Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 16, 1892, Image 5

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    Fons mfeA Le aan
Pine Grove Mentionr.
Mr. James Wagner, of Tusseyville, accom-
panied hy several lady friends, was the guest
of Mrs. D.G. Meek last week.
Communion services will be held in the
Presbyterian church next Sanday. Prepara-
tory services, Saturday morning.
A series of interesting meetings are being
conducted by Rev. Glover, in the M. E.
church, in which much interest is being mani-
fested and an unusually large attendance.
One of the most pleasant social gatherings
of the season was that at the residence of Wr.
R. Neft last Wednesday evening. After the
partaking of awill prepared lunch,at which
all did justice, a social good time was enjoyed
by all whohad the good fortune to be presert
Two of our town dads who transacted busi-
ness in Tyrone, last Saturday, evidently
th-ught a late train leit for Penna. Furnace
when they were compelled to hoof it with
their fare paid and tickets in their pockets
reaching Lome early on Sunday morning
weary and tired, but wiser.
Mr. Weber recently butchered a cow that
had evidently been fed on solid food, as among
the contents of her stomach were found a
handful of broken nails. We would suggest
to our Boalsburg neighbors that mureated
Tincture of Iron given in 4oz doses is for
many purposes the very safest as tringent.
On Monday night last, a collision occurred
in the darkness of the night by which Frank
Swab and Orlando Thomas accompanied by
his wife ran together on a bridge. Both rigs
were badly wrecked and Mrs. Thomas is off
on repairs from bruises, but. fortunately no
bones were broken. She is getting along
Wedding cards ave being distributed at our
post office announcing the marriage of Miss
Viola Krumrine, one of Tusseyyille’s most a-
complished and refined ladies, to Chas. w.
Swartz, of the same place. The nuptials will
be performed at the bride’s home on the evaen-
ingof the 21st, at 7 o'clock, in the presence of
a large number of guests.
The Oak Grove school house was burned on
the evening of the 9th inst., soon a.ter night-
fall. It was fired at several diffent places un-
der the building. A window was broken open
and the stove overset, but the teacher, Miss
Mattie Ewing, had left the fire die out at 3
o'clock so no harm could come {rom that:
Parties who arrived early at the fire could see
the woos inside the wall in which several en:
trances haa been effected. About twenty dollars
worth of school books, beside the Sunday
school library, went up in the flames. The
building was insured to the amount of four
hundred dollars.
News Notes From Howard.
The late fall of snow, was the occasion of
much merriment, at the school.
It is a common sight here to see a man
worth $150,000 driving a coal wagon and actual-
ly loading and delivering.
Eugene Kline shot a turkey weighing 1314
pounds last week: This was live weight, and
demonstrates the abilities of this man, who is
barred from all prize contests, which speaks
for itself.
On Monday last, fire destroyed the residence
of Frank Weight, at Jacksonville, together
with the household effects. This will prove a
hard blow to the occupants of the building as
well as the owner.
Book agents seem to be on the war path all
at once. Misses Smith, Bowers, Blanche Tip
ple, McCallium, and Messrs. Wm. Tipple and.
H. S. Freeman, (the latter beirg the last to ap-
pear) havin g argued with our resi dents.
Mrs. John Swab, of Mt. Eagle, died about
12:15 Sunday night, from a complication of
deseases. Nearly every physician around had
been called at different times to no avail.
She was buried at Cartin Tuesday morning.
Chester Moore is thinking of making a long
speech nex t Cnristmas, if he can get someone
to listen. Don’t do it Chet. or that fellow will
put your name in the papers and then you
will have to make it whether you want to or
Peter Robb, Sr. has been on the sick list for
some time past. It seems that even those
whom we love and worship best must also be
laid up at times, but so long as we reap a
splendid harvest in due time what do we care
or why should we.
Upon the occasion of some very hard bread
being placed where her cat could eat it, the
lady’s husband remarked, you had better do
with it as I do with my watch sometimes. She
replied, what's that, my dear? And that cru-
el husband, who by the way lives on a promin-
ent street here, and is well up in mathematics
and supposed to be in rich circumstances re-
plied, “soak it, my dear, soak it.”
Mr. Tke Riggle, employed at tte forge be-
low town, was serionsly h urt about the face
and chest through some faut or other and had
to lay off for awhile. It was some time before
he could use hiz arms but we are pleased to
quote a favorable sign of rapid recovery. Mr
Riggle is a member of the Jr. 0. U. A. M. 533,
of Lock Haven, which tended to his wants, as
well as committees of from the Hcward
Council 899.
Next to death by burning at the stake,
there is probably no pain so hard to bear as a
right smart old-fashioned toothache. It will
make most men rave and talk as bad as when
they are putting upstove-pipe. Wcmen as a
rule keep more quiet but you cannot always
tell what they think. Toothache generally
comes on during the night, when it is incon-
venient to go tothe drugstore or dentist, so
you have to grin and bear it. i
A better illustration of what a good and du-
tiful son will do towards the keeping of his
parents in time of trouble could not be had
than when Charles Keener motner was ill,
he walked 3 miles every night and at different
h ours to procure the necessary medicine and
help. Eurely he deserves mentiin for his
deep affection, but his interest in humanity
and suffering the tiresome travel an foot at
any time of night deserves commendation
from a'l sides.
Mr. Spotted Wolf, who travelled last year
with the Indians who had such fine shows
here last summer, has staited in business for
himself at Cancaster, N. Y. This noble,
christian Indian was made a personal friend of
the writer during his short stay here, as a
reason of his gentlemanly conduct,and though
I never questioned him in regards to his
following the road, presume it to be because it
seems to be the most suitable business for
him to engage in for the time belng. Itis
not known whether he will be here again or
not, but if he does come, he holds his chances
against all others about even. He is the tall
Indian, the one who did the talking.
—The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P. O. Dec. 14, 1892.
Mrs, Julia Aisure, Mitchell J. Garbrick,
George McAlpin, Mrs. Elizabeth Page, Ed-
ward Parry, Mrs. Harriet Reed, Williom
Swarnt, H. E. Simmons, Williany Totes, Miss
W hen called for please say advertised.
CAMPBELL.—Leah J. Campbell died the 1st.
day of December, 1892, at her home in Miles-
burg. She was aged 17 years, 8 months, and
15 days. Her ailment was inflammatory
rheumatism and palpitation of the heart.
We gently pressed her darling lips,
We felt her parting breath,
We gazed upon her lovely face
And asked can this be death?
We laid her body down,
The vital spark had fled ;
We gazed again upon her face,
The lovely and the dead.
And that dear little face was there,
So peaceful and so mild,
I could not wish her back again.
But, ah, she was my sister.
M. C.
New Advertisements.
Notice is hereby given that application will
be made to the next Yeplslatne for such leg-
islation as will require the erection and main-
tenance of fences and regulating the same
within the county of Centre.
37 49 4t. * I. 8. FRAIN.
ARM TO RENT.—That large
and productive farm in Furguson
township, Centre county, on the hite
Hall road, near Pennsylvania Furnace
Station, is now up for rent, from April next.
Apply to Franklin Bowersox, tenant in charge
or to B. AYRES,
37-35tf 805 North 17th Street, Philadelphia.
If you are wondering what to
buy for a Christmas present for
your wife, mother or daughter
call at
and see the
they have in stock including
“Bissell Gold Medal” of which
they have the exclusive agency.
It is a handsome aud practical
gift and will lighten the bur-
den of every day in the year.
In addition to a large assort- 4
ment of boys
we have many articles suitable
for christmas presents which
are useful as well as ornamen-
tal such as Carving Sets, Turk-
ey Roasters, and other practi-
cal household articles. |
A full line of Heating Stoves,
Ranges and Cook Stoves in
stock. Call at the New Hard-
ware store and see them.
37-41-3m. DANIEL IRVIN & SON.
Mingle’'s Shoe Store.
E have the largest line
of Holiday Slippers ever brought
to Bellefonte.
Nothing would be more ap-
propriate for a Christmas: pre-
37 38
sechler & Co.
Fauble’s Clothing House.
New Advertisements.
a & CO— —%
IN TEAS we have Oolongs,
English Breakfast, and our Fine Blended Tea is something that will please any
one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea. .
IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Alspice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayenne Pep-
per, Mustard all strictly pure goods.
HERBS FOR SEASONING, Sage, Parsley, Thyme, Sweet Marjoram,
Summer Savory and Sweet Basil.
IN COFFEES AND CHOCCLATE, Mocha—genuine, Java—Old Govern-
ment, Rio— Finest Brazilian. All excellent quality and always fresh roasted.
Baker's Premium Chocolate and Breakfast Cocoa, Van Houten's Cocoa, Wil-
bur's Chocolate, and German Sweet Chocolate.
IN BAKING POWDERS, We keep the Royal and Baler’s—Two leading
brands and a pure Cream Tarter.
IN COOKING EXTRACTS we keep a line of Joseph Burnett & Co's, (Bos-
ton) goods, they are the finest we can find, also a line of Knight's extracts.
BEANS, California Limas, New York Marrow and Pea Beans, dried Green Peas.
RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice.
tage, Home and Worthington Brands.—Corx Persian and Mountain Brands,—
Corx Granules, Lima Beans and Succotash, Dew Drop brand, GREEN PEAS,
Early Junes, Seottish chief and Cecelia brands, Pine ApprLE sliced and grated,
Strawberries and White Cherries, Dew Drop brand, Boston Baked Beans.
CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, Yellow Crawford, Lemon Cling, and
White Heath Peaches, White Cherries and Apricots.
VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, French Peas and Mush-
Strawberries, Brandy Cherries and Crosse
rooms, Preserved Cherries,
Blackwell's Jams all in glass.
GELATINE, Swineburne's, Cox's, McLeish, and Wine Jellys.
OLIVES, Fine imported goods in five sized bottles.
MISCELLANEOUS, Pure Maple Syrup, Honey strained and in combs, Plum
Pudding, Armour’s Corned Becf, Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed milk,
Dunham's Shred Cocoa nut,
Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family Cheese, Bradford County Dairy Butter.
Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten Flour, Vienna Flour.
Fine Confectionars and Cut Loaf Sugars.
Extra Fine New Crop New Orleans Syrups,
Cider Vinegar.
Sweet Potatoes choice stock.
and red.
Pure White Sugar Table Syrup, Pure
Imported Omons. Home Grown Onions, yellow
ETC., Worcestershire Sauce in one pint and half
pints.—Tomaror Carcnup, Victor, Riverside, Lutz and Heinz brands, Malt
Vinegar in glass for table use, Colburns Salad Dressing, Pepper Sauce— Red
and Green, Curry Powder, Caper Sauce.
NUTS, Princess Paper Shell, California and Bordan Almons, assorted Nuts,
English Walnuts, Pecans extra large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted Peanuts,
Cocoa Nuts extra quality.
IN CONFECTIONARY, we have Fine Mixture, Cream Chocolates, Roast Al-
monds, Cream Dates, Rose and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, French Glace Fruits,
Fine Chocolate Caramels, Chocolate Marsh Mallows, Cocoa Nut bon bons, Choco-
late Madridos, Lozenges, Clear Toys, and a large assortment of fine goods in
this line all carefully selected.
FRANCO AMERICAN SOUPS, French Bouillon, Consomme, Ox Tail, Mock
Turtle, Mulligatawny, and Terrapin.
OLIVE OIL, S. Rex & Co.s } Pint, Pints and Quarts.
the World pronounced it pure.
The finest analysts in
PICKLES IN GLASS, Crasse §& Blackwell's Chow Chow,
White Onions, Cauliflower, Picalilli, and Walnuts.
In Cakes, Crackers and Biscui's we keep a full line of fine goods always fresh
baked. .
Gherkins, Mixed,
CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled Oats, Cracked Wheat, Pearl Barley,
Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Macaroni and Vermaccili.
MEATS. Fine Sugor Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, White
Rose Lard.
GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons, White Almeria Grapes,
Catawba Grapes, and Jersey Cranberries.
APPLES, Baldwins and Northern Spys.
CURED FRUITS. Evaporated California, Pared and unpared Peaches, and
Apricots. :
Choice Layer Figs, Cleaned Currants, Imported
Citron, Lemon and Orange peel,
California and French Prunes. :
RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Layers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana Seedless
and Loose Muscatels.
FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Codfish boneless and evaporated, SALMoN, Mag-
nolia, Astoria and Glacier brands Hoeg's Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Lobsters,
Crab Meats and Spiced Oysters. Sardines, French 1s, and }s Boneless.
MINCE MEAT, We make our own Mince Meat and spare no trouble or expense
in bringing it up to the very highest standard. We use a sufjicient quantity
of well cooked beef (which is the true foundation of all good Mince Meat.
The fruit is all carefully cleansed and prepared, and every item of goods used
in it is of the highest grade.
Our Mince Meat can be used by any family with entire confidence, that the
goods are just what we recomend them to be. It is quite a good deal of labor
to make even a small quantity of Mince Meat and that frequently prevents peo-
ple from using the goods, But now you can get it any time in any quantity
and at a moderate price just as good Mince Meat as you can make in your
own house. But it is hard to give in cold type any satisfactory description of
the goods we have, so we will close with a cordial invitation to all who read
this to call and see what a fine stock of GOOD THINGS we have.
Gun Powder, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japans, |
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of John Poorman deceased late of Boggs
Twp. having been granted to the undersigned
he requests all peraons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate to make immediate
payment and those having claims against the
same to present them duly authenticated for
37-47-6t.% Apam QC. WITHERITE.
A fine iron frame, over strung, Gab-
bler piano with square rose-wood case anda
Mason & Hamlin pedal organ, with two rows of
keys, suitable tor a church or society and in-
the best of condition are for sale at the Brock-
erhoff house in this place, where Mr. George
Brandon, the proprietor, will be pleased to
show them to persons desiring a good instru-
ment cheap. 37-47
stockholders of the Bellefonte Gas
Company. The annual election of said com-
Bay will be held at the office of E. M. and J.
lanchard, No.19 West High street, on Monday
the 2nd day of January 1893. A President,
six Managers, Secretary and Treasurer to be
elected for ensuing year. Election will be
held between the hours of one and four p. m.
37 49 2t. Secretary.
tate of Samuel K. Faust in trust and
tor the benefit of his creditors : In the Court
of Common Pleas of Centre county. The un-
dersigned having been appointed an auditor by
‘ said court to dispose of exceptions filed to the
account of the assignee, and to distribute the
funds in said estate to those legally entitled to
receive the same, givesnotice that he will be
in his office in Bellefonte for the duties of
said appointment, on December 30th, 1892 at
ten o'clock a. m. E. R. CHAMBERS,
37-48 3¢ Auditor.
Estate of John T. Hoover, late of
Bellefonte borough, dec,d. In the Orphans’
Court of Centre county. The undersigned,
having been appointed an Auditor by the said
Court to pass upon the exceptions filed to the
Administrator’s :.ccount, to re-state the said
account and make distribution of the balance
in the hands of the Administrator to and
among those legally entitled to receive the
same, will attend to the duties of his appoint.
ment, at his Office in Bellefonte, Pa, on Tues-
day, the 10th day of January, A. D. 1%93, at 10
o'clock a. m. JOHN M. DALE.
37 49 3t. Auditor.
The undersigned having been restored to
health by, simple means, aftr suffering for
several years with a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer-
fully send (free of charge) a copy of the pre-
seription used, which they will find a sure
cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bron-
chitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is
invaluable. Those desiring the prescription,
which will cost them nothing, and may prove a
blessing, will please address,
Brooklyn, New York.
Paves TS.
Scientific American Agency fcr Palents ca-
veats, trade marks, design patents, copyrights,
For information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in Amer
ica. Every patent taken out by usis brough
before the public by a notice given free
charge in the
We have just received a
big lot of new children’s suits
and overcoats. Among these
goods you will find some of
the most desirable styles and
the best of wearers that the
market affords. We have
given this line a great deal
of care and attention. We
have gone to great trouble
and expense to show you a
line of children’s clothing
that will compare favorably
with any seen in the largest
cities, They are the pro-
duct of the largest manufac-
tories and for fit, style and
workmanship they cannot be
We would be pleased to
have you call even if you
are not immediately in need
of anything in our line, It
Largest circulation of ay scientific paper in
the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelli-
gent man should be without it. Weekly §3.00
a year ; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN &
Co. Publishers, 261 Broadway, New York City.
Oldest and most practical institution of the
kind in Central Penusylvania.
Thorough instruction in
Short-hand, Type-writing, Penmanship,
Common English Branches. :
Complete Actual Business and Banking de-
1 artments.
18 well, Jou know, to look Pe facilities for assisting graduates to
out for the future De oh the most experienced instructors
Life scholarship only $25.00.
Circulars mailed free,
Brockerhoff House Block.
F. M. AuLeN, Proprietor, Lg
J. H. Tompson Principal.
37 49 3m. Williamsport, Pa
By virture of Sundry writs of Fieri Facias
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Centre county and to me directed there will bg
exposed at Pablic Sale, at the Court House, if
Bellefonte, on
SATURDAY DE J. 2t, 1892.
y at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described rea.
estate :
No. 1. All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land, situate in Boggs township,
bounded and described as follows: Ata white
oak, thence by land of William Marks north
thirty-three degrees west sixty perches to
post, thence south fifty-eight degrees west six-
ty-five perches to a dogwood, thence south
twenty-nine and one half degrees east forty-
one apd five-tenths perches to stones, thence
south sixty-three degrees west ninety-two and
three-tenth perches to chestnut oak, thence
north thirty five degrees west sixty-eight per-
ches to a pine, thence south twenty degrees
east one hundred and sixteen and eight-tenth
perches to post, thence by land of William
T. Irwin north sixty-eight snd one half degrees
_east one hundred and ninety-seven and five-
tenth perches to asmall Pine stump, thence
north twenty-eight and one-half degrees west
fifty-four perches to an oak stump,thence sonth
sixty-one and one-half degrees west ten
perches to white oak the place of beginning,
containing ninety one acres and fifty-two
perches, neat 1c easure, more or less.
No. 2. All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land, situated in the township of
Boggs, county of Centre and State of Penua.,
bounded on the north by the Bellefonte and
Philipsburg turnpike, on the east by Simon
Nyhart, on the south by Bald Eagle creek, on
the west by lands of Jacob Keattinger, dec’d.¢
containing eleven acres, more or less, thereon
erected a brick yard aud three dwelling hous-
es and other out buildings.
No 3.All that certain messuage, tenement,
parcel and parts of certain lots ot ground sit-
ate in Central City, in the townshipof Boggs,
in the connty of Centre and State of Penn.
bounded and described as follows: On the
west by Spring street; on the south by Rail-
road street ; on the east by High street and on
the north by lands of John M. Wagner, eon-
taining one acre and fifty six perches be thi
same more or less, thereon erecteda doubl
dwelling house and other buildings.
No. 4. All that certain messuage, tenemen
ane tract of land situated in Boggs townshi
Centre county and State of Penna., bounce
and described as follows: On the west b
Schroyer and Campoell; on the south
Frank T. Wallace ; on the east by High strec
and on the ncrth by E, N. Carr, containing four
and one-fourth acres, more or less, thereon
erected a stable.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Frank Wallace.
TERMS :—No deed will be acknowledged
until the purchase money is paid in full.
37 47 Sheriff.