SPE. BY PP. “BY BP. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. ——'Tis better to give than receive, pro- vided you pay for what you give. — Wonder if PEarY ordered that cold weather when he was up there ? —The war clouds which Chancellor CAPRIVI sees lowering over Europe will more than likely shift after they have rained some army appropriations. —CurisTopHER CoLUMBUS and his crew will be the worst licked men who aver set foot on American soil—if the gale of Columbian stamps continues. --Ripe tomatoes are selliny for one dollar per pound in New York green groceries. The price is a little high as yet to strike terror to the hearts of barn- storming theatrical people. —Sam SMALL has given up the evan- gelistic work and gone back to the At- lanta Constitution. His christian forti- tude will doubtless stand him in good stead when he is taken for the ‘‘horse’” editor. -—Senator JorN G. Casitas; ex- Speaker of the House, has accepted the Treasury portfolio, in CLEVELAND'S cabinet. Six more men of like calibre could not but inspire the confidence cf the masses. — Uncle Sam will more than likely be invited to the King of ITtaly’ssilver wed- ding, which will be celebrated in April, and we’ll bet he can do more in the ap- propriate present line than all the rest of the guests put together. —Democracy left a legacy of $130,- 000,000 to start the wheels of the government for Republican successors in 1889. In March it will get the machinery back, with all the oil used up and everything’ ground to destruction with friction. — Republican papers that are busying tkemselves trying to stir up a fight over the speakership in the Fifty-third Con- gress, will find out when the time comes that Democrats will fix the thing up to suit themselves and there will be satisfac- tion all sides too. ~-Tt is a pleasure to watch the death throes of the G. O. P. in Kansas. The Republican legislators have clung with determination to every thread of hope, but the last vestige of power bas slipped through their hands and they find them- selves at the mercy of the triumphant Populists. —In the last decade Uncle Sam's navy has grown from a few old tubs that would scarcely float to forty- two modern men of war. What with such a fleet and nearly every public offi- cer capable of handling a schooner dare any power on earth ruffle the feathers of the American eagle. —The Democratic State Central Com- mittee met in Harrisburg, Wednesday afternoon, and marked its appreciation of good work last fall by re electing J. MARSHALL WRIGHT, chairman, and B. M. Need, secretary. Their experience in the last campaign will be a valuable aid in the conduct of future battles. —Tkhke exigencies of the times demand a reform in the immigration laws, a re- form in the monetary laws, a reform in the road laws, and a reform in all branches of the state and general gov- ernment. Inthe former we have no hope, but there is a time close at hand when the latter will be carefully looked after. —A stiff” strike is that which the students of a Minneapolis medical insti- tution bave declared on their professor in ckarge of the dissecting room. They want fresher corpses andif itis as cold out there asit has been here, for the past month, the professor has a very poor ex- cuse for having any obnoxious stock on band. ——Of the 88,000,000 acres of land in Florida only 3,000,000 acres are cleared and fit for habitation. About all the use that the 35.000,000 acres of barren waste, to be found in the land of flowers, is put to is to form the basis of “get rich quick,” ‘corner lot” land schemes in which northern fools buy ex- perience. --The great open heart of the Boston Transcript management is beautifully manifested in its determination to con- tinue the salary of J. F. BAKER, an es- teemed reporter who was killed while taking care of his paper's interest at a racent Federal street fire, indefinitely to his widow. It is such acts of generosity that brighten life and make mankind better. —The comparatively insignificant committee positions assigned the Re- publican assemblymen who had the courage to rebuke their party for the ANDREWS’ disgrace and to work for QuAY’sdefeat area monument to the men who dared to strike at the boss and lasting evidences of his vindictiveness. The strong men in the Legislature are not the ones to be wrapped about the finger of QUAY and he realizes that his political existence would be short lived | if they should once get on top. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. ey VOL. 38. BELLEFONTE, PA., JAN. 20, 1893. NO. 3. How Should Senators Be Elected ? The action of the Honse committee on the election of president, vice presi- dent, and members of Congress, in voting to bring the resolution offered by Mr. TuckER, of Virginia, by which he provides for the election of U.S. senators by a direct vote of the people, up for consideration, on the next sus- pension day, will donbtless incite more than a passing interest. The growing conviction in the minds of many of the ablest men of the country to-day is that some change should be made whereby a State’s representatives, in the upper house of Congress, will not be men who have either bought their seats or secured them, to themselves, through political wire-pulling. When the power of electing the senators was placed in the hands of the respective State legislatures it was thought that the State legislators were in a position to judge better who was most capable of filling the office than the whole people would be. But since there has come to be so much corruption in the conduct of State governments, and eince Legislatures, in so many States, have become the mechanism of one man—Penuosyl- vania’s for example, this proposed transfer to the people is a matter worthy of deepest consideration. There can be no doubt that the people are indirectly responsible if their State's representative in Congress 18 pot a man thoroughly qualified and competent to make an efficient and dignified official: They elect the Leg- islature and know when they vote for their legiclative candidate, that he favors a certain aspirant for the sena. torship. If he favors a man whom the voter does not want to endorse it is a very simple matter to vote for anoth- er legislator. Thus the election of the senator is really in the hands of the people as it is. But the trouble lies in the fact that so many people never come to understand that when they vote for their assemblymen or senator they are practically voting for | a U. S. senator also. And unfortu- nately the balance of power seems to be with this class. Pennsylvania has been disgraced before the world and the Union by the unfortunate predicament in which she bas been placed by her represen- tatives in the upper house of Congress, The second 1n rank of the States is totally eclipsed by the lowest when it comes to drawing a comparison be- tween their respective senators. And why, is such a condition possible ? Simply because MATTHEW STANLEY Quay—the acknowledged boss poiiti- cal trickster of the country, and when that is said all is said,—holds the whip-hand of our Legislature. It suits his purposes to go to the Senate and his henchmen, subservient, com. plaint fools, dance to send him there, It is just such abuse of the legisla- tive prerogative, as we find here in our own State, that Mr. Tucker's bill is intended to defeat. Though the peo- ple of Pennsylvania have known Quay for years and known only too well his glaring unfitness for the high office to which he bas himself chosen: and really have no one to blame for the disgrace he has brought upon them but themselves, the national gov- ernment does well to protect itself against the possibility of such iucom- petents being sent to run it. The WarcuMaN has very little sympathy for Pennsylvania. It has been protesting for years against such a disgrace, but all to no avail. The people go right on electing Quay assemblymen thereby continuing him in office. He has Pennsyivania by the throat and from present indications will retain his hold. It is to be hoped that if the new measure becomes a law our people will rise up as they did against DELAMATER and effectually equelch the leech that has sucked the best blood of the State and lefi its organization polluted and broken down. It would be far more difficult task for incompetent millionaires — from whow the Senate has so materially suffered already—to buy a State, than a majority ina Legislature, and political theives would find the people more watchful of public interest and honor, in this matter, than willing legislators, who betray their trust and sacrifice their honor for the spoils of the bosses to whom they trade their | votes, | handed proceeding. Bexsamin L. Hawirr, although the Improving Its Character, Within the past year there was shown a disposition to improve the character of our State Legislature by electing to that body men who had had previous experience as legislators and had established a reputation for ability in that capacity. In a number of localities persons ot this description, in both parties, were brought forward again for legislative honors, giving promise ot a break in the dead level of mediocrity, or, rather inferiority that has in too large a measure, in recent years, characterized the selection of our State lawmakers. To those who wished for a higher order of legiclative ability and integri- ty this movement was a source of grati- fication, and they regarded with much satisfaction the nomination, for one or the other of the two branches of the Leg iclature, of such experienced but retir. ed veterans as R. J. MoNaGHAN, GEo- V. LAWRENCE, JonN CEssNA, BENJAMIN L. Hewirr and some others whose election brought back to the legisla tive halle of the State, an element of which, in these later times, there has been entirely too much of a deficiency. This element has already exhibited its worth as an elevating i: fluence, af- fecting the character of the Legisla- ture. When that outrage, probably as great a one as was ever perpetrated in a legislative body, the seating of ANDREWS, in defiance of precedence and decency, was committed with dis. graceful precipitancy, it was engineer- ed by that low order of Representa. tives which under the demoralizing influence of boss rule and machine politics has coma too largely to the front and obtained too much of an ascen- dency in our State capitol. But after it was done, und the better element re- covered from its amazement at such a reckless infraction of long established precedent, it was some of these old members, influenced by the traditions of a former period when they were ac- | gether, and try toamount to stink: customed to more decent practices, that | raised their voices against this high- | Jonx Cessna and wrong had been done by members of their own party, were the first and | to give out. londest in condemning it, and it was largely on account of their protest and | denunciation that the case has been | so placed on the calendar that the ' Monday, the extremities in which a po- right in the question has a chance of "vent them from doing this, but it will i | being vindicated. i Already there is a demonstration of | row limit. The learned judge advised what will be gained for good legisia- | the urs that policemen were {aking tion and a higher order of legislative | entirely too many rights upon them. prccedure, and to what extent the rep- utation of the State and the interest of | its people will be promoted, by the elevation of the standard of character in the personnel of our State Legisla- ture. —— The Altoona Tribune happily struck the truth when it said “a ser. mon that can be delivered in fifteen minutes must be the product of a mas- ter band at condensation or it will con- tain nothing of value. The people are always willing to listen to a lecture, an address or a sermon if the man who de- livers it has the facuity of presenting original thoughts in an attractive and stimulating style. The minister who tires his congregation has misunder- stood his call.” Just so. If the church goers who are incessantly com- plaining about the length of their min- ister’s sermons knew anything them- selves they would realize that it is an absolute impossibility to do any text, that can be taken from the Bible, jus. tice in fifteen minutes or for that mat- ter, in twice the time. If there jwas more Christianity and earnestness in the desire to study the truth, and less go- ing to church for appearance sake, there would be less complaint about tiresome preachiers. Of course we are willing to admit that many of them do overdo the thing, but as the Tvibune says ‘they have misunderstood their call.” ——The death of Ex-President Rurnerrorp B. Haves, which occurred at his home in Fremont, Ohio, Tuesday evening, removes a character whose prominence was acquired entirely through political chicanery. His ad- ministration was characterized as most commonplace and his questionable wpethod of acquiring the presidency placed a stigma on his alter lite which even the memory of his brilliant mili- tary record cannct wipe out, | | The Factious City Democracy. The Philadelphia Democrats have made their city nominations, and have ventured to put up tickets in such of the wards as offer a show of their get- ting a councilman or some inferior ward officer ; but they go into the con- test greatly handicapped by existing circumstances and conditions. The greatest obstacle to success is the divid- ed conditions of the eity Democratic organization, notwithstanding that it is in the minority, it suits the factious purposes of the leaders to make that minority a divided one, thus making weakness doubly weak. With a well organized, united, har monious and alert Democratic organi- zation in the city at this time, although in the minority, much could be ac- complished by it inthe coming munic ipal election against the corrupt Re- publican ringsters with whose misgov- ernment the citizens are thoroughly disgusted. The City Hall steal would alone be enough to bring defeat upon the local Republican tickets, which are | of the usual machine patterns, wearing the Quay-car marks ; but unfortunately there is no united and vigorous Pemo- cratic organization to take advantage of the situation and inspire the citizens with confidence in its ability to oyer- throw the ringsters who have the city government by the throat. How long do the Democratic factions in Philadelphia intend to go on fight ing? Haven’s they whituled down the strength of the party in that hailiwick, to a sufficiently fine point? Are they not satisfied with the ridiculous dis play that was made by the Democratic yote in the city at the last election? When they have reduced the strength of their organization to so low a con- dition that they can’t elect a single city officer, nor a single State Senator, and buttwo Representatives in a dele- gation of thirty-eight, ien’t it about time that they stop fighting, and get to: Their factions disposition may pre- not prevent them from putting in a full cliim to the Federal offices which CLEVELAND'S administration will have —— In an opinion handed down by Judge Gorpoy, in Philadelphia, on lice officer is lawfully permitted to use fire arms were brought to a very nar- selves and he deemed it time to stop them. The decision arose from a case for damages brought by a man named McCarty against policeman SriLgs, who had shot McCarTuy in the back, while he was trying to escape arrest. And the judge concluded his charge as follows : “It seems to me that it ought to commend itself to the sound judgment of the layman, as well as the technical approval of the lawyer, that a police officer has ne right to shoot a citizen whose utmost offense is eseap- ing from arrest. I ought to say also that it has been said that the ' plaintiff and his two companions were drunk. Public drunkenness is not an offense calling for the use of a deadly weapon Profane language used to a police offi- cer is no greater, not 80 great, as such an indignity put upon a private citizen, and there is nothing in the law or in the office of a policeman which would justify him in having a nice puoctil- 1ousness about his person or his dignity. He may, however, in arresting a per- son, use all the force needful to con- summate his arrest.” ——The WaTcuMAN does not want to be misunderstood in its motives for the repeated urging of the township auditors to get tneir arrangements for the Spring elections well in hand. It knows that unless the thing is look- ed after at once there will be plenty of Districts without tickets when the day of election comes along. It will take all the printing offices in the county to to do the work in the time allowed by the new Baker law and they must be prepared with paper and other stock: Too insure the printing of the tickets in time auditors should leave their orders now 80 the printer can be ready when the names of candidates are filed. —Subscrit.e for the WATCHMAN. Jackson on Pensions, From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. President Andrew Jackson certainly could not be accused of want of sym- pathy for the old soldiers of the country but he placed himselt on record in the matter of pensions in a way that cannot be misunderstood. In his message to congress in 1834 he said: “I recom- wend that an actual inspection should be made in each State into the circum. stances and claims of every person now frawing, a penson. The honest veteran has nothing to fear from. such scrutiny, while the fraudulent claimant w:ll be detected and the public Treasury re- lieved to an amount I have reason to believe far greater than has heretofore been suspected. That is exactly what the advocates of pension reform are now suggesting. They recommend an actual inspection into the circumstances and claims of every person drawinga pension. That recommendation is urged by soldiers who are indignant at the way in which pensions bave been given to the un- worthy, and to those who have no more claim on the public funds, than the millions of others who get nothing out of the Treasury whizh they have been taxed to fill, They know that the honest veteran has nothing to fear from such scrutiny. It Might Be “Just the Thing. From the Wilkesbarre Union: Leader. As a means of bringing the Euro- pean govarnment to time on the cur- rency question the Boston Commercial Bulletin suggests : “If the advocates of continuing the purchase of silver bullion contend that more currency is needed by the country, let the govern- ment purchase gold instead and issue certificates on that, It has been sug- gested that the purchase of $5,000,000 worth of gold bullion per month by the T reasury, instead of silver, would have a marvellous eflect in quickly compelling Earope to meet the currency ‘question and settle the problem equit- ably. There is no doubt of that, and the plan would also have the addition al recommendation that it would im- prove the quality of our currency,” God Save the Queen. From the-Altoona Times. While the French republizis engaged in a life and death struggle with its tra- ditional foes, precipitated by the cor- ruption of its public men, less sttention is being paid to an event in England, which has caused great suffering among the lower middle class. This was the collapse of the Liberator Build- ing society, after 1t had swindled its stockholders out of no less than $35, 000:000: This immense loss falls al- most entirely upon poor people, who bad been induced to invest their sav- ings in the society. Sad as is this ca- lamity, none of its victims are agitating for the overthrow of the government. Evident Mistaken Identity. From the Baltimore A American. Omaha must be atine place. A missionary who had spent with safety many years among African savages is in that city for a briet vacation. Night before last he and his wife were walk- ing along the streets of the metropolis, and, of course, admiring the splendid evidences of civilization, when both were sandbagged and robbed. Per: haps they now feel like leaving Omaha and going back to Africa. Why We Got the Seum. From: the Somerset Herald. Colonel Weber, the Commissioner of immigration, says that with an edu- cational test 57.000 of the 275,000 im- migrants over 12 years old admitted to this country between Feb. 1 and Nov. 1, 1892, would have been excluded : and with a money test of $100 for each immigrant, 194,000 out of 202,000 would have had to turn back to Europe. ———— The Wind Must Have Whispered Through His Whiskers. From the Northampton Democrat—Easton, Pa. The latest joke about Senator Petter, of Kansas, is that he has reversed his Senate. When first elected he iuten- ded that the Democratic party should act with him. He vow thinks that he will act with the Democratic party. We Must Have Intelligence at Any Price. From the DuBois Express. Governor Pattison would make short work of the optional text book system, He tells the Legislature to make free text books the law and require all School Boards to furnish them for the same reason that they furnish houses, furniture, or any other necessities for school work. A Rebuke From Home. From the Titusville Citizen. The dishonest aud unmanly antics ‘of Wm. H. Andrews at Harrisburg i this week will prove a stinging and las- ting disgrace to the fair City of Titus- * ville, which be claims as his home. They All Sing the Same Song, From the Columbia Herald. The sum and substance of most of the farewell messages ot Republican Governors are about the same as those of Mr. Harrizou’s—I everlastingly hate to let go, but [ suppose I must. Spawls from the Keystone, —Norristown will have a new bank, —An express cut to pieces two Italian coal miners at Greensburg. —Small pox has broken out anew inseveral places in Berks county. —The State Editorial Association will meet at Harrisburg on the 26th. —Diphtheria keeps the Lickdale, Lebanon county, public schools locked. —A fall of coal in a mine near Shamokin, broke Henry Kashner's back. —A locomotive at South Bethlehem killed Mrs John Water, 60 years old. —Sleighs were driven over the ice Saturday from Bristol to Burlington, N. J, —Machinery bas been put in a Lebanon fac- tory that turns out 120,000 pills a day. —An engine bumped down a wall at Harris. burg which buried George Brown alive. —Jack Frost Friday suspended all the ac- tive colleries in the Shenandoah region. —Three of Samuel Van Norman's children, of Easton, died of diphtheria within a week. —It is supposed that John Tobias, found dead in his house near Tremont, was frozen. —John C. Beck, formerly of Philadelphis, is to give Orwigsburg its eighth shoe factory. —George Smith, slleged to be oneof the Longswamp (Berks County) bandits is in jail: —The $200,000 capital for the new Reading National Bank, at Reading, has been sub- sribed. —Horsemen of Williamsport are arranging for three days of racing upon the ice on the River. —Printers of Reading celebrated the 187th birthday of Benjamin Franklin with ‘a ban. quet. —The price of $1000 is put on the head of themurderer of Postmaster Isaac Dengler of Oberlin. —Frederick Cone, who is wanted at Athens, Bradford County, for larceny, was captured in New York. —A bridge to cost $26,000 will span the Schuylkill River at Reading for the electric railway cars. —Joel Paul, aged 64, fell from a 60-foot high trestling, at the Logan Colliery, Ashland, and: is dying. —The deficit in the accounts of. City Treas.. urer Obold, of Re.ding, as reported, amount to $13,750. —In a Iinife machine at the Conestoga Cork Works, Arthur Sheaffer had his hand and arm clipped. off. —Erysipelas necessitated the amputation of both of the feet of Mrs. Patrick Devers, Mauch C hunk. —Scandal in the City Treasurer’s office at Reading has resulted in a reform ticket for city offisials. —Miner John Rushko was crushed to death betweers two trains of mine cars at’ Hazleton Colliery, No. 5 —For killing Mike Gulatto, near-Audenried, in August, Mike Dudore will spend over 11 years in prison. —Rev. T. F. Land, of Meadville, has been chosen pastor of the First Reformed Church, of South Bethlehem. —8. G. Bettes, who calls himself “the cow- boy evangelist,” is waging war: en Sunday stores at Bradford. —Altheugh-struck by a train and hurled 30 feet, Daniel Jenkins, of Shamokin, escaped with a broken leg. —A stiek of dynamite he was thawing kiil- ed Joseph: Craddock, of near Uniontown, and injured several others. —Benzine exploded in C. As Carpenter's dye works.at Harrisburg, and his wife and daughter were basly burned. —Twelve foxes and two catameunts have been killed during the past season by Adam Kraig, of Schuylkill county. —Chambersburg Republicans held their primaries and Burgess George FH. Wood will be unanimously renominate d.. —For the loss of his child by a street car J. E. Johnson, of Reading, recovered $1900 frcm the City Passenger Railway. —James Madden, who killed his nephews John Kennedy, at Steelton, was convicted of? murder in the second degree. —H-~1fa dozen Reading men have cut away the drifts and rolled a public road for five miles to-have a snowy speed way. —A challenge to swim the Lehigh River: at: Bethlehem when the ice thaws out, for: $50: has been offered by J. H. Kramer. —An.additional charge of man slaug hter, was. made Friday against Dr Gailford, of Lebanon accused of causing a girl's death. —Twenty towboats and a hundred coal boats. are frozen up at Pitisburg, and rivermen fear a great loss when the ice flood comes. —While baking pies the clothing of Miss: Laura Bordy, of Hambuazg, caught fire and: she: and. her father were severely burned. —Mrs. Annie Enders, of Harrisburg, wants. $20,600 from her divorced husband's. father becanse she gave him her son, now a man, —A train struck the team of Joseph IL. Knettle, of Mechanicsburg, killing a herse andjbreaking the drivers, leg in three places —Eleven heirs will get the $16,000,000. estate of the late J. H. Hays, of Pittsburg, of which 3 i il : | Miss Stella Hays will receive about. $3,000,00(« ideas about his political status in the | ¥ ? — An unele that he had never heard of died in Wyoming eounty and bequeathed John Harkless, Centre township, Indiana county $14,000. —Foster Hoover, a Pennsylvania Railroad employe, stepped from one track te ancther in front of a train at Sunbury and was instant- ly killed. —Stock holders of the Backus Manufacturing Company, of Philadelphia and Williamsport, increasad its capital by $100,900, and the total i8 $350,000. —James Worden, who helped steal 100 horses and carriages in Eastern Penn sylvania made an unsuccessful atterapt to dig! out of the Easton jail. —The International Association of Plaster- ers, meeting at Pittsburg, elected Robert Ten: ary, of that city, president, and Robert Quay, of Philadelphia, a vice president. —An ordinance just passed by Council im- poses a fine of $6 upon a conductor or engin- eer who blocks up a street crossing in ‘Tunk- hannock for more than three minutes. —President Harrison appointed the follow ing postmasters: James M. Perrin, Chart iers; Joins)n D. Neely, Derry Station , Mrs. Susan M. McEwan, Oakdale Station; Joseph E. Mitehell, State College. —Two passenger cars and baggage car’ were derailed on the Quarryville Railroad south of Lancaster, but the safety ohains prevente d a roll down the embankment, a ACAI