Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 16, 1892, Image 1

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52 "Ink Slings.
— What a powerful organization a
federation of lawyers and plumbers
would be.
—A Georgia man wears a 15 shoe.
It is needless to say that his daughters
are all old-maids.
—The blowing up a fellow’s wife
gives him is seldom of the kind that
makes him feel inflated.
--The Philadelphia ship yards are too
CraMp-ed and if councils will permit
it they will be enlarged.
“dead sure thing” of it for the U. S.
Senate. Another tenpin up for Demo-
crats to bowl at.
—Put up the bars ageinst the deseas-
ed “foreign cattle’ that are being herded
on our shores by trans-Atlantic steam-
boat companies.
—Of the 67,365 Republican post
masters in the country to-day, how
many, do you imagine, will be serving
Uncle SAM this time next year ?
—GARzA has turned up again. JOHN-
NY DAVENPORT, CARTER and the rest of
the gang might find the climate of Mex-
ico quite salubrious and keep their
hands in by helping the renegade
along. .
—Mrs. LANGTRY has decided to re
tire from the stage. She says she has
grown tired of it. No more wearisome
was it for you dear LILLY than it was
for those who were deluded into attend-
ing your performances.
—The suggestion to publish the pen-
sion roll in its entirety isa good one.
Plenty of fraudulent pensioners would
be detected by a public scrutiny of the
list and unworthy ones would haul off
rather than have themselves known.
--The Montana statue committee had
better displace the globe pedestal upon
which a silver statue of ADA REHAN
will pose as Justice and substitute a
bald head. There would be more con-
geniality between pedestal and statue
, —Speaker CRISP is none the worse oft
because he did not get to speak at the
Tariff Reform club’s dinner, in New
York, the other evening. What he had
in bis pocket to say would have sounded
just as well, in the papers; had he not
presumed on his own importance quite
so much.
—Miss VAN NORDEN, tke York mil-
lionairess who joined General Beorn’s
Salvation Army last week, will have
her hands full keeping the wily General
from speculating with her money funds.
It must be an odd sight to see such
dainty hands pounding salvation out of
the head of a tambourine.
—LiLLiAN RusserLrn 1s said fo be
mad because she couldn’t show off her
shape as a statue- of Justice. She for-
gets that it is only two years since she
went to law with her manager because
he wanted her to appear on thestage in
tights. She swore then that nature had
been too *‘propitious’”” with her for such
things, and the seasons have’t changed
—J. D. Hick’s, of Altoona, congress-
man elect from the Twentieth district,
hss written the New York Herald that
he doesn’t approve of calling an extra
session of congress, and farther that he
is positively opposed to the repeal of the
McKINLEY bill. Mr. Hicks can sitin
a chair in the 53rd congress and ‘holler
nay’ when the question comes up, but
that is all the good it will do.
— Wisconsin Legislators will close
their eyes when they pass ADA REHAN'S
statue at the World’s Fair. That is,
they ought to, after having legislated
against the expose of nether limbs eith-
er on the stage or bill board. But we're
very much afraid that when those old
law makers from the Badger state catch
a glimpse of that perfect silver woman,
they’ll wink their “aller/ego” and size
up the understandings as all the rest of
us propose doing.
-—Since “Sunset” Cox was there the
Turks have never had the proper respect
for the American ministers, perhaps be-
cause of their inability to realize how
such a vast difference in men could pos-
sibly exist. Mr, THOMPSON, Harrison's
latest appointee, will take a United
States man of war along with him and
if they don’t fall on their faces when he
appears he imagine’s he’ll bring the
whole country back for Uncle Sam’$
Christmas dinner.
— What a lesson can be learned from
the recent death of JAY GouLD followed
so quickly by Pain D. ARMOUR’s, the
millionaire pork packer of Chicago,
munificent gift of $1,000,000 for a
manual training institute for the Windy
city. The former, having made his
millions in questionable ways, died with
his fingers clutched about them. The
latter has grown wealthy through an
honorable avenve of trade and now
geeks to share his gain with humaniy
Ennobling himself and doing for those
who cannot do for themselves.
A eueraic
“~OIL. 37.
BELLEFONTE, PA., DEC. 16, 1892.
NO. 49.
Factory Facts.
Factory Inspector, WaTcHORN, has
finished his report for the year ending
November 30, 1892, a summary of
which has been given to the public:
The number of establishments inspec-
ted, the number of employees found at
work, the number of orders given and
complied with, all of which are set
forth in the summary, are not the part
of the publication the public will be
most interested in, if Mr. WATCHORN
has done himself and the people, his
duties are intended to protect, the jus:
tice to tell all that he found in the es’
tablishments visited.
In the summary is given the fact
that of the 134,446 operatives found at
work, 33,217, or about one fourth the
entire number, were children between
the ages of 12and 16. 1f the Inspec
tor has had the courage to tell in his re-
port, what others have been informed
he discovered, about the wages paid
and the condition he found many of
these children in, there will be no ne-
cessity hereafter, for Republican news
papers and speakers, to go all the way
to England to find awful examples of
poorly paid, over-worked, illy-clothed
and half-fed, factory children.
Under the lightning like system en
forced by this state in issuing its offi-
cial documents, we presume that this
report will probably be ready for the
pablic some time during the fall of '93
and probably not then, Until it does ap-
pear, there will be no official state-
ment setting forth the facts, that with-
in the limits of our State—in the mills
and factories benefitted by the highest
rate of tariff protection, -and within
sightof the newspapers of Philadelphia
that are constantly setting forth the
blessings of a protective policy—child-
ren under the age of 16 are worked 60
hours a week for the paliry sum of
$1.60. That some are worked as long
as 14 hours per day, receiving for the
extra hours a pro-rata increase of wag-
es, averaging 2% cents per hour; that
out of this money they must board and
clothe themselves; that their dinners
and suppers, what little they lave, are
eaten cold onthe floor among the fuz
and grease, and dirt, and smell of the
factory ; that boys and girls, irrespect-
ive of sex, are huddled together and
that in many instances, no more con-
veniences are furnished them than are
provided, for the cattle about the stock
yards of the city.
These are facts which the report will
set torth fully if Mr. WATCHORN is dis-
posed to tell all that he saw and learned
duriog his visit to these establishments j
most of which are, compa ratively
speaking, within the shadow of Inde-
pendence Hall, and the rattle of whose
machinery can beheard atthe offices of
Republican newspapers that are eter-
nally talking of the poorly paid labor
of “iree trade England.”
Farther facts that will probably no;
appear as part of the official state
ments, are, that the proprietors
of these mills are as a rule, mem-
bers of the Manufacturers’ Club of
Philadelphia, an organization that
prides itself upon the costliness of its
surroundings, the luxuries it affords,
and the princely incomes of those be-
longing to it ; that for years the busi:
ness industries belonging to its mem-
bers have been. protected by the gener-
al government, to an extent, that out
of the profits earned by the labor of
the poorly paid children referred to,
they are enabled to live like nabobs,
and to contribute hundreds of thous-
ands of dollars, yearly, to the campaign
fund of the party that promises to con-
tinue this protection.
These later facts will possibly not be
set forth in the report, but when they
are taken into cousideration with the
26% cent daily wages, paid to children
who are compelled to accept this piti-
ful price for a days labor, or starve, the
need for some attention to the condi:
tion of our own struggling poor, and
less concern about the wages of work-
men in England, ought to be apparent
to the most bigoted mind.
The annual meeting of the State
Grange is being held in Harrisburg the
present week. The report of the secre-
tary shows that while tbe total number
of Granges in the State have not inv-
creased during the past year, the mem-
bership in those already organized has
been enlarged several thousand, and the
organization is said to be in a most
prosperous condition.
An Affair of the Miss Nancys.
The Republican papers are having a
great deal to say over what they term
the “snub Speaker Crisp received”
trom the Reform club, at its dinner in
honor of the president elect, on Satur-
day night last. If the newspaper ver-
gion of the affair is correct, there is no
doubt but the Reform clubexhibited ill
manners towards 1ts distinguished
guest, but that the party is going to be
rent in twain or the country go bead-
long to the devil, because E. ELLERY
AxpEersoN dido’t know what good man-
ners were, or because Speaker Crisp
did not have an opportunity to make a
speech, is the veriest kind of fudge.
The Democratic party is not a ‘‘sis-
sy’ organization. A lack of common
civility on the part of some swallow-
tailed member, or the failure of one of
its leaders to get an opportunity to
spread himself, may disturb the equa-
nimity of a few Miss Nancys belonging
to it, and develop a little gall on the
part of those who wanted to be heard,
but further than this the Reform club
incident will disturb no one.
The incivility of Mr. ANDERsON and
his club, or the disappointments of Mr.
Crisp, are small matters indeed com-
pared with the purposes, the work and
the expectations of the Democratic
party. The individual who has an
idea that this side show trouble, such as
this New York affair is attempted to be
made our, will effect either the aims,
the earnestness, the harmony or the
ultimate success, of Democratic ideas
and Democratic efforts, has but little
conception of the determination of the
masses, or the intent of the people of
this country, to have their government
administered as they desire it to be.
Not Smart Encugh for That.
Oae would have thought that chair-
man CARrTER’S experience in buying
votes, and stealing political success
through fraudulent methods, would
have taught him the folly of depending
upon such means to thwart the wil)
of the people. But some persons never
learn auything, and this “wild and
wooly” western prodigy, who was to
teach eastern people the way to carry
elections, whether the voters wanted
them that way or not, seems to he one
of the them. Since his dismal failure
to carry out Dave Martin's plots, be
has gone back to the sands and sedge:
brush of Montana to try bis efforts, at
stealing elections, oa a smaller scale,
and is now attempting to have Repub- |
licans, here in the Ezst, believe that he
can change the result of the 8th of No- |
vember so far as to secure a United
States Senator from that State. Possi-
bly he can, but if he does it will be a
surprise to himself as well as to every
one else who knows his capacity. He
may be smart, but if he keeps on in his
attempt to overturn the will of the peo-
ple of his adopted State, his “foot prints
on the sands of time,” will be nothing
compared to the “tracks” he will make
in getting away from the vengeance of
the voters he would defraudof a fairly
won victory. As a stealer of elections
Mr. CARTER i8 not a success, as yet.
Work for the School Teacher.
Ignorance among Massachusetts Re-
publican voters must be increasing at a
lightning like pace. The fact that the
Democrats elected their governor in
November by some three thousand ma-
jority, was attributed, by the Republi
can press, to the inability of Republi-
can voters to correctly mark their tick-
ets. On Tuesday Boston held its mu-
nicipal election and the majority for
Maraews, the Democratic candidate
tor Mayor, is about 13,000. If Repub-
licon ignorance, caused this increase in
the Democratic majority, it will soon
be necessary to do something to dispel
the dense darkness that seems to have
settled down on the heretotore enlight-
ened Massachusetts mind. Certainly
such an unusual development of dumb-
ness needs looking after.
— In referring to the idiot who
jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge the
other day, the Press declares that “the
fools are not all dead yet.” To prove
that our Philadelphia contemporary is
right in its conclusions, one does not
need to stand out in the cold to watch
for bridge jumpers. The editorials of
almost any Republican paper, since
the election, gives abundant evidence
that such is the fact.
Pennsylvania and the Treasury Deficit.
It is probable that the Republican
profligacy of the past four years, that
has caused the deficit in the Treasury
at Washington, will effect Republican
Pennsylvania in her requests for appro.
priations as much, if not more, than
any other State in the Union.
At present there are two demands for
appropriations pending in congress, from
this State, in which our people are deep-
ly concerned, but whicb, the condition
of the Treasury, may require to be
with-drawn for the present. They are
for money to purchase additional
grounds and erect a new Mint in Phil.
adelphia, and for the payment of the
Border Raid claims.
Tt is quite certain that, if it is actually
necessary, Philadelphia, and the coun-
try at large, can shift along with the
old Mint and its present facilities for a
few years, or until the the condition of
the Treasury would justify the appro
priation required to erect a new one.
But every feeling of justice demands
that the citizens of the border counties,
whose claims have been put off time
and again for almost thirty years, be
paid, even if the Mint should be re-
quired to remain as it now is for the
next decade, or]League Island fail to get
a penny jfor improvements for years
to come.
Of all the claims that have been be-
fore congress since the war, there is
none more just than the Border Raid
claims, nor are there any ones that has
been given so little attention or consid
Inthe first place, Pennsylvania should
{ have paid these claims at the time of
their adjudication years ago. It was
the State's duty to protect its people,
. and failing to do so, it should have
| made good their losses at once, and re.
| quired the General Government to re
fund the amoust to it. In this it failed
snd now when the people themselves ask
that the losses they suffered through
the failure of the State and General
(rovernment to! furnish that prcte tion,
of “life, liberty and property,” that their
The Luck of the New Moon.
From the London Spectator.
A somewhat remarkable illustration
of the ancient and deeply rooted origin
of or Western superstition of bowing
turning money, etc., on the appearance
of the new moon has been brought to
my notice at Old Umtall, South Africa.
At sunset two evenings ago I suddenly
heard an outcry among my boys in
their huts at a little distance from my
own. On looking out I saw them one
after another take lighted brands from
the fire and throw them towards some
object in the eky. They then regard-
ed the same object standing in & preca-
tory attitude, stretching forth their
hands and loudly shouting certain
sentences. One sentence, ‘Nica men-
nigi mail” (give plenty money), was
clearly intelligible. In reply to my in-
quiries the boys pointed to a new moon
just faintly discernible in the clouds.
(all) boys thus greeted the new moon,
the emphasis on the “zouke” Gall) im-
plying that it was a universal native
custom. I may mention that two of
these boys came from north of Whim-
ba ne, three were subjects of Gunguo-
ghama and three were Mashonas.
The incident is not without some eth-
nic significance and may be of interest
to some of your readers.
Well Up in Thievery.
From the Chicago Herald.
Nebraska Democrats believe the
Republicans of that State are prepar-
ing to steal the Legislature in order to
elect the next United States Senator.
The Nebraska Republicans can
prove by the Record that they have
been fairly successful in the line of
‘political theft. They have never look-
ed upon the stealing of a few seats in
the Legislature as being a very difficult
undertaking, and bave accomplished
such a feat frequently. They snatch-
ed the Governorship once when Gov.
Boyd wasn’t looking, and they kept it,
too, until the United States Supreme
Court compelled them to restore 1t to
the rightful occupant. If they are
really determined to steal enough seats
in the present legislature to assure the
return of a Republican to the United
States Senate they must be closely
watched or they will be successful.
The Democrats and Populists in Ne
braska cannot afford to sleep until the
next Senator is elected.
Judge Waxam's Proverbs.
constitutions guarantee, be paid there |
| onesty when you see 1t.
should be no longer any delay about it,
nor should any condition of the Treas-
ury be plead as an excuse for failure to
make the necessary appropriation.
We do not know that the fact that |
the Treasury was looted by the party
about retiring from power, or, that the
Republican deficit, from which it now
further delay in a matter as just and
as pressing as these Border Raid
| claims are; but if it ig, our Republican
friends, who live along the border and
are proud of the actions of their party,
can console themselves with the
thought that it it was themselves their
party robbed, when itdepleted the Treas-
ury of its surplus, to gratify the de-
mands of public theives and to make a
miserable excuse for continuing an op-
pressive tariff tax.
Results of Republican rule, like
chickens, are “coming'home’’ to Repub.
lican Pennsylvania “to roost.”
Plenty of That Kind.
Mrs. or Miss Kirsy (we do not know
which she is) in her address at the ded-
ication of the DeLEPLAIN-McDANIEL
school invoked the teachers to ‘make
patriots of their boys and girls.” The
Philadelphia Times, with this fora text,
gives us a column editorial on the nec-
essity of training the children in the
public schools, to be patriots. Mrs.
or Miss Kirsy. The Times, and Patriot
ism may be all right, but when we
come to think of the number of pat
riots we had in '61,’62 and ’63, and
then remember that $180,000,000 a
vear in pensions only partially satisfies
their demands, thirty years after that
patriotism was exhibited, one is almost
compelled to conclude that it might be
better for the country if it didn't have
s0 many at one time.
——What are we coming to when a Republi
can cabinet officer publicly defends that noto-
rious election broker, JohnI. Davenport?—
Butler Herald.
After a careful survey of the
surroundings, and noting all the
finger boards along the political
highway, we judge we are “coming to”
a time when cabinet officers, such as
is referred to, will be known no more
fore. er, and when whelps like Daven:
port will have less power than a
billiard ball has hair.
suffers, will be used as an excuse for |
From the Detroit Free Press.
It's a purty hard job to tell-political
The candidate that got ‘em ain’t
ooin’ to worry about how sertain votes
wuz got ef nobody elee don’t.
Sivil servis reform gethers no moses.
Some statesmen air small pertaters
and few in hill.
When the offis wates fer the man in
these United States somethin’ ain’t
Napolyan Bonypart couldent a been
President of the United States.
Wimmen that air well treated at
home mostly ain’t hankering for votes.
A patriot may die for his country,
but ez a rule he'd rather not.
Purifyin’ politicks is upbill work.
The main qualifikashun of a candi
date is, can he git thar?
Cotton Spinning Dull From Protection.
From the London Daily News.
“In four years,” said the president
of the Manchester Statistical Society
last night, “the United States, with
cotton on the spot and ‘protection,’ has
only increased her spindles 7.7 per
cent., while India, in the same four
years, with cotton on the spot and
‘free trade,’ has increased her spindles
23.1 per cent. Following the two poli- |
cies of ‘protection’ versus ‘free trade,’ |
we find that the United States, with a
a wall of high tariffs, is effectually
shutting herself out from competition
in foreign markets, and causes us no
trouble, while India successtully takes
our customers from us.”
A Typical Mourner.
From the Boston Courier.
Consistency is a jewel, even in a wo-
man’s ear. A New Hampshire Re-
publican, a woman, was in town last
week to do shopping. “Oh, this Mug-
wump Boston I” she exclaimed ; “here
are stocks going down on account of
this wicked election, and I have got to
buy a cloak here, for I could’t possibly
get over to the other side to buy one
this summer.” And she supposed
herselt to be consistent when, being
the wife of a manufacturer whose in-
terests are shamelessly fostered by the
McKinley bill, she was angry that
she could not do her shopping in Eng:
B—_—-. a —————————
A Fair Warning.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Senator Quay hopes to save the Sen-
ate to the Republicans. It would be
just as well to see that all the burglar-
alarms are in good working order and
double the guards.
More Austral
From the St. Louis Republie.
It Ohio will iuject a little more Aus:
tralian ballot law the Democrats will
elect the other twenty-three Electors
next time,
They also informed me that ‘‘zouke”,
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Lebanon again thirsis for water.
—Schuylkill County’s taxable property is
—An electric railway will soon join Tama-
qua and Langford.
—The State debt has been diminished $14,-
17,106 this year.
—A rich vein of coal was struck at Ashland
by Barron and Co.
—A stick of wood broke John H. Eisenhard’s
skull in an Allentown shop.
—The fire has been subdued in the Prim-
rose mine at Minersville.
—38ilver ore fever has put Dubois and Ridge-
way people in a delirium.
—A Northern Central train struck and kill.
ed Eruey Barnitz at York.
—Diphtheria has killed three of John Sny-
der’s children, at Alburtis.
—Grocers organized in Pittsburg to fight
profes sional credit-seekers,
—The four small pox patients in one family
at Gouglersville will recover.
—Domestic troubles induced David Weider,
a farmer near Easton to hang himself.
—An electric car ground to death Jacob
Bixler, road supervisor, near Lebanon.
—By a premature explosion in a Hazleton
colliery William Bugans lost his life.
—An electric light safety lamp for miners
will be experimented with at Scranton.
—Carlisle Town Council is investi gating the
accounts of Burgess Orney, who is missing.
: —With an ounce of laudanum, Henry Bril.
linger, of East York, ended his earthly wozs.
—Rich coal deposits were discovered in
Jackson township, Northumberland county.
—Pittsbur g liquor dealers organized to fight
the whiskey Trust, which has put up prices.
—Highwaymen nearly killed John Burke,
at Shamokin, and stole h is watch and money.
—Supreme Judge-elect Dean was banqueted
in Williamsort Wednesday night by the law-
—In a runaway at Latimore, Cumberland
County, James A. Rinehart, a merchant, was
—Four children of Henry Shade, Hegins =
ville, Berks County, have succumbed to diph-
—Lard boiled over the kettle, fatally burn-
ing Mrs. Gottleib Foltz, of Latimer, Luzerne
—The alleged abuses by dockage bosses
caused astrike of miners of Loflin, T.uzerne
—A bear weighing 590 pounds was shot by
Philadelphia hunters on the mountain near
St. Peter's,
—While waiking upon the railroad track at
Lancaster, Edward McKinsley was hurled in-
t ac eternity.
—Cheap corn and high priced butter have
driven many Berks ccunty farmers into the
dairy business.
—Post-mortem evidences show that Murder-
er Kerner, who i.anged himself in Reading
jail, was insane.
—The remains of H. M. Clay, of Easton ,
were sent to Philadelphia Wednesday to be
—Prothonotary Hartman, of Lancaster
County, was acquitted of the charge of taking
legal fees.
—The nail cutters in the Brooke works, at
Birdsboro, who has been idle for weeks, began
work Tuesday,
—The Bradford Wooden Ware and Ename 1
Company, of McKean County, capital $20,000,
was chartered.
—The Pennsylvania Railroad's branch to
William Penn from Shenandoah is nearly
ready to be opened.
—Wages of 60 machinists in the Philadel-
phia and Reading shops in Reading were in-
creased 10 cents a day.
—For failing to marry Rosa A. Trostle, after
courting her, Reuben Miller, a farmer near
Gettysburg was fined $200.
—The St. Mary’s- Polish Church war, at
Reading, may be carried to Mosignor Satolli,
now in Washington, D. C.
—A train at Lancaster snuffed out the life
of Brakeman John Lamb, of Philadelpha, who
worked for the Reading.
—A boiler exploded in Lewis Frederick's
slaughter honse, in Reading, and blew the
roof off the building.
—C{itizens of Abington township, Montgom-
ery county, have formed an association to im-
prove the public roads.
—John C. Grey, a Butler county farmer,
says he was driven from his 1000-acre farm, in
Alabama, by the Ku-Klux.
—William Rulof’s skull was fractured while
walking in the street in Reading, but he
doesn’t know how it was done.
—Four hundred hands were thrown out of
work by a strike of the slate pickers and driv-
er boys in a colliery at Oliphant.
—Accidentally shot while butchering for a
neighbor, William Trout, of Springfield town-
ship, York county, expired Tuesday.
—The gun which Irzin Koch, of Princeton,
Berks county, aimed at a rabbit, exploded,
tearing off his hand and killing the rabbit.
—After borrowing $900, Joseph Hollick’s
house, near Wilkesbarre, burned down, and
the money ienders have had him arrested.
—Nollie Carr, whose Scranton home was a
trifle gay, fled to Binghamton, N. Y., after
being convicted by the Court, but she was cap-
tured Friday.
—The Emaus blast furnace, which will here-
after turn out 1000 tons of iron a week, resum-
ed operations Tuesday after idleness sev-
eral years.
—Burglars captured a valuable express
package and a great quantity of tickets in the
Gillerton station of the Philadelphia and
Reading railroad.
—Mrs. Mary Kreeo, who sued Northampton
and Lehigh counties for $10,000 because her
husband fell through a bridge and was killed,
received nothing.
—Andrew Wisler told John C. Pepple, of
near Gettysburg, to be “a man, a monkey, or a
long tailed rat,” and was ordered by the Judge
t> pay $300 damages.
—J. B. Fullerton, a noted crook, who recent-
ly escaped from the New Castle, Del., prison,
wis Tuesday sent to penitentiary for four
years from Scranton.
—A preliminary report of the auditors who
went over the books of the Order of Solon at,
Pittsburg shows the assets to be about $500,
000 and the liabilities nothing.
—For the death of his son wh o shot him
self because he was arrested for stealing a car-
riaze, Reuben M. Rehrig, of Catasauqua, has
brought a suit for big damages against Police~
meu Sheckler and Lamb.