su Christmas. ~ M. V. THOMAS. For the WATCHMAN: Oh ! proclaim again the message And the old, old story tell; How tne Heir of heaven descended On this darksome earth to dwell. How the universe proclaimed him, How the guide, a shining star Led the wise of earth to.find him, In his manger—cradle, there. Bells! ring forth the wondrous tidings, Send the echoes forward wide— That a prince has come from heaven, To become man’s hope and guide. Come to bear all human burdens Ar d to suffer human pain— That mankind, though doomed to suffer, Bhould sufter not, in vain. Winds ! take up the proclamation, Bear it over land and sea— That the Lord has come from heaven Sin—enslaved mankind to free. Conqueror of conquerors is he; And behold him—King of kings. He no scourge of war produces, He but love and mercy brings. No war-cry heralds his coming, No judgment does he proclaim But the soul-inspiring message— “Peace” on earth “good will toward men.” ———— Tr ———— School Report. The following is the report of Laurel Run school, Worth Twp., for the month ending Jan. 3rd, 1893. No. of pupils enrolled, males 22; fe. males 11. Total 33. Average attendance for the month 25. Per cent of attendance 78. wil lie Weston, Estes Woodring, Victor Weston, Margery Cowher, Lulu Cowher and Effie Cow- her attended every day during the ‘month, E. J. WitLiams, Teacher. EE EEE TENS . ——The following letters remain uncalled for in the Bellefonte P. O. Jan. 3, 1893. Mr. Alexander Allbright, John Dauberman & Son, Miss Mary Heartman, Mr. Samuel Hol- lenbaugh, Miss A. B. Henry, Miss Annie M. Miller, Miss Clara A. Miller, Mrs. Josie Near- hoff, Mr. Joseph Smull, Mrs. Geo. Thomas, Mr, John N. Venington, Miss (2) Mary Wasson, J. L. Westbrook, Mrs. John Wester. When called for please say advertised. | J. A. FIEDLER, P. M. Marriage. GOSS—NYMAN.—At Snow Shoe Intersection, on Dec. 22, 1892, by Rev. J. Zeigler Harry Goss of Blair county, to Mary Nyman of Cen- tre county, both of Centre county Pa. HE! TON.—NYMAN.—At Snow Shoe Inter:ec- tion, on December 29, 1892, by Rev. J. Zeigler Jacob M. Heaton, to Rebecca Nyman, both of Centre county, Pa- HOOVER.—RAMER.—At the home of the bride’s parents by Rev. J. F. Tallhelm, cf U. B. church, Mr. William Hoover and Miss Sal- lie Ramer, all of Julian. : "Died. REARICK.—In Union township, Centre coun- ty, on December 27,1892: Wilson R. infant son of John A. C. and Amanda Rearick ; aged two months and 25 days. ———— TD —ET TT T— “To Our Mother. Francis, wife of Dr.S. T. Harshberger, of Port Matilda, Centre county, Pa, was born Sept. 12, 1854, and departed this life Dec. 21, 1892, aged 38 years, 3 months and 9 days. “Dear Mother, thou art gone, Day by day we watched the roses fade from thy cheeks. At first we thought we could not give thee up. How are we, so young and helpless, to spare our mother ? But we believe that God doeth all things well: so we will not murmur, nor complain. But oh, our poor hearts are so sad, when we look at thy vacant chair and empty bed and the flowers thou didst plant with thine own bands. O how lonely we are, dear moth- er! It maybe, that our dear heavenly Father will make thee a ministering angel to thy lit tle orphan children. $5 4 AS, Hoy—In Bloomville, Seneca county, Ohio, at 8:30 o'clock, on Thursday evening. Dec. 15, 1892, Dr. Jeremiah W. Hoy, aged 50 years, 1 month and 5 days. The funeral services were held the Sunday following at 2:30 p. m., at the Presbyterian church, of which denomination he was a mem- ber, conducted by Dr. D. D. Bigger, of Tiffin, assisted by Rev. D. A. Parks of this place. In- terment in Woodlawn cemetery. The de- ceased has been in bad health for some time past, but continued his practice up to the time of his sudden and unexpected death, which has been attributed to a violent hemorrhage of the throat or lungs. Jeremiah W. Hoy was born Nov. 10, 1836 in Centrefcounty, Pennsylvania. Worked for a time on a farm. Subsequently attended Alaronsburg, Pa. Academy. He was em- ployed as a teacher in the same institution for a number of years between 1761-63. He en- tered the medical profession in 1866. Prac- ticed at®Millheim, Centre county, Pa., during 1866-67, at New Berlin, Pa., in 1867-68, and set- tled in Bloomville, O., in 1878. He married Miss Sue S. Gross, of New Berlin, Pa., Dec. 26,1867. To them were born four chil- dren, two boys and two girls, one of the child- ren, a girl, having died several years ago. The Doctor was bereft of his wife, March 24, 1884. He has remained single since, and con- tinned house keeping with his three surviving children, thus keeping them together until they were able to do for themselves, a task which, perhaps, few men would have thought possible todo. Bessie has been her father's house-keeper most of the time since the death of her mother, and was the only one of the children at home at the time of the death of the Doctor. Marion being engaged in busi- ness at Forest, and Albert near Mansfield. The deceased has ever been a good and wor: thy citizen. In his profession he acquired an extensive practice and will be mdesed in any homes. He was a member of the village Board of Health, and bas been an efficient Health Officer for a number of years. The doctor and his family acquired the friendship of many persons in Bloomville and vicinity, and they all regres the hasty sume mons that takes a useful man from the com | munity; breaks up a home, and separates brothers and sister, who are now to aot their part in life, and build for themselves without parental guidance ; but kind friends and reia- | tives will give them sympathy and counsel, | and a home indime of need. RESOLUTIONS. BroomviLLg, O. Dec. 17, '92. At a special meeting of the Board of Health of Bloomville, Ohio, we the committee appoin- ted to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of said Board of Health upon the death of Dr J. W. Hoy its health officer, beg leave to report as follows: That, whereas, the Great Master of the Uni: verse has seen fit in his wisdom to remcve from us to eternity, Dr. J. W. Hoy, therefore resolved : 1st. That, the Board of Health bas learned with profound regret of the sudden death of one of its members, Dr. J. W. Hoy. 2nd. That, while the Board deplores the loss of its efficient Health Officer, and shall mise him and his counsels, we bow in humble submission to our Divine Master's will. 3rd. That, we extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. 4th. That, these resolutions be embodied in ! the minutes, and a copy sent to the family of the decedent, also to request the Editor of the Bloomville INDEPENDENT to publish the same. in H. Beelman. S. B. Hossler. A Christmas Entertainment. On Friday evening, Dec. 24th, the writer had the pleasure of attending a Christmas enter- tainment at Knolls’ School, in Curtin town ship, taught by proved to be a very erjoyable affair. The pro- gramme was opened by, singing *‘Blessed are the Peopie” by Miss Heaton, Miss Julia B. Lu- cas and Mr. Geo. Neff. Recitations followed, by Laura Oyler, Maggie David, Oscar Packer Lloyd Oyler and Clyde Oyler. These were fol- es Heaton, and Lucas and Messrs. Geo. and John Neff, and a piece of instrumental musie by Miss Lucas, followed by recitations by Em- ma Yeager, Annie Packer, Clayton Gardner, Arthur Yeager, Ketura Long, Beckie Allen, Nora Alien, and Blanche Oyler. Music fol- lowed “A Christmas Carol” by the quartette and instrumental music by Miss Lucas. Next came recitations by M. V. Thomas, Cora Baird and T cner Irwin; followed by a solo “Sing Bir- die” by Miss Lucas and ‘‘A 8ailor’s Glee” by the quartette. Next in order came a dialogue by Cly de Oyler and Edward Allen, recitations by M.V. Thomas, Miles I1win, Edward Allen and Harry Miller ; a dialogue by Clyde Oyler and Joseph McCartney ; recitation by Chester Conoway, A Negro Dialect recitation by Clyde Oyler. Rival speaking by M. V. Thomas, Mrs. John R. Eckley, Miss Alice Heaton and Mr. Geo. Heaton. A recitation entitled “St. Nicholas.” During thisrecitation the merry jin- glo of sleighbells could be heard coming near” er and nearer until at last who should step out upowthe stage but the venerable Santa Claus himself with his aged wife; hey had brought treats for all the pupils ; when these had been distributed the exercises were closed with a good night song and a tableau—nine lit- tle boys holding up the letters G-0-O-D- N-I-G-H-T. The pupils of Knolls’ school deserve credit for the progress they are making under the able management of their teacher, Miss Hea- ton. ER A———————— Cold Weather in Europe. BerLIN, Jan. 8.—The cold is severe and increasing throughout the continent. | Last night the thermometer stood but seven degrees above zero, Faerenheit, in this city. the Hartz mountains. Suspension of trafic is threatened on several railroads. All the lakes in France, Germany and Austria are frozen. In Vienna the snowfall afforded occupation to thous- ands, who were kept busy all last’ night clearing the streets. Trieste harbor pre- sents an Arctic scene. A whole family was drowned yesterday near Githorn while crossing the Aller on the ice. New Advertisements. STRAY HEIFER. —On Friday morning, December 15th, 1892, a black and white spotted heifer, evidently of the hol- stein breed and apparently 15 months old came to the residence of the undersigned, at Roopsburg, where the owner will find her. He must prove property and pay costs. 88-1-tf. WiLLiaMm McGOwAN. T° CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, aft-r suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer- fully send (free of charge) a copy of the pre- scription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bron- chitis and ,all throat and lung Maladics. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address. ev. EDWARD A. WILSON 37-46-1y Brooklyn, New York. EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here by given to all persons interested that the following inventories of goods and chattels set apart to widows under the provis- ions of tha Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been confirmed ni si by the Court, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans Court of Cen- tre county. and if no exceptions be filed on or before the first day of next term the same Will be confirmed absolutely. 1. The inventory aud appraisement of the personal property of Noah Stover late of Haines township deceased, as setapart to his widow Rachael Stover. 2. The inventory and appraisement of the ersonal property of Jeremiah Whinkelblech, ate of Haines township deceased as set apart to his widow Margaret Winkelblech. 3. The inventory and appraisement of the personal property of John J. Packer, late of Curtin township deceased as set apart to his widow Margaret Packer. Joun A. Rupp. 38-1t. C.0.C. EGISTER'S NOTICE.—The fol- lowing accounts have been examined, | frases and filed of record in the Register’s of- ce for the \ospeetion of heirs and legatees, creditors and all others in anywise interested and will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of Centre county on Wednesday, the 1st day of February, A. ‘D., 1893, for allowance and con- i firmation, : | 1. First and final account of Henry W. | Shade administrator of &c., of Christina | Shade late of Miles Twp. deceased. 2. The first and final account of W. H. Col- | dren administrator of &ec., of John C»ldren late | of Gregg township deceased. | 3. The first and final account of Thomas C. Houtz administrator of &c., of Christina Houtz late of Coliege township deceased. 4. Final account of P. F. Bottorf and J. B. | Ardas filed by P. F. Bottorf executors of Sam- | uel Hess late of Ferguson township deceased. | &. Thefirstand final account of W. L. Hicks | administrator of &c., of Martin Vail late of . Snow Shoe township deceased. 6. The 26th final account of Daniel Rhoads surviving trustee under the last will and testa- ment of Wm. A. Thomas late of Bellefonte bor- ' ough deceased. 7. The account of J. H. Reifsnyder adminis trator of &c., of Magdalena Miller late of Mill: heim borough deceased. ! 8. The account of J. H. Reifsnyder execu- tor of &c , of Annie E. Roush late of Millheim borough deceased. 38-1-2t. Joux A Rurp, Register. | ! , | OURT PROCLAMATION. — | Whereas the Honorable A.O. Furst,Pres ident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun | ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor ' able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Corlis , Faulkner, Associate Judges in Centre county, i having issued their precept, bearing date the ! 5th day ofJanuary to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and { General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of | the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of | Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of ! Jan. being the 23rd day of Jan. 1893, and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to | the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen | and Constables of said county of Centre, that | they be then and there in their proper per. sons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 23rd, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those | things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in reco ni zances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be shen and there to prosecute against them as : thall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 5th day of January, in the yea of our Lord, 1893, and the one hundred and fourteenth year of the | independence of the United States. i WM. A. ISHLER Sherif. i 38-1.4t, Miss Alice M. Heaton. It | lowed by music “Numberless as the Sands of | the Seashore’ by a quartette composed of Miss- | Heavy snow is falling in | New Advertisements. ) GOOD HOME CHEAP.—Small } m: nthly payments if you wish. : Addrezs, SQUIRE ARCHEY, Agt. | B7-50-5t Pine Grove Mills, Pa. Sheriff's Sales. HERIFF'S SALE! By virture of Sundry writs of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ol Centre county and to me directed there will bt exposed at Public Sale, at the Court House, in Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, JAN. 21, 1893. at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described real estate: A lot of land situat¢ in the village of Moshan- non, Centre county, Pa., fronting 66 feet on the road leading from Moshannon to Karthaus 3 e,and extending back 180 feet along the ylertown road. Said lot being bounded on the east and south tron by the two roads above mentioned and on the west and north by other lands of James Murphy. There- on erected a two story frame dwelling house, with a two story iframe brick building at- tached. Seized, taken in execution snd to ve sold as the property of James Murphy. ALSO. All that certain tract of land situate in Miles township, Centre county, Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Thomas Wolf and John Scholl, on the east by lands (f H. W. Wolf and John Scholl, on the south by lands of J. E. Reish and Johnathan Auman, and on the west by land of Peter Auman, containing 42 acres more or less, thereon erected a dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings. Seizad, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jo- el Mining, who survives Catharine ining. AL3O, A lot or piece of land situate in the borough ot Howard, Centre county, Pa , bounded by an alley on the east, a street on the north, Jands of A. 8. Tipton on the west and W._ Leathers on the south. The lot is about 70 feet by about 200 feet. The building is a two story frame house, in front 16 feet, extending back 2) feet, with a two story frame back building 14x32 feet. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Dr. G. A. Beck. TERMS :—No deed will be acknowledged until the purchase money is paid in full. W. A. ISHLER* 381-3t. Sheriff. HERIFF SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias Levari Facias and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the court house, in the boro of Bellefonte, Penna., on FRIDAY JANUARY 27th, 1893, All that part of a certain messuage tenement or tract of land in Potter township, Centre county, Pa , bounded and described as follows : bounded by lands ot John Dauberman, Sr. heirs of Samuel Woods, Wm. Stumpff, heirs o Jacob Peters and others lying south of a line beginning at a point on the division line be- tween said tract of land and the lands of John Dauberman, Sr. a distance of 102}; perches south of a point marked as the corner of lands of the said John Dauberman on the northwest of his tract and running south 644° west to the division line between the lands of Jacob Pet- ers heirs, and the lands in certain writ in par- tition described, containing 102 acres and 134 perches neat measure, Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house bank barn and other outbuildings. El All the defendants one-half interest in the following described real estate : All that tract of wood land situate in Potter towuship, Centre county, Pa.,on the west end of the mountain known as lgg Hill, bounded by lands of Evan Evans. Adam Rankin, David Gilliland and John Dauberman, containing 68 acresand 120 perches neat measure. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as property of Henry Royer and David Krape. ALSO, All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situate in Gregg township, Cen- tre county, Pa., bounded and described as fol- lows, to wit : Beginning at a stone corneron line of land of James Duck, thence along the same south 2634° west 34 perches to stones, thence north 15° west 8¢ perches to a stone, thence south 67° west 24 4-10 perches to stone, thence south 634° west 130 4-10 perches toa stone, thence along land of Daniel Weaver south 26° east 80 5-10 perches to pine stump in public road leading to Penns valley, thence north 79%4° east 52 5-10 perches to stones, thence porth 62° east 17 perches to stone, thence south 26350 east 29 perches to stone, thence north 64370 east 18 3-10 perches to pitch pine, thence south 23° east 23 5-10 perches to fallen pive, thence along land of Frank Weaver north 65° east 77 perches to stone, thence north 2014° west 60 perches to the place of beginning, con- taining 113 acres and 76 perches neat measure. Thereon erected house, bank barn and other outbuildings. LSO. All that certain tract or piece of land among others, situate in said Gregg township, being tract No 1, and bounded on the south by lands of Israel Vonada and Israel Rachaue, on the west by lands of Jeremiah Kline, on the north by other lands of said deceased, and on the east by lands of Permelia Ertle and John. Roush” containing 92 acres, more or less Thereon erected a barn, dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seized taken in execution and tobe sold as the property of Elias Wert. ALSO. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of Philipsburg, Centre county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Begin- ning at a point where the south line of Locust street intersects or cuts the west line of Cemre street, thence in a westerly direction alcng the said south line of Locust street, a distance of 86 feet to a point, thence in a southerly direction on a line parailel with Centre street 33 feet to a point, thence in an easterly direction on a line parallel with Locust street, 68 feetto a point on the west line of Centre street thence in a northerly direction 33 feet to the place of beginning, being part of lot No. 77 in the gener- al plot or plan of Philipsburg borough. Thereon erected a_two story brick dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seized, Laken in execution and to be sold as the property of W. A. Wallace Shimmel. ALSO. All that certain lot of ground located in Cen- tral City, Boggs township, Centre county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: On the north by public road, on the east by lot of Ed- ward Smith estate, on the south by Bald Eagle creek and on the west by lot of John Hail, thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Lewis Peters et. al. ALSO. The several tracts situate in Miles township, Centre county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: I'he one thereof, beginning at astone near the Big Spring thence south 464° east £-10 perches, thence south 2934° east 17/4 per- ches, thence south 62° west 8 perches, thence south 274° east 4034 perches to bridge, thence north 554° east 5214° perches to stone, thence south 1414° east 11 4-10 perches to post, thence north 52¢ east 6 perches to post, thence north 41° east 23 perches to stone, thence north 28° west 13 perches to stone, thence scuth 66 9 west 12 perches to stone, thence south 76 9 west 16 perches to post, thence north ¢5}4 west 40 2:10 perches to stone, thence sonth 72° west 15 2.10 perches to the place of beginning, con- taining 17 acres and 64 perches, neat measure. The other thereof beginning at a post on the side of the turnpike road thence along said road and the tract above described south 514° west 52 5-10 perches to a post, thence south 10 8-10 perches to a post, thence along tract bought by Wolt and Lukenbach north 61° east 51 4-10 perches to a post, thence north 21° east 11 perches to post, thence north 413° west 11 4.10 perches to the place of beginning, contain- ing 4 acres and 94 perches, neat measure. AL- 80, the following lot of groud situate in Miles Yownship, Centre county, Pa. bounded as fol- lows: Beginning at stone on east side of pub- lic road, thence south 30° east 101-10 perches to stone, thence by Emanuel Breon north 62° 8 perches to stone, thence by other lands of Daniel Rishel north 30° west 10,1 perches to stone, thence by other lands of Daniel Rishel south 62° west 8 perches to the place of begin: ning, containing 80 perches, thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, small barn, coach shop and other outbuildings: Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Rishel. TERMS—No deed will be acknowledged un til purchase money is paid in full. WM. A. ISHLER. Sheriff. Sechler & Co. New Advertisements. {QFCHLER & CO.——* GROCERS—BUSH HOUSE BLOCK. 0 y ‘HEAD QUARTERS FOR— FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, SPICES AND FRUITS. X IN TEAS we have Oolongs, Gun-Powder, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japans, English Breakfast, and our Fine Blended Tea is something that will please any one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea, IN SPI CES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Alspice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayénne Pep- per, Mustard all strictly pure goods. : HERBS FOR SEASONING, Sage, Porsley, Thyme, Sweet Marjoram, Summer Savory and Sweet Basil. ; IN COFFEES AND CHOCCLATE, Mocha—genuine; Java—Old Govern: ment, Rio— Finest Brazilian. All excellent quality and always fresh roasted. Baker's Premium. Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa, Van Houten’s Cocoa, Wil- bur’s Chocolate, and German Sweet Chocolate. IN BAKING POWDERS, We keep the Royal and Baker’s—Two leading brands and a pure Cream Tarter. IN COOKING EXTRACTS we keep a line of Joseph Burnett & Co's, (Bos- ton) goods, they are the finest we can find, also a line of Knight's extracts.” BEANS, California Limas, New York Marrow and Pea Beans, dried Green Peas. RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice. DOMESTIC CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, Tomarors Cot tage, Hone and Worthington Brands.—Corx Persian and Mountain Brands,— CorN Granules, Lima Beans and Succotash, Dew Drop brand. GREEN PEAS, Early Junes, Scottish chief and Cecelia brands. PINE APPLE sliced and grated, Strawberries and White Cherries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked Beans. CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, Yellow Crawford, Lemon Cling, and White Heath Peaches, White Cherries and Apricots. : IMPORTED VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, French Peas and Mush- rooms, Preserved Cherries, Strawberries, Brandy Cherries and Grosse Blackwell's Jams all in glass. GELATINE, Swineburne's, Cox's, McLeish, and Wine Jellys. OLIVES, Fine imported goods in five sized bottles. MISCELLANEOUS, Pure Maple Syrup, Honey strained and in combs, Plum Pudding, Armour’s Corned Becf, Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed milk, Dunham's Shred Cocoa nut, s Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family Cheese, Bradford County Dairy Butter. Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten Flour, Vienna Flour. Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugars. i Extra Fine New Crop New Orleans Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table Syrup, Pure Cider Vinegar. Sweet Potatoes choice stock. Imported Onions. Home Grown Onions, yellow and red. : KETCH UPS, SAUCES ETC., Worcestershire Sauce in one pint and half * pints.—Toymarce KEercuur, Victor, Riverside, Lutz and Heinz brands. Malt Vinegar in glass for table use, Colburns Salad Dressing, Fepper Sauce— Red and Green, Curry Powder, Caper Sauce. NUTS. Princess Paper Shell, California and Bordan Almonds, Assorted Nuts, "English Walnuts, Pecans extra large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Cocoa Nuts extra quality. ; IN CONFECTIONARY, we have Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates, Roast Al monds, Cream Dates, Rose and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, French Glace Fruits, Fine Chocolate Caramels, Chocolate Marsh Mallows, Cocoa Nut bon bons, Choco- late Madridos, Lozenges, Clear Toys, and a large assortment of fine goods in this line all carefully selected. 3 FRANQCO AMERICAN SOUPS, French Bouillon, Consomme, Oz Tail, Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, and Terrapin. OLIVE OIL, 8. Rea § Co.s } Pint, Pints and Quarts. The finest analysts in the World pronounces it pure. PICKLES IN GLASS, Crasse & Blackwell's Chow Chow, Gherkins, Mixed, Whité Onions, Cauliflower, Picalilli, and Walnuts. In Cakes, Crackers and Biscui's we keep a full line of fine goods always fresh baked. : CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled Oat, Cracked Wheat, Pearl Barley, Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Macaroni and Vermacceli. MEATS. Fine Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, White Rose Lard. GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons, White Almeria Grapes, Catawba Grapes, and Jersey Cranberries. APPLES, Baldwins and Northern Spys. CURED FRUITS. Evaporated California Pared and unpared Peaches, and Apricots. : Choice Layer Figs, Cleaned Currants, Imported Citron, Lemon and Orange peel, California and French Prunes. RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Layers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and Cali- fornia Seedless and Loose Muscatels. FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Qodfish boneless and evaporated, SALMON, Mag- nolia, Astoria and Glacier brands, Hoeg's Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Lobsters, Crab Meats and Spiced Oysters. Sardines, French 1s, and }s Boneless. MINCE MEAT, We make our own Mince Meat and spare no trouble or expense in bringing it up to the very highest standard. We use a sufficient quantity of well cooked beef (which 1s the true foundation of all good Mince Meat. The fruit is all carefully cleansed and prepared, and every item of goods used in it is of the highest grade. Our Mince Meat can be used by any family with entire confidence, that the goods are just what we recomend them to be. It is quite a good deal of labor to make even a small quantity of Mince Meat and that frequently prevents peo- ple from using the goods, But now you can get it any time in any quantity and at a moderate price just as good Mince Meat as you can make in your own house. But it is hard to give in cold type any satisfactory description of the goods we have, so we will close with a cordial invitation to all who read this to call and sce what a fine stock of GOOD THINGS we have. SECHLER & CO. 3748 BELLEFONTE, PA. TRAY COW.—Came to the resi- dence of the subscriber, in November 12-t, a white spotted cow, no marks, the owner 18 requested to come forward prove property. pay charges and take itaway, otherwise it will e disposed of according to law. Jas. Lucas. 38-1-3t. Moshanon, Pa. dence of the subscriber near Nittany 11, about the middle of October, a small red steer about one and a half “years old. No rrarks, The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away oth- erwiser he will be disposed of as the law SH STEER:—Came to the sesi- al directs. 37 50 3t* R. F. EMERICK. A PPLICATION FOR FENCE LEGISLATION, i Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the next Legislature for such leg- islation as will require the erection and main- tenance of fences and regulating the same within’ the county of Centre. ! ISAAC BECK, 37404t. * L 8S. FRAIN. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the es- tate of John Poorman deceased late of Boggs Twp. having been granted to the undersigned he requests all perachs knowing themselves indebted to #aid estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present ttem duly authenticated for settlement. 37-47-6t.*% Apu C. WITHERITE. UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the Or- phan’s Court of Centre County in real estate of Wm. Coan deceased. The under- signed. having been appointed an auditor to make distribution of the balance in the hands of H. C. Quigley trustee to sell the real estate of said decedent will be at his office at 10a. m. Saturday January 23, A. D., 1893 to attend to- the duties of his appointment at which place, all parties interested may attend if they see proper. J. W.ALEXANDER. | 38-1-3t Auditors IANO AND ORGAN FORSALE: A fine iron frame, over strung, Gab- bler piano with square rose-wood case and a Mason & Hamlin pedal organ, with two rows of keys, suitable for a church or society and in the best of condition are for sale at the Brock- erhoff house in this place, where Mr. George Brandon, the proprietor, will be pleased to show them to persons desiring a good instru- ment cheap. . 37-47 UDITORS NOTICE.—In the Or- phans Court of Centre county, in the matter of the estate of Emaline Carner late of Walker township, Centre county Penna, de- ceased. The undersigned having been appoint- ed an auditor by the said Court to make distri- bution of the balance in the hands of the Ad- ministrator to and among those legally entit- tled to receive the same, will attend to the du- ties of his appointment at the office of Hast- ing & Reeder, at Bellefonte, Pa. at10 a. m. Wednesday, January 18th 1893, H. C. QUIGLEY, 37-50-3¢ Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the Estate of John T. Hoover, late o Bellefonte borough, dec,d. In the Orphans Court of Centre county. The undersigned, having been appointed an Auditor by the said Court to pass upon the exceptions filed to the Administrator's sceount, to re-state the said account and make distribution ot the balance in the hands of the Administrator to an{ among those legally entitled to receive thi same, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment, at his Office in Bellefonte, Pa, on Tues day, the 10th day of Saaaly; A.D. 1893, at 1 o'clock a. m. JOHN M. DALE. 37 49 3t. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter of the assigned estate of O. Perry Jones in trust and the benefit « f credi- tors W. E Irvin assignee aceccunt filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county. No. 149 November Term 1891. All persons inter- ested are hereby notified that the undersign- ed appointed by the said Court of Common Pleas of Centre county an auditor in the above stated case to make distribution of the funds in the hands of the accountant as shown by his account to and among those legally entit- led to receive the same. Will attend to the duties of his ar pointment on Monday the 16th day of January at his office in the borough of ‘Bellefonte No 19 west High street at half past 10 a.m. when and where they must present ‘their claims or be debarred from coming in on said fund E. M. BLANCHARD, 37 60-3 Auditor. ; EAL ESTATE SALE. i There will be exposed to public sale on the premises of Henry Meyer, deceased, in Harris township on FRIDAY JAN. 27, "93. at 1.30 o'clock p. m. the following valuable real estate. 190 ACRE FARM. bounded on the north by lands of David Guise, on the east by lands of Hewitt and Meyer, on the south by lands of James Kimportand W. H. Groh, and on the west by lands of Cyrus Durst. Having thereon erected a good STONE DWELLING HOUSE bank barn and all necessary outbuildings. A good orchard of excellent fruit and running water at both house and barn. A never failing well at the door. This farm is located in one of the most fertile and beautiful valleys in the state and is within 14 miles of the L. & T. R. R. with churches, school houses and post office near by. Alsoa ‘ 45 ACRE TIMBER TRACT. Bounded on the north by lands of John Hoop and Jesse Marks on tiie east by lands of Jas. Kimport, on the west by lands of W. H. Groh and on the south by Tussey mountain. Well set with rock oak, chestnut, and white oak which will be sold at the same time and place. Terms — 54 cash at confirmation of sale, 33 in one year and the balance in two years, to be se- cured by bond an Juries on the premises. J. HENRY MEYER. Surviving Administrator. ORVIS BOWER & ORVIS ATTY 8. 38-1-4t. mmmm—— Hardware. C HRISTMAS PRESENTS. If you are wondering what to buy for a Christmas present for your wife, mother or daughter. call at IRVIN'S HARDWARE and see the BISSELIL CARPET SWEEPERS they have in stock including “Bissell Gold Medal” of which they have the exclusive agency. It is a handsome and practical gift and will ligkten the bur- den of every day in the year. In addition to a large assort- ment of boys SLEDS AND SKATEFS, we have many articles suitable for christmas presents which are useful as well as ornamen- tal such as Carving Sets, Turk- ey Roasters, and other practi- cal household articles. A full line cf Heating Stoves, Ranges and Cook Stoves in stock. Call at the New Hard- ware store and see them. 37-41-3m. DANIEL IRVIN & SON,