Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 19, 1893, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
— As tiine rolls on the hopeful office
seeker finds himself farther and farther
away from the coveted goal.
—Think of PADERWESKI’S carrying
off $180,000 of our good money and the
barbers never got a cent of it.
—The Anti-PINKERTON bill passed
the Senate finally on Tuesday. We sup-
pose Mr. CARNEGIE will hear of it in
due time.
—--A near by exchange remarks that
“boys will be boys.” We don’t doubt
it a bit. Itis hardly probable that they
will be girls.
—The State Legislature is going to
try its hand at damming the Deleware
river. The tax payers have long since
done as much for the Legislature.
—The Spanish Infanta EULALIE is
coining over to see us soon and the old
hens about Washington are having a
great time figuring out what “‘etiket”
demands of them.
— What is to become of the frayed
out and busted theatrical manager when
the metallic rail-road bed on which cat-
tle cannot walk materializes. Last
week’s Scientific American thinks it is
not far distant,
—The PENRcSE bill would perhaps
get a boost if its supporters would junk-
et the Legislature out to Cincinnati to
see the city hall wkich that city has
just completed at a cost of only a million
and a half dollars.
—If Superintendent Stump had just
ruled against female idiots leaving this
country when he ruled against the en-
try of idiots of both sexes there would
be less of our good money carried
abroad to be bartered for titles.
—Notwithstanding the fact the Fair
was not opened on Sunday eighteen
thousand people visited the wild west
show near the grounds on the last Sab-
bath. There must be something very
woolly over the eyes of Chicago law and
order societies.
--The Williamsport Republican is of
the opinion that if the Exclusion act is
rigidly enforced China will retaliate by
running Americans out of the Empire.
As most of our residents in the Orient
are working wholly for glory they won’t
lose much if the pigtails make them fly.
—The condition ot the weather has
taken a serious turn at Chicago. The
bleak cold days that have been exper-
ienced ever since the opening of the
Fair are discouraging to the managers.
Instead of doing things up brown as
they expected. Visitors are invariable
—Just when the Fair has gotten a
really good move on some one has gone
and started a report that another gold
bonanza is waiting for some one to snap
it up out at Baker City, Oregon. It is
really too bad that they don’t give Chi-
cago right of way for a little while at
— What a journal like the Philadel-
phia Record means by dragging the sa-
cred domestic affairs of the first lady of
the land into print we are ata loss to
know. How it or any other paper can
parade Mrs. CLEVELAND'S condition
before the people and call it news is a
question not easily answered.
—The Republican attempts to dis-
tort the BAKER ballot law from its orig-
inal purpose of giving the people hon-
est elections, perhaps finds much of its
cause in the fear of a kind of fate which
was dished out to the three election offi-
cers in Philadelphia last week. They
falsified returns and are now in jail for
three months.
—Commencement time for our Uni-
versities and Colleges is near at hand.
It won’t be long until a flood of - young
men and women are shipped home with
a roll of sheep skin under their arms,
And it won’t be long until fond parents
find out that their children have laarn-
ed more(?) in four years schooling than
they have found out in their whole
life time.
—The Philadelphia Zoological Gar-
den Association is in a strained financial
condition and has appealed to the city
for help. Its managers bave found out
that it costs money even to doa monkey
business. Perhaps there isn’t enough
lion in the Zoo’s advertisements to at- |
tract the crowds that
the pretty spot at the entrance to Fair- |
mount park.
—The GEARY law is constitutional
and all the Chinese who have not regis-
tered must go. If the United States resi-
dents in China, most of whom are mis-
sioniaries, are run out of the Orient
forthwith there will be little wonder.
The Bible says the millenium will not
come until the gospel has been preached
in all quarters of the earth, hence it
will be in order for some of our verdant
western congressmen to come forward
with the claim that the 520d Congress
has given sinner’s another show by pas-
sing the GEARY law and postponing the
day of judgment.
one time visited !
VOL. 38.
NO. 20.
The Chinese Must Register.
Since the Geary law went into ef-
fect, on May 5th, there has been con-
siderable conjecture as to its constitu-
tionality. The agents of Chinese resi-
dents in this country claiming that it
is an unlawful discrimination against
the pig wailed celestials to require them
to register and have their pictures tak-
en for the purpose ot identification.
The Supreme court of the United
States, on Monday, delivered itself of
an opinion which sustains the decree
of the lower court of New York on a
test case brought before it and now all
Chinamen must either comply with the
law or expect to suffer the con-
“Justice GrAY, in announcing judg-
ment of the court, said that the power
ot this nation to restrict or prohibit the
immigration of any aliens into the
country, or to require such aliens al-
ready in the country to remove there-
from, was a well settled principle of
international law and was confirmed
by an unbroken line of decisions in
this court. The legislative power of
the government had not transcended
any of its constitutional limitations in
the act under consideration. It was
within its power to determine the reg-
ulations under which these aliens
should be permitted to remain in the
United States, or failing to observe
these regulations, they should be re
quired to leave the country. No dis-
cussing the wisdom or justice of the
act in question which was beyond the
province of the branch of the
government. Justice GraY said it re-
mained only to say that the judgment
of the circuit court for the southern
district of New York in refusing to
grant writs of habeas corpus to several
petitioners was affirmed.”
The Geary law, which requires all
Chinamen, resident in the United States,
to register with the Revenue collectors |
of the Districts in which they reside
and to leave their photographs for
purposes of identification, was passed
in 1892. It can uot be called an ob-
noxious measure because there is really
nothing burdensome required ot those
who come under its mandates, the fact
being that the U. S. officials will find
it hardest upon themselves
Chinese attempt to evade it. Yet the
Chinamen claim, and to our mind
rightfully, that the law is a gross in- |
justice to their race because of its dis- |
crimination against it.
ing them under the ban of such an act
as the Geary bill it fixesas a punish-
ment for its violation a deportation
from the country. Just what right
the United States government has to
ship people out of the country after 1t
Las invited them here, under the
guarantee of good faith, very few
people of good sense are able to
comprehend. It is in violation
of the international agreement guar-
anteeing subjects of the Emperor
of China rights equal to those of the
most favored nation. And as such
will surely be met with retaliatory
legislation in China. The question as
to which country would lose most in
such an event has no bearing whatever
on the case, vet we fear that its care-
ful consideration would prove the United
States to be a beneficiary of friendly
relations with China.
Mr. GEARY, the author of the law, is
a Californian, and as such has had an
excellent opportunity to study the
Chinese question, since most of the
one hundred and seven thousand
chinamen, resident in our country, are
inhabitanis of the Golden State. In
defending his measure he has gone in-
to elaborate details as to the customs
of the Chinese and their effects upon
“communities which they infest.” His
being, however,
; that it is time to begin legislation tend-
| principal argument
| ing to restrict immigration, While we
: heartily agree with Mr. Geary that it
{is time to begin legislation restricting
| immigration, we cannot but deplore
| the seeming cowardice of this attack
fon the most helpless and inoffensive
class of newcomers.
| There may be many faults to find
| with the the Chinese, but are there not
“equally as many with the hordes of
"thugs, paupers, anarchists, socialists
“and other liberty destroying elements
"that come from other shores? If the
time for restrictive legislation has come
why not treat all alike? Instead of dis-
if the
While bring- s OME press |
‘order in the financial situation is easily
| understood, and the absurdity of charg-
criminating against a class among
whom the United States does not
know a pauper let there be a general
law made which will stop the flow of
undesirable immigrants from all na-
tions which is flooding our shores with
such awful portend. Have we the
man in Congress who has the courage
to lead the way ?
An Embarrassing Inheritance.
There is something worse than ridic-
ulous in the charge made by the Re-
publicans that the present administra-
tion is responsible for the unsatisfac-
tory condition of the national finances,
and that the disturbed state of the
money market is chargeable to some-
thing that has been done, or left un-
done, by the authorities at Washington.
Public intelligence treats such a
charge with the contempt it deserves,
and easily traces it to its partisan inten-
tion. False presentations can not mis-
lead the public mind in so plain a mat-
ter, forit is obvious to all that noth-
ing has been doue since the advent of
the CLEVELAND admipistration that
could effect the condition of the finan-
ces, and that it present disorders are
the result of past causes, those causes
are to be found in previous Republican
legislation and policy. There is no
excuse for ignorance that does not
know that the financial trouble of the
present period has been inherited by
this administration from the pernicious
action and misconduct of its Republi-
can predecessor.
No other part of that embarrassing
inheritance has worse present effects
in disturbing the financial situation
than the SHERMAN silver-purchasing
act, This act, which is now draining
the money market of its gold, and
causing the disordered condition of af-
fairs, is one of the troublesome legacies
which Republican policy has entailed
upon the CLEVELAND administration.
It is admittedly the cause of the pres
ent financial disturbance. That it is
of Republican origin cannot be denied.
Its author, JoHN SHERMAN, was not
only a Republican, but stood highest
in devising and directing Republican
financial policies. It was passed by
Republican votes in Congress and ap-
proved by a Republican President.
When an effort was made to repeal it
at the last session, there were enough
' Republican voles to prevent the re-
| peal.
The process by which this SHERMAN
act has brought about the present dis-
ing the administration with it is too
obvious to make any other impression
upon the public mind than that of con-
tempt. Since this Republican act went
into operation in 1890 the Secretaries
of the Treasury have been compelled
to buy every month 4,500,000 ounces
of Silver. There is no demand or ne-
cessity on the part of the government
for this metal, but it is obliged to buy
it in order that the bonanza silver
mines may have a ready market for
their product. There could not be a
demand for this amount of silver in
the general markets of the world, and
so it is dumped upon Uncle Saw, at
good prices, and having no use for it
whatever, he is compelled to store it
away asa useless commodity. This
silver is paid for with notes which the
receivers exchange for gold at the
Treasury. By this system the govern-
ment has been buying one hundred and
forty tons of silver a month, for which
it has paid gold, and which has been
sheer dead stock on its hands so far as
its utilization of this metal is con-
It is not difficult to comprehend how
this drain on the gold resources of the
government has impaired the gold re
serve that must be kept on hand to
maintain the public credit, and the
financial disorders that must result
from such a state of affairs are ob
Such has been the effect of the Suan
MAN silver bill, a strictly Republican
measure, and to blame the CrLeveLaxp
administration with the difficulty re-
sulting from it is the perfection of Re-
publican misrepresentation.
——How does the weather suit you?
We know of one man who is eyidently
pleased with it, and be is the prognos-
ticator, Rev. Irr. Hiok’s, who has been
hitting it with remarkable accuracy
during the entire winter and epring.
Mr. Hicks would make us all happier
if he would prescribe a little heat now
and then.
Encourage the Little Business Under-
The value of small industrial estab-
lishments to a community is being seen
with a greater degree of certainty every
day. With a pumber of establish-
ments employing irom ten to fifty men
a town almost invariably enjoys great-
er prosperity than if it depends on a
business activity founded on one gigau-
tic enterprise. .
In the first place many small manu-
factories, of whatever kind they may
be, will run, as a whole, with decided-
ly greater regularity than one or two
large ones will. They will employ a
larger percentage of skilled operatives,
thus aggregating a larger pay roll.
They will look for more encourage-
ment {rom home consumers and in
this way advance a co-operative sys-
tem in a community, and, finally, if one
of them should, as the result of poor
management, fail the suspension would
be felt by a less number of people and
the whole community would not suffer
as would be the case when it depended
on a single mammoth enterprise which
had been forced to suspend operations.
These facts, it will be seen, clearly
demonstrate the superior advantages
accruing from the lesser plants, that is
if there are enough of them. While
we do not intend to convey the im-
pression that large industries are not
good for a community yet we hope to
show the necessity and future profit in
lending a helping hand to the modest
beginner: Otten the plant which be-
gins operations with one or two opera-
tives grows into gigantic proportions
and proves the life of a community.
The little ones must be fostered and
taken care of. They are always on the
move and are never disturbed by labor
dissensions and seldom by the strin-
gency of the money market. Always
look after them and your interest will
find its reward.
A —————
There Will Always be a Supply of Fools.
Every day some new evidence is
brought forward to proclaim that the
fools are not all dead yet. The light
ving rod swindler, the oily tongued
vender of soap wrapped up in a five
dollar bills, and the “green goods”
man is still abroad in the land. The
very fact of their existence being con-
clusive proof that dupes are still to be
found, for that class of men are not
doing business either for glory or pleas-
ure and the instant they find no more
victims they are going to shut up
Often as the newspapers have warn-
ed people not to have anything to do
with “slick” strangers who show(?)
them the way to big paying invest-
ments there still appears to be as large
a number of ‘suckers’ being caught as
ever. The latest attempt of the poor
souls is to beat swindlers at their own
game. Itis needless to state how
such ventures pan out and the man
who imagines he is going to take
something from the “gold brick” deal-
er, or any of his confreres in business,
might just as well make up his mind
that he had better let well enough
alone and simply ignore any of the
“get rich quick” propositions that are
now being scattered broadcast.
The experience of the HorrNER
brothers, of Steelton, Pa., who are now
in prison, in Brooklyn, charged with
the murder of a “green goods’ man
with whom theyfought, while negotia-
ting for some of his conuterfeit money»
should be a lesson to everyone. When
they went to Brooklyn to buy the stuff
they thought they could beat the agent
at his own game, the result being that
a quarrel ensued in which they shot
him. While the HoerNer brothers
were unfortunate, yet they will find
very little sympathy for had they kept
away from such dishonest business
they would be free men to day.
-—- The State law makers are still
juggling with the Baker ballot bill
and unless they get down to work there
will be nothing accomplished toward
remedying the defects which were
found in the working of the law as it
was first passed. There is no doubt
that the passage of the bill as amend-
ed in the Senate would practically rob
the system ot all its good points and
pave the way to as corrupt elections as
we had before it was introduced, but
the Honse committee has refused to
approve the bill as amended in the
Senate and there is likely to be trouble.
It will be far better to leave the pres-
ent measure etand for another year
than to destroy all its good qualities.
Experience Has Proven it Harmful to
the Republican Party, Is it There-
fore Dishonest?
From the Philadelphia Times.
The House committee on elections
has amended the Senate ballot bill so as
to remedy the chief defects of the pres-
ent law, including the double system of
marking ballots. ~ It should be reported
and passed on a special order and sent
back to the Senate for concurrence or
for the action of a conference commit-
tee. There is no time to be lost, but
there is plenty of time to act upon this,
which is one of the most important
measures of the session.
Let the House act promptly and meet
both the popular demand and the popu-
lar expectation upon the subject. An
honest ballot law will not injure any
honest party or honest candidate.
Election laws, as well as all others,
should promote honesty and offer pen-
alties and not premiums for dishonesty.
Give the people an honest ballot law
before adjournment.
Ri ———————
Keep Them on the Move.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer (Rep.)
Only twenty-five fourth-class post-
masters, not included in the list of “‘died
or resigned,” were made to walk the
piank yesterday, but some of those who
‘‘resigned’’ felt the boot of reform in
the vicinity of their coat tails before
they made up their minds to go. In
this way the gentle average is maintain-
ed. Inthe Treasury department Sec-
retary CARLISLE has hurled defiance at
the Mugwumps by instituting the prac-
tice of posting up a list of those who are
to be kicked out. This enables them to
prepare for their own funerals as
it were. Everything considered, the
sacred cause can’t be said to be dead ex-
actly. Itstill lingers--Somewhat dis-
figured, it is true—but it lingers.
ns ——————————————————
It Should be So.
From the Altoona Times.
Those southern negroes who belong to
the Democratic party may have views
on the question of who shall fill the
offices that will not please Republicans,
at the present time anxious fof civil ser-
vice reform, but their logic 18 fair
enough to commend itself to the ap-
Prove) of a Democratic administration.
hey believe that they are deserving of
recognition and that the men who have
been active in the denunciation and op-
position of the Democracy for years
should be turned out of their snug
berths and made to give room for the
faithful. We trust that their desires
may be realized. ;
Vandals After Gettysburg.
From the New York Tribune.
The authorities of Gettysburg who
have allowed a railroad company to
play havoc with the great battle-field
are receiving what they have richly
earned—a large measure of popular
condemnation. It is a mercy that they
are not the custodians of the Declaration
of Independence, for it might occur to
them to sell it for waste paper to some
insinuating junk-dealer. The sugges-
tion has been made that the whole
Gettysburg battle-field be turned into a
national park. At all events it ought
to be protected from vandals.
Making An Ass of Himself,
From the York Gazette.
The newspapers have “sized up”
Gov. Pennoyer with great accuracy.
Toe Philadelphia Record says:
There seems to be some slight differ-
ence of opinion among the newspapers
as to the proper characterization ot
Governor Pennoyer, of Oregon. The
Baltimore American calls him a curi-
osity ; the New York World describes
him as a boor; the New York Tribune
says he is a blackguard. They are all
right. Mr. Pennoyer is ambidextrous;
he can make an ass of himself with
both hands.
The Army of Pensioners.
From the Buffalo Courier.
“I don’t think it’s stretching the fact
at all to say that the present list and the
list of applicants for pensions exceed the
total number of persons engaged in ser-
vice on the Union side,” says General
Martin McMahon in an interview in
the New York Zimes. What would
the people have said if, when the army
was being raised, they had been told
that they would be expected to pension
the whole army for life at a cost which
may exceed the total cost of the war ?
a —————————=————=————
It Must Have Done Something Naugh-
From the Lebanon Star.
The Shakespeare plays were produced
about three hundred years ago and they
have been written about and analyzed
until it would seem that there is nothing
new to be found. But there is. A New
York journal has discovered that the
Macbeth family kept a dog known by
the common name of*Spot,”” for does
not Lady Macbeth say “Out d—-d
it Takes American Lawyers to do Such
From the Williamsport Times.
Sir Charles Russell lost his temper
during his argument before the Beh-
ring sea arbitration commission
Thursday. The attorney general of
England must be pretty sharply press-
ed by the American lawyers to so far
loose his dignity.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Diphtiheria has again broken out in Easton
with great virulence.
—Berks County farmers are raising chest-
nuts for food purposes.
—A mine wagon in a Treverton colliery
crushed to death John Wagner.
—There is a fight about the site of Carneg-
ie’s proposed library at Homestead.
—1In the home of John Schultz, at Tarentum
was found $2000 worth of stolen goods.
—The flea plague in Lancaster County is
disappearing as rapidly as it developed.
—John Wallon’s hired man, with a good
horse and wagon, are missing at Kimberton.
—The summer meeting of the State Board
of Agriculture will occur in Bethlehem, June
—The Northampton Democratic County
meeting will be held at Johnsonville on June
—Not a new license was granted for Potts-
towns by the Montgomery County Court Mon-
—Fearing arrest William Reichard, of
Bethlehem, slashed his neck with a razor and
may die.
—Reading Democrats are booming ex-Mayor
Merritt for superintendent of the Philadel.
p hia Mint.
—Charles Salyards, accused of the murder of
Officer Martin, of Carlisle, was put on trial yes-
—Jacob Reed's head was split open by an
explosion of dynamite near Cheat Haven
Fayette County.
—Injuries incurred in a runaway at Bern -
ville resulted fatally to Jesse Schock, a
wealthy citizen.
—The Ministerial Association of Lancaster
put its foot down upon sacred concerts in the
parks on Sunday.
—Economite factionists met Saturday and
partially agreed to a compromise that will set-
tle all disputes.
—Cumberland County Republicans are in a
row over the number of delegatesto send to
the County convention.
—By request of John Smith, an aged Pitts-
burger, the police have secured a young bride
for him in Hollidaysburg.
—Thieves broke into St. Paul's Roman
Catholic Church, Reading, on Sunday evening
and robbed the poor box.
—Williamsport’s Councils adopted an or
dinance to compel transient merchants to pay 8
license of $1000 a month.
—For $16500 the United States Plate Glas®
Company purchased the Charleroi Glass
Works, Allegheny County.
—Little Louis Geier, of Allegheny County,
was fatally shot with a Flobert rifle by his
€o0 mpanion, Robert Latimer.
—=Several policemen had to guard workmen
while they planted s-trolley pole in front of
Dr. Carl Kreye's house , Reading.
—Boys in the Steelton school drank so
much laudanum they all fell into a stupor and
were forced to take a brisk walk.
—Under the Philadelphia rules recently
adopted, Pittsburg Republicans claim to have
the best organization they ever enjoyed.
—Steelton authorities know nothing of
Robert and Joseph Hall, held in Brooklyn for
shooting Philips, a green goods dealer.
—A man believed to be Benjamin Hart, of
Shenandoah, fell in front of an engine in the
depot at Scranton Monday night and was
—Michael Duhota was killed and Frank
Burzi, Paul Bachdan and Anthony Zach were
seriously injured by falls of rock at Big
—The right of way over every foot of the
distance from Allentown to Doylestown has
been secured for the big trolley line to Phila"
—Frank Bush, the Spring City forger, now
in Chester County Jail, says the bogus notes
were made in the Broad Street Station, Phila-
—H. G. Steel, a well-known newspaper man
of the anthracite region, Saturday purchased
the Shamokin “Evening Herald” from J. J. W-
—Governor Pattison made an address and
Judge Arnold, of Philaaelphia, performed the
Masonic ceremonies at the laying of the cor-
ner stone of the Good Samaritan Hospital, Leb-
anon, Saturday.
—Goods stolen from Miller's store and
creamery, which was burned at Red Hill,
were found in the home of William Hughes,
Port Kennedy.
—Harris Blank and Isaac Rosenwig, who
were hanged at Tunkhannock yesterday, itis
said they were the first Hebrews ever execut-
ed in America.
—Morris Mead, charged by the Westing"
house Electric Company with conspiracy and
larceny resigned the presidency of the Pitts-
burg Electric Club.
—The Pennsylvania Traction Company pur-
chase four acres of ground east of Coatesville
upon which to erect the Harrisburg-Philadel-
phia trolley power house.
—From a uniform found among the bag’
gage of arthur St. Clair Baker, who committed
suicide at Wilkesbarre, it is believed that he
was a cadet at Annapolis.
—A falling pump pushed Engineer David
Whitehouse into seven feet of water at the
foot of the Cameron slope, Shamokin, and he
escaped only after a desperate struggle in the
—Ina freight train crash at Hamburg, on
the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, one
locomotive was thrown down an embankment
and Engineer Frank Fry, of Philadelphia, was
sli ghtly hurt.
—A carriage containing Stephed Hughes, a
Polish woman and thrae children, was carried
by a runaway team over a high embankment,
near Hickory Ridge, and Hughes and one of
the children were badly injured. :
—In McKean county Judge Morrison grant-
ed forty-three licenses and refused eight at
the recent l.icense Court. Protests against
the license at Kane were made by some of the
Kane heirs, but three at that town werg
—The Mayor of Corry sent a communication
to Council calling attention tothe fact that
the city was confronted with a condition of
absolute bankruptcy, there being a discrep -
ancy of several thousand dollars. Oa Council -
man Porter suggesting increasing the levy
the Mayor promptly declared he would veto
an ordinance t> increase the levy if one was
passed. He said there were only two ways of
meeting the discrepancy—by increased taxes
tomeet appropriations, or reduce appropria-
tions tomeet the taxes, and he was sure the
Council would agree with him when he de-
clared emphatically for the latter course.