Ink Slings. — There’ are millions in’ it—The mul- tiplication table. —Deleware will have a great peach crop this season. This is not peach blow, —There are nearly two hundred ac- tive Geysers in the United States. The largest one covers For AKER’S in Ohio. —An exchange remarks : ‘‘the snake killing season is here.” The snake seeing season is perennial, consegently it is with us all the time, oe —It has come to be the fashion for all big concerns to go into the hands of a receiver. The receiver usually spends his summers abroad afterwards. —*"Seeing is believing,” but the pok- er player often makes money by sacri- ficing his credulity and not paying for a peep into the other fellow’s hand. —Every penny given a beggar only encourages the vagabond in him and does an injustice to your fellow-man to whom you thus recommend idleness and va- grancy. —1It is about time for our great rail- road lines to tumble to the situation that as yet rates are too high to make it pos- sible for the masses to visit the Fair. Let the rates tumble too. — Scientists say that the period of eleven years in which we will have a maximum number of sun spots has be- gun. Judging from present condition these spots must be pretty hot stuff. —The Macon, Georgia, policeman who goes his rounds on a bicycle evi- dently appreciates the value of some- thing swifter than his legs to get him away from unpleasant disturbances, —The Fair is to remain open on Sunday. We suppose there are lots of hypocrites who will stay home because of such a monumental (?) sin, but they’ll continue talking about their minister and gossiping about thei” neighbors all the same. —-There is a question that has becn preying on our mind ever since the hot weather set in and it must be relieved. Can you, dear reader, answer. Do themany who tell you “itis a very warm day!” really imagine that you are not aware of the fact ? —T. P. RYNDER, our own impurtur- bable “Toby,” was one of the big guns at the Peoples party convention in Williamsport, on Wednesday. He still imagines he is in the push, but no one envies him the empty honor of play- ing head to a bodyless party. —If it be the will of the omnipotent Master, may the life of M. CaArNoT be spared to the French people. Our sister Republic needs the guidance of this sagacious mind and if he is taken there is no reckoning might betide that tion. impetuous —Democracy, like everything else, needs lots of back-bone and there is nothing that braces up thespinal vertebra like a little taste of the plums. We are all Democrats from conviction of course, but man is mortal and is wonderfully tickled when his labors result in ma- terial blessing. : — Mr, SIBLEY, the Erie congressman who thought to make himself solid with the farmers of his district by giving his salary to the various granges, now finds himself in a ‘puckersnatch’” be- cause his well served constituents all want offices besides the five thousand congressional divy. —Mrs. FRANK LESLIE, publisher of the Frank Leslie Magazines, succeeded in getting a divorce from her fourth husband who was Oscar WILDE'S brother, William. It is the third time she has been divorced and courts should now refuse her further license. A woman who can’t pick a man in four trials should have sense enough to let the men alone. —The action of the courts in re fusing to grant an injunction to res train Sunday opening of the Fair has afforded gorgeous possibilities for the good natured liar. If the millions who “will not go (?) because the Fair isto be open on Sunday” were only a real: ity the managers would quickly close the big show on the Sabbath in order to cater to such a puritanical multi: tude, —The Pittsburg Dispatch’s interroga- tory, “How to be Happy though Poor ?”’ has brought the question of happiness before the public in as many different phases as the conceptions of its meaning, by those who answered the question, varied. The question in. volves far mere of condition than theory, for there can be little happiness where there is not an inborn spirit of it. No matter what the ups and downs of life some people are always happy while others, though eternally blessed, live in constant misery. Aside from the phil- osophic view one’s liver might have more to do with it than we dare con- fess. the evil that na- Dewar | Ny TO STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 38. BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 23, 1893. NO. 25. Editor Smith on the Financial Trouble. There could not be better evidence of the versatile talent of the distin. guished editor of the Philadelphia Press than is furnished by the equal facility with which he can devote his oratory to the instruction of ingenuous college graduates and to the encour- agement of broken down Republican politicians suffering from recent and disastrous defeat. Scarcely had he concluded his admirable address to the graduating class at State College be- fore we have had a report of his deliv erance to the New York politicians of the Republican persuasion, whose bodies so thickly strewed the scene of action, both inside and outside the breastworks, after last November's engagement, but have since been re- suscitated sufficiently to enable them to get together and be told by Editor SmitH “where they areat.”” We heard and admired his well chosen, judi- ciously put and eloquently delivered remarks to the boys at the College, in which he encouraged them to equal if not surpass the achievements and merits of their forefathers, but we can- not say that, aiter having read the ad- dress he made to the Republican Gen- eral Committee of New York city on Thursday night of last week, we can, in an equal degree, accord to it the tribute of our admiration. It bardly need be said that we en- tirely disagree with the political senti- ments of the editor ‘of the Press, but what we particularly take exceptions to is his unfair attempt to make the present Democratic administration re- sponsible for sins that are clearly chargeable to its Republican predeces- sor, which he essayed to do in his New York speech. There was something glaringly disingenuous in his ascribing the existing financial disturbance and business trouble to administrative in- fluences that have not yet had time to operate, and in his blaming a party that has not yet had a chance to change the work ot the governmental machine as left by the Republicans three months ago. Trouble exists in business circles in consequence of a distressful stringency prevailing in the public finances. The relations of trade are injuriously af- fected by deranged monetary condi tions. A candid publicist would say that nowhere else should the cause of this trouble he looked for than ia pre- vious defective legislation and bad ad- | ministrative policy. Ie could expect to find its origin nowhere else than in the action of the party that for the pre- vious four years had been controlling the finances of the government. In the few weeks during which the pre sent administration has been in power nothing has been done either of a legis. lative or administrative character to affect the financial condition, or chang® the monetary situation left by the Har- RIsON administration, yet editor Smith in his address attributes the business troubled to the fact that the Democrats have obtained control of public affairs. He says in effect that banks are breaking, business firms failing and financial matters are generally disturb ed, in consequence of an apprehension that the Democrats will reverse the Republican tariff policy. In other words that the people are alarmed and have lost confidence on account of the prospect of their being relieved of burdensome taxation. In addition to the absurdity of such a proposition, thereis something in it that pays but a poor compliment to the efficacy of a tariff system which, after having protected and nourished the industries for years, leaves them in so weak a condition that a mere suspicion that they may be deprived of some of their tariff coddling throws them into a state of prostration. But really can the difficulty from which business is now suffering be traced in any shape or form to the, apprehension of tariff reduction 2 The chief trouble is in financial circles and among those who have undergone an impairment of credit at a time of mon: etary stringency, but has a single bank failed or business firm gone under in consequence of a fear that the Demo- crats will wipe out the tariff? The difficulty is traceable to an entirely different cause. Nowhere does the be: lief “prevail that there will be such a change of the tariff as will materially affect the industries. The manufac: turers do not believe it. There is no class of intelligent citizens that do not regard the “free trade” representations of the Republicans as campaign fiction employed merely for political effect. No relation whatever exists between the present financial slump and the tariff question; but if the editor of the Press would look for the cause of the trouble, with the honest object of find- ing it, he would discover and admit that it has been brought about by the bad economic management,and reckless financial policy of a party, which four years ago found the government in re- ceipt of revenues amounting to $100, 000,000 a year in excess of expenditures, with a surplus of more than $85,000, 000 in the Treasury, and a gold re- serve of $100,000,000 to protect the public credit, but which, notwithstand- ing such advantages for carrying on the governmental business handed ov- er to it by a Democratic administra- tion, abused those advantages; squan- dered those large resources; produced a deficiency where before existed supera- bundance; mortgaged the revenues to raise means for extravagant expendi- ture; created obligations which have caused the impairment of the gold re- serve, and brought about financial couditions that have necessarily weak. ened the public credit thereby produc- ing a want of confidence among the people, and resultantly creating dis- trust and disturbance in every branch of business, It may serve a partisan purpose to represent that a Democratic adminis tration, three months in power, is re- sponsible for existing financial depres- sion and business troubles, but it does not agree with common sense, nor comport with the trath of political his- tory. The Fence Law Veto. As promised last week, we publish in this issue of the WarcumaN, the mes- sage of Governor PaTrIsoN vetoing the special fence bill tor Centre, Clearfield and Cameron counties. Much as this section of the State would have been | benefiited by the provisions of such an act, and greatly as a vast majority of our people desired it to become a law, i no one will censure Governor Parison for his veto, in the face ot the fact that | the Supreme Court has already passed | upon this question and decided that i under the constitution all legislation | upon the fence question, and for that matter upon all local questions, shall be uniform throughout the state, ap- plying to each and every county alike. We may, and certainly do, doubt the wisdom of a supreme court that contrues the intent of the constitution in such a way, that the word “affairs,” where it is used only in connection with the municipal business of counties, cities, townships, wards, boroughs or school districts, is to made to apply also to matters pertaining solely to indivi- duals, thus broadening the prohibition of that instrument so that it is impossi- ble to secure any local legislation that effects the affairs of any individual ; but it is the court of last resort in such cases, and the Governor as well as the individual is compelled to recognize its authority. The decision cited by the Governor is plain and unequiocal, and under the circumstances his approval of the bill would only have led to ex- pensive and useless litigation, and to interminable trouble and dissension among the people. For our people who were interested in this measure, and every land owner, tenant and workingman in the three counties named was, there is now no redress. A fence law of any kind is out of the question. The thickly pop- ulated districts will not allow a gener: al act to be passed. The constitution as interpreted by the highest ‘Judical tribunal prohibits local legislation on the subject, and it is only good judg: meut on the part of all to arrange their matters now so asto conform to this new situation of affairs, The railroad fence law still stands for the protection of farmers though whose lands these roads run within the county. All other fence laws that could be euforced, have been repealed. eee] 4 ——It is saidsthat the Ohio fruit crop will be something phenomenal this year. There won't be many plums for McKINLEY we'll bet. An Unequivocal Policy. There has been no equivocation cr deception in President CLEVELAND'S position on the silver question, nor can there be any misunderstanding as to the course he is disposed to pursue in meeting the present financial embarrassment. The people have long ago been given his opinion of the policy of purchasing silyer for which there is no use resulting in the inevitable exhaustion of the gold re- serve required to meet the obligations of the government. Among his ear- liest deliverances, as an executive officer, was the expression of his oppos- ition to a financial system that is so thoroughly calculated to depreciate the currency and derange the appli- ances of commercial exchange. No one has had reason to misunderstand his views in this matter, or the course he will pursue at the earliest opportu- nity presented for effective action on the question, But his Republican censors show a vicious disposition to force his action on this question designing to raise an issue in which it may be made to appear that he is pursuing a policy that is retarding financial restoration, and consequently detrimental to busi. ness interests. The malcontents would have had him call congress to- gether immediately after his inaugura- tion, that he might be confronted by a question which would be sure to em- barrass his administration with con- tention at the very start. Three months, or two months ago the senti- ment of the new Congress could not have been relied upon as aytagonistic to the Sherman law, noris it certain that when it eventnally gets together the majority will favor the repeal of the silver purchasing act. The Re- publicans who have clamored for the convening of Congress to adjust this question have been actuated more by the hope that it would involve the ad- ministration in difficulty than by the desire to afford relief to the financial situation. The wisdom of the President hzs been evinced by his disinclination to act hastily in this matter. He has pradently avoided the contention on the silver question by which his polit- ical enemies would have liked the opening of his administration to have been disturbed and demoralized. The delay he has wisely adopted has given | the country an object lesson. of the workings of the Sueraax law. Cen- sure is heaped upon him for not having taken immediate action that would have prevented the present financial embarrassment, but it is not the busi- ness of a President, nor the mission of the Democratic party to bolster bauks and business firms that have over- reached themselves in their operations, and to provide for the relief of specula- tors who have risked their fortunes in stock gambling. The present difficulty does not go deeper than ‘such superfi- cial interests. There is no material impairment of the bed-rock interests of the country. : It is the duty of a President, and it is the purpose of the Democratic party to enforce the laws as they are found on the statute books, and if there ia an injurious law, such as SHERMAN's gil- ver-purchasing act seems to be, the best way to insure its repeal is to give the country, for a season, a full sample of its quality. The experience of the effects of the Silver law which is. now being affored is more likely to incline Congress to repeal that law in’ Septem- ber than would have been the case if it had been called to act upon it soon after the Precident’s inauguration, Sem—————— ——German politics ‘are just now absorbing a large share of public in- terest, The varied fluctuations of the Imperialist and Socialist chances for control of the Reichstag ‘is watched with the greatest concern by Emperor WiLLiax and his subjects. He be- lieves in paternalism, thinking himsell the father of all the people, but the trouble just now appears to be ‘in the indications that the people don’t wan't him as pap. —— The Harrisburg Patriot is kick- ing because the State furnished a thou- sand dollars worth of soap to the last Legislature. If the Patriot only knew it took far more than a thousand dollars worth of soaping to make clean roads for some of the Legislation. Facts for Those Who Don’t Know the Waris Over. Frox the Philadelphia Record. Governor Fishback, of Arkansas, says that the white taxpayers of that State pay about 98 per cent. of the tax for the support of the public schools, and that they are educating a larger percentage of both white and negro children than are educated respectively in the States of New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and even cultured Massa- chusetts. Those persons who do not for these facts are especially referred to the figures set down in the United States census. This splendid showing from Arkansas should serve to open the eyes and shut the mouths of some of the political preachers of sectionalism who are fond of describing the people of the Southwestern States as but one remove from savagery. ———————— Using the Law as its Own Antidote. From the Mercer Western Press. Ah Wing is sojourning at present in the Montana State Prison under the disabilities of a life sentence imposed by a State court. Naturally he has uot registered as required by the Geary law. He now maintains that the United States statute is paramount law, and that in accordance with its provisions he must be taken out of the Montana State Prison and deported to China for his failure to register. He has employed a lawyer to prosecute him for his violation of the Geary stat- ute and if his legal point is well taken he will have accomplished the most ingenious legal release from a penal sentence that is anywhere recorded. S————————— The Kind We Always Meet. From the Lancaster Intelligencer. It is one of the most common exper- iences of the newspaper man, to find gentlemen who leak all over with in- formation for him about matters that they want to be published, develop a remarkable sensitiveness when he seeks information upon subjects which they do not desire to be ventilated. They think then that it is none of the pub- lic’s business. They are very sure of it and very emphatic about it, and are apt to iose their temper in considering the impudence of the request. TAA RB SRE Apply it to Centre County, From the Scottdale Independent. Stopping the sale of objectionable papers in Fayette county should raise . a howl about enforcing the laws and all that sort of thing. The majority of the people who care atall for the ! welfare of the young will sanction the | movement however and help it along | to the extent of their ability. The | | work should be carried on until no { papers of an immoral tendency could | be sold in the county. SE —————— The Cure for the People. From the Montesano Washington Economist. “Lack of confidence,” say some of our financial doctors, ‘‘is the cause of all this money trouble, and business fail- ures,” Sufficient, is it not, to condemn a system that makes possible such a condition of instability and want of con- fidence? Let us have a system that would encourage confidence in it, with the government as the centre instead of Wall Street. A Jonah Office. From the Lebanon Star. Financial ruin has been the fate that has overtaken six Governors of Ohio, Bishop, Democrat; Hoadly, Democrat; Young, Republican; Campbell, Dem- ocrat ; Foster, Republican and McKin- ley, Republican. It is doubtful wheth- er the honor is commensurate with the penalty that seems to be its price. That Forlorn Hope | Will Need a Re- ceiver E're Long. From the Kittanning Times. The bankruptcy of Messrs. Foster, McKinley. and Zimri Dwiggins sug- gests to some that John Sherman will be the next Republican financier to go under, But he will not be, for he never lets go anything—not even his utterly hopeless hope of the Presidency. From the Tionesta Democratic Vindicator. "A one dollar bill having written on its margin, “the ‘last of a great for- tune,” which was recently received by a bavk, must have been a part of the big Treasury surplus that was turned over to ‘the Republicans, March 4, 1889. : Reform on the March. ! Frm the Philadelphia Times. ; Commissioner Lochren’s reforme are 000,000 the coming fiscal year. The will ‘soon turn ower on. his back for ISSA I Speed the Glad Tidiags. From the Savannah News. Georgia presents her compliments and northwest, and begs to announce that the water melon season is now open. Got a knife ? wish to take Governor Fishback’s word | already calculated to save about $25, shark nawrally turns on his back to! bite, but'at this rate the pension variety good. r 1 to her less-favored sisters of the north’ Spawis from the Keystone, —York preachers are fighting Sunday street cars. : —Myerstown will be linked to Lebanon with a trolley. BEL ny —Farmers in Berks are making hay. The crop is good. —A gang of counterfeiters at Connellsville is being shadowed. —In six days, 50,000 boxes of strawberries were sold in Reading. —A train near Carlisle fatally crushed a lit- tle son of William Kuntz. —Nearly all the local coal dealers in Alle- gheny county will consolidate. —A cow at Armville treed halfa dozen men and badly gored Elias Bomberger. —Frank Swanger, a Harrisburg boy, was accidentally shot by a lad, and is dying. —Five hundred miners at Enterprise Col- liery, Shamokin, struck for more wages. —The Truman M. Dodson Coal Company, of Bethlehem, capital $150,000, was chartered. —A wild steer stampeded Reading, injured two boys, swam the Schuylkill and escaped. —Frank Lee, a Bethlehem Chinaman, was beaten almost to death by unknown rokbers. —The Reformed Church centennial anniver. sary was celebrated in Allentown yesterday. —Climbing after a bird at Lancaster, Free- land Bowers tumbled from a tree and may die. Baccalaureate sermons were on Sunday de- livered at Lafayette and Muhlenberg Colleges. —State Senator William Flinn was elected chairman of the Pittsburg Republican Com- mittee. —Ex-Governor Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, has been visiting his brother, Judge Clayton, at Media. —Of the 240 shade trees planted on the Beth- lehem Fair grounds a year ago only one failed to grow. —While walking in her sleep at Lebanon, Mrs. George H. Uhler fell down stairs and was badly hurt. —Sergeant Quackenhbos, who was injured in the Hungarian riot at Reading, isnowin a critical state. —An accidental discharge of a revolver sent a bullet into the lung of Michael Umberger of Shaeffertown. —Ib a Pennsylvania Railroad freight wreck at Huntingdon 21 coke and merchandise ears were smashed. —The State Fish Warden burned or chopped to pieces a score of boats in the Allegheny River illegally. —Hugh Ross, the Homestead strike leader, has gone to Scotland to claim his mother's large inheritance. —Schuylkill County Poor Directors have been called upon by Orwigsburg to battle with the smallpox scourge. —James M. Guffey, the Democratic leader of Allegheny county, was elected president of a comic opera company. —Cumberland county’s bar was increased sixteen members by admitting the graduates from the Dickinson law school. —John f. Foose, who accidentally stabbed and killed Clayton Eisenhart at York, has been arrested for manslaughter. —Claiming $50,000, Jennings got a verdict at Scranton of $2,500 for injuries received in the Lehigh Valley wreck at Mud Run. —Bellmore Colliery, near Mt. Carmel, and which utilizes 600 hands, will resume work July 1, after two and a half years of idleness. —To escape the officers, Chauncey Arnold, arrested at Lykens and handcuffed, jumped from a running train near Harrisburg and was not caught, —Since the elopement of Webster Michael and Emma Maurer, of Reading, last winter, nine lawsuits between the lover and the girl’s family have developed. : —In some sections of Berks county, owing to scarcity of farm hands, farmers are offer- ing $1.75 per day for good hands during hay- making and harvesting. —At the iustance of the Philapelphia and Reading Company, Thomas Courtney, Michael Madden and Bernard Moss, of Mahonoy City, were seized for stealing beer. —Philadelphians have offered the Carlisle Town Council the sum of $75,000 for the exelu- sive use of the market house for ninety-nine years. No action has yet been taken. —The Oil City Blizzard serves notice that henceforth parties killing rattlesnakes for puclication must bring along the rattles as circumstantial evidence of good faith. —Suit has been begun by H. H. Heise, Jonas Holt, I. H. Wilmot and others to recover a tract of land in Columbi® borough owned by George Tille. The case involves property worth $100,000. —Conrad Smonse tried to dynamite flsh at Eleanora and is now in the hospital with his right hand blown off, his ribs and hip broken, his head and face roasted, his scalp bared and his windpipe exposed to view. Yet the doc tors think he will live. —The Punxsutawney Spirit says: “As a specimen of hen truit James Mogle, of Covode, has something to exhibit that is remarkable for its size. It is the product ot a Scotch Bra- mah and weighs exactly a quarter of a pound. In circumference it i3 seven inches one way and nine the other.” —A stalwart tramp walked into the kitchen of Farmer Allen Heist, at Little Oley, four mijles north of Pottstown, and asked Mrs. Heist for victuals which she refused, because she did not care to go into the cellar while he was - | in the house. He became quite abusive, The Last of the Republican Debauch.’ wheraupon she belabored him with a broom about his shoulders and head until he ran from the premises. His bruises were so se. vere that he was forced to apply to a physician for relief. —There is a new bug in town. Swarms of the famous Lancaster lice have arrived here in their westward march, says the Altoona Trib. une. They were lying in great heaps on the Gayport pavements, and covered the trees from the ground to. the topmost lib, The citizens are trying coal oil and cther remedies to find relief from the plague. The little yel- low bug reached the west side of town last evening, Phese little (bug)ers get into one’s eyes, and the sensation is anything but please ant. : : —The erows in the vicinity of Beech Pond, Wayne county, are in high teatherand the people in tribulation. Some as yet unaccount- able fatality has attacked the catfish for which the lake is noted, and they are reported to be dying by the thousands. So many, in fact wash ashore that, notwithstanding the help o! the crows, who devour them by the bushel, residents whose farms reach to the water line have found it necessary ‘to bury the decaying and malodorous fish. Strange to say, no other fish are thus affected, although the pond is filled with nearly every variety.