Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 27, 1893, Image 5

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    wi A SAN cm A Sem sem
A Lirrce Boy Bur~ep. — The
Philipsburg Ledger tells the following
story of a sad accident which happened
in that vicinity on Wednesday of last
week : ’
“Mrs. John Gearbart, of Keystone
Hill, went to a neighbors for a bucket
of water, leaving her little two-year-old
son Eddie and the baby in the house
alone. Eddie was a stirring, mischiev-
ous httle fellow and for fear of danger,
Mrs. Gearhart took the matches and hid
them in the sink drawer, shutting the
drawer on a piece of cloth tightly. She
was not gone long, but when she came
back she found Eddie lying on the floor
burned to a crisp. His clothes were
burned entirely off. He lived about an
hour. He bad managed to open thedraw-
er and get the matches, and from the
indications sat down on the floor and
lighted them, probably dropping them
in his lap when they burned his fingers.
He was buried in Centre churchyard.
Mr. John Gearhart, the little boy’s
father. is a son of Mr. George E. Gear-
hart, of Chester Hill. ©
AsyLum.—If the bill introduced by
Representative Niles, in the lower house
of the Legislature, appropriating $800,-
000 for the erection of another hospital
for the insane, should become a law,
extra efforts should be made to have it
erected on the site near this place so
strongly endorsed by the last commis-
sion which reviewed prospective sites for
the one now building at Wernersville,
Berks county. Through some chicanery
the hospital at Wernersville was taken
away trom Bellefonte, when it was
generally admitted this was the place
for it and we believe that the Reading
railroad is largely to blame for the
change of location.
Ifa new hospital is built, and the
crowded condition of the others impera-
tively demands that there be more room,
the proper place to locate it is at Belle-
fonte. Itis the centre of a large dis-
trict wholly cat off from sucha con-
venience. There are hospitals at Norris-
town, Harrisburg and at Danville, and
the new one is being erected at Wer-
nersville, Berks county. Crossing the
Alleghenies we find a large asylum ag
‘Warren, and Erie has the soldiers’
home. In the extreme west Pittsburg
supplies the demand for hospital accom-
modations. There are other hospitals
scattered throughout the state, so that
it will beseen this section has been
wholly ignored.
No more eligible location can be
found for such an institution than
Bellefonte. Itis the centre ot a large
and increasing population, and there-
fore is entitled to an institution of this
kind, when the state has a favor to dis-
pense. She has been ignored for years
in this respect. If the bill passes there
should be such a concentration of indi-
vidual effort on the part of the board of
trade and the people, that no board of
charities or other committees can afford
to trifle with our claims. A united and
determined stand will be found to be
Our location is also peculiarly fitted
for such an institution on account of the
salubrity of its climate and purity of its
waters. Oar scenery is matchless in its
beauty, and its crowning glories stand
out in bold relief in the form of moun-
tain peaks and rolling hills. No place,
therefore, is better fitted for a new hos-
pital than Bellefonte, and every man
should prepare himself to do something
towards securing il in the event of the
bill becoming a law.
—The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P.O. Jan. 24, 1893.
Geo. A. Albright, Beckford Knitting, Ma-
chine Co., Mrs. N, R.Cromcer, W. H. Hnssman,
C. F. Huston, Edward tucas, Margaret B.
McDonald, Dailmany North, Mary Watson.
When called for please say advertised.
Books, Magazines, Etc.
——Among the illustrated articles in Har-
pers Magazine for February |will be Abbey’s
illustrations of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
with comment by Andrew Lang; ‘New Or-
leans, our Southern Capital,” by Julian Ralph
with pictures by Smedley, “Bristol in the
Time of Cabot,” by John B. Shipley, with
many interesting illustrations; personal remi-
niscences of Whittier, by Annie Fields, and of
George William Curtis, by John W. Chadwick»
each accompanied by portraits; “The Refu
gees,” by A Conan Doyle, illustrated by T. de
Thulstrup; and illustrated stories by Maurice
Kingsley and Ruth McEnery Stuart.
Does devotion to letters and learning unfit
woman for domestic ;duties? This interest-
ing question will be pleasantly and adequate.
ly discussed by Colonel T. W. Higginson in
an article on “Literary Women as Housekeep-
ers” in the next number of Harper's Bazar
published January 28th.
——However much one may have differ:d
politically from Mr. Blaine, he cannot fail to
be interested in the striking personality of the
mau, a personality which possesses a phenom-
enally intense and universal! interest for the
people at large, quite independent of any im-
mediate connection with the questions of the
day. The Febru: CoSMOPOLITAN presents a
careful review cf Mr. Blaine’s characteristics
as a man and statesran, prepared by T. C.
Crawford, and illustrated ‘by numerous sketch-
eg of his home, and famous cartoons apropos of
striking phases of his political career.” The
second article in the series of the‘ ‘Great Rail.
way Systemsof the United States” also appears
in this number, the Atchison Topeka & ia
Fe, with its more than ten thousand miles of
track being treated. Few people not living
on the line of this road have any conception of
its marvelous importance. The making of
beet-root sugar is one of the rapidly growing
interests ou the North American continent,
but the first time in magazine literature it is
here thoroughly explained in every process,
helped out by photographs of the seed, the
roots, the method of cultivation and the most
improved machinery for conversion into sugar.
News Notes From Howard.
Frauk Dietz, of Mt. Eagle, had a son on the
sick list this week.
Cyrus Tice has been digging several wells
around here lately.
Jacob Bickle is again loeated in the corner
building, What next?
Philip Dietz, of Marsh Creek reports him.
self well pleased at home.
Harry Freeman will visit his home fora
short vacation, next week.
Those who brought buggies out, put them
back. Sleighing is good again.
Harry Allison came home from Mechanies-
burg, to attend his fathers funeral.
The butcher shop was closed this week be_
cause of the senior partners demise.
We would suggest to Cooke that he let the
paroled boy tend to his own business.
Messrs. Poulsen & Co., have been compelled
to close their works, the cause—mno water.
Mrs. Paul Swartz, after a severe illness for
some weeks past, is atlast able to be about
Jean Strunk was fined $2.00 and Boyd
Haines $1.00 for disturbing the Evangelica;
The funeral procession, attending the Alli:
son obsequies, was the largest one for some
time past.
An obstruction in front of Shutt’s mill caus.
ed an upset, Tuesday night that might have
turned out more serious.
The nomination of candidates was postponed
from Jan. 23rd, until next night. All interest-
ed should be on hand at 7 o’clock sharp.
Rob't. Allison, of Puebls Colo. sends word,
that it will be impossible for him to attend his
father’s funeral on account of the snow drifted
Jenkins Bros. & iLingle, have been un-
able to start their plant on account of the se.
verity of the weather, the ice being still
1814 inches thick, and freezing up as fast
as it is cut.
It is rumored, upon excellent authority, that
the P. R. R. will double track the Bald Eagle
Valley R. R. for three miles, by June 1893, in
anticipation of the outcome of the Hubiers®
burg extension bridge built by private parties.
The Evangelical church under the preach-
ings ot Rev. Bender reported 14 converts, with
3 more ready and a possibility of 4 more.
This church is flourishing and makes genuine
success where ever it starts. Meetings every
night at the church.
Henry Smith says that good lumber is about
as scarce as deer now. He ought to know, he
has hauled lumber for some time past. By
the way, Henry can boast of doing about as
heavy hauling as has been done for a long
while, but the team can’t always put their
shoulders to it. Why not put lighter loads on
for a while ?
The Jr. O. U. A. M. announce an oyster sup-
per for Feb. 22d, Washington's Birthday, to be
held in the school house, or some place to be
announced latter. We can assure everyone
that it will be one of the events of the season
and as its object is to place a flag on the Fur-
nace and other school houses, who cares for a
better inducement to patronage.
The Christian church under the leadership
ot J. L. Phoenix Esq, of Bradford county,
succeeded in converting these persons this
week :—Misses Essie Hanna, Addie Heverly,
Jennie Bechdel, Bessie Pletcher, and Messrs.
0. N. Lucas, Harry Heverly, C, Z. Long, Wal,
ter Pletcher, John Hite Jr., A. Lucas, C. Lucas
and W. G. Ertle. Services in the Hall daily.
Squire W. D, Allison, our butcher, died very
suddenly on Sunday a.m. Jan. 22d, 1893. He
had just hitched up the horse and brought
him around in front of his residence, and
then went in to wait for his wife, sat down in
a chair, and expired, almost immediately, of
heart disease. Though he had been complain-
ing for the past week still nc thought was ex-
pressed in regard to dying. He was tending to
his regular duties up to a late hour Saturday
night and seemed to be quite as hearty as
ever. Dr. McEntire was summoned, but
death occurred before the doctor arrived.
The Squire lead a noble life, was dearly be-
loved by all who knew him, and was above re-
proach. He was buried on Wednesday morn-
ing, Jan., 1893, in the Cedar Hill Ceme-
tery, beside his first wife. He leaves several
ciildren to mourn his loss. The funeral ser-
vices were held at Thomas Allison's, and from
there the cortege moved to the cemetery.
Deceased was about sixty years of age.
A Lett er From Kansas.
From a personal letter from Mr. J. C. Sam-
ple, formerly of Pine Grove Mills, this county,
but tor years a resident of Downs, Kansas, we
take the following extracts, believing they will
be read with interest, especially by the many
friends and acquaintances of the writer :
* % % J of’t times think of my good old friends
of by gone days, and long to shake them by
the hand, and in the course of human events
I hope I may haye the pleasure of doing so.
We get the WarcamaN regularly every
Monday morning, and it is read with pleasure;
oft times brightening oid recollections and
keeping us posted in'a general way with the
doings in old Centre. But I discover the
longer one remains away the more estranged
becomes the local matter of your paper. In
looking through the “Pine Grove—that good
old town—Items,” where one wouid naturally
suppose the population would not make many
changes, I find in many instances where it
refers to parties, as being citizens of the town
who are entirely strange to me, and I also
note, from time to time, that the old land
marks are passing away, and the boys and
girls have grown into manhood and woman,
hood. Summing all these items together, I sup-
pose, were I to drop down into the place of my
birth, the marked changes would astonish
We have been enjoying very prosperous
times in the Sunflower State for the past two
years; have had fine crops, and last year the
prices were remarkably gocd. This season
prices do not rate so high, and our cereals do
not move so briskly as they did. But at all
events trade in all branches has been very
good until the first of the year. After the
usual amount of Christmas greetings were ex-
changed, and the holiday festivities passed
business has become rather quiet, but under
almost any circumstances one would natural-
ly expect this. The people of Kansas, just at
this time, have their thoughts centzred on the
actions of their law makers at the State capi”
tol. They are now showing to the world at
large what kind of metal we are made of. Edw,
Lipton, of Osborne, stopped in to see me
on his way home frcm Topeka. He says ‘‘the
legislators are doing nothing but eating sand.
wiches and playing high five,” well let this be
as it may the Republicans are learning
throngh sad experience that the G.0.P. does
not rule with the same ease as in by gone
years. I will not tire you longer with
this seribble, mere than to say that my Demo-
cratic principals are firmer than ever and I
think from now on, you will find Kansas either
Democratic or doubtful in politics.
Resolutions of Respect.
Waereas, It has pleased our Heavenly
Father to take from us by death Past Grand
Liwellyan Fulton, a most worthy and esteemed
member of the Bald Eagle Lodge, No. 410, I.
0. 0. F., be it
Resolved, We beg to assure his bereaved
wife and family, of our deepest sympatiy, in
their affliction, though feeling confident their
loss is his eternal gain.
Resolved, In the death of our dear brother
the lodge has Jost an earnest worker, a faith-
ful and efficient member, whose hand was
always open to a brother, and while we bow
in humble submission to this dispensation of
Providence, we wili always keep “Evergreen”
in our memories his many and exalted virtues.
Resolved, That our charter be draped and
members wear the badge of mourning for
thirty days.
Resolved, These resolutions be pnblished in
the county papers, a copy furnished the fami-
ly of the deceased, and spread upon the min-
utes of our lodge.
L. T. Eppby,
C. B. CuurcH,
Milesburg, Pa. W. R. CAMPBELL.
Darling shall we together wander
In some lonely, silent grove;
Where the nightingale is singing,
There to tell our tales of love?
Or shall I forever wander,
Sadly weeping all alone ;
Going I know not whither,
Awaiting my love to come?
Answer quickly, ’tis truly wrong,
To wear our precious lives away,
By waiting sadly waiting,
The coming of a happier day.
For the autumn winds are sighing,
Sadly moaning 'mong the trees,
Time with us is growing shorter ;
Soon will have past with the gentie
A mound in the church yard will tell,
Ti.e sad story of one kind and true;
Whose grave is alone and uncared for,
fave by the sunshine and the dew.
New Advertisements.
m: nthly payments if you wish.
Address, SQUIRE ARCHEY, Agt.
37-50-5¢ Pine Grove Mills, Pa.
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of J. G. Gorsuch, late of Patton township,
having been granted to the undersigned he
requests all persons knowing themselves in-
debted to sald estate to make immediate pay-
ment and those having claims against the
same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. J. R. GORSUCH,
W. E. GRAY, Atty. Benore, Pa
38 8 6t. Administrator.
School Board of Snow Shoe School
District.will receive bids, for the building of a
four room school building, in the town of
Snow Shoe, for the next thirty days. Plans
and specifications can be seen by caliing on
the Secretary. The Board reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of Board, R. C. GILLILAND
Snow Shoe, Jan. 14 th, 1893. 38 3 4t.
A fine iron frame, over strung, Gab-
bler piano with square rose-wood case anda
Mason & Hamlin pedal organ, with two rows of
keys, suitable tor a chureh or society and in
the best ot condition are for sale at the Brock-
erhoff house in this place, where Mr. George
Brandon, the proprietor, will be pleased to
show them to persons desiring a good instru-
ment cheap. 37-47
A Prohibition convention for Centre county
will meet in Court House, in Bellefonte, on
Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 1893, at 1.30 o'clock p.
m., mass-meeting at 8 p. m. Patton will speak
at 3 p. m., and Van Ben-nett in the evening.
Music by Meyer’s Orchestra. Admittance free.
All are invited. Ladies especially.
38 4 1t, J. ZEIGLER.
There will be exposed to public sale
on the premises of Henry Meyer, deceased, in
Harris township on
FRIDAY JAN. 27, 93.
at 1.30 o'clock p. m. the following valuable real
bounded on the north by lands of David Guise,
on the east by lands of Hewitt and Meyer, on
the south by lands of James Kimport and W.
H. Groh, and on the west by lands of Cyrus
Durst. Having thereon erected a good
bank barn and all necessary outbuildings. A
good orchard of excellent fruit and running
water at both house and barn. A never failing
well at the door. This farm is located in one
of the most fertile and beautiful valleys in the
state and is within 1% miles of the L. & T. R.
R. with churches, school houses and post office
near by. Alsoa
. Bounded on the north by lands of John Hoop
and Jesse Marks on the east by lands of Jas.
‘ Kimport, on the west by lands of W. H. Groh
and on the south by Tussey mountain. Well
set with rock oak, chestnut, and white oak
which will be sold at the same time and place.
Terms —24 cash at confirmation of sale, 14 in
one year and the balance in two years, to be se-
cured by bond ani mc Tease on the premises.
Surviving Administrator.
eetaeanis test invention of
thg reaBg'o ats a dozen
eggs in two minutes, freezes
ice cream in ten minutes,
d isunexcelled for whip-
ped cream, frozen custard
and water ices,
now in use in Bellefonte,
We are sole agents for
Bellefonte and Centre
county. .
Made in three sizes at 75cts,
90cts. and $1.25.
37-41-3m. DANIEL IRVIN & SON.
Sechler & Co.
ment, Rio— Finest Brazilian.
PICKLES IN GLASS, Crasse § Blackwell's Chow Chow,
White Onions, Cauliflower, Picalilli, and Walnuts.
In Cakes, Crackers and Biscui's we keep a full line of fine goods always fresh
8 eoques & CO.— —*
RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice. .
Strawberries, Brandy Cherries
GELATINE, Swineburne's, Cox's, McLeish, and Wine Jellys.
OLIVES, Fine imported goods in five sized bottles.
APPLES, Baldwins and Northern Spys.
IN TEAS we have QOolongs, Gun Powder, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japan
English Breakfast, and our Fine Blended Tea is something that will please any
one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea.
IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Alspice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayenne Pep-
per, Mustard all strictly pure goods.
HERBS FOR SEASONING, Sage, Parsley, Thyme, Sweet Marjoram,
Summer Savory and Sweet Basil.
IN COFFEES AND CHOCCLATE, Mocha—genuine, Java—0ld Govern
All excellent quality and always fresh roasted.
Baker's Premium Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa, Van Houten's Cocoa, Wil-
bur’s Chocolate, and German Sweet Chocolate.
IN BAKING POWDERS, We keep the Royal and Baker's—Two leading
brands and a pure Cream Tarter.
IN COOKING EXTRACTS we keep a line of Joseph Burnett & Co's, (Bos-
ton) goods, they are the finest we can find, also a line of Knight's extracts.
BEANS, California Limas, New York Marrow and Pea Beans, dried Green Peas.
tage, Home and Worthington Brands.—CorN Persian and Mountain Brands,—
CorN Granules, Lima Beans and Succotash, Dew Drop brand. GREEN PEas,
Early Junes, Scottish chief and Cecelia brands. PINE APPLE sliced and grated,
Strawberries and White Cherries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked Beans.
CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, Yellow Crawford, Lemon Cling, and
White Heath Peaches, White Cherries and Apricots.
rooms, Preserved Cherries,
Blackwell's Jams all in glass.
and Crosse
MISCELLANEOUS, Pure Maple Syrup, Honey strained and in combs, Plum
Pudding, Armour’s Corned Beef, Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed milk,
Dunham’s Shred Cocoa nut,
Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family Cheese, Bradford County Dairy Butter.
Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten Flour, Vienna Flour.
Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugars.
Extra Fine New Crop New Orleans Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table Syrup, Pure
Cider Vinegar.
Sweet Potatoes choice stock.
and red.
Imported Onions. Home Grown Onions, yellow
KETCHUPS, SAUCES ETC. Worcestershire Sauce in one pint and half
pints.—Toyaror Kercnue, Victor, Riverside, Lutz and Heinz brands. Malt
Vinegar in glass for table use, Colburns Salad Dressing, Fepper Sauce—Red
and Green, Curry Powder, Caper Sauce.
NUTS, Princess Paper Shell, California and Bordan Almonds, Assorted Nuts,
English Walnuts, Pecans extra large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted Peanuts,
Cocoa Nuts extra quality.
IN CONFECTIONARY, we have Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates, Roast Al-
monds, Cream Dates, Rose and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, French Glace Fruits,
Fine Chocolate Caramels, Chocolate Marsh Mallows, Cocoa Nut bon bons, Choco-
late Madridos, Lozenges, Clear Toys, and a large assortment of fine goods in
this line all carefully selected.
FRANQO AMERICAN SOUPS, French Bouillon, Consomme, Oz Tail, Mock
Turtle, Mulligatawny, and Terrapin.
OLIVE OIL, S. Rea § Co.'s } Pint, Pints and Quarts. The finest analysts in
the World pronounces it pure.
Gherkins, Mixed,
CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled Oat, Cracked Wheat, Pearl Barley,
Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Macaroni and Vermacceli.
MEATS. Fine Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacoi: and Dried Beef, White
Rose Lard.
GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons, White Almeria Grapes,
Catawba Grapes; and Jersey
CURED FRUITS. Evaporated California Pared and unpared Peaches, and
Choice Layer Figs, Cleaned Currants, Imported Citron, Lemon and Orange peel,
Oalifornia and French Prunes.
RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Layers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and Cali-
fornia Seedless and Loose Muscatels.
FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Qodfish boneless and evaporated, SALMON, Mag-
nolia, Astoria and @Qlacier brands,Hoeg’s Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Lobsters,
Crab Meats and Spiced Oysters. Sardines, French }s, and }s Boneless.
MINCE MEAT, We make our own Mince Meat and spare no trouble or expense
in bringing it up to the very highest standard. We use a sufficient quantity
of well cooked beef (which is the true foundation of all good Mince Meat.
The fruit is all carefully cleansed and prepared, and every item of goods used
in it is of the highest grade.
Qur Mince Meat can be used by any family with entire confidence, that the
goods are just what we recomend them to be.
to make even a small quantity of Mince Meat and that frequently prevents peo-
ple from using the goods, But now you can get it any time in an,
and at a moderate price just as good Mince Meat as you can make in your
own house. But it is hard to give in cold type any satisfactory description of
the goods we have, so we will close with a cordial invitation to all who read
this to call and see what a fine stock of GOOD THINGS we have.
It is quite a good deal of labor
& CO.
MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist,
Von Grafe Infirmary,
Feb. 2, Mch. 2, & 30, April 21,
May 25, June 22,
Tyrone, Pa. Sept. 20th, 1892.
Dr. Say.
The medicine you gave me for
Bronchitis and Asthma helped me wonderful-
ly. Thereareb or 6 patients here who know
of my case, and want to consult you and want
to know if you will stop over here; if not we
will come to Bellefonte at your next visit.
Yours Respectfully,
Thanks to the good Dr. I feel once more hale and
Bellefonte, Pa., Oct 13th, 1892.
For more than 5 years I have had sore eyes
and at the same time a miserable case of Dys-
epsia, I felt bad all over, became thin and pale,
ost all appetite and energy. But now after
only a few months treatment with Dr. Salm I
have gained very much in flesh, have a good
color, eat heartily ; my eyes are as good as any
ones, and Dyspepsia is ail gone. Infact I con-
sider myself entirely cured, and thanks to th¢
good Dr. I feel once more hale and hearty.
Attested by Miss MiLLie KELLEY
her mother SnowShoe, Centre Ca
Mrs. Sarah Kelley.
Successful double cross-eye operations.
Indiana, Pa., Oct. 12th, 1892.
I have been cross-eyed, and that very bad
for over 28 years. Dr. Salm operated on bot
eyes in less than two minutes time, withoul
causing the least pain, nor was I confined tt
my room for a moment. I can gonsdisntionsly
say that my eyes are now perfectly straight,
thanks to the Dr.
I have been troubled with some Eye disease
for some time. The pain was almost unbear-
able at times, and I couldn’t think of reading
or sewing at any time. I put myself under
the care of Dr. Salm, who visits Butler every
four weeks, and after only three months treat.
ment, I consider myself entirely cured, and I
can safely say that my eyes feel better and
have better vision than at any time within the
last twelve years. Mes. P, GOLDEN,
Butler, Pa., W. Jefferson street.
I have been troubled with catarrhand deaf-
ness, ringing in the ears. about six years.
Tried two difterent doctors in Pittsburg and
ever so many patent medicines, without the
least benefit. I have now been under Dr. Salmi
treatment four months, and the improveraen{
is remarkable, and I am certain that withina
short time I'll be entirely cured. He 1s th{
Doctor to go to, to get cured.
Kelley Station, Armstrong Co.. Pa. Oct. 3, 1894
Dr. Salm has removed a hard, gristly growth
from my left eye with perfect success snd but
little pain. "The sight has also improved to a
great extent. Respectfully,
Wieck, Butler county, Pa., January 22, 1891.
A few months ago Dr. Salm removed from my
left aye-ball a tumor size of a small hazel nut
with “perfect success and no pain whatever,
and was not kept in the house a single day on
account of the operation.
: Aric Work.
Rochhster Mills, Indiana Co., Pa, Jan. 14, 1891.
1 have had a tumer growing in the ear ai*-
most attached to the drum. Dr. Salm. remov-
ed the same four weeks age without any pain, .
and as I can see now, with splendid results.
He is a great physician.
Somerset, Pa., January 16, 1861. *
On account of having heen Attending Physi-
cian at Hot Springs Dr. Salm has never failed
to cure a case of Private Disease peculiar to -
either sex, no matter of what nature or how
long standing.
Our little son Brinton has for the last five
years had Toning of both ears, and the same"
was so offensive that it was almost impossible
to be near him ; he became emaciated pale’
and puny, and was nearly always crying on’
account of the pain, We" had him treated in
Linesville, Clarion ‘and Oil City by the best
home physicians but no cure resulted and we
might just as well have thrown our money in
the fire. Dr. Salm has been treating him for
three months, and an entire and splendid cure
has been made by him on Brinton.
ik Mags. R. V. McNAUGHTEN,
Kings+i"e, Clarion Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1551.
Having heard of successful cataract opera.
tions Dr, #alm has made, particulary of one
case of an old lady in Columbus, 1 decided to
have him operate on my Tight eye, in which J
was blind for nine years. The operation wa’
performed some time in July; the pain wa
not worth mentioning and no FO we
given. Asaresult I can to-day see far an
near, read and write again, and from havin
been in ill health and puny, I am also rapid}
improving in strength. I will gladly answe¢
any| correspondence and personal inquiry, r
garding this successful operation. I was'
years of age when the operation was performe
Ashley, Delaware Co., Ohio,
Address all communications to box 760, Col-
umbus, O. :
37 4 2