i Training the Voice. How Singing Through the Nose Saves the Throat a Deal of Friction. ; The cld way of curing sore throat has been superseded by a method work- ing from the mind side. All methods for training the voice or body—if of any value—must prevent friction. The body is the servaut ot the mind, and the best teaching is a development of that law. For example, try to pick up a marble and notice the way your hand naconciously anapts itself to taking hold of the marble; then reach after a big ball and watch the way your hand shapes itselt to the size of the ball, for the right thought then is the marble or the ball. The tongue is always an uoraly member and refuses to be driven, but fortunateiy can be led. If you bring the tones through the nose, not only do you get a finer tone, bat the tougue automatically moves out of the way to allow the tove to pass through the nose, thus leaving a space at the back of the tongue and preventing the fric- tion of the back of the tongue against the throat, which is generally the cause of sore throat. But some one will say, Dees not using the voice In that way give you a nasal tone, and make you “alk through your nose ?’’ No; a naeal tone is ove that is caught in the nose, as when after pinching the nose you try to talk. The voice is always the same, wheth- er singing or speaking, only the more the voice is used the greater will be the suffering from an improper use of it. Many injure the voice by trying to fill big places, when all that is necessary is to let the mind realize by a look what the voice has to do and then trust the voice to answer of itself the unconscious appeal made to it by the mind. This plan takes away all strain from the voice. The difference be- tween this and certain ‘faith cures” is that they say, “By thinking your throat is well it becomes well if you think strongly enough,” whereas we say, “The right thought, if held long enough to become a habit and practis- ed upon, will prevent the friction which causes eore throat, and the cause being removed the throat becomes strong.” Dr. Morell Mackenzie says, *‘For those who wish to speak well it isa good plan to learn to sing, as the great- er includes the less.” So if a teacher can show you how to bring out the tones of your singing voice, your speak- ing voice will be aided. Iam a singer and studied this method five ) ears ago, when I had a chronic sore throat. I took faith and industry on my part and six months’ work by my teachers to cure me, but my throat, from being my weakest, has beccome my strongest point, and I have since had no trouble with it. They began by making me bring my voice through my nose in a humming tone, to sound like a bee among the flowers, or a steamboat a long way off. first with the mouth shut, then with the mouth open, always keeping the same quality of tone; then adding articulation, always humming and with the constant thought of the tones floating before you, to which thought, if you keep it long enough, the vocal organs will adapt themselves. Every tone should be molded by a thought ; a tone that is not born of thought 18 a body without a soul. The voice should never be educated as an end, but as a means to carry thoughts to others,.—Agnes Horatia Ford in Bos: ton Transcript. ETAT Judge Gresham Resigns. ‘WasHiNgToN, March 6. — Judge Gresham has filled his resignation as judge of the Seventh circuit and it has been accepted. EE ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ——A stock company is forming to build a $20,000 hotel ut State College, Pa. ——But one in the long list of appli- cants for license in Somerset county was refused. ——XEx-County-Commissioner M. S. Feidler. of Millheim, was a Bellefonte visitor on Thursday. —— We had a pleasant call from J. P. Aikens, a student at State College, on Monday evening. ——1In the Williamsport Times the following appeared ; J. W. Cooke, of Bellefonte, proprietor of the ‘Woodland coal mines in Clearfield county, was married Thursday, March 2, to Miss Ella Hahn, of Philadelphia, fourth daughter of J. Brant Hahn, a well known commercial traveler throughout Pennsylvania. The wedding wasa quiet home affair, but the happy couple, after areturn from the inauguration ceremonies at Washington and a visit to other places, will give a reception at their own home in Philadelphia. Mr. Cooke having recently purchased a fine property on North twenty-second street which he has nicely furnished for his fair young bride. MARRIAGE LICENSES. —Issued during the past week—Taken from the docket. Edward P. Lingle, of Milesburg, and Emma Dale, of Lemont. John Kline and Catharine Olewine, both of Bellefonte. Robert Riesdorph, of Clinton Co., and Martha Watkins, of Howard. Robert Sykes and Mary Conklin, both of Morrisdale Mines. George Dixon and Mary Ewing, both of Taylor Twp. Grant W. Braucher, of Pardes, and Sadie Smith, of Gregg Twp. Andrew J. Shook, of Spring Mills, and M. Jennie Herring, of Penn Hall. ‘Wm. F. Thomas, of State College, and Effie D. Loder, of Jacksonville. —_ Rivermen along the west branch of the Susquehanna report many dead fish along the stream. They say the great ice gorges have penned fish to the bottom where they were frozen to death. According to the Philipsburg Journal triplets were born to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lewis, of that place, on Monday and mother and children are enjoying the best of health. ArpoINTMENTS IN THIS DISTRICT. —— The Central Pennsylvania Evangelical conference which had been in session 11 Milton adjourned, on Tuesday, and re- ported the following appointments for the Centre district J. Hartz'er, P. BE. ; Lewistown, We B. Cox; Patterson, W. N. Willis; McClure, P. C. Weidenmyer ; Middle- burg, S. Smith and M. A. Kennelley ; Port Treverton, S. E. Davis ; New Ber- lin, J.©. M.Swenger ; Millmont, E. W. Koontz ; Centre, C. F. Finkbinder; Spring Mills, J. A. Hertz; Brush Val- D. L. Repner ; Sugar Valley, J. L. Lohrand J. L. Gardner; Center Hall, C. H. Goodling ; Bellefonte, G. F. Zehner ; Milesburg, S. Aurand. Professor A, E. Gobble, D. D., mem- ber of New Berlin Quarterly conference. H. B. Barshinger, member of the Nit- tany Valley Quarterly conference, N. Doebler, member of Middle Creek Quar- terly conference. To Gur AHEAD OF SCALPERS.—The Huntingdon News tells of the following scheme which the Pennsylvania railroad company is about to adopt in its own interests. «The Pennsylvania company is about to discard the old method of stamping tickets with ink and will punch the year and day clear through the ticket by means of powerful stensils. This is done to keep scalpers and others from altering the date and thus extending the limit of mileage books and excursion tickets. The new method was put in practice this week. The orders state that all tickets are to be stamped as pre- scribed. When one thinks of the thou- sand of special excursion tickets sold on July 4th and other occasions, the work devolving upon the agent may be im- agined. A peculiar feature is that the month does not appear. Everything is reckoned in days of the year, “20th, 43d or 251st,” as the case may be. Fol- lowing the day stamp is the final figure of the year, “3” remaining until next January.” A STroNG TESTIMONIAL —On Au- gust 4th, 1884, the Chaplains of the Northern and Southern armies in the Rebellion gathered in Convention at Ocean Grove. It was announced at the first session that General Grant would be present. As the hour approached for the great noon meeting, the streets and square near the great Auditorium were blocked by an expectant crowd. Short- ly after two o'clock two men were notic- ed leaving the Arlington hotel. One was immediately recognized as George H. Stewart, of Philadelphia, under whose direction the Convention wa; held. Leaning on his arm and support- ing himself at the same time with a wooden crutch, the other figure moved slowly and painfully along. This was General Grant. * * * Half an hour afierward, beneath the roof of the Audi- torium was wedged a solid mass of peo- ple. The aisles seemed more densely packed than the seats, and far off, beyond the furthermost benches, up to the white square of tents beyond, thousands stood on tiptoe to catch the first glimpse of the hero. As the bell in the tower was ringing, General Grant still leaning on the arm of Mr. Stewart, and still pain- fully using the crutch, hobbled down the steps of the platform and took a seat in the very front. The fifteen thousand paople sprang to their feet, cheered, shouted and waved handkerchiefs until the clang of the big bell in the tower above their heads was lost for many minutes in the applauding roar. Mr. Stewart said a few words of heart- felt compliment and congratulation, and after him the Rev. A. J. Palmer of New York, who enlisted at the age of four- teen and served all through the war, made an address. * * * ® * * [The address lasted an hour, and con- sisted of parts of his lecture on, “Com- pany D.”] When the cheers which continued for more than five minutes had at last sab- sided, General Grant came forward, and resting painfully on his crutch, said in a low voice, which however, could be heard distinctly in the death-like hush : “An hour ago I might have made a speech, but now I am almost afraid to try. This young man has overcome me: I have not words to express my thanks. I appreciate— The sentence was never finished. Tears stood in the Generals eyes and he dropped back in his seat with a suppressed sob. This is believed to have been General Grant's last formal appearance in public.—-- New York Trib- une. Dr. Palmer will lecture in Garman’s opera house next Friday evening, March 17th, under the direction of the Central Pennsylvania Methodist Episcopal Con- | P.onington J. F. ference which will be in session at that | time. You will miss a treat if you miss it, .Col. Ed. J. Pruner. John Kei hline. rinEeas J. 4. Meese, Miss Lizzie Morrison. . Miss Kate Hewes. NexT WEEK THE PREACHERS WILL Resolutions of Respect. Bx Here.—Three hundred strong the members of the Central Pennsylvania Methodist Episcopal Conference will come to town next week. They will be the guests of the citizens of Belle- fonte and a feast of things spiritual 1s anticipated not without assurance of The first session will com- mence in the Methodist church, at the corner of Howard and Spring streets at o'clock W.iinesday Bishop Warren, of Denver, Col. presid- ing. On Sunday, March 18th, services will be held in all the churches ofthe town and on Friday evening March 17th, Rev. Dr. Palmer, of New York, will deliver his famous lecture ‘Die no Mores” before the conference in Gar- mans opera house. of Conference will be open to visitors. Those who will be here and their hosts are as follows : : At a special meeting of the Vestry of St Johus Church Bellefonte Pa. held on Wednes_ day March 1st 1893, the following resolutions were unanimously adc pted : Whereas, It has pleased almighty God, in His wise providence to remove from among us William F. Reynolds, who for pearly half a century (forty-nine years) has been contin- uously a Vestryman of this parish, and, for the past sixteen years, senior warden of the same. ..Eimer Showers. .John G. Love, Esq. Schriber William Sears Samuel W. Shaver J. B...... » Resolved, That we the members of said ves- try feel it to be due to the memory of the de- ceased, to the members of this parish and to ourselves, to place upon recor! some testi- monial of our high regard for him as & gentle, man and a Christian and our sense of the loss Col. J. L.Spangler. lg we have sustained in his death. Therefore don, Jas.Schofield. Hon. Jas. Schofield. ..John Keichline. w.W. [. Fieming. Resolved, That through his death this parish has sustained the loss of one who was devoted to its best interests, and every ready with gen- erous heart and open hand to conribate to its *Stevens G. W... All the sessions | Stevens W. Henry That'the vestry will greatly miss his coun. sel and advice which were so frequently sought in all matters pertaining to the Parish and the church in general. 't hat his high qualities as a Man, a Christian and a Citizen, were truly exemplary, and worthy of the high vocation to which he is Strawinski P. P.. Bishop H. W. Warren D. D.......D. H. Hast ings . J. Kynett D. D. Rev. J. W. Hamilton D. D. Rev. 0. C. McCabe D. D. Rev. G. E. Reed D, D.. Rev. J. L. Hurlburt D. D.. Rev. J. B. Hamilton D. D. Rev. Edwin A. Schell D. D. Rev. A. J. Palmer D. D Rev. J. M. Buckley D. D. Rev. James Morrow D D Rev. Aaron Rittenhouse Rev.J.3.Breckenridge D Dr. AW. Hafer. Col. Ed. Pruner. ‘DH, Hastings. . veeeenee.COMMittee. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the relatives of the deceased, that they be en tered on the records of the vestry,and pub- lished in the local papers, and in the Church- o Vroonian John.. Wallace k. H. .... Warren George. ..Gen.J A Beaver. John P. Harris. .D.Rev.J.A. Woodcock. Col. J. L. Spangler. —————— rs. Mary Blanchard. TReho¢ : NE ? y School Reports. Wh te Edmund. Whiting H. C.... Whitney W. R.. The following is the report of Laurel Run school, Worth township, for the fifth month ending March 1, 1893. Number of puvils enrolled ; boys 19, girls 11, total 30, average 24. John Little, Willie Wes- ton. Estes Woodring, Harry Gates, Wilbur Winning, Victor Weston, Blowers Woodring, Mary Turner, Nora Gates, and Lulu Cowher attended every day dmiing the month. Willie Turner, Clifford Spackmen and Mary Wood- ring, missed but one day each. We say to ev- eryone ? Come and see us. Earnest Kiizen. Vv. 5A Woodcock. ton K. Johnston. Mrs. T. L. Tomkiuson.. : Miss Mary McCord... Miss Fannie Sparks THE MEMBERS OF CONFERENCE. rof. John Harrison. W. Fred Reynolds. ly A. Woodcock. Ed. F. Garman, Woodcock J. A. Armstrong R. L. *Minisiers will arrive Monday evening. In addition to the above regular members of Conference there will be in attendance 11 2nd year probationers, 13 1st year probationers, 17 supply ministers, 6 applicants for admission to Conference, 2 candidates for deacons and elders and 5 applicants for confirmation as Confer- ence stewarts. New Advertisements. ..Gen. James A. Beaver. ....Abram Hamilton. M. W. Cowdrick ANTED AT ONCE.—5000 1st / and 2nd classoak ties. For speci- on fications &c., call on or address ...Thomas Donachy. THOS. A. SHOEMAKER, Supt. Col. W. H. Wilkinson. essessseronnen «eee. Distant. Mrs. Louisa Hoy. Abram Hamilton. rE C. M. Bower. OTICE OF WARNING.—Hav- urchased this day at Sheriff Sale, old affects of L. C. Bullock. I here- by notify all persons not to meddle or in any way molest or remove the same. Julian, Pa., Feb. 10, 93. Pine Grove Mentions. Sleighing is good in the fields wD ..w. T. Twitmire. Now its papa Martin on the 22ult a bouncing DANIEL Rv, 83 boy put in his appearance and his name is to to be George Washington. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Rachel Meek daughter of D. H, Meek of Altoona to Mr. Taylor of that city. HH .Schroyer. Gaylor Morrison. ICKORY AND ASH HANDLE WOOD WANTED.—The highest rice will be paid for good hickory an andle wood at the Mountain Eagle Handle Write for dimensions and prices. J. B.LEATHERS, Proprietor, Gaylor Morrison. W. A. Tanyer one of our prominent Demo- crats has a sheriff bee buzzing in his head and is, this week, interviewing his political friends about Philipsburg. About the usual amount of public sales are billed for this spring D. W. Miller near Fair- brook will offer his entire stock of fine Hol stein, horses, sheep and farm implements o! James damiliton. Col. J. L.. Spangler. cern Fu. W, Crider. Creighton Samuel. Creveling S. A... ALD EAGLE NURSERY.— Fruit, shade and evergreen trees and grapevines. A general assortment, and espe- ! cially of apple trees, being of stout size and ' thrifty growth and of approved varieties. Price lists farnished on application. Fleming P. O., Pa. “The Bailey ille store has changed hands, the | room ig being repaired and when completed will present a cosy appearance. will be conducted in the firm’s name Reynolds | & Irvin both young men and worthy of pat- Crosthwaite M. P.. ...Chillon K. Krider. Deuvor J. D. W. Deavor W. 1.8.. W. P, FISHER. Donahue John. AUTION.—Having purchased at Sheriff Sale on the 23rd of January, 1893, all the personal property of Adam Krum- rine, Potter township, notice is hereby given to all persons, not tomeadle or interfere with the same, as it belongs to me and is loaned #Eckersley James". him during my pleasure. Mr. Charles Swartz of Tu