Beorvaic Waldo Bellefonte, Pa., Feb. 17, 1893. To CorrEsPoNDENTS. — No communications puhiished unless accompanied by the real nane of the writer. ona THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY ~=—Lent began on Wednesday. ——Philipsburg children have the measles. ==—Monday’s snow was the deepest of the season. ——Millheim has three borough tick- ets in the field. ——The Knights Templar of the State will conclave in Wilkesbarre, in -May. ~e—S. H. Diehl, of Willowbank street, is able to be about again after a ew days illness. ——The residence of Dr. J. M. Smith, at Tyrone, was totally destroyed by [fire last Friday morning. ug ——Daniel Garman, the retired hotel proprietor of this place, celebrated his 78rd birthday on Sunday. ——Miss Lillian Maitland, of Curtin itreet, has just returned from a pleasant visit among Williamsport friends and relatives. ——Miles F. Wrye and Miss Emma A. Meese, both of Loveville, this coun- ty, were married in Tyrone on Tuesday afternoon. ——Achenbach, the Bishop street ca- terer, will serve the collation at the de- dicatory services, at State College, on ‘Wednesday. —The attraction at the opera house Monday evening, Feb. 20th, will be “Forgiven’’ in whieh Frederick Bryton will appear in the title role. ——Judge Rhoads, who has never re- covered from the paralytic stroke he had 1ast September, isso low that no hope of his recovery is entertained. ——Rev. Charles T. Steck, one of the finest looking men in the state, transact- ed business and shook hands with friends in town the fore part of the week. ——Thos. ¥. Watt Esq., Passenger Agent of the Western district of the Pennsylvania rail-road company, was in Belletonte between trains on Tuesday morning. ——Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bullock are happy over the arrival of a little daughter. Itis their first born and of course mother and father are ex- tremely proud. ——The