a ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Miss Myra Holiiday entertained a large number of her friends last night, in honor of her guests Miss Stuckey and Miss Suddier. —— Editor Fred Kurtz, of the Centre Hall Reporter, on Wednesday, sold his flouring mill, coal and supply yard at Centre Hall to W. H. Bartholomew a general merchant of that place. —— This evening at 7 o'clock the State College public schools will give their closing entertainment. A long and varied program has been prepared for the entertainment of friends of the schools, who are cordially invited to at- tend. —— Last Friday afternoon while Dr. R. L. Dartt wason his way to make a professional call in Milesburg the bolt holding the tongue of his buggy to the axle broke and the team started on a mad run down the pike. Samuel Lew- ip and wife were coming up the road when the accident occurred, and before they could realize their danger the runaways strack their buggy and threw both occupants out. Mrs. Lewin was bruised but not seriously. A little farther on Wallace Gephart was wait- ing in his father’s buggy, at the chain works, where he narrowly escaped being injured. As it was the buggy was smashed up. MARRIAGE Licenses. —Issued-during §he past week—Taken from the docket. William Bell and Ida Gill, both of Philipsburg. Harry F. Miller and Bertha M. Robb, both of Balletonte. C. O. Musser and R. J. Lee, both of Millheim. George W. Conley and Bessie Gates, both ot Stormstown. Harry Winton aud Alice Saylor, both of Spring township. William S. Heath, of Powelton, and May M. Spitiler, of Sandy Ridge. William L. Guusallus and Bertha Bechdel, both of Liberty township. Edwin F. Foreman and Lydia C. Luse, both of Centre Hall. John G Newland and Etta E. Sei- | bert, both of Philipsburg. W. F. Shutt and Margaret Vonada, both ot Centre Hall. SAVED BY A MIRACLE. —Monday eve- ning, about 9 o'clock, as the band was serenading Mrs. P. B Smith at the Eagle hotel, William W. Price, better known as “Billy” Price, a guest of the hotel, who had retired for the night, ap- peared at the window of his room on the third floor. He hoisted the sash and looked out, and leaned over the sill too far, when those on the street were hor- rified to see him slide out head foremost and then suddenly stop with a jerk. and money from the man’s pockets fall te the pavement The clerk, J. G. Walz, was attracted to the front door by the cries of the boys “There’sa man hang- ing up there!” and looking up saw “Billy's” predicament. He hastily ran upstairs and saw that the man was hanging headlong from the window, the sash having fallen on hie ankle and holding him there. With an almost superhuman effort Mr. Walz raised the Sash with one band and with the other caught bold of “Billy’’ and pulled him buck a short distance, lowered she sash, took fresh hold, pulled him back anoth- er short distance, and tugged at him in this manner uatil he succeeded in get- | ting the almost frightened-to death man into the room.—Lock Haven Democrat. ——A more perfect day has rarely been given on which to celebrate the Eustertide than last Sunday, and a more general celebration of the most joyous festival of the Christian world has rare- ly been known in this quiet little town. With a clearsky, a radiant sun and a bracing breeze, everybody felt iike re joizing and the consequence was, the churches were all filled with worshipers who joined in the Hosannas and who en- joyed the services and flowers. All the churches were beautifully dec- orated with potted plants and lilies, but the Presbyterian and Reformed outdid themselves and all the others, in their music. While some of the good old conservative Presbyterians were a little astonished to receive a printed program of the morning and evening service, they acquitted themselves nobly when the organ roared and the voices shouted “The Heavens are Telling” and al- though the organist, George Brandon and the choirof twelve voices considered this their coup d’ etat, the congrega- tion generally thought, “Christ Oar Passover,” “Alleluia.” and ‘Awake, Thou that Sleepest,” far more beautiful, In the Reformed church the evening exercises by the little ones were particu- larly pleasing,” Jennie Harper and Bet- ty Brouse sang a duet entitled “The Gospel of Flowers” and Karl Bell's “Sing Sweet Carols” was a revelation to those who imagine a child cannot make music. Miss Moore's “Alleluia Christ is Risen” with a. violin obligato deserves special mention, and in fact Miss Harper, who sang “Fear Not Ye O Israel,” in the morning, and everyone of the soloists did exceedingly well. T. Irvin Humes, who is well known in this place, has moved from | Brisbin, Clearfield county, to Pittsburg, where he will be employed by the Hughes and Guthrie Lumber Co. —— On last Saturday evening Harry Miller and Miss Beriia Robb were msr- ried at tke home of the bride’s parents, on east Beaver street, by the Rev. W A. Houck. Clarence Rodgers nobly per- formed the daties of best man and Miss Sadie Caldwell served the bride as maid of honor. The happy couple departed on the evening train for a short wedding trip after which they will go to house- keeping in Harrisburg where the groom has secured a good pusition. —————— i ' i | Pine Grove Mentions. That prince of gond fellows, Prof. George W. school, spent his Easter vacation among his Pine Grove friends. We desire to eorrect an error in our last let- ter in which our informant erred ia stating to us who was the champion player. It was Mr. Bunnell, of Lewistown. Honor to whom hon or is due. On the afternoon of the 20th Mr. Charles E. Decker, of Lemont, accompany by his intend- ed bride, drove to the Lutheran parsonage here where they were quietly married by Rev. C. T. Aikens in the presence of several guests. After which they quartered at the St. Elmo for the night where they were most royally enter- tained by mine host and his lady. Of course the calithumpians were heard from and for a time the night air was made hideous in the effort to have the bride and groom make their appearance. Last Tuesday, the 4th inst. was an old fash_ 1oned March blow day. The kind of days that. invariably fan sparks into flames. Some- time about fiveo'clock p. m. Mr. Harshber- ger’s house, below Boalsburg, caught fire from a spark on the roofand in forty minutes was all in ashes. The wind blowing a terrible gale fanned the leaping flames. But littie ot the household goods were saved. At the same time the Oak Hall foundry caught from the cupalo, but the race being near water was dashed on and the flames extinguished with but little damage, except 10 a part of the roof Another old veteran gone. Inthe last days of March there came the summons which all mast obey toanswer the last roll call, and all that was mortal of color sergeant Joseph Rig- i els was born to its final resting place in the | Aitooua cemetery. After the burial the ¢ m- | rades mar ‘hed aw», leaving him alone in his | glory, knowing full well a good and true de- | fender of the Republic had been laid to rest in | his tented mound of earth. sergeant Rigels | was a member of €o. E. 45, P. V. Vol., of which the writer was a member. He enlisted with i the promise of carrying the regimental flag | by Col. Thomas Welsh. This position he filled with honor and distinction, having been three times wounded, at Anti-tam, Sept. 17th, he was wounded and at Poplar Grove, Palmer's far © S~pt. 30th '61, he was shot down, but comrade J. G. Heberling hoisted the flag to the breeze until he fell and the entire Regt was captured. Atter the sergeant’s recovery he carried the flag until the close, serving over four years as one of the conspicuous members of thie Regt., being six feet four inches tall and equally well proportioned. His sudden death was caused by heart failure at theage of 82 years. Easter Sunday was observed with more than usual activity in this place. After the morn” ing services in the Presbyterian church. Rev’ George Elliott organized a Temperance socie- ty A constitution was adopted in brief, sub- juct to future amend 1 ents. The revered gen- tleman was elected presid:nt, D. W. Miller first vice president, and Mrs. A. P. Mitchell second vice president, Mrs. M. A. Miller, secretary and W. H. Baily to count ard take care of the “rocks.” Mr. Elliott was elected a representative to the Harrisburg convention in session this week. Easter morning with the sun pouring torth its bright rays added much to the enjoyment and interest of the oe. casion that brought out large congregations everywhere. W.C Dunlap, of the Gettysburg Tueological Seminary, filled the Lutheran pul- pit in the morning, basing his remarks on the | Hidden Life in Christ. In the evening very appropriate services were held in the Luther: an church in commemoration of the glorious resurrection of the world’s Saviour. Easter along with Christmas, is the most joyous festi_ . val of the church year and certainly as such it was observed by the Lutheran Sunday school { and congregation. Rev. C, T. Aikens had . charge of the services. To the reverend | muen credit is due for his untiring efforts in putting the church mn proper array for the fes. tivities. The fore part of the church was tastefully decorated with flowers and potted plants, which certainly made a very prety ap- ! pearance to the large audience In the back ground was a gate standing ajar and over the portals the words. “Gate of Life” To the right was a large white cross entwined w.th evergreen and bearing the inscription “He is Risen,” from which leading to the gate wasa white path. Midway between the cross and portal was a miniature church fitted up with all the external appearances of a real church stained glass windows, steeple and bell. It too was illuminated and attracted the attention of all who had the pleasure of being present. Amid the banks of flowers was a large nest of Easter eggs, which was distribu- ted among the children present. The services were lengihy, some two hours was required t. get through the program=, and space does not permit their description, but we cannot re- irain from a word of praise to the infant class, of fifteen, who performed their part so well, considering theirages. The report of the Sun- day school was read by Secretary N. S. Krebs which showed the past year to have been ove of unusual prosperity. The benediction was pro- nounced by Rev. George Ellioit aud thus elosed one of the most joyous Easter services ever held in our village. In Memoriam. Milesburg, Pa. April, 1 1893. WuEeREAs, Death has again invaded our lodge circle and taken from our midst our brother, P. G., W. C. Grove a member of Bald Eagle Lodge No. 410 I. O. F., be it Resolved, That we bow in humble sutmis- sion to the will of Him, who doeth all things well. Resolved, That this lodge feels deeply for the bereaved family, and tender them. our hearty sympathy in this painful rending of their dearest of earthly ties, and commend them to Him who alone can heal our sorrows. Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days as a mark of respect to the memory of our deceas ed brot her. Resolved, That a copy of this expression of our sentiments be presented to the mourning family, and a copy sent to the county papers , for publication. W. F. Furrox, | Committee, § W. R. CampBELL, | i Geo TavLoR, Weaver principal of the Curwensville hign ! School Reports. The following is the report of Laurel Rui school, Worth townships for the 6th month, ending March 29th, 18:3. Nu 1 ber of pupil- enrolled boys 18, girls 9, total 27 Willie Weston, Estes Woodrin; Harry (ates, Wilbur Woedring, Victor Weston Clittord Spackmen, Wilbur Winning, Mar ger. Cowher, Viola Cowher, Effie Cowher, an: Maud Jones, attended every day during th. month. E.tes Woodring attended every da during the term of 120 days. John Littl Buad Winning, and Lulu Cowher missed bu: one day each during the month. Willie Wex- ton, Frank Moore and Harry G tes wer: awarded the first prizes in the A. B. and C spelling classes, E.J. WILLIAMS, Teacher. Following is the report of Shady Dell schoo Worth township, for the sixth moaths endii ¢ March 28, 1893. Number of pupils enrolled, boys 13, girls 12, total 27, averaze attendance; boys 9, girls 9. total 18. Percentage of attendance boys 96 £ivl= 82. total 85. Those who didn’t miss a day wore. | Frantz. Those wh) missed but one day were Fa itha Adams, Susie Frantz and James Reese. Thus ends the school term of 1892 and 1893. er and pupils. The poor attendance was due not to sickness nor to any neglect of the teach- er but only to the carelessness of the parents J. H. CowHER, Teacher. To Whom It May Concern. range. C. W, LovELAND. Lamar, Clinton Co., Pa., March 20, 1894, 38-14 WrouaeHT IroN RANGE Co. Gentlemen :-- exactly the same as sample shuwn us. MR. AND MRS. WM, SHAFFER. Zion, Pa., March x4, 1893. 33-14 Announcements. nouncements in Treasurer, $3,00 ; $5,00 ; Commissioners, $5,00. this paper. Register $6,00 ; decision of the Democratic county convention. SHERIFF. County Convention. TREASURER office of Treasurer of Centie county subject to vention. Mary Adams, Sarah Peters and Pias It was I think, profitable, both to teach- This is to certify that the Home Comfort Steel Range was sold to my neighbors in In- diana when I lived there in 1887, and they were all very well pleased with it. Being anx- ious to know in regara to their durability, I wrote to a friend there on March 8th, 1893, and received a reply very flattering to the We purchased fiom Mr. 8. McCort, agent for said company, one Home Comfort Range. It is superior over all other ranges for baking and stewing, and saves one half of the fuel used in the cast stove, and is The following are the prices charged for an- Sheriff $8,00 ; Recorder, All candidates are required to pledge themselves to abide the We are authorized to announce the name of John Corrigan, of College township, a candi- date forthe office ot Sheriff of Centre county subject to the decision of the Democratic We are authorized to announce John I. Pot ter, of Boggs township,, a candidate for the the decision of the Democratic County Con- New Advertisements. Hardware. Sechler & Co. OTICE OF SALE.—Notice is hereby given that there will be ex- used to publ ¢ sale on APRIL 27th, 1893, A. D. at ten o'clock a. m., «t Whitmer’s siding in Centre county, Penva. about £000 FEET OF WHITE PINE BOARDS nd manufacturing lumber. This lumbér was nanufactured by M. G. Brown for A. B. Hoover ind ix b ing sold for the payment of labor in aid manufacturing as is provided in the Act I Assembly. : ¢ R. CHAMBERS, M. G. BROWN, Attorney. 39-13-3t DMINISTRATORS SALE!— By virtue of an oraer issued out of ae wrphau’s Court of Centre county, there will oe expored to public sale in front of the vourt House, at Bellefonte, on (SATURDAY, APRIL 15,1893 at 2 o'clock P. M. a HOUSE AND LOT. Being the property of the late Mary Ann Gil- more deceased. Bounded and described as follows, viz : On the south by Logan street; ‘vn tha wert by lot of T. R. Reynolds; on the north by lot of W. C Heinle ; and on he east hy lot ot W. W. Montgomery, being 33 feet in width on Log .n street and extending back in depth 100 feet to a fence : Being lot No. 78 in the general plan or plot of said borough. Hav. ing thereon erected asmall new 1}4 story 3 room dwelling house. Terus oF SALE. One half of the purelaser money to be paid on confirmation of rale, and the balance in one year with interest to be secured by judgment or bond and mortgage on the premises, bonds to be given in the sum of one thousand dollars to be approveaby the Court or a Judge 1 hereof. ; CHARLES GARNER, 35-13-3t Administrator OURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Honorable A.O. Furst,Pres ident Judee of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial Distriet, consisting of the coun ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Corlis Faulkner, Associate Judges in Centre county having issued their precept, bearing date the 3rd day of April to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centreand to commence on the 4th Mouday of April being the 21th day of April 1893. and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said county of Centre, that they be then and there in their proper per- sons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 24th, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be dene, and those who are bound in recogni- zances to provera against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be shen and there to prosecute against them as thall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 3rd day of April, in the yea: of our Lord, 1893, and the one hundred and fourteenth year of the independence of the United St: tes. WM. A. ISHLER Sheriff. 58-14.4¢. EGAL NOTICE.— Notice is here by; given to all that the following inventories o chattels set apart to w dows under the provis. ions of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been confirmed ni si by the Court, and filed in the office of tne Clerk of the Orphans Conrt of Cen- tre county and if no exceptions be filed on or before the flrst day of next term the same will be confirmed absoiutely. 1. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of Joseph Kreamer late of Miles township decea-ed, as set apart to his widow Maud Kreamer, REGISTER. We are authorized to announce W. J. Carlin, of Miles townsiip, a candidate for the office of Regis er of Centre county. Subject to the de. cision of the Democratic Ccunty Convention. 38-9. We are authorized to announce A. G. Archey, of Ferguson township a candidate for the office of county Register. Suijeet tothe decision of the Democratic County Conven- tion. New Advertisements. ANTED.— An experienced Dry- Goods and G ocery clerk ina com- pany store, in Clearfield county. Address this office, care of X. Y. 38 11 3t. * ANTED.—A middle aged single lady for matron at Fraternity house, Address BOX 145 38-12-tf State College, Pa. ICKORY AND ASH HANDLE WOOD WAN! ED.—The highest Prive will be paid for good hickory and ash andle wood at the Mountain Eagle Handle Factory. Write for dimensions and prices.’ J. B.LEATHERS, Proprietor, 39-10-3m Mountain Eagle, Pa. OR RENT.—A seven room two story brick house on Burnside street, Reservoir hill, with an acre of ground attach- ed ; hard and soft water on the premises ; all modern eonveniences. Also an eight room 2,1-2 story dwelling house on Allegheny street, between Logan and Bishop. Inquire o. E. Brown, Jr. 38-14 UDITORS NOTICE.—E-state of Samuel Hess, late of Ferguson town- ship, deceased. The undersigned an auditor appointed to make d‘stri* ution of the balance in the hands of the executor of said estate will meet all parties interested at his office in Bellefonte, April 21st, 1893, for sai purpose. WM. C. HEINLE, 38-13-3t Auditor. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.— Letters of administiation on the es- tate of Joseph L. Mitchell deceased, late of College township, having been granted to the undersigned he desires all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly au- thent icated for settlement. WM. T. MITCHELL, 38 11 6t. Gallitzen, Pa. 2. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of J. G. Gersuch, late of Pat- ton township deceased, as set apart to his widow Henrietta Gersuch. 3. personal property of Christian Gingerich late of Harris township deceased as ret apart to his widow Sarah Gingerich. 4. The inve tory and appraisement of the personal property of David A. Lucas late of Boggs township deceased, as set apart to his widow Eliza I. Lucas, 5. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of john Write of Howard township deceased, as set apart to his wid w Martha J. White. 6. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of Jacob Gephart, late of Milheim horough deceased as set apart to his widow Cutharine Gephart. 7. The inventory and appraisement of the per=onal property of Hobart Allport, late of Philipsbure horongh deceased as set apart to hix widow Edith S. Allport. 8. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of Lindaman Wingard late ! BREAD RAISERS, persons interested ! f goods and The inventory and appraisement of the ! ing 216 acres and 34 perches neat measure. of Penn township deceased, as set apart to his widow Roseta Wingard. JOHN A. RUPP, 38 14 Register. EGISTER'S NOTICE.—The fol- lowing accounts have been examined, assed and filed of record in the Register's of- ice for the Jaspentian of heirs and legatees, creditors and al Centre county on Wednesday, the 26th day of April, A. D. 1893, for allowance and con- firmation. 1. The sccount of Wm. H. Stiver adminis- trator of &ec., of Michael Stiver late of Potter Twp. deceased. 2. The first and final account of Thompson A. Snyderadministrator of &ec., of Charles A. Courter deceased. 3. First and final account of T F. Royer ad ministrator of &ec., of Catharine Royer late of Potter township deceased. 4. The final account of Wm. Mulberger and Samuel Leitzel administrator of &e., of Isaac Mulbergerd: ceased as filed by Wm. Mul- berger ot said admini-trators. 5. The first and final account of David L. Kerr executor of &=., of Margaret Spangler late of Potter township deceased, 6. Account of Clement Dale executor of &e., of Gabriel Fike late of Benner township de- ceased. 7. Tha aceount of Emery McAfee adminis- trator of &c., of Henry Markle late of Patton township deceased. 8. The account of Wm. Grossman adminis: trator of &c, of George Grossman late of Pot- ter tc woghip deceased. 9. Theaccount of John Wolf administrator a. b. n.c.t. a. of John Reynolds late of Miles township deceased. tate of Mrs. Mary ticated for settlement. tivated { B. KAUFFMAN, 38- 13 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- White deceased late of Gregg townshlp having been granted to the undersigned he requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said esiate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen- Zion, Pa { I SE PERRLESS DYES or RED RAGS BLUE RAG3 BLACK RAGS GREEN RAGS YELLOW RAGS ORANGE RAGS AND FADED GARMENTS 10c. a package at Drug Stores or address PEERLESS DYES, 38 11 4t. Elmira, N.Y. INE MILLINERY.— The season of 1893 will see the Misses Ammerman’s iljnery establishment, on west Bishop street, fille fully selected line of Bellefonte. THE LATEST STYLES IN - - = = = = = = ~- HATS AND BONNETS will prevail during the season, and everything in the line of trimmings can be secured “at the most reasonable prices. MOURNING GOODS A SPECIALTY. We have our opening every day. Always goods ever brought to something new to look at. 33-14-3m* AMMERMAN SISTERS, FORTY FAST COLORS FOR RAGS with the most care- 10. First and final account of Henry Beck administrator of &c., of Jacob Nestlerode late of Miles township: 11. The 4th partial account of M.L. Rishel administrator of &c., of Wm. Bloom late of Fer- guson township deceased. 12. Account of Wm. Cronoble administrator of &c., of Philip Cronoble late of Gregg town- ship deceased. 13. Account of Geo. P. Hall administrator of &c., of Charles McGarvey late of Union township deceased. 14. The account of James S. Stahl adminis- trator ot &c., of Margaret Bradley late of Pot- ter township deceased. 15. The first and final account of J. W. Lee and George L. Lee administrators of &c, of Jno. B. Lee late of Potter township deceased, 16. The account of 8. Peck executor of &c. of Robert W. Long late of Walker township deceased. 17. First account of E.C. Humes Jr. adminis trator of &c., of W. H. Humes, late of Belle fonte borough, deceased. 18. Second and final account of J. M. Gar- brick executor of &c., of Henry J. Dunkle late of Walker Twp. deceased. 19. The final account of J. Henry Meyer sur- viving administrator of &c., of Henry Meyer late Harris Twp. deceased. 20. The first account of Wm. H. Goss admin- istrator of &ec., ot Samuel Goss late of Fergu- son Twp. deceased. {21 First and final acccunt of D. L. Zerby- executor of &c., of W. J. Springer late of Mill. ! heim borough deceased. : 22. Firstand final account of H. A. Hart- sock administrator of &e., of Hays Harlsock late of ‘Houston township deceased. JOHN A. RUPP, 38-13 Register. { said lands of the heirs of John Siere south others in anywise interested, | and will be presented to the Ornl ans’ Court of | ! to lands oi heirs of Joon Stere, th nee along ! | { | | i i VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV e may live without poetry, music and art; ’ . We may live without conscience and live with- out hears; . We may live without friends, we may live without books; But civilized men cannot live without cooks.” Meredith was evidently a practical poet and were he alive to-day he would no doubt add « few lines in reference to the improved ap liances whicn make the labor of cooking almost a pleasure. Among these we would call your attention to the BUFFLO STEAM EGG POACHER, PERFECTION CAKE TINS, with movable bottoms, SHAKER FLOUR SIFTERS SELF-BASTING BROILERS, ROASTERS with ventilated ends. Asbestos cooking mats, and numer- ous other articles which areindispensi- able after being ones used. Come and examine them and if you are contempla- ting the purchase of 4 Range don’t buy until you see the {MODEL APOLLO.--t 37-41-3m. DANIEL IRVIN & SON. VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV. Sheriff's Sales. HERIFF SALES. By virtue of sundry writeof Fieri Facias Levari Facias and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the court house, in the Boro of Bellefonte, on Saturday the 22nd day of April 1893 at 1 o'clock p. m. the (ollowing descriced real es- tate. All defendants right title and interest in that certain tract or piece of land situate in Liberty township, Centre county Pa. Bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a Beech and running thence north 47° E. 6814 per. to stones on the southerly ~ide of Beech Creek, thence along the southerly sida of said creek sou h 70° E. 11 perches, thence south 63° E. 18 perches to the abutments of Hall's Dam, thence south 47° west 6914 perches to a June- berry, thence north 62° west 25 perches to the piace of beginning. . ontaining 11 acres and 74 perches neat measure, T'hereon erected. Seized taken in «execution and to be sold as the property of John M. Herr. AL-O. All that certain m:ssuage of land situate ly- ing and being i: the borough of Philipsburg, Centre county and state of Penna. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post at tne southwest corner ot Pine and North second streets, thence by line of said north Second street sixty-six (v6) feet to a post in line of lot of Joseph Haines estate, thence by line of suid Haines lot sixty (61) feet to a post at the corner of lot of Jas. Passmore, thence by line o said Passmore’s lot sixty six ('6) feet to a post in said Pine street ana thence by line of said street sixty (60) feet to a post the place of beginning. hereon erect 3: a store building, butchershop livery stable and other outbuildings Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Dutcher. ALSO. All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in the township of Boggs, County of Centre, bounded and described as foliows : Beginning at a Hickory thence by land of Joel Hancock south 47° west 142 p-rehes to store corner, thence south 4 © west 251 perches to a corner, thence north 5:° east 143 perches to a corner, thence south 41° east 232 perches to the place of beginning. Contain- Thereon erected a small house, stable and and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as. the property of John Wa tson and Julia Watson ALSO. All that certain piece parcel or tract of land situate and lying in the township oi Union in the county of Centre and state of Penna. bounded and described as fo lows : Beginning at stove oa line of land ot Mrs Stine a .d at corner of land of R. I. Comley, thence along line of Mrs. Stine north 414° east 425-10 erches to post, thence north 54° west along aud< of Hoops and Ingrams 148 5-10 perches 564° west 49 7-10 perches to ~tone on line of lands of R. I. Comley. thence along lana of R. T. Coml y south 5534° eaxt 1573-10 perches to stones on line of Mrs. Stine, the place of beginning. Containing #2 acres aud 16 perches neat meas. re. Thereon erected a small house, small barn and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution aud 10 be sold as the property of F. G. Iugiam. ALSO All that certain tract of land situate in the townsh:p of Boggs, in the county of Centre and state of Peuna. Bounded and describ-d as follows, viz: Keginning at a pont on Bald Engle creek adjoining lands of G. H. Lyman, thence in a northerly direction along lands of said G. H. Lyman, to lauds of Curtin and Co., thence east along lands of Curtin and Co., to public road and the other land or said Curtin and Co., to Bald Eagle creek, thence west along said Bald Eagle creek to the place of bee ginuing. Containing 125 acres more or less. ‘I'hereon erected a house, barn and other out- buildings. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Curtin and H. L. Barnhart, surviving Jas. B .Curtin deceasd. ALSO. All that certain lot of ground situate and ly- ing in the borough of Philipsburg, Centre county Pa. bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning ata post ona street lately laid out, thence north 80 feet to the edge of an alley, thence west along the line of said alley 33 teet to a post, thence south in straight line 80 feet to the line of aforesaid street lately laid out, thence east along the line of street 33 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erecied a house and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as property of C.P. Hoover, ALSO. The said building is located on a lot or piece of ground situate In the township of Boggs, Centre county Pa. bounded and described as fol ows : . eginning at stones thence by land of John Rockey south 43° east 95 perches to stones, thence along land of John Neiman north 874° east 18 4-10 perches, thence south 820 east 28 perches to stones, thence north 78}4° east 26 3-.0 perches to stones, thence along lands of Daniel Lucas 43° west 118 perc es to stones thence along lands of E. onfer south 72° west 63 perches to the place of Beginuife Containing 40 acres neat measure. Said building is a story and a half plank frame building, 16x24 feet also thereon erected a sta- ble and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Elijah Sharp ALSO. All that certain messuage, tenement and lot, or piece of land situate in Rush Twp, Centre Co, Pa, bounded and described 28 follows : Beginning at a post on west side of Lock Lo- mond 8t., in line of lot No. 39, thence along said street south, or nearly so, 50 feet to post in line ot lot No. 41, thence along said lot west, or nearly 80, 150 feet to a post on an alley. thence along said alley, or nearly so, north £0 feet, to a post on line of lot No. 39, thence along said lot, or nearly so. east 150 feet to the place of begin- ning. Thereonserected a dwelling house and other outbuildings. Being known and desig- Daten as lot No. 44 in the plot of North Philips- urg. ed taken in execution and to be sold as the property of H. C. Quigley Administrator of &c of George Harris, dec'd. TerMs—No deed will be acknowledged till purchase money be paid in full. Wu. A. ISHLER, 3813 ‘ Sheriff, PICKLES IN GLASS, Crasse A POHLER & CO.——* GROCERS—BUSH HOUSE BLOCK. rae ——HEAD QUARTERS FOR— FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, SPICES AND FRUITS. IN TEAS we have Oolongs, Gun Pow- der, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japan English Breakfast, and our Fine Blend- ed Tea is something that will please any one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea, IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Al spice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayennt Pepper, Mustard all strictly pure goods, IN COFFEES AND CLEOCCLATE, Mocha—genuine, Java—Old Govern- ment, Rio— Finest Brazilian. All ex- cellent quality and always fresh roasted, Baker's Premium Chocolate and Break- fast Cocoa, Van Houten’s Cocoa, Wil- bur’s Chocolate, and German Sweet Chocolate. IN COOKING EXTRACTS we keep a line of Joseph Burnett & Co's, (Bos ton) goods, they are the finest we can find, also a line of Knight's extracts. BEANS, California Limas, New York Marrow and Pea Beans, dried Green Peas. RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice. DOMESTIC CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, TomatoEs Cottage, Home and Worthington Brands —CorN Persian and Mountain Brands, —CorN Granules, Lima Beans and Succotash, Dew Drop brand. Green Peas. Early Junes, Scottish chief and Cecelia brands. PINE AppLe sliced and grated. Strawberries and White Cher- ries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked Beans. CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, Yellow Crawford. Lemon Cling, and White Heath Peaches, White Cherrié and Apricots. IMPORTED VEGETABLES AN FRUITS, French Peas and Mush- rooms, Preserved Cherries, Straw- berries, Brandy Cherries and Crosse Blackwell's Jams all in glass. MISCELLANEOUS, Pure Maple Syrup, Honey strained and in combs, Plum Pudding, Armour’s Corned Beef Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed milk, Dunham's Shred Cocoa nut. Rich Mud Cream Cheese, Small Family Cheese, Bradford County Dairy Bute ier. Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten Flour, Vienna Flour. Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugars Lzira Fine New Crop New Orleans Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table Syrup Pure Cider Vinegar. NUTS. Princess Paper SShell, Califor- nia and Bordan Almonds, Assorted Nuts, English Walnuts. Pecans extra large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted Peanuts Cocoa Nuts extra quality. IN CONFECTIONARY, we have Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates, Roast Almonds, Cream Dates, Rose and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, French Glace Fruits, Fine Chocolate Caramels, Chocolate Mursh Mallows, . Cocoa Nut bon bons, Chocolate Madridos, Lozenges, Clear Toys, and a large assortment of fine goods in this line all carefully se- lected. FRANQO AMERICAN SOUPS, French Bouillon, Consomme, Oz Tail, Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, and Terrapin. OLIVE OIL, S. Rea § Co.'s} Pint, Pints and Quarts. The finest ana- lysts in the World pronounces it pure. & Blackwell's Chow Chow, Gherkins, Mixed, White Onions, Cauliflower, Picalilli, and Walnuts. CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled Oat, Cracked Wheat. Pearl Barley, Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Ma- caront and Vermacceli. MEATS. Fine Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, White Rose Lard. GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons, White Almeria Grapes, Catawba Grapes, and Jersey Cranberries. CURED FRUITS. Evaporated Cali- Jornia Pared and unpared Peaches, and Apricots. RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Lay- ers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and California Seedless and Loose Mue catels. FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Codfisi boneless and evaporated, SALM: Magnolia, Astoria and Glacier bran: Hoeg’s Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Lc sters, Crab Meats and Spiced Oyster . Sardines, French }s, and }s Boneless. SECHLER & CO. 38-9 BELLEFONTE, Pa,