Demorealic aca Bellefonte, Pa., April 28, 1893. es GOOD NIGHT. We hear it from a mother’s knee, in echo down the stair, Ofitimes in notes of childlike glee, oftt mes at close of prayer. We hear it at the garden gate, half whispered, sweet and low, While lovers linger until late and loath e’en then to go. We hear it said in gilded halls, where mirth and gladness reign, Where beauty glows and music falls in capti- vating strain. We hear it at the bedside, where dread pain an i grief are known, And teader ministrations share with the strick- en and the lone. We hear it when the sun of day withdraws trom mortal gight ; What comfort, then, to hear and say, “Good night, dear heart,” *Good night.” —Clark W. Bryan in Good Housekeeping. Authorson the Platform. A Short Sketch of Some Writers Who Read in Public from Their own Works. F. Marion Crawford should be inclu- ded in this list although there are many who will say that he is not an Amer- ican author, but they are mistaken. Mr. Crawford was born in Italy thirty- eight years ago, but his father and mother were both Americans, the for- mer, Thomas Crawford, being the sculp- tor who made the Washington monu- ment, the latter being the sister of Mrs Julia. Ward Howe. The author of ‘Mr. Isaacs’ when a boy was sent to St. Paul’s school in Concord, New Hampshire, and he still owns a home near there to which he hopes to bring his beautiful young wife some day and live there within sight of the White Mountains. As Mr. Crawford comes upon the stage he strikes one as a serious, cul- tured man who carries himself at ease as if accustomed to being with the best sort of people. He is tall, aboutsix feet and seems perfectly strong and well. He has recently dispensed With a brown beard in which he is familiar to Ameri- cans, and now wears only a heavy mus- tache. His long residence abroad has given him a decided but not unpleasant English accent and he rolls his 1's strongly. He reads from the printed page in an easy, unconcerned manner and does not seem to feel that he is do- ing anything of any particular conse- quence or that his reading has any par- ticular merit. George Kennan, the Russian traveler and author, is a wiry, dark-eyed man, powerfully built, though of medium size, who impresses you mainly with his intense earpestness. As he moves ‘across thestage you see his limbs are supple and feel that he carries with him a store of physical strength and an in- domitable will capable of taking Lim through difficulties as big as the conti- nents he bas crossed. He is a very ser- ious man, although he expresses him- self in a rather matter of fact way. His face is thin and pale, and the man looks overworked. His hair is still black and brushed away from his broad foreuead, unier which a pair of dark eyes snap with resolution and restless energy. Mr. Kennan isa nephew of the great Morse, and was at one time an expert telegraph operator. Mr. Kennan seems to get on fire with anger and sorrow as he tells the tragic story of the sufferings and horrors Le witnessed in Siberia. Now and again he pusses into a vein of sarcasm as when he tells how the governor of a certain province signed his name to the Lord's prayer without having the remotest idea what he was approving, whether a death sentence or a pardon. WARNER AND RILEY. One of the most charming of our American readers in public is Charles Dudley Warner, whose hair isso white that a casual observer would take him for an old man. The factis he is com paratively young, for one who has done 80 much, having been born in 1829. He is a delightful speaker, although rarely or never using gestures. His method on the platform might be called the colloquial. That is, he talks in pub lic to a large audience as he talks ina drawing-room toa company of friends and acquaintances. There is plenty of animation, but no elocution. If he reads from his own works he does in- deed bring out all the points, but with- out emphasis or seeming bent upon making an impression. James Whitcomb Riley as a reader or recitationist is like himself and no one else in the world. He renders his poems better than any one else could, and altogether the entertainment given by him is sui generis. Whoever has heard him recite the verses having for a refrain : ‘An’ the gobble—uns ’Il git you Et yon Don’t Watch 3 u ’ will bear witness that he is the perfec- tion of an elocutionist, although doubt. less he never took a lesson in that art all his life. He seems to be entirely ab- sorbed in all he reads or recites and never fails to carry his audience with bim. There is nothing stiff or strained about what he does aud although he brings much art to the platform he con- tinues to make iv appear artless. Dr. Edward Eggleston, the author of the “Hocsier Schoolmaster” and other good things, is a typical Yankee in ap- pearance, very tall, with a full, iron- gray beard, and a high-pitched voice with the nasal character predominant. He reads with very little pretension, but in a forceful way which captivates audiences fond of old-fashioned fireside scenes, 1n which he excels. He is very deliberate in his manner, and one pleas- ant feature of his reading is a tendency to suddenly change from the serious to the humorous snd interlaid a side-split- ting story or a quaint Yankee picture in the midst of his more serious delinea- tions. He has also guarded his person- ality and the flavor of his own original- ity intact from the invasion of vandal elocutionists, Bishop Haygood, of the Metho- dist Episcopal church, who has been importuned by office seekers for letters to the president, says he would rather dig sassafras roots for a living than to write such beguing letters, Ruins in Texas. A Wall Twelve Miles Long and Dating from Prehistoric Times. A Texas correspondent writes to one of the scientific departments of the government of a strangely interesting prehistiric wall discovered on the trontier of the Lone Star state. This marvelous ruin surpasses in interest all the other wonderful remains hith- erto found of the people who once in- habited the whole Mexican plateau and attaived a high state of civiliza- tion. It passes through Milano, and has a total length of about twenty miles. It is built of solid masonry, ten to fifteen feet high, and as mary feet thick. Its height and thickness are thus almost as great as the famous Chinese wall on the north of China. The direction is northeast and south- west. It is for the most part under ground, and this is one of the curious things that puzzle those wise men who are supposed to know all about prehistoric remains. It is undoubtedly very old. Oue might suppose 1t to be the sure toundation of a gigantic fortress which rose above the ground maoy feet. The towers and other means of defence with which it might have been pro- vided have had time to crumble away in the years that bave passed. The long fortress may have been pulled down by the conquering invaders. As the people died out from the land the debris of the old wall would in either case cover its foundation. The Aztecs probably built this wall. They have left some inscriptions ou it but, since their language is entirely lost, no scholar can ever hope to de- cipher them. One covers a space of eight feet square, ‘The characters are kindred to Indian inscriptions, but not go closely allied that their mystery can be penetrated. There was undoubted: ly a populous village or city in the vicinity, tor on a high hill, near Mil ano, ihe remaius of a mighty temple of worship are found. This was support- ed by more than 200 lofty pillars. Some of them are still standing. They were made ot clay, which was well burned. This gave the appearance of stone. In this temple were placed many idols, broken parts of which are preserv- ed. Oue shaped like an owl is preserv- ed entire. Human sacrifices were made to these, as well as sacrifices of birds, beasts and reptiles. Skulls and bones have been preserved in the clay. Some of these belonged to very large animals. Sone are petrified, and it is thought that these early Aztecs may have un- derstood the art of assisting petritac- sion and thus preserved the bones of their sacrifices. The idols are all cur- iously marked, Around each pillar smal. stoves are piled up in circles or squares, and inside each circle, under- veath the pillar, there is a centre of foundation stone, tashioned to repre- sent the godhead. Near the wall there are also furnaces in which the natives smelted iron. The locality and direction of the wall are not easily accounted for. Perhaps the marks the boundary of certain tri- bal territory which was exposed to the attacks of the enemy. An enormous amount of labor and material must have been required for its construction it built above the ground on the same gigantic plans as the foundation. Al. though there were toward 1,000 000 people then living in that vicinity, the work must have extended over a con- siderable period of time. Unless this was some strategic point it isdifficultto understand how but a few thousand could be interested in its construction. An old tradition says that the Aztecs | were one of the seven powerful tribes that emerged from the seven caverns in a region called Aztlon, or place of the heron. They wandered away from their fellows after a great confu- gion of tongues and settled in the re gion they are kno: n to have inhabited. This tradition may be partly fabulous, but it is sure that the Aztecssettled the country before the eleventh or twelfth century. All the tribes lived in peace for a considerable time, until the strong began to encroach upon the ter ritory of the weak. Then a fierce war for supremacy over the whole territory ensued and lasted many years. Under the leadership of their military chiefs, the Atzecs obtained control of the ter- ritory, and established a very enlight ened form of government. This was consummated in 1324 or 1325. Itis likely that the fortress was built dur- ing this period of war. Booth on His Deathbed. He Is Unable to Talk, but Recognizes Those About Him—Sleeps Most of the Time—His Condition Serious. There seems to be doubt that Edwin Booth is in a very serious condition, in spite of the reassuring statements of the physicians. Dr. Smith said after his 5 o'clock call to-day that Mr. Booth was better that at any time since his present attack. Mr. Booth is still unable to talk. He recognized those about him however, and sleeps most of the time. His daughter, Mrs. Grossman, was with him to-day. Mrs Hancock's Funeral. New York, April 22.—The funeral of Mrs. Almiral Russell Hancock, wid- ow of General Winfield S. Hancock,who died Thursday afternoon, took place to- day at noon at the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, known as “The Little Church Around the Cor- ner.”” At the close of service the body was sent to St. Lonis for burial in the Russell family plot in the Bellefontaine cemetery. O. D. Russell, Mrs. Han cock’s brother, accompanied the body. Mrs. J. R. Green, widow of the English historian, is plucky. Her years of acting as amanuensis for her busband brought on writer's cramp. When her right hand gave oat she learned to write with her left. Two of her own works, “Town Life in the Fif- teenth Century,” and “English Town Life in the Middle Ages; were both produced in this way.” California Earthquakes. The Stranger Tells of His ExperienceWith Big Shakes. From the New York Tribune. “Earthquakes,” said the stranger contemptucusly. “You people bere think you bad an earthquake the other night, do you? You don’t know what earthquakes are. Why, in California they have earthquakes that are some: thing like earthquakes, yet they aren’ 80 very bad, either, though I know a man out there who always packs his watch in cotton before he went to bed, 80 that the works wouldn't get shaken out in the night by an earthquake. “There was a man who came out there from New York who didn’t know anything about eartquakes. He was living in a hotel in a little town, when a shock came one night. Tt wasn't much of a shock—just an or- dinary little affair to which no pative | Calitornian would pay the slightest at- tention. But when thi: tenderfoot felt the earth shaking, and afterward when the house began to rattle and rock, he rao for his window. He was up in the third story, but he jumped. Down below was a shed with a light roof. He struck that and went through it like a shot. He was scratched and torn ahd jabbed in the most awful way, but he was tickled to death when he found he was alive. He wouldn't believe us when we told him he was scared—that he jumped. He declared that he hado’t jumped. *“ ‘Why,” he says, ‘when that earth- quake began to shake the house to pieces I tried to get ho'd of something to brace myself with. Just then the walls began to fall something picked me up and threw me out of the win. dow. I'm glad it did. It saved my lite. Ishould have been killed if I had been in the house when it fell. “You see, he didn’t know anything about earthquakes. The plaster on the wallsof the house hadu’t even been cracked ; but that's the way 1t takes tenderfeet. “One of the worst shaking up I ever had was in Africa. There was a fel: low over there who had chills and fev- er that were the worst I ever saw. They used to come on him every day at a certain hour. He would sit down and shake so you could almost hear his bones rattle and his belt would snap like the bones of a player in a minstrel show. When he got through with his attack he would be as weak as a kitten and as white as a sheet. Well, one afternoon he sat down to have his chills, when an earthquake shock came along. It threw me down and fired me all over the ground, but he just sat there and shook. No man that ever lived shook the way that mand d. I believe if there had been so much noise and confusion you could have heard his belt crack a mileaway. He just shivered from head to foot over and over again. 1 could see him while I was tossing around, and thought he would shake to pieces, but he just sat up the same as he always did when he had his chills. “When the shock was over I got up, and then he said : “That's the worst attack I ever had. I believe I'm getting worse. I'm afraid I'll have to move away from here.’ “Would you believe it, that man thought that earthquake was one of his attacks of chills. He did, sir, and the most remarkable think about it was that after that when the hour for his shakes came around he would walk aboutand attend to his business as if nothing unusual were happening. Yes, sir, after that earthquake he didn’t mind chills a bit, sir ; not a bit, sir. and he always said he was getting better.” — (Gazzam—There’s a married man paving markeu attention to Mrs. Bloobumper. # Mre. Gozzam (shocked but intensely intesely interested) —You don’t say so Who isit? Gazzam—Mr. Bloobumper. ——4“We have had a stormy life,” said the jester to the king, with easy familitarity. “How so?" “Yours has been reigny and mine wind” ——Floorwalker —- Good morning! you wish to do some shopping, I pre- sume ?”’ Bride (with hubby) —Y-e-s. Floorwalker—Step into the smoking room, and the boy there will give you a check for your husband. ——4Do you find it very hard to get vour hushand through the telephone ?”’ inquired Mrs. Boggs of her friend Mrs, Scroggs. “JT never tried it,’”” answered Mrs. Scroggs, ‘he weighs two hundred.” Twenty-one bright-eyed, rosy- cheeked Irish girls, fresh from the Em- erald Isle, landed in New York on Fri- day last. They are Found for Chicago, where they will help to brighten the Irish Village, which is to be a feature of the World’s Fair. ——The most remarkable springs in the worid are in California, they pro- duce sulphuric acid and ink. ——- There are 240,900 varieties of in- sects. Tourists. “More Facts. The Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company has just issued another fifty page, handsomely illustrated pamphlet, giving “More Facts” about South Dakota, regarding agriculture, sheep raising, climate, soil, and its other resources. It also contains a correct county map of North, as well as South Dakota It will be sent free to any address, upon appli- cation to John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa. Write for one of them. Tourists. New Advertisements. —= Sixty Million Bushel of Wheat—A Bush- el for Every Inhabitant of the United States. The Kansas Crop of "92. Never in the history of Kaasas nas that . state had such bountiful crops as this year. The farmers cannot get enough hands to har- vest the crop. and the Santa Fe Railroad nas made special rates from Kansas City and oth- er Missouri River towns, to indues harvest hands to go into the state. The wheat crop of the state will be sixty to sixty-five million bushels and the quality is high. The grass crop is made, and is a very large one; the early potatoes, rye, barley and oat crops are made, and all large. The weather has been propitious for corn, and it is the cleanest, best looking corn to be found in the country to- day. Cheap rates will be made from Chicago, St Louis and all points on the Santa Fe east of the Missouri River. to all Kansas point, on August 30 and September 27, and these excur- sions will give a chance for eastern farmers to see what the great Sunflower State can do. A good map of Kansas will be mailed free upoa application to Jno. J Byrne, 723 Monadnock Block, chieago,- 11l., together with reliable statistics and information about Kansas lands. 38 4 3m Wanted. Flouring Mills at Reynolds. N. D. ($2,000 bonus); and Maynard, Minn. (Free site and half of stock will be taken). Jewelry Stores at Buxton and Neche, N. D. Banks at Ashby, Minn, and Williston N.D. Hotels at Wahpeton and Grafton, N. D (Stock will be taken); Crystal, N. D. and Waverly, Minn. (Bonus offered or stock taken). General Stores, Creameries, Harness Shops, Drug Stores, Shoe Shops. Lumber Yards, Tai or Shops, Hardware Stores, Banks,’ Carpenter Shops, Saw Miil, Soap Factories, Blacksmith Shops, Meat Markets, Bakeries, Barber Shops, Wagon Shops, Furniture Factories, Machine Shops, &c. needed and solicited by citizens in new and growing towns in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana. Free sites water pow er for factories at various places. No charges whatever for information which may ilead to the securing of locations by interested par- ties. Farmers and stock-raisers wanted to occupy the best and cheapest vacant farming and grazing lands in America. Instances are com- mon every year inthe Red River Valley and other localities where land costing $10. an acre produces $20. to $30. worth of grain. Fines sheep. cattleand horse country ia America Millions of acres of Government Land still to be homesteaded convenient to the railway. Information and pnblications sent free by F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. 36-32. Abraham Lincoln: When leaving his home at Springfield, Ill, to be inaugurated President of the United States, made a farewell address to his old friends and neighbors, in which he said “neighbors give your boys a chance.” The words come with as much force to-day as they did thirty years ago. How give them this chance? Up in the northwest is a great empire wait- ing for young and sturdy fellows to come and develope it and “grow up with the country.” All over this broad land are the young fellows, the boys that Lincoln referred to, seeking to better their condition and get on in life. Here is the chance! The country referred to lies along the Northern Pacific. R. R. Here you can find pretty much anything you want. In Minneso- ta, and in the Red River Valley of North Dako- ta, the finest of prairie lands fitted for wheat and grain, or as well for diversified farming. N Western North Dakota, and Montana, are stock ranges limitless in extent, clothed with the most nutritious of grasses. If fruit farming region is wanted there is the whole state «f Washington to select from As for scenic delights the Northern Pacific Railroad passes through a country unparallel- ed. In crossing the Rocky, Bitter Root and Cascade mountains, the greatest mountain scenery to be seen in the United States from car windows is found. The wonderful Bad Lands, wonderful in graceful form and glow- ing color, are a poem. Lake Pend d’'Orielle and Ceeur d'Alene, are alone worthy of a trans- continental trip, while they are the fisher- man’s Ultima Thule. The ride along Clark's Fork of the Columbia River is a daylight dream, To cap the climax this is the only way ‘o reach the far famed Yellowstone Park. To reach and see all this the Northern Pa- cific Railroad furnish trains and service of unsurpassed excellence. The most approved and comfortab'e Palace Sleeping cars: the best Dining cars that can be made; Pullman Tourist cars good for both first and second class passengers; easy riding Day coaches, with Baggage, Express, and Postal cars all drawn by powerful Baldwin Locomotives makea a train fit for royalty itself. Those seeking ror new homes should take this train and go and spy out the land ahead. To be nid write to CHAS. 8. FEE, G. P.& T. A. St. Paul, Minn. New Advertisements. AE SARSAPARILLA Y-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofula. Salt-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-nnoing Sores S-curvy, Humors, Itch A-ncmia, Indigestion P-imples, Bloiches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes I-mpure Blocd L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Complaint A-ll Cured by AYER’ SARSAPARILLA Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Cures others, will cure ycu. 35-36 Railway Guide. ARRIVED. A complete line of Ladies Union Suits Jos FROM 50 CENTS UP A beautiful assortment of trimming furs. Childreus coats from $1.25 up. LADIES WOOL HOSE at 18 cents, better ones for more money. ALWAYS PLENTY OF BARGAINS AT CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Spring Street, ellefonte, Pa 3T48 ly re SUN, During 1893 The Sun will be of surpassing excellence and will print more rews and more pure literature than ever ! efore fn its history. THE SUNDAY SUN is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in thq world. Price 5 cents a copy Daily, by mail, ............ Daily and Sunday, by mail,... ....By mail, $2 a yea 86 a yeal «88 8 year Address THE SUN, 38 2-8m New York. Druggist. 1 JAS. A. THOMPSON & CO. rtm meme te ees eres se | ALLEGHENY ST., BELLEFONTE, PA. ee DEALERS IN PURE { DRUGS, MEDICINES TOILET } ARTICLES and every thing kept in a first class'Drug Store 8714 6m Insurance. J C. WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE eo Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compgnies at lowest rates fndemsity against Fire, Lightning, Torna does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Rol, 154 : y GG L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli: cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason: able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House. 22 5 Miscellaneous Adv’s. OARDING.—Visitors to Philadel- ph:a, on business or pleasure, from thx section, will find pleasant rooms and good boarding either by the day or week, at 1211 Greene Street. Centrall, located. Pleasant surroundings 37-32. HECK-WEIGHMAN'S RE: PORTS, ruled and numbered up to 150 with name of mine and date line printed in full, on extra heavy paper, furnished in sny quanity on to days’ notice by the. WATCHMAN JOB ROOMS. Farmer’s Supplies. QouTd BEND CHILLED PLOWS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, CORN PLANTERS, GRAIN DRILLS, ASPINWALL FZXla:9 PLANTER PRICES REDUCED. Pennsylvania Spring Hoed Two Horse Cultivator, with two rowed Corn Planter Attachment. PRICES REDUCED. Buggies, Pleasure Carts and Surreys of the finest quality. PRICES REDUCED. CONKLIN WAGONS, CHAMPION WAGONS, FARM CARTS, WHEEL-BARRO WS. PRICES REDUCED. Champion Rock Crusher and Champion Road Machines, BARBED WIRE, both link and hog wire. PRICES REDUCED. CHURNS, WASHING MACHINES, PUMPS, FEED CUTTERS, LAWN MOWERS, FERTILIZERS FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS. The best Implements for the least money guaranteed. Office and Store in the Hale building. 36 4 McCAT-MONT & CO. ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Dee. 18th, 1892. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Belleionte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone 6.52 a. m., al Altocna, 7.40 a. m,, at Pitts burg, 12.10 p. m. Leave Hallefonce, 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone 11.552. m= at Al‘oona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts urs 6.50 p: m Lesve Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyrone 6.33, at Altoona at 7.25, at Pittsburg at 11.20 VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. Leave Hellefonts, 5.35 a.m. arrive at Tyrone 6.55, at Harrisburg 10.30 a. m., at Philadel- phia, 126 p.m. Leave Belietonte 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia, 6.50 v. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.33 at Harrisburg at 10.20 p, m., at Phila- delphia, 4.26 a. n.. VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 10.37 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.256 p. m,, at Renovo, 9. p. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.45 p. m.,, arrive at Lock Haven at 9.50 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.37, leave Williamsport, 12.30 B m. 2 Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at .50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 op m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.25. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.456 p. m., Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.45 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 10.10 p. m,, leave Williamsport, 12.26 a. m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive ai Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.40 a. m. Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 1.47, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila- ____elphia at 10.55 p. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. ® H 5 sg 5 Dec. 19, 5 3 © 2 E 7 “|B 1892. £ § 5 § Pol] A.M. | A. ML «Pow | PM. 6 33] 11 55] 6 52!.. 3100 726 6 27 11 48) 6 45 3171.17.32 6 23] 11 43| 6 42 320 735 6 19 11 38 6 38 324 739 6 13} 11 32| 6 32 30{3 30] 7 45 6 10; 11 29| 6 30|.. 333 748 6 Ox 11 26] 6 28 53 87 7 62 601 11 17] 6 21 313 44| 7 59 5 54] 11 09] 6 13|...Martha....| 8 51|3 52] 8 (7 5 45) 11 00] 6 03]...Julian..... 8 59/4 01] 8 16 5 3t| 10 51 5 55|.Unionvitle.| 9 10/4 10] 8 25 5 28) 10 43| 5 48|..8.S. Int...| 9 18/4 17| 8 32 5 25| 10 38) 5 45 .Milesburg | 9 22/4 20| 8 35 5 15] 10 28] 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 32|4 30] 8 45 505 10 18] 5 25\.Milesburg.| 9 47(4 40 9 OC 4 57] 10 ¢9| 5 18|....Curtin....| 9 56/4 46] 9 07 4 50] 10 02] 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 10 02(4 50| 9 15 4 44 954 507..Howard...| 10 09{4 57 9 22 4 35 9 45 4 59|.Eagleville.| 10 17|5 05 9 30 4 33] 9 42| 4 56/Beh. Creek.| 10 2C[5 08{ 9 33 4 21) 9 31| 4 46/.Mill Hall...| 10 31{5 19] 9 44 418 9 29! 4 43/Flemin’ton.| 10 34|5 22| 9 47 4 15] 9 25| 4 40/Lck. Haven| 10 375 25 9 50 P.M. A. M.|A M. A.M. [A.M[P, MW. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. NORTHWARD : SOUTHWARD. = RB 5 5 go! B Dee. 19, 5 wl EE Bl E 1892. br Z| 2 g | P.o.| Pp. M. | A. M. Lv. Ar. ja. Mm [A.M [PB 7 30! 315] 8 20|...Tyrone....| 6 46| 11 45/6 12 737 322 82.E. Tyrone. 6 34} 11 38/6 (5 743; 326 8M... Vail...... 6 34| 11 34(6 00 7 ¢5! 336] 841..Vanscoyoc.! 6 26| 11 25/6 52 8 00] 3 40 8 45|.Gardners... 6 24| 11 21{6 50 8 07| 3 49) 8 5Mt.Pleasant| 6 16] 11 12{5 43 8 15 3 58 9 05|...8ummit...| 6 09] 1 05/56 33 8 19, 3 59; 9 10Sand.Ridge| 6 05) 10 68|6 27 8 21! 4 01{ 9 12(... Retort.....| 6 03] 10 54/6 25 8 24] 4 02] 9 15..Powelton...| 6 01] 10 52/5 23 8 30] 4 08) 9 24|..Osceola...| 5 52] 10 40/5 11 8 41] 4 15 ? 33..Boynton...| 5 45] 10 33/5 (3 8 45] 4 18] 9 37/..5tniners...| 5 43| 10 30/4 58 8 47 4 22] 9 39|Philipshu’g| 5 41] 10 27/4 55 8 51 4 26| 9 43|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 21/4 49 8 57| 4 32] 9 49|.Blue Ball..| 5 33] 10 17/4 44 9 03] 439] 9 55 Wallaceton,: 5 28] 10 10/4 39 9 10! 4 47| 10 02|....Bigler..... 5 22| 10 02{4 30 9 17| 4 52] 10 (7{.Woodland..| 5 17| 9 54|4 23 9 24| 4 58) 10 13|...Barrett....| 512| 9 47/4 15 9 28) 5 02| 10 17(.Leonard...| 5 09] 9 43/4 12 9 35] 5 08] 10 21|.Clearfield..| 5 04] 9 364 07 9 40; 5 11| 10 28|..Riverview.| 5 00! 9 32/4 (2 9 47) 5 16] 10 32|Sus. Bridge, 4 54 9 24(3 56 9 550 5 25] 10 38/Curwensv’e, 4 50/ 9 20/2 50 Pa. Pola} [a on fa, mle. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after Dee. 19, 1892. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......0 45 a. m crirsd 00 Pam Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 33 a. m. : 25 p.m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effect December 18th, 1892. WESTWARD. EASTWARD . 111 103 114 112 STATIONS. P. M. | A. M. A.M. | P.M. 2 00] 5 40 Montandon. 9 10, 4586 208 61 Lewisburg 9 Fair Ground .Biehl Vicksbur, SREARE 00 00 00 OL 311 718... Cherry Run....... 757 3 30] 738 Coburn.. 7 38 3 47 7 55|....Rising Springs....| 7 21 4 01; 8 09|......Centre Hall. 7 06 407 8 7 00 413 8 6 bY 418 8 6 47 422 8 6 43 427 8 | 6388 437 8 Pleasant Gap...... 6 28 4 45] 8 53|........ Bellefonte.........| 6 20 P. M. | A, M. A.M. |P. M. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD | 2 2 Nov. 16, = | LE lam Xx 11) =" 101 A.M. PM. A.M. | P.M. edieee 10 0] 4 50{....Scotia.....| 9 5 4 401... eveer 10 1¢] 5 05|.Fairbrook.| 9 09/ 4 25|...... Sikes 10 28) 5 15/Pa.Furnace| 8 56! 4 15|... SE 10 34| 5 21|...Hostler...! 8 50| 408... a 10 46] 5 26 Marengo. 843 4 (4... 5 8¢|.Loveville... 837 355..... 5 39; FurnaceRd| 8 81} 3 49... 5 #4 Dungarvin.| 8 27 3 461... > Wlilark.. 0 8 | 3 88. n enuington, 8 107 3 30[...... Stover..... | 2 58! 318 ...... ¢ 25)... Tyrone....{ 750; 310l.... ELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1892. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Ac.| Ex. | Mail. SrarioNs, Ac.| Ex | Mail P.M.| P. MIA. MAT, Lv.iam!a mip nm 635] 3 50| 9 05 Bellefonte.|s 30 10 30| 4 40 G28 344 8 89 «.Coleville...|6 37] 10 35] 4 45 6 25 3 41] 8 56/....Morris....|6 40! 10 38] 4 48 622) 338 852l.Whitmer...|6 44 10 43) 4 51 619] 335 849 Linns 6 47] 10 46] 4 54 617 83 8 47 6 50) 10 49 4 56 614 331 844 6 63) 10 52| 6 00 6 11) # 28 8 40|...Sellers....I6 57) 10 56 5 03 6 09 ‘3 26] 8 38....Brialy.....|T 00] 10 68] 5 05 6 05 3 23] 8 35|...Waddle...!T 05! 11 01; &§ 10 6 02] 3 20] 8 30|Mattern Jul7 08] 11 03] 512 551] 300 818 .Krumrine..!7 21| 11 13| 5 24 548, 2 °5| 8 14]...Struble...i7 24] 1117 61 5 45| 2 50|. 8 10/StateColl’ge 7 30| 11 20| 5 30 | On the Red Bank branch trains will run as follows : GOING EAST WILL LEAVE Red Bank at 8 00 a. m and 5 385 p.m Stormstown at 8 05 5 40 Mattern at § 12 543 Graysdale at 8 17 5 46 Mattern Ju. at 8 20 5 60 (GOING WEST WILL LEAVE : Mattern Ju. 7 14a. m. and 513 m Graysdale 7 19 516 Mattern 7 24 5 20 Stormstown 7 29 5 23 Red Bank 17 85 5 86 THos. A. SwoemAKER,Supt d