~~ Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. I3, 1893. To CorresPoNDENTS. — No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY ——Do you notice them getting long- er ? The days. : ——J. Linn Harris, of this place, Sundayed in Tyrone. —— (Good morning! Are you going to the Organ Recital to-night. —— Robert E. Meek, of Altoona, was in town Monday the first time in three years. ——A little son of John Anderson, very ill with pneumonia at his father’s ome on Bishop street. ——Charley Cruse, oldest son of A. J. Cruse, the Bush House tobacconist, spent Sunday in Tyrone. ——Miss Marie Haas, of Syracuse, N. Y., is visiting ber friend Miss Ollie Tripple, on North Spring street. ——Miss Stella Armor, of East Linn street, is visiting Mrs. Charles B. Stuart nee Miss Carrie Gray, of Tyrone. ——Wm. Stanley, of Milesburg, died in his 71st year, on Friday at noon, He leaves two sons and a daughter. ——Lee B. Woodcock has returned to Princeton college after having spent a week with his parents in this place. ——Mr. Mortimer O’Donohue, one of the superintendents of the Valentine Iron Co., was a Tyrone visitor on Mon- «day. ~—S. H. Hoy, a young Benner town- ship boy, has invented a chicken hatcher and brooder Itis said to be a good thing. ——The Bellefonte public schools and academy began the Winter term last Monday morning, Both with a large attendance, ——Do not forget the Organ Recital to-night, for it promises to be one of the grandest musical treats ever heard in this town. ——J. F. Condo and H. M. Allison have succeeded C. P. Long as proprie- tors of a general merchandise store at State College. ——Miss Belle Hoover returned from a visit to her sister, in Philipsburg, on Saturday evening, Sheis a student at the High school here. ——Miss Hilda Baum, oldest daugh- ter of our townsman A. Baum, is soon to be married to a promising young merchant of Evansville, Ind. ——2Mr. George T. Bush is just home from Philadelphia where he was elected one of the delegates to the next national meet of the American Wheelmen. ——John P. Harris, cashier of the First National bank, on Saturday as- sumed the duties of trustee of the Thom- as estate. He gave a bond of $200,000, ——Tuesday was the last day for fil- ing city nomination papers. Those from the townships and boroughs must be filed ten days before the election of February 21st. —— William Foster, Esq., of State College, was transacting business in Bellefonte on Monday. He is always the same genial old gentleman and nev- er seems to grow a day older. —— Bellefonte is’ now the home of Charles E. Hurlburt, State Secretary? of the Y. M. C. A. of Pennsylvania. He lives with his family on Curtin street and moved here for the benefit of his health. ——Ex.-district attorney J. C. Meyer, has moved his office into Crider’s! Ex- change building, on Allegheny street, where his friends ‘and those desiring prompt legal service will find him cosily ensconced. ——Bella, the ten year old daughter of Corte and Etta Canrer, died at ber pa- rents’ home in Hublersburg, on Friday night last. She had had rheumatism which terminated in death from bleed- ing at the nose. ——Mr. D. F. Fogleman, a prosper- ous farmer, who lives about a mile be- low town was one of those kind of visi- tors, on Saturday morning, the printer rejoices to see, He contemplates mov- ing over to Hecla Furnace in? the Spring. —DRev. W, H. Blackburn, of the B. church, has been ‘having most wonderful success in his revival work. Meetings having been held nightly for eight; weeks and thirty some people have connected themselves} with the church. Daniel Irvin & Son,} the High street hard ware dealers, have purchased the exclusivelright for the sale of the “Bon Ton” ice cream freezer and egg beatzr. Your attentionfis called to this useful little invention in§lanother col- umn. Look it up. ——Mr Joseph Rhoads, son of Judge Daniel Rhoads of this place, was ten- | dered assistant supervisorship of the Amboy division of, the Pennsylvania rail-road, on the 1st of January, but owing to his father’s illness and the ne- | cessity it would involve of being so far from home he declined the {promotion. Tue SLy OLD CooN IN THE TorLs.—- | member a story, which we publish- | ed over a year ago, about ’Squire An- | drew Rankin, of Karthaus, Clearfield | county. : The "Squire was first brought to our | notice as a witness on the Andrews, murder case, tried here, in which be | figured quite prominently. He gained a degree of notoriety by marrying a woman at Haag’s hotel while he was here in the capacity of a witness. Af- ter the conviction of Andrews the pair went home to Karthaus to live. Out there the ‘Squire was considered one of the substantial men of the community. In fact so much so that he was Justice of the Peace, a School Director, Post Master, under Harrison’s first adminis- tration, and administrator of several large estates. Time went well and so did he, but vicissitudes always go hand in band with prosperity and there came a day when the friends of Andrew Ran- kin, Esq., began to question the methods which he had used to promotes such an Alladin like growth of riches. Accord- ingly an investigation was set a-foot. Now ’Squire Rankin knew a few things and one of them was, ‘that it was time for him to disappear. And he did it with a success that baffled all at- tempts at discovery. Whilean army of creditors seized his furniture, selling 1t under the hammer, all tke while heaping imprecations of the vilest kind on their erstwhile friend, the wiley ’Squire was cosily ensconced in his own garret, where a blind partition separat- ed his room from the rest of the house. It was a safe retreat and there he sat from morning ’til night smoking and watching the movements of the wonder- ing villagers. There came a time, how- ever, when he had to move. Tioga county was the haven to which he flew, while the {amily gave up the farm and came to live with Centre county rela- tives. After he left Karthaus his where- abouts becamea mystery until some one discovered him up in Tioga county, within the last month. A warrant was sent after him and now the crafty old villain is in the Clearfield jail await- ing trial on charges of larceny, embez- zlement, forgery and fraud. It he gets convicted on all the counts he will go to the penitentiary for seventy-four years. He Hap Ir CnaArGeEp.—The other day a Linn street matron hired a neigh- bor’s little boy to go to the butcher shop tor her. She paid him five cents, in ad- vance, for running the errand and told him to bring her a nice sirloin steak and have it charged: The youngster of course ran away gleefully with his pennies in his hand and was returning with the meat when his father overtook him. In answer to his parent’s inquiry as to whose meat it was the young hopelul, with his mouth stuffed with a big wad of chewing gum and licorice juice smeared all over his face, blurted out that he was working for Mrs. Blank. But said the father “how much did you pay the butcher for it ?”” “I don’t know”, was the re- sponce, “I told him to charge it.” “Who did you tell him to charge it to?” questioned the fond parent with grow- ing idterest, which showed evident con- sternation when the reply . “I just said charge,” came from the lips of the scion of bis family, ‘“ Well where did you get it?” querried pa. “Why up where we get our mhat.” Nothing further was needed, but a subsequent visit to the butcher’s dis- closed th fact that the buy’s indulgent father had been buying meat for the whole community while his industrious son was rolling up pennies for the bank which he had busted a few days before. The little business has been suspended now and perhaps the industry of a promising lad sacrified. His HEeL TorN OFr.— While walk- ing down the rail-road from Armor’s Gap, last Friday morning, Samuel Meese, an employee of the McCoy & Linn’s iron works, was overtaken by a shifting engine and knocked off the track. In falling he either tore his heel off or the car ran over it, for when he was picked up it was in a horrible condition, besides he was badly bruised otherwise. The injured man was carried 1nto the home of George Kelley, near by; where he boards and is receiving every care. It is said that he isslightly deaf thereby Do You WANT Trour Fry,—The Pennsylvania commissioners of fisheries are now prepared to receive applications for brook trout fry. Applications should be sent to the following commis- sioners: Henry C. Ford, 1928 Vine street, Philadelphia; W. IL." Powele, Harrisburg ; S. B. Stillwell, Scranton; H. C. Demuth, Lancaster; Louis Streuber, Erie ; G. W. Welshong, Pitts- burg. Ong can of trout fry containing’ 1,500 fish will be sent free to the nearest railroad station of each applicant, ——The Harrisburg Patriot's Tyrone correspondent announces that all the | applicants for the Tyrone post masler- ship have withdrawn already in favory of: Dr. H. B. Piper.. They evidently : know how to promote harmony up there, if this be true. -———Sunbury had only eleven fires The readers of the WATCHMAN will re- during 1892. —— Diphtheria has broken out again in Houtzdale. —— February 22nd will be the next legal holiday. ——The bonded debt of Clinton county amounts to $163,500. ——Snow Show people shivered on Tuesday morning while their thermome- ters fell 10° below zero. ——John F. Malone, Lock Haven’s fire bug, was sentenced to five years in the western penitentiary. ——The WaATcHMAN office is the place tu get your job work done. Our prices and work will surely suit you. ——The Presidential electors for Pennsylvania met in Harrisburg on Monday. 1tis needless to say how they voted. Lock Haven has instituted a re- form and now arrests everyone who in- dulges in any vulgar antic on the streets. —— Supt, Thos. A. Shoemaker, of the Bellefonte Central rail-road, was a din- er with the Jackson club at the great fete, in Priladelphia, on Tuesday night. —— While playing in the hall way of the parochial school, in Clearfield, one day last week, the seven year old son of Thos Reilly fell down the stairs and died shortly afterwards. —— Miss Maud McPherson, one of Bellefonte’s pleasantest young ladies, left last Thursday night, after a week’s visit to friends in Tyrone, for Patterson, N. J. where she will make her home permanently, ——A visit to McCalmont & Co's. quarries and elevators just below town, disclose the fact that the buildings de- stroyed in last month’s fire have risen Pheenix-like from their own ashes. A live business will al ways assert itself. ——Rev. Joseph Nesbitt, pastor of the Great Island Preshyterian church, at Lock Haven, has resigned, owing to poor health and consequent inability to preach. His congregation has refused to accept his resignation and has em- ployed a supply minister until he recov- ers. — W. H. Peters, for five years a resident of this place, and known nerly everywhere as ‘‘the Lion Coffee man’ left here, on Saturday, for Pittsburg, where he will take charge of a branch house for the Woolson Spice Co. His promotion is evidence of his success, We wish him more. ——DLock Haven had a $7,000 fire early last Friday morning. It started with a gas explosion in J. P. Smith's tin shop, on East Main street, and before the flames could be gotten under control they had spread to adjoining buildings and caused considerable damage. Scarci- ty of water caused much uneasiness. —— Charles T. Ellis and his excellent supporting company presented ‘Count Casper’ to a fair sized house, on Tues- day evening. The extreme cold was the reason the house was not packed, for Ellis made such a hit here with “Casper the Yodler” that many wanted to see his new play, but fearing the cold were forced to remain at home. The opera house was uncomfortable in the extreme for both actors and audience and it is hardly probable that if the weather con- tinues as it bas been there will be any better houses than Ellis played to for some time. -— Af a meeting of the trustees of the Presbyterian church, held in the chapel on Tuesday evening, their report was read and very gladly accepted for it showed the finances of the church in a better condition than they have been for fifty years. Its actual indebtedness isonly $461.42. With $210 of unpaid subscriptions for the year 1892 to hear from. And considering the fact that during the past year the church made up & deficiency of $300 in the pastor’s salary for 1891 and raised $10,000 for church improvements, just completed, this is an excellent status for the con- gregation. — Dr. J. H. Allport, of Philipsburg, died very suddenly at his home in that place, on Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock, He had been in poor health ever since last Spring when, while performing an operation at the Cottage hospital, he was s'ricken with blood poisoning. Last week he became suddenly ill and at his request Dr. Deever, of Philadelphia, was tele- graphed for to perform an operation for’ peritonitis which had set in but the spe- | cialist arrived too. late.. Deceased was one of the most successful and popular physicans in this section of the State, and his unexpected and sudden’ death will be a héavy blow, not only to'tHe im- mediate community in which he resided, but to ibe entire country surrounding in which. he was so well and favorably known. ‘He was a devoted member of the Episcopal church and leaves a wife’ | party primaries or nowinating weet- and seven children. INTERESTING TO ELECTION OFFI- cERS.—One of our exchanges has pre- pared the following concise instructions to election officers for holding the Spring elections. As it is a matter of interest to every tax payer in the county as well as to these who will have charge of the elections, on February 21st, to know all the details of the new law we bave arranged them to suit our county and publish them as follows : “The elections in the various bor- oughs and townships of this county, cn February 21st next, will be conducted precisely as was the election on Novem- ber 8th last. So far as the actual vot- ing and the duties of officers on election day are concerned the provisions of the Baker Ballot Law applicable to both these elections are identical. But with regard to preliminaries there are differ- ences of the utmost importance. The method of nominating tickets for the February election, and of preparing the ballots for the third Tuesday of that month, are so radically different under the new law from the custom of long standing in many districts, that officials upon whom duties are devolved by the new law, as well as citizens interested in local political affairs and in the pro- motion of good municipal government, should lose no time in familiarizing themselves with the new requirements. To aid in the dissemination of infor- | mation on this subject, we herewith pre- sent an epitome of those requirements of | the Baker Ballot Law which will ma- terially effect the 51 election districts of Centre county in preparing for the February election, and which differ from the provisions that controlled the preparations for the elections in Novem- ber. IN THE BOROUGHS. In the boroughs one primary and one certificate will suffice for each party. These certificates, which will be fur- nished in blank by the county commis- sioners, must be filed with borough au- ditors, and it then becomes the duty of these officials, after the time for the fil- ing objections has expired, to see that proper and legal ballots, the cost of which is to be paid by the county, are prepared and ready for election day. The time for filing certificates in bor- oughs is not less than ten days before the election, but it will be well to have all the primaries much earlier than this (many townships have fixed on the last Saturday in January as a suitable date), 80 as to allow ample time for the dis- charge of the responsible duties with which the auditors will be charged. Nominations for any borough office may also be made by nomination papers or petitions signed by at least three per centum of the largest entire vote cast for any officer elected at the last election in the borough. To geta name on the official ballot for chief burgess in the borough cof Centre Hall for instance by virtue of nomination papers, or petitions, such papers must be signed by at least three per centum ot the number of votes cast for chief burgess at the election last February. Such nomination papers or petitions must be filed with the bor- ough auditors not less, than seven days before the election, but should be filed much earlier for the reason heretofore stated with regard to the certificates ot nomination. Objections as to the form of certifi- cates or papers must be sent in writing to and determined by, the borough au- ditors. The time for filing such ob- jections is within three days after the last day for filing. Objections as to the validity of certificates or papers in bor- oughs are filed within the same period, but with the Court of Common Pleas, to be determined by it. WHAT TO DO IN TOWNSHIPS, In alarge number of the townships of the county the new law works a revolu- tion in the method of naming a ticket. It makes mandatory , in order to get party representation on the official bal- lot, party primaries. There is no other way for political parties to get represen- tation on the official ballot. - Heretofore in many of the townships primaries have not been held, but in lieu thereof one ticket was made up, having printed on it the names of all who desired to run for office, whether Democrat or Re- publican, and then the voter on election day made his choice. This was very easy, simple and satisfactory, but the new law sets it aside and puts in its place ings. : : In undivided townships, only one : certificate will be made out by each .po- | litical party. It willbe filled with the township auditors. But in townships ' that are divided into two or more elec- | tion districts, such as. Spring, it will be the duty of the officers of the | primary meeting ‘in ‘each election dis- | trict first to certify to the township au- | ditors the party nominees for judge and inspector of elections and also for regis- try assessor and then to consolidate the vote of the townships on echool directors supervisors, constable and the other township officers, and jointly certify on the blank form furnished by the county commisssoners the names of the nom- inees to the township auditors, This must be done, according to the lettor of ‘the law, at least ten days before the election. But it may be well to 1e- iterate here what was said with regard to this matter under the head of bor- oughs, that in order to give the audi- tors sufficient time to properly discharge their duties the primaries “should be held not later than the last Saturday in this month, and the certificates filed immediately thereafter. Nomination papers or petitions may also be filed in township affairs, and the candidates thus petitioned for are enti- tled to be named on the official ballot, providing the papers are signed by at least three per cent. of the largest entire vote cast for any officer elected at the last election in the district or township for which the nomination paper is in- tended. Such nomination papers must be filed with the duditors at least seven days before the election, but should be filed much sooner than this, as was ex- plained above, so that the auditors may have sufficient time to prepare for elec- tion day. Objections as to the form of any town- ship certificates or paper must be sent in writing to the auditors within three days after tke last day for filing, but ob- jections as to the validity of such papers or certificates go to the Common Pleas Court of the county for decision within the same limit of time. It then becomes the duty of the town- ship auditors to arrange the data filed with them for the official ballot, the ex- pense of printing which is borne by the county. A separate and different ballot will be necessary in each election dis- trict, and in the township of Spring for instance, two sets of ballots wiil be prepared, one set for each elec- tion district. Great care must necessari- ly be exercised by the auditors in doing this work. A mistake in the fcrm or matter of the ballot might invalidate the election. Apnlication at the county commisioners’ office for proper blanks and instructions will doubtless aid audi- tors materially in concluding their work in a legal manner.” ——Mr. Robert Sommerville, of Winburn, Clearfield County, was a re- i cent Bellefonte visitor. Chester Hill, a suburb of Philipsburg, wants license but some of her citizens are objecting strenuously. —— Martin Luther Smith, of Pine Grove Mills, was married Tuesday evening, at Charleston, Clinton county, to Miss Alice M. Betts, by the Rev. J. H. Morgart. ——Charles M. Nau and his wife Susie, who left Tyrone creditors to whis- tle, is carrying everything before him up in Boston, He is in the restaurant business again. 7 —— This month will be something of an astronomicul freak. Before the last hour of January will have been tolled off there will have been two full moons during the month. The first occurred on the 2d inst, the second will make its advent on the 3lst. —— Wilson and Isenberg, Tyrone store keepers, are looking for clerk R. E. McAllister, who had been working for them for two years. They were going to have him arrested for embezzlement on Tuesday night, but before the war- rant was served the bird had flown. ——Mr. Michael Reagan, of Clarence, this county, came into town Monday morning and was a brief caller at this office. His visit to the county seat was the first he has made in eight years and | ‘t has been the same length of time since he had been on a railroad train. —- John Williams, a resident of Irvona, made his young wife swear that seven prominent men in that place had been intimate with her and then had them all arrested. They turned around and persuaded her to swear that her husband had used threats to force her to perjury and now the seven citizens are out and Williams is in jail himself. ——Two sled loads of young people went out to Snow Shoe on Wednesday night and report having had a delight- ful time. While there they were the guests of ‘Mrs. Mary Nolan, at the Mountain House. Dancing was the or- der of things until an early hour when they started home. They did noi get back until nearly nine o’clock Thursday morning. John Bauer, second son of Nicho- las Bauer, has been ill for several days with an injured leg. He fell on the ice at Aikens’ corner some time ago and never paid any attention to "the result until he was unable to use his limb. His trouble was extremely serious for a while and it was feared amputation would be necessary, but we are pleased to’ | record his improvement. ——The coroner’s jury on the case of Tony Mitchell, the Houtzdale colored man who died a ‘few minutes after a rough and tumble fight with a butcher named Hull, the night. after Christinas, bas decided that Mitchell died from excitement and the post mor- tem disclosed evidence that he wculd have died very soon any-way. Hull is tuerefore cleared of ‘any implication io with causing his death. : EE SS SST ET SE New Orricers ¥or K. G. E..—The recent instalation ceremonies of Belle- fonte castle, No. 357, K. G. E. were said to have been impressive, The fol- lowing officers were installed and will serve for the ensuing six months: Past Chief, Eimer Straub; Noble Chief, Miltoa Johnson ; Vice Chief, T. M. Barnbart; High Priest, Samuel Shirk ; Venerable Hermit, John Gas- brick Jr.; Master of Records, E. E. Ar- dery ; Clerk of Exchequer, A. Luken- bach ; Keeper of Exchequer. J. I. Me- Clure; Sir Herald, Harry Gehret; Worthy Bard, A. Lukenbach ; Worthy Chamberlain, A.V. Hamilton; Ensign Samuel Gorden ; Esquire, C. C. Bell ; First Guardsman, John Yearick ; Sec- ond Guardsman, Harvey Lutz; Trus- tee, T. M. Barnhart; Representative to the Grand Castle, J. I. McClure. ABour Two More WEEKS, AND TrEN.—The extension ol the Beech Creek railroad from Kerrmoor to Ma- haffey is nearly completed, and will prob- ably be in operation in about a week. Tre 10ad runs by way of the Susque- hanna river and Bell’s Landing. There are two tunnels on the new road, one 950 and the other 500 feet. Both are double-tracked. The road is substan- tially built. and it is not likely that its terminus will remain at Mahaffey very long. Asis well known, the company wants to reach Pittsburg.—Clearfield Raftsman's Journal. Wz Hapx’t HEARD oF IT.--A pe- culiar Siamese-twin pair of pheasants were shot, on the wing, by a sportsman_ near Bellefonte, afew days ago. Both birds were perfectly formed and were connected by u fleshy link, half an inch thick, just in front of the wings. —Lock Haven Express. HEere-oN HANGS A TALE.—Charles Cruse, of Bellefonte, was a Tyrone vis- itor yesterday.—~Monday’s Tyrone Her- ald. ——We had about concluded that venison was a dainty of the past when in walked that most generous of men, Mr. A. Kohlbecker, of Milesburg, with a piece large enough to supply a com- mon sized hotel. We fully agree with epicures who say that deer well cooked is the height of delicate feasting for we have not tasted so toothsome a morsel for many a day, as our kind friend’s gift. ——Lyon & Co. are closing out their entire winter stock of Overcoals, Ladie’s Coats etc., atcost. Now is the time to buy an excellent garment cheap. LosT.—On last Friday or Saturday a large gold crescent shaped pin studded with rhine-stones was lost on the streets of Bellefonte. The finder will be re- warded by retursing same to this office. ——DReady made clothing in all its branches. Storm coats, Overcoats, Suits for men, boys and children. Tailoring a specialty, Suits made to order. MoNTGoMERY & Co. Sale Register. Marcu 2, '93.--J. P. Waddle, of Fillinore, will have one ot the largest sales in Centre ¢oun- ty. 13 horses, 22 head of cattle, 32 fine ewes, 12 hogs and farming implements of all de- scriptions. March 14th.—At the residence of John Hous- er, on Nittany Mountain, 2}4 miles south west of Pleasant Gap Horses, cows, young cattle sheep and farm implements. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m. March 21.—At the residence of Uriah Stover, on the Robert Valentine farm, between Axe Manu and Pleasant Gap, all kinds of farm implements, harness, and some fine blocded cows. Sale at 10 o'clock, a. m. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up tosix o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper 0es to press : Rite WHEL... st rine 656 Old wheat, per bushel....... . 70 Red wheat, per bushel new 70 Rye, per bushel.............. €0 Corn, ears, per bushel.. 221; Corn, shelled, per bush 60 Oats—new, per bushel. 35 Barley, per bushel....... 48 Ground Plaster, per ton... 9 50 Buckwheat per bushel... 50 Cloverseed, per bushei.... Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel ... Eggs, per dozen.... Lard, per pound.... CountryShoulders. Sides... Hams... Tallow, per peun Butter, per noun The Democratic Watchman, Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 pez annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of ‘Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- tisiug by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol: OW3 : ot ' SPACE 00CUPIED, : [sm | 6m 1y One invh (12 1ines this type... $5 (88811 Two fh {12 lines thiy trp E10 aE Three inches......., ee ean 1°10" [15°] 100 Huater Column (£34 inches)....... 12120 ( 80 alf Saunnd 9 inches)..... .[ 20 | 35 | B56 One Column (19 inches)..oereesuere 35 | 85 | 100 Advertisements in’ special column, 25 per cent. additional. ) Transient advs, per line, 3 insertions......20 cts Each additional insertion, per line 5 cts rocal notices, per/line...... +25 ots. Business notices, per line..... ..10 cts. Job Printing of every kind done with neat: ness and dispatch. The WarcumaN office has baen refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be axecuted in the most artistic mannerand gs the luwest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P.GRAY MEEK, Proprietor