Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 06, 1893, Image 2

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    BeHéfonte, Pa., Jan. 6, 1893.
"I've been setter’ here all evenin’ a cryin’ to
Over a little-soiled book from off the garret
It's been twenty years an’ over sence I hev
seed the book
And to-night:I felt 80 lonely I thought I I'd go
an’ look.
‘Fer it. Fer somehow all these years I've han-
ker'd: ferithe book,
A layen’ there so lonely like in that deserted |
nook. ;
But I couldn’t trust my feelin’s, and soI let it
1 .
All diy onthe garret shelf until this very
day. ;
You seeit b'longed to little Tom, who died long
It es oes 43 but yesterday, though time
does drag so slow;
1 almost see his little head bendin’ over the
book, J ; 7
Lookin’ at the picters in it as children like to
I almost hear his little voice ring out in mer-
Ty glee ;
As he'd find a purty pictur and tell uv it tome,
An’ his clusterin’ sunny curls jes’ techin’ uv
. the book, ;
While he looked at the picters as children like
to look.
I could stan’ the losin’ uv him, though time
does drag so slow,
Ef it was not fer what I done more’'n twenty
years ago;
Twas one brilln’ day in summer an’ I'd been
working hard, . Fos
‘Ben a bakin’, an’ a washin’,an’ a weedin’ in
the yard :
When little Tom came a runnin’, a holden’ up
the book,
Saying: See this picter, mother, Oh, mother!
please dolook !
But I wnz warm an’ awful tired, an’ stead of
looking to see, :
I turn’d aroun’ an’ slap'd the child, an’ cried:
Quit botherin’ me!
An’ I kin see the griev’d look yit come to his
little eyes, 3
But how shoid I know baby Tom wuz ripening
fer the gkies ?
An’ that day was the very last he ever teched
the book,
He went an’ put it on the shelf with such a
sorry look.
An’ that night he wuz taken sick, an’ all the
time he'd say:
“Oh, mother, I won't bother you, I'll take my
book away.” :
An’ all adown these twenty years I've heard his
sweet voice say :
I hear it durin’ all the day, I hear itall the
It a with every soun’, it comes with
every sight,
An’ when I’m settin’ here alone, an’ mem’ries
~roun’ me crowd,
An’ the cloek ticks so lonesome like, an’
~soun’sall seem so loud.
Then plain I see the little face, so dimpl’d
goft an’ fair;
The big blue eyes brim full of tears, the curly
yaller hair,
An’ the little voice draws nearer, go plain it
seems to say :
“Oh, mother. .I won't bother you. I'll take my
book away.”
Maley Bainbridge Crist in Cincinnati Tnguirer.
When a man marries for the second
time at the mature age of fifty-six he is
bound to expect adverse criticisins and
mnkind copjectures. Having loved his
first wife as dearly as though she had
been, not only by law, but indeed my
very sister,! I was the more inclined to
resent my brother's unfaithful forget-
fulness of her memory within two years
of her death; and I should not have
countenanced the new regime he had
established at Heron’s Court by my
presence theme this Christmastide, if it
had not been tor the sincere love and
sympathy I felt for his only daughter,
my niece Mary the sweetest woman
who e’er drew breath, and therefore the
more likely to be imposed upon and to
be ousted frem her proper place in
her father’s house and affections.
I confess that I started on my jour-
ney. imbued with an uncompromising
. spirit of opposition to the changs I
foresaw I should encounter, and a jeal-
ous dislike of the young woman who
had: been content to marry a man treb-
le her own age “for his money and a
home. It did mot escape my notice
when I reached my journey’s end that
the carriage whieh met we at the sta-
tion was a newer and smarter equipage
than had formerly been deemed suffi-
cient for the purpose; and [saw at:
once .when I arrived there that the
house had been thoroughly “done up,” |
though, to my mind, it had needed
neither.decorations nor improvements.
The servants assembled in the hall
were certainly more gorgeously appar-
.elled than their former mistress would
have considered fitting, and even in a
cursory glance I could see that the
«whole mecage was eonducted on a
.grander and consequently more expen-
sive scale.
“There ie no fool like an old fool,”
I muttered:to myself as/I was led across
the hall towards the drawing room,
where my hestess was said to be await-
ing my arrival; but at the same time I
must admit that I felt a burning curi-
.o08ity to see the second Mrs. Heron.
For a moment only as I was ushered
in there was a pretty picture of a slim-
waisted, golden haired girl bending
over the fire to see something by its
flames; then whatever she had been
holding was thrust hastily beneath a
sofa cushion, and smy new sister-in-law
came running towards me, and before
1 could prevent it had kissed me warm-
ly on both cheeks.
4] am 80 glad you have. come at ast.
It has been my one trouble that [ have
not seen and known you before. The
others—we have some people staying
here for Christmas—are all out skat-
ing, or in the coverts, but Mary was
coming back in time to meet you. She
is eure to be kere soon.” Then, still
talking, she drew me to the fire and
pulled off my gloves, while I, a little
confused by this unexpectedly cordial
grecting, could only submit to it in ei-
lence, with good grace.
Her soft, caressing tones might have
won over anybody less determinedly
prejudiced against her at the very out-
set; but as a wealthy, childless widow,
I was accustomed to flattering recep-
tions, and the more determined to
prove to my amiable assailant that I
was not easily hoodwinked.
“Yes, I am tired and cold, and it is
a long journey,” I assented a little im-
patiently to her questions ; and with
the intention of discovering what it
was that she had concealed so hurried-
ly when I came in—the photograph ot
an old lover, a'letter, or forbidden fruit
in the shape of a French novel —I sank
on to the sofa, and with deliberate
awkwardness managed to overture: the
sofa-cashions as I did so.
After all, it was a very harmless se-
cret. A ball ofbrown worsted, four
knitting needles, and something bard
and shapeless that no doubt she flatter-
ed herself would ultimately become
sufficiently like a stocking to be includ-
ed in her charitable Christmas gitts.
It is for Christopher,” said Christo-
pher’s wife, with a deep blush. “ am
makinghim six pairs as a surprise, so
you must not metion it I knitted him a
pair before shooting, and he said
they were more comfortable than any-
thing that he could buy.”
From which I argued that my broth-
er was even more deeply in love than I
had supposed. But I forboreto put
her out of conceit with her handiwork.
In spite of myself, I was solten-
ing towards her. She was such
a child ; so winsomely pretty. Vain,
of course, Her picturesque purpie sa-
tin trock, with soft lace frills falling
round her throat and at her elbows,
the purple velvet ribbon in her golden
hair, and the violets, which harmoniz-
ed in hue with her dark eyes, tucked
carelessly in her broad sash, all testi-
fied to that, and gave her husband a
sufficiently fair excuse for his incon-
stancy to his first wife.
Half ashamed of my suspicions, and
feeling a little foolish because I had
failed to justify them at once, I was in-
clined to go to an opposite extreme and
believe that Mrs. Heron was only a
pretty simpleton, not a rusee schemer.
Yet I could not help being touched by
her shy, conciliatory advances, and in-
sensibly relaxed my grim demeanor.
When she began to talk of Christopher
I allowed myself to be led on to remin-
iscences of our youth together, becom-
ing the more expansive on the subject
asd saw my listener was more than in-
terested in everything I'told her. There
were tears in her eyes once, I knew
that, though she kept them covered by
her downcast lids, for the little white
fingers bungled over the rough work
she had taken up and made it tighter
and more uneven than it might other-
wise have been.
Presently, when I ceased to speak,
she took up the parable and told me
how she had met her husband first,
How two years ago she came down
here as Mary's friend, and what a dif-
ferent house it had been then, so quiet
almost lonely for the first Mrs. Heron
had been an invalid for some time, and
be,Christopher, had given up every-
thing for her. She had felt very sorry
for him. All his splendid talents
seemed so wasted on that humdrum ex-
istence cut oft from all his friends, and
when Mary was away thrown entirely
.on his wife's companionship.
“¥er, I know how good and sweet
she was,” added the girl, hastily, as
though afraid ofseeming to depreciate
‘her predecessor ; “but she was not clev-
eer ;.one could not help seeing that in-
tellectually she was not his equal, and
she was old—and ill 2
“She was as old
pher—no older,” I
“But then he is so young at heart.
A man is always comparatively
younger than a woman at the same age
He has never confessed it even to me
—he is so loyal—but I'’know he must
have felt that he was rust,ing that life
under such conditions was stagnation.”
It had been my firm impression that
no more devoted, no happier couple
existed that my brother and his first
wife. I bad believed that her loss
would have been his own death-blow.
Inthis last surmise, however, I was
patently proved wrong, and who knows
but that [ had mistaken. what was
purely eonscientious care for more ten-
der ministrations ? Madeline had
aged terribly during herlong illness be-
fore she died ; she had never been
good looking, while my brother was
accounted one of the handsomest men
of his day, and, besides this, was held
in high esteem as a good sportsman and
a scholar.
My new sister-in-law did not seem to
notice my puzzled, half offended silence
Her work had dropped trom ber fingers
and they were tightly interwined as
she gazed dreamily into the fire. She
was 80 young that confidences were
possibly a habit ; or perhapsiit was be-
cause she was giving vent to her feel-
ings for the first time that they carried
her away with them, leaving her no
time to consider whether it were dis-
creet or in the best taste to make them
known even to her husband’s sister.
There are moments in all our lives
when the conventionalities are forgot-
ten or ignored. I believe that Ada
Heron was then quite oblivious of the
fact that we were utter strangers, and
that iotents land purposes she was
unaware of my existence even, a8 in a
low, rapt voice she went on speaking,
as though to herself, of how she
meant to devote her whole being to
her husband’s happinesss, and how the
foture wae to richly eompensate him
for the dull and uneventful past. Al-
ready new interests were brightening
his life, He had been invited to stand
for the county at the nex¢ election, and
she had persuaded him to finieh a book
which he had begun and put aside
some years ago, and which was the
outcome of a special branch of study.
I was about to remind her that my
brother was no longer young enough
to start a new laborious career, when
sounds of footsteps and voices were
heard outside, and my niece Mary
Heron came running in at the same
moment that Christopher with several
companions came back from his day’s
shooting. While greetings were ex-
changed, tea was taken in the hall,
where presently the skating partv join-
ed us; and during the general conver-
sation that ensued, to the a ccompani-
ment of a cheery clattering of cups and
saucers, I had leisure to look round
and note how matters stood at Heron's
Looking at the master of the house,
es Christo-
interpolated in
I could not but admit the truth of his
young wife's assertion that a man’s
age cannot be judged by actual years.
Broad-shouldered and above the med-
jum height, with strong features and
kindly keen blue eyes, Christopher was
noticeable among the men who stood
around him. Although senior to most
ot them, and to some by many years,
in his rough tweed coat and knicker-
bockers and bespattered gaiters he
looked as stalwart and as strong as any
there ; by the flattering lamplight you
could scarcely see that his thick hair
and moustachtes were plentifully streak-
ed with silver gray. His manner to-
wards his wife was perfect ; not luxur-
jously fond, but quietly attentive to
her wants, and evidently taking pleas-
ure in the admiring interest she ex-
cited in her guests. What surprised
me most was that Mary who had such
cause to feel aggrieved and jealous of
her supplanter, was the first to do her
honor. It was she who while never
disputing her position there as hostess,
was always py her side to lend her un-
obtrusive aid, and showed her such un-
mistakable affection that no cone could
imagine for a moment that there was
any feeling of bitterness between
Later on, when Mary followed me
into my bedroom I told her plainly my
opinion in answer to her inquiry what
I thought of Ada, if I admired her.
“There is somebody I admire much
“Me?” What for?” she asked, in
undisguised surprise, for Mary had
passed her first youth, and like her
mother, though lovable and sweet, was
not in the least pretty.
“For your generosity, and—and
folly. Anybody else would be jealous
of that child. You have a right to
feel aggrieved —"'
But Mary stopped me with a gesture
and a strangely penetrating glancethat
seemed to doubt If I were speaking as
I really felt.
“I? Oh poor Ada,” as she said
softly, and with inflnite compassion,
that seemed to me quite out of place ;
and the reply, striking me also with a
sense of having been rebuked, effect
ually changed the current of the con-
A very gay house party had assem-
bled at Heron’s Court. The never-
ceasing merriment and movement
wearied me, for I had not been accus-
tomed to such stirring scenes; but
Ada was in her element, ad though
there were several pretty, vivacious
women among her guests, not one
could hold a candle to her. She was like
some airy fairy spirit flitting bere and
there, everywhere, at once, diffusing
brightness always as she went. I nev-
ersaw her again in the mood I found
her alone on the day of my arrival.
Her lovely brilliant face, with its smil-
ing violet eyes and sweet curved
mouth, ceemed as if incapable of deeper
feelings ; her silvery laughter seemed
far removed from tears. From morn-
ing until night she was the life and
soul of the whole party. Even Christ
opher, who was by nature grave, be-
came infected by her fun, and joined
in all the pleasures she proposed. I
believe he overtaxed his strength in
doing so, tor often a tired, gray look
crept across his face that would have
aroused my sympathy if I had not
been so bitter still against him. At
my age it was natural 1 should feel so
keenly for the woman who had lost her
youth and life while loving him. It
was only human nature that [ should
find a certain satisfaction in the,
knowledge that the fruithe found so
fair should sometimes turn to dust and
ashes in his mouth.
It was difficult to find him alone in
these new days of gaiety and social
turmoil ; but I had determined it was |
my duty to speak to him for Marys
sake, and because of the love that
had borne her dear dead mother, so
one moring I followed him into his
study, resolved on taking him to task
on several counts.
“You never told me your wife was a
‘beauty, Christopher,” I began, as a
preliminary compliment of warfare.
“That is the least of her attractions,
don’t you think ?” he replied, with a
grave smile.
40h! she is everything that is
charming, I admit. Beauty youth, and
wit—no man could well hope for more.
You are a very lucky fellow Christo-
pher, of coure.”
He smiled still, but made no attempt
to.answer my tart, satrical congratula-
tion. Never a man of many words, I
did not expect him to wax eloquent up-
on the subject of his happiness, more
especially to one whe was avowedly
unsympathetic. Yet I should have
liked him to hare told me his version
of the love-story which had taken ev-
eryone who knew him, and who had
known Madeline, by surprise.
“Naturally I was astonished when I
heard of this strange marriage. I
thought, if only for Mary’s sake——"
“Mary’s interests have not suffered.
Be sure of that.”
“I am quite sure you would not de-
liberately wrong her ; but your second
marriage must make a difference to
her prospects. I should be blind, n-
deed, if I did not see that the expendi-
ture here now is nearly double what it
used to be, and—-"
“There is something else, Ellen, you
evidently have not heard. My wife is
not only a beauty, but a great heiress.
I thought you must know that.”
“Then why,” I broke out, quite re-
gordless of good manners—*“why— ?”
“Why did she marry me?’ he fin-
ished for me with imperturable good
humor. “Ah now you have hit upon
the mystery which passes my poor
powers of golution. It can only be, as
you have said, that I am such ‘a very
lucky fellow.’ ”
He laughed outright, for I was still |
open-mouthed in my unflattering sur-
prise that an heiress and a beauty, who
might have married anybody, should
have chosen to become the second wife
The Niearagua Canal.
Some Facts and Figures on this Great Project.
—The Need of a Short Water Route From
Ocean to Ocean—DMilitary and Commercial
The committee appointed by the na-
tional Nicaragua canal convention at its
meeting in St. Louis, June 2nd and 8d,
to prepare an address to the American
people giving information as to the
feasibility of the Nicaragua canal and
its commercial and other advantages to
the United States, has just finished the
preparation of such address. The com-
mittee is composed ot John S. Jones, of
Arkansas; ex-Congressman Converse,
of Ohio ; R. W. Millsap, the prominent
banker of Mississippt; Capt. J. F. Mer-
ry, of Manchester, Iowa ; S. H. Hawk-
in, the railroad president, of Georgia ;
Capt. Ambrose Snow, president of the
New York board of trade and transpor-
tation, and ex-Gov. John S. Pillsbury,
of Minnesota.
The address issupplementary to the
resolution adopted by the St. Louis con-
vention, which pointed out the advan-
tages of the canal and urged its con-
struction, ownership and control by the
American people rather than the Eng-
lish, French or any other nation. Lt
takes the position that a canal, joining
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, should
liver fruit from California in ten days,
to Liverpool in fourteen days and to
New Orleans in eight days. The moun-
tains of the Pacific coast arerich in lead
copper, silver and gold, while the pla-
teaux and valleys afford a cereal belt
with a soil more durable, and more fa-
vorable seasons for seeding and harvest-
ing than any part of the world, and the
committee thinks the completion of the
Nicaragua canal is only needed to de-
velop that country to production of gi-
gantic proportions and double the pop-
ulation of the Pacific coast in a few
years. The cotton growing sections of
the gulf states have under gone a de-
pression, and the committee believes
that nothing could be of greater imme-
diate advantage thanithe canal in re- |
lieving that depression, and making a!
a market for American cotton in Japan, |
China, and Corea, where already the
people are beginning to manufacture |
cotton goods by machinery. Japan i
ported over 7,000,000 pounds of Amer-
ican cotton in 1891, most of which was
shipped from New York and then by
rail to Vancouver and steamship to
At present the coal trade of South
America and the Pacific coast is mon-
opolized by the English. The commit
tee thinks that if the Nicaragua canal
were opened the Alabama and West
complied with the canal crant, which
provided that $2,000,000 must be ex-
pended the first year. It is shown thag
the amount of mongy spent to date on
the enterprise is over $t,000,000. The
enterprise is endorsed by the leading
business men of the covanury, and that
it will be judiciously and economically
managed 1s assured by the character of
the board of directors, who by the char-
ter of the company, are accountable to
the government of the United States.
The secretary of interior has the power
to make public all the details of the eor-
porate management, thus protecting the
investor against misuse of his money.
The Suez canal, it is shown, saves on-
ly 8,600 miles around the Cape of Good
Hope as against over 10,000 miles saved
by the Nicaragua canal ; and the follow-
ing table shows the number of ships
passing through, the net tonnage and
and the gross receipts of the Suez canal
for six separate yéars :
« No. Net. Gross Rec'ts..
Year. Ships. Tonnage (Franes.)
teint 488 436,600 4,345,758
1875... 1,494 2009,054 26,430,750
1880. ...2,026 3,057,431 86,490,620
1885... ...3,624 6.335,752 60.057,259
1890... ...3,380 6.853,¢37 88,088,500
1891 4,206 8,699,020 83,421,504.
Thetonnage tributary now to the Nie-.
aragua canal, and which would pass
through after its opening, is over 6,000-
000 tons a year. At $2 per ton, the
<i FF C\
oI Ys
1 9 &
charge made by the Suez canal, this
Present Routes = ewm
New Routes
would be $12,000,000 in tolls. The
cost of operation and maintenance is
placed at less than $1,000,000, and
6,000,000 tons would show a net in-
come of $11,000,000 perannum. The
committee is confident that within five
years the income will be over $20,-
The committee says itis no longer
a question whether the canal will be
built or not. The only question is as
to who shall build it, and who shall
control it when built ? It says it has
been informed that European syndi-
cates have already made overtures to
the canal company, but the committee
telieves the United States cannot
fford by carelessness, hesitation or
neglect, to permit an enterprise of
X= rr 0
CG =
PEL nor7E
such magnitude and of such far
reaching advantage to pass under the
control of any foreign company. It
therefore behooves us,” the address
concludes, “as a nation conscious of
the power we wield and of the great
influence we may exert upon the des
tinies of this continent, to perform
the duties without delay which we
deny other nations the privilege of
assuming, and to adopt these now
means of securing the early comple
tion of this work, whose advantages
we are willing to share with the
world, but whose control should
never be allowed to pass out of our
Tammany Demands Nothing:
Much has been said ont he part of
the press about the ‘demands’ that
Tammany Hall is going to make on
President Cleveland for Federal patro-
£ I" = 3
= w . PROFILE OF THE a a 2
g§ .z8 ® NICARAGUA CANAL. § £33 0 E33
DS ep 2 /Disancefrom Ocearrto Ocean, ~ « 109.4 Milos, Length of Summit Level, ~~ « 163.2 Miles. 2, 23273 gis,
222 8 Z Cullens eie. 08 8. Elevatlow of Summit Devel Above.Sen, 110 Foot, £2 £5308 £583
Te88 3 8° © Lake Riverand Basing, = == 142.6 "0.3 Numberof.Locks, = Size SHz® 3 nice 33 5
SEo = 3 @ (AKENICARAGUA 66.5°MILES, ELEVATION 110 FT. La RIO BAN JUAN 68.5 MILES, 6 3 5338 -
a lI ee pa iene Tein debatable
10 20 $0 40 60 80 70 SCALE OF MILES 100 110 120 130 140 160 150 170
nage in this city in recognition of the
splendid work 1t did at the polls. Mr.
Richard Oroker took the underpin-
away ning from all this talk when he
said at Tammany Hall on Mon-
be constructed for the most important
commercial, strategic and patriotic rea-
sons, and says that the subject of such a
canal is the most vital connected with
the welfare. growth and prosperity of
the United States. It declares that the
only feasible route for such a canal is by
way of Nicaragua, and points out that
the conventions of the two great politi-
cal parties have endorsed the project.
‘It appears that all the engineers have
agreed in expressing a decided prefer-
ence for the Nicaragua route, because,
among other reasons, only 26} miles of
the entire distance of 169} miles from
the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean
through Nicaragua will have to be ex-
cavated. The other 142} miles consist
of Lake Nicaragua, the San Juan river
and depressions in the surface of the
earth. Lake Nicaragua will constitute
a harbor sutficient to accomudate the
navies and commerce of the world. It
is 110 miles long, 60 miles wide and is
250 feet at its deepest points. Vessels
entering the canal frem the Atlantic
ocean will sail on a level with the ocean
for 12% miles at the end of which they
will be raised by three locks to the level
of the lake. They will sail along the
San Juan river and the lake level to a
point within three aud a half miles of
the Pacific.ocean. Here they will be
lowered by the locks to the level of the
Pacific ocean.
The committee says the cost, includ-
ing the payment of interest during the
progress of the work, will be less than
$100,000,008, and the time required for
the completion of the work is within
five years. The climate of Nicaragua
is healthy, and out of 1,600 northern
men employed in constructing a rail-
road through a swamp only two died
during a period of four months. Of 200
northern engineers and skilled mechan-
ice who have worked for the canal com-
pany for three years not one has died
from a disease incident to the country.
By the Nicaragua canal the distance
saved 18 shown by this table.
| Miles via
Between Muss Pregent | Niearagua
| 2 Canal.
N.Y. & San Fran.|C. Horn 15,660 4,907
N.Y. & P’g’t S'nd{ Magellan 13,935 5,665
N.Y. & Hng K’giCape G. H., 13,750, 10,695
N.Y. & Melb'rne|C. Horn, 13,760 9,882
1p’ & San Fran. |C. Horn, 15,620 7,627
N.O. & San Fran.|C. Horn, 16,000 4,147
The wheat crop of the Pacific coast in
1891 was over 1,800,000 tons and 80
per cent of the wheat was exported by
sailing vessels and a large proportion
of it passed around the Horn. The
Nicaragua canal by shortening the
route to Atlantic ports would not only
save the producer cost of freight but
the revenue of the canal at $2 per ton
toll would be nearly $3,000,000 on
wheat alone. It isshown that there are
500,000,000 thousand feet of merchant-
able timber in Washington and Oregon
to the value of which over §2 per thous-
and feet would be added by cheap water
transportation via the Nicaragua canal.
The gross addition to the value would
amount to the enormous sum ot $1,000,-
000,000, even at this low estimate of $2
of an elderly, unimportant country
squire. It was evident that he had:
(Continued on page siz.)
additional. The fruit industry of Cali-
fornia would quadruple in two years
from the opening ot the canal for business
and fast refrigerator steamers would de-
Virginia coal would have a decided ad-
vantage over English competitors, not
to mention the enormous amounts of
coal the canal company itself would use.
At the entrance of the Suez canal last
year 1,500,000 tons of coal were sold.
In competition with England for Paci-
fic ocean trade the Nicaragua canal
would give American commerce an ad-
vantage of 2,700 miles, while besides
the specific benefits, the committee
thinks great general benefits will accrue
to the entire Mississippi Valley, the
lake ports, and the Atlantic coast. Ship
building and the shipping interests in
New England will receive a new im-
petus. A new coasting trade will
spring up and American tonnage on
the high seas will largely increase.
The committee says that great trans-
Atlantic powers are looking with covet-
ous eyes toward the Nicaragua project
and that foreign governments would
very cheerfully and eagerly embrace an
opportunity to take advantage of the
enterprise . with unlimited capital and
prompt energy, but it conceives it to be
patriotic and political privilage of the
United States to complete the canal.
The commercial and naval supremacy of
tke nation which might secure control
of the canal demands imperatively that
its control should not pass away from
the people of the United States. It is
made plain that two fieets would be re-
quired to block an American fleet in
Nicaragua where one would be neces-
sary elsewhere. As a toothold from
which to attack or defend, to threaten
or protect all the coasts, islands and ad-
jacent seas, it is a more commanding
power than Gibraltar.
Among the beneficial results forseen
are a more practical drawing together
of the remote parts of the vast domain
of the world and a firmer cohesion of
the widely separated sections of the
United States, added to a stronger feel-
ing of neighborhoed and community
between the Atlantic and Pacific sea-
boards. The consummation of the
work, whose feasibility has already been
demonstrated, is asserted to be of far
greater importance to the Western
hemisphere than the Suez canal is to
the Eastern. It is said that no prece-
dent can be cited upon which to predict
the fuiure of American commerce when
the gateway of the inter-oceanic canal
across Nicaragua canal shall be open to
All surveys and examinations of stra-
ta requiring removal have been com-
pleted. The jetty has been constructed
and the harbor of Greytown has been
restored so that vessels of 14-feet draft
have an easy entrance. Extensive
wharves, landing places and permanent
buildings have been constructed, tem-
porary camps erected, a telegraph line
made, the canal cleared of timber for
twenty miles, and a railroad twelve
miles in length constructed and equip-
ped. The biggest dredging plant in
Anierica, that formerly used at Panama
has been purchased, and over a mile of
the canal has been dredged. The exclu-
sive franchise for the steam navigation
of the San Juan river and Lake Nica-
ragua and an extensive plant for the
navigation company have been acquir-
ed. The government of Nicaragua has
“Mr. Cleveland will be supported in
his Administration by every Democrat
in Tammany Hall and his appointments
will be entirely satisfactory to them, no
matter whom he may name for the
offices. Tammany Hall has no demands
to make on Mr. Cleveland. I will do
all IT can to relieve him from any em-
barrassment in the matter of appoint-
ments. There are no requests for places
to make from this organization, and IT
wish it understood that as it supported
him at the polls, just so loyally is the
Tammany Hail Democracy going tosup-
port Mr. Cleveland in his Administra.
Simultanecusly with a report. sent
from Albany yesterday that Mr. Cleve-
land intends to appoint Robert A, Max-
well of Batavia First Assistant Post-
master-General, another was heard by
good authorities that Senator Charles BE.
Walker, of Steuben, had broke loose
again, and would not support Edward
Murphy, Jr., for Senator.
Nobody in New York cared to speak
of the report concerning Mr. Maxwell's
future. He has always been strongly
attached to Mr. Cleveland. and the
President elect regards him highly.
Coincident with this report was the an-
nouncement in the Sun, yesterday, that
the candidates for Postmasterships in
the Empire State had been informed
that the endorsement of Mr. Maxwell,
Smith Weed. William A Poucher, and
Judge D. Cany Herrick would do them
no harm.
There was a disposition in certain
quarters yesterday to assume that the
elevation of Mr. Maxwell would be dis-
tasteful to the Demoratic leaders of the
The Democratic State leadars since
election day have constantly said that
they had not bothered Mr. Cleveland
about Federal patronage, and would
not bother him, beyond making the
the formal recommendations they are
asked to make by the candidates for
office. When interest will cease. The
only comment heard on the Maxwell
report was that if Maxwell got the place
the Democrats of New York State pro-
foundiy hope that he will beat the re-
cord of the Hon Adlai E. Stevensen,
when he swung the axe. That record
satisfied all Democrats.
Returning to the report about Senator
Walker it was made known that he has
written to Senator Bill Brown calling
upon the latter to stand firm and around
us two can be formed a nucleus of an
opposition which will defeat Mr. Mur-
This made the Democrats laugh, as
Mr. Murphy is already assured of
enough votes in the caucus to elect him
Senator. Senator Walker and Senator
Brown may flock by themselves.— NN.
Y. Sun.
With the short-waisted Empire gowns
should always be worn the very short,
low French corset, which is merely a
support, Without at all confining the
waist. To attain the slim effect under
a princesse dress, and also to wear with
a taut, tailor made costume, the very
long reed-boned corset is the proper
choice. Not a few fashionable women
prefer the corded waists of various
makes and moulds when they wear the
acknowledged that the company has
Empire toilet or the graceful tea gown.