Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. ,13 1893. A LOVE SONG. How do I know I love thee, dear ? I cannot tell, love knows no why, It cannot reason—but I know The love I bear thee cannot die. Tow do I know I love thee, dear ? Love's signs are known to all the world So plain, that he who run may read, is banner always is unfurled. When thou art gone, dear heart, I see No beauty in the fairest things, No melody in song of tirds, No music in their rustling wings. How do I know I love thee, dear? By what thou’st made this world to me, By the new joy I find in life, By all I mean my life to be. By deeming all of womankind Perfect and pure, because of tnee, By finding life worth living, dear, I know thou’st all the world to me. —PFlorence A. Jones, in Inter Ocean. A Chattel Mortgage Law Needed to Protect Creditors, To the People of Pennsylvania : The first and paramount object of enacting laws of the State is to protect good citizens from the encroachments of evil doers, Good people—those who observe the golden rule, “Do unto oth- ers as you would have others do unto you,” do not require any law ; hence laws are made for the purpose of com- pelling those who are disposed to do wrong to keep within the path of duty, so far as it is practical for laws to ac- complish the object, The laws of God teach us that a ‘man’s word should be as good as his bond ; but the laws of man and the woid or promises of man of the present day have very little relation to the laws of God, when we consider the number of promises to pay which are never ful- filled. The worst feature is, that many, very many promises to pay have been made with the intention never to pay; because many men have educated them- self to the idea that the world owes thew #”iiving at all hazards, and if they cannot obtain it honestly, they are jus- tified in securing it otherwise. These are deplorable facts, which come to light too frequently in business transactions in Pennsylvania; and the more shrewdly a man can cover up his dishonest motives, the more the laws ot Pennsylvania protect him in it; and the result is, that the business men of Pennsylvania, especially the retail agri- cultural implement dealers, find their business growing more hazardous from month to month and from year to year. The losses of dealers are so large, and the accumulation of the dishonest so great in consequence of the protection offered by our present laws, that a move- meni 18 being made by the manufactur- ers and dealers of Pennsylvania to urge upon the legislature at the ensuing ses- sion to enact such laws as will protect the seller from being constantly fleeced by the rascals who live by their wits in- stead of by honest efforts. If a man sells a farm, the laws protect him in a mortgage, although the farm cannot run away, This law holds a contract inviolate. Look at the differ- ence between selling a farm and selling a wagon or other personal property. In selling the farm, the law protects the seller, and compels the buyer to comply there with ; and allows the seller six months to record the mortgage, as against all other parties. If we sell a wagon or even lease it, a third party may have a judgment exemption note of second party, by the aid of which he can lsvy on and make sale of same, re- gardless of the contract between the or- iginal parties. I have been told by lawyers that it is astonishing to learn the number of people who conspire to- gether for the purpose of cheating. Two persons conspire together for the purpose of raising some money at the expense of their neighbors. One gives the other a judgment exemption note, after which he buys all he can, when his chum and co-conspirator enters up his judgment, an execution is issued, and the proper officer makes the levy, and a sale follows. If the seller discovers the situation in time, he must go into court, put up a bond to prevent the sale, and either loses his property or spends about as much as it is worth to have it returned to him, Law which will not allow a dealer to furnish or sell to another, either real es- tate or personal property, for their mu- tual benefit and hoid title to the same with additional security, if necessary, to cover wear and tear, until the same shall have been paid for, is not a just law between man and man. The con- stitution of the United States, the fun- damental law of our land, recognizes the justice and validity’ of eontracts, and the tenth article of that instrument says : : No state shall enter into any treaty or pass any bill of attainder, expost facto law or laws, impairing the obligations of contracts. hold that a contract, involving the sum of $1 is equally as binding in the eyes of justice and right as a contract involving tho sum of $1,000,000, and the laws should so recognize it; not on- ly in one state, but all the states. Some people shudder at the 1dea of a chattel mortgage; and some lawyers object to it, while others, a very few, advocate the repeal of all laws for the collection of debts, holding to the idea that a man should only buy that for which he is able to pay. It is a benefit to the community, as well as many individuals, to be able to secure credit—this class of our fellow citizens, who act honestly, give life to the industries;and trade of our nation. If it is right for a man to ask credit when he buys, and if it is right for a seller to grant credit when he sell, it is right for the state to enact such laws as will protect the buyer and seller against the intrigues of third parties or evil schemers. It is admitted that thelaws of Penn- sylvania, as they now stand, do not meet the requirements of honest dealers —they protect the dishonest at the ex- pense of the honest: and the evil is growing. In many of our sister states the laws protect the honest and discourage the dishonest by compelling all to pay their debts alike—at least they do not enc ur- age or protect the dishonest or evil do- ers. co aad Massachusetts provides for chattel mortgages, as well as leases—-the former holds the property sold with additional security ; the latter holds the property —the title being in the seller until the same shall have been paid for. New York provides theseller with a chattel mortgage, as well as a lien note. The latter can be deposited with a justice of the peace, which prevents the buyer from disposing of the property, as well as prevents thirds parties from levying on it until the buyer has fully paid for the same. Ohio, and all western states, provide for chattel mortgages. The history of the business interests in Pennsylvania during the past quarter of a century, if it could be correctly written up, will show that honest business men, especial- ly those who sell agricultural imple- ments, have been made the victims of of misplaced confidence by which they have lost money to an alarming extent with out benefiting a single honest man —the dishonest, brazen-faced rascals have reaped the benefit. I have no fault to find with the honest man whose misguided steps have led him to misfortune—he is entitled to leniency and sympathy. Itisthe dishonest man against whom all business men seek protection, and if other states can give and do give this protection by the necessary legislation, there is no good reason why Pennsylvania should not do like wise. Justice to her business inter- ests demands it. "WM. SHORTLIDGE, President Pennsylvania Retail Implement Dealers’ Association. Bellefonte, Pa. An Angry Inspector. Mrs. Helen Hunt's Experience in a Museum in Copenhagen. One of the sights ot Copenhagen is the Rosenborg castle collection, offi- cially known as the “Chronological Collection of the Kings of Denmark.” When Mrs. Helen Hunt went to see it she bought a “full ticket,” so as to in- sure the entire attention of the museum inspector, He was a handsome man, fifty years old or more, and when he began to speak English the visitor’s de- light was unbounded. What an after- noon she should have! “I am sorry,” she said, ¢that we have so short a time in which to see these beautiful and in- teresting collections. Two hours is nothing I” “Oh, I shall explain to you everything,” he said, and he proceeded to throw open the doors of mysterious wall closets. Says Mrs Hunt : The first thing he pointed out to me was the famous Oldenborg horn, said to have been given to Count Otto of Old- enborg by a mountain nymph in a for- est oneday in the year 909. As he pointed to it I opened my catalogue to tind the place where it was mentioned, that I might make on the margin some notes of points that I wished to recollect I might have been looking at it for per- | haps halt a minute when thundering from the mouth of my splended Dane came : “Do you prefer that you read it in the catalogue than that I tell you ?” I am notsure, but my impression is I actually jumped at his tone. I know I was frightened. I explained to him that I was not looking for it in the cat- alogue to read then and there, but only to associate what he said with its place and with the illustrations in the cata- logue, and to make notes for future use. He hardly heard a word I said. Putting out his band and waving my poor cata- logue away, he said : ‘It is all tnere. You shall find every- thing there as I tell you. Will you lis- ten ?” Quite cowed, I tried to listen, but I found that without my marginal notes 1 should remember nothing. I opened my catalogue again. The very sight of it seemed to act upon him like a scarlet flag on a bull. Instantly he burst out upon me again. In vain I tried to stem the tide ot his angry words, and the angrier he got the less intelligible became his English. “Perhaps you take me for a servant in this museum,” he said. ‘Perhaps my name is as good in my country as yours is in your own !” ‘Oh, do-—do listen to me one minute!” I said. “Ifyou will only hear me I think I can make you understand. I do implore you not to be angry.” “I am not angry. I have listened to you every time—too many times. I have not to listen any more.” This he said so angrily that I felt the tears coming into my eyes. I wasinde- spair. I turned to Harriet and said. “Very well, Harriet, we will go.” “You shall not go!” he exclaimed. “Twenty years I have shown this mu- seum and never yet was any one before dissatisfied with what I tell them. [ have myself written this catalogue you carry. Now I will nothing say, and you can ask if you wish I should explain anything.” He folded his arms and stepped back, the very image of a splendid man ina sulk, TI hesitated what to do. but at last I gulped down my wounded feelings and went on looking and making notes. Presently he began to cool down, to see his mistake. In less than halfan hour he had ceased to be hostile, and before the end ofthe hour he had be- come friendly, and more. He seized both my hands in his exclaiming : “We shall be good friends —good ! You must come again to Rosenborg ; you must see it all. I will myself show you every room. No matter who sends to come in, they shall not be admitted. I go alone with you.” It Smourp BE IN Every HoUSE.— J. B. Wilson, 871Clay St. Sharpsburg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with Pneumonia af- ter an attack of “La Grippe” when va- rious other remedies and several physi- cians had done her no good.. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King’s New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it, try it. Free trial Bottles at Parrish’s Drug om Large bottles 050 cents and 1.00. -——='‘It’s the little things in life that count,” ¢aid the philosopher. “Yes, ! indeed,” gid the primary teacher,“yon | ehould visit my schorl some time and hear them 1” Weather Signs. The formula of popular weather signs most approved by scientific men is that adopted by the Farmers’ Club of the American Institute some years ago : 1. When the temperature falls sud- denly a storm is forming south of you. 2. When the temperature rises sud- denly a storm is forming north of you. 8. The wind always blows from a re- gion of fair weather toward a region where a storm is forming 4. Cirrusclouds (curl-cloud, cat's tail) always move from astorm region toward a region of fair weather. 5. Cumulus clouds (hay-cock) al- ways move from a region where a storm is forming. 6. Where cirrus clouds are moving rap- idly from the north or northeast, there will be rain within 24 hours, no matter how cold it is. 7. When cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from the south or southeast, there will be a cold hailstorm on the morrow if it be in the summer, and if it be in the winter there will be a snow storm. 8. The wind always blows in a circle around a storm, and when it blows from the north the heaviest rain 1s east of you and if from the south the heaviest rain is west ; if trom the east, the heaviest is south. 9. The wind never blows unless rain or snow are falling within 1,000 miles of you. 10. ‘Whenever heavy white frost oc- curs a storm is forming within 3,000 or northwest of you. That is about as far as popular weath- er prophecy has yet advanced. It is not a great distance, but itis better than the old fashion of trusting to the italic warning in the almanac, prepared twelve month ago. Making A WorLD WIDE REPUTA- TION.--Chamberlain Medicine Co. of DesMoines, is an lowa manufacturing institution and one in which the resi- dents of the state look upon with pride. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has be- come national in reputation and is known in nearly every household in the state and throughout the great west. Its merits are becoming established in all parts of America. For saleby Frank P. Green Druggist, Yea, Verily! “That text of Bishop Ortho’s last Sunday was an awfully good one, I thought,” observed Chappie Van Dem- mit, as he flung another dunning notice into the fire. “What text was that ?”’ asked Chase- hem. “In the midst of life we are in debt.” ——Provide yourself with a bottle of of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and so have the means at hand for contending suc- cessfully with a sudden cold. As an emergency medicine, it has no equal, and leading physicians everywhere recom- mend it. ‘Tourists. Look Out For Cold Weather. But ride inside of the Electric Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and you will be as warm, comfortable and cheerful as in your own library or boudoir, To travel between Chicago, Omaha and Sioux city, in these luxuriously appointed trains, is a supreme satisfaction ; and, as the somewhat ancient sdvertisement used to read, “for furth er particulars, see small bills.” Small bills (and large ones, too) will be accepted for pas- sage and sleeping car tickets. For detailed information address John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Williamsport. Pa. A ———— Wanted. Flouring Mills at Reynolds. N. D. ($2,000 bonus); and Maynard, Minn. (Free site and half of stock will be taken). Jewelry Stores at Buxton and Neche, N. D. Banks at Ashby, Minn., and .Williston N. D. Hotels at Wahpeton and Grafion, N. D (Stock will be taken); Crystal, N. D. and Waverly, Minn. (Bonus offered or stock taken). . General Stores, Creameries, Harness Shops, Drug Stores, Shoe Shops, Lumber Yards, Tai or Shops, Hardware Stores, Banks,[Carpenter Shops, Saw Mill, Soap Factories, Blacksmith Shops, Meat Markets, Bakeries, Barber Shops, Wagon Shops, Furniture Factories, Machine Shops, &c. needed and solicited by citizens in new and grewing towns in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana. Free sites water pow er for factories at various places. No charges whatever for information which may [lead to the securing of locations by interested par- ties. Farmers and stock-raisers wanted to occupy the best and cheapest vacant farming and grazing lands in America. Instances are com- mon every year inthe Red River Valley and other localities where land costing $10. an acre produces $20. to $30. worth of grain. Fines sheep, cattle and horse country in America Millions of acres of Government Land still to be homesteaded convenient to the railway. Information and publications sent free by F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. 36-32. The Land of Sunshine. A Unique Country where the Skies are almost Never Clouded, while the air is Cool and Brac- ing, like Perpetual Spring. As an anomalous southern resort, by reason of the fact that there one may escape summer heat no less than winter cold, New Mexico is rapidly becoming famous. Averaging through- out the entire territory 5,600 feet in altitude above sea-level, and characterized by dry air which, unlike a humid atmosphere, is incapa- ble of communicating heat, the temperature in midsummer remains at a delightfully com- fortable degree through the day, and at night becsmes invariably and bracing. The sunshine is almost constant, y et the most vio- lent out-of-door exertion may be undertaken without fear of distressful consequences. Sun- siroke or prostration are absolutely unknown there. It is an ideal land for a summer outing. Its climate is prescribed by reputable physi- cians as a specific for pulmonary complaints, ana the medicinal Hot Springs at Las Vegas are noted for their curative virtues. The most sumptuous hotel in the west, the Mon- tezuma, is located at these springs. Write to Jno. J. Byrne, 723 Monndnock Block, Chicago, for “The Land of Sunshine,” an entertaining and profusely illustrated book descriptive of this region, the most picturesque and roman- tic in the United States. 3742 3m Tourists. Abraham Lincoln: When leaving his home at Springfield, Ill, to be inaugurated President of the United States, made a farewell address to his old friends and neighbors, in which he said ‘neighbors give your boys a chanee.” The words come with as much force to-day as they did thirty years ago. How give them this chance ? Up in the northwest is a great empire wait- ing for young and sturdy fellows to come and develope it and “grow up with the country.” All over this broad land are the young fellows, the boys that Lincoln referred to, seeking to better their condition and get on in life. Here is the chance! The country referred to lies along the Northern Pacific R. R. Here you can find pretty much anything you want. In Minneso- ta, and in the Red River Valley of North Dako. ta, the finest of prairie lands fitted for wheat and grain, or as well for diversified farming. N Western North Dakota, and Montana, are stock ranges limitless in extent, clothed with the most nutritious of grasses. ' g regi on is wanted there is the whole state cf Washington to select from As for scenic delights the Northern Pacific Railroad passes through a country unparallel- ed. In crossing the Rocky, Bitter Root and Cascade mountains, the greatest mountain scenery to be seen in the United States from car windows is found. The wonderful Bad Lands, wonderful in graceful form and glow- ing color, are a poem. Lake Pend d’Orielle and Ceeur d’Alene, are alone worthy of a trans- continental trip, while they are the fisher- man’s Ultima Thule. The ride along Clark’s Fork of the Columbia River is a daylight dream. To cap the climax this is the only way ‘o reach the far famed Yellowstone Park. A onch and see all this the Northern Pa- cific Railroad furnish trains and service of unsurpassed excellence. The most approved and comfortable Palace Sleeping cars: the best Dining cars that can be made; Pullman Tourist cars good for both first and second class passengers; easy riding Day coaches, with Baggage, Express, and Postal cars all drawn by powerful Baldwin Locomotives makes a train fit for royalty itself. Those seeking tor new homes should take this train and go and spy out the land ahead. To be pre Hat write to CHAS. 8S. FEE, G. P.&T.A. gt. Paul, Minn. The Titan of Chasms. A Mile Deep, 13 Miles Wide, 217 Miles Long, and Painted Like a Flower. The Grand Canon of the Colorado River, in Arizona, is now for the first time easily access- ible to tourists. A regular stage line has been esiablished from Flagstaff, Arizona, on the At- lantic & Pacific Railroad, making the trip from Flagstaff to the most imposing part of the Can- on in less than 12 hours. The stage fare for the round trip is only $22.00, and meals and comfortab’e lodgings are provided throughout the trip at a reasonable price. The view of the Grand Canon afforded at the terminus of the stage route is the most stupendous panora® ma known in nature. There is also a trail at. this point leading down the Cenon wall, more than 6,000 feet vertically, to the river below. The descent of the trail is a grander experi- ence than climbing the Alps, for in the bottom of this terrific and snblime chasm are hun dreds of mountains greater than any of the Al pine range. ; A book describing the trip to the Grand Canon, illustrated by many full-page engrav- ings from special photographs, and furnishing all needful information, may obtained free up- on application to Jno. J. Byrne, 723 Monadnock Block, Chicago, Ill. 37-30-3m New Advertisements. THAND In a dangerous emergency, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is prompt to act and sure to cure. A dose taken on the first symptoms of Croup or Bronchitis, checks further pro- gress of these complaints. It soft- ens the phlegm, soothes the inflam- ed membrane, and induces sleep. Asa remedy for colds, coughs, loss of voice, la grippe, pneumonia, and even consumption, in its early stages. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL excels all similar preparations, It is endorsed by leading physicians, is agreeable to the taste,does not interfere with digestion, and needs ‘to be taken usually in small doses. “From repeated tests in my own family, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral has proved itself a very efficient reme- dy for colds, coughs, and the var- ious disorders of the throat and Jungs.”—A. W. Barlett, Pittsburg, N.Y. “For the last 25 years I Lave been taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for lung troubles, and am assured that its use has SAVED MY LIFE I have recommended it to hun- dreds. I find the most effective way of taking this medicine is in small and frequent doses.”—T. M. Matthews, P. M.. Sherman Ohio. # “My wife suffered from a cold; nothing helped her but Ayer’s Cherry Pectorel which effected a cure.”—R. Amero, Plympton, N. S. AYERS CHERRYPECTORAA Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prompt to act, sure to cure. 37-33 OARDING.—Visitors to Philadel phia, on business or pleasure, from this section, will find pleasant rooms and good boarding either by the day or week, at 1211 Greene Street. Centrall, located, Pleasant surroundings. 37-32. REWERY FORSALEOR RENT. —The subscribsr offers her Brewery property, situated one miles west of Bellefonte for sale or rent on easy terms. It consists of a large Brew House, with kettles, vatsand every- thing complete, an excellent vault. for stor- ing beer, two dwelling houses, large stable out houses and two acres of land. Term will be easy and price or rent low. Apply on the emises to 57 36-3m MRS. L. HAAS. New Advertisements. Railway Guide. J ux C. MILLER * PRACTICAL ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. Rentsor Sells property ofall kind~. Does a general collection business, opens or closes ks for firms or individuals. Sosdial attention given to collection rents and business accounts. If you have any real estate for sale or rent or wish to rent or buy property, call and see me al room 13, Criders Exchange, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. 37-13-1y UST ARRIVED. A complete line of Ladies Union Suits FROM 50 CENTS UP A beautiful assortment of trimming furs. Childrens coats from $1.25 up. LADIES WOOL HOSE at 18 cents, better ones for more money. ALWAYS PLENTY OF BARGAINS AT CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Sprite Street, ellefonte, Pa. 37 43 1y Cigars. ry! TILLY ! The Celebrated FIVE BROTHERS’ TILLY. Solid, long Havana filler Sumatra wrapper — BEST CIGAR—— {——ON EARTH.—1 $10 cigar in quality—b5e. cigar in rice, H.Brockeruore & Co. have een appointed exclusive agents for Bellefonte and surrounding country. Ask your dealer for them. None genuine without the 5 Bros. copyrighted band on each 0X. 37 41 3m. Insurance. J C. WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE eo Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates. Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna. does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. 3412 1y (GEO: L. POTTER & CO, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli: cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason- able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House. 22 5 Machinery. og Ls ‘& LINGLE, [Successors to W. P. Duncan & Co,] BELLEFONTE, PA, RON FOUNDERS and MACHINISTS. Manufacturers of the VULCAN CUSHIONED POWER HAMMER BELLEFONTE TURBINE WATER WHEEL, STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, FLOURING MILLS, ROLLING MILLS, &C., &C. © Works near P. R. R. Depot. oa 0 11 50 1y Miscellaneous Advy’s. HE PENN [RON ROOFING & CORRUGATING CO., Limited. SHEET IRON & STEEL MANUFACTURERS in all its branches for BUILDING PURPOSE. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR. Circulars and rices upon application. G. M. RHULE, Ag’t. P 36 10 tf. PP Philipsbarg Pa Apa WILLER MANUFACTUR- ING CO. Sole Manufacturers of THE WILLER SLIDING BLINDS, THE WILLER FOLDING BLINDS, REGULAR INSIDE FOLDING BLINDS, WILLER SLIDING WINDOW SCREENS. And custom made SCREEN DOORS for fine residences. STAIR WORK in all its branches ready to ut up in any part of the country. Write or catalogue. EO. M.KHULE, Ag't 3610 tf. Philipsburg, Pa. ANTED.—Wide-awake workers everywhere for SHEPP'S Puoro- GrapHS of the World ;” the greatest book on earth ; costing $100,000 ; retail at $3,25, cash or installments ; mammoth illustrated circu- lars and terms free ; daily output over 1500 volumes, SHEPP'S PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE WORLD Agents wild with success. Mr. Thos. L. Mar- tin, Centreville, Texas, cleared $711in 9 days. Miss Rose Adams, Wooster, ¢ ., $23 in 40 min- utes ; Rev, J, Howard Madison, Lyons, N. Y., $101 in 8 hours ; a bonanza ; magnificent outfit only $1.00. Books on credit. Freight paid. Ad. Globe Bible Pubiishing Co,, 723 Chestnut St., Phila, Pa. or 358 Dearborn 8t, Chicago II. 37-38-6m Electric Belts. REE Trial. Why suffer from the bad effects of the La Grippe, Lame Back, Kidney and Liver disease, Rheumatism, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Electricity will cure you and keep prove this, I will send DR, JUDD'S 6, $10, and $15, if satisfied. Also, ou in health. ) { LECTRIC BELT to any one on trial, free. Prices, $3, Electric Trussess and Box Batteries. Costs nothing to try any kind of weakness, or other disease, when (Headache relieved in one minute.) Te them, Can be regulated to suit, and guaranteed to last for years, A Belt and Battery com- bined, and produces sufficient Electrieit Give waist measure, price and full particulars. Agents Wanted. 3T131ynr to shock. Free Medical advice. Write to-day. Address DR. JUDD, Detroit, Mich. Leave Bellelonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at T ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Nov. 16th, 1891. /IA TYRONE—WESTWARD. 'yrone, 6.56 a. m., at Altorna, 7.45 a. m., at" Pitts- burg, 12.45 p. m. Leave Rallefonce, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.558. m at Al‘oona, 1.45 p. m., af Pitts. ourg, 6.50 p: m Lesve Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at T Tone, 6.10, at Altoona at 7.50;.a0 Pittsburg at 11.55. Leave Bellefonte, 5.55 a mm. arrive at onte, 5. a. I. arrive a one 6.55, 2 Hsrrishurg 10:30 8. m., at oh. phia, 1.26 p.m. Leave Belietonte 10.25 a. m.,, arrive at Tyrone, 55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m,, a Phliadslobis 6.50 p. m. Leavs Belle fonts, Sa Pp. In, sctive at Toone. oo arrisburg at 10.¢0 p. m., at g delphi, 4.25 a. m..© PPh VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORDHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 10.45 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9: p. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.54 Pp. m. arrive at Lock Haven at 10.10 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASBWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.45, leave Williamspert, 12.30 p. m. at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamspert, 6.45 p. m., Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m. Leawe Bellefonte, 8.54 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.26 B m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive at hiladelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis burg at 9.10 a. m., Harrisb rg, 11.35 a. m. Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.00 Pp. m., arrive at Lewis- Dare, 4.45, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila- delphia at 10.55 p. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD, EASTWARD. 5 |R Bl By Nov.16, | » (mw gE E x 8 1891. H § = P.M.| A. M. | A. M. |ArT. Lv. a. mM. p.m | p.m. 6 40| 11 55| 6 55|...Fyrone....| 7 55/3 10 725 6 33) 11 48) 6 48/.E. one. 8 02/3 17| 7 32 629 11 43| 6 #4]... ail 8053 20, 736 6 25 11 38] 6 40/Bald Eagle] 8 10/3 24 7 41 6 10; 11 32] 6 33/...... Dix..... 8153 30] 7 47 615 11 29 6 80... Fowler 8 17/3 33 7 50 6 13 11 26/ 6 28|.. Hannah...| 8 21/3 87| 7 54 6 06 11 17| 6 21|Pt. Matilda.| 8 28/3 44| 8 01 559 11 09| 6 13|..Martha....| 8 36:3 52 8 10 5 50| 10 59, 6 05|....Julian...... 8 44/4 01 8 20 5 41| 10 48 5 65,.Unionville.| 8 5514 10 8 30 533] 10 38| 5 48/..8.8. Int...| 9 03/4 17] 8 40 530| 10 35) 5 45| .Milesburg | 9 07/4 20| 8 44 520 10 25; 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 17/4 30! 8 54 510/10 11| 5 25 .Milesburg.| 9 32/4 40| 9 04 502 958 5 18)..0urtin...| 9 46{4 47 9 13 4 55| 961 5 14|.Mt.Eagle.| 951/455 919 449 944 5 07|...Howard... 10 01/5 02] 9 28 440! 9 36| 4 59/.Eagleville.| 10 15/5 10| 9 40 4 38 9 33 4 56 Bch. Creek.| 10 20/5 13! 9 45 426) 9 21 4 46/.Mill Hall...| 10 35/5 24| 10 01 4 23| 918 4 43 Flemin'ton.| 10 39(5 27| 10 05 420) 915 4 40 Lek. Haven| 11 45/5 30| 10 10 P.M. A. M.|A M. A.M. [AP NM. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. FER SOUTHWARD, n o Nov. 16, ° E g 3 1891. % P.M.| P. M. | A. M. |Lv. Ar. A. M. [A.M [P.M 780] 315 800|..Tyrone...| 6 50| 11 45/6 17 737 322 807|.E. Tyrone.| 6 43 11 38/6 10 743 32% 811... Vail... 6 37| 11 34/6 04 7 63) 3 36 8 21/.Vanscoyoec.| 6 27 11 25/5 53 * 8 00, 3 42| 8 25|.Gardners...| 6 25| 11 21/5 53 8 07) 3 49 8 35Mt.Pleasant| 6 16/ 11 12/5 43 815 354, 8 45...Summit...| 6 09| 13 05/5 30 819/ 359 850 Sand. Ridge 6 05| 10 58(5 27 821f 401 852... Retort.....| 6 03} 10 54/5 25 8 24) 402 8 55.Powelton... 6 01] 10 52/5 23 830] 4.08 9 04|..0sceola...| 5 52| 10 40/5 11 841 #15 213 ..Boynton...| 5 45 10 33/5 03 8456 4 18| 9 17\..8oniners..| 5 43] 10 30/4 58 847 422 92 Philinshu gf 5 41} 10 27/4 55 851 426 9 24|..Graham...| 5 37 10 21(4 49 8 57| 4 32] 9 32\.Blue Ball..| 533/10 17/4 44 9 03] 439] 939 Wallaceton., 5 28 10 10/4 39 9 10, 447 9 47|...Bigler..... 5 22| 10 01/4 31 917] 452] 9 54.Woodland..| 517) 9 54/14 26 9 24] 4 58) 10 02|...Barrett....| 512} 9 47/4 20 9 28 5 02] 10 07|..Leonard...| 309/ 9 43/4 15 9 35] 5 08 10 14|.Clearfield.., 5 04 9 36/4 07 9 40/ 5 11] 10 24|..Riverview.| 5 | 9 32/4 (2 9 47) 5 16| 10 29|Sus. Bridge| 4 54] 9 24/3 56 9 58) 5 25 10 35 Curwensv'e| 4 50; 9 20/2 50 P.M.| P. M. | A. M. A.M. [A M. P.M. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after Nov. 16, 1891. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 45 a. m 3 00 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday.....10 30 a. m, 25 p. m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effect November 15th, 1891. WESTWARD, EASTWARD. 111 103 114 | 112 SraTions. PMA M A. MP MM 205 5 50|....... Montandon........ 920 458 220. 6 20|...... .Lewisburg.. ..... 910] 443 eeistteselestennise] eines Fair Ground...... [......... sessasess 230] 6 30{..ccciennnis Biehl..... 9 00 37 237 635 .Vicksburg........| 853 4 32 247 645 Mifflinburg....... 843 422 30% 700 ..Millmont........| 8 27| 4 09 313 733 817 4(2 338 719 753 338 358 753 732 318 415 810 716 302 428 824 703 247 434] 83% 6 57 240 4 40! 837 6 50, 232 4 45| 8 42 645) 227 449 8 46 641 223 4 53) 8 51 637 218 502 900 628 2608 510 910 6 20, 200 P. M. | A. M. A.M. | P.M, LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD = 2 Nov. 16, 5 = ” 1891 o ® @ s @ 2 Pg Be od f P.M. A.M. | P.M. 4 57|....8cotia 9 21] 4 47]. 5 17|..Fairbrook.| 9 09 4 27/. 5 29/Pa. Furnace| 8 56 4 15|. 5 36/...Hostler...| 8 50] 4 08]. 5 42 Miieng: 8 43 4 C1]. 5 49/..Loveville.., 8 37| 3 55 5 56| FurnaceRd/| 8 31| 3 49]. 6 00|Dungarvin.| 8 27| 3 46]. 6 10|..W. Mark... 8 19/ 3 38]. 6 20|Pennington| 8 10, 3 30 6 32/...Stover..... 7 58/ 3 18]. 6 42|...Tyrone....| 7 50] 3 10]. ELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1892. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. ~41 | Ac| Ex. | Mall o. ations. | Ac] Ex | Mail. P.M.| P. M.J A, M. [AT.!a, mip um. 6 35 350] 9 05].Bellefonte.|; 30] 10 30| 4 40 6 28) 3 44] 8 &9|..Coleville...|6 37| 10 35| 4 45 6 25/ 3 41| 8 56]....Morris,...|6 40! 10 38] 4 48 6 22) 3 38] 8 52|.Whitmer...|6 44] 10 43| 4 51 619 3 35 8 49|....Linns.....|6 47| 10 46 4 54 6 17] 3 33| 8 47[. Hunters...|6 50| 10 49| 4.56 6 14] 3 31| 8 44|..Fillmore...[6 53| 10 62 5 00 6 11) 8 28 8 40|....Sellers....[6 57 10 56| 5 08 6 09] 3 26 8 38|....Brialy..... 7 00{ 10 58) & 05 605 323 8 35|.Waddle...[7 05 11 01/ 5 10 6 02( 3 20| 8 30|Mattern Ju(7 08 11 03, 5 12 551] 3 08) 8 18/.Krumrine..[7 21| 11 13] 5 24 548, 3 05 8 14|..Struble...[7 24| 11 17| 5 27 545] 300] 8 10, StateColl’ge 7 30] 11 20, 5 30 On the Red Bank branch trains will run as follows : (GOING EAST WILL LEAVE Red Bank at 8 00 a. m and 5 85 p.m Stormstown at 8 05 5 40 Mattern at 8 12 5 43 Graysdale at 8 17 5 46 Mattern Ju. at 8 20 5 50 GOING WEST WILL LEAVE : Mattern Ju. 7 14 a. m. and 5 13 p.m 51 Graysdale 7 19 Mattern TAU 5 20 Stormstown 7 29 523 Red Bank T 85 5 35 Thos. A. BucEMAKER, Supt.