as if Gen. Dan. HasTiNgs has a
“cinch” on the Gubernatorial nomina-
There was a time when the
Republican party was unheard of. The
styles are continually changing. That
time is coming back.
It Apam and Eve suffered from
the heat it certainly wasn’t because of
a super abundance of clothing.
The Comet Brings to Light a Tali.
It Throws Out an Enormous Streamer Resem-
bling a Display of the Aurora Borealis.— The
Addition to the Comet’s Body Is a Long Streak
of Greenish White Light Extending Almost to
the Zenith—It Is Sixty times as Long as the
Moon Is Wide.
WasHINGTON, July 16.—At 10:30
o'clock last night the comet which is
now the object of so much search and
speculation .suddenly developed an
enormous tail, which to the unprac-
ticed eye was taken to be a display of
the aurora borealis. Atthat hour Pro-
fessor Frisby, of the Naval Observato-
ry, was studying the comet through
the nineiinch glass. He noticed a
long streak of greenish-white light
shoot out from the comet and extend
itself almost to the zenith.
At first, the nucleus of the comet be-
ing at that moment hidden by a fleecy
cloud, it was thought the aurora hore-
alis had sent out an advance notice of
a brilliant engagement.
There was no flickering, however,
and as the light came steadily from
where the comet had last been seen,
the professor concluded that he was see-
ing a comet in process of development.
The tail of the comet was thirty de-
grees in length, a distance about sixty
times as long as the moon is wide, and
extended from ten degrees above the
horizon almost to the zenith.
It is plainly visible to the naked eye
and was plainly watched for some time
by the corps of observers at the insti:
Professor Frisby said: “There is no
way to explain the sudden freak of the
comet. They are erraticbodies at best,
and the only thing to say is that this
one had reached a stage where it was
ready to throw out the long streak of
luminous gas which is called a tail.
It was not a bushy tail, but was a long
ribbon of light about three times as
wide as the moon.”
The End of the Revolution in Chili.
Admiral Wandenkolk, His Forces and Rebel
Troops Are Now Prisoners of War.
VaALrPara1so, Chili, July 16,—Ad-
miral Wandenkolk is a prisoner and is
now on his way to Rio Janeiro under a
heavy guard.
What his fate will be when he reach-
es that city can easily be guessed. He
was only recently formally declared to
be a traitor, and now he has fallen into
-the ciutches of the government he will
no doubt be executed without much
The capture of his ship, the Jupiter,
was made outside the bar at Lake Dos
Pagos below Rio Grande do Sul. Shots
were fired on the Jupiter from which a
white flag was soon hoisted. Admiral
Wandenkolk was forced to submit, and
the officers and crew of the ship, the
revolutionary troops on board, and ‘he
gunboat Camocin were «ll made prison-
ers. .
Several Men of War on the Move.
WAsHINGTON, July 17.—Telegraph-
ic orders have been sent to Commander
Whiting, commanding the United
States steamer Alliance at Calliao, Peru
to proceed at once with that vessel to
Corinto, the port on the west coast of
Nicaragua, nearest to Leon, where the
latest revolution is at its height. Com-
mander Whiting is instructed simply to
use all possible dispatch in going to Co-
rinto, and to protect American interests
there. It will take at least a week to
make the trip. The Charleston and
Yorktown, now fitting out for service
on the Pacific station, will be ready to
start in a few days. It is probable that
one of them will be ordered to touch at
Greytown, on the east coast, on the way
down, in order to inspect the situatior,
with a view to future action.
Pennsylvania’s New Road Law.
From the Lock Haven Democrat.
The road law passed by the last legis-
lature and signed by Governor Pattison,
is regarded as a practical measure, one,
it is thought, which will result in a re-
form in the matter of road making, in
some of the districts at least, throughout
the country. By this act the taxpayers
of any township or road district are en-
abled to contract for making the roads
at their own expense. and paying sala-
ries of township or road district officers
and thereby prevent the levy and col-
lection of a road tax in such township
or road district.
The process by which this right is to
be acquired is as follows: Any one or
more taxpayers desirous of acquiring the
said right shall, before the beginning of
any township fiscal year, present to the
court of quarter sessions of the county
in which said right is desired, setting
out that he, she, it, or they are the own-
ers of property assessed for road pur-
poses in said townships, or road dis-
tricts, the number of miles or public
road in said township or road district
and the desire and ability of the peti-
tioner or petitioners to lay out, open,
make, amend and repair the public high-
ways and bridges of said township or
road district wholly at his, her, its, or
their own expenses for the ensuing town-
ship fiscal year, and to pay the other ex-
penses of said township without any
right against or claim upon said town-
ship or road district for or by reason of
the materials, labor, or money furnished.
The work is to be done under the di-
rection of the supervisor, who is re-
quired to view and inspect the making
and repairing of the roads in his district
at least once during every month and
be fully satisfied that the petitioners
have fully complied with their contract,
and for this service the supervisors shall
each receive the sum of $480 per year.
It likewise will be the duty of the
supervisor to notify the contractors, if
at any time he sees the roads needs re-
pair, and 1f they fail to repair the road
as required, he is empowered to purchase
such materials and employ such men as
may be necessary to repair said roads
and charge the same to the contractors.
In addition to the salary provided for
to be paid to the supervisors for super-
vising the work the petitioners or con-
tractors will be required to pay to the
township clerk $50; to each of the town-
ship auditors $25; to the township at-
torney $50 and to each supervisor $250.
They will also be required to execute
a bond in a sum equal to $500 for each
and every mile of public road in said
township, with sureties conditioned for
the faithful performance of their trust.
The practical eftect of the bill will be
felt more particularly in the townships
in which the greater amount of the tax-
able property is held by one or more
persons or corporations and subsequent-
ly pay the most of the tax assessed,
which in t00 many instances goes to
other purposes than that of the repair
of the streets. It is believed that the
corporations will willingly embrace the
opportunity of freeing themselves from
the heavy road tax generally levied, by
undertaking to keep the streets in pro-
per repair and it will be the mission of
the supervisor tu see that it is done prop-
EA Sr —————
Paring Down the Pensions.
Over $115,000 Have Been Saved the Government
in Two Months.—Cases That Would Have
Been Allowed Had They Not Been Examined
by This Division of the Pension Bureau, the
First Payments Amounted to Over $150,000. —
Over $3,600 in Cash Recovered by Special Ex-
WasuiNGTON, July 17--—The special
examination division of the bureau of
pensions, which is charged with the in-
vestigation of the criminal matters in
pension claims, as well as the investiga-
tion of merit claims in which a prima
facie case has been established before
reference to that division, has kept a
record since May 1 of the amount in-
volved in first payment of every case re-
jected after special investigation.
The record shows that, for the months
of May and June last, in these prima
facie cases, which would have been al-
lowed had they not been specially in-
vestigated, the first payments would
have amounted to $150279. A great
many cases investigated were found to
possess merit and were allowed ; but of
the number investigated and rejected
a saving to the government of the above
amount has resulted.
The expenses of the special examina-
tion division for the months of May and
June, last, in the investigation of prima
facie merit claims, and all other matters
pertaining to the work of the division,
amounted to $36,895, leaving a net sav-
ing to the government of $113,384. To
this amount may be added $3,504,
which was recovered in cash by special
examiners and handed into the treasury
making the total net saving to the gov-
ernment $116,888.
TE —————"
Pardon Will Be Opposed.
The Carnegie Company Will Object to the Re-
lea3e of Dempsey.
PirrsBUrG, Pa., July 18.—Contrary
to the expectation the deposition of Con-
fessors Gallagher and Davidson, exoner-
ating Dempseo and Beatty from all con-
nection with alleged Homeestead pois-
oning, were not taken to-day. The gen-
tlemen concerned in the arrangement to
let the convicted prisoners and self-ac-
cused perjurers swear that they are un-
worthy of belief, were reticent to-day
about the form the matter will take, but
is is learned that District Attorney Bur-
leigh will in his official capacity request
Warden Wright to permit Gallagher's
deposition to be taken.
his will be backed up by a written
request from Judge McClung and it is
not considered probable that the warden
will refuse. It is reliably stated that
the Carnegie company will oppose the
pardon of Dempsey and that Captain
Beck, who prosecuted Dempsey in be-
half of the Carnegie company, is now
preparing to fight the application for
pardon before the board of pardons.
Congressman Breckenridge to Marry.
LovisviLLg, Ky., July 17.—The en-
gagement of Congressman W. C. P,
Breckenridge to Mrs. Louis Scott
Wing, widow of Dumsey Wiag, ex-
minister to Peru, has been announced,
the wedding to take place just before
the extra session of congress. Mrs,
Wing lives here.
The Free Text Book Law.
Goes Into Effect at Once, and Judge Ewing's
Decision is Regretted.
HARRISBURG, July 16.—State Sup-
erintendent Schaeffer has rendered a
decision that the free text book law
goes into immediate effect, and that it
is the duty of the directors to make
provision for furnishing and equipping
the schools with the necessary text
books and other supplies. Being ask-
ed what he thought of the decision of
Judge Ewing, of Pitttsburgh, resirain-
ing the school board from purchasing
different sets of readers, he said :
I regret exceedingly that Judge Ew-
ing has felt it his duty to interpret the
law concerning the adoption of text
books in such a way as to bind entire
cities to the purchase of one set of read-
ers. The use of the term ‘series’ to
denote the text books of a given au-
thor upon a specific subject is of com-
paratively recent origin, and the word
in its original signification means a
sequence or succession of any kind.
The law authorizes the directors to
adopt a series of text books, which in
many cities was interpreted to mean
the sequence or succession of books
which the board, in consultation with
the teachers, deemed best adapted to
promote the progress of the pupils;
and in imitation of the best schools in
New England, several first, second,
third and fourth readers were purchas.
ed without increasing the aggregate
expense or multiplying classes, and
gent from school to school for the pur-
pose of securing pereanial interest
and freshness in the reading lesson.
This decision turns backward the hand
on the dial plate of progress of many
cities, until they can find relief in the
decision of a higher court or through
legislative enactment.
Had a Narrow EScape.
Hanged and Shot by Lynchers, but Still Living
and Likely to Live for Some Time.
NorroLk, July 18.—Isaac Jenkins,
colored, set fire to the barn owned by
John Cartwright, at Cartwright wharf,
on the Nasemond river, and poisoned
several valuable animals, Jenkins was
captured on Saturday. He admitted
that he set fire to the barn and poisoned
the horses. He further said that he
would not be satisfied until he had kil-
led Mr. Cartwright. A party of eciti-
zens hanged the barn-burner from a
tree, leaving his body hanging after
firing a dozen shots at it.
‘When some of the lynchers returned
to the spot on Sunday they found the
body gone. A colored man was arres-
ted in this city last night as a suspicious
character, who proved to be Jenkins.
He said that as he was losing conscious-
ness while banging, he heard several
pistol shots. When he recovered it was
not daylight! He was lying on the
ground ; the rope had broken. He got
up and made his way to Norfolk through
the woods. The man’s neck was badly
cut and swollen and one of the pistol
balls took effect in the right side of the
head, but didn’t enter the brain.
Weekly Crop Report,
The Alternate Showers and Sunshine Have Been
Very Beneficial to Crops in Pennsylvania.
WasuiNaTON, July 18,—The weekly
crop report of the weather bureau states
that the warm, dry weather has been es-
pecially favorable for harvest work and
haying, which iz well under way as far
north assouthern Minnesota. In view
of the reported shortage in Europe, it is
worthy of special note that the hay crop
is excellent in almost all sections. Some
injury has resulted to crops in Ken-
tucky, Tennessee gnd portions of Illi-
nois, owing to the hot, dry weather, and
rain is generally needed east of the Mis-
sissippi, in Texas and in the upper Mis-
souri valley.
There has been a general improve-
ment in crop conditions during the
week. Corn is reported in excellent
condition in most states. The cotton
crop is mmproving in South Carolina
and Texas, although the plant is small.
Pennsylvania— Alternate showers and
sunshine very beneficiai to crops; corn
and tobacco making excellent growth;
oats ripening, outlook brightening in
dry sections.
They Should Abide by the Work of
Their Own Hands.
From the Philadelphia Press.
The small regard for law which has
characterized South Carolina since the
days of reconstruction is cropping out
again in the attempt to enforce the
new liquor law in the State. Whether
or not it is a wise law has nothing to
do with the case. It is thelaw of the
State and it is the duty of the people to
obey it. But the first movement in the
direction of entorcing it in Charleston
almost caused a public riot, and the of:
ficials were compelled tc suspend opera-
tions. This is far from creditable to
the State.
The Situation Improving.
Sax Fraxcieoo, July 17.—The semi-
annual report of the San Francisco sav-
ings banks shows that twelve savings
banks have resources aggregating
$120,000,000. “The financial situa-
tion in this city and state is improv-
ing,” said Thomas Brown, cashier of
the Bank of California, in an inter-
view. “Money is perceptibly easier,
and buginess is slowly getting back to
its normal condition. Not a clearing
house certificate has been issued.
There has been no necessity for issu-
ing any, and, in my opinion, there
will be no occasion for them.”
ERT ————
Such Trash Won't Wash.
From the Lock Haven Democrat.
With a pigheadedness lacking judg.
ment that would hardly be expected,
the Republican papers are charging
the low price of wool to the Democrat-
ic administration. As the McKinley
bill is still in =ffect and as no other Re-
publican laws be ve been changed dur-
ing the time Cleveland has been in
power the partisan orgaus certainly
cannot expect their readers to believe '
these silly statements. Wool is going
down, and will go down until the ob-
noxious high taritflaws are changed.
Gallagher’s Confession,
He Swears That All He Said Against Dempsey
Was Untrue.
PirrsBURG, July 19.—At the western
penitentiary to-day District Attorney
Clarence Burleigh, Attorneys L. K.
Porter and W. J. Brennan, Notary
Public C. C. Lee and Stenographer J.
Beal met to take the depositions of
Gallagher and Davidson, serving time
in the Homestead poisoning cases.
Gallagher was before the committee
over two hoars. Davidson’s examina-
tion occupied about twenty minutes.
The district attorney conducted the ex
amination, but declined to give out any-
thing for publication.
It was learned, however, that Galla-
gher’s confession in regard to Hugh
Dempsey and the Homestead poison-
ing case is much wore sweeping in its
details than had been imagined by the
general public. A gentleman who
has heard the whole story says Galla—
gher’s statement not only implicates
Pinkerton detectives, but several men
much more prominent in business and
professional life, He stated positively,
the gentleman said, that every word he
said against Dempsey on the stand
was false. He implicates Detective
Ford, of the Pinkerton agency, and
gives the pames of many others who
were instrumental in Dempsey’s con-
viction. He further states that he
never administered poison or croton
oil to the men at Homestead and that
Dempsey never proposed that he
should. He sticks to the story that
the $25 Dempsey gave him was a loan
to protect his furniture. To substanti-
ate this the defense will show by mem-—
bers of the firm who sold him the fur-
niture that they were pushing him for
the money. Davidson made a state—
ment similar to the Gallagher story,
except that be was not in the plot as
long as the men who convicted Demp-
sey. They both seemed willing to
make their confessions under oath and
stand by it if it means a lengthening of
their terms of imprisonment. Demp-
sey's attorneys have matters in such
shape that they will corroborate the
confessions by other witnesses.
Great Collapse of Denver Babpks.
The Masses Excited and Streets Crowded with
Anxious Depositors.—At 10 o'clock, When the
Union National Bank Announced That It
Would Not Open Its Doors, a Panic Was
Started—The Run on the Different Institutions
Was Well Met by Most of them— Failure in
Kansas Announced.
DeNvER, Col,, July 18.—No such a
scene was ever witnessed in all the
west as was seen here this morning
shortly after 10 o'clock, when the
banks were supposed to open their
doors for business. The failure of
the savings banks yesterday had'excit-
ed the masses, and at the hour of open-
ing the streets were crowded with anx-
ious depositors. The eleven clearing
house banks, located within four blocks
of each other, were surrounded, and
far into the streets crowds gathered
until officers and special police were
called out to clear the way for traffic.
At 10 o'clock the Union Nacional
bank, with a capital of $1,000,000
posted a notice that it would not open
its doors. This started the panic and
following quickly the Commercial Na-
tional posted a similar notice. A run
was immediately started on all of the
other banks, though to no great extent
upon the People’s National. The First
National appeared to be the soundest
of all, it having only 60 per cent. of its
deposits on hand with a private fund
of $1,500,000 in addition to draw upon,
making it impossible to close its doors.
The Colorado National and several
others are in equally as good condition.
Those who withdrew their money are
all small depositors, the large holders
being satisfied to let their accounts re-
main, The banks paid all demands
except on time certificates, they de-
manding that these remain until the
expiration of the time.
—— The “Time-Saver’’ is a guide to
the World's Fair that deserves its
name. It names and locates 5,000 of
the most interesting things on the Ex-
position grounds, grading them accord-
ing to their importance. No other
guide does this. The visitor who uses
a “Time Saver” can see the Fair in
one third of the time usually occupied
and find without difficulty everything
he wants to see. An encyclopedia of
World’s Fair information that can be
carried in your breast pocket. Com-
piled by a newspaper man, who inspec-
ted every exhibit on the grounds. Not
sold on the Exposition grounds; but
nothing sold there will take its place,
Ask your newsdealer for it or send 25
cents to W. E. Hamilton, Room 12,
No. 283 South Clark St., Chicago, lI.
Three Fail and More to Follow.
TorekA, Kan., July 18.—State Bank
Examiner Breidenbal this morning re-
ceived notice of the failures of the Citi-
zen’s bank, of Kansas City, Kan., of
the Bank of Richmond and of the Far-
mer’s and Merchant’s bank, at Ossa-
wattomie. The concerns all did a small
business. Statements are unobtainable.
The opinion is expressed that other in-
stitutions throughout the state will soon
go under.
Herbert on a Tour of Inspection.
New Lo~xpoN, Conn., July 19.—Sec-
retary Herbert, on the dispatch boat
Dolphin, arrived here this morning on
a tour inspection, and paid an extended
visit to the Thames naval station. He
spent about two hours looking over the
yard, and expressed himself as highly
| pleased with its capabilities as head-
quarters for the naval cruisers. The
Dolphin steamed away for Newport this
afternoon with the secretary on board.
HarrisBURG, Pa., July 18.—A de-
cree was made by the Dauphin county
court to day in the cause of the com-
monwealth ve. the Philadelphia Life
Insurance company, dissolving the
company and appiinting Sylvester
Bonnaffon, jr., receiver, to take charge
of its effects.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Exhibit at
the World's Fair.
Ot more real interest to the average
visitor to the World’s Fair than all the
confusing array ol locomotives, cars,
ships, wagons, bicycles, and veloci-
pedes in the great Transportation
Building is the compact yet compre-
hensive exhibit which the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad Company makes in its
own beautiful little model railway sta-
tion. What with signal tower, over-
head foot-bridge, automatic switches,
tracks, ballast, and ditches just outside
its doors, and the original “John Bull”
locomotive. the oldest in America,
with its train of antique cars, and the
colossal iron vehicles upon which the
huge Krupp guns were conveyed from
Baltimore to the Exposition standing .
mn the shadow of its walls, it presents to
the passer-by an appearance so dis
tinctly characteristic that a careful in-
spection of the treasurers of the interior
is almost inevitable.
Once inside, you enter immediately
into a study of transportation history
in the United States on the kindergar
ten or object-lesson basis, and by
means of models, ranging from the old
Conestoga wagon, through a series of
curiously fashioned cars, up to the
standard locomotives and passenger
coaches of to—day, you secure a most
effective idea of railroad progress. Nor
do the models here thown have to do
with vehicles only. In the caces
which line the walls of the cool, white
interior are also to be seen models of
track of all periods, various systems of
signals in use at different times, and
even tickets and time-tables, not for—
getting conductors’ punches and
In the way of models, the post of
honor is given to a magnificent repro-
duction of Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's new double-deck ferry
boat “Washington” which plies
between New York and Jersey City, a
model complete in every detail, even
to the Electric lighting and the rubber
mats at the doors. Maps, in relief, of
a most interesting and instructive
character are numerous, not the least
important being one four feet wide by
twelve feet long, showing at once the
old Portage, company oyer the Alle-
ghenies, all arranged to a scale, and
givingfa better notion of that wondertul
feat of engineering, the Horse-shoe
Curve, than can be had by a trip over
To furnish a comprehensive idea of
the magnitude of the Pennsylvania
Railroad system no better method
could have been adopted than that
which is here presented in the shape
of a perspective map, thirty-three feet
long, showing the position of each
train in motion on the system at 6 P.
M. on Columbia Day, October 21st,
1892, the passenger trains being indi-
cated by tiny gilt locomotives, and the
freight trains by similar locomotives
colored blue. In addition to all this
there is case after case of photographs,
posters, letters, bills, and other docu-
ments, all more or less interesting, and
a number of wax figures, clothed in
the uniforms of the Pennsylvania’s
working staff of en.ployes, from bag-
gage porters to conductors.
Beat the Record.
Curcaco, July 19.—At Washington
park Maid Marian ran a mile and twen-
ty yards in 1.40, beating the record by
1} seconds. She led all the way and
was three lengths ahead of Diablo who
tried to overtake her during the last half
mile. The mile from wire to wire was
run in 1:38%.
More Bank’s Close.
OxkramomMa, O.T., July 19.—The
bank of Oklahoma city and the Okla-
homa National bank closed their doors
this afternoon. There was a heavy run
on the First National, but it withstood
it all right. Statements are unobtain-
able now-
~——— New slate black boards will be
put in the High school building.
——It is rumored that the Clearfield
region coal trade will be very brisk dur-
ing the coming fall.
~The Reformed churches of Un-
ion and Centre counties will celebrate
their Centennial by a picnic at Centre
Hall, on August 16th. All are invited.
——A single trial will convince you
that A. M. Tenney’s celebrated candies
are the finest in the world. J. Zeller
and Son have the exclusive sale in
——The Pennsylvania railroad com-
pany will soon abandon the telegraph
and substitute the long distance
telephone as a means of communication
between offices along its lines.
——The Grand lodge of Pennsyl-
vania, Independent Order of Good
Templers closed its annual session in
West Chester on Wednesday. It will
meet next year in Philipsburg.
——John Evans, a Northumberland
county man, has invented an air ship
and says he will travel to Chicago in it.
He don’t say whether he expects to get
there in time for the Fair or not.
——The purest and best candies
manufactured in the country to-day are
A. M. Tenney’s. J. Zeller and Son
have their exclusive sale. If you want
something really fine, try them.
——One of the prettiest as well as ap-
propriate souvenirs we have seen of
Bellefonte is the collection of photo-
graphs which Fred Blair has taken of
principle industrial and other buildings
in town: They are on sale at Blairs
jewelry store.