clu, BY P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. ~—Have you seen the comet ? —Well roped in is he whe falls a victim to judge lynch. -—~When Congress goes to monkeying with the currency, lookout. —Banks and barbers are still enjoy- ing a good trade. Both are shaving. — Heard on the streets every day:i— “Have you saw the comet ?” “Yes I seen it.”’, —Talk about shooting stars. Why thers are plenty of fellows who see them every night. —In these times of money tightnes8 much can be done towards stemming the tide by consideration. Be lenient to creditors. —The good die young—according to the Sunday school novel, and this fact possibly accounts for tha present anima- ted condition of Mr. FOSTER. —CLEVELAND may have a touch of the rheumatism but we sincerely hope it won’timpair his kickers, for there are lots of rascals who must be helped out yet. —TUncle SAM must surely grit his teeth with remorse when he hears the old adage: ‘a fool and his money are soon parted” and straightway thinks of the SHERMAN act. —Just think of it. $115,000 saved in two months of pension reform and not a single meritorious veteran complaining. Surely Democracy, with its honesty, is a great and glorious thing. —The Bermuda islands want us to reduce the duty on their tomatoes, po- tatoes and onions. Shall we do it? Yes, if it don’t interfere with any of Uncle JErrY Rusk’s infant industries. —South Carolina’s liquor war has commenced. Governor TILLMAN will not find time to do the “gesundheit”’ with -the Governor of North Carolina, now thathe isso busy raiding speak easies. —DParis is nothing without excite- ment. Not content with canal scandals and cabinet crises, all in the same year, the frivolous city must needs take to rioting to keep the French blood at a normal heat. —Since Prince GEORGE, heir appar- ent to the English throne, has become a bigamist, it will be in order for the chappies on this side to follow the lead. Provided of course they can each find two girls who are willing to make fools of themselves. —The recent engagement of French men-of-war with the Siamese fort, at the mouth of the Menim river, in which no sign of damage was done either after a thirty minute cross fire, ought to re- duce life insurance rates for naval of- ficers and marines. —Communities might keep a great pile of their money at home by fixing up a pile of whita sand where the fair daughters of indulgent pape’s could dis- port thelr abbreviated bathing suitsand expose their nether limbs without paying twenty dollars a week board. -—As Vice President STEVENsoN drove the last spike home in the new wharf at Los Angeles, on Saturday, with four vigorous strokes, so he and GROVER will drive the spikes in the high pro- tection cannon and nail the G. O. P. in its coffin of broken promises and monop- oly making maasures. —The Prince of Wales was badly shak- en up on Monday. His carriage was wrecked on a London street and he was jammed against its side rather severely. If the shaking up process had begun when he was more of a boy, perhaps there would be less of the coxcombe in him. —The poor Duke of VERAGUA, the man who was dined and wined here be- cause of his being a descendant of CHRISTOPHER =~ COLUMBUS, has gone home only to be gobbled up by a horde of creditors who were lying in wait for him. There is one thing certain he can subsist for 8 while on the good feeding he got from his American friends. —Republican papers are busy blam- ing the present financial crisis on Demo- cratic regime. Sensible peuple will not believe their lies, for every one knows - that Democracy has had no chance, whatever, to undo rotten Republican rule as yet, and when the work does be- gin the shafts which they are throwing now will be boomerangs for their own destruction. —The Fair is to be closed on Sundays hereafter. Goodness, what great schemers that board of managers is made up of. They debated the advisability of opening on Sunday until all the work- ing people of Chicago and the nearby towns had taken advantage of the day | Demacral Vy’ GED STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. ~ VOL. 38. BELLEFONTE, PA. JULY 21, 1893. NO. 28. They Condemn Themselves. The Republican newspapers that manifest a feeling of satisfaction over the depressed condition of business, trying to make it appear as the effect of Democratic administration, are testi- these journals, which we have before us, parades a long list of evils which it says have resulted from the election of CLEVELAND, Among them it includes a depreciation of two billions of dol- lars in the value of American securi- ties ; the closing of a number of man- ufactories; wool lower in price than was ever known ; wheatat the lowest figure in two generations ; the balance of foreign trade heavily against us; money tied upin the bank vaults, and more men out of work than at any time since the panic of 1873. When the situation is looked at in its correct light, stripped of the misre- presentation with which these paper's would faleify it, could there be strong: er evidence of the injurious effects of Republican policy ? What are the facts of the situation which they en- deavor to misrepresent ? A Democrat. ic administration has been in power but little more than four months, without having had a chance to alter a single act or to reverse a single meas- ure of financial or economic policy put in force by the Republicans. If there- fore, there is a shrinkage in American securities ; if manufactories are being closed ; if wool is bringing a lower price than it ever brought before, and wheat is eelling for less than at any time in two generations; if the bal- ance of foreign trade is against us, and money is tied up in the bank vaults ; if more men are out of employment than have been unemployed at any time since "73, what is it that has been done by the CLEVELAND administration that could produce such an effect ? Nothing ; absolutely nothing. Every jaw, every legislative or executive measure or policy that at this time has a bearing on the financial situa- tion, or can effect the industrial condi- tion has been the work of the Republi- can party. Not a single one has been changed. They are still in operation. The depreciation of American secur- ities has taken place under pealed Republican enactments which up to this moment control the finances. The closing of industrial establishments now going on is merely the contin: uance of disasters that commenced within a year after the passage of the McKinLey bill, and were published as numerously last year as they are this year. Wheat and wool are selling at lower figures than ever before, but this is occurring under the operation of a tariff that was to protect the farmer and the wool-raiser. The balance of trade is against us, but are not Repub. lican tariff laws still in force, which it was claimed would prevent such a commercial disadvantage? Money is tied up in the bank vaults, but what laws, but those of Republican devising, affect the monetary situation ? More men are out of work than at any time since the panic of 1873, but was it not claimed that the McKINLEY tariff would protect the working men from such a misfortune, and has there, so far, been any interference with the operation of that policy ? The picture drawn by the Republi- can papers of the eituation under the new administration is but a condemna- tion of their own party. The business condition is far from what it should be, but is it not the eftect of a Repub- lican course ? Is there a law or a measure bearicg upon the situation and exerting an effect ‘upon 1t, that did not have itsorign in the policy of that party ? Surely it is time for a Demo: cratic Congress to convene and in co operation with a Democratic President, adopt such measures as will get the country out of the financial and indus- trial trouble in which the Republicans have placed it. —— The Hon. Carter HARRISON, mayor of Chicago, has been striking the people dumb with his oratory, | Not content with trying to- make his messages and ordinances intelligible to and now to curry favor with the church | the conglomeration of people he har- people, who swore they would’nt pat- ronize a Sabbath breaking undertaking, the Board has seen (?) the folly of its ways and resolved to shut the big show up one day in the week. bors in his big city he has now taken tospeech making in French, German, Swedish, Arabic and other tangle: tongue languages. Surely CARTER is & wonderful fellow. fying against their own party. One of unre- An Unnecessary Clamor. There is a display of cheap patriot: ism in the fuss that is being made about the construction of a trolley railway on the Gettysburg battlefield. From the way some of the outraged patriots go on about this road it might be thought that the land marks of that historic ground have been obliterated and the glorious memories defiled by the work of the trolley company that will enable visitors to get over the field more conveniently and expedi- tiously than they have heretofore been able to do. Frantic eftorts have been made to fire the hearts of the people and to arouse the indignation of the old soldiers about the conduct of the “vandals,” who have dared to supply the means of convenient locomotion to those who wish to view the historic scenes of the battle; and the Grand Army of the Republic are called on to resent an invasion of ground which these sensitive “patriots” would “sacredly” guard against the intru- sion of modern improvement. Even the general government is invoked to interfere with the right of the State government and exert an usurped au- thority in putting a stop to an enter- prise which is only amenable to State laws. This is the kind of tumult that has been carried on for months about this Gettysburg trolley railway, but it fails in having the intended effect upon pub- lic sentiment and the sensibility of the veterans. The good sense of the peo- ple, does not seem to be impressed by it, nor does the indignation of the sol- diers appear to be aroused by the clamor about an imaginary outrage. Since this fuss has been commenced the soldiersof New York State have had a re-union ou the battlefield, and instead of showing any eigns of in- dignation, they rather evinced a dispos- ition to be pleased with the trolley . a great convenience to those who de- sired to traverse the scene of the re- ' nowned conflict. They saw no des truc- | "tion of the old land marks and no des- ecration of the heroic memories of the field. The same has been the case with all the soldier visitors who have "had an opportunity of seeing and ex- | periencing the convenience which this | improvement affords. | The road is certainly a great advan" | tage to the rank and file who meet in | re-unions at Gettysburg. On such oc- ' casions, heretofore, the comrades who { had ample means to hire conveyances, | the generals and higher officers, could ‘ride over the field in carriages, while the poorer veteran would have to re- view the scene of his former exploits on foot, or incur an expense for carriage hire which he could not well afford With the trolley road the latter can reach the historic points at a trifling fare, comfortably seated, and cn an equality with the visiting presidents, governors, generals, or other high dignitaries who make pilgrimages to Gettysburg. This trolley road is in the interest of the common soldiers and the common people, and is therefore to be commended. Judicial Uncertainties. Judge Reeper, of Northampton county, has made a remarkable dis: play of ignorance of constitutional law in his recent decisions regarding the new fee bill for justices and constables. In face of the fact that the constitution very explicitly declares that “no law shall extend the term of any public officer or increase or diminish his sal- ary or emoluments after his election or appointment,” Judge REEDER ruled that the act passed and approved, at Harrisburg, in May, affected al! jus- tices and constables in the State. And now, scarcely a week after that decis- ion, he was reversed himself and de- claresthat the law affects only justices and constables elected or appointed since its passage. After making such a blunder,jas his first ruling evidently was,the best thing he could do was acknowledge his error and speedily correct it, but this case is only one of the many in which court judges act hastily and thoughtlessly on questions of moment to the people. A———————————————— ——The only way we can success fu'ly “boom? the tin industry, in Am- erica, i8 to tie a tin can to a dog’s tail, Iv will then get all the booming it wants, road as an improvement that afforded : Calculated to Excite Suspicion. The fheeting of the special session of Congress on the Tth of August will have for its particular object the repeal of the SuerMAN Silver law, or some action on that measure that will af- ford relief from the injury which that law is supposed to be doing the busi. ness interest of the country. There are conflicting opinions upon this sub- ject, and when Congress gets together the SHERMAN m2acure will be found to have many defenders, but from present appearances it would seem that during the course of this summer there has been a great strengthening of the im- pression that the purchase of Silver by the government has been the cause of the existing trouble. It is said that this impression has grown in the South and the West where the people hereto- fore have been strongly in favorofa liberal silver policy. It such a change of opinion has tak- en place in those sections, there is a probability of the repeal of the SHER- MAN act, but there is good practical sense in the remark of Representative Bynuw, of Indiana, to the effect that those who are pushing for the repeal of that law will not promote the suc- cess of their object by enlisting the as- sistance of the bankers, brokers and financial magnates of the eastern cities. It is said that strong delegations rep- resenting these interests will make 3 appearance at the special session to work for the repeal of the Silver pur- chasing law. Their presence will ex- cite the suspicion of Southern and Western people, who are strongly in- clined to the conclusion that what will benefit the “gold-bug” interest will not benefit them. There is no mistake about the strong Southern and West- ern feeling in favor of an extensive use of silver as part of the circulating medium, and when it is seen that the Fastern bankers and money dealers are working on Congress to repeal the SHERMAN act, it will be likely to create the impression, South and West, that the side ot the question supported by such agencies must necessarily be un: favorable to the people of those sec: tions who believe they need a large volume of cheap money, and who real- ly do need the subsidiary assistance of a silver currency. This impression will naturally be produced by the presence of delega- tions from the eastern money centres working on Congress for the repeal of a financial measure such as the SHER- MAN enactment. It is remembered that such agencies, operating in the in- terest of protected monopolies, were brought to bear upon Congress on the tariff question, and induced the pas- sage of the MoK1INLEY tariff. The peo- ple, particularly in the South and West, can not be made to believe that: such influences, when operating for either a tariff or a monetary measure, are exerted for the general interest of the masses.” Therefore if it is desir- able to repeal the SHERMAN act, the desirability of which, without some compensating substitute, being ‘ques- tionable, the money kings of New York and other eastern cities had better take a hint from Representative By- NUM, and refrain from meddling in the contest that is about to come off over the silver purchasing law. ——1In arecent issue we published & decision of Judge REEDER, of Leh igh county, in which he ruled that all jus- tices and constables were entitled to the new fees under the law. He has since reversed his decision and now says only justices and constables elect- ed since the enactment of the new law, in May last, come under its provisi ons and not the officials elected previous to that time. There has been a great mis- understanding of this measure and those whom it affects, in this county, will do well to remember that unless After Failure Themselves, They Kind- ly Volunteer Advice to Demoeracy. From the Philadelphia Times. Ex-Congressman Bayne, to whom the McKinley tariff law 1s indebted for some of its most radical features, ap- pears to be remarkably concerned over the fate of the features in question, in view of the fact that the incoming Con- gress has a commission from the people to modify and readjust the scale to a standard more in keeping with the com- mercial and industrial interests of the: country. Mr. Bayne’s concern rests in his dec- laration that the tin plate and cotton tie industries are to go on general princi- ples. Furthermore, he feels that cap- ital has been wasted in its endeavor to care for the infants, and even though the investment had every advantage of iron-clad protective classifications, kin- dred to all things else onthe metal schedules, he regrets that the McKinley law did not go far enough, as there is nothing to show for the extreme efforts that have been made to build up the product of tin and of ties. It is, of course, an unfortunate thing that the Pittsburg statesman’s expecta- tions have not been realized, and yet he fails, like many another partisan pro- tectionist, to take truth at its real and not its commercial value. The cotton tie was manufactured in Northern cen- tres, like Tamaqua in this State, until the year 1879, when the mills closed, and no legislation has since been able to open them. The cotlon compress and other machinery and the establishment of great mills at the doors of the cotton belt have destroyed the market. There is no demand for the tie and the mills in Pittsburg have naturally been com- pelled to submit to the decrees of trade. Tin plate has not as yet succeeded in gaining a place on the calendar as an industry, and inasmuch as American tin is still a comfortable campaign fic- tion, it is not likely to figure in any scale where tariff and tax-reform legis- lation takes hold. The product of Wales has become Americanized by the dipping process, and costs the consumer just two and two-tenth cents a pound more than it did before the McKINLEY bill went into force. Mr. BAYNE is entitled to take as gloomy a view of things as he may see fit, but when he adduces facts that have no foundation by way of proof for his Jalsmenis) he simply talks through his at. Some thing to Think Over. From the New York Sun. 3 Miss Jane Addams has made a study of the more recent immigrants in this country, and has given a lecture about them at Chautauqau. She has marked the domestic affection and ar- tistic aptitudes of the Italians, and the laboriousness and frugality of the Poles, and the tact of the Jews. She gave it as her experience that all of them, when fresh from their native countries, poseess traits and qualities full of in- struction to native Americans, and of- ten deserving of imitation. There is go much said. against the people of these races who take up their abode among us that it is pleasing to hear the words of Miss Addams in their fav- or. We infer from her lecture that she possesses a larger knowledge of the subject than most Americans have had the opportunity of acquiring. Let John Bull Do His Usury at Home. From the Steubenville, Ohio, Weekly Gazette The English threat to discontinue in- vestment in American securities, if the money power of silver is not abrogated, is only a bluff. Even with silver pay- ments the English cannot find better in- vestments anywhere else, and when they go off after something better as they did to the Argentine Republic they got badly hurt. But what if they do refuse to buy Americau bonds? If the investments are good our own people can take them ; there is always plenty of money in America looking for good investments. ‘We are not compelled to rely on England for the capital to keep legitimate enterprises on their feet. Prices Are Continually Decreasing. From the Pittsburg Post? It is an era of low prices all over the world. Last year the United States ex- ported 89,000,000 gallons of mineral oils, more than it sent abroad the preceding fiscal year, yet we received for it less by $2,600,000 than for the lesser amount of the recoding year. In 1892 we receiv- ed for 152,000,000 bushels of wheat $157,000,000, and in 1893 for 113,000,- 000 bushels of wheat only $91,000,000. And soit runs through the whole list of our foreign exports. The Truth About Pension Restriction: From the Williamsport Sun. A suspension of a pension does not mean that the old soldier who is deserv- ing will have his pension stopped per- they have been elected since last May they have no right, charge the new scale of fees for their gervices. : : ——The new School of Mines which | will be added to the curriculum of the Pennsylvania State College, with its opening in September, promises a great step in the educational facilities of that fast growing institution. It is a de- partment of study particularly adapted to this State and will undoub tedly meet with popular favor. whatever, to manently. The suspension is only temporary to enable the Pension De- patient to thoroughly investigate the egal right of the soldier to receive a pension. If he is entitled to a pension be will ‘receive it, but the frauds per- petrated by the Raum administration of the Pension Bureau will be corrected. Better be Out of the World Than Out ! of the Fashion. From the Western Press. Mr. Harrison is improving since he has ceased to be annoyed by office-seek - ers. He now endorses President Cleve: land’s wish to repeal the Sherman silver law. Spawls from the Keystone, —Norristown has 4-cent car fares. —Reading’s police must be vaccinated. _ —Boys bathe in the resorvoir at Montrose, —There’s a case of smallpox at Conshohock. en. —A new trial was refused murderer Charles Solyards, at Carlisle. —It is stated that Spring City’s paper mill will soon resume operations. —G. A. R. veterans from Camp Hayes visited Gettysburg battlefield Monday. —The Fourteenth Regiment will build in Pittsburg an armory for $150,000. —An upknown railroad laborer was killed by a ‘“Pennsy”’ train at Lancaster. —Judge Pershing has cut off the fees of Deputy Coroners in Schuylkill county. —The semi-annual district convention of the P.O. S. A. met Saturday at Pottstown. —An old oil man says the number of dry wells in Western Pennsylvania is amazing. ~The late Attorney Martin Eichelberger, of York, bequeathed $85,000 to Yale University. —Gov. Rob’t. E. Pattison has appointed Will. iam A. Goehrig Coroner for Lycoming county. —Colored people met Monday at Steelton to protest against the many lynchings in the South. —Berks county Poor Directors will furnish aid to families quarantined with varioloid at Reading. —Thirty impounded dogs and cats, bitten by a mad dog, were shot, one after another, at Reading. —Pittsburgers complain that they pay a higher water tax than is exacted in any other big town. —Anthony McMonigle was run down by a car and killed at Head Audenried slope, near Hazelton. —The Saengerfest of the combined German Singers of Pennsylvania began at Wilkesbar- re Monday. —Montgomery county raises $824,447.05 by taxation at a 214 mills tax rate, and has a debt of $77,000. —Percy W. McClellan, of Harrisburg, fat- urday was appointed Statistician of the State Forestry Commission. —John Robinson, a railroad ash Ritman, was killed by a train at Gallaherville, Lancaster county, Monday. —The “Pennsy” has notified several hun- dred construction hands on the Middle Divis ion of a suspension of labor. —A farm worth $11,000 was presented to the Lutheran Church Extension Board of York by Mrs. Sarah Sill, of East Berlin. —George Ernst, aged 4 years, fell head first into a well near his home at Gordon on Sun- day afternoon, and was drowned. —A man whom he met in the road stabbed Michael Fetter, of Shamokin, because refused a drink of beer. His condition is critical. —Judge McClung refuses to release Demp- sey and Beatty, although alleged confessions make them innocent of the Homestead pois- oning. —Out of forty-two applicants for the prinei- palship of the high school at Shenandoah, J, W. Cooper of Tremont, was the successful can. didate. —Drs. Francis F. Forwood and Wm. B: Ul" rich have been appointed members of the Board of Pension Examining Surgeons at Chester. —As aresult of Friday's explosion the val- uable Pettibone coal shaft near Wilkesbarre is ablaze. Many men are working to extinguish the flames. —At a meeting of the Reading Trade and Labor Council it was reported that, owing to the dullness of trade, there are between 400 and 500 idle cigarmakers in the city. —In Monroe cqrunty there are fourteen cane didates for Copnty Commissioner, four for County Treasurer, two for District Attorney and two for Register and Recorder on the Democratic ticket. The primary will be held Saturday, August 20. ' —Governor Pattison appointed these State Fishery Commissioners: Henry C. Ford, of Philadelphia; H. C. Demuth, of Lancaster; John Gay, of Greensburg: Fred. W. Ebel, of of Harrisburg ; S. B. Stillwell, Scranton ; and Louis Struber, of Erie. —The Council of Hellertown, Northampton county, has decided not to levy any tax, as the revenue from the liquor licences granted is sufficient to pay the taxes of the town govern- ment. There is one saloon for every thirty. three voters in the town. —The greatest influx of city people into the Delaware Valley forseveral years past was on Sawurday, when it was estimated that at least 300 arrived at the various summer resorts along the Delaware—Milford, Conashaugh, Dingman’s Ferry and Bushkill. —In acounty in New Jersey which spent $250,000 in constructing 35 miles of macade« mized road, land has risen in value from $100 to $175 and $200 an acre, and the farmers who thought they were going to be ruined are now reconciled. The Doylestown Intelligencer points to this as useful in old Bucks. —The total number of passengers killel on the road in Pennsylvania in 1892 was 41, in. jured 658, making one out of every 3,337,871 carried killed, and one out of every 213,055 carried injured. Of employes 495 were killed and 6,533 injured. This is 8 killed and 49 in jured to every hundred miles of road operated, —Twenty-three farmers in Chester county have answered the question, does it pay to raise oats? Of the twenty-three seventeen say it does not pay, although most of them grow some for feed or as an expediency, Nearly all agree that pctavoes are a more prof- itable crop in this State than oats or any kind of grain. —The old United Presbyterian Church, in Oxford, is about to be torn down for the pur- pose of erecting a new building on the grounds The congregation that has been worshiping in this church was founded in 1753, by Rev. Alex ander Gellatly, and is one of the three oldest in America. Rev. A. P. Hutchinson is the present pastor. —President Henry W. Super, of Ursinus College, Collegeville, Montgomery county, has resigned, and Professor Henry T. Spangler was elented to succeed him. The new Presi- dent graduated from Ursinus in 1873, and for half a dozen years has occupied the chair of psychology. This institution received $160,000 from the late Robert Patterson, of Philadel phia. —On the farm of Christian Gingerich in Der. ry township, Dauphin county, there is a grave yard, the founding which dates back to the year 1600. Although there are evidences o gix interments but two graves are marked: those of John Steimer, and Magdalena Steim - er, whodied in 1807 and 1789, respectively. The fences enclosing the graveyard are in a dilapidated condition.