Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 23, 1893, Image 4

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Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., June 23, 1893.
The Sunday Question At Chicago.
The settlement of the Sunday open:
ing question at the Chicago Fair re-
——The Clearfield Democrats at
their county convention on Tuesday
last placed the following excellent
ticket in the field: For President
Judge, Hon. D. L. Kress ; for Treasur-
er, Geo. M. DiveLING; for Commis:
sioners, Jas. L. Reap and W. T. Ross,
and for Auditors, T. J. CLearY and J. |
M. McDoweLL. Judge Kress was
nominated by acclamation a high com-
pliment to a worthy and deserving gen-
tleman, and the balance of the ticket
lieves that enterprise of an embarrass-
ment that threatened to materially in-
terfere with its success. There may be
differences of opinion as to the right and
wrong of the question that has been
determined by the decision of the Uni-
ted States Supreme Court, and to
many it may appear that the ends of
religion and morality have not been
served by the action of that tribunal,
but there are but few’ thoughtful peo-
ple who will not agree that the inter-
est of personal liberty, as well as the
financial success ot the Fair, would
have had to be sacrificed if it had been
determined to conduct the exposition
on strict Sabbatarian principles.
There was something decidedly ob-
jectionable in the attempt to have the
general government interfere with and
determine a religious question connect-
ed with the Fair. The founders very
wisely excluded every religious and
sectarian interest and consideration
from the functions and operations of
the government. Their purpose was
that in the matter of conscience there
should be the fullest liberty, and no in-
terference with the beliefs or disbeliefs
of any one. It is a glorious thing that
we are a Christian people, but there is
nothing ‘in the constitution or any ot
the acts of the founders that indicates
the least shade of religion in our gov-
ernment, their great fundamental ob.
ject on this subject being the unre-
restrained action of the citizens in mat.
ters or belief, whatever their religious
faith or want of faith may be. Hence
the mistake, as measured by the spirit
and purpose of our constitution and
free form of government, that was.made
on the Sunday opening question in
calling on Federal authority to step
in through the medium of its courts
and determine a matter that involved
a religious issue,
Itis urged in behalf of such action
that the government gave a certain
amount of money to the Fair in consid-
eration of keeping the gates closed on
Sunday, Lut in such acts as this, and
in the enforcement of such a consider-
ation, would appear that spirit of pater-
naiismn that would place the conduct
and the conscience of the people under
government control, and would encour-
named after a spirited contest.
candidates chosen are all active and |
reliable Democrats and men who will |
many Democrats crippled from
same cause as Mr. BUNNELL, who must
have places.
the spoils.”
As the
ake careful and competent officials,
ere is but one duty left for the Demo-
cratic voters of that county to per-
form and that is to see that every Dem-
ratic vote in the county is polled for
e entire ticket.
Sr ————
—Republican papers are making a
big fuss because Secretary CARLISLE
has called
for the resignation of
. J. BUNNELL, chief of a division in
the 8rd auditor’s office, whose chief of-
fense seems to have been that he lost
th feet in the war.” Thess same pa-
rs surely know that there are just as
“To the victors belong
= —
The material advantage of good
Democratic regime is seen in the state-
ment that
Locuren has arranged a saving of
Pension Commissioner
5,000,000 in his department for the
ming fiscal year. The beauty of it
100 is that not a complaint is being
heard from honest pensioners either.
The disgruntled office seeker, like
the weary candidate, never seems to
realize that every one is tired of his
eternal blow.
— Political thunder isa good thing
now and then to wakena party up,
t the candidate loves the lighting
The Fence Bill Veto.
The following are Governor Pattison’s
reasons in full, for vetoing the bill giv-
ing to Clearfield, Centre, and Cameron,
unties a special fence law :
HARRISBURG, June 13th, 1893.
I herewith file in the office of the Sec-
retary of the Commonwealth, with my
objections thereto, House Bill No. 548,
utled “An Act providing for the fenc-
ing of improved lands used for agricul-
tural and horticultural purpose
The purpose of this bill is to enact a
special fence law forthe counties of
Clearfield, Centre and Cameron and to
in the
of Clearfield, Centre and
age the Federal authority to interfere
with questions that should be exclu-
sively within the jurisdiction of state
authority, the question of opening or
closing the gates of a Fair in the state
of Illinois being a subject only for the
State Courts to determine, if there is
anything in the theory of local self gov-
Apart from the religious
aspect of the question, which has no
business to be intruded into an issue
touching the fundamental principles of
free government and state sovereignty,
Chief Justice FuLLer acted in strict
accordance with the intention of the
constitution, and in consonance with
the spirit of our free institutions, wheu
he stopped the Federal authority from
seddling with a matter that hinged on
a question of religion.
Better that the money given to the
Fair should be lost or misapplied than
that it should furnish occasion for a
paternal government to assume to be
the conscience keeper of the people and
the regulator of their religious prac-
create & jurisdiction for the appraisment
of damages in certain cases of tresspass
in counties, different from the laws of
the State, applicable to other geographic-
al divisions thereof. It has been al-
most uniformly held by the Executive
of the Commonwealth, since the adop-
tion of the new Constitution, that laws
of this kind were within the prohibi-
tion of the 7th section of the 8rd Article,
which declares that, “the General As-
sembly shall not pass any local or special
law regulating the affairs of counties
or prescribing the duties and powers of
officers in counties.” It has been con-
tended before the Suprema Court of the
State that this related only to political
or general, and not to domestic affairs of
this kind, but an exact and emphatic
defination has been given to the tern by
the decision of the highest court, which
its citizens, legislators and executive
are alike bound to respect. The word
“affairs” was expressly chosen by the
framers of the Constitution to give to
the prohibition upon local legislation a
broad application, and in Morrison V.
Bachert, 112 Pa.. 822, it was said:
“When it (the Constitution) speaks of
the affairs of a county, it means such
affairs as effeet-the people of that coun-
ty.” In Frost V. Cherry, 122 Pa.,
427, the Court expressly "declared that
the Constitution prohibited the General
Assembly from making one law in one
~——The’ Democrats of Clearfield
county held their primaries on last Sat-
urday night and did the highly com-
mendable thing by instructing for Hon.
Davip L. Kress'ae law judge to suc-
ceed himeelf. Such a courseon the
part of the Clearfield Democracy
shows the esteem in which Judge |
Kress is held:-avd the evidéfit appre-
ciation of his able work on the bench
during his incumbency. There; is not
a court in the State-in which the NE
is better in hand than is that of Clzar-
field. The, renomination of Judge
Kress by the Democrats of that coun-
ty will ‘insure tlie “election of a
thoroughly competent and careful
ER ———
——The conclusion of Miss ‘Lizzi
BoroEN's trial for the murder of her
aged parents at. New Bedford, Mass.,
on Tuesday, and her acquittal of the
the grave charge preferred, ended one
of the most interesting criminal cases
of the century. It has been evident
for several days that the jury could
reach no other verdict. than that of ac-
quittal, but the people had reason to
suppose that the progress of the trial
would throw some light on the mys-
tery. ‘As it ig justice is as far from
knowing the slayer of the old Borpexs
asit was before the case was taken up.
round his stock farm and seemed as
ell as ever. He retired shortly after
alet, going into the senator's bed.
oom discovered that he was dead.
as been evident for some time that '
enator Stanford’s demise was a ques-
ion of but a short time. |
ms were apoplectic and his weight was
increasing alarmingly. There was stiff-
mbs to support.
e slightest exercise.
county regulating fences and a different
law in adjoining counties.
been declared by
Jurisdiction and ‘court of last resort, that
It bas also
this same high
aw which excludes one county of the
Commonwealth from its operation in
local and special, us well as a law which
includes but one two or three. In view
these decisions, there can be no doubt
about the character of this legislation.
would be useless'to encumber the
statute book with it, when, upon the
first test, it would be swept therefrom by
he hand of the judiciary, to whom its
constructions would be submitted.
I ———
Leland Stanford Dead.
The Millionaire Senator Breathed Ilis Last at
| Midnight on Tuesday.
MEexro Park, Cal., June 21.— United
States Senator Leland Stanford died at
o'clock last night. He passesd away
at his residence in: Palo Al:
i Senator Stanford was in the best of
irits yesterday. He took a drive
o'clock, and about midnight his
s8 about his limbs that made locomo-
ion exceedingly difficult, and his body
bo fast becoming too heavy for his
It |
His symp-
He could take only"
<1» Edzzie Borden Again Free.
The Prisoner Gives Way To Her Feelings And
. Weeps. Tears Mingled With Joy in the Court
Room—The Judge's Charge Favorable to the
Defendant—The Other Cases Against Her
Nolle Prossed— Lizzie Returns to Fall River.
New Beprorp, Mass., June 20-—
* Lizzie Borden was to-day acquitted of
the murder of her father aud step
The case was given to the jury this
| morning. In his charge Judge Dewey
| instructed the jury to weigh the evi-
{ dence 80 as to see whether the defend-
i ant’s permanent state of mind showed
a motive for the crimes. Every mate-
rial allegation in the indicment must be
proved beyond reasonable doubt, that
1s to a moral certainty. He compared
direct and circumstantial evidence, and
said that failure to prove an essential
fact would be fatal, but failure to prove
an helpful fact might not be.
Lizzie's statements about the note
were discussed at length, and he said
they must be satisfied they were false.
Every fact proved must be reasonably
consistent with guilt, The government
did not show that anybody else had
the opportunity to commit the crime,
but must prove the defendant commit-
ted it. The jury must reason as to the
effect of the defendant's conduct and
statements. They were not to conclude
by expert testimony, but were to ap-
ply it to a reasonable judgment. They
might convict if satisfied the act was
done by another party, but that the
ting, The fact that the defendant did
not testify should not influence them
against her. :
The jury filed into their seats after
being out about one hour and a half
aad were polled on their return. Miss
foreman was asked to return the ver-
dict upon which he announced ‘Not
After the verdict had been received
the distraict attorney moved that the
other cases againet Miss Borden be
nolle prossed and the order of the court
was to that effect.
cd the jurors 1a appreciation of their
work and faithful service and remind-
ed them, that precautions which may
have seemed irksome at the time, were
soley in the interest of justice, a fact
which they undoubtedly realized now.
The jury was then dismissed and
court was adjourned until Monday
next, when the regular criminal ses-
sion will be opened.
direct contrast with those which had
preceded it. Heretofore, all had been
decorous and in keeping with the dig-
nity of the most dignified court in the
country. But when the verdict of not
which might have been heard half a
mile away, and no attempt made to
check it. The stately judges looked
iff Wright was powerless and not once
during the tremendous excitement,
which lasted fully a minute, did he
it. He never saw
and waving their handkerchiefs in
unison with their voices because his
eyes were full of tears and were com-
pletely blinded for the time. Miss Bor-
den’s head went down upon the rail in
had refused to come for many a long
ever poured into her willing ears, the
words “not guilty.”
Mr. Jennings was almost crying
and his voice broke as he put his hand
out to Mr. Adams who sat next to
him aud said: “Thank God,” while
Mr. Adams returned the pressure of
the hand and seemed incapable of
Governor Robinson turned to the
rapidly dissolving jury as they filed out
of their seats and glanced on them
with a fatherly interest in his kindly
eyes and etood up as Mr. Knowlton
and Mr. Moody came over to shake
hands with the defense. When the
spectators had finally gone Miss Bor-
den was taken to the room of the jus
tices and allowed to recover her com-
posure. At the expiration of an hour
she was placed in a carriage and driven
to the station where she took a train for
Fall River, her home no longer prob.
ably, but still the only objective point
for the immdiate present.
The Duquesne Tube Works Co. Goes
Prrrssure, June 16.—Judgements
and executions were filled in the pro-
thonotary’s office this morning, against
the Duquesne Tube Works company
for $350,000. It is stated that nearly
the entire debt of the company is iu-
cluded in the judgment. This is se-
cured by the property of the com-
The failure is caused by general de-
pression in business. Three judg
ments, aggregating $200,800, were en-
tered by W. A. Dunshee, and one for
The works have one of the most
complete pipe plants in the country. It
has been in operation five years and
covers twenty acres of ground at
Duquesne, ten miles above Pittsburg,
on the Monongahela river. The prop-
erty is estimated to be worth one hun-
dred’ ‘thousand ‘dollars, exclusive of
machinery. The value of the plant is
$350,000. 'W! A. Dunshee, the Pitts
burg attorney, is president of the com-
pany. He said ' that ‘with careful
management the company will pay all
of its debts. No other judgments are
are expected.
Re ————————————
——Carolina Ryder Morrill, a
wealthy young widow, of Chicago, died
last week, and left an estate valued at
$500,000 to be divided equally between
her two children and Lewis S. Perry, a
suitor whom' she’ was to have married
in the fall.
defendant was present aiding and abet. |
Borden was asked to stand up and the |
Justice Mason then gracefully thank. |
The closing scene in the trial was in |
guilty was returned a cheer went up |
straight ahead at the bare walls, Sher- |
make the slightest sign of having heard |
front of her and tears came where they |
day, as she heard the sweetest words |
| rate of one fare forthe round. trip
| Chicago and return on special World’s
$127.522 by the Tyrone Iron com-
| Sunday Openers Victorious.
: Unanimous Decision Reached by the United
States Court of Appeals— Dispute Practically
Curcaco, June 18.—By a unanimous
vote, the United States court of appeals
has reversed the circuit court decision
closing the World's fair on Sunday,
and declared yesterday, through Chiet
Justice Fuller as their spokesman, that
the government had no exclusive right
or avthority in the control of ‘the Col-
umbian exposition. This substantial
| and decisive victory for the Sunday
openers was received by the crowed
court room with loud cheers.
The scenes in the federal building
were a fitting climax to the dispute be-
tween the local directory and the gov-
ernment of the United States. The
room was crowded two hours before
the announced hour for the decision.
It was not until 11.15 that the chief
justice, followed by Justices Bunn and
Allen, took seats on the bench. As
soon as the court had been formally
opened the chief justice orally an-
nounced that in view of the many
questions involved the written opinions
of himself and associates would be de-
ferred, and that owing to the impor-
tance of the questions at issue and the
| necessity for a speedy deliverance
from the bench, a general decision
would be then and there rendered.
The chief justice then smoothed out
several pages of type written manu-
script and began to read. He first de-
| voted his attention to the contention of
counsel for the government that the
court of appeals had no jurisdiction in
the premises, and after reviewing the
arguments at some length declared the
motion to dismiss the appeal overruled.
Coming to the main question, the
court took the ground that the appro-
| priation of $2,500,000 in souvenir coins
| by the United States government could
noc be constructed as a charity or a
charitable bequest. Tt was simply an
appropriation for the assistance and
benefit of the local corporation to com-
| plete a work that affected the honor of
i the United States.
| As to the right of the United States
to possesssion aud control of the
grounds, the court held that the local
| corporation was in lawful and actual
| possession, and that this fact had been
| recognized by acts of the national leg
| islature.
| The court repudiated the idea that
(the United States had any exclusive
| rights or authority in the premises, and
| that no tenable grounds had been
I shown for excepting the case under
| the hearing from the ordinary rules
governing a court of chancery.
“Theretore, concluded the chief jus-
| tice, the order of the circuit court is
| reversed, and the case is remanded for
any further proceedings not inconsis-
lent with this ruling.”
The deliverance of the chief justice
' had been listened to with intense si-
lence, but at its conclusion there went
up a great cheer from the crowd in at-
tendance, which caused the chief jus-
tice to smile meaningly at his associ-
ates, The advocates of Sunday closing
were considerably cast down over the
| result, but admitted that, inasmuch as
| the ruling was unanimous, there was
no alternative but to bow to the su-
preme authority of the United States
| judiciary,
| Rev. Dr. McLean, secretary of the
American Sabbath union, while disap-
pointed by the decision, was not dis-
couraged as to the ultimate success of
| altempts to close the fair on Sundays,
This decision, he said, clears the way
for the suit begun in the federal court
here by Wanamaker & Brown and
other stockholders in the exposition to
prevent Sunday opening. The point
has been made in the case just concla-
ded that the World's Fair directors
were willing to refund to the govern-
went the money obtained under the
souvenir coin act in return for the
privilege of keeping open on Sunday.
Wanamaker and the World's Fair
stockholders associated with him as-
gert in their bill that such return
would cause loss and impair their in-
terests as part owners of the exposition.
Cutting the Rate to Chicago.
World's Fair Excursion Trains Likely to be Run
on AU the Trunk Lines.
NEW York. June 20.--The general
agents of the trunk lines to-day decided
to recommend to the executive eommit-
tee of the trunk line association a special
fair excursion trains. These trains will
consist of paseenger coaches only, but
will run as express trains, making the
trip each way in about thirty hours.
They will leave New York in the morn-
ing, which will bring them to Chicago
in the afternoon of the following day.
The tickets will be good for ten days.
If the executive committee approves
the recommendation, as it undoubtedly
will, Passenger Commissioner’ Farmer
will apportion the trains among the va-
rious roads so that they will be run in
regular alternation, each road having 'a
regular day for starting 1ts excursions.
These trains will not interfere in any
way with the regular schedules and will
pick up no passengers in the Central
traffic association’s territory. 1 7
The Atlanta Coming Home.
An Indication That the Trouble at Nicaragua is
at an End,
WasHINGTON, June 20.—An order
directing the cruiser Atlanta to return
to the United States was issued at the
navy department fo-day and cabled to
Captain Bartlett at Greytown, Nicara-
gua. She was ordered to Nicaragua
{ early in May when trouble was first
reported there and her orders to return
home! indicate that the trouble in
| Nicaragua is at an end.
| California Banks Collapse.
! Los Anceres, Cal., June 21.—The
Southern California National bank
* and the Los Angeles National bank,
here closed their doors this forenoon.
Sunday Law Repeal Vetoed.
The $25 Fine Will Continue in Allegheny. County
—The Governor Thinks Its Repeal Would Be a
. Step Backward.
HARRISBURG, June 20. — Governor |
Pattison has vetoed the bill to repeal the
Sunday law in Allegheny county which
provides a penalty of $25 for each
offense instead of $4 as under the Sun-
day law of 1794. The purpose of the
repesler was to reduce the fine in Alle-
gheny county to $4. The governor says
no popular demand is mada for its re-
peal: that it is broad, liberal and flexi-
ble ; that it has resulted in a better en-
forcement of the Sunday law, and that
the effort of sound legislation should
rather be to make the pensliy general
rather than to impair the effectiveness
of the law ina particular community.
He thinks the approval of the biil would
be a step backward.
The governor approved the following
bills. Providing for the sale of the equi-
table title of the commonwealth in the
property known as the ‘Grove City Ar-
mory” in the borough of Grove City,
Mercer county, and for the distribution
of the proceeds of the sale.
A supplement to the act to provide
for the payment into the state treasury
of all fees collected by the officers, agents
and employes of the state government
for a uniform method of keeping the. ac-
; counts of the same and for paying by
warrant of the auditor general to the
said officers, agents and employes the
several amounts of said fees which they
are respectively entitled to receive ; ap-
propriating $1,724 59 to pay the expen-
ses incurred by the joint special com-
mittee appointed to consider the reports
from the quarantine station commission
of Pennsylvania; $5000 to the Gettys-
burg Battlefield Memorial association ;
$1,803.55 to pay expenses of special
committee to investigate the electric
light trust in Philadelphia: further ex-
tending the jurisdiction of courts in cas-
es of divorce; appropriating $5,000 to
the Spring Garden institute of Phila-
I ——
Sarbarban Won by Lowlander.
Most Grievous Disappointment to the Turf Lov-
ing Public.—Lamplighter's Prestige Gone,.—
He Was Looked Upon asa Sure Winner, but
He Was Vanquished Strickly on His Merits—
The Race Was a True Run from Beginning to
End—Lowlander Won Alinost as He Pleased ir.
Fast Time—Terrifier Came Second,
New York, June 20.—The Suburb-
ban handicap of 1893, the tenth event
in its history, was a most grievous dis-
appointment to the turfloving public.
Lamp lighter, their idol, who was look-
ed upon as a sure victor in the great
race, was made to fall from the high
pedestal upon which he had been
placed, and the halo of victory which
bad gathered about him because of his
numerous successes was completly dis-
pelled. He was vanquished strictly on
his merits, as the race was ga true run
from beginning to end. There was no
crowding or jostling as was the case in
the Brooklyn handicap. The field was
comparatively small aud every jockey
rode to win in as fair a manner as pos
sible. |
Lowlander, by Lowland Chief dam
Restless, a horse that has had rather
an erratic career, won the racs from
end to end, He went out at the fall of
the flag set the pace to snit himself and
won almost as he pleased in the fast
time of 2.063.
Terrifier, tather of Bill Daly’s Candi
date, was second, three quarters of a
lenth away, while Lumplighter, the
even money favorite that shrewd turf
men said could not lose, was third, four
lengths back.
Lowlander was at ten to one against
in the betting, and all kinds of fancy
prices could be obtained about the
chances of Terrifier. The race was
worth $18,000 to the winner £5,000 to
the second horse and $200 to the
i et ——
Hewit Bill Vetoed.
Governor Pattison Thinks There Is an Unfair
Discrimination in the Measure.
HarrisBurg, June 19.—Governor
Pattison to-night vetoed the Hewit bill
“to prevent the adulteration of drags,
food and sapiritons, fermented or malt
liquors.” He thinks upon the whole
its purposes are good, but that such
radical attempts to intefere with the
domestic life and private affairs of the
people should always be hedged about
with ample safe guards. "It is also his
opinion that there is an unfair discrim-
ination in the bill against the manu-
facturers of beer, and that the clause
relating to the adulteration of drugs
would probably conflict with the pres:
ent pharmacy law and work confusion.
The governor believes the people can
well wait for a proper bill.
There was one bill approved. 'It
authorizes: councils of cities, of the
second class to fix the salary of the
hoard of assessors ‘and ‘the basis for
the. determination : of classification of
real estate. ;
aadd Voice From South Georgia
From the Jessup Sentinel, |. io
Repeal the 10 per cent. tax on state
banks and there soon ‘will be plenty of
good money in the south and’ west
for all practical purposes. pa
Over 90,000 Persons See The Fair.
CHICAGO, J une 20—. Paid admissions
at the World’s fair to-day were 90,661.
——A hay tedder 1s as essential to
the successful harvesting of hay, . as a.
mower or a hay rake. = Farmers ~ who;
have them wonder how they did with-
out them so long. The best to be had
at this time, as well ‘as’ hay rakes sie
for sale by McCalmont & Co.
——Charlotte M. Young, the novelist
is now-70 years old--and has written
more than 100 books. She began novel
writing when she ‘wag 20." ©
—1If you want printing of any. de-,
scription the’ Warcamax office is the
place to have it done.
Lock Haven is trying bard to
i organize a ball club. :
——On Monday evening a boy and
one fire cracker caused three run-a-ways
in Lock Haven.
——A mad dog created consternation
among some of the residents of Metho-
di-t hill on Tuesday afternoon.
et Ld
Miss Maggie E. Fye, of Snow
Shoe, was married to Charles Brunner,
of Tyrone, on Tuesday evening.
——Lock Haven banks and the
county officers of Clinton are observing
the Saturday half holiday law.
——Philipsburg is as far from an
electric passenger rail-way as ever. The
company which was to have built it has
pulled up stakes and left,
——There are nearly five hundred
men now at work on the new railroad.
Five of the twenty-seven miles are
completed already.
The old coal sheds which last
winter's snow broke down for the Belle-
fonte Fuel and Supply Co., are being
replaced with large new ones.
——— While playing about the Garman
house stable last Friday evening Ira,
the only son of proprietor Al Garman,
fell and broke both ' bones of his right
— Ex - County = Superintendent,
Charles Lose, of the Lycoming county
public schools, has been elected supervis-
ing principal of the Philipsburg schools.
——Rev. Robert Wright, of Phila-
delphia, has been called to the rectorate
of St. John’s Episcopal church in this
place and will be bere to officiate on
—C. F. York has just presented
the Methodist church of Warrior's
Mark, with a handsome Weaver organ
in memory of his wife, who died Jan-
uary 24th,
After July 1st the salaries of
the post masters of many Pennsylva-
nia towns will be increased $100 per
annum. Bellefonte and Lock Haven
are included.
The ladies Aid society of the U.
B. church will hold a festival in the
McClain block, adjoining this office, to
morrow Saturday evening, June 24th.
Everyone is invited to attend and help
along the good cause.
——Among recent government ap-
pointments in this county was that of
H. H. Weaver to be post-master at
Aaronsburg, W. A. Tobias to be post
master at Milheim and G. W. Garbrick
to fill the same position at Fairbrook.
——-The finest assortment of clothing
you have ever seen now open at Fau-
The viewers who went over tha
line of the Central Railroad of Pennsyl-
vania on Tuesday adjusting damages,
where right of way was refused, reported
the following awards: Isaaz Stover
$1600, Henry Garbrick $1000 and John
Rockey $800.
The large saw-mill of O L.
Schoonover, at Munson’s, near Philips-
burg, took fire last Wednesday after-
noon and burned to the ground. This
is the second mill that has burned for
Mr, Schoonover this summer. He had
insurance on neither one of them.
——A great thing just closed out &
special last lot of manufacturing cloth-
ing 300 pair of fine pants in neat stripes
they were made to retail at $5.00 we
give them to you at $3.00 and $3.50 the
nobbiest goods we have ever seen. Ly-
‘on & Co.
Now that the National Guard is
not to be takento Chicago let Belle-
fonte hustle and get the encampment
of the 5th Regiment. It is said that
those in authority would like to have
the Regiment camp here and « Bellefonte
has all the requisites for entertaining it.
~——At a special sitting of the Court
of ‘Centre county on ‘Wednesday morn-
ing ‘William S. Furst, eldest son of pre-
siding Judge A. O. Furst, was admitted
to the practice of law in the several
courts of this county. Will has just re~
turned from the University: law school
in Philadelphia from which he has
. | graduated with honors,
ws invite the attention of far-
thers to. the steel self binding harvest-
ers’ and mowers, manufactur = the:
McCormick people of Chicago, as being
the leading farm machinery of ‘their
class——they are superior to all others in
the material used, as well as. the mech-
anical | construction. They are light
| running and long lived. We challenge
all other binders to compare their binder
attachments to that on the McCormick,
which has no equal as a binding, device.
MeCalmont & Co. amine :
w= Bellefonte taxes well be levied on
the following scale this year. Borough
2 ‘mills } “street, 8 mills; interest, 6
wills ; poor has been increased from 4
mills to 5 ; school was reduced from 8
to 7. Water tax will be assessed on the
same basis as. heretofore. ~The public
school term will be increased from 8 to
9 months ; $3000 of the schocl debt was
paid. Free text books will . also be fur-
nished the pupils hereafter, as provided
"by the recent act of the legislature.