mT ——_—_——— a ae ERR adel. Bellefonte, Pa., May 5, 1893. To CorrrsroNDENTS. — No communications pubiished unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY ——The curb stone market will open on next Tuesday morning. —— Yes, you're right, the ‘Arabian Nights,” Tuesday night, will be ¢‘out of sight,” ——Wednesday night's rain raised the water in Spring creek about three feet, ——Buckskin Bill’s wild and woolly west show will exhibit in this place on Wednesday, May 17th. ——Geo. H. Timmons in the “Fairies Well” gavea good show to poor busi- ness, on Tuesday evening. ——1893 is a good year. Ithas fifty- three Sundays. It camein on Sunday and will go out on Sunday. ——Rumor has it that Walter L. Main’s great international railroad shows will be here on May 24th. ——One of the Lewis triplets died of whooping cough at its home in Philips- bug last week. The babies were over seven weeks old. ——The Bellefonte academy base ball team defeated the Milesburg club, on the latter’s grounds, last Saturday, by the score of 8 to 5. ——Policeman Gares arrested Will ‘Walker, on Tuesday morning, for catch- ing trout on eel lines. He gave bail for his appearance for trial. ——While working in her garden last Friday Mrs. John Luse, of Frog- town, one mile below Millheim, slipped and fell fracturing her knee cap. ——The greatest attraction of the sea- son will come to the opera house on Thursday evening, May 18th. Thomas Keene will appear in “Richard IIL. ~——CQCandidates were plenty on Tues- «day. The school directors of the county were in town electing a superintendent and the aspirants for county office did a “rushing’’ business. ——This, Friday, evaning the ladies -of the Lutheran church will hold their regular monthly sociable at the residence of F. B. Stover on High street. Chick- en and waffles will be served. ——Captain Simler, of Philipsburg, brought Samuel Bennett, of that place, to jail here yesterday morning. Ban- nett is charged with stealing $400 from a miner named Fred Scheli. ——Next Thursday night Tony Far- rell will appear in his new version of “My Colleen.” Mr: Farrell and his company are favorites in Bellefonte and will probably be greeted by a large house. ——The last dividend is being paid the creditors of the defunct Philipsburg Banking Co., by Assignee Wm P. Dun- can. This Final payment of twenty-five per cent. makes dollar for dollar to the creditors. ——The Mountain Wheel Club, a social organization of Philipsburg, and owners of a handsome club house, has disbanded and sold out to John Mills Hale, who purchased it for a younger organization. ——A grand musical convention will be held in Bellwood, Pa. during the week of May 22nd—26th inclusive. It will be under the direction of Prof. J. A. Weaver and all lovers of music are invited to attend. ——Next Tuesday evening the ‘“Ara- bian Nights,” a neat three act comedy will be presented by the Bellefonte amateur dramatic club. The cast is a strong one and a pleasing entertainment will andoubtedly result. ——It will be news to his friends hereabouts to learn that Israel Stern- burg formerly of this place, has been married to a young lady in Lowell, Mass., where he is employed as city edi- tor on the Daily News. ——1In our last weeks’ issue we said that Rev. Benton, rector of St. John’s Episcopal church would go to Duluth, Minn., when his new field is Dubuque, Towa. He will preach his fareweli ser- mon to the congregation here on Sun- day evening. ——The death of Mrs. John Confer, at her home in Milesburg, on. last Sun- day morning, leaves a sorrowing hus- band and five small children «t¢ mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother. Deceased had been in poor health for some time. She was thirty-six years old and was a daughter of Joseph Clark, of Flemington, Clinton county. Funeral ser- vices were held on Wednesday morning. ——The appearance of Thos. W. Keene, the tragedian, at the opera house, on Thursday evening, May 18th, will be a signal triumph in the line of at- tractions for manager Garman. Mr. Keene has the reputation of being one of the strongest actors on the road and his appearance here in either “Richard III” or “Othello” will be something decidedly out of the ordinary run of things. CounciL SETTLES THE Cow QUES- TION. —By a vote of eight to one at its regular semi-monthly meeting on Mon- day night council decided that cows could have the liberty of the streets of Belle- fonte just the same as they had been previousiy enjoying. Tne question as to whether the ordinance prohibiting cows | from running at large should be passed or not had been agitating our people for some time and the fact that council did not pass it was evidence that the ma- jority of our people were opposed to the measure. The first regular business taken up was the consideration of a request from F. W. Crider to allow him to attach a two inch water pipe to the main on Al- legheny street for the convenience of people residing in the Exchange. Per- mission was granted. He also offered to pay half the expense of fixing up the alley leading from Linn to Curtin street. between the properties of J. D. Shugart and C. P. Hewes. The alley is in bad condition and the matter was referred to the Street committee. The request of Beaver street residents for a board walk along Ridge street, be- tween Beaver and Curtin, was referred to the Street committee. D. F. Fort- ney’s suggestion for a sewer on east Bishop street, with which to run the sur- face waters off in times of rain, was lost sight of in the cow discussion that came up at this point. Council appropriated $200 to each of the Steamer companies and $50 to the Hook and Ladder Co for current expen- ses. The Logan company proposes pur- chasing a team of horses for their en- gine and asked the borough for its haul- ing, so far as possible, the request was granted. A stone crusher will probably be purchased with which to crush stones for the streets. The water committee reported that the big spring had been cleaned out and that the fire had been drawn from No 2 boiler at the works so #s to permit of replacing the brick casing which had fallen down. Atter the report of the Finance com- mittee and the passage of a number of minor expense bills council adjourned. GrAMLEY ELECTED oN THE FIRST Barror.—The directors of the public schools of Centre county met in conven- tion in the Court House, in this place, at one o'clock on Tuesday and proceeded to elect a county superintendent for the ensuing term of three years. The convention was called to order by Sup’t Cephus L. Gramley who, after reading the act of 1854 designating the manner of procedure, declared the offices of president, reading clerk and tellers open for nomination. D. F. Fortney Esq., president of the Belle- fonte school board, was the unanimous choice for president. W. K. Alexander Esq., of Millheim was made reading clerk in the same way as was also tel- lers Miss Elizabeth Shortlidge, of this place, and Wm. E. Irvin Esq. of Phil- ipsburg. The roll call showed the presence of one hundred and forty-eight directors and as the law required a majority of all directors present for choice, it was seen that the man who was to be elected must have at least seventy-five votes. The convention having declared it- self ready for action the names of C. L. Gramley, of Miles township; H. C. Rothrock, of Harris township and Prof. C. R. Neff, of Potter township were quickly presented. Reading clerk Al- exander began calling the roll and be- fore he had gone very far it became evident that Mr. Gramley would suc- ceed himself The result of the first ballot was Gramley, 101 ; Rothrock, 13; and Neft 37. Three directors having voted who were not present at roll call, after the reading of several resolutions the meeting adjourned. As to the selection of Mr. Gramley it can be said to have been a good one as might also have been said had either of the other aspirants been successful. The three candidates were all amply quali- fied to make careful and satisfactory officials and the convention could not have made a mistake even if it had tried. Basz BALL AT STATE COLLEGE.— The base ball season will open at State College tomorrow, Saturday, morning at 10:15 o'clock, sharp, when the Bucknell University team will cross bats with the College boys on Beaver field. The game is being looked forward to with much interest by the students as it will be the first appearance of the College team pitted against rivals worthy their best efforts. Since the Spring of '90 State College has done very little in the way of base ball and this early opening of the game seems ’specially auspicious. There is plenty of excellent ‘material in the institution if it is properly trained, and there is no reason why P. 8. C’s re- cord on the diamond should not be as brilliant as it has been between the goals. Manager Burkett is hustling to make it such. The game to-morrow will be a good one. Don’t miss it. —— Wall paper of all kinds at a very low figure can be had at E. Brown Jr's. | ——The semi-annual encampment of { the Department of Penrsylvania, G. A. i R., will be held at Gettysburg from ! July 15 to 21. ——The Lewisburg turnitare factory is to be run until the unfinished goods on hand are worked off when a reorgan- | ization of the company will be effected. ——We never consider an article sold until the customer is perfectly sat- isied. You can at any time have your money in exchange for any goods bought at Faubles. ——Lock Haven people are raising twenty-five thousand dollars to extend the Beech Creek rail-road from Cas- tanea to that place. The Castanea sta- tion is about two miles from the borough limits. ——TFour tramps who were put off a freight train on the main line, near Ty- rone, fired on the crew with revolvers. They were all arrested later and are now boarding at Hollidaysburg at the ex- pense of Blair county. ie ——4The Arabian Nights” a laugha- ble three act farce will be presented in Garman’s opera house by the Bellefonte dramatic club, on Tuesday evening, May, 9th. The play will be given for the benefit of the Episcopal Sunday school. The phonograph show on Tuesday evening attracted a full house to Bush’s Arcade hall. It was for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. and was a decided suc- cess in every way. Prof. Lyman F. Howe certainly gave our people a de- lightful entertainment with his pet from | Mr. Edison’s laboratory. ATTENTION CoMRADES.—There will be an adjourned meeting of Gregg Post, No. 95, on Saturday evening, May 6th, 1893. Important business to attend to. F. PEEBLES GREEN, JoHN C. MILLER, Adj. Commander. IN A PREDICAMENT.--Edward Flem- ing, a Renovo man, built a boat in the cellar of his house and then discovered that he could not get the boat out of the cellar, either by the stairway or the windows. Heis now trying to find out which would be the cheapest tearing, down the house or taking the boat apart. Williamsport Sun. RAFTING IN CLEARFIELD SOON TO ENp.—Rafting is becoming more and more a novelty in Clearfield county as the years go by and every year excursion parties avail themselves of the opportu- nity to go ‘‘through the mountains’ on a real timber raft. This growing curi- osity isnot to be wondered at, even when found in native Clearfielders, because the rapid and crooked Susquehanna passes through more wild and more pic- turesque mountain scenery than almost any other river in the United States. Contrary to a geographical law this wonderful river cleaves the mountains and is put down in the books as the on- ly river of note in the world which bears this distinction. Who the first pilot was who searched out the course and made the first perilous trip with raft or rafts is not known, but it will not be hard to keep watch for the last man who will try it.— Clearfield Spirit. MARRIED.--On Wednesday April 26th, Constans C. Curtin and Miss Em- ma Hufford were united in matrimony at the residence of the bride’s parents in Lock Haven. The mother of the groom being invalided at her home near Roland, the young married people came at once to see her, and that evening her home was the scene of wedding festivi- ties. While Mrs. Curtin in her anima- ted and felicitous way was laying out a program of amusements for the evening, calithumpian serenaders outside began a medley of discords and hideous noises ; then as though by magic, all ceased, and there was nothing remaining but the monotonous quiet of the country night to engage the thoughts. Suddenly out of this came the musical and refreshing strains of a brasss band. It was the band from Roland, Mr. John Barger, leader, a band with a history, and, since its fine performance on this occasion, we are proud to say, a band with a destiny, one that should be a permanency in the community. After the presentation of the bride and groom, by Mr. I. M.{Har- vey, to the bandsmen, coffee, ice cream, cake &2 was served by the ladies, Mrs, I. M. Harvey and Mrs. Jos. Funk tak- ing charge, while Miss Rebecca Harvey and Miss Elsie Funk served the guests, assisted by Gussie Shope. Afterwards there was a formal pre- sentation of the bride's cake, the thoughts which the spokesman, R. C. Irvin, voiced having been dictated by the groom’s mother. In substance words of advice when uttered. The cake was given in token of the maternal love and blessing. Singular enough, it was the advice of Polonius to Lautes, if only in substance, for all else is bnt the setting to this gem ot wisdom in the way of good worldly advice : Neither a borrower nor a lender be : For loan oft loses both itself and friend, A borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. Hamlet, Act 1 presents were re- Many handsome ceived. suming disposition, whose sola ambition great shock in the announcement of the hour on Wednesday nizht. his return had stopped off in the Mou n- tain city, to visit his daughter Maggie, who is married to Robert Roan and re- sides in that place. The cause of his death is not definitely known, but it is generally supposed that either heart disease or an apoplectic stroke occusion- ed his sudden demise. Tae naws of his death cama like a thunder clap to his many friends here and it hardly seems possible that the genius who left here only five days since, teeming with hops for the inven- tion on which he was busily engaged, is now cold in the embrace of death. George W. Rodgers was born in this place on the 28th day of August 1839, being a son of William and Eliza Rodgers, whose old howe at the Valen- tine iron works is still standing. His early days were spent in acquiring an education, but just as soon as he was old enough his father took him to learn the trade of a machinist. His natural adaptability and inherited talent for mechanical work made him an apt ap- prentice and his first work gave evi- dence of a useful future. On October 19th. 1865 he married Kate E. McFadden, of Lowisburg, five children, by name : Charles, Maggie, William, Clarence and Nellie, blessed their union. Charles, the oldest, hav- ing met a tragic death in a rail-road wreck, near Irwin, on the P. R. R, two years ago. Mr. Rodgers was employed in var- ious ways in Bellefonte, but his in- ventive genius continually asserting it- self made him a man more devoted to original mechanics than to the routine of an engineer's or machinist’s life. From varioug little inventions his am- bition led him to more complicated de- vices and the number of his patents now on the market ure not few by any means, though their inventor was prac- tically robbed of any income from his patents. His later days have been spent in perfecting a hot air heating ap- paratus for railroad cars which has ab- sorbed his attention and energy for a long time. The invention promised a wonderful one, in substantiation of which statement we need but say that a New York Co., had placed a train of cars and an engine, on Long Island, at his disposal for experimental purposes. Most of the past winter he had spent work-¢ ing on his patent, but, how sad, just when fortune seamed within his grasp death came to claim its victim and rob Bellefonte of one who would have added another name to her listjof illustrious. Deceased was a man of gentle, unas- was to make a success of his profession. In his home he was an honored father and a devoted husband. His remains will be brought herein the morning and funeral services will be held at his late home on West Curtin street. The day for the funeral has not been set. Nor Muce Donk AT CourT.—The second week of the April court began Monday morning with the considera- tion of the Dooley — Krumbine case, which was carried to court by Mr. Krambine, who appealed from the de- cision of the commission which was ap- pointed to look into the mental con- dition of the late Patrick Dooley, pre- vious to his death. Two commissions had declared him insane, and one thought that his mind was all right. The case was brought to have the de- cision of a jury on the matter. It arose out of Mr. Krumbine’s, a son-in-law, having laid claim to all of decedent’s property by virtue of deeds made to him or his child, a granddaughter of decedent. Thesedeeds were declared to have been made by said decedent when of unsound mind and Patrick and Mag- gie his children brought suit to recover their home. The case has aroused much interest in thie community and the jury's return of a verdict that the late Patrick Dooley was insane from April 1890,date of his wife's death, until his own demise hence all transac- tions between himself and his son-in- law, Geo. W. Krumbine, were void, | gave geaeral satisfaction to all who | knew the nature of the case. James I. Delong vs. J. P. Findley and Charles White. Case was brought by Delong to recover price of timber cut on land in Liberty township, pur- chased by Rev. Findley. Defendant's having confiscated said timber as it was on the land when purchased. Verdict of $57,75 for plaintiff. Catharine Roagan vs. the Beech Creek R. R. Co., owner and the New ! York Central and Hudson River Rail- road Co., lessee. Ejectment case to re- cover a strip of land in Snow Shoe | township through which the road runs. A verdict for the plaintiff was returned. | one representing W. 1. Fleming vs. The Equitable Lafe Assurance Society. Case taken up Wednesday. The case was brou ght by | Mr. Fleming to recover two month's | salary as agent under contract. ‘When | the evidence was all in the court ruled plaintiff out on account of no suit. The case of Orvis, Mrs. Mary E. Pile was taken up next and is now trying. Tee Dears oF Georee W.,; ——The death of Mrs. Hiram Thomp- RopGERS.—This community received a | son, nee Miss Mollie Snyder, was an- nounced from the home of her father, in death of Mr. George W. Rodgers, | Ferguson township, on last Sunday eve- which occurred, in Altoona, at a late He left his all winter with a disease which baffled home in this place, on Monday morning, medical skill, bat appeared like blood for a business trip to Pittsburg and on | poisoning. ening. Deceased had been ill nearly ——Go to E. Brown Jr’s. for your wall paper. A NEW SUPERINTENDENT FOR THE CENTRAL.—President Robert Frazier, of the Bellefonte Central rail-road, has been in town all week looking after the inter- ests of his line and introducing Mr. F. H. Thomas, who is to succeed Mr. Thomas A. Shoemaker as superinten- dent. Mr. Thomas isa Philadelphian and has lately been connected with the Reading system. He will take charge on next Wednesday. News Purely Personal. —Mrs. Erie Pyle, of Atlantic City, is visiting friends in town. —Gen, James A. Boaaver is booked as Mem- crial day orator at Howard. —Mrs. John L. Kurtz is visiting friends in Lewistown, her old home, this week. —Mras. F. C. Richard, of east Linn street is in Philadelphia visiting her daughter, Mrs, Hill. —Miss Elizabath Gross of this place spent Sunday with her friend Miss Cyril Schell in Tyrone. —Mr. Ephriam Glenn, of Fillmore, has been one of the Jurors who noted with interest the proceedings of this week’s court. —Willis Weaver, whom the Journal says is making a popular houses out of the National hotel in Millheim, was in town on Wednesday. —B. F. Blair, of Benner township, adminis- trator of the late John Fogleman, was in town attending to his duties in that capacity on Tuesday. —Mrs. Jack MeClelland of Blairsville was in town the fore part of the week seeing her mother Mrs. Wagner, who has been seriously ill for some weeks, —Millheim visitors in town on Tuesday were: H.E. Duck, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Smith, W. K, Alexander, ex-Recorder John F. Harter and J. H. Reifsnyder, Esq. —That most generous of men, Mr. George R. Boak, of Pine Glen, favored our sanctum with his presence for a few moments Monday morning. —J. T. Lucas, Esq., of Moshannon, who thinks his chances for the county Treasurer- ship are as good as any, spent the fore part of the week in this place, watching the political straws blow. —Centre Hall sent two of her distinguished sons to this place on Tuesday. They were Wm. B. Mingle, cashier of the Penns Valley Banking Co. and A. S. Kerlin Esq, who aspires to congressional honors: , —H. M. Krebs, of Pine Grove Mills, spent last night in town on his way home from Pittsburg, whither he had gbeen summoned as a juor inthe District Court. He reported very little rain west of the Alleghenies. —A new candidate dropped in on us Tues- day morning in the person of George D. John - ston, of Howard, who seems to be a very gen- ial gentleman and one who will make the Treasurership fight interesting for some one. —Jacob Kerstetter Esq., one of. Penn. township's foremost farmers, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. He didn’t tarry long in Bellefonte because, as he said : He had to hurry home to get his spring work done be- tween showers. —Mr. Will Larimers’ have moved from Thomas street to one of the McBride houses, on Bishop street, which is just around the corner from the grocery store which Will has had entire charge of during his brother Rush's sickness. —Dr.and Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes entertained their mother and sister during the lat. ter part of last week. They were Mrs. Hayes and daughter Bess, of Mifflinburg, who tarried in this placa on their way home from an extended visit to friends in the West. —On next Friday J. B. Heckman, of Spring Mills, will depart for a summer outing in the West. His destination will bs Denver and Leadville, Col., but he will stop in Ohio and atthe World's Fair en route, Mr. Heckman was in town on Tuesday making arrangements for his trip. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Achenbach returned from Paiialsipaia, on Friday eveainzg afte several week's sojourn in that city. Mr. A was there undergoing au operation for the correction of an injury received by a fall on the ice some years ago. His return, practicale ly well, was the source of much gratification to his friends here. —Gaorge W. Lyon Esq, of 116 S. 38th 3t. , Philadelphia, was in town on Wednesday re- newing old acquaintance. He was formerly general director of Shorb, Stewart & Co’s.exten” sive iron operations at Pennsylvania Furnace, but when it closed he moved to Philadelphia’ It is hisintention tospend the sammer in Bellefonte and rooms for;his family will prob- ably be secured at the Brockerhoft house. —H. 8. Cooper, formerly superintendent of the Edison Electric Illuminating Co's. plant at this place, and of whom it was said: “the company did'nt want him any longer] because he was long enough,” dropped into town yes- terday morning to'see his many friends here: His wife, nee Miss Mary Morris, has been visi ting her aunts’, the Misses Benner, for some time. Mr. Cooper is now Sup’t. of the electric rail.road running from Washinztoa, D. C. to Alexandria, Va. He directed the building of the line and is now operating it. —Four distinguished arrivals were registor- ed at the Bush House on Wednesday and it is highly probable that their meeting here means something to the welfare of the town, They were: James A. Stranahan, Harrisburg, Depu« ty Attorney General of Pennsylvania; Hon. John Reilly, Philadelphia, President of the Bellefonte Furnace Company ; Robert Frazier, Philadelphia, President of the Bellefonte Central Railroad Co.,and A. G. Palmer, Jersey Shore, Superintendent of that division of the Beech Creek Railroad Company, —A distinguished looking group of gentle- men seen on our streets on Tuesday |w as the the Philipsburg School Board in the convention for the election of county superintendent. It was com- posed of Wm. E. Irwin Esq., the prominent broker and real estate agent of our sister town ; Major John A. Wolf, whose name is familiar to the voters of Centre county asthe last Republican candidate for sheriff; 8. B. | Rowe Esq. one of the Clearfield region's best known coal operators and a man of in- Bower & Orvis vs fluence at his home, and John H. Turnbach a much younger looking gentleman than his companions, but doubtless none the less pop- ular. CLASS LEGISLATION OF THE RANK- zsT Kinp.—Council little thought, on Monday night, when it was acting on the ordinance to prohibit cows from running at large on the streets that in its failure to pass the ordinance it was violating the constitution. All kinds of class legislation is strictly prohibited by the constitution and this is exactly what council has been guilty of. Al- ready there is an ordinance prohibiting the male species of the genus bovine from running at large, and how our worthy borough dads could find their way clear to discriminate in favor of the gentler sex without violating constitu- tional mandates is something we are en- tirely at a loss to see. Of course the old women bovines might have brought some pressure to bear in their favor, but what it could have been no one but the councilmen know. — New spring wraps just opened. Blazers and jackets with or without capes from $38.00 up. Lyon & Co. ——Call and see E. Brown Jr's. | stock of furniture and wall paper. —If you want to know just what you are buying go to Faubles. Marriage Licenses. —Issued during the past week-—Taken from the docket. Charles E. Duell, of Clearfield Co.. and Charity Swicher, of Centre Co. John Kelly, of Worth Twp., and Mertie Cowher, of Taylor Twp. Elmer S. Williams and Annie B. Burns, both of Julian. Thomas H. Eustice, of Philipsburg, and Anna Cook, of Tioga Co. ‘Wm. Shawley, of Boggs Twp., and Amelia Martin, of Milesburg. John Rodoki and Anna Dumgo, both Snow Shoe. ‘W. M. Poorman and Mary J. Crock, both of Boggs Twp. George Ruchart and Georgianna Cart- wright, both of Sandy Ridge. Eli Carter and Hattie Pierce, both of Philipsburg. R. J. McCloskey and Cinnia J. Brickley, both of Curtin Twp. ——The finest assortment of clothing you have ever seen now open at Fau- bles. —— Have you seen E. Brown Jr’ stock of wall paper. —— Spring wraps, shoulder capes etc., from $2.00 up. Lyon & Co. A MURDERER THOUGHT TO BE CAPp- TURED.--On January 30th, Steve Co- diak, a Slav, killed John Brown, at Amesville, a short distance from Houtz- dale, and though every effort was put forth to apprehend him, all was in vain. Last week the constable of Osceola re- ceived a letter from Little Falls, Mina. stating that a man calling himself Steve Codiak had been arrested at that place and also that he had confessed to the Brown murder. Constable Burns has sent for a picture of the confessed mur- derer with which to identify him as the one who is wanted in Clearfield county. —For well made clothing go to Faubles. ——The grandest line of jyoung men’s suit in black, blue, and brown cheviots $5.00, $6 00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00. Lyon & Co. ——Latest novelties in Spring cloth- ing for Men, Boys and Children. The best suit in the market for men at $10.00. Tailoring a specialty. MoxnTaoMERY & Co. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. JAcksoN & Co: The following are the quotations up tosix o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White wheat...... 85 Old wheat, per bushel. 70 Red wheat, per bushel 70 Rye, per bushel 60 Corn, ears, per bush 25 Corn, shelled, per bushe 50 Oats—new, per bushel.. 35 Barley be ushel........ .48 Ground laster, per ton. 9 50 Buckwheat per bushel. te: 1D Cloverseed, per bushei.. §9 30 to £9 60 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel ......cceeeuuereeniniesnnnnns 60 Eggs, per dozen...... ov 1234 Lard, per pound..... 12 CountryShoulders.. 12 Sides. 12 Hams..... 14 Tallow, perpcund... 4 Butter, per vound 25 Onions... 85 50 to 85 4t08¢ The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strietly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. ; A liberal discount is made to persons adver- {ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol- OWS : SPACE OCCUPIED. |sm | om 1y 16688 (811 7110] 18 Oneinch (12 lines this type... Two inches Three inches... a +10 | 15 | 80 uarter Column (4}4 inches).......{ 12 | 20 | 80 Half Column ( 9 inches). 20 | 36 | BB One Column (19 inches) 35 | 66 | 100 Advertisements in special column,25 per cent. additional. . Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts Each additional insertion, per line.. y woeal notices, per line... .. Business notices, per line. Job Printing of every kind done with neat. ness and dispatch, The Warcrmax office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everyihing in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand sg the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietot