Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 30, 1893, Image 8

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    tsr—————— a ——"
Sg ps
narae of the writer,
I'o Connvavonvrars, «= No comin
priniighiod tnless neoompanied by the rest
ns pt A 5
Bum Onsite 4s Orians See
Demseealic atc Unt sditon of the Dushors Weekly
ih} i dad
| Heview recently visitsd this place and | “ :
eT LL j / / sotith western corner of Tioga coun
Bellefonte, Pa., June 30, 1893, irs bis improssions ae follows: We Wi
_ sms
ong bmak 10 Williamsport, waited over
wight for » Wain, went up the Wall
| Brook mailrond vo Blackwells, in the
Mus, Samus, P, Guay <Disd wt
het howe wt Graysdale, in Buitulo Won,
on Sunday morning Inst, of Inflama. |
ton of the howals, superindussd hy w |
Y —_— iui
ok our exeursion wll wlone, instend of staged aoross the monniaing Lo Morris, strokes of paralysis which sha had whoa
ng Dastiors Monday morning, Jane 12,
ETO semsmes—_ wo drove w Notdwont snd wok the #115
train for Williamsport, Willinmsport is
the place where avarybody waits for the
wn Monday's rains seriously retarded train, A railtond map of the looslity
hay makers in the county.
wd [hore romaing only sixteen days
iors of the trout flshing season,
ws T'hie ontinued wot weather is
having a bad effect on hay making,
ixty-flve names are on the roll
of the Bellefonte Tetnperance club,
wee or thirty yenrs Major J. B,
Fisher has beet post master of Penn
wuwdT'hio third number of the Muynet
is out all right, The paper is improve
ing with ench successive issue.
ass Fin provented the plonlo which
the pupils of the High school intended
holding at the Park on Tuesday,
we Liv ronion Bathurst, of Roland,
colebratod his 68rd birthday on Inst
Thursday evening by n big party.
wes What hag become of tho now
board of trade that was organized with
sok a blare of trumpets but a fow short
weeks ngo 7
ws fSotintor 8, I, Ponlo, of Look Haye
on, will bo the Fourth of July orator ab
Heo will bo a good draws
Contre Hall,
ing onrd,
wsnT'ho 00mmonoomont of the Look
Haven Normal school took place on
‘Wednesday, The school has closed n
Prosperous yout.
wees'ho now Lutheran churoh, at
tho corner of Allegheny and Linn
stroots, is nearing completion,
be dedionted soon,
wsedl'ho Bollofonte Amateur Oporatio
Minstrel company will appear in ‘I'yrone
on noxt Thureday night and in Olen.
fleld on Friday night,
wee Migs Annfo Bwitsor, of Philips
burg, who fs well known here, will be
married to Franels Asbury Ourtls, of
Orlando Ma, on July 19th,
wee Mra, Margaret Hutohinson, aged
068 yoare, 0 months and 8 days, a former
resident of this county, died at her home
16 will
in Lawronoe, Kansas on June 20th,
wei n0kBON Ville, thin cOUNLY, 18 6Xe
olted booaues Tyrone operators hnve
purchagod a large strip of limestone land
in that vieinity and propose erecting
big kilng thereon,
wessT'hio OR OKGAIN mont given by the
Parochial kchools, fn Garman's opera
house, on Inst Thursday evening wae a
dooided success and reflaoted gront oreds
{ton the children and thelr [netructor,
cee William Ho Gingery, of Wouds
land, who has relatives living fn the up.
por end of this county, died from Ty.
phoid fover on Inst Friday night. The
young man had been Hl three weeks,
wen Thoro who are Interested in the
\ organization of a Centre county hible
sootety will meet fn the Court House, in
this place, on Tuesday evening, July
11th for the purpose of organising the
weBi John's Kplecopal chureh wae
crowded morning and evening at the
last Sunday services, The new teotor
~« Rev. Robert Kiekine Wright, and the
new organ were the attractions
© were good ohes,
rapresonits w onrl wheel with a liberal
number of spokes, and Williamsport in
the plum centre, but there is tiot # train
on sll these ailronds that runs through
the city without stopping an howr or
two, and if you change to another rond
four hours is the shortest time until the
the ‘rain goes, snd you are lucky if you
don't binve to stay all night, 14 must
{ike un good deal of gems to arrange all
of those time tables so that out of twen.
ty or thirty trains duily there is an inter.
val of four houts between the arrival of
any one und the departure of another,
‘Wo waited the ususl four hours and took
on bean on the , & K, rond for Bolle.
fonte, where we arrived about supper
time, For some renson to us unknown
all trains appronoh Bellefonte rent end
foremost, and most of them loave in the
samo manner, We had always hoard
about the "State College ut Bellefonte!
and intended to gob suppor and, wflor
lighting u olga, stroll over to the ool
logo, shinko hands with the professors,
and stile down to enjoy the commences
ment bxorolses, which wo had oome all
this way to seo. Wo got the olgar light
od after suppsr and onsunlly enquired
the way to the college, when we were
told that 16 was Just no 1ttle matter
of twenty wiles away, that n #paoial
teafn loft at soven and returned along
about midnight, after the oratorionl
contest was over, It wae already pat
woven and wo deblded not to walk, bul
oxplorad the town Instead, The famous
spring, of oourse, attracted our wie
tonition, This spring fs an oval pool
of olor, sparkling water, situntod almost
in the centr of town, which runs 14,000
gallons n minute, drives lta own pumps
and ralsen the water to n resorvolr on top
of n hilly from whenoo 16 18 earrled to
nimoat every dwelling, store and faotory
In town, The pool ts about 40 foot long
by 80 wide, and 10 foot deep, and in ts
eparkling depths sport hundreds of
speckled trout about the alae of an ors
dinary ood flsh, Tho stream that runs
away ls nearly ne tnrgo as tho Big Mook,
nover varies fn alae tn froshot or drought,
and on the Main streat bridge stood pa.
tient flahormen onsting thelr lines into
the singing, bubbling waters, The trout,
however, don't bite for amntours, al.
though an expert van always hook a
nico mess, Wosaw an old Ttallan gla
blower oatoh nine, the longest about 14
fnohes, Tt is eald that the fest day or
two of the senson any one ean oatoh a
A nioe mess, but Inter on the fleh got shy
and are altogether to fly" for the Nehors
man of ordinary talents,
Tuesday morning wo onlled on one
of the well known editor of the state,
Hon, I Gray Mook, the veteran editor
of the WATCHMAN, over whose head the
snows of hall a contury have sifted nnd
loft w eflvery whiteness, but whose heart
StH bents with almost the vigor of youth,
Meo Mook fa an awfully bad Demo
rut, and whon be was a boy, (n the ently
dye of war, sed to be fin the provost ma
shal'selutehos fully half the time, Ho hae
boen incarcerated fn the military prison
ab Harrisburg and released without teinl
L nd the matter was Inid on the table for
VN week,
A wee Onnds ate out Anhouneing the
Mo marriage of Mis Gertrude Spigle.
J DD. Huffman, of Willisweport, ‘The
ween the little town of Rebersburg,
in Miles towneliip, there ate thirty nine
people who ne seventy years of age or
over, A remarkable longevity for a
town the population of whieh does not
exceed four hundred.
wee AL 0 special meeting of the coun.
ell on Monday evening bids were re.
Qiived for extending the water maine
out High street, Sohadd Brot, and the
Bellefonte Supply Howe both bid $690
myer, of North Penn treet, to John K,
ceremony will ba eolemnized in the
Preshytorinn ohureh, in this place, on
Wednesday evening, July 19th, \
wee FOE HOMO ihe PASE coMain patties
have been fehing Logan's Braneh wt
night with wets and thie artiole is just
warning that fs about time to stop such
OF An explanation ak to what he was
looked up for, dragged before the U, 8,
Court ab Pittsburg numerous mes and
dismissed without a hearing, Once he
eritiolsed w drunken reoruiting offteer
and wis weeestod and oharged With high
LhoRRON, Dt the cate wae never teted and
he hae eines sat th doth branohes of the
Ponnaylvanin lagislature and boon ohiel
olork of the House of Reprosentntives,
besides being State ohatrman of the
Demoortie gominittes and provident of
the Pennsylvania Baitoral A sociation,
Ho didn’t toll us all this, He's too mods
ont, and talked so entertatningly of other
thing that we got ho ohne to ak hin
questions about himself, but we found
Out, AIL the same. When the thin went
10 the Collage we went along, and found
Mott boantiful apor, but we have no
NOM 10 deseribe beauties of lndvonpe.
We had boon tnvited to the alumni din
HOR And were tietening for the hom to
About one outlook A Ramer
flegal practice. They ate known and
the stream ft now being watched every
night fora repetition of the offence
when a wholesale arrest will be made,
Nhe Blin Kisettie Nlumine.
ting company of this place propote mak.
Nig another enlargement of ita plant
A large brick boiler room will be bul
into Ta new oie hundred howe
will be put, Two new in.
candarcent dynamo will be added to
the equipnrent of the station,
cee round wat broken oh Monday
BOving for the new Catholie parson.
power bol
Company gathered in the Avmory wad
SLdOWR 10 8 Mort elegant dinner
There war tucker, Aud oe oream and
provera, and other things sditor don't
ROL very often, and we made the most of
ONE Opportunity After the cloth was
moved came delivions muse how
the orebestia and betore the lapping had
did wv ox Governor Beaver pounded
With Bis fork handle and oalled tor or
den, and proceatad to make one of hiv
chatacterituie after dinner spocohes, end.
fag by introduwelng Chanter Rwory
Ninith, ox. Minister to Rustiy, and ol.
for of the Philadelphin Press, Afr
Ace TU will boon Bishop sweet, ad {pics ig APOON CAINE IIR.
Joining the chureh property, and will be
Dalltof stone, The plane make 0 a
very handsome steuoture Jthat will be
AR ORAMORT to that end of towh,
witters will ceenpy the ol! house on the
opposite side of the chureh,
tives of the diffrent olansey, from 1808
down to 1808. From the banquet we
| WERL tO the meeting of delegates (we
|AVORR oie OF them) And helped teceleot
FONE toting members of the board of
tristens of the college. That night we
Thursday sfwrnoon, and eames homes
| vin Kimirs, renting hors Friday noon,
Tho noxt time we visit, Bellefonte will
be the day fishing semson opens, and
we'll have a hook and line sud s baking
powder oan full of angleworms in our
grip sok,
ssa, 14 Miller, of Mahanoy, Olonr.
fold Oo,, dropped dead Just after ho hud
ont hls vote st tho pritaries, recently
held out there,
wad I'he old Aron wotks property wh
Mill Hall has beon purchwsed by the
Cotitral tailrond of Ponnsylvania
through which its tracks will run,
ws ltyin Martin, wu Look Haven
grooer, was arrested on Paturdey night
ohinrgod with an attempted outrage on u
siatoon your old colored girl who went
into his store to purehnse sonl-oll,
waned I'he tunrringe of Joseph J,
MoKolvey, of Altoonn, and Kdith 1,
Jones, of Port Matilde, on Wednesday
ovoning, Juno 21st, was one of the most
notable soolety events in the history of
Port Matilda, ‘
sss I'he fourth annunl tournament of
tho Pennsylvanin Band Assoolation will
bo held in Du Boles, on June 18h, 1804,
The Wxoolsior band of Du Boise enrried
off the first prize at the tournament Inet,
wool at Mmporium,
wess'T'ho Look avon colored base
ball team amo up to this place on Wed.
nosdny and wore done up’ by the
Ul lnok Dinmonds” by the soore of B2 to
14 Tb Io nid that for grotesque albums |
tone this game surpassod anything aver
glvon here,
we Mra, Mary Huntor, widow of the
Into Hon, Benjamin Hunter, fa lying
dangerously {11 ab hor home In Buffalo |
Run, Bho had boon In a precarious
condition for some time and while alt.
ting at the suppor table on Monday
ovoning was strlokon with epilepsy, We
are plonsod to sny that she fo a trifle bots
was begun on the Qourt House yard on
Monday morning with a view to got.
tng Ioan more slightly condition than
6 he enn for several yours peel,
Trane os are now being dug at either
side of the main walle fn which water
pipes will be nid to fountaing whieh ave
to bo placed tn the centre of ench aide
grass plot Around the edge of the
whole yard will fun a theres fneh brown
and atone ourb on whioh a single rail
fron fonoe will bo Dwtened. A perfeot
gende will bo mado fn the yard and sod
will be laid,
A Gazwern Waorerie=Wa have
honed somo protty gay yarns this spring
ubout tah and snakes, but the following
paragraph fom the Dally Gasette of
Tuesday takes the bun,
Monday John Curtin Parry Steel and James
HERE, Bag met together and began tale
(0 OVON he diya that have passed and gone:
One of the past times weed to be ning
Jomping and wresthing The ee ground was
om the Untted Heathen shureh on the sow
Nor OF High and Thomas atreets to the #iel
Howes on South Thomas strest The combine
Ol mares OF these gontiomen fs 411 pons, Whinh
ONY are Bn pond health, TE ienot tong sino
ARE UNCED Jol stopped going to the shows (y
the pera hows,
The iden of thes men whose age
average TI8 years panning atound on
ONE Etrente, The Garerte's intent to He
fe extremely evident, and vidiontously
bungling, Nob eontont with wying
humbug {ts tenders {nto believing that
WO AYE Lon Men Whose ges aggiogate
BIL yours ft maker the lo bigger by
oruuked Hguring xo we Wo bring the aver
ARO Ae out 118 yeas, Rxplain My,
theoh and wbiguitons reporter” He
has explained sinee above Was written,
DON'T DRSROY tie Thess «The
WATCHMAN Wishes to enter (le protest
ROW Aaabnet, What is said 1 be, the ine
tent Of the Commisionas, to destroy &
RUWMBEr ot bantiil Mapte trees 1a the
Court House pant, under the belief that
the sod they propose putting down will
QO HO good With the shade as dente a i
ROW 8 Whether Wis belief fa well
founded a Hate tame Will tell, by leave
TRE Lhe troas Ae thay how are. Tt ha
wathay Ate hone too Ahiek ia good |
AWARE GAR Bo awh ander them, and it
WI DOA ORY GARY Wath Wier exper
fonee hat thown (ht bon necessity, to
RMOTE A fev of thew,
Wo ae stiongly of Whe impiession,
ARAL mistake fe bath wade th patting
A UEht curd and on rd around the
FAR Th place ot heavy topag of stone,
© PALOE Would, IL is tae, cot Wore |
DALIL WORT bo 10 Meh Wore shaban.
URL and Ad 0 meh to the appoatahes |
of the ya, that the additional ean
WORN Be honey well spent. We ape
POL 10 the Chmmbssionats hot 1 waka
the AdILoRAT mistake of desiring the
od and when the visitors onme in fur the
fullowing the valgar orowd of Journmle waited for u train, snd wont tw Blows. savon wouls ngo, Whils her death wus
ists 11 the appointed randesvous, Lonvs | Wing, where we visited relatives until most unex probed sha bad boon seriously you nes aay ing go to Foie.
ME fur wank and indeed had never 1m.
ooversd from the shook of her duughter,
Minnis, donth lust Moptom ber,
Mrs, Harviotu Hutohlson Geny's
ontly girlhood was spent in Warrior
Mark whero sho was born | but with |
hor mureings she onme to our county to
lve and for forty-one yours had rosided
with her husband in the home in which |
sho diod, She was w woman of morg |
than usual ability, With mush energy,
# good gonstitution and pleasing person, |
shia wis woll fitbed to be un loader In nny |
sommunivy | bub 161s in her howe, wn
hota that bas always abounded in
leindly hospitality even during mush
slulenoss and sorvow, that she will be
tilsand the most,
Hho was Inld to rest, Monday evening, |
In Cieny's burial ground and the large
number of relatives and felends who
wore prosofit nt the services nitested to
tho fuot that sho wae universally beloy.
od nnd respooted, Bho was an earnest
christian und hor memory Is a proclous
lognoy to hor friends | but shove sll to
hor stricken husband, two daughtorns
Annie und Now, and ber son Will 18, of
this planes; who nee all that are loft of u
Inrgo family of ehildren,
Tow Lin Mumbo DursAv nn Avs
THA HARD GAME, AL an outly hour
on Tuesduy a haok load of young Rohe
ocmon arrived in this place and regis.
tored at the Garmpi house, They wore
ball players and oame hore to reprosent
the Le Miller olub, wn sooinl organise
anton of Philipsburg, on the ball
Tho steady down pour of rain all the
morning mado the prospects of n game
vary poor, bit by noon the elouds broke
and at 2 o'vlook a fale erowd bonded
the teatn for the Park,
The game wae interesting throughout,
and the hundred epootators who shiver
od on the grand stand and blenchom
BAW some good plays to warm them up
from time to time, Nolthor side soored
until the elghth inning when Delle.
forte, by some lively biting, got two
rans over the plate, The Le Mellons
soored one in thelr hall of the eighth,
In the ninth the home team was blank.
Inst go nt the bat, the frst man up bing
hd out n bwo bagigor and stole hind,
[othustnem sn hgh whon there was a
pai of tying the soore but the
Philipaburyg batamon wera not equal to
the ovenslon stelking out in one, two
thie onler, leaving tha seore two to ohe
in favor of the plokad nine of Belle.
The young men tom Philipsburg
wore mn gentlemanly erowd wad loth
very favorable impression by heir
ou rteons euidiet on the ball eld,
CRNURR HALL Wink Have tue
Bio iam Nines our laat weook feaue
Ih whieh we announced that Centre
Hall would oelobrate the Fourth in regs
Wl old Hime style many of the plane
whivh were farming hinve been complet.
od and the oftiaons committon having
the Programme fn chinege has annonneed
the result of iw work,
Aside from the weal good time
Which one usually experisnces in letting
his pateiotio spirits over flow on wa oo
ontfon Hike this there will be hundeeds
of way in which visitors oan aw we
themselves fn the pretty tile town
whieh nestles at the fob of the Nitwny
MONRIIR, A grand street parade, &
bike BALL AMG, potty, toot and sek
Pacey, fantnstion, bioyeling, speeches by
Able men and an exhibition of a steam
fre engine ab work, whish will be given
hy the Logan Steam Fire Ragine Come
PARRY OF thin place,
The plonie will ba held in Woltes
woot whore good shade and water will
bo found, & sand bar bool ereetad in
he woods wid seven bande will give
duhoerts ald fire works Will be digpiay.
of Abdel. Nverything will be done to
Make he vieitone have wn gond tiwe
Lioh OVORYORG WER ont and help owe
fiends over the mouniain to have a
HLRORLE SHORE have A TEATS tiention just
BOW ARE properly tooked after thay
Would be materially improved. The wae
derlying Hine sone to ba fund every
WHBIO OR DUE Sree do Bot have sale
olont sovering of toll. The conteguence
DOIG That ovey Main washer giant
QUARLISE OF thom love and thay ae
Toft 10 TIL Winder (he foot of horsey and
welt Wag No G0 will soning
nent Albin gy,
md wou Ko Brows Ji's
or Cities and wall pagpr,
sass {
onthe of
wo War Vve no grat nesortnient of
ahilasan’s ws we low ue you want then
wid ws Bon wig any to tho sountey pros
Just look %).26, §1.60, #200, #200,
BOL00, 54.00, 85.00 and ap. Lyon os Ou,
coe Wopsinonook, thie resort new Al
onm, ba Jumping tuto favor,
son lath Wa Bie Brown J's, for your
will pupor,
woes Won ghould
malng our (ue of Tuoles aod voles
Blaser conte with or without capes, wraps
Qo fur spring wear, Blaser From 0g.00
up: Tho fost oonts $4 50, 800,00, §4,00
6,00, up to $10.00 and $1400, All
shades tan, pearl; blae and bisel, Ly.
on & (Jo, :
wees ro00 Is organ ning 1 altong
tonm to hold up ite ond othe string 1
the Iver longue,
coe Wao over consider an artiule
sold until thy oustomer 1+ porfootly subs
Ieflocd, You enn nt any tine bute your
money in uxahntge for any goods
bought at 1 iublos,
wos Wa if mole ugon a for the Doug
Ina shoes th best In the cone bey, Kver
pale warrantad, Buy no other (hey wil)
give you sutlefuotion, boys 81.75" #200
nd $9.60, mens $2.00) 14.60, §0,00,
3.00 wn $4.00, tha 81,00 and 1,00 are
hand made, Lyon & Co,
wee Mpa, Hlimaboth 1hurloy , aged 08
yours and {0 months, Tyrona's oldest
rostdent, dul on Tuesday,
Hunn CaN Not Be Turin «<I by
but Just to tho poople of Penns Vallry
to oorreet tha statement that Attorney
Gonernl Housel will acdeoss (hewn wt
Contra Tall on the Bourth of July,
Unfortunately he was placed npon the
bills, ne the (penkur upon that ooonilon,
Without eon ulation, nnd when the in.
vIn was sont him, it wie found that
ho had weeaiged to bo me Qhloago on
that date his oxpianatbn tn wade
both In fires to the people of Panu
Valley and 10 the Attorney Canam,
hat there any be neither oom plains
Nor disuppolintimonts at a Awa wien
BVORY ORB ex poole to be cnjoying home
Relves to tho nimosh extent, Ober good
sponkers will ba on hand, everybody
Will hive wogrond time, mid Me Monsol
WHLbe glad to address wae poople of
that vidloy on some Miwes scondon,
Nova Purely Vessnnal,
sO WHE af Faia, spent a Aw hans in
town on Wadenday,
Mian Maino Sonrhoek £9 home Br w van
Hon from hor ciidies tn Bhitadeiphia,
Mise Mary Hahor and hor Hide abstr
ALB Ee Vhsiring Erte nds in Roberburg,
ME Coors No Bandon, of Spangler
Ade Ab Eh araan tn BY Jehn'e Bp osoapal
SLi Motintoy and ER Rekonmah aa
(RINK A Venton Ad seeing the deep hia
Hon AL Atlante Vly,
sOuibetn Wo Vy Hnghesy of Pirtabinig, o
fRner Berio nt of thin pase, Was th own on
bates oh Monday,
hi BOWE RIE Wits, of Spring oa nahip
APORE A BE dee Bn Book aren dung the
fare part of the week,
AVEBUE BL Roeder Beg Mie Reader and
ON WATTAGE TORE EE Ee Weeks Visit bo Olt
AO 00 Theda a ing
<Miares Bay Chmberiaty, May Bae
And Eofnato Monell of TErony spent Sanday
WH friends Cy thin phase
CAO Mondiae svening Hao Wiliams and
Robert Dist oft far Philipeoornt wise they
WHE be amplaned Re prices oh the soho
AWE SEaren of Britany & who had been
RPOREIRE & Ba hare at RE oko hams i Reba
Bg, BARRO TR BWR Beier Bain on
Wednesday « renting
col DALTILE A DAOATEOR Whi DR Rater wild
BARE HE Manan bake Bask, Oh Hose young
Aunt Bam the Dhiba ai Oaliege, will
BARD SAE BF x pratioe,
AMER OTe AN Sadie Baad af wah
RPE Ree, ae En Onion, Ohin, atending
THe Wording of thot donatn, diss Matis Say
HAN WHO BWA awa hee
Mim BOR Chambeis i fet home em
aeral of Boe wets WM Baanppaeker
EO ITERATED Bartel Baker
cal TL Dt, Ole oF HAE BOWEN Wah
SHARTIAL Pate is, WAR PERE Fat Be Wakes,
MAN SAROTAI OR Wadaneiy Afeiaen Wy one
ORDER ean Bind Maver Lan,
AVIRA Tobin of Mite, sane wp te
Ah on Wadaesday Waive He i de
TON IRTEPATEE ARE Bake Bik nate wal
donk AEE A Balen 9) hang Wot,
TRE AR WTS Ie ROOREE oF Mask Nat aw Owe
UD) REAL THAN WOR ON thei wedding an
“RANMA Shion ae Jie, Earn
CHE Whose votees Ponds ot
Nae DIATE I IETS an Bh, Te Siting
“WR OR LO Boadeeon, BB
10 Jolt wagons Thiv con be almost
Ontirely done Away With if the sweet
QOMIMIBEIONAE Would ovonsionally ge |
OVER LO Slreets With A hore and ean
And piok all the oor stones off Ih
WORKE bo & all fob yet in resale
WORM Wo —— Na aed iw
Prove the streets,
RUAL fouhion of the wend Penna. Vet
Heavy Artillery (112 BVO will be
hold at Wiakontown, Pag, August D8
ARG BO, TEBE, AN sarvivom of the tege
TIRRL R10 toguestad to Attend. Sead
RAMS ARE addres Rob pactiontan ©
URR, LIAL they SANROL Fst e, WAL they
KROW TLE AR A0TAT hovastity to dow,
Law CL Fatiot, Watontows, Pa
Mayes and OE Johnsen, Bowne whee
WIR, REEVE A the Barh Mae on Bonde
OVE The Wolhtine Rat apt Baw her
“MB ARE NE JR Woadnart and san of
Oman No, HRD Rave Boon | ig Te
Polonaise toe BAF When Mie Woandwaig, we
Not Farimed Abd Joeph badnet Woods
Mis WOH Spaen
JRO Mo, Beg, aad wi he Nise |)
ERR TRE, Wh Feniie 1h ONS Mi
AONE TOR Or MOTIY OF Eh Sain, Wik at pian
ORL ThA WROTE pAteRty aa Beads
BARNOE BY Po loation ARG Be GROVER Nh ex
TORRES PIR fa Missa,
I want Wo bnow ge whet
curininly wot nia
Tuene Writ keg Ax Accrorse
Bose ow Tw w Diys avn Yr Wr
Hror, Te paces 0) the pAsONgr
bruiom on die Jsid Eagle eulley rail rong
of Manning ing this jrhues buck wards or,
when tig ome in angins tht, of
buwiling down wo Milervary to save
(Warming wa engine will resait in a se.
thonts wiedent sot of tess days and
thon the sompany, afte it is 100 lute,
whil sta) the dangs ous prestice,
T'hibs thing of basking in or out, ne
nording ne the train Is on its way to
Tyrone or Lock Haven, was oom.
onsen inal, winter when the stonm
hou ocup'lngs wore hued to wake und
trainin bogin doing it Lo cave tho tronbly
of brewing the steam gonneetions with
Wo ongine The praciies boewms on.
crud wll vhrongh (ho winter und has becy
leapt up at vogular intarvals since,
"ho rallorond authorities would do wel
to Took After this maver for It Is ex.
bromuly dangerons to pavengors to trav.
ol on teafrs that are daily pushed two
und ono helf moles win high rato of
apeod. Kapuoinlly over wn rond with as
ahnep ourves fn It os thal hetwoon ths
pines nnd Milosbuvg.
mr wr —
wo llnve you soon HB, Brown Jr’
moel of wall ppor,
ow I'he finest msortmont of clothing
Jou hive vor soon vow open at fans
wens A rront thing Just olosed out a
apoolnl Inet lob of manufacturing clothe
ing 800 pub of finn penta in reat stripe
thay wero mado to retall at $5.00 we
give thom to you at $3.00 and $8.00 the
Ropbieud goods wu huve over sewn, Lys
on | 0,
The Huntinidon Globe anys that Judge
Iurat, who fe wn expert trout fisherman,
especially with the (ly, was out in tue
mountain etronns of Centra sounty a
short thine ago with a friend, and to.
gother thoy onught Just 100 oh, Tha
Judge onught ony moms than hla coms
paafon, How many did the judge
ontoh ¥ A felond atone olbow says he
with give A $10 bill to any person whe
ih evolve a ayatom of mathematics that
will make dudgo Farts stelng oentain
Just one wore dah ina oatoh of 100 trout
by (wo pereora, Judgs Farts reputas
Gon for truth and vomoity is swelotly
Areteolang, but when Li como to Ushing
and ho tolls of hin wenlovemunts in that
divoatton, ha leave nls little George
Washington hatohot at home and tells
hie ving, Just as avery other flahoriaan
hat done from the oreation of the world
down to thin very senton,
wen fr well made olothing go to
wos lfrniture at lower prices at K,
Brown e's than any place in Contre
wewsThe finest line of young mens
wiite, blue serge oheviot, black serge
ohoviol, double hronsted or single, $8.00,
10.000, 12 0% Tha dnest line of boys
oheviot sui in brown, blue dlack and
mixed $4.00, 84 00, $1.00, $1.00, $3.00
ald $10.00, Lyon & Ow,
By the now law in this Site anyone
Who pablishes a thls padigree of an ans
tad Rept for stook purposes av offered
for aad 8 liable to a fine not excending
$1,000, add fmprizor ment in We connty
JARO Joan than one month and not ex»
oonding one yea
ween BOP WOll Wade olothi ©
Faubles, ng 9
wen WO AN GOMMIRG Wore people
ROW, tha aver batore in our long ax
Toned NO wonder Mens suits §T,30,
30, $230 and 100 Childrens suits
Qu eR de al {1.8
Roltafante Grain Barked
COHBEE Weekly hy tin, IW Jaen & On
The ® in AL ha aot wal
Sook = ) BVRINRR, Ww A Pap
\ WHNAY pr BARR = Ro.
a a
“MR ARE BE ARR Taieatine, oF Ba |
\ NWA a w»
WE —— W—
OURO WaRkiY hy Seahhe& Oo
ena rar ———
A ————
he Beanveraiie Wah oRMN En,
Dablished © vei NW Wm nN
ARR pp igh
A VE IRN Sram hired
"IRR wo hi AF Conte sonny
\ ARR AR TD Pe »
hw We 3 rr
N y . -—
RAH DRED, law om xy
Dae PN CHR TH Am EE RF nN 9 2
A + X04 N
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