Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 16, 1892, Image 2

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    Democratic A afduan
Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 16, 1892.
And thisis all! The end has come at last!
The bitter end of all that pleasant dream
That cast a halo o’er the happy past
Like golden sunshine on a summer stream.
Sweet are the days that mark ed life's sunny
When we together drew our hearts atune,
And through the vision of a future hope
We did not dream that they would pass £0
In happy mood fair castles we upreared,
. And thought that life was one long summer
We had os Groh of future pain, nor feared
That shadows o'er should fall athwart our
way. :
But sunken rocks lie hid in every stream,
And ships are wrecked when just in gight of
So we to-day wake from our pleasant dream,
To find our hopes were builded on the sand
I do not blame you that do not keep
The troth you plighted ere your heart you
knew ;
Better the parting now than wake to weep
Whep time has robbed life's roses f their
Another face will help you to forget
“The idle dream that bad its birth in trust,
And other lips will kiss away regret
For broken faith and 1dols turned to dust.
Ab, well! you choose, perhaps, the better way ;
A purer love shall in your heart be shrined,
And 1? I shall go down my darkened way,
Seeking forever what I ne'er shall find.
She is a very pretty girl, though that
counts for nothing with either of us,
and ber frock is yellow and brown,
with pins here and there. Some of
these pins are nearly a foot long, and
when they are notin use she keeps
them inher hat, through which she
stabs them far down into her brain.
This makes me shudder; but so is she
constructed that it does not seem to
hurt, and in that human pin cushion
the daggers remain until it is time for
her to put on her jacket again. Her
sizes is six and a quarter, and she can
also get into sixes.
She comes here occasionally (always
looking as if she had been born afresh
that morning) to sit in the big chair
and discuss what sort of girl she ig,
with other matters of moment. When
she suddenly flings herself forward—
clasping ber hands on her lknee—aund
says “Ob I” T known that she has re-
membered something which must
outat cuce or endanger her health;
and whether it be “I don’t believe in
anyboly or anything—there!” or “Why
do we die so soon?” or “I bay cho
colate drops by the balf pound,” I am
expected to regard it, for the time be-
ing, as one of the biggest things of the
day. I allow her, but no other, to
mend my fire ; and some of her most
profound thoughts have come to her
with a jerk while holding the poker.
However, she is not always serious for,
though her face is often so wistful that
to be within a yard of it is too close
for safety, she sometimes jests gleefully,
clapping her hands; but I never laugh
rather continue smoking hard; and
this she (very properly) puts down to
my lack of humor. The reason we get
on so well is because I treat her exact:
ly as if she were a man, as per agree:
ment. Ours is a platonic friendship,
or, at least, was, for she went off halt
an hour ago with ber head in the air.
After ouly one glance in ithe mirror,
ghe bad spread herself out in the big
chair, which seems to put its arms
round her. Then this jumped out:
“And I had thought you so trust
worthy I” (She always begins in the
“What have I done?”
though I knew.
“Yesterday,” she said; “when vou
put me into that cab. Oh, you didn’t
do it, but vou tried to.”
“Do what?”
She screwed her mouth, whereupon
I smoked bard, lest I should attempt
to do it 2gain. But she would have an
“Men are all alike,” she said, indig-
“And you actually think,” I broke
out, bitterly, “that if Idid meditate
such an act (for one brief moment) I
was yielding tothe wretched impulses
to which other men give way! Miss
Gunnings, do you know me no better
than that ?”
“I dou't see what you mean,” she
replied. (Her directuess is something
a little annoying.)
I wagzed my head mournfully, and
there ensued a pause, for I did not
quite know what I meant myself.
“What do you mean?’ she atked,
more gently, my face showing that I
was deeply hurt—uot angry, but
I laid my pipe on the mantel-piece
and, speaking very sadly proved to her
that I had nothing in common with
other young men, though I forgot now
how I proved it. If I ceemed to act as
they did, my motives were quite
different, and therefore T should
be judged from another standpoint.
Also I looked upon beras a child,
while I felt very old. (There are six
years between us.)
“And now,” said I, with emotion,
“gg you still think that I tried to--to
do it from the wretched ordinary mo-
tive (namely, because I wanted to), I
suppose you and I must part. I have
explained the aflair to you becanse it is
painful to me to be misunderstood.
Good-by, I shall always think of you
with sincere regard.”
Despite an apparent effort to control
it, my voice broke, Then she gave
way. She put her hand iuto mine,
and with tears in ber eyes asked me to
forgive her, which I did.
This little incident it was that show:
ed her how different I am from other
men. and led to the drawing up of our
platonic agreement, which we signed,
£0 10 epeuk, that alternoon over the
poker. I promiséd to te to her such a
friend as I am to Mr. Thomeon ; I ev-
en nudutock, if necessary, to scold her
I asked,
thcugh she cried (as she hinted she
should probably do,) and she was to
see that it was tor her good, just as
Thomson sees it when I seold him,
“I shall have to eall you “Mary.”
“I don't see that.”
“Yes, it is customary among real
friends. They expect 1t of each
other.” ;
I was not locking her in the face, so
cannot tell how she took this at first.
However, after she had eater a choco-
late drop in silence she said, “But you
don’t call Mr, Thomson by his Chris
tain name ?”’
“Certainly 1 do.”
“And he would feel slighted if you
did not 2”
“He would be extremely pained.”
“What is his Christian name 2”
«Thomson's Christian name ? - Ob,
his Christian name | Thomson's name
“But I thought his initals were J.
T.? Those are the initials on that
umbrella you never returned to him.”
“Ig that so? Then my suspicions
were correct. the umbrella is not his
own. How like him I”
“I had an idea that you merely ca'l
ed him Thomson ?”
“Before other people only. Men
friends address each other in one way
in company, but in quite another way
when they are alone.”
“Qh, well, if itis customary.”
“If it were not, I would not propose
such a thing.”
“Another chocolate drop, and then.
“Mary, Dear--"
+ “Dear?”
“Phat is what I said.” ;
«I don’t think it worthy of you. luis
taking two chocolate drops when Touly
said you could have one.” !
“Well, when I get my hand into the
bag, I admit—I—I mean, Thomson
would not have been so niggardly.”
“I am certain you don’t call him
‘Harry, dear.” ;
“Not, perhaps, as arule, but at times
men friends’ are more demonstrative
than you think them, For instance, if
Thom—I mean Harry, was ill—"
“Bat I am quite well.”
“still, with all thisinfluenza about-"
She hiad put her jacket on the table,
her chocolate drops on the mantel-
piece, her gloves on the couch—indeed
the room was full of her, and I was hold-
ing her scarf, just as 1 Lold Thomson's. |
“I walked down Regent Street be-
hind you,” I said, sternly, “and your
back told me that you were vain.”
“I am not vain of my personal ap-
pearance, at any rate.”
“How could you be?”
She looked at me sharply, but my
face was without expression, and she
sighed. She remembered that I had
no humor.
“Whatever my faults are, and they
are many, vauity is not one of them.
“When I said you had a bad temper
you made the same remark about it.
Also when—""
“That was last week, stupid ! Bat, of
course, it you think me ugly—"
“I did not say that.”
“Yes, you did.”
“But it you think nothing of your
personal appearance why blame me if
I agree with you ?”
“She rose baughuly,
“Sit down,”
“I won't. Give me my scarf.” Her
eyes were flashing. She has all sorts
of eves.
“If you really want to koow what I
think of your personal appearar.ce—"
+] dont.)
I re:umed my pipe.
“Well 2”? she said.
“Oh, I thought you were going to
gay something.”
“Qaly that your back pleased me in
certain other respects.”
She let the chair take her back into
its embrace.
“Mary, dear!”
It is a fact that ehe was crying. Af
ter I had made a remark or two:
“I am eo glad you think me pretty,”
che said, trankly, “for though I don’t
think eo myself, I like other people to
thiuk it ; and somehow I thought you
considered me plain. My nose is all
wrong, isn’t it 2”
“Let me see.”
“So you admit you, were entirely
mistaken in calling me vain ?”
“You have proved that I was.”
However, after she had drawn the
daggers ont of her head and put them
into the scarf (or whatever part of a
lady’s dress itis that is worked with
daggers,) and when the door had closed
on her, she opened it and hurriedly
fired these shots at me :
“Yes, I am horridly vain. Ido my
hair every night before I go to bed. 1
was sure you admired me the very first
time we met. I know I have a pretty
nose. Good afternoon.”
She was making spills for me, be-
cause those Thomson made for me had
run down.
“Well 27
“Mary dear.”
“I am listening.”
“That is all.”
“You have such a curious, wasteful
habit of saying one’s name as it it was
a remark by itselt,”!
“Yes; Thomson has noticed that al-
go. However I meant to add thatit is
very good of you to make those epills,
I wonder if you vould do something
else for me.”
“Asa friend ?”
“Yee, I want youto fill my pipe,
and ram down the tobacco with your
little finger.”
“You and Mr. Thomson do that for
each other ?”
LH | Mten.'’
“Very well. Give it to me. This
way ?’
“Tt smokes beautifully, You are a
de. r good girl.”
She let the poker fall. “Ob, I am
not I” she wailed, “I am not really
kind-hearted it is all selfishness.”
This came out with a rush; but I
am used to her, and kept my pipe in.
“Even my charities are only a hid.
cous kind of selfishness,” ehe continued
with clasped hands. “There is that
poor man who sells, match boxes at the
corner of this street, for instance. 1
sometimes give him twopence.” (She
carries an enormous purse, but there is
never more than two-pence in it.)
“That is surely vot selfish,” I said.
“It is,” said she,” seizing the poker
as it intending to do for herself that in
instant. “I never give him anything
simply because I see he needs it, but
only occasionally, when 1 feel happier
than usual. I am only thinking of my
own happiness when I give it to him,
That is the personification 0
“Mary !”’
“Well, if that isn’t, this is.
him, at any rate.
crossing the street on purpoge to do it.
Oh, I should need to be terrifically
to give him anything? There!
What do you think of me now 2"
“You gave him something on Mon-
day when I was with you?”
“Then you were happy at
time 2”
“What has that to do with it ?"
“A great deal.”
I rose.
“Mary dear—"'
“No! Go and sit over there.”
The subjects we have discussed ov-
er the poker | For instance :
The rapidity with which we grow
What on earth Mr. Meredith means
by saying that woman will be the last
thing civilized by man.
What will it all matter a hundred
years hence?
How strangely unlike other people
we two are |
The nicest name for
The mystery of Being and not Being.
Why does Mary exist ?
Does Mary exist? ’
She had come in, looking very dole-
tul, and the reason was that the more
she thought it over, the less could she
| see why she existed, This came of
reading a work entitled Why Do We Ez-
ist 9—a kind of book that ought not to
| be published, for it only makes people
unhappy. Mary stared at the problem
' with wide, fixed eyes, until I compelled
her to wink by putting another in front
of it, namely, Do You Frist? In her
ignorance she thougnt there was no
! doubt of this, but I lent her a Bishop
Berkeley, and since then she has tak-
en to pinching herself on thesly, just to
make sure that she is still there.
| So far I had not (as will have been
| noticed) by a word of look or sign
a woman.
broken the agreement which rendered
our platonic friendship possible. Thad
not even called her darling, and this
because, having reflected a good deal
| on the sublject, I could not persuade
| myself that this was one of my ways of
| addressing Thomson. And I would
{ have continued the same treatment
| bad it not been for her scarf, which
| has proved beyond all bearing. That
| scart is entirely responsible for what
| happened to day.
| Ivisa strip of taded terra-cotta, and
alie ties it round her mouth before go-
| ing out into the fog. Her faceis then
| sufficiently irritating, but I could en
dure it by looking acother way did she
i not recklessly make farewell remarks
through the scart, which is very thin.
{ Then her mouth—in short, I can’t put
‘up with this.
| 1 had warned her repeatedly. But
| she was like a mad girl, or perbaps
i shedid not understand my meaning.
| “Don’t come near me with that
| thing round your mouth.” T[ have
| told her a dozen times. I haverefused
firmly to tie it for her. Ihave put the
| table between me and it, and she asked
| why ? (through the scarf) She was
| quite mad.
| And to-day, when I was feeling rath.
| crstrange at any rate | It all occurred
| in a moment.
| “Don’t attempt to speak with that
| gcarf round you, “I had said, and said
| iL with my back to her. :
“You think I can’t because it is too
{ tight 77 she asked.
“Go away,’ I said.
She turned me round.
“Why,” she said wonderingly, “it is
quite loose. I believe I could whistle
through it.”
She did whistle through it.
finished our platonic friendship.
I spoke wildly, fiercely, exultingly ;
and she all the time was trying to put
on her jacket, and could not find the
“It was your fanlt ; but I am glad.
I warned you. Cry away. I like to
gee yon crying.”
%] hate you!” :
“No, you don’t.”
“A friend=—"
“Friend! Pooh! Bah! Pshaw!”
“Mr. Thomson—"’
“Thomson! Tehut! Thomson!
His Christian name isn’t Harry.
I don’t care!”
don’t know what it is.
“You said—""
“]t was a lie. Don't screw
mouth in that way.”
“1 will, if IT hike.”
“1 warn you !”
“I don’t care. Oh!
“I warned you.”
“Now I know you
“Yon do, and Iglory in it. Platonic
friendship—fudge | I guarrelled with
you that time to be able to hold your
hards when we made it up. When
you thought I was reading your
character ~~ I—Dou’t—3crew-—your—
mouth !”
“Give me my scarf,”
“T lent you berkeley so that I could
take hold of you by the shoulders on
the pretence that I was finding out
whether you existed.”
“Good by forever I”
Oh I?
in your true
happy betore I would bother crossing |
mystery of Being [ was thinking how
much I should hike to put my hands
beneath your chin and flick it.”
“Ifyon ever dare tospeakt> me
“Don’t—screw—your—mouth ! And
I would rather put my fingers through
your hair than write the greatest poem
She was gone, leaving the scarf be
hind her.
My heart sank I flang open ‘my
window (six hansoms came immediate-
1y.) and 1 could have jumped after her.
| But I did not. What I saw had a re-
| markable effect on my spirits. I saw
| her cross the street on purpose to give
f selfish- | twopence to the old man who sells the
All's well with the world. As scon
I only | as I can lay down the scarf I am going
give him something when I am passing | West to the house where Mary dear
I never dream of | lives.
The Immigrant Curse.
Pauperism, Crime and Disease Sent Here by
Wholesale From Abroad—Millions of Pauper
Russian Hebrews Ready to Come.—How Eng-
land Exports Her Criminals.
Congress will devote its first attention
during the coming session to framing a
law restricting immigration.
During the year 1891 twice as many
Jews as are now in the Holy Land dis-
embarked at the port of New York.
Practically all oi them were paunpers,
and 50,000 of them came from Russia.
These are the most hopelessly degraded
people on earth ; compared with them
the Chinese are most desirable citizens.
There are 3,500,000 more of them in
Russia, and they are all coming over.
The fund of $10,000,000 given by Baron
Hirsh will suffice to bring them all to
America within a few years. They
land without a penny in their pockets,
and the chief industry they undertake
is a kind of peddling which is semi-
mendicancy. The Hirsh fund provides
each of them with a few dollars where
with to pay for a stock of shoe-strings,
collar-buttons, suspenders or other such
merchandise. Already Hebrew venders
of this description average eight to a
block in Naw York city. Itis not sur-
prising that the Russian Government
should desire to get rid of them, inas-
much as they never produce anything.
If land is given them, they farra it out
to others aud live on the rent. Never-
theless, it is not apparent why the Czar
should be permitted to shitt this burden
off on the United States.
In 1880 there were 25,000 convicts in
prison and on ticket-of-leave in Eng-
land. At present there are Jess than 12,000
inall. This reduction has been accom-
plished by shipping British criminals to
this country. It is a most profitable
system, reheving England of dangerous
citizens and signifying a saving of $170
a year for each person thus transported.
There are about ninety socalled dis-
charged prisoners’ aid sociéties in Great
Britain. While nominally private
benevolent organizations, they are in
reality agents of the government. Be-
fore a convict is discharged an officer
from one of the societies visits him in
prison and arranges with him that he
shall go to the United States. He near-
ly always assents, because he is only too
glad to escape police surveillance and to
get away from the record which faces
him in every court whenever he com-
mits a new crime. If he accepts the
proposition the government hands him
over to the society, paying to the society
the society pays $17.50 for the convict’s
ticket to America.
furnishes him with clothes, bedding and
mainder of $12 50 on
the ship.
the departure of
With a view of getting rid of as many
criminals as possivle in this way, the
British Government has adopted a sys-
tem of imposing a short term of impri-
sonment and a long term of surveillance
on offender against the laws. Thus, af-
ter a brief time time the convicts can be
released and have every inducement to
get out of the country. Not infrequent-
Iy a Judge will actually withhold pun-
States. Thousands on thousand of
Englishmen, declared guilty of the grav-
est crimes and released in the manner
described, are now in this country, most
of them continuing to prosecute their
professional warfare against society.
On arriving here, the deported criminal
promptly changes his name and begins
a new carcer unembarrassed by past
misdoings. It is positively known that
in very many instances such persons re-
ceive pecuniary aid from British socie-
ties after their arrival on this side of the
water, such assistance being transmitted
in the shape of postal orders.
In 1965 the pauper in England and
Wales numbered 46 in’ every 1,000 of
populations. At present they are count-
ed at only 23 in 1,000. This reduction
of more than one-half has been accom-
lished hy sending persons of this class
to the United States. Obviously, when
a charge on the community can be got
rid of forever at the cost ot only $17.50
to $20 for a passage across the ocean, it
is much cheaper than to support that
individual for the rest of his or her life.
Lord Derby says : “With a population
already congested and growing at the
rate of 1,500,000 a year, England must
be an emigrating country. To dispose
of the growing swarms of the poorer
classes is not only a matter of humanity
but one also of public safety.” Safety,
that is to say for England, but certainly
a peril for the United States. Cardinal
Mannirg says that ‘one of England's
greatest Llessings is her ability to get
rid of her pauper classes through emi-
gration.” America, of course, can be
reached far wore cheaply than any
other country available for the purpose.
Thus it is that homeless children are
gathered by thousands from the streets
of Liverpool and other cities and sent
hither. Likwise nearly one hundred
charitable shelters for fallen women in
Great Britain ship their more or less re-
claimed unfortunates to us. The Rus-
sian Jew now pouring into England are
passed on to America, because it is
cheaper to pay their fare than to keep
Under these circumstances it i3 not
“All the time we were discussing the ' surprising to learn that forly per cent.
at the same time $30. Out of this sum |
An official accom- |
panies bim to the port, buys his ticket,
other necessaries, and hands him the re- |
ishment on condition that the individ- |
ual shall consent to go to the United |
of the persons at present eonfined in the
jails and asylums of the United Sta e
are foreign [n New Englard the
percentage rises to seventy-five per cent.
During the year 1891 there were ffty-
eight homicides in Allegheny county,
Pa. All of them were committed by
aliens or nataralized foreigners. Tialy
contributes the grest number of immi-
grants to our shores. Five thousand
murders cccur annually in that country.
These people bring hither their secret
society organizatious, such as the Malla
the otjects of which are « urder, high-
way robbery, blackmail, theft and ull
other crimes. More than 150,000 «t
them come over yearly. Great num-
bers of them return to Lialy every au- |
turn and come back again in the spring. {
They pay fares both ways, spend four |
months in idleness at home, and yet earn |
in the season they spend in the Unit- |
ed States more than double what they |
could if they worked in their native land |
all the year round. There are 22 000,- |
000 of these undersirable foreigners in |
Italy now who may be said to be on the
Because the steamship lines have |
found the transportation of immigrants
a vastly profitable business they Lave |
adopted every possible means to induce
the most poverty-stricken and least de- |
sirable classes of toreigners to come to
this country. The company which
brought Asiatic cholera hither last year
year alone employs 265 vessels in this
trafic. Four thousand sub-agents in
Italy are engaged in drun.ming up emi-
grants and persuading them to embark, |
and these agents utiliz: the services of |
countless runners to assist them, receiv- |
ing $2 for each emigrant. Folders, |
printed for advertising purposes by rail-
ways in the United States, are distribut- |
ed broadeast, stating that millions of
square miles of land are to be had for
nothing in Dakota and elsewhere.
Pamphlets are similarly circulated, set-
ting forth the wonderful resources of
America, and on the maps accompany-
ing them theswamps of Florida and the
alkali beds of the West look as well as
the most fertile lands.. The ignorant
people are led to believe that each
one of them can become the owner of
160 productive acres by simply squat-
ting on it, and that grapes grow wild
along the railways in Texas. They are
told that they will be boarded and lodged
at Castle Garden until work is found tor
them by immigration officials, whose
business it is to supply them with em-
ployment. Reaching New York with-
out a penny immigrants in general who
are bound for such distant points as
Portland, Oregon, or Bismark, Dakota,
usually suppose that those localities are
within easy walking distance. Op dis-
covering the swindle of which they have
been the victims, they turn to the crowd-
ed centres of population.
The fares of Itehian immigrants are
very commonly paid by their relatives
and friends in this country, who, if they
have not the money, can obtain it readily
without security from any of the numer- |
| ous Italian banks in American cities,
There are dozens of these institutions in
New York which lend money in this
way at 100 or 200 per cent., getting it
back from the first earnings of the im-
ported immigrant. The backs alsodo a
great business in contract labor, fetching
over men by thousands to work on rail-
ways, in the mines or elsewhere. Of
course, this is against the law, butit is
extremely difficult of detection. It was
ascertained not long ago that the steam-
ship lines employ persons nominally as
stewards, whose actual duty it is to in-
struct immigrants on board ship as to
the answers they are to give to inquiries
| put to them by our immigration oflicials.
The lower classes of Hungarians, Ital-
ians, Bohemians, Slavs and other people
| in Southern Europe have been reduced
to the starvation line. Ot all of them
| who come to this country, it is reckoned
| that fifty per cent. have their passages
| prepaid for the purpose of getting rid of
them. They are dumped as paupers
pure and simple on the free soil of
America. By similar ‘‘charitable’”
means they are conveycd by rail to what-
ever seaport may be nearest their homes.
This does not cost very much, because
| they travel fourth class. Fourth-class
| railway cars in Europe are somewhat
"less luxurious than our cattle cars, They
"have no seats, and the passengers stand
up or sit on their boxes. Toey are so
closely packed that the trafic is exceed-
| ingly profitable, although the fares are
[ less than a cent a mile. On arriving at
' the seaport the wretched people are
| placed in so-called emigrant boarding
| houses, compared with which the mean-
[est tenement houses in New York's
{ slums are palatial. These = boarding
houses are owned by thestearuship lines,
and the emigrants are crowded into
them as thickly as possible to await the
departure of the steamer. They sleep
on straw, and the dirt avd squalcr of the
accomodations are indiscribable. On
the voyage much more attention 18 paid
to the weltare of beasts than to that of
these: human beings. For example
the jackasses imported to the United
States from [taly are quartered always
on the top deck of the vessel, while the
emigrants are placed in the hold: below.
The avowed reason for this is that some
of the jackasses would be likely to die if
they were put in the hold for the lack of
fresh air, and they are worth $600
apiece. They are brought tu this coun-
try to serve as sires for mules because
no such big ones can be raised here. ‘If
many of them died the traffie, which is a
source of darge gain to the steamship
companies. would necessarily be discon-
tinued. But with an immigrant it is difi-
erer.t. Ii he dies he is <imply tied in a
bag with some coal and thrown over-
board, His fare has been paid in ad-
vance, and hisdeath wil! have no influ-
ence on business.
At present the number of immigrants
who come to the United States from
abroad is reckened officially at 600,000
annually. In reality it is nearly 1,000,
000. When it is considered that two
children are commonly counted as one
person, that the steamers bring many
people over and above their lawful com-
plement who xre not put down the
manifests, that the ccmpanies lund large
forces of men who are designated for |
the sake of convenience as stewards or
employes, that tramp steamers fetch
thousands to smaller ports whose arrival
is never counted, that great numbers !
come in the second eabin and are not
reckoned as immigrants on thataccount,
and finally that assisted paupers sent
via Canada are continually swarming
over the border into the United States
when all these unquestioned facts are
taken into account, tt will be seen that
the maximum estimate is not too large.
Tmagraiion Commissioner Schiulies,
who has wade a most diligent aod pro-
fund study of this question, expresses
the opinion that if things should be per-
mitted to continue as al present within
fifteen yeurs {rom now poverty would be
as prevalent in the United States us itis
in Europe Assoon as Congress ccn-
venes a flond of bills will be offered op
the restriction of this evil. The Com-
missioners of Immigration have recom-
mended in their report the appointment,
by this government of inspectors of ine
migration to reside at sll important
seaports of Barope whence emigrants
embark. They suggest that threa resi.
dent officials might be located at London
Berlin and Naples, with local agents
under their direction at the principal
ports of embarkation. It would be the
duty of these agents to furnish creden-
tials io desirable emigrants, rejecting
the undesirable and thus sifling them
before they started for Amer ca. The
present system of inspection at United
States ports, which is wretchedly defecs
tive, should be reorganized, and it
should be supplemented by the adoption
of a similar system along the Canadian
and Mexican frontiers. It is further
urged that a protective per capita tax
should be placed on all immigrations,
and certain reforms should be made in
. the regulations governing the transpor-
tion of immigrants, giving them more
air-space, protecting them a:ainst im
mortality, etc. The steamship eompan-’
ies will, perhaps, be induced to co:op-
erate by raising their rates of passage,
carrying fewer people at the same time
and ‘thus getting a better class’ of pass
sengers. If they receive twice as much
money for half as many passengers. it
will be equally profitable to them. Inci.
dentally, the pauper and criminal class.
! es of foreign nations will be kept out of
this country, and vice, poverty and
disease willno longer be dumped whole.
stile on our shores.
point of emigration to ‘the United
States. They take nearly all of ther
earnings back home with them, being
content to live while here in the most
degraded fushion. They do not even
take the trouble to learn our language.
Let anybody who wants to see how
this sort of thing works go to the coal
fields of Pennsylvania and see the towns
and villages which, before the advent of
this alien horde, were inhabited by
American workingmen and their fami.
lies in comfortable circumstances. To-
day all is changed. The American
citizen is gone, and the home of his
family is tha shelter of from ten to
twenty men, with one or two women to
cook for them. These foreigners have
driven out the Americans because their
labor is cheaper. They work under the
“store” slavery system, and the manner
of the company employing them ig
agent for several lines of steamers, im-
porting laborers from abroad in any de-
sired numbers by means of prepared
tickets. If this sysiem is to be contint
ued a few years from now the American
workingman will have to be content
with one room tor his family, and will
be compelled to live under tho same
poverty-stricken circumstances as gove
ern the conditicn of labor in foreign
-——— ne ————1
Spiders Eat Their Mothers.
From Nature.
One of the most unnatural things in
nature, if the expression is allowable, is
the manner in which the young of the
common wolf spider, found every
where in this country, treat their moth.
er. 2 After the little creature has laid ber
eggs she envelopes them in a silken cov.
ering, so as to make a ball about the
size of a pea, and this she carries about
with her wherever she goes and will de«
fend it with her life, When the young
are hatched they climb on her back,
giving her a monstrous appearance, and
nearly half grown, and as soon as they
discover their strength they fall to and
devour their mother. As a rule the
maternal relation is recognized in the
the animal and insect world only so long
as the necessity for protection exists, but
instances of the young actually devour-
ing a parent by main force and common
consent are extremely rare. ‘
Prehistoric Arizona.
From the San Angelo Standard.
In the valleys of the Salt and Gila
Rivers enough remains of a prehistoric
character to reveal the fact that in these
valleys once dwelt a mighty and pros-
perous people, numbering not less than
2,000,000 certainly, and probably reach-
ing 8,000,000. Yet this vast multitude
of human souls vanished like the base.
less fabric of a dream. Who they were,
of what race and what their progress in
civilizatior. not the most learned schol-
ars of our time have been able even to
conjecture. Some traces show a great
syste. of irrigating canals which no
modern engineering can excel or find
any fault with. There were cities with
100,000 inhabitants a. least,
4 \m——————
——The public schools of Pennsyl:
vania are growing in importance and
effectiveness year by year. The annu-
al report of Saperintendent. Waller
shows that $14,329,190 were expended
on the 977.523 pupils of the public
schools last year, or nearly $15 to each,
The increase of the State appropria-
tion to $5,000,000 will doubtless lead
to an enlarged outlay inthe coming
Among the many excellent recom-
mendations made by Mr. Waller that
requiring the school term to be not less
than eight months in length, and that
it be continuous, should certainly be
adopted. With the liberal State appro-
priation the emallest and poorest
school district in the State can’ afford
an eight months’ term of school, and
the children of such districts are those
that need it most.
rn A ACTOR ———
— Miss Wickerstaff seems to be
particularly popular among the young
fellows of 20 or thereabouts.
Yes, che has awayot talking to
them about “you men.”
RE —— LA
——Little girl==Why do the flies
bite so to-day ?
Mother—It's going to rain.
Little gitl—Well, they might know
"taint my fault.