Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 20, 1893, Image 8

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    Bevan it
Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 20, 1893.
To CorrEsPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
——The price of wheat has gone up
two cents per bushel.
——1If your water pipes freeze up you
“will find a little salt or alcohol very ef-
—The stock-holders of the State
College Water Co. met in this place on
~——Misses Meta and Mary Gray, of
Fillmore, are visiting friends in Philips-
jurg. :
——The Presbyterian church in this
place will be re-dedicated on Sunday:
Jan. 22nd.
——Brown’s novelty store is occupy-
ing a room in the Reynold’s bank
building now.
——The second ot April will be Eas-
ter Sunday. Ladies arrange your head-
gear accordingly.
——Carter’s “Fast Mail” will be the
‘attraction at the opera house, Saturday
- evening, January 28th.
——The stockholders of the Valen-
tine Iron Company were dined at the
Sompany’s club house yesterday noon.
——Miss Elizabeth Shortlidge left
© this morning for Philadelphia, where
she expects to visit a week or ten days.
—— Mis. Jack McClelland, of Altoona,
spent the fore part of the week in
town with her sister Mrs. J. L. Spang-
——Mrs. J. F. Mann left on Tuesday
evening to attend the funeral of her un-
cle, the late William Bell, at Lewis.
——The opera company is rehearsing
the “Pirates ot Penzance’ every night,
The girls hope to produce it on Feb-
ruary 14th.
——Miss Lillian Barrett one of the
good natured telephone girls, has been
off duty most of this week on account of
8 severe cold.
——The Misses Sommerville, of
Winburne, Clearfield Co., and Holmes
of Birmingham, have been visiting
friends in this place.
—J. M. Neubauer, the proprietor
of the Fisher house in Greensburg, Pa.,
is a prospective renter for the Brocker-
hoff house in this place.
—— Willis Weaver, of Mile:burg, has
rented the National hotel at Millheim
and will take charge on March 1st. He
will apply for license.
——The Undine hose company, of
this place, bas appointed a committee of
three to receive bids for a new steamer
which it proposes buying.
——Mr. and Mrs. John L. Thomp-
son ot Lemont entertained most royally
a sled load of young people from Belle-
fonte, Wednesday evening.
——The venerable Samuel Walkey,
of Hublersburg, died from the effects of
the Grip, last Tuesday morning. De-
ceased was eighty-two years old.
——A number of bogus checks have
been troubling J. A. Harper & Co. of
late. Some one has been forging the
firms name to checks for small amounts.
—— While you are talking about the
unpleasantries of cold weather remem-
ber that next summer you will have the
nicest ice ever used with which to keep
Invitations have been sent out by
Mrs. Mary Butz, to the marriage of her
daughter, Emma Graham, to Mr. Robert
Franklin Hunter which is to take place
in the Presbyterian church next Wed-
nesday afternoon at five thirty o'clock.
——Rev. R. H. Singer, a Flemington
Evangelist preacher, has been held in
$300 bail for appearance at the Clinton
county court to answer a charge of as-
sault on one of his flock, a Mrs. Wm.
‘Witchey, of Lockport. Singer’s friends
say it is a blackmail.
—— While driving out Pine street,
Saturday afternoon, Hugh Beaver and
Miss Blanche Hayes met with an acci-
dent that might have been quite serious.
The shafts on their sleigh broke loose
and the horse ran away throwing both
occupants out. Luckily they escaped
without injury.
——John Montgomery Ward, Belle-
fonte’s star base-ballist, has decided to
give up the profession of ball playing
and will leave the Brooklyn club to
practice law. Monte’s reputation as a
lawyer will doubtless soon be as bril-
liant as it was as a ball player. He
spent Sunday with relatives in this
——The death of Jacob Gephart,
azed sixty-two, was announced from
his home, ie Millheim, on Wednesday
morning. Deceased was a younger
brother of J. P. Gephart Esq., of this
place, and leaves a wife and six grown
children. Shortly after the holidays he
eontracted a heayy cold which develop-
e1 into acute pneumonia from which he
died. Theinterment will be mado next
‘Wednesday morning in the Union
cemetery in Millheim,
Everybody has heard the expression
“well, we have to keep the ball rolling,”
but it may be that some of you do not
know what class of people uses it most. |
Generally when you corner a gossip on |
some ungrounded story he or she has
been adding variations to, they will find |
refuge in the expression we have first |
quoted. Some one, in all sincerity, tells
the fact: “Mr. Brown's horse almost ran
off and killed him yesterday morning.”
The next person adds a little to the
story and by the time it has gone
through a half dozen imaginative minds
it comes out something like this: “Did
you hear of the awful accident? Why
old Brown was drunk yesterday and his
horse ran off and killed him, but he had:
five thousand dollarslife insurance.” Now
this is the class of people we find in
every community and their busy tongues
are continually getting honest persons in-
to trouble.
But the same disagreeable mission is
often performed by newspapers. One
paper clipping a little article from an-
other and improving on it until at last
the story has nothing in common with
the original recounting of the facts. An
excellent illustration of this is to be
found in the following article which ap-
peared in the Lock Haven Democrat on
“A Centre county man recently killed
a bear that had a darning needle in one
of the main tubes of the lungs.”
This paragraph bag its origin in an ac-
count of the killing of a steer down in
the lower end of the county which was
published in the Gazette several weeks
since. ‘What made the account inter-
esting at all was the fact that when the
steer was cut up a large darning needle
was found in its lungs. Thus the “ball
has been kept rolling’ and in the above
paragraph we see what has become of
the original story. One paper having
gone so far as to tell its readers that a
woman has been missing in this county
for some time and concluded that the
bear must have eaten her, thus getting
the darning needle in its lungs.
HarL.—The Agricultural Institute to
be held at Centre Hall, Thursday and
Friday, January 26 and 27, (Rebersburg
24 and 25) will be an affair well worth
the attendance of every farmer and all
cthers taking an interest in the impor-
tant su“ject of agriculture, which 1s the
back-bone of the nation. The Institutes
are held under the auspices of the State
Board of Agricuiture, and all are invited
to take part in them.
Thus far the following able speakers
have promised to be present and deliver
addresses upon topics mentioned:
Dr. Atherton, president of State Col-
lege, topic
Prof. Buckhout, State College, “In-
sects and their Relation to Plants;”
“Forests and the Farmer.”
Gen. Beaver, “Reform in Roadmak-
ing;”’ “The Legal Aspect of the Repeal
of the Fence Law of 1700.’
Hon. Gerard C. Brown, of York, Fri-
day, “Tbe Potato Crop; “The Far-
mers’ Interest in Legislation.”
Dr. Calder, of Harrisburg, Thursday
and Friday, “Essentials for a Good
Crop; “Fruit Growing for profit;
“Hducating Children to Become Far-
Jas. McCracken, of Jefferson county;
“How to Destroy Canada Thistles;”
“Sheep for profit.”
D. F. Fortney, Friday afternoon,
“What Legi-lation Does the Farmer
Need 7”
Prof. C. R. Neff, Friday evening,
topic unknown.
Hon. M. Whitehead, Washington,
D. C, topic: “Farmers to the Front;”
*‘The Old and the New Agriculture.”
Besides these there will be essays and
recitations by home talent, music,
question box, ete., to lend variety and
interest to each session. After each ad-
dress there will bea general discussion
free to all. Three sessions each day-—
morning, afternoon and evening. These
meetings will be interesting to all, far-
mers especially. Don’t miss a good
Lewistown Free Press tells the foilow-
ing story of a woman's success in raising
“Miss Maggie E. Shreffler, living in
the lock house, down at the dam, can
show figures on chicken raising that are
hard to beat, She had 50 fowls on the
1st of January, 1892 and sold 25 on the
second day. From the remaining 25
she raised 218 chicks and received 3,536
eggs; of this number 69 dozen eggs were
sold realizing $16.56, leaving the balance
for hatching and family use. Young
chicks were disposed of to the amount
of $82.15. She purchased $30.00 worth:
of feed, and now has on hand thirty
chickens and $18.71 in cash.
The proposition is made, by some obhg-
ing mortal, that a register be placed in |
every church vestibule,where the young
ladies on entering the church might in- |
scribe their rames, and in this way save
the young gentlemen the suspense and
loss of time now unavoidable, since they
don’t know whether “she” is within or
Tyrone will have four candidates
for Sheriff of Blair county.
——The Huntingdon and Broad Top-
R. R. bas declared a 3} per cent divi-
—— Clearfield has a new bamwk. tis
known as the Clearfield National, and
has a capital stock of $100,000.
——Orin Atwood was, on Saturday,
appointed janitor of the public buildings
to sneceed the late Bartrim Galbraith.
——The patrons of the telephone ex-
change miss the pleasant voice of Miss
Margaret Haupt. Sha has resigned her
—— During the year 1892 there were
1,286,413 logs rafted through the Wil.
liamsport boom. They made 182.784,-
838 feet of lumber.
——One of the finest attractions of
the season will come to the opera house
on Saturday evening, January 28th, in
Carter’s “Fast Mail.”
——Seven year old Johnnie Rhule
had both legs so badly mangled by mine
cars at Coaldale No. 5 colliery, near
Philipsburg, that he died in the Cottage
——Judge Krebs, of Clearfield, is
said to be considering the advisablity of
issuing an order forbidding the pub-
lication of the jury lists 1n the news
——The new county project is said to
be again worrying residents of the
mountain portions of Centre, Hunting-
don, Clearfield, Cambria and Blair
——Lock Haven council men have
decided to give the people of that town
river water to drink. They have been
using canal water for some time and
hope that the change is for the better.
——Messrs Greevy and Scull, the
Blair county aspirants for congressicnal
honors, each spent over $6000 in trying
to establish his claim to the seat. Only
$2000 a piece will be refunded. So they
are decidedly in the hole.
——Oanly two couple applied for
marriage license during the week just
closed, They were: Hugh M. Con.
nell and Cevilia Gross, both of Belle-
fonte, and James Flemming, of Spring
Twp , and Nannie Carson, of Millheim
The Tyrone Times says that an appli-
cation will be made to the Board of
Pardons, at its next meeting, to have
William Hamilton, the Houtzdale em-
bezzler pardoned. Hamilton was teller
in the Houtzdale bank and appropriated
- —-While out sleigh-riding in Lock
Haven, on last Thursday afternoon,
Joseph Frick drove liveryman Peck’s
horse into the canal. The animal’s leg
was broken and the sleizh wrecked. It
cost the unfortunate fellow $100, for the
horse, and the sleigh repairs.
—— Miss Marie Bishop, who has many
friends among the society people of this
town, while pursuing her vocation as an
actress, a profession she recently entered
upon in New York, was taken seriously
ill and has been confined to the hospital
for several weeks, suffering most inten-
sely with inflammatory rheumatism.
——The teachers who purpose attend-
ing the local teacher’s institute of the
teachers of Taylor, Huston, Union, Half
Moon and Worth townships, to be held
at Port Matilda, to-morrow, Saturday,
January 21st, will add much to its suc-
cess by taking with them their copies of
the Franklin Square collection of songs
used at the last session of the county in-
stitute. Everyone is cordially invited
to attend the sessions.
—— Lock Haven thermometers reg-
istered eighteen degrees below zero, on
Monday morning. In Bellefonte they
got down to ten. In Unionville, six was
the lowest point reached. '' Monday
morning we thought was about as cold
as it could get when we wrote the alove
but Wednesday's record krocked our
conclusion into a cocked hat. Get be-
side your stove and read: 22 deg.
below at Clearfield ; 19 deg. below at
Zion ; 16 deg. below at Spring Mills ;
15 deg. below down at Coburn ; 14 deg,
below in Bellefonte. But the back-
bone of the cold wave is broken now
and plumbers will ge t a rest.
———1In our last week's issue we forgot
to note the burning of Robert Gray’s
store and the dwelling of his father, Mr.
W. 8. Gray, at Stormstown, which oc-
curred on Tuesday evening, Jan. 10th
The house and store were joined in one
large, commodious building and were
heated from a furnace in the cellar of the
store. The bitter cold weather had made
a roaring fire a necessity and it is
thought that the building caught in that
way. It seemed to have been on fire all
over before ‘the inmates realized it, for
scarcely anything was saved. The store
was one of the finest general merchan.
dise establishments in the county and
tations are seldom realized as fully as at
day night.
talked of and the church, which seats
nine hundred and fifty comfortably,
was crowded before half past seven,
with people anticipating a most enjoya. |
ble evening. Guests were present from
Cuarwensville, Clearfield, Huntingdon,
Lock Haven, and State College and alto-
gether it was cne of the most appreciu-
tive audierces ever seen in Bellefonte.
The excellent program, a model one
in point ef’ symmetry, contrast and in-
terest, had been made possible by Will
Furst, the projector and main spring of
the whole concert, was as follows .
“Offertoire, D Minor, St. Cecile,” - Batiste.
“Salve Regina.” w Jwliled Millard:
Mgrs: J. C. MEYER, Miss Key, M». HArvEy,
Mg. Forp.
“Taceato-and Fugue, D Minor.” - J S. Bach.
Pror. 8. Tupor STRANG.
“My Gedy; My Father.” . . Marsden.
Mg. Geo. Forb.
“La Notte » - - - - - Mililotti. |
Mes. W. H. MaxN, Mg. Hamvey. |
“Chorus of Angels.” - » ne olen iGlark
Pror. S. Tunor STrRANG.
“Fear Not Ye O Israel.” .- - . Buck.
Miss Keim.
“I feek thy Angel Spirit.” - - Hoffman.
“Onthe-Coast.). «= |»: j= = - Buck.
“Marche, Nuptials.” - - Alex. Guilmant.
Pror. 8. Tubor STrANG.
Grande Fantasia, “The Storm.”
Pror. 8. Tubor StrANG.
Of the home talent no comment is
needed for while several of the singers
have been heard to greater advantage
they as a whole satisfied the audience
judging from the enthusiastic and fre-
quent applause,
Prof. Strang wbe is organist of the
Broad and Oxford Preshyterian church,
Philadelphia, is an artist of more than
ordinary talent and the congregation
THE ORGAN RECITAL.—Great expee- |
the Presbyterian Organ Recital last Fri”!
The concert bad long been
‘ville’s bess citizens, was a very agree-
“The Erl King.” = Ste - Schubert |
“Lord Cause thy Face, from Eli. - (Costa.
uf Miss Keim, Mr. Forp,
“Love’s Old Song.” - - - - Molloy,
Me. Geo. For.
“The Celebrated Largo.’ - - Haendel-
“Overture, from Wm. Tell.” - - Rossini"
Prow. S. Tupor STRANG.
“Lullaby, from Sea King.” - - Stahl
Miss Kem.
¢The Miller's Wooing.” ois Faning.
that has the opportunity of listening
Sunday after Sunday to his expressive
interpretation of the great masters, is
indeed to be congratulated. His rank
as a musician was as evident in his
technique as in his selections for his
pbrasing was admirable and his execu-
tion clear and casy.
Mr. Ford almost carried off the hon-
ors of the evening with “Love’s Old
Song” and not only his excellent voice;
but his willing response to the hearty
applause won for him a most pleas:nt
memory in the minds of his hearers.
Bellefonte singers could learn a lesson
from Mr. Ford’s and Miss Keim’s enun-
ciation. "Every word they uttered could
be heard distinctly in all parts of the
church, and in consequence everybody
was delighted with them. Miss Keim
is little more than a child in years ; but
sings remarkably well for one so young.
Her voice is clear and brilliant and from
the outlook now she will be heard of in
the musical world, for both her singing
and her personality have that indefina-
ble attribute we call charm.
Wednesday, February 22nd, promises to
be a gala day at the Pennsylvania State
College. Tt will mark an epoch in the
history of Pennsylvania's big institu-
tion of learning and will be the first step
toward a broader and more thoroughly
equipped work in the field of Mechanic-
al Engineering. This Department at
the College has, in a period of a very
few years, jumped into a position of
eminence and because of its popularity
and the growing demand for mechani-
cal, engineers, all over thejworid, the
trustees have done well in recognizing
its growth. !
A new building for the Enginezring
Department was provided for by the
last Legislature -and it is so near done
that the dedicatory services will be held
next month. The opening will be
made one of unusual interest by reason
of the long list of distinguished men
who will attend. Among them we
might mention Hon. John W. Noble,
Secretary of the Interior ; Hon. Francis
A. Walker, President of the Boston
Institute of Technology and Superinten-
dent of the 10th Census ; Hon. Robert
Emory Pattison, Governor of Pennsyl-
vania, and Staff’; the members of the
State Legislature and a number of
other dignitaries,
Appropriate ceremonies will be held
during the day and a grand promenade
concert in tha Armory will conclude
the social part of it. ~
—J. F. Barber & Co., Philipsburg
hardware dealers, were burned out on
Monday night. Their place was discov-
ered to be on fire about twelve o'clock
and before the plugs could be thawed
the house was handsomely furnished.
An insurance of $3000 was carried on the |
stock but nothing on the house effects or
building. The loss was heavy.
out and a stream gotten on was damag-
ed to the extent of $15,000. The fire is
supposed t> have bean caused by the
electric hight wires. :
! New York on Saturday night.
——L. Mothersbaugh, of Boalsburg,
was a Lock Haven visitor on Tuesday.
Mr. Dan Hall, one of Union-
able caller on Tuesday.
——Samuel Charles, of Milesburg,
dropped in to renew his subscription to
the WATCHMAN, on Thursday morning.
——Mrs Annie Krom is seriously ill
at the residence of her son-in-law
Ctiarles H, Myers, Water street, Lock
——Mr. W. H. Taylor has announced
himeelf a candidate for the nominatien
i for tax collector of Spring township:
: He would make a goed official.
——Rev W. A. Houck of the Metho-
dist church is holding a most gratifying
revival. The meetings are well attended’
and grow in interest night by night.
—— Philipsburg council has resoluted
to pave Front street in that borough.
It will be put before the people at.the
spring election and will require a loan
of $15,000.
——The marriage of Joseph O. Laird
to Emily V. Hoskinson has been an-
nounced from» Minneapolis, Minn. The
groom is the second son of R. A. Laird
formerly of this place.
——If you should happen to see a
fair damsel resting her head most affec-
tionately on the shoulder of one of the
“boys.” remember they are only prac-
ticing for the “Pirates.”
——Miss Grace Fury, the talented
young eloeutionist ot Altoona, isin town
coaching the pirates and the ballet girls
for the opera, which is to be given, un-
der her direction on February 14th.
-—The remodelled Evangelical
churca at Zion will be reopened on Sun-
day, January 29th. Revs. Bender, of
Lock Haven, and Finkbinder, of Mill-
heim, will assist the pastor, Rev. J. J.
—— Some time ago the Clinton coun-
ty poor overseer moved John Jordon
back to this county to be kept by Walk-
er township, but Jordon liked Lock
Haven better and rewrned. He is now
locked up as a vagrant.
—— Miss Clara Anderson, a former
compositor in this office, returned from
left bere several months ago to accept a
position in a cloak store, but the serious
illness of her mother and brother have
necessitated her return home.
— Some of the employes of the
WaATcHMAN office have been. having a
jolly good time this week. Monday
evening Miss Rosa Baum attended a
large dance at the Hotel Updegraff,in
Williamsport, and Wednesday Samuel
Hazel and Harry Rote took their best
girls and hied themselves off to a
sleighing party.
——The Episcopal Musical given un-
der Mrs. Benton’s direction Wednesday
evening, was socially and numerically
a success. Rob Tipple, one of the best
violinists that has ever been heard in
this county and a genius who deserves
a place in Nikisch’s Orchestra, was the
lion of the evening. The Misses Har-
per, Hoy, Hughes, Valentine and
Messrs. Bayard, Bullock, Brandon, Bier-
ly, Cruse, Noll, Liyon and Wadd!e con-
tributed to the enjoyment of the audi-
where in this paper we note the list of
prominent speakers who are to take part
in the Farmers’ Institute, at Centre Hall
next Thursday and Friday evening. On
Tuesday and Wednesday, January 24
and 25, the people of Rebersburg and
vicinity will havea like opportunity to
hear these recognized authorities: dis-
cuss the Agricultural subjects of the
The Rebersburg program is a most in-
teresting one and while we have not
space to give it in detail, the six meet-
ings, three a day, will be so full of profit
and pleasure that no one can afford to
miss one session. Some ofthe special
features will be Dr. Calder’s talk, Tues-
day morning, on the “Rights and Duties
ot Farmers.” Tuesday afternoon‘ the Na-
tional Wealth and the Farmers’ share of
it” by J. T. Ailman and “How to Des-
troy Canada Thistles,” by James Mec-
Cracken. ;
Tuesday evening, ‘‘the Farmer and the
School,” “Decline of Farming in Popu-
lar Favor’ and “Sheep for Profit’ will be
discussed. Wednesday morning, Hon:
Gerard C. Brown will give his views on
“Public Roads and Road Laws” and
Hon. Mortimer Whitehead will tell of the
“Farmers Department of the National
Wednesday afternoon ‘Dairying vs
Grain Raising,” by E.M. Tawksbury.
Difficulties met with in Raising Poultry”
Miss Alice Meyer. ‘Education for
Farmers Sons and Daughters and where
to get it,” by J. L. Ailinan.
Wednesday evening the subjects for
consideration are: ‘‘Intelligence the Key
Note to Successful Farming,” “Progress-
ive Agriculture,” “How to Maintain
Farm Fertility’? and “Necessity of Tax
Reduction and Equalization.’
followed by great cold.
How Near Has He Beexy Hitting
IT.—Following we publish Rev. I. R.
Hieks’ prognostications for the present
month. Our readers can see how near
the prophet has come to the truth and
then look out for the rest of the month
accordingly : The 1st to 4th, storms of
rain, sleet and snow. Venus from De-
cember 28th and Mercury on January
21th, will combine for the period. Pre.
pare for blizzards north ; heavy sleet
and rain south. A bitter wave will ap-
pear behind the storms up to about 8th
and 9th. On and near these dates tem-
perature will rise and storms return,
Warmer in
West about 131th, culminating in hard
winter storms from 14th to 17. Be pre-
pared. A cold wave, wide and extreme
will spread south and east, lasting to
next period, except, possibly, a rise in
temperature, with storms on and next
to the 20th. From 24th to 27th, look
for return of rain and snow, and after a
few days of warmer weather, for very
hard freezing up about 31st. Upon the
whole, January will be very cold and
trying. Be ready for it. Remember your
Repair Your Sipe WaLks.—The
case of Brookville borough vs. Richard
Arthurs was terminated in the Jefferson
county court recently, and the borcugh
received a verdict of over $5,600. The
question to be decided was whether the
individual property holder should be
held liable for damages occurring from
defective sidewalks ‘‘after the owner had
been notified to repair the same.” The
case arose out of a Mrs. Brosius recov-
ering $5,000 damages from the borough
for injuries received, and the borough
recovered off the owner, Mr.. Arthurs.
—— Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Emerick, of
Rote, Clinton county, were in town yes-
terday and called to see where the paper
they get every Kriday is printed. Mrs.
E. thinks the east end of Nittany val-
ley is one of the prettiest sections in the
country and we agree with her.
—— Residents of Colebrook township,
Clinton eounty, are looking for George
Gaylord who started hunting on Wed-
of last week. It is feared he has been
——Lyon & Co. are closing out their
entire winter stock of Overcoats, Ladie’s
Coats etc., at cost. Now is the time to
buy an excellent garment cheap.
Lost.—Oa last Friday or Saturday a
large gold crescent shaped pin studded
with rhine-stones was lost on the streets
of Bellefonte. The finder will be re-
warded by returning s me to this office.
——Ready made clothing in all its
Storm coats, Overcoats, Suits for men,
boys and children.
Tailoring a specialty, Suits made to
Mon~TaoMERY & Co.
BODLE.—On January the 13th, 1893, William
Tate, youngest son of William A. and Effie
Bodle, ag d 4 months and 7 days, at Pleasant
Hill. Interment at Houserville,
Cr ————
Sale Register.
Marcu 2, '93.—J. P. Waddle, of Fillmore, will
have one ot the largest sales in Centre coun-
ty. 13 horses, 22 head of cattle, 52 fine ewes,
12 hogs and farming implements of all de-
MarcH 14th.—A¢ the residence of John Hous-
er, on Nittany Mountain, 2}4 miles south
west of Pleasant Gap Horses, cows, young
cattle sheep and farm implements. Sale at
1 o'clock p. m.
March 21.—At the residence of Uriah Stover,
on the Robert Valentine farm, between Axe
Mann and Pleasant Gap, all kinds of farm
implements, harness, and some fine blooded
cows. Sale at 10 v’clock, a. m.
Rellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. JAckson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White wheatiiu.. iodine nmin 65
Old wheat, per bushel....., . 70
Red wheat, per bushel new.. 70
Rye, per bushel............counee.. €0
Corn, ears, per bushel.... 22%4
Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 50
Oats—new, per bushel... 35
Barley, per bushel...... 48
Ground Plaster, per to!
Buckwheat per bushe
Cloverseed, per bushei
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel
Eggs, per dozen.......
Lard, per pound...
Callow, per poun
Butter, per vound..
The Democratic Watchman,
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe: annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before. the expiration of the
year; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
Jising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
$5 ($8811
7110] 18
One inch (12 lines this type.........
TWO INAhRS..oreersrseasrreeses 1
Three inches......ce.seee. 1015 | 20
guarier Column (4% in 12.120 | 80
alf Column ( 9 inches). 2 | 35 | 65
One Column (19 inches)... 35 | 56 | 100
Advertisements in special column,25 pex
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 8 insertions......20 cts
Each additional insertion, per line..........
wuocal notices, per line.......ueese .
Business notices, per lHne......cciuiinieecreenns 10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
ness and dispatch. The Warcumaw office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be axecuted in the most artistic mannerand ¢
the Jowest rates. Terms—C ASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor