i h— Colleges. ' ! ar PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Located in one of the most Beautiful and Healthful Spots in the Alleghany Region ; Undenominational ; Op- en to Both Sexes; Tuition Free; Board and other Expenses wery low. New Buildings and Equipment. LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. 1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AG- RICULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant illustrations on the Farm and in the Labora- tory. BOTANY AND HORTICULTURE; the- oretical and practical Students taught origi- nal study with the microscope. 3. CHEMISTRY; with an unusually full and thorough course in the Laboratory. 4. CIVIL ENGINEFRING; ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING; MECHANICAL ENGI- NEERING. These courses are accompanied with very extensive practical exercises in the Field, tie Shop and the Laboratory. 5 5. HISTORY; Ancient and Modern, with original investigation, 6. INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN. 7. LADIES’ COURSE IN LITERATURE AND SCIENCE; Two years. Ample facilities for musie, vocal acd instrumental. 8. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE; Lat- in (optional), French, German and English (required), one or more continued through the entire course. 9. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY ; ure and applied. y ? 10. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work with study, three years’ course; new ouilding and 5 ipment, 11. MENTAL, MORAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE; Congtitutional Law and History, Political Economy, &e. : : 12. MILITARY .SCIENCE; instruction theoretical and practical, including each arm of the service. a1 13. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT; Two years carefully graded and thorough. Commencement Week, June 11-14, 1893. Fall Term opens Sept. 13, 1893. Examination for admission, June 16th and Sept. 13th. For Catalogue or other in formation, address GEO. W., ATHERTON, LL.D., President State College. Centre county, Pa. 27 25 Coal and Wood. Yo wanh K. RHOADS, Shipping and Commission Merchant, :=DEALER IN-: ANTHRACITE, ; BITUMINOUS & WOODLAND fomsnC PA Fyiod] RAIN, CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS, STRAW an BALED HAY, KINDLING WOOD, the bunch or cord as may su purchasers. Respectfully solicits the patronage of] his friends and the public, at —HIS ‘COAL YARD— near the Passenger Station. Telephone 712. 36 18 Bicycle. NY FOR A FIRST-CLASS | BLCY.CLE jms Vest James R. Hughes has the agency for the Victor, Credenda and Nonpariel bicycles for another year, and is now ready to sell to any who wish to secure a good wheeland at the most reasonable terms. | The Victors need no eulogy. They make the pace to-day, and eyerybody knows it. The Victor wheels for 03 are beauties and no one should buy until seeing them. The Credenda is an excellent wheel, at the popular price of $115. The Nonpariel is the ‘boys’ and girls wheel at $40. These wheels are much lighter than last year—the sprockets, cranks and pure rubber mud guards instantly detachable. Extra in- ner tube furnished with each wheel, free of charge. Second hand wheels—good as new— at bargains, Catalogues sentte any address on application. J. R. HUGHES, Agent, 38-12-tf Bellefonte, Pa. Book Bindery. oe BOOK BINDERY. [Established 1852.3 Raging the latest improved machinery I am repared to , BIND BOOKS AND MAGAZINES of all descriptions, or to rebind old books, -Bpecial attention given to the mag of paper -and manufacture of BLANK BOOK Orders will be received at this office, or ad- dress F. L. HUTTER, Book Binder Third and Market Streets, 25 18 Harrisburg, Pa.g Philadelphia Card. JE DWARD W. MILLER, WITH WOOD, BROWN & CO., Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS &t. 429 Market Street: PHILADELPHIA, PA. 151 Miscellaneous Advs. QFE DOLLAR EVERY HOUR-—o is easily earned by any one of either sex in any part of the country, who is willing to work industriously at the employment which we furnisk.. The labor is light and pleasant, and you run no isk whatever. We fit you out 0 complete, so that you can give the business a: trial without expense to yourself. For those willing to do a little work, this is the grandest offer made. You can work all day, or in the evening only. If you are employed, and have a few spare hours at your disposal, utilize them, and add to your income,—our business will not interfere at all. You wii be amazed on the start at the rapiaity and ease by which. you amass dollar upon dollar, day in and day out. Even beginners are successful from the first hour. Any one can run the business— none fail. You should try nothing else until ou see for yourself what you can do at the J eas which we offer. No capital risked. Women are grand workers; nowadays they, make as much as men. They should try this business, as itis so well adapted to them “Write at cnee and see for yourself. Address H. HALLETT & CO., 46-17-1y Box 880, Portland, Me, , commended to me. Medical. ounarey MET AND CONQUERED i BYTHE ] N. F. GERMAN RHEUMATIC CURE. ree ermre NO CURE, NO PAY! MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED for any case of Rheumatism it fails to cure, if taken according to directions. Read following testimonial of an eminent Centre county physician. GaTESBURG, Centre County, Pa., Aug. 9, 1892 To the N. F. German Rheumatic Cure Co. Tyrone, Pa., GENTLEMEN :—] had suffered with Rheuma- tism for many years, when, at the advanced age of seventy-seven Joy your cure was re. had tried up n myself everything known to me, (I am a doctor of fif. ty-one years experience) and had dispaired of ever being cured. Your remedy was taken according to directions, and after using the second package the disease left me entirely and no rheumatic pain or ache has troubled me since. I can recommend it without hesiteney to all afflicted with the disease, and being familiar with the ingredients contained in the com- pound, can recommend them as being non- injurious to the constitution, and as being the most efficient blood remedy known. Truly Yours, DANIEL BATES, M. D. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. All orders accompanied by the cash, sent direct to the manufacturers, will receive prompt charge : : PRICE- - - - ~ -8150 Prepared by the N. F. GERMAN RHEUMATIC CURE CO. 37.38-1-y Tyrone, Blair Co., Pa. HE PICKET LINES ot health should be doubly guarded at this season. The airreeks with chilly moisture, the weather is changeable and uncertain. These conditions are TERRIBLE DANGER POINTS for the lungs and pipes. Beware of the cold, the cough, the chest pain, the inflammation, THE DEADLY PNEUMONIA the racked lung, the dreaded Consumption. Put on duty only the strongest guard, the oldest and most faithful stand-by DR. SCHENCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP Break up your cold at once. Stop your cough. Drive out that inflammation in time, Defy that Pneumonia. Cure that Consump- tion. THE PULMONIC SYRUP acts quickest and surest of all remedies on the lungs. The oldest and best approved standard for every lung trouble. Dr. Schenck’s Practical Treatise on Diseases of Lungs, Stomach and Liver, mailed free to all ap- plicants. DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, 38-14-tf (nur) Philadelphia, Pa. CC HoREy CRY FOR PITCHER'S Cccce C CA. S.,T.0 BRBR.I A.,} Cc AS TT .O0. RI. A 1 C AS T O'R 1 A 7 CcCe HEALTH and SLEEP Without Morphiwe. 22 14 2y nr LY’ CREAM BALM o—FOR CATARRH—o THE CURE FOR i COLD IN HEAD, HAY FEVER, DEAFNESS: HEADACHE. ELY'S CREAM BALM 350c. —- THE POSITIVE CURE.— Price 50cs. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. 0 YOU KNOW WHO THISIS? FATHER MOLLINGER, Priest- Physician of Troy Hill, Allegheny City, Pa. Hispame is a hcusehold word throughout the United States. His medicines petformed such cures that they were called miracles. His original prescriptions are in the hands of his druggist. A. F. Sawhill, who fillad over 80,000 of them. Rheumatism Cure, for Sciatic, Inflammatory "Muscul.r Rheumatism Neuralgia, - 2 -- - Epileptic Fit Cure, for Epilepsy, St. Vitus Dance, and all Nervous Diveases, -1,00 Catarrh Cure, will cure Catarrh, - - 100 Kidney Cure, will cure all forms of Kid- ney Diseases, : : r * Blood tea, will cure Constipation, Sick Headachs and Purify the Blood, - wn OB The above and all his other medicines will be sent express paid upon receipt of price, if your druggist can’t furnish them. Cure uar- anteed or money refunded. None genuine without my name on each package. Send for ‘book, free, describing his treatment of chronic Diseases. AF. SAWHILL, 37 381y nr. 187 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. For sale by C. M. Parrish, Bellefonte, Pa,” - fe CONSUMPTLVES. The undersigned baving been restored to health by simple means, aft:r suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and 385 and $2,50 ‘that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to ‘make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer- fully send (free of charge) a copy of the pre- scription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bron- -chitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address ev. EDWARD A. WILSON 37-46-1y Brooklyn, New York. XYGEN.—In its various combi- nations is the most popular, as well as most effectual treatment in Catarrh, Consump- tion, Asthma, Heart.disease, Nervous Debility, Brain Trouble, Indigestion, Peralysis, and in the Absorption of morbid growths. Send for testimonials to the Specialist, H, 8. CLEMENS, M. D., at Sanitarium 722 Walnut St.. Allentown, Penn’a. Established 1861. 26 I71y attention by mail without extra o Beilefonte, Pa., May 12, 1893. The Preservation of the Forests. While the protection of game has occupied the public mind for a consid- erable time, the preservation of our for- ests has had com paratively but recent at- tention. The past five years especially have seen more done in this direction than probably the previous ten. Presi- dent Harrison and his Secretary of Interior, Noble, brought their infiuence to bear in the good work, with the most satisfactory results. By their efforts alone no less than fifteen timber re- reserves were established, which includ- ed 1,239,000 acres adjoining the Yellow- stone Park; 4,000,000 in Colorado, 4,000,000 Central California ; 1:337,- 000 ‘in Southern California; 967,- 000 in Washington; 1,850,000 in Arizona, comprising the grand canon of the Colorado River, the site of tha most rugged and magnificent scenery proba- bly in the world; 311,000 in New Mexico ; and 142,000 in Oregon—al- together upwards of 13.000,000 acres. Such an example by the government has had its effect on the States, and the general agitation of thesubject has done much for the cause, not only in pres- ervation of timber land, but in the pro- tection of game. Of all the States that have taken up the good fight none has accomplished so much as New York, and no single official has dene so much as Governor Flower. Too much praise cannot be given Mr. Flower for lifting the matter of forest-preservation out of politics. It is to his efforts alone, 1t may be said, that the “Forest-Preserve Bill,” recent- ly passed by the New York Legislature, received the serious consideration it merited. He alone, of all in political power, appeared to grasp the necessi- ties of the case. and in doing so he res- ponded to the earnest desire of those who want to see the forests perpetuated in good order. ~~ What these great breathing-spots are to the people any one who studies the situation must real- ize. Ti is a subject of general rejoicing that they have been finally secured.— C. W. Whitney, in Harper's Weekly. A Boy on Breathing. From the Washington Star. A boy, 14 years cld, recently import- ed from Kentucky, handed the follow- ing in as a composition on “Breathing.” The instruction was, “tell ali you can about breathing.” He said: +‘Breath is made of air. We breathe with our lungs, our lights, our liver and kidneys. If it wasn’t for our breath we would die when weslept. Our breath keeps the life agoing through the nose. when we are ssleep. Boys that stay in a room all day should not breathe. ; “They should wait till they get out of doors. Boys in a room make bad, unwholesome air. They make carboni- cide. Carboonicide is poisoner than | mad dogs. A heap of soldiers was in a | black hold in India, and a carbonicide | got in that whole and killed nearly every one afore morning. Girls kill the breath with corosits, that squeezes the diagram. Girls can’t holler or run like boys, because their diagram is squeezed too much. It I was a girl, I'd rather be a boy, so I can holler and run and have a great big diagram. No Snow in Switzerland. There has been a phenomenal absence of snow ia the Swiss Alps this Winter, and the matter is said to be becoming serious for both visitors and natives. Transport is hampered by sledges being useless, and the Julier pass is traversed on wheels, a midwinter circumstance previously unknown. The mountain slopes around St. Moritz are bare of snow, and it has been impossible to con- struct the toboggan slides usually such a great attraction there, Skating has, liowever, been especially good. EE — Tt Takes DMaterial- “Let's see,” said the lady, ‘bow many yards are there here ?”’ “Fourteen yards, madame,’’ answered the salesman, “Enrcugh for adress?” “Quite enough.” “Then give me fourteen yards more.’ “For another dress ?” “No, for the sleeves.—New York Press. Beaten by the Paris. New York, April 29th.—The great international race between the Ameri- can liner Paris and the new British steamship, the Cunarder Campania, is over. The Paris won easily, beating the Campania by fourteen hours over a rough course. —— A certain little boy was much impressed by the death of a neighbor and asked many questions concerning the matter. His mother, trying to ex- plain it to him, remarked: “It is only Mr. S’s body that is put in the ground, Georgie. His spirit’s gone to Heaven.” She was shocked to hear George tell his father that night that Mr. S's whiskey had gone to Heaven,” —— Apples stored in cellars or else- where are invariably covered exteriorly with mold or mildew--often invisible, but just as real. This mold consists mostly of microscopic plants, including numerous species of fungi, all of which are more or less poisonous. Physicians say they have traced cases of diphtheria i children to the eating of moldy ap- ples. A man and his wife-entered a res- taurant out in the country, and the for- mer said to the waiter : “What can you let us have?” “Signore, there is only a single mut- ton chop left.” “Per Bacco! Whatever is my wife to have for dinner ?”’ ——A lady (?) named Biddy McGuire, Had trouble in lighting the fire ; Said she,with a smile— “I"IMuse kerosene ile 1” *® * * * ® * ALL FREE. —Those who have used Dr. King’s New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House- hola I structor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do vou good and cost you nothing at Parrish’s Drugstore, The rice crop of the United States is reported to be 60 per cent. greater than any previous one. A PoruLArR ReMEDY.—The prompt- ness and certainty of its cures have made Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy famous. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the most effectual remedy krown for these diseases. Mr. C. B. Main, of Union City, Pa., says: «I have a great sale on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I warrant every bot- tle and have never heard of one failing to give entire satisfaction.” 50 cents bottles for sale by F. Potts Green. ~~ * BE — At the equator the limit of per- petual snow is 14,400 feet. ——‘Brace up’’ is a tantalizing ad- monition to those who at this season feel all tired out, weak, without appe- tite and discouraged. But the way in which Hood’s Sarsaparilla builds up the tired frame and gives a good appetite, is really wonderful. So we say, “Take Hood's and it will brace you up.” For a general family cathartic we confident- ly recommend Hood’s Pills. Medical. N THE SPRING Many people are troubled with dizziness, dullness, unpleasant taste in the morning, and that “tired feeling.” Pimples, boils and other manifestations of impure blood also appear, annoying and depressing. To all such sufferers we earnestly urge a trial of Hood’s Sarsaparilia. “No preparation ever received such unanimous praise for its success as a Spring Medicine. It cures scrofula, salt rheam and every other evidence of impure blood. It overcomes | that Jtired feeling’ and all other debility. A MISERABLE MAN. HEALTH BROKEN DOWN—-NERV ES SHATTERED ene “I gladly write this statement of my experi- ence with Hood's Sarsaparilla. I had been ailing about two years with a nervous attack and was generally broken down. I was so bad that at times I would fall over with a touch of vertigo; in fact I was not able to go any dis’ tance from the house. I certainly was a mis erable man. Failing to get help from physi- cians in Harrisburg and York,I got very much disheartened. But one day I read ina paper about Hood’s Sarsaparilla and I ought to try it. The day I commenced on bottle No. 2, I began to feel better, so I kept on, and I am glad tosay 1 feel like a new man. I am work - ing again, and HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA CURES can be on the go all day long, and do not have any of my bad spells. So I suffer no more, I have a perfect cure, and I find there is noth- ing like Hood’s Sarsaparilla for me.” Chas M. Lauer, 650 West Market Street, York, Pa. HOOD'S PILLS cure all Liver Ills. Bilious- ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. D R. SANFORD'S ——LIVER INVIGORATOR — TO HAVE HEALTH THE LIVER MUST BE IN ORDER. Cures thousands annually of Liver Com- plaints, Billiousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Malaria. More Ills result from an Unhealthy Taver than any other cause. Why suffer when you can be cured ? Dr. San- ford’s Liver Invigorator is a celebrated family medicine. YOUR DRUGGIST WILL SUPPLY YOU. 38.12-1y. Sewing Machine. Ny vlen & WILSON. i DUPLEX DUPLEX © x91 4a4d PUPLEX Say, what does that figure mean, As it stands there all alone? "Tis the name of a Sewing Machine, The best that ever was known, "Twill sew with never a hitch, The handsomest ever seen, With LOCK or with RUNNING stitch— The WHEELER & WILSON machine. o]——[o —AGENTS WANTED. — - BEST TERMS. BEST GOODS. - - = - Send for a Catalogue. WHEELER & WILSON Mfg. Co., She has gone where the fuelis dryer. 1312 Chestnut St., 38-12-1y PHILADELPHIA, PA. New Advertisements, UST ARRIVED. A complete line of Ladies Union Suits FROM 50 CENTS UP A beautifull assortment of trimming furs. Childrens coats from $1.25 up. LADIES WOOL HOSE at 18 cents, better ones for more money. ALWAYS PLENTY OF BARGAINS AT CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pg. 37 43 1y ry, id During 1893 The Sun will be of surpassing excellence and will print more rews and more pure literature than ever before in its history. THE SUNDAY SUN is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5 cents a copy Daily, by mail,............ Daily and Sunday, by mail,.. .By mail, $2 a yea ...86 a yea) ..§8 a yea Address THE SUN, 38 2-8m New York. Druggist. THOMPSON & CO. D® JAS. A. APQTHECARI fom Es, ike ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. =———DEALERS IN—— PURE | DRUGS, { MEDICINES TOILET { ARTICLES and every thing kept in a first class'Drug Store 8714 6m Insurance. J C. WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE eo Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates. Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna. does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. 3112 1y GE L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli: cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason- able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House. 22 5 Miscellaneous Advy’s. OARDING.—Visitors to Philadel ; phia, on business or pleasure, from this section, will find pleasant rooms and good boarding either by the day or week, at 1211 Greene Street. Centrally located. Pleasant surroandings. 37-32. HECK-WEIGHMAN’S RE: PORTS, ruled and numbered up to 150 with name of mine and date line printed in full, on extra heavy paper, furnished in any quanity on to days’ notice by the. WATCHMAN JOB ROOMS. Farmer's Supplies. SOUTH BEND CHILLED PLOWS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, CORN PLANTERS, GRAIN DRILLS, ASPINWALL FZZa19 PLANTER PRICES REDUCED. Pennsylvania Spring Hoed Two Horse Cultivator, with two rowed Corn Planter Attachment. PRICES REDUCED. Buggies, Pleasure Carts and Surreys of the finest quality. PRICES REDUCED. CONKLIN WAGONS, CHAMPION WAGONS, FARM CARTS, WHEEL-BARROWS. PRICES REDUCED. Champion Rock Crusher and Champion Road Machines, BARBED WIRE, both link and hog wire. PRICES REDUCED. CHURNS, WASHING MACHINES, PUMPS, FEED CUTTERS, LAWN MOWERS, FERTILIZERS FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS. The best Implements for the least money guaranteed. Office and Store in the Hale building. Atterneys-at-Law. J C. HARPER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte he _ Pa. Office in Garman House. 30-28 TAS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. All professional buss ness will receive prompt attention. i614 F. FORTNEY, Attorney-at-Law, Belle ; o fonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’s buikl ing, north of the Court House. 14 2 J M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle eo fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s new building. with W? H. Blair, 19 40 OHN G. LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle fonte, Pa. Office in the rooms formerly ceeupied by the late W. P. Wilson. 24 2 D. H. HASTINGS. W. F. REEDER. ASTINGS & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North A}. egheny street. 2313 J. L. SPANGLER. C. P. HEWES. PANGLER & HEWES, Attorneys-at-Law Bellefonte, Pa. Consultation in Englisk or German. Office opp. Court House. 19 6 OHN KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’s new building, north of Court House. Can be con. sulted in English or German. 29 31 J MILLS HALE, Attorney-at-Law, Philipsburg, Pa. Collections i all othe; legal business in Centre and Clearfield coun: ties attended to. 23 14 C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle eo fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s block, SPP. Court House. All professional business will receive prompt attention. 30 16 — — S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Sur V o geon, State College, Centre county,Pa Office at his residence. 35-41 HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon A 2 e offers his professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 2t N. Allegheny street. 11 23 : D5 J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur. 8 eon, offers his professional services te the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office on North High street, next door to Judge Or- vis’ law office, opp. Court House. 29 20 I 1 K. HOY, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, No, Ae 24 North High Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Office hours—7 to 9 a. m.,1 to 2 and 7 to§ g m. Defective vision carefully corrected. pectacles and Eyeglasses furnished. 32 18 and Surgeon. Office in residence No. 61 h Allegheny street, next to Episcopa church. Office hours—8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m. Telephone. 32 45 Dr. R. L, DART Eumsamtiin Physiciax Nort R. R. L. DARTT, of Bellefonte, Pa., has the Brinkerhoff system o! Rectal treatment for the cure of Piles, Fis sures and other Rectal diseases. Information furnished upon application. 30 14tf E. WARD. GRADUATE OF BALTI- e¢ MORE DENTAL COLLEGE. Office ir {riders Stone Bloc High street, Bellefonte. A. sel Bankers. ACKSON, CRIDER & HASTINGS, (Sucece sors to W. F. Reynold’s & Co.) Banker Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Not Discounted ; Interest paid on special deposit Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits re ceived. i: 17 36 ar Hotels. 0 THE PUBLIC. In consequence of the similarity the names of the Parker and Potter Hotels the proprietor of the Parker House has chang the name of his hotel to 0-——COAL EXCHANGE HOTEL.—o0 He has also repapered, repainted and other- wise improve it, and has fitted up a large and. tasty parlor and reception room on the first floor. WM. PARKER, 33 17 Philipsburg, Pa. lak HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA; A. A. EonvLeECKER, Proprietof; This new and commodious Hotel, located op- site the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, as been entirely refitted, refurnished and re plenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accom modations offered the public. Its table is sup plied with the best the market affords, its ba contains the purest and choicest liquors, in stable has attentive hostlers, and every conve nience and comfort is extended its guests. &%~Through travelers on the railroad wil find this an excellent place to lunch or procuie a 31/9 all trains stop there about 25 min. utes. ET —— Watchmaking-- jewelry, F C. RICHARD, ° 0—JEWELER and OPTICIAN,—c¢ And dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. Special attention given to the Making anc Repairing of Watches. IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this prin: distinctly by lamp or gaslight in the evenin, at a distance of ten Inches, your eyesight failing, no matter what your age, and your eye: need help. Your sight can be improved anc preserved if Propesy corrected. It is a wron, idea that spectacles should be dispensed wit}: as long as possible. If they assist the vision use them. There is no danger of seeing toc well, so long as the print is not magnified ; : should look natural size, but plain and dis tinet. Don’ fail to call and have Jou eyer tested by King’s New System, and fitted witt Combination spectacles. They will correct anc preserve the sight. For sale by F. C. RICHARD, 2749 42 High St., opp. Arcade, Bellefonte. rm Fine Job Printing. Yr JOB PRINTING 0——-A SPECIALTY——o0 AT THF WATCHMAN o OFFIC There is no style of work, from the ches) Dodger” to the finest 0—BOOK-WOREK,—o but you can get done in the most satisfactory y _ manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work 36 McCATMONT & CO. by calling or communicating with this offge.