Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 07, 1893, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., April 7, 1893.
To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications
puhiished unless accompanied by the real
na ne of the writer.
—— What typical moving and gar-
den making weather.
——Cook’s Bon-Marche is now loca-
ted in the Aiken’s block on Allegheny
— Miss Kate Burrows, of Williams-
port, is visiting Mrs. F. W. Crider, of
Linn street.
—— Walter Crosthwaite, of the Wil-
liamsport Times force of compositors,
was home on Wednesday.
——Among the Philadelphians in
Bellefonte during the week was Mr.
Evan Valentine, who greeted his many
friends here.
——Dr. R. L. Dart has moved into
his house on Allegheny street, recently
occupied by James Whelan and family,
of Philadelphia.
—— President Robert Frazier, of the
Bellefonte Central, is in town called
hither by the resignation of superinten-
dent Thos. A. Shoemaker.
——John Walker, McCalmont’s
clever young bouk-keeper, is off duty
this week on account of a severe attack
of the spring fever and a bad cold.
— Frank Lukenbach and Harry
Green. both attaches of the Moshannon
bank of Philipsvurg, spent their Easter
vacation at their homes in this place.
——On Tuesday evening the Chris.
tian Endeavor Society are going to have
# chestnut sociable. A good time and
gome hard “old chestnuts” are on the
— J. Irvin Hagerman, court report-
er of Clinton county, was in Bellefonte
during the early part of the week.
Called hither by serious illness of his
aged mother.
——Mr. Sam William’s horse took a
notion to indulge in some gymnastic
exercises Tuesday afternoon much to
Mr. Williams’ dismay and the car-
riage mender’s interest,
——0ld Mrs. Bilger, wife of D. M.
Bilger, owner of the Arctic springs prop-
erty in Rush township, which is a
favorite resort for Phlipshurgers, died
in her 69th year, on Wednesday of last
——Mrs. Frank Montgomery, Mrs.
W. F. R:ber, Mrs. Harry Schreyer,
Miss Elizabeth Hames, Mrs. D. H,
Hastings and danghter Helen, were
among the Bsllefonters 1n Philadel-
pha, Easter.
A familiar fizure on our streets
is that of the venerable James Hamil.
ton whose cheery manner and compara-
lively firm step would never betray the
fact that he celebrated his 89th birthday
on Wednesday.
Miss Bossie Mufily and sister
Lillian, who bave been spending the
winter in Philadelphia with their fath-
er, are expected at tte Bush house next
week where they have engaged rooms
for the summer.
——A nine prund boy made its ap-
pearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Ksller on the morning of April
1st. The father and mother are very
proud of the first child to bless and
brighten their home..
—— Mr. and Mrs. Linn Murphy, of
Brooklyn, are visiting relatives in
town. This is their first visit home
since their marriage last June and from
their smiling countenances it sesms that
the honeymoon is not over yet.
Mrs. Daniel S. Keller has re-
turned from Aiken, N. C., where she has
been since last November. Mr. Keller,
on whose account they were South is
still improving, but does not expect to
come home for several months.
——Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hayes,
who came home Monday from winter-
ing in Passadena, Cal, have opened
their Linn street house and once more
taken up their abude in Bellefonte,
much to the delight of old friends.
——Wae were pleased to see our old
friend William Jones, the venerable
collector of the First National bank,
on Wadnesday morning. He had been
laid up with a bad cold for some time,
but the life of activity is the one he has
always led, hence his appearance so
——The Orpheus orchestra gave a
dance in Bush’s Arcade hall, on Mon-
day evening, to which quite a number
of young ladies and some gentlemen—
wo are sorry to say that all did not act
as gentlemen—betook themselves. With
the exception of a slight disturbance
caused by the ebullition of one man’s
pirits the dance passed off very nicely.
——The postal receipts at the Belle-
fonte post-office for the year ending
March 31st, 1893, amounted to $10,041.
As they were $41 more than is necessary
to establish free delivery it is certain
that Bellefonte will continue to enjoy
the service. Basides the postraaster,
three clerks, four carriers, a substitute
and a spacial delivery carrier are em-
tt —— an tear mee A — Tn ——-
CounciL's LoNG SgssioN.--The reg-
ular semi-montbly meeting of council
convened on Monday evening and from |
the time president Potter's gavel fell,
at half past seven o'clock, untl ten, the
meeting was one of unusual interest.
All of the members were present and
took active part in the many questions
brought under discussion. |
Perhaps the transaction which will
mean the most to the citizens of our |
town was the motion to confer the en-
tire control of police regulations —out-
side of the pay and appointments—upon
the chiet burgess. Thus it will be seen
that Mr. Meyer will, during his term of
office, be entirely responsible for the
proper police regulations of our town.
If he instructs his officers to arrest all
drunk and profane persons, on the
streets, he will have done the town an
everlasting good and will receive the
approbation of all good citizens. It is
understood that the burgess is determin-
ed to break up street corner loafing
which has become. so vbnoxious. If
this be true the women of Bellefonte
will have every reason to thank him tor
affording them the privilege of using |
streets which profanity aod indecent re-
marks have long made too foul for them.
Chiet among the business brought be-
fore the Street committee was ine request
for a sewer along the alley leading past
Baum’s and the Brockerhoff house liv-
ery stables to carry off refuse which now
is becoming a nuisance on Allegheny
and Spring streets. An incandescent
light was ordered placed on Toomas
street, mid-way between the High and
Lamb streets,
Solicitor Dale was present to present
Poor Oversger Jas. I. McClure's boad
for $5,000 which was accepted by coun-
cil. He also informed the memoors
that the case of the borough vs Samuel
H. Deinl, arising out of the supposed
appropriation of borough property in
his lov on Willowbank street, would be
on trial during the second week of the
April term of court. .
The Water committee reported its
work 1n good condition and recommend-
ed the laying of a three 10ch main from
Lamb to Lina street, so as to give the
people of the northern section of the
town a better watersupply. Complaint
was made that the pipes on Beaver
street failed to give any water, owing to
a supposed clogging up. The commit-
tee was ordered to look afier the matter.
According to Engineer Samuel Ryan's
statement the water works are supply-
ing each man, woman and child In
town with 3} barrels ot water daly.
A strict party vote, 6 to 3, re-elected
Thomas Snaughensy Street Commission-
er over Mr. Howley, the Democratic
Just before council adjourned Mr.
Miller, member from the North ward,
presented a resolution which promises to
be the cause of no httle comment. By
along drawn out preamble and petition
praying the rem val of certain nui-
sances which are supposed to exist and
working on the credulity of his brother
erancilmen, by bringing in the cholera
scare, he concludes with a blow at the
cow. How Mr. Milier ever raked up
courage enough to so boldly attazk the
cow question 8 the unanswered 1nter-
rogation which older members of coun
cil are now putting to each other. His
petition reads as tollows :
To the President and Members of tie Town Coun-
cil of the Bo:ough of Bellefonte.
The pe ition of the undersigned citizens of
the said borough, respectfully represents:
That whereas it will be necassary in order
to prevent our country from being visited with
the dire and fatal disease of cholera, with
which it is now threatened, to use extraordi-
pary sanitary means and measures to protect
ourselves against the same, and
WuEeRreas, kvery community and borough
throughout the State and country, having a
due aud proper regard for the health and wel-
fare of its citizens and inhabitants are taking
vigorous measures to protect them against
tne scourges of the said dread disease :
Therefore, we pray that the Town Council of
Bellefonte, will promptly and speedily, pass an
ordinance, requiring all filth, offal and debris
found in alleys, yards or c=llars to b2 remov-
ed and cleaned up and also to pass an ordi:
nance, prohibiting cows and other cattle and
stock from running at largein the said Bor.
ough ot Bellefonte, adopt any other sanitary
measures and regulations as in your judgment
and wisdom may seem meet and proper.
That you having ample power to act in the
matter, we earnestly pray that you will do so
promptly and effectively. And we will ever
HappiLy WEDDED. -- At six o’clock
on last Taursday eveaing, M rch 30th,
Mr. James F. Goss and Miss Annie M.
Henderson, both of Taylor towaship,
were united in the bonds of holy matri-
mony by Rev. T. P. Orner, presiding
elder of the Altoona district U. B.
church, at the home of the bride’s pa-
rents, Mr.and Mrs. Milton J. Henderson.
The ceremony was parformed in the
presence of the family and a number of
invitel guests, whose congratulations
were warm and hearty. The groom
is a worthy young man, a successful
school teacher and respected citizen.
Hie bride is an estimable young lady,
also a teacher, and merits the sympathy
and care of a kind and loving husband.
The presents were numerous, handsome
and valuable. Tne happy couple ex-
pect to take up house-keeping in a few
days near their present homes. That
their journey together through life may
be long, happy and prosperous is the
' become a furniture store.
wish of their many friends.
——Moving and accidents are now
the regular order of things.
—Bergstressers tin type photograph
gallery from Lock Haven has come to
——W. F. Wise, the Tyrone scene
painter and theatre contractor, will build
a new studio soon. hoa
——News from Clifton Springs, N
Y., is to the effect that Joe. W. Furey,
is slowly improving. :
——Renova’s old opera house has
The new one
is expected to be ready to open by fall.
——Miss Ammermtn is in the east-
ern cities, this week, buying spring nov-
| elties and everything stylish in milli-
——Easter was a perfect day, if ever
there was one, but strange as it may
| seem, very few new costumes were seen
on the favorite promenades.
——Mr. Edward B. Rankin, Western
' Union manager at this place, attended
the Shearer-Fisher wedding in Lock
Haven, on Tuesday evening.
——Col. Robert C. Cassidy, formerly
of this place and one of the tounders of
the Keystone Gazette, was elected
Mayor of Canton, Ohio, on Monday.
——The Eagle hotel, in Lock Haven,
was badly damaged by fire early Tues-
day morning. Landlord Smith was
slightly burned while trying to save his
——C M. Bower Exq, has been se-
Iacted by the Raformed church orzani-
zation of the State as a member of the
World's Fair Advisory Council on Re-
ligious Congress Auxiliary.
—— W. B. Rankin, of this place ac-
compnined by W. A. Tobias and C.
W. Hartman, of Millheimn, installed
the newly elected officers tor the Rebers-
burg Odd Fellows on Wednesday night.
Woodward had two fires on
Tuesday. The summer house on the
Frank Torbet' farm and the dwelling |
owned by Dr. Ard and occupied by a
Mr. Lynch, both suffered slight damage.
A mission to bs condacted by
the Paulist fathers, of Naw York, will
begin in the Catholic church, Belle-
fonte, on next Sunday, April 9th, and
continue for one week. Everybody is
invited to attend tha maeiin zs.
——Captain Harry Siraler, of Phil-
ipshburg, brought Hsary Siier, a wife
deserter, to jail in this place on Mon-
day morning. Silar lived near Peale,
on the Bsech Creek R. R until he ran
away and was arrested in Austin, Potter
The residence of M. F. Brown-
lee, at Mackayville, Clinton county was
destroyed by fire at an early hour last
Friday morning. In attempting to
save his furniture the owner was so
nearly burned that he had to jump out
of an upstairs window.
——Waile driving a wagon loaded
with lumber across the P. and E. rail.
road tracks, at Lock Haven, K. D.
Batcheler narrowly escaped being Kkill-
ed. Niagara express, a fast train, struck
the rear end ot his wagon and it, lum-
ber and driver were sent flying.
——The report that C. J. Campbell,
of this place, had perished in the Brad-
ford hotel fire, Saturday, was unfound«d.
A man named H. J. Campbell had hi8
ankle sprained by jumping from a win-
dow of the burning hotel, but no infor-
mation can be procured that leads to
the conclusion that he 1s a Belle-
——The WATCHMAN wants to pub.
lish a list of twenty-tive good names
next week. Taey will be those of the
persons who have paid their subscrip-
tion before next Thursday noon.
Don’t you want your name on the list.
Putit there by sending in a check or post
office order for your subscription. Bs
one of the twenty-five.
——Monday morning, bright and
early, proprietor Heary Yeager threw
the doors of the Brant house wide open
to the public. The hotel is located at
the corner of Allegheny and Bishop
streets and was known as the Fountain
house, until Mr. Yearger took charge.
He has been connected with the Brock-
erhoff house for years and will doubtless
make the Brant a favorite with the peo-
HaNnDs.—Archy Allison has purchased
the Mrs. William Humes property on
north Allegheny strest. Samuel Rey-
nold’s Jr., of Lancaster, has become the
owner of Dr. Thos. R. Hayes’ property
on Linn street. It adjoins the home
of W. Fred Reynolds and it is supposed
that the purchaser intends making
Bellefonte his future home, as the great
amount ot work that devolves on him as
one of the administrators of his late
uncle’s immense" estate will necessitate
his spending most of his time here. Dr.
Hayes has purchased the Andrew Cur-
tin property on east Curtin street.
LA-HIicks.—A combination of causes
conspire at the opening, and during the
entire month of April, which are calcu-
lated to produce disturbances of maxi-
the limits of the storm periods in their
normal state.
marked and dangerous storms will cen-
tre on and about the ceatral dates of
regular storm periods. The first period
extends from the 21 to the 6ith. We
| name the 8d, 4th and 5th as danger
centres. As we enter the perind it will
grow very warm In westeraly paris.
and heavy storms of thunder, rain, bail
aad tornadoes will develop and travel
eastward, turning to snow and sleet in
northernly sections, Expect a general
cold wave to spread over the country us
the storms pass to the eastward, and
ing northward, in the intervening days
and nights prior to and about the 9th
and 10th. On and about theses dates it
will suddenly grow very warm, and re
actionary storms will appear in many
places, and with marked enerzy.
Heavy hailstorms are almost sure to re-
sult. Another dash of cool weather will
fall in behind these disturbances, disap-
pearing grudually up to about the 14th.
Between the 13th and 17th the whole
couatry will feel the effects of a very
warm wave, and storms of great vio-
lence are to be apprehended on and
about the 15th, 16th and 17th. The
disturbances from the 15th to the 18ih
are aptto be prolonged by existing
causes into reactionary storms due about
the 21st and 221; The 26th is the
central day of the last period for the
month, which pariod embraces the 25th
and 28th inclusive. Daring this period
it grows very warm again, and many
heavy storms of rain, hail and thunder
will travel from west to east across our
continent. After the storms look for
cold and frost.
end very cool.
Dun~iNag 8Y Postar Carp. There
is a very genial impression among mer-
chaats and others who are particularly
interested 1n the suhjict that it is a
eriminal offense undsr United States
1uws to mail a danainz letter written oa
a postal card. A person in this nsigh-
borhood wrote to the First Assistant
P stmaster General asking for informa.
tion and received a rep. y giving the di-
cision of Judge Taayer, Dacember 14,
1889, on the wordiag of a postal card
that was mailable and one that was not.
The mailable one read: ¢ Please call
and settle account, which is long past
due, and for which our collector has
called several times, and oblige.” The
unmailable one reals: “Yu owe me
$180. We have called several times
for sama. If not paid at once, we shall
place with our law agency for collee-
Tae last sentence, it is stated, ruled
out this communication. Postal cards
are not matlable if they contain language
of “of a threatening character,” and 1t
is a very serious threat to the average
man to tell him that you are going to
sue him.” Tasers .s on) law howiver, to
prevent you from patting an X. on your
card to let your debtor understand that
you are really cross with him.--Ez.
At aa early hour on Moaday morning
fia nes wera discovered shooting from
the rear of a two-story frame building
in Snow Shoe, the lower fl yor of which
was occupied by the store of Miss Brid-
get Smith und before the slumbering
populace was thorouzaly aroused the
fla nes had gained such headway that
all that could be done was the saving of
aljoining property. Taetown has no
organized fire depirtmsat and the
wrk of the bucket brigade had very
little effect on the tisrce flames. Toney
spread to the dwelling house owned and
o:cupied by Charles Diagle. Ii was
quickly consumed as was also a large
barn owned by ’Squire Smith, waich
stood at the rear of the first building
‘buraed. Brown's jewelry store was next
to ve burned and from it the flames
danced to Joseph Smiths’ shoe shop
which was soon in ashes.
The fire was aliogether the most dis-
astrous that has occurred in the history
of Snow Shoe for s)me time and fortu-
nately a calm night preventad further
CHURCH. —Cccasionally we find a man
who, in stopping his subscription, thinks
it necessary to apologize and try to ex-
plain why he can’t take it any longer.
Generally there is a good deal of decep-
tion about these explanations—and
then it is not nedessary, anyway. If
you want to stop your paper, pay up
and order it discontinued without any
“ifs” or “and’s.” It is none of the
publishers business why you stop, and
ten to one he wont believe your story
anyway. The man after our haart
stopped his paper the other day. He
gaid hedidn’t want the d ——1 sheet
any longer. Now,
there is no deception about that, and
we believe he told the truth. —Curwens-
ville Review,
——0ne month less of school has
| been necessitated by a shortage in Cur-
wensville school funds.
mum severity, and whic1 will overrun |
Neverthe.ess, the most |
prepare for frost and considerable freez- |
The month promises to |
that’s business ; !
——DuBise is to have a wind-mill
There is a five foot flood on the
Susquehanna, Yeas
Call and see E. Brown Jr's
i stock of furniture and wall paper.
Lock Haven councilmen have
~ drawn up plans to give that town paved
——Mrs. R. A. Kiasloe, ot Philips-
burg, 1s visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. James H. Rankin.
——The WarcaMAN job printing de-
partment is better equipped now than
ever. Send in your work.
— Free lunches in Blair county sa-
t loons will soon be no more. The court
has decreed against them.
——Farme-s in the lower end of Nit-
tany valley are selling their milk to a
| creamery which began operations on
Tuesday. :
——Mr. Wesley Myers, of Boals-
burg, wasin town yesterday making
some spring purchases and looking af-
ter other business here.
——An immense stock of spring
clothing, children’s suits $1.25 up—
Boys suits $2.50 up—Mers suits $3.50
up. Lyon & Co.
Rev. T. J Leak, of Harrisburg,
who preached in the Presbyterian
church in this place on Sunday morn-
ing of Conference week, will be trans-
ferred to Chicago in October.
—-~-Have you seen E. Brown Jr’
stock of wall paper.
——The board of directors of the Mil-
ton Driving Park and Fair Association?
has changed the date of the Fall meet-
ing from the last week in September to
October 3rd to 6th inclusive.
——New spring wraps just opened.
Blazars and jackets with or without
capes from $3.00 up. Lyon & Co.
The House committee on Investi-
gation of State buildings visited the
Cottage hospital at Pailipsburg, on
last Friday. The visitors were pleased
with the condition of the hospital.
—— Wall paper of all kinds at a very
low figure can be had at E Brown Jr's,
——The electric sureer cail-road for
Hollidaysburg is an established realty.
The poles are up and much of the track
between Altoona and the Blair county
capital has been laid.
——The Ebensburg public school
building was destroyed by tire Tuesday
morning. The schools were in session
when the fire broke cut, but all the chil-
dren escaped unhurt. Loss $10,000.
Iasurance $5,000. -
‘Squire A. G. Archey, of Pine
Grove Mills, was in"towa on Monday
to begin a canvass of the county to find
out how the people will receive the an-
nouncement of his candidacy for the
nomination of county Register.
On Tuesday last Mc. James Ran-
kin received a telegram anncuncing the
death ot his niece Mrs. John C. Snaffer,
of Richmond, Va. Mrs. Shaffer, a
daughter of George S. and Jane Rankin
Armstrong, although born 1n this coun-
ty about 55 years ago, left it when quite
a little girl and the chief remembrance
of her bas been through her gener-
ous hospitality at her beautiful southern
home and a summer she spent at the
Bush house with her family some years
ago. She died in New York, where she
had been taken sick nearly two months
ago, while visiting friends and ber
death was a great loss to her devoted
husband and five children.
——That it is the people and not the
place that gives us the reputation of be-
ing more dead than alive, was. clearly
demonstrated last Saturday night by the
audience in the Court House. John R
Clarke, who ranks among the first lect-
urers on the American platform, came
with the highest recommendations and
the most flattering press notices, and
while it did not seem to disconcert him
in the least that only a mere handful of
people had cared to hear his “To and
Fro in London,” which had been listened
to twelve hundred times by audiences
ranging from five hundred to three thous-
and, it certainly reflected no credit on a
people who pose as intellectual and lit-
erary. Nor did it speak very well of
their general information, when the ex-
cuse was made “we knew nothing about
it.”” The newspapers all advertised him
well, and even if they are not to be de-
pended upon, the windows ware tull of
lithographs, and posters were well dis-
tributed. Certainly people have a right
to stay at home when they want from &
public entertainment, and it was their
loss not ours, Saturday night, for the
lecture was one of the most entertaining
that has ever been heard in Bellefonte.
But for the sake of our reputation don’t
crowd the free lectures alone and don’t
acknowledge that you neither read the
newspapers or keep up with the times,
even if your neighbors are well aware
of the fact,
told on one of (he State senators during
their visit to the Reformatory on Wed-
nesday of last week. One of the car-
penters was working away at the bench,
when a sanator approached him, and no-
ticed he had a number on his cap, he
began a conversation by saying :
“How long have you been in?”
The carpenter worked away without
looking at his interlocutor and replied :
“About four years.”
“What are you in for ?’’ asked the
“For $556 a month,” calmly replied
the workman,
“The senator discovered his mistake in
tuking the workman for one of the in-
mates and went off to join his brother
senators. —Huntingdon Local News.
——Furniture at lower prices at E.
Brown Jr’s. than any place in Centre
Moving 10 CENTRE COoUNTY.—Rev.
James W. Boal, recently the pastor of
the Presbyterian church at Newberry,
will move to Centrecounty. Last week
he visited Centre Hall and selected a
home into which he and his family will
move. Rev. Mr. Boal has many rela-
tives in Centre county, where the name
which he bears is an old and honored
one. It is hoped, too, that his rather
uncertain health will be greatly improv-
ed by residing in that salubrious locali-
ty.— Williamsport Times.
—— Spring wraps, shonlder capes
etc., from $2.00 up. Lyon & Co.
Brenan, who has filled the position as
baggage master on the Northern Cen-
tral railroad for 32 years is the first
Democrat from Lycoming county to re-
ceive a government appointment. His
appointment is watchman at the gov-
ernment building. He began his duties
on Saturday evening.— Williamsport
Gazette and Bulletin.
The grandest line of !young
men’s suit in black, blue, and brown
cheviots $5 00, $600, $700, $8.00,
$10.00, $12 00. Lyon & Co.
Prou1BiTioN QUARTETTE.—The Sil-
ver Lake Quartette will give a lecture
and concert, in the court house in Belle-
finte, on Tuesday and Wednesday,
April 11th and 12:h, at 8 o'clock, p. m.
Admission free. Tickets for reserved
seats inside of rail can be obtained
from F. Potts Greea for 15 cents. Thais
will bo a rare treat. Doors open at 7
o’clock, p. m., each evening.
Go to E. Brown Jr’s. for your
wall paper.
——Latest novelties in Spring cloth-
ing for Men, Boys and Children. The
best suit in the market for men at $10.00.
Tailoring a specialty.
CT ——
——The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P. O. April 3rd, 1893.
0. R. Brown, Colcheste Rubber Co., H Wil”
liam Corman. Cyrus Johnson, James O'Brien:
Rev.S. A. Taggert.
When called tor please say advertised.
Fine Knabe Piano For Sale.
A very fine Knabe Piano for sale at a
low price inquire of Mrs. Wm. Grauer Spring
street Bellefonte Pa. 38-14 1%
Seamstress Wants Work,
Mrs. Lindemuth nas moved to No. 209 E.
Howard street where she will be pleased to
receive orders for all kinds of sewing. She
sews by the day or receives work at her home.
Orders by mail promptly responded to. She
will be pleased to welcome her old customers
and solicits new patronage. 35 13 tf.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, ‘Thursday evening, when our paper
068 to press :
hite wheat.......c.ccvuane saseessesssnensantenasase 87
Old wheat, per bushel....... 72
Red wheat, per bushel new
Rye, per bushel........ sriveeces .
Corn, ears, per bushel.....
Corn, shelled, per bushel
Qats—new, per bushel.
Barley, per bushel.......
Ground laster, per ton.
Buckwheat per bushel
Cloverseed, per bushes.
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel .......ceceeeinnin 85 to 90
Eggs, per dozen....... . 15
Lard, per pound... . 12
CountryShoulders 12
Sides... 12
Hams... 14
laliow, per pecund. 5
Butter, per pound. 25
Onions. ; 85
Apples. 50 to 86
CADDAZO ever vereriisisssnsrstaniansintassiinins inner 4to8c
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday Thorning) in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe: annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance and
83.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper wili be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
{ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
ows :
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TWO inches ..cceunernsnssanne oe 710101 18
Three inches....... aasssntvisaividsssasar 10(15| 20
uarter Column (434 inches)....... 12 | 20 80
alf Column ( 9 inches) ...|] 20 | 85 | B8
One Column (19 inches)......cceeeeee. 36 | 55 | 100
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Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
ness and dispatch, The WarcuMAN office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
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pe executed in the most artistic mannerand §
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor