Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 16, 1893, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
— Lieutenant PEARY will meet with
& cool reception in the Artic region.
—The joke on the abbreviated bathing
skirts is in order now, hut it won’t
lengthen them any.
~The fact that money is said to talk,
may be the reason we hear so much of
the gold that i¢ going out of the coun-
—Mr. CLEVELAND and the ice men
have agreed upon a common platform.
Both believe the people should ‘keep |
—There seems to be a good bit of the
wild cat in the way the people of west-
ern cities are making runs on their
--To travel on your face is all right
in winter, but when the summer heat
and dust begrime it.then there is trouble
in being recognized.
~—We are patiently waiting to hear
from the fools who will eventually
blame the Ford theatre horror on presi-
—There are hopeful signs that the
babbling Brooks, of Philadelphia, who
continues to run the collectorship of the
1st district after his term has expired,
will go dry before long.
~The BIssSELL sweeper is at last to
get down to the active work in the post
office department. There will be a
clean sweep immediately and Demc-
crats will be happy accordingly.
«If ever a man had to fight for an
election Mr. McKINLEY will find that
he will have to hustle this fall. The
Buckeye state is getting to be a decided-
ly doubtful quantity in the Republican
—The Duke de VERAGUA has decid-
ed tostay with us indefinitely because
he likes the country so much. We
suppose his job over their in Spain
will keep until he is ready to take it up
—The landing of the Atlanta’s ma-
rines and soldiers to guard the Nicara-
gua ship canal savors of the ridiculous.
Tho very idea of an army of soldiers
being called upon to guard a thing that
is not.
—A Louisville judge was attacked the
other day by his cook, who made the
onslaught with a hatchet. The judge
held her at bay with his umbrella until
help came. A few broken ribs—in the
umbrella-—was the result.
—>Some financier ought to explain to
uscommon people the meaning of ‘cheap
money.” Every dollar we have ever
had cost us a full hundred cents, and if
there is any way of getting it for less it
would be a blessing, for all of us, to
know how it is done.
~—At last the plumber has had to
take the back seat and the summer re-
sort land-lord is having his inning. The
summer girl is again resplendent in her
pretty gown and down at the “Shore
“everything goes.” Nothing faster
than the savings of the ten dollar
a week clerk.
— ANDREW CARNEGIE has succeeded
in proving himself a consummate fool at
last. Perhaps he imagines that by ad-
vising the annexation of the United
States to Great Britain that it will be
done and he will straightway be a Lord
of America also. Oh no! ANDY you
can’t work such a game on us.
— FREDERICK M. BIRD a writer on
social economy enquires “Is human
life overvalued ?”’—If he had compared
the amount of work done by our last
Legislature with the pay it received, he
never would have asked the question.
He would have known that an affirma-
tive could be the only answer.
—MuRraT HALSTEAD’S declaration
that the Democrats “have not found out
what to do with the silver” sounds like
self condemnation. Surely he knows
who threw the silver question in the
way of the administration, and his state-
ment makes it look as if the SHERMAN
bill is only a Republican scheme to em-
barrass the Democracy at the risk of
governmental welfare.
~The frightful accident in which so
many of the government employees lost
their lives in Washington last week was
one of the saddest to be recorded in the
country’s history for many years. It is
difficult to place the blame for the disas-
ter in any particular place, nevertheless
it seems strange that after the old Ford
theater had been condemned so often
some concern was not taken for the wel-
fare of these who had to make their liy-
ing within its walls.
—The interest which Lizzie Bor-
DEN’S trial has already aroused has al-
most equaled that taken in the trial of
the late CARLYLE HARRIS. Such un-
usual attention, as has been drawn to
these cases recently, can only ' be ex-
plained by the hope that our people are
becoming better and more intelligent
readers and having the faculties to form
their own conclusions, anxiously await
the verdict of the jury in which to see
‘the accuracy of their judgment.
EE —
“VOL. 38.
BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 16, 1898. ©
NO. 24.
Hypocritical Patriots.
Hypocrisy can exist in the profes.
sion of patriotism as well as in the pro-
fession of religion, and there is no mis-
take in saying that a great many hypo-
critical patriots may be found in this
country. They may he seen most nu-
merously among those who pose as the
particular friends of the old eoldiers and
the especial worshipers of the flag.
On such occasions as Decoration Day
they even surpass the veterans in their
homage to the departed herces, whose
graves are decked with the emblems of
grateful remembrance, and such is
their paraded devotion to the flag of
their country, that they would have
the stars and stripes flying from every
school house and public building
throughout the length and breadth of
the land.
When such extremely patriotic char-
acters as these are minutely examined,
it is generally found that their motives
have a selfish origin, and their purpose
is to make their patriotism pay. As-
sured friendship for the soldiers, and
devotion to the flag, have proved to be
such effective and profitable political
factors since the war, that it is not sur-
prising that so large a number of Re-
publican politicians, and party leaders,
constitute this class of hypocritical pa-
We are led to these remarks by the
fuss which some Republican newspa-
pers have tried to make about Presi:
dent CLEVELAND being ou a shooting
expetition on Decoration Day, when
they say, he should have been taking
part in the commemorative ceremonies
of the occasion: They contrast his
conduct with that of BeNyaMiN Har-
RISON, who was always prominent in
such demonstrations.
This criticism comports with the Re-
publican practice of using shoddy pa-
triotism, as part of its political stock in
trade. It ignores the fact that the true
patriot at the head of the government
is found not in him who postures as
the decorator of soldiers’ graves, but in
him who aims to so conduct his ad-
ministration that the interest of the
many shall not be sacrificed for the
benefit of the few ; whose care is to
protect the revenue of the government
from the pillage of public peculators,
and who dedicates his efforts to pre-
serve the government of the people for
the benefit of the people and not for the
profit of favored interests and protec:
ted classes, the monopolists, the trust
manipulators, and the pension sharks.
It is in such a role as this, that the
true patriot is embodied in the chief
magistrate of the nation.
Bensayin Harrison in his Presi-
dential capacity, posturing at the sol-
diers grave, mav impress the suscepti
ble public mind with the appearance
of devotion to the memory of those who
died on the battle field, but of little
avail would have been their dying
for a country that had nothing
else in store for it, than the
plundering policy ot Harrisonian ad-
GROVER CLEVELAND may not pose as
a participant in the proceedings of
Decoration Day, but he will not allow
the government to be robbed if he can
prevent it; he will, to the extent of his
ability, correct abuses that have en-
abled monopolistic combinations to eat
up the substance of the people ; he will
set his face against practices that have
converted governmental administra-
tions into a system of barbarism ; he
will show a higher regard for the sol-
diers, by keeping deserters, bounty
jumpers and maligners from being
associated with them oan the pension
rolls, and by preventing the sharks
from getting an undue share of the
pension fund.
These services, to which Grover
CLEVELAND is pledged and which he is
disposed to carry out, represents a tru-
er and more substautial patriotism,
than that which is expressed by partic-
ipation in Decoration Day parades.
By such service is shown a greater rev-
erence for the soldiers who died to pre-
serve the government, and a higher ap-
preciation of what they achieved, than
is displayed by the floral offerings of
hypocritical patriots actuated by polit-
ical motives,
—There has. not been a cyclone in
Kansas or Ohio for the past ten days.
Foraxkr and INGALLS are evidently
taking a rest.
Calling for Protection Against their
Own Acts.
It is a significant commentary on the
effects of Republican legislation, and
the general result of Republican rule
that within three months after that
party had gone out of power, its news-
paper organs are denouncing a Demo-
cratic administration for not taking pre-
cipitate action to relieve the country
from the financial difficulty in which it
is found at the end of a Republican
administration. The monetary situa-
tion is greatly deranged; business is
hampered by the stringent condition
of the finances; gold is. rapidly going
out of the country ; confidence is so im-
paired that banks and business firms
needing money to meet their obliga-
tions cannot obtain it from the custo-
mary sources; the creditor class is ur-
gent for payment and the debtor class
is being pushed to the wall, with bank
failures and individual bankruptcies as
results of their financial disorder. In
this embarrassing situation the Repub-
lican organsare clamoring for the Dem-
ocratic President to do something that
may bring relief, and they are abusing
him for not rushing such measures as
they seem to think would be efficacious
in the emergency. i
But it may be asked, what occasion
is there for this clamor for relief ?
What is the situation that so greatly
needs assistance? The Republicans
talk as if a condition exists that is the
fault of the Democrats, and yet the
Democratic administration has had
scarcely time to do more than assume
the control of the government. There
is not a single Democratic law, or act
of policy in operation, that could eftect
the financial condition or business sit-
uation. Every measure affecting the
finances and influencing the business
channels—the monetary policy, the tar-
iff acts, the general trade regulations
that have been ib operation for vears,
and arestill in operation, are of Repub-
lican origin, and when the organs of
that party, under such circumstances,
demand President CLEVELAND to
furnish relief, they present the extraor-
dinary spectacle of party organs solic-
iting an opposite party to correct the
evils of their own ‘party rule.
It is now generally charged, and as
generally believed, that the cause of the
present monetary disorder and busi-
ness embarassment is the Sherman Sil-
ver-purchasing act. That this is the
root of the trouble, is admitted by most
Republicans who are condemning Pres-
ident CLEVELAND for not calling Con-
gress together to répeal that act, and
for not issuing bonds whereby gold
may be secured to supply that which
is being forced out of the country by
the operation of the Sherman act. But
is not the silver purchasing policy a
matter exclusively of Republican devis-
ing, originating with the foremost of
Republican financiers, John Sherman,
passed by a Republican Congress, and
signed by a Republican President?
Such being the fact, the censure of Presi-
dent CLEVELAND from a Republican
source for notimmediately taking meas-
ures to correct the evil effects of the
Sherman law, is an anomaly such as
never before made its appearance in
politics, amounting to a confession on
the part of the Republicans that their
legislation needs Democratic correction.
——A sample of Pacific coast enter-
prise is furnished in the Columbian
edition of the San Francisco Ezvaminer,
which consists of 120 pages, being the
largest newspaper ever published. In
addition to the ordinary news from all
parts of the globe, this number gives
an interesting aud intelligent history
of every conceivable interest and indus:
try in California; an account of the
successes that have been attained—the
opportunities that are offered, the beau-
‘ties and promises of the State, and in
‘fact 'a mass of information that one
would fail to find, were he to hunt
through all the publications that have
ever been issued, relating to that State.
It is a wonderful edition of a great
——It took the HArrisON Adminis:
tration with its high tariff ideas, ite fa-
voritism for trusts, and its fraudulent
pension decision, ‘four ‘years to
‘bring about the financial afflictions we
are now suffering. It is not to be ex-
pected that a Democratic Administra
tion can cure these evils in as many
months, Let the people have patience
and courage, and all will be well,
An Injurious Instrumentality.
Ivis a fact that many ought to re
gret that the reputation of the “Grand
Army of the Republic,” has been seri-
ously damaged. As an institution it
was started apparently for a good pur
pose, its object having been to associ-
ate the surviving veterans of the late
war for their mutual benefit, for the
maintenance of a fraternal feeling
among them, and for the cultivation
of patriotic sentiment.
As good an object as this seemed to
be, there were thoughtful men who
were by no means satisfied that such
an organization was calculated to be of
benefit to the country. They saw in it
an instrumentality that could be put to
a harmful use. It was not difficult for
them to detect in its composition the
plastic material out of which designing
leaders could construct a political ma.
chine, The veterans went into an or-
ganization with the best intentions, bat
it was evident from the start that par-
ties, whose motives did not originate
from a sentiment of patriotism, were
in the movement for a selfish purpose.
‘By placing themselves at the head of
it, designing leaders had no difficulty
in giving it a direction that served the
ends of the politician and the pension
speculator, and through this influence
the Grand Army has not only become
a powerful political instrumentality,
but has been debased to the character
ofa machine for getting pensions.
There is no injustice in charging it
with being perverted to those unworthy
objects. The average membership of
the organization may not be responsi-
ble for it; they may believe that their
order is conducted upon the most patri-
otic principles, but it is the leadership
that in such organizations directs the
policy, and there is no mistaking the
fact that from taking its very start, the
leaders have worked in the interest of
the Republican party, and made the
Grand Army a powerful agency in Re-
publican politics.
[t also cannot be denied that it has
been the policy of the leaders of the G.
A. R. to make the organization an in-
strument for the promotion of an ex-
travagant pension system. For this
purpose at every Presidential election
influences have been brought to bear
that have ranged the Grand Army
vote on the side of the political party
that favored unlimited pensions; and
the moving spirits of this policy, in
close association with the G. A. R.
“leaders, are found to be the pension
agents who have managed to enrich
themselves by a system of plunder car-
ried on under the cover of a patriotic
That this has become the fixed poli-
cy of the organization is shown by the
manner in which its authorities have
treated the Noan L. FaArNaAM Post of
New York city. That Post made a
manly protest against reckless and
extravagant pension legislation, and
for this action it was held by the au-
thorities to have committed an offense
that called for its suspension. It was
guilty of no act of patriotism ; it com.
mitted no offense against the flag;
nothing derogatory to the honor of the
country, and nothing that would reflect
upon the credit and honor of true sol-
diers. The FarnmaM Post's offense
consisted in protesting against pension
legislation that was filling the roll of
pensioners with unworthy claimants,
enabling the pension sharks to revel
in the spoils of the Treasury, and im pos-
ing unnecessary expense upon the
American people. This wasthe infrac-
tion of Grand Army discipline and de-
parture from its policy, that drew down
upon the FARNHAM Post the severe sen-
tence of suspension. Similar punish-
ment was inflicted upon the Washing-
ton Post of New York, it having been
silenced as a body for passing resolu-
tions deprecating pension frauds.
By adopting such a course as this
those who are at the head of the G. A.
R. have verified the fears entertained
at the time of its origination, that ite
original purpose would be, perverted, !
and that under the direction of design-
ing men it would degenerate into an in-
jurious instrumentality. It long ago
gave evidence of the extent to which it |"
could be used as a political machine,
and has now become the champion and
main support of the greatest system of
plunder that a heavily taxed people
were ever subjected to.
Righting a Wrong Rule,
From the Philadelphia Record.
In conversation yesterday with Con-
gressman Henderson, of North Carolina,
who was chairman of the Post Office
Committee of the last House of Repre-
sentatives, Postmaster General Bissell
announced that the rule requiring
charges to be preferred in order to se-
cure the removal of fourth-class post.
masters would henceforth apply only in
those cases in which the imcumbents
is somewhat broader than those hereto-
fore laid down by the Postmaster Gen-
eral ; ard will doubtless be resented by
the opposition organs as *‘another Dem-
ocratic outrage.” Yet there was ample
warrant for the new rule in the reason
assigned by Mr. Bissell —the amount of
time consumed in investigating the
charges. And even with this freer
swing Mr. Maxwells ax cannot hope to
break the record of decapitations estab-
lished by the late Administration. But
it will no doubt, do the best it can ; and
this is all that could in reason be ex-
pected of it.
Pensions Frauds.
From the Philadelphia Item.
‘The loose construction of pension
laws recently in vogue and the lax ad:
ministration of the laws as construed,
seem to have put a premium: on pen-
sion frauds and brought organized
gangs of pension swindlers into exis-
tence. A gang of trafficersin pensions
has just been ferreted out in Iowa by
an honest pension examiner, and an-
other is being overhauled. it is stated,
in New Mexico. The cases recently
unearthed 10 Norfolk are in point.
All go to show the necessity of a pub-
lication of the pension lists, 80 that every
neighborhood will be able to assist the
government in exposing frauds. The
pension roll should be a roll of honor.
Crazy Planks in the Platform.
From the New York times.
We are glad that Lawrence and
Delano were permitted to insert their
crazy doctrine in the Ohio platform.
The acceptance of it by the convention
brings clearly before the people once
more the greatest absurdity of McKin-
leyism in the wool schedule and di-
rects attention again to the intellectual
calibre of the tariff cranks in Ohio
who have had their way with the wool
duties for many years.
There Must be Something in the Wind.
From the Pittsburg Times.
What is the matter with Chicago
anyhow ? Peaceful, law abiding citi-
zens, deacons in churches and quiet
matrons no sooner breathe its atmos-
phere than they develop most pugna-
cious traits and figurativly fly at each
others’ throats whenever they happen
to undertake anything connected with
the World's Fair. The music in
Paderewski’s soul turned to arrant dis-
cord and Thomas was only saved as
by fire from ignominious disaster.
Why Not Tell The Truth.
From the Williamsport Sun.
There has been some criticsm, unjust
and unwise, of the administration be-
cause of the recent outflow of gold.
Why not state the facts? Under
Harrison's administration the net loss
of gold to the United States by export
was $122,624,000, and the free gold
was reduced from $97,874,422, to $987,-
000. Under President Cleyeland’s
former term the net gain in gold im-
ports was $54,772,000.
A Monopoly Might Have Saved Them.
From the Providence Journal.
It was a shot which was fired with
true aim for the British counsel to inti-
mate that we are taking better care of
the seals than of the buffaloes. When
the same gentleman said that if the buf-
faloes had been protected by a monopoly
we would have taken better cars of them
he spoke another suggestive truth.
There are good reasons for wishing the
buffaloes had been preserved.
a ———————————
‘The Exigencies of Politics,
From the Boston Herald.
It 1s only a fortnight ago that Gov-
ernor McKinley came out with a
pointed rebuke to those people who
sought to make a political issue out
of the présent financial situation.
Now he turns about and is guilty of
the same offense himself. The exigen-
cies of politics make queer transforma-
tions sometimes.
How Would it Do.
From the Indianapolis Sentinel.
Our Republican friends are talking
about the wrong of putting a tax on
the breakfast table, referring to sugar.
How would it do to put it on the in-
terest table ? There are some features
of an income tax that would make it a
genuine source of pleasure to a great
many people.
A Serious Question.
From the New York World.
Members of the new Congress are
not so strongly in favor of an income
tax as they will be when their consti-
| tuents fully realize the nature of the
. alternative. The question is, Will
| Congress tax every man's breakfast
table or the income of the rich ?
bad not served for four years. This rule
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Nazareth will shine under electricity.
—Birds are stealing a large portion of York
County's green cherries.
—Charles Salyards, the Carlisle murderer,
refuses to see preachers.
—Robert Ruane was drowned in the Sus-
quehanna River as Pittston.
—Illness caused Isaac F. inley, a Scranton
carpenter, to commit suicide.
—Strikers at Patterson Colliery surrendered
and will work at the company’s terms,
—All Pottstown turned out Saturday to see
the first trolley cars run through the streets.
—John A. Good rescued young Norman Hart
and Charles Schaeffer from drowning at Read-
—Fifty-four members of the Baltimore
Coal Exchange are inspecting at Potts-
—Hereafter Reading policemen must always
wear the uniform on the street when off
—Delaware County’s Grand J. ury interview.
ed the leper, John Anderson, at fifty yards
—Farm hand John Johnson hanged himself
in a barn in New Hanover, Montgomery
—Mrs. Huddleston, a wealthy lady of Ben.
Aven, was arrested recently on a charge of
—David 8. Stern, one of the most prominent
and prosperous merchants of Altoona, died on
last Saturday.
—The plant of the McKeesport Gas company
was burned to the ground, Saturday afternoon.
Loss, $10,000.
—James Lake, of Wyoming borough, com-
mitted suicide Friday by shooting himself
through the heart.
—Cramps overcame Rassario Casarto, a
young Italian laborer in swimming at Reading
and he was drowned.
—Thirty firms in Pittsburg each do a busi.
ness of over $1,000,000 a year, Carnegie leading
with nearly $10,000,000.
—Because her horse frightened ata car,
Mary Yingst, of Lebanon, hassuad a street
railway for $10,000 damages.
—A fall of coal in Maple Hill Colliery, Shen-
andoah, dangerously crushed there miners,
Burke, Jones and Polasky.
—Mrs. M: O. Toole, of New Castle, recently
found her daugeter, all traces of whom had
been lost for twenty-five years.
—From injuries received in trying to board
a Pennsylvania train at Lancaster, John Doyle,
of Albany, N: Y., died yes terday.
—Two trolley cars collided on a dark street
in Chester, sunday night, and sixteen persons
were injured, some of them seriously,
—Within three weeks death has taken
three members of the family of Anthony
Scott, of Bristol township, Bucks County.
—Williamsport is prosperous. The total
output of 1892 was $12,405,800, the amount in-
vested $8,309,3000 and 6,205 hands employed.
—On Saturday Carnegie’s Homestead mill
paid out the semi-monthly wages —8§120,000—
the largest sum in the history of that com_
—Friday, a railroad wreck occurred on the
Pennsylvania betwween Braddock and Turtle
Creek in which two men were crushed to
—Unsecured creditors, whose claims
amount to $150,000, asked for a receiver for
Godfrey & Clarke, the paper manufacturers, of
—The Hibernian Fire Company, of Allen-
town, won first prize at Frederick, Md., ata
State convention, for rapid handling of engine
and hose.
—Governor Pattison has ordered a pardon
for Charles Leeseh, of Philadelphia, convicted
of illegally selling liquor in Montgomery
—Samuel Finburg, of Scranton, shot and
killed himself Sunday. He had been in ill
health for some time and his mind had be-
come unbalanced.
—The second floor of the dye house of
Lilly’s mill at Chester, collapsed Sunday, bug
as the employes were not at work on that day
no one was injured.
—Five squares of the city of Lancaster are to
be paved with'vitrified brick as an experimen t,
and there is talk of using a brick manufactur-
ed in Clearfield county.
—In a wreck on the Lebanon branch of the
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad at Sheri-
dan 27 freight cars were smashed and mer-
chandise demolished.
—John Doyle, of Athens, N.Y., was killed
at Lancaster by fallicg under the cars on the
Pennsylvania road. He was drunk at the
time of the accident.
—Maulligan Spain, an alleged burglar, in at-
tempting to escape at Douglassville on a train
had a leg cut oft and the officer in pursuit
found him in the hospital.
—The Reading Railroad Company's = cold
storage dams at Tumbling Run, Schuylkill
County have been drawn off, and fish have
been gathered by the tubful .
—The members of the board of primaries of
the recent elections in Springffeld township,
Northumberland county, have been arrested,
charged with making false returns,
—A fine seam of coal was struck at the
Decatur shafc near Osceola on Thursday, at
the depth of 325 feet slope. The projectors
are (o be congratulated on their find.
—The Maritime Publishing Company, of
Philadelphia, capital $10,000, and the Oakland
Water Company, of Philadelphia, capital $1000,
were chartered at Harrisburg Monday.
—Charles Moyer, of Gregg township, Union
county, is 77 years of age, but neve rtheless,
one day last week he split 175 fence rails and
in one day in April he sowed 25 bushels of
wheat. t
—The new Wabash system of railroads which
is being constructed by capitalists in the
western part of the state will extend from
Steubenville to Pittsburg and then north to
Lake Erie in this state.
—A number of the wrecked wagons be-
longing to Main’s circus, which have been un-
dergoing repairs in the company shops at
Altoona, were turned over to the proprietor on
Saturday last ready for service again.
—Harry Kiel, a ten-year-old boy who had
been missing from his home in Ashland for.
several days, was found Saturday in a hear-by
woods dead, with a bullet hole through his
head. There is no clue to the murderer.
—0On Tuesday at Madera a man named John
Kerin was killed by a passing train. He had
just emerged from a drinking place, and at-
tempting to cross the track was struck by the
engine. He lived about an hour after the ae-
i -