re ES RE i EE CR Ree Obituary. The following beautiful notice of the late Agnew Moore with whom many of our readers were well acquainted, we reprint from the Western Democra:, published at Missoula, Montana : News Notes From Howard. Mrs. Geo. Johnston, of Mt. Eagle, is on the sick list. : At the John I. Packer gale very good prices: were obtained. Nine big tesms passed through Howard en route to Tiogo county lumber jobs lately. Mrs. James Bland has been seriously ill for some time past, and it is an uncertain ques- tion if she can pull through. Mrs. Hinton, died Monday, the 16th inst. presumably of dropsy. Another one of our good old souls goae to eternal rest. Many candidates for constable have recent- ly sprung up. Ambrose Holter among them having been prominently mentioned. DIED.—In the city of Missoula, December 28, 1892, Agnew Moore, who was born in Centre county, Pa., January 16th, 1829. On January 7.1853, Mr. Moore was married to Mary Jane Furey, and to this union eleven children were born. The wife and seven of the children remain to mourn his loss. They were all here at the time of his death except Rachel, Howard and Tom, who are still in Centre county, Pa, He came over the range afoot, down through the Hellgate Canyon, weary, foot scre dusty, tired ; too tired perhaps to see the grandeur of the canycn, but not too tired for his heart to throb with renewed hope as the beauty of the valley of Missoulaburst upon his sight. It had been a long and tedious journey, but he felt that it had not been made in vain. With brave heart, high hopes and strong and willing hands he went to work. In time a house was built, and then came wife and chil- dren ‘from the distant East and filled it up with life and happiness. The years went by and he saw his children gr'w to man and womanhood’s estate, and each succeeding The ice on the Bald Eagle is 14 inches year but added tohis cup of happivess, until thick making it splendid for putting up, but | the blessings filled it to the brim and run it the most of our farmers, don’t like | it thicker yer, {han Vor S inehes, Fifteen years wert round and then he left Many of our ladies and gentlemen have et- | the busy life, the loved ones, friends and home .oyed the excellent coasting afforded them | gnd went back overthe range. But he went “Jongside Tipton’s barn much to the discom- | not as he came. No trudging up the dusty fort of paseing teams. canyon road, no climbing now the rugged mountain side and straining of the eyes to s2¢ the summit, for with one glad joyous bound he cleared earth’s highest peaks, past pain, over trials, over sorrows, over temptations, over the cares of this world and down to the everlasting glory of the heavenly valley. No dust of travel on the garments now. No weary feet to drag along, but fresh as when it started his spirit found its second journey’s end over the range. Agnew Moore left Centres county, Pa, in 1878 and came to Missoula. Sharing the hard- ships, toil and hopes of those brave hearts who laid the foundation of our beautiful city, he contributed in no small degree to the sub. stautial growth that has marked our city’s prosperity. He was a citizen whom we are glad to honor, whose logs we must all feel. An alderman from the ward in which he lived, his sound jndgment will be sadly miss. ed in the council chamber of cur city. He will be missed by his hosts of friends, He will be m.ssed by his children, to whom he was a loving father, sharing ambitions snd helping them to a fruition of their hopes. But most of all, he will be nissed by the lov. ing, faithful wife, who, for forty years had traveled by his side over the rough places and out from the shadows into the sunshine and: happiness of these later years, always confi- deat in his strength and judgement. Out of all the wealth and graudeur of our language we take to-day four simple words, un- assuming, like himself,and into a memorial wreath we tw ne them ; what higher tribute can we pay. He will be missed. Of his life little need be said. Away above the average in intelligence, of magnificent physique, yet of so kind a heart that we can truly say,: Miss Lizzie Mann recently gave an exceed- ingly pleasant party at the residence of her parenis, Mr. and Mrs. Mann, on Walnut street. Mr. James Bland is to be congratulated up- on the success of his sons in business. Some of them mere boys, earn men’s wages already. Every body says that Frank Sweyers is the finest clerk that R. P. Long ever had in his employ. We congratulate Frank upon his success. Mrs. 0. W. McEntire recently visited her family and relatives at Filmore, Pa., taking Josie and Earl with her, the latter probably as an escort, The blacksmiths all say that customers wait ’til it snows and then bring in their sleighs to be fixed. Some one will miss a good ride by not fixing up in time, Mrs. M. E. Freeman and daughters Helen and Cornelia, sent Harry, a son and brother, avery handsome New Year's present, in the shape cf a solid silver scarf-pin. Mr. Paul Swartz was home for a visit, the occasion being the serious illness of Mrs, Swartz. After the bad symptoms had passed off, he returned to his place of business. Several new flags will appear on the difler- ent school houses on Washington's Birthday. Already the P.0.S.of A.and Jr. 0. U. A, M. have made arrangements for the purpose tated. The band acting upon the hint given by the WaTtcuMAN, has been serenading us several times lately. Good for you boys. Keep up your splendid work and you will be the cham- pions. Bob Holter, left the employ of D. E, Holter and is now a passenger brakeman, at Buffalo, N.Y. onthe P.& E.R, R. We miss Bob at the Epworth League as well as in the store and trust that this is not a final move. Saveral signs, new and bright, have appear- ed upon the windows of ourstores and are hel p- ing trade alcng wonderfully. Dr. McEntire has the greatest number, they being the handi’ work of his clerk, your correspondent. Misses Haines and Candy, Mr. and Mrs. John Boone, and Messrs. Henry 8. Freeman and Castleberry, assisted Mr. ana Mrs. Bickle at the reception held by them on the eve of their arrival in Bellefonte from this Boro. Your correspondent can state from exper: é ience, that Will, eldest son of Hon. John A. Woodward, is one of the best dairymen in the country. Those who enjoy choice butter and cream will do well to sample his products. ‘‘His life was gentle, and the elements So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up And say to all the world : This was a man m Death is not a welcome guest, come when he willor how. But when the years have been many, and crowned with success and happiness as they were in his case. Death comes not as the grim and ruthless robber of our loved ones, but rather as “The Lord's liv- eried servant, he stands silent at the door, ready to swing it open.” Surrounded by his loved ones death came peacefully, and as the door swung back there was no terror there, but wafted down upon the stiliness came the strains of distant music and “Listening love could hear the rustle of a wing,” With tender care we lay away our dead with love we gather up the goodness of hi life, and treasured in our memories twill keep our hearts warm’'threugh all the years. Mr. McEntire, of, Filmore, father of Drug. gist McEntire M. D., visited Howard on a pleasuwie visit. He reports himself as very well pleased with our growing town, and es- pecially with its beautiful streets and the rr anner in which they ara kept up. One of the notable events of the season was a socigble, given to the members of the Christian Endeavor society by its principal leader, Mrs. Dr. Hensyl, dat her residence? Thursday eve ning, Jan. 5th. Several invited guests were absent, through inability to attend but sent in their regrets. We are pleased toquote Mr. H.W. Bickle’ now with Hastings & Reeder, at Bellefonte, as being seen on our streetslast week. He is well fitted in his new home, just below the cemetery in Bellefonte. Mrs. Bickle was dreaming of ghosts one night and nearly scar- ed herself to death before she remembered where she was. Ia Memoriam. The following is an extract from the Minutes ot the Bald Eagle Grange, No. 151, P. of H., unanimously adopted at its’ last meeting; en the death of brother John Poorman, Wazreeis,—The messenger of Death has again invaded Bald Fagle Grange and taken therefrom brother John Poorman, who depart- ed this hfe Nov. 23d, 1892. The Grange has baen called to mourn the loss of an honered member. Brother Poorman was a charter member and one of the oldest members of the Grange, as he had almost attained his four score years. While in health he was always at hisjpost. He was a great sufferer for over a year, but he never complained or forgot his Grange. : Resolved, that while we bow to the will of our Divine Master, who doeth all things accor- ding to his Divine will, we tender our heart- felt sympathy to his bereaved and sorrowing children and friends. Resolved, that we drape our Charter for ninety days, and that these resolutions be re” corded in the minutes, a copy forwarded to the county papers and Farmers Friend- (signed) H. L. Harvey. DANIEL Pr Snore. Simon P. NEYHART. Miss Sallie Meek, teacher of the Filmore school, regained one of her esteemed pupils master Earl Way by reasonof his departure from here last week for home. If all of Miss Meek’s scholars are as bright as Earl, it is certainly a great evidence of what a good teacher cando. All the girls were after him here, and we cannot imagine why he got homesick. James Heverly is a good one to catch and let coons go again. He and E. W. Kline, our champion shot, were the happy recipiants of a pair of them a short time ago, one of which was very tame, but the other one was extreme- ly wild, in fact, so wild,that Jamie forgot his girl aud hugged the coon so hard that it got away from him. Alas, poor Jamie, your good old cat is gone. oe The season of faniasy was celebrated in Howard, by Jas. Pletcher as clown, Walter Pletcher as Indian; C. Z. Long girl, Max Alli- sou, fat boy, (on Burd Butler's horse,) Mertle Neff, girl, Clyde Lucas, girl, Harry Nefl, white cap, and Chet Moore not in it: After dazzling us, and greeting us with their blood-curdling yells, the troops started for Eagleville, terror- izing our neighboring eity beyond compre- hension. When seen near here, upon their return, they were in a bad snow storm. TAS ASASTAIITHS A Good Time at Julian. Ox Friday evening Dec. 30th, the P.O. 8. of A. of Julian and a host of their friends met in their new hall for the purpose of dedicating it and having a generalgood time. Interesting’ addresses were made by Rev. J.C. Young, of the M. E. church, Representative Schofield, of Bellefonte, Messrs. Spotts,of Unionville, and Bullock, of Julian. Most excellent music was furnished by the choir consisting of the Misses Tallhelm, Harbridge, Bullock, Myers, Sanders, Yothers, Mrs. Jennie Stevens, and Messrs. Murphy, Flick, Dale and Swope. Prof. A. Judson Smith and sister of New Millport, Clearfield county, who were stopping with their friends the Rev. Tallhelm’s family, favored the audience with several beautiful vocal duets, and Dr. Swope and Walter Tall- helm added much to the enjoyment of the evening with their selections on the organ and violin, During the evening, refreshments were sold fo rhe purpose of raising a little money, and from the fact that $40 were cleared no praise need be sung of the oysters, chick en, waffles, coffee, etc. An account of the ser- vice would be incomplete without Mr. Matlock Fry's name, He is really one of the leading spirits of the order and deserves much credit for his managemeut of the erection of the Hall and his interest in the success of the meeting which was not really the dedicatory services, since the district officers were unable to be present; but a pleasant fraternal gathering. Books, Magazines, Etc. ——The February number of the Century will be one ot the most attractive that has ever been published, among its contents will be found the Rev. Henry van I'yke’s “The Voice of Tennyson,” which is in the nature of a eritical estimate of the influence upon life and letters, and incidentally relates the im- pression produced upon the hearer by Tenny- son's reading of “Maud.” The frontispiece portrait of the number is an engraving by T. Johnson of the portrait of Tennyson, which is considered by his family the best likeness of the laureate ever made. “Life in the Malay Peninsula,” descriptive of the palace and the people of the Maharajah of Johore, whose home is on the mainland opposite the English city of Singapore. “Goliath,” a dog story by Thomss Bailey Aldrich. And a timely open letter by Miss Fanny Morris Smith, evtitled “How Pianists May be Different and yet Each be Great. ——1If you want printing of any de- scription the WarcuMAN office is the place to have it done. School Report. Following is a report of the Fa'rview School Boggs township, for the month ending Jan, 12th, 1893. Number of pupils enrolled—bcys 12, girls 15, total 27. Those who were present every day during month are—Maggie B. Ny- man, Lydia I’. Nyman. Sarah K. Nyman, Liz- zie Confer, Charles Lucas and Edward Confer. Harry L. Shawley missed but one day. Those not missing any words in spelling are Maggie B. Nyman, Cora J. Shawley, Minnie Nyman, Sarah E. Nyman and Emma Watkins, Those promoted during mon h are Jennie F. Wat- kins, Emma N. Watkins, Edward N. Confer and Lydia F, Nyman. - M. N. Tuomas, Teacher. Port Mi atilda Eagles. The following are the officers of Port Matil- da Castle, No. 219 of Port Matilda for the ensuing six months’ term: Past Chief, W. J. Wiser; Noble Chief, A. E Price ; Vice Chief, H. E. Woodring; High Priest. William Bennett; Veneralle Hermit, William Lewis: Master of Records, BR. D. Ar- dery; Clerk of Ex hequer, R. D. Ardery; Keeper of Exchequer, W. G. L. Crain; Sir Herald, Allison Sprankle ; Worthy Bard, Mar- tn Cowher; Worthy Chamberlain, A:'B Woodring; Busign, George E. Tvler; Esquire J. H. Crain; First Guardsman, William Spotts; Second Guardsman, kd. Robinson; Trustee, H.C. Woodring; Representative to the Grand Castle, R. D. Ardery. ——The following letters remain uncalled for in the Beliefonte P.O. Jan. 18, 1893. Walter Ardery, Miss Bright, Dr. C. Irvin, Katie Musser, Isaiah Pearson, W. N. Walsh. When called tor please say advertised. J. A. FIEDLER, P. M. New Advertisements. GOOD HOME CHEAP.—Small m: nthly pavments if you wish. Address, SQUIRE ARCHEY, Agt. 37-50-bt Pine Grove Mills, Pa. TRAY COW.—Came to the resi dence of the subscriber, in November Jast, a white spotted cow, no marks, the owner is requesied to come forward prove property, y charges and take itaway, otaerwise 1t will e disposed of according to law. JAS. LUCAS. 38-1-3t. Moshanon, Pa. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of J. G. Gorsuch, late of Patton township, having been granted to the undersigned he Teguéns all persons knowing themselves in- debted to said estate to. make immediate pay- ment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. R. GORSUCH, W. E. GRAY, Atty. Benore, Pa 38 8 6t. Administrator. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of John Poorman deceased late of Boggs Twp. having been granted to tiie undersigned he requests all perscns knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims agaipst the same to present thém duly authenticgted for settlement. 7-47-66.% ADAM C. WITHERLTE. OTICE TO BUILDERS.—The School Board of Snow Shoe 8chool District will receive bids, for the building of a four room school building, in the town of Snow Shoe, for the next thirty days. Plans and specifications can be seen by caliing on the Secretary. Tne Board reserves the right to respect any or all bids. By order of Board, R. C. GILLILAND Snow Shoe, Jan, 14 th, 1893. 38 3 4t. IANO AND ORGAN FOR SALE: A fine iron frame, over surung, Gab: bler piano with square rose-wood case anda Mason & Hamlin pedal organ, with two rows of keys, suitable for a church or society and in erhoff house in this place, where Mr. George Brandon, the proprietor, will be pleased to show them to persons desiring a good instru- ment cheap. 3 UDITOR’S NOTICE.—In the Or- phan’s Courtof Centre County in real estate of Wm. Coan deceased. The under- signed having been appointed an auditor to make distribution of the balance in the hands of H. C. Quigley trustee to sell the real estate of said decedent will be at his office at 10 a. m. Saturday January 23, A. D., 1893 to attend to- the duties of his appointment at which place all parties interested may attend if they see, proper. J. W.ALEXANDER. 38-1-3¢ Auditor EAL ESTATE SALE. There will be exposed to public sale on the premises of Henry Meyer, deceased, in Harris township on FRIDAY JAN. 27, "93. at 1.30 o'clock p. m. the following valuable real estate. 190 ACRE FARM. bounded on the north by lands of David Guise, on the east by lands of Hewitt and Meyer, on the south by lands of James Kimport and W, H. Groh, and on the west by lands of Cyrus Durst. Having thereon erected a good STONE DWELLING HOUSE bank barn and all necessary outbuildings. A good orchard of excellent fruit and running water at both house and barn. A never failing well at the door. This farm is located in one of the most fertile and beautiful valleys in the state and is within 134 miles of the L. & T. R. R. with churches, school houses and post office near by. Alsoa 45 ACRE TIMBER TRACT. Bounded on the north by lands of John Hoop and Jesse Marks on the east by lands of Jas. Kimport, on the west by lands’of W. H, Groh and on the south by Tussey mountain. Well set with rock oak, chestnut, and white oak which will be sold at the same time and place. Terms —14 cash at confirmation of sale, }4 in one year and the balance in two'years, to be se- cured by bond and JcsiEess on the premises. J. HENRY MEYER, I Surviving Administrator. ORVIS BOWER & ORVIS ATTY S. 38-1-4t. Hardware. pas BON TON EGG BEATER ~=AND— ICE CREAM FREEZER. ¢elneands test invention of thg reaBg'e ats a dozen eggs in two minutes, freezes _iee cream in ten minutes, d isunexcelled for whip- ped cream, frozen custard and water ices, Hundreds now in use in Bellefonte. —CALL AND SEE THEM.— We are sole agents for Bellefonte and Centre county. Made in three sizes at 7T5cts 902fs. and $1.25. 37-41-3m. DANIEL IRVIN & SON. the best ot condition are for sale at the Brock- |, Sechler & Co. S ECHLER & CO.———* GROCERS—BUSH HOUSE BLOCK. 0 ——HEAD QUARTERS FOR— FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, SPICES AND FRUITS. X i IN TEAS we have Oolongs, Gun-Powder, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japan English Breakfast, and our Fine Blended Tea is something that will please any one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea. : IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Alspice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayenne Pep- per, Mustard all strictly pure goods. HERBS FOR SEASONING, Sage, Parsley, Thyme, Sweet Marjoram, Summer Savory and Sweet Basil, IN COFFEES AND CHOCCLATE, Mocha—genuine, Java—Old Govern ment, Rio— Finest-Brazilian. All excellent quality and always fresh roasted. Baker's Premium Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa, Van Houten's Cocoa, Wil- bur’s Chocolate, and German Sweet Chocolate. IN BAKING POWDERS, We keep the Royal and Baker's—Two leading brands and a pure Cream Tarter. IN COOKING EXTRACTS we keep a line of Joseph Burnett & Co's, (Bos- ton) goods, they are the finest we can find, also a line of Knight's extracts. BEANS, California Limas, New York Marrow and Pea Beans, dried Green Peas. RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice. DOMESTIC CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, Toyaroes Cot- tage, Home and Worthington Brands.—CORN Persian and Mountain Brands,— Cogn Granules, Lima Beans and Succotash, Dew Drop brand. GREEN Peas, Early Junes, Scottish chief and Cecelia brands. Pine APPLE sliced and grated, Strawberries and White Cherries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked Beans. CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, Yellow Crawford, Lemon White Heath Peaches, White Cherries and Apricots. IMPORTED VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, French Peas and Mush- rooms, Preserved Cherries, Strawberries, Brandy Cherries and Crosse Blackwell's Jams all in glass. GELATINE, Swineburne's, Cox's, McLeish, and Wine Jellys. OLIVES, Fine imported goods in five sized bottles, Honey strained and in combs, Plum MISCELLANEOUS, Pure Maple Syrup, Condensed milk, Pudding, Armour's Corned Beef, Potted Tongue and Ham, Dunham's Shred Cocoa nut, ¥ Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family Cheese, Bradford Gounty Dairy Butter. Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten Flour, Vienna Flour, Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugars. : Extra Fine New Crop New Orleans Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table Syrup, Pure Cider Vinegar. Sweet Potatoes choice stock. Imported Onwns. Home Grown Onions, yellow and red. : KETCHUPS, SAUCES ETC., Worcestershire Sauce in one pint and half pints.— Tomato KErcnup, Victor, Riverside, Lutz'and Heinz' brands. Malt Vinegar in glass for table use, Colburns Salad Dressing, Fepper Sauce—Red and Green, Curry Powder, Caper Sauce. asst Almonds, Assorted Nuts, NUTS. Princess Paper Shell, California and Bordan Fresh Roasted Peanuts, English Walnuts, Pecans extra large, Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts exira quality. IN CONFECTIONARY, we have Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates, Roast Al- monds, Cream Dates, Rose and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, French Glace Fruits, Fine Chocolate Caramels, Chocolate Marsh Mallows, Cocoa Nut bon bons, Choco- late Madvridos, Lozenges, Clear Toys, and a large assortment of fine goods in this line all carefully selected. FRANQO AMERICAN SOUPS, French Bouillon, Consomme, Ox Tail, Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, and Terrapin. : OLIVE OIL, S. Rea § Co.'s } Pint, Pints and Quarts. The finest analysts in the World pronounces it pure. i is PICKLES IN GLASS, Crasse § Blackwell's Chow Chow, Gherkins, Mized, White Onions, Cauliflower, Picalilli, and Walnuts. In Cakes, Crackers and Biscuils we keep a full line of fine goods always fresh baked. : : CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled Oat, Cracked Wheat, Pearl Barley, Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Macaroni and Vermacceli. | MEATS. Fine Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, White Rose Lard. GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons, White Almeria Grapes, Catawba Grapes, and Jersey Cranberries. : APPLES, Baldwins and Northern Spys. CURED FRUITS. Evaporated California Pared and unpared Peaches, and Apricots. Chit are Figs, Cleaned Currants, Imported Citron, Lemon and Orange peel, California and French Prunes. RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Layers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and Cali- fornia Seedless and Loose Muscatels. FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Qodfish boneless and evaporated, SALMON, Mag- nolia, Astoria and Glacier brands,Hoeg’s Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Lobsters, Crab Meats and Spuwed Oysters. Sardines, French is, and }s Boneless. MINCE MEAT, We make our own Mince Meat and spare no trouble or expense in bringing it up to the very highest standard. We use a sufficient quantity of well cooked beef (which is the true foundation of all good Mince Meat. The fruit is all carefully cleansed and prepared, and every item of goods used in it 18 of the highest grade. Qur Mince Meat can be used by any family with entire confidence, that the goods are just what we recomend them to be. It is quite a good deal of labor to make even a small quantity of Mince Meat and that frequently prevents peo- ple from using the goods. But now you can. get it any time in any quantity and at a moderate price just as good Mince Meat as you can make in your ows house. But it is hard to give in cold type any satisfactory description of the goods we have, so we will close with a cordial invitation to all who read this to call and see what a fine stock of GOOD THINGS we have. SECHLER & CO. 3748 BELLEFONTE, PA. Cling, and A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. WILL BE AT THE—— BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA. —THURSDAYS— 9 “ry Feb. Mech. 2, & 30, April 27, May 25, June 22, ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL- TATION FREE TO EVERY- BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Wonderful. . ! Tyrone, Pa. Sept. 29th, 1892. Dr. Sam. 397s ‘The medicine you gave ma for Bronchitis and Asthma helped me wonderful- ly. Thereareb or 6 patients here who know of my case, and want to consult you and wané to know if you will stop over here; if not we will come to Bellefonte at your next visit. Yours: Redpectfally, Mgs. JENNIE CARBONS. Thanks to the good Dr. I feel once more hale and hearty. Bellefonte, Pa., Oct 13th, 1892. For more than 5 years I have had sore eyes and at the same time a miserable case of Dys- peia, I felt bad all over, became thin and pale, foot all appetite and energy. But now after only a few months treatment with Dr. Salm I have gained very much in flesh, have a good color, eat heartily ; my eyes are as good as any ones, and Dyspepsia is all gobs Infact I con- sider myself entirely cured, and thanks to th( good Dr. I feel once more hale and hearty. Attested by Miss MouLie KELLEY her mother SnowShoe, Centre Ca Mrs. Sarah Kelley. cessful double cross-eye operations. : Suserssy In a Pa Oct. 12th, 1892. I have been cross-eyed, and that very badl for over 28 years. Dr. Salm operated on bot eyes in less than two minutes time, withoul causing the least pain, nor was I confined te my room for a moment. 1 can conscientiously say that my eyes are now perfectly straight, thanks to the Dr. Respectfully, RS. CALLIE KINTER. SEVERE EYE TROUBLE. . I have been troubled with some Eye disease for some time. The pain was’ almost unbear- able at times, and Lcouldn’t think of reading or sewing at any time. I put myself under the care of Dr. Salm, who visits Butler every four weeks, and after only three months treat. ment, I consider myself entirely cured, and I can safely say that my eyes feel better and have better vision than at any time within the last twelve years. Mus. P. GOLDEN, Butler, Pa, W. Jefterson street. ; EAR TROUBLE AND CATARRH. I have been troubled with catarrhand desf- ness, ringing in the ears, about six years. Tried two different doctors in Pittsburg and ever so many patent medicines, without the least benefit. hore now been under Dr.Salms treatment four months, and the improvement is remarkable, and I am certain that within a short time I'll be entirely cured. He 1s tht octor to go to, to get cured. ) : . R. MILLER, Kelley Station, Armstrong Co., Pa. Oct. 3, 18% '| GROWTH: REMOVED FROM THE EYE BALL. Dr. Salm has removed a hard, gristly growth from my left eye with perfect success snd bul little pain: The sight has also improved to a great extent. Res Wick, Butler county, Pa., January 2, 1891. REMOVAL OF TUMOR FROM THE EYE- BALL. A few months ago Dr. Salm removed from mp. left 2ye-ball a tumor size of a small hazel nut with “perfect success and no pain whatever, and was not kept in the house a single day on account of the operation. + : Avice WORK. Rochhster Mills, Indiana Co., Pa, Jan. 14, 1891. TUMOR REMOVED FROM THE EAR: DRUM. : I have had a tumer growing in the ear al- most attached to the drum. Dr. Salm remov- ed the same four weeks ago without any pain, and as I can 268 Jew, with splendid results. ei reat sician. 2 RAE phy t PETER ANMAN, Somerset, Pa., January 16, 1§91, PRIVATE DISEASES. On account of having heen Attending Physi- cian at Hot Springs Dr. Salm has never failed to cure a case of Private Disease peculiar to either sex, no matter of what nature or haw long standing. RUNNING OF THE EARS. Our little son Brinton has for the last five years had running of both ears, and the same was so offensive that it was almost impossible to be near him ; he became emaciated pale and puny, and was nearly always crying on account of the pain. We had him trea! in Linesville, Clarion and Oil City by the best home physicians but no cure resulted and we might just as well have thrown our money in the fire. Dr. Salm has been treating him for three months, and an entire and splendid cure- has been made by kim on Brinton. Mes. R. V. McNAUGHTEN, Kingsville, Clarion Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1891. CATARACT SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED. Having heard of successful cataract opera- tions Dr. =alm has wade, particulary of one case of an old lady in Columbus, 1 decided to have him operate on my right eye, in which J was blind for nine years. Fhe operation wa performed some time in July; the pain wa not worth meitioniog and no chloroform wa given. Asa result I can to-day see far an near, read and write again, and from havi been in ill health and puny, I am glso rapid improving in strength. I will gladly answe any| correspondence and personal inquiry, r garding this successful operation. I was’ years of age when the operation was performe MarGARET KELLEY, Ashley, Delaware Co., Ohio. Address all communications to box 760, Col. umbus, 0. oy OUR ADVERTISEMET WILL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT, 37 4 2