BY BP. GRAY MEEK. "Ink Slings. —Will Mr. Quay take up the war against hoop skirts in kis Legislature ? —«Crank’’ is said not to be an Amer- ican word, yet how well it fits some Americans. : —Mr. QUAY has at last accomplished something in the Senate. He offered an amendment on Wednesday. --No matter how trivial one’s service, if it be done well he is bound to receive recognition from some source. —The policy with Legislators now seems to be : Always get the best, for then there 1s more chance for thieving. —It is not likely that the Russian rifle scandal will shoot any body who would be missed very much by the Czar’s subjects. —Nineteen thousand microbes were recently found in a bank note of Spain. Look-out for a worse scandal than the Italian bank affair. —The Philadelphia policeman who was chased up a tree and held a priso- ner for two hours, on Sunday, by a mad bull had plenty time to reflect on what bully good sport it was. —The Panama canal, Italian bank, Russian and German rifle scandals have had their day in the press ; the inaugu- ration will come next, then what 2—Oh yes, CorBETT and MiTcHELLare talk- ing fight. —If Ireland had only afew more champions like that grand old man, Hon. ‘WiLLiaM GLADSTONE, her hopes for home rule would soon materialize from the illusion that now lures her workers on in her cause. —Governor McKINLEY, of Ohio, has declared his intention of riding horse- back in CLEVELAND'S inaugural parade, all because GROVER attended the funer- al of the lata ex-President RUTHERFORD B. Hayes. McKINLEY'S gratitude would be more appreciable if he should decide on a tin horse for his mount. --If the PENROSE bill, abolishing the Public Buildings Commission, of Phila- delphia, goes through the house as easi- lyas it did through the senate the boodlers, ringsters, and hangers on who have been living off the taxpayers of the Quaker city since the Commission was formed will be hunting other jobs ere long. —W. H. WooDRING, the Northamp- ton county Legislator who voted to re- tain ANDREWS in HieEBY’S rightful seat, now finds himselt laughed at by Republicans, and his own constituents in convention demanded his resignation on Monday. Such a Jupas will hardly be much affected because he is denounc- ed by his own party, however. --Senator elect JoEN MARTIN, of Kansas, says he is a Democrat, but agrees with the views of the Populists. Mrs. LEASE, the would-have-been sena- tress from the Sun-flower State, says that MARTIN'S election means death to the Populist party. They are 1n a quandary out there now as to whether it was better to have MARTIN kill it or to have Mrs. LEASE talk it to death. —Columbus, Ohio, preachers have united with the State Board of Health to try and suppress kissing. They say it is unhealthy and the means of spread- ing disease. What, with the labial pleasantries taken away from them, need the Ohio women fear from the adoption of the hoop-skirt. Their friends will have no occasion to get closer to them than the new style will permit if kiss. ing is to be denied. —CLEVELAND has decided on five of the eight men who will make up his cabinet. The ones already chosen are substantial evidence of the ability that will direct the governmental wheels for the next four years. Much of Mr. CLEVELAND'S success can be ascribed to his carefulness in selecting the right ad- visors. He has always proved equal to the occasion heretofore and undoubtedly knows what he is doing now. —The Princess of Wales has announc- ed that she “will have nothing to do with the crincline abomination,” which speaks worlds for her common sense. Her decision will be very apt to nip the new fashion in the bud, so far as the Eng- lish people go, but it is highly proba ble that the wily Prince, thinking how tar away from debutante actresses he would be forced to keep, has brought undue pressure to bear on her. —New York Legislators are in favor of a bill which has been introduced in the house of assembly, at Albany, pro- hibiting *‘the loan, wear or sale of hoop- skirts or crinoline, within the State of New York.” Itis but natural for men to exert every effort against woman's adoption of the unsightly hoop-skirt, but when it comes to legislating against it then they make fools of themselves and pervert the prerogative they hold as law-makers. Women dresses to please man and with man’s disapprobation of this revival of an old fad it is not likely she will affect it long, AT STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. Ce © Mats “VOL. 38. BELLEFONTE, PA. FEB. 17, 1893. NO. TL The Question of Reapportionment. It is to be sincerely hoped that the Republicans of the State Legislature will not persist in maintaining the io- famous gerrymanders to which the congressional, senatorial and represen- tative districts have been so long and wrongfully subjected. The power to commit it is no justification for the continuance of a thing thatis so ob. viously unfair and unjust. There is everything to condemn it. Apart from its political immorality, and its mani- fest disregard of the intention ot the law, which requires apportionment for the purpose of representation, it prac: tically results in the disfranchisement of a large portion of the people. An effort, so often heretofore defeat- ed, will be made in the present session to reapportion the State. Every prin- ciple of honest politics, fair representa- tion and good government demands that the new apportionments be as equita- ble and impartial as they can be made. The Democrats offer a congressional apportionment bill which is recom- mended by its disposition to accord to each party its just rights. If it leans to either side it ratber leans in its lib- erality to the Republicans. It con- cedes to them all they have a right to claim from their superiority in Phila- delphia by giving them six districts where they get their State majority making it a perfectly equitable ar- rangement to divide the balance of the districts in the State equally between the two parties, each to have twelve. Could there be anything more reasonable and just than this, particularly when com" pared with the present division which allows the Democrats, almost numeri- cally as strong as their opponents in an aggregate vote of over a million, but ten congressmen ou t of thirty ? There may be some kicking against the eradication of the Democratic dis- trict in Philadelphia and the increase of two in the number of Republican districts in: that city, but where could such ‘a concession more properly be made than in the locality which con- stitutes the Republican stronghold and where the Democrats show so little disposition to maintain their strength aad keep their organization in an effec tive condition ? It may not be too much to say that the Democratic congressional district in Philadelphia has been a source of weakness to the party. It has been a hot bed of factional strite and disrep- utable dickering with the enemy. It it has been of any use recently, its use consisted in the opportunity it has given forcorrupt bargains and sales. At the last election it presented an exam- ple of factional contention and politi- cal “funny business’ that could have no other effect than party demoraliza- tion. If anything is to be sacrificed in order to extend the representation of the party in the State at large, and to increase the measure of justice to the hard working and earnest Democrats ot the interior nothing could be more suitably sacrificed than the congres- sional district which exists chiefly ior trading purposes, and is a scandalous instrument of factional politics. We greatly sympathize with the Democrats of Philadelphia in their present depressed condition. We wish they were in better shape and not so torn up by factional differences. But their salvation is in their own hands. Let them turn down the factionists. Let them harmonize the misunder- standings that prevent them from be- ing a united and aggressive party. Let them get together and turn over a new leaf upon which shall be written, “union, strength and victory,” and then they may beable to send to the Legis. lature such a representation that when at some future time, the State is again reapportioned, the Philadelphia Dem- ocracy will show itself worthy ot having. a congressman, and possibly more than one, ——The Populists have become so ardent in their work in the Kansas Legislature that their governor has called out the State’s militia to help oust Republican members. Such a state of affairs borders on the ridicu- lous, but the funny side has not been turned toward the forlorn hope of the G. O.P, —— Bellefonte must have a Den o- cratic council before the great work of reform can begin. Voters remember this, The Selection for the State Department. Democrats should withhold their criticism ot Mr. CLEVELAND'S selection of Judge Gresmam for Secretary of State, which we observe is being rash- ly indulged in by dissatisfied members of the party. It is true, that itis a natural Democratic feeling to prefer haying none but old, reliable and fully approved Democrats in all the offices under 8 Democratic administration. This feeling springs not only from strong political predilection, but it is in accordance with JacksonTaN tradi- tions. But there are circumstances under which even so commendable a feeling may wisely yield to the demands of a far reaching policy. © The last election was a peculiar one. Elements were engaged in it that made it a veritable revolution, and nowhere did they exert their force with such overwhelming ef- fect as in the West. The factor that was evoked in that section, producing such wonderful results, came from out- side of the Democratic party, and in no individual had it a more conspicuous and influential representative than in Judge GresHaM. It con scarcely be questioned that there is wisdom in making a concession to that element and showing such appreciation of it as may have the effect of retaining it. To the incredulous this may seem like rainbow chasing, but it should be re- membered that when the managers of the last campaign resolved to make an effort to capture some of the western ‘States, it was regarded by some as a piece of business that strongly bore the rainbow tints; but how splendidly was the undertaking justified by the result. Let it therelore not be said that an ef- fort to satisfy and retain that element is a delusive rainbow pursuit. Besides, it should be borne in mind by Democrats who may be disposed to be dissatisfied with Judge GresmaM’s selection, that the office which has been tendered him carries with it but lutle of the party patronage. No oih- er that could be offered conveys so great a compliment, and at the game ume eo litle afiects the political posi- tions which under this Administration should and must be beld only by Dem- ocrats. The functions of the State de- partment relate almost exclusively to our foreign relations, and the attaches connected with it are chiefly veterans who are usually retained on account of their tamliarity with diplomatic ques- tions. The Treasury, the Post office, and the Interior departments are the sources of official patronage, and it is there where the opportunity of turning the rascals out will .be presented, and those great popular departments will have men at their heads who we trust will do their full duty to the Demo- crats who are justly. entitled to the of- fices under President CLEVELAND. In putting Judge GREsHAM Into the State Department, if it shall actually turn out so, his assignment to that place cannot be otherwise than gratify- ing to the element that was of so much assistance to the Democrats at the last election, and whose future favor is worth cultivating, and at the same time Judge GrEsHAM’S position in the cab- inet will in no way interfere with or affect the full enjoyment of the substan- tial fruits of victory by the Democrats. It 18 an arrangement that should be satisfactory to every responsible mem- ber of the party. Corruption of Public Affairs. Alleged corruption in public life and crookedness in official stations, supply a favorite theme to those who are anx- ious to bring us a political millennium. According to their view of the situation the entire public service is corrupt, and every official circle is perverted by ob- liquitous administration. There is indeed too much cause for complaint in this respect, and much room for improvement is presented. This is particularly the case since the positions 1n public life have been so largely filled by a party whose general practices have had a tendency to cor- rupt public service, and shich has in a great measure depended upon money as the chief factor in carrying the elec tions. - But the American people, who have a large stock of patience, event- ually get tired of such a condition of affairs and go in for reform, by a large majority, as they did at the last Presi- dential election. Such movements of public sentiment may be depended upon in this country for the correction of gov- ernmental affairs when they become too corrupt. But does not the crookedness that may be detected in public stations in this country sink into utter insignid- cance in comparison with what has been developed in France? We are compelled to blush for our sister Re public when we read the details of a fraud which includes in its perpetra- tion the majority of the public men of that country, not even excepting the executive head of the nation. And what makes the contrast with the Unit. ed States the greater is that while such a development of corruption may lead to a revolution in France, the Ameri- can people correct defects of that kind by the more peacetul process of an elec: tion. Seeking Legislative Relief. If the Republicanism of Philadelphia will stand the ordeal it is now going through inthe matter of the City Hall extravaganceand the general corruption of the political machine that manages the city government, it will stand any thing, and the citizens of that munic- ipality might as well submit to being perpetually misgoverned by the combi- nation of bosses, ringsters and rounders who coatrol its politics. There was never such a display of helplessness on the part of a great com- munity as is shown in the case of the City Hall difficulty in which Republi- can maladministration has involved the tax-payers of the Quaker City. The building of that structure has al- ready cost more than sixteen millions of dollars and it is not yet finished. Its copstruction has been prolonged through a succession of years, supply- ing a protracted source of plunder to a ring of politicians who have made this Job a part of the political machinery by which they govern the city. They Have managed to make. it personally profitable to themselves, and useful in supplying places for ‘a large force of party workers. Daring the many years in which millions have been squandered upon the City Hall it has been one of the strongholds of the political ring which entrenched itself behind the ua- limited and arbitrary powers given the Building Commission by the law which created it. This is a remarkable situation for a great city to find itself in, directly traceable to the abuses which it has allowed its Republicanism to fasten up- on its municipal government. Alarmed by the lavish expense imposed upon them by the City Hall builders, its citizens rise up against their oppres sors and demand relief. The Legisla- ture is asked to help them, but unfortu- nately for their case nine-tenths of the city representatives are the creatures of the machine that is interested in retain- ing the Public Buildings plunder. And outside of the city delegation, the ma. jority of the Legislature to which they appeal for help are but the puppets of the boss who cannot afford to lose any of the appliances by which his ma- chine is kept ranning in Philadelphia, among which the City Hall jobbery is one of the most serviceable. What as’ surance has the plundered city that it can get legislative relief from such a quarter ? In the meanwhile the jobbing Re- publican = politicians of Philadelphia have put their city. tickets in the field for the February elec tion with their usual confidence of suc- cess. If their candidates are elected by accustomed majorities what right will the city have to complain of being robbed by a Building Commission which is a part of the Republican ma. chine, and with what consistency can its people ask the Legislature to relieve them of an oppression which they de. liberately impose upon themselves by their votes? —— Bellefonte is head over heels in debt. There is one way to stop further extravagance. Elect a Democratic council, a Democratic tax collector and a Democratic overseer of the poor: ——The office of poor-overseer is an important oue to the tax-payers of Bellefonte, Elect J. H. Sanps, the Democratic nominee. ~——TFine job work of ever discription at the Warcaman Office. A Grand Stroke for Ireland. From the Altoona Times. It was a grand demonstration that was given in honor of Mr. Gladstone when he introduced the new home rule bill on Monday. It was a justtribute to the man who is showing himself to be the savior of down-trodden Ireland. Now that the aged premier has spoken, all doubts as to the features of the long- expected measure have been removed and it can besaid that the realization of the reality is not an unpleasant revela- tion to the friends of Erin. In the main the bill comes up to all require. ments that could be expected under the present circumstances and it is certain that Mr. Gladstone could not safely of- fer more, Now that we have an accu- rate forecast of the bill, it is in order to consider again the fate of the measure. Will it be able to overcome the opposi- tion which the Tories and the Liberal Unionists wi'l bring against it in parlia- ment ? It was doubted at times since the elaction of the present parliament whether the bill would be able to go through the house of commons, but now the most reliable indlcations point to 1ts passage there by a small majority. The bill will then go to the lords, who will undoubtedly reject the measure. ' After this the future ‘course of Mr. Gladstone is decidedly doubtful. He may use the power of the house of commons and the prerogative of the crown to bring the lords to terms immediately, or there may be a dissolution of parliament and an appeal to the country on the home rule issue, or, erhaps, the matter may be laid aside for the time being, and other Liberal legislation considered. The latter is the least probable course. The entire subject is of vast interest to Americans, and the course of the home rule bill will be closely watched. ee ——— Let Him Lapse Intoa State of Tnnoc- uous Desuetude. From the Philadelphia Times. Senator Stanford has some new ideas on the old question of what to do with ex-presidants. There has been no very good opportunity of late to settle this question experimentally, the stock of ex- Presidents on hand having been at no time inconveniently large. Mr. Har- rison’s case will bring up the subject in a practical form and already there are many suggestions as to his future. He has been recommended to practice law at Indianapolis, to edit a paper at New York, to become a J udge, to lecture, to go'into railroading, insurance or some other corporate enterprise. Mr. Stan- | ford wants to make bim professor of law in the Leland Stanford ey This would be a very nice thing for Mr. Har- risun, as Stanford pays good salaries and | there are not enough students in his uni- versity to make the duties of the pro- fessors very exacting. At the same time it would be a fine advertisement for the young institution to have an ex- President on its faculty, and as adver- using in one form or another is the life of a modern college there eould be no question of his earning the salary, Be- sides there is no telling how mueh his political health might revive in the glorious climate of California- EI STU, Why He Did It. From the Indianapolis Journal. The kicking Republicans and bolters in the Senate drove the President to the disagreeable necessity of nominating a Democrat. If he, the President, could have had his choice and the solid support of the Republicans in the Sen- ate he would have nominated a Repub- lican, but they, by their selfish opposi- tion to the administration and their treachery to the party, compelled him to seek Democrauc support for any nomination he might make. It weil becomes the kickers, sulkers and mis- chiet-makers, atter having thus forced President Harrison to seek Senatorial support outside of Republican ranks, to censure him for nominating a Demo- erat. Unwittingly Coralled. Frem the Philadelphia Record. When the Democratic party became courageous enough to declare itself up- on the tariff question without evasion it was a logical result of that action that such men as Carl Schurz, Wayne Mac- Veagh, Judge Gresham and others of like force and calibre should find them- selves fenced inside the Democratic lines, They are not converts. They are old-liners who were out of place 1n the Republican party, and like the doves from the ark, had no place to rest their feet until the flood of Protection? ism and paternalism should have abated. RES He Would Get it Sure. From the Venango Spectator. Scores of hogs are dying in Butler township, Luzerne County of cholera.— Philadelphia Re cord. ‘ The friends of W. H. Andrews, the Crawtord county seat grabber, should see that he keeps out of Butler township Luzerne county, until the disease sub- ides. The Season Will Soon be O’er. From the Braymer, Mo. Bee. If a body meet a body Wading through the slush, If a body hold her skirts up Need a body blush # We don’t like icy sidewalks, They keep us on our guard ; And to show our sentiments We sit down on them hard. —TIf you want printing of any de scription the WATCHMAN office is the Spawls from the Keystone, —Lebanon cries for cheaper light. —Lack of coal has closed several Lebanon. schools, —Lancaster will have an electric belt-line railway. Conrad Schall, of Pottstown, was found dead in bed. —Diphtheria has its clutches on the mining town of Lost Creek. —The first rails for the Hazleton and West Side Trolley were laid Friday. —Philadelphia capital is likely to build Reading’s $500,000 trolley lines. —Dr. H. M. Keller was re-elected president of the State Hospital at Hazleton. —The smallpox quarantine on the Shiley re- sidence, Tower City has been raised. —Falling from a freight train near Tripoli George Stump had his back broken. —Yough National Bank, Connellsville, capi- tal $75,000, began business Saturday. —State Senator John N. Neeb, of Allegheny county, is at his home dangerously ill. —Lack of order for coal led to the discharge of 114 men at the Minersville colliery. ‘—New cases of diphtheria in McKeansburg have given rise to a fear of an epidemic. —Relic of the battle at Braddock will be collected for the Carnegie Library there. —Brakeman W. W. Reiff and G. W. Smith were seriously hurt in a wreek at Fleetwood. —Young men coasting on a sled at Girards- ville, knocked down and killed Adam Sickle, —Both of John Tich’s legs were cut off by a train at Mahanoy City, while he was coasting. —A catamount which he shot at Tremont fell from a tree upon Constable Barrell's head. —A load of iron pipes crushed to death Frederick Durro, at Cranbury Luzerne coun- ty. —The Berks county Grangers, who met at Robesonia, decided toask for farmer legisla. tion. —He could not guide his sled and it ran into a creek, drowning Lester L. Trace, a Mead= ville lad. ~The Lancaster City Bible Society celebrate ed its 74th anbiversary Sunday in all the churches. —Sureharged by the auditors $2133, County Commissioner Reed, of Schuylkill, has appeal ed to conrt. —The “Pennsy” Friday sent its first train load of coal from its newly acquired colliery at Primrose. —Thieves dumped $100 worth of K. L. Johns’ merchandise into a sleigh at Mt, Car- mel and escaped. . ’ —Night work has been abandoned at the extreme busy Philadelphia and Reading Rail- road shops at Reading. —A fire burned all Saturday night and Sun- day in one of the shafts of the Packer Colliery No. 4, at Shenandoah. —The Reading Rolling Mill Company has reduced wages owing to the low prices pre- vailing for finished iron. —Having swallowed saltpetre for Epsom salts, Mrs, Edward Roache, of Shamokin, is in a precarious condition. —In Coal township, Northumberland county there are 13 candidates for Supervisor—an un- lucky number for at least 12. —Theives have rifled the novelty store of Joseph Miko, in South Bethlehem, of $166 in cash and $100 Worth of goods. —The Bessemer Steel Mill, of the Bathle- hem Iron Company, which has been idle since Christmas, will start on Monday. —Separated for 18 years, Mary Kane found her brother Michael in a Pittsburg asylum and nursed him back to sanity. —Pennsylvania Railroad officials arrested a man named Haling, of Eddington, for steal- ing an umbrella from a car. Lehigh county Court sustained the Com- missioners in striking off from the official ballots an Independent ticket. —It cost Thomas Pallis of Mahanoy City $1000to call Assemblyman J. C. Coyle of that place a Mollie Maguire. —The Lutheran and Reformed churches at Friedensville, Lehigh county, will cele brate their centennial in May. —An association of hunters have purchased 8000 acres of woodland in Fulton county, and propose to nurture game and fish. —T. P. Pardee, son of the late Ario Pardee, who gave Lafayette College about $500,000 was elected a trustee of that institmtion. —While Peter Burkett, a school teacher at Virginsville, was at a funeral he was arrested for whipping a child oi Gerion Lesher. —In their night clothes the family of Charles Fenstermacher, Slate Valley; near Easton, escaped from a burning dwelling. —Relic hunters nearly demolished the home of the murdered; Kester brothers at Hazleton. which was sold at auction Saturday, —The “Easton Express” has issued a mag* nificent industrial edition that speaks vol- umes for the energy of its young proprietor, Howard Mutehler. —Employes of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad went from the Western part of the State to consult with President King about wages. —Although admitting that he had not been divorced when he married his second wife, F H. Steely, of Reading, goes free, because not prosecuted within two years, —Charged with a dozen robberies, Jeremiah Keller and Peter Schmidt, who joined the United States. Army, were captured in New York and returned to Reading. —Suit was brought by the city of Reading against W. Coll, Francis Roland, J. H. Obold, Jacob Miller, J, T. Jackson and J. H. Jacobs, bondsmen of ex-Treasurer Obold, to recover the defalcation. —A pine tree was cut down in Liberty town- ship Tioga county, a few days ago which was literally a giant of the forest, It was. 105 feet in height, and the lumber which it yielded was sold for §100. —L. D. WoodRutf, the veteran editor of the Johnstown Democrat, was obliged to dis- pose of his paper to Warren W. Bailey, of Chicago; on account of inadequate support by the people of that county. —Colonel Thomas J. Grimeson, of West Chester, Pa., died on Tuesday night. He was a native of Cumberland county, and served through the war With credit in a cavalry regiment. The cause of his deafh was blood poisoning from a wound received in the foot. —Woodring, the member of the legislature from Northampton county who voted to re- tain Andrews in Highby’s seat, was on Mon- day denounced by the Democratic county committee of Northampton as having be trayed his party,and was callad upon to re- place to have it done. eign his seat in the legislature.