a Sellefonte, Pa., Dec. 2, 1892. ( Tontinued from secoud page.) The career of William W. Davenport, of Leydea, Mass., has been very similar to that of Mr. Horton. He was born blind, one of a family of eight children, who were left penniless and fatherless when they were very young, but he is now & man of large means and one of the most extensive and prosperous farmers in Western Massachusetts. His success has resulted solely from his own energy und ability, and no part of it is due to aid from others. His farm cov- ers 700 acres and he knows its soil and topography perfectly. He isa splendid judge of live stock, and is often employ- ed as a judge to gnide buyers in the market. In passing judgment he is guided solely by the sense of feeling, et seldom if ever makes a mistake. He uys and sells hundreds of cattle every year, and frequently buys and handles $100,000 worth of wool in a twelve month. In the affairs of his town he is a lead- ing and influential citizen, and isalways quick to come to the assistance of any one whom he believes is being imposed upon. He asks no favors of any one and is prompt to defend his own rights. Once when the County Commissioners put a road through his farm and award- ed him $225 he appealed, and so suc- cessfully conducted his own case before a board of referees that the latter gave him $555 for the land taken. He fre- quently visits New York and Boston on business trips and always goes alone, yet has never had the slightest mishap in traveling. He is now worth $75,000 and is a shrewd and careful investor, with a fondness for first mortgages on New England farms. Rev. William H. Milburn, long chap- lair of the lower house of Congress, is a blind man of national repute. For half a century he has been one of the most active and successful members of his pro- fession. He lost his sight when a child, but so great was his energy that he studied for and was ordained to the ministry before he attained his majority In the course often years he traveled nearly two hundred thousand miles, fill ing missionary appointments in the South. He has been an untiring minis- terial worker all his life, yet has found time to fill various positions of trust and honor and to write half a dozen books, which have met with a large sale and won enduring popularity. A few weeks ago he sailed for a sum- mer tour thiough Europe, but, before he departure, handed to his publishers the manuscript of what he regards as his literary masterpiece. This is a history of the Mississippi Valley, for which he has been patiently gathering material for over thirty years, and upon which he has expended an amount of care and labor that wold appall the ordinary author. MAKES EYES OF HIS HANDS. Dr. James R. Coshe, of Boston, is an- other very remarkable blind man. He recently graduated from the Boston University School of Medicine near the head of his class and proposes to become a specialist in diseases of the heart and lungs. A physician’s blunder when he was an infant cost him his sight. He was carefully educated and it was the intention of his guardian that he should become a musician, but when he was twenty-one financial reverses left him penniless and dependent upon his own resources for support. He learned the massage treatment, and while practising it as a means of livelihood determined to study medicine. With that cbject in view he settled in Boston eight years ago, and since then, without aid from others, has not only paid all his college expenses, but has also purchased a val- uable medical library. At the outset his professor seriously questioned his ability to master the mysteries of practi- cal anatomy, but he did so with method- of his own devising, and his closing ex- aminations in this branch showed a re- cord of ninety-eight per cent. In clini- cal surgery he received a still higher average. _ As there are no medical works printed in raised type he was compelled to hire some one to read aloud to him and for nearly four years he had a reader six hours a day in summer and three in winter. Dr. Coche is now engaged in hospital practice and will eventually lo- cate in Boston. He is not the only blind man who is a physician. Dr. Babcock, of Chicago, a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of this city, has been for several years an eminent specialist on disease of the heart and lungs. Alvah T. Canfield, of Highland, this State, although totally: blind from infancy, has been for many years a successful breadwinner. As a child he attended the public schools with boys of his own age, played with them and found enjoyment in their sports. He was educated at the New York In- stitution for the Blind, and later was for four years a teacher there. Then he settled in Highland, where at first he gained a livelihood as a travelling agent. His pluck and energy speedily made him friends in the village, and these were quick to give him assistance. Since 1879 he has been school collector handling each year about one thousand dollars and transacting the business of the office entirely without aid. Twice he has been elected collector of the town of Highland, and for three years he ser- ved as a member of the Board of Excise. For ten years he has had the contract for carrying the mails from Highland to the landing, and often makes the trip alone. He also acts as the Highland correspondent for a number of out-of- town papers, and has frequently shown "to be an alert and enterprising reporter. He is an expert operator of typewriter, and letters which I have received from him are singularly free from mistakes. Alden F. Hays is the principal coal and ice dealer of Sewickley, Pa. He is a son of General Alex Hays, of heroic memory, who fell in the battle of the Wilderness. He is now forty-two years old, ard his blindness is the result of an accident which befell him when a child of six. He was educated at the Phila- delphia Institution for the Blind, where he made brilliant progress, and later be- came a music teacher and piano tuner. Twenty years ago, having managed to save $1,000, he engaged in the coal and lumber trade of Sewickley, and met with success from the outset. A couple | of years ago he added the sale of arufi-! cial ice to his other business, and though | be wet with bitter opposition from the natural ice men he now controls more | than halt of the ice trade of Sewickley | and vicinity: AN EXPERT METEOROLOGIST- Martin N. Kellog, the blind meteorol- ogist, is one of the best known residents of St. Paul. Heis a veteran of the Mexican war and was the first American to plant the Stars and Stripes on the walls of Chapultepec. He established the first drug store opened in the Terri- tory of Minnesota and later acquired a competence in the toy business. He be- came in his youth an ardent student of astronomy and meteorology, and such he continued through life. He has been totally blind for the past thirteen yeats, but during that time has never relin- quished his studies and is constantly making weather forecasts and predic- tions remarkable for their accurancy. He keeps himself informed as to the positions of the conditions by the aid of members of his family. Frequent plan- etary observations are taken by his wife and two daughters, the latter both well educated young ladies, who from their constant reading of works on astronomy and kindred science to their father, are the best informed young women in these branches of learning to be found in America. They are familiar with all the standard works on astronomy, can easily pick out the planets from their myriad companion bodies and for many of them have invented pet names of their own. With their mother they are almost constantly making meteorolo- gical observations and reporting them to their father. All the magazine artic- les on matters relating to astronomy and meteorology are read to Mr. Kellog by one of his family. Thus with the knowledge acquired prior to his blind- ness, he is enabled to keep pace with the march of science in thig direction, and even to surpass the scientist himself in the accuracy of the observations and predictions he is all the time making. One of New York city’s most notable blind men is Julius Stern. who resides on Columbs avenue, near Ninety-first street. Mr. Stern, who is still a young man, has been blind for the last ten years. He is a man of marked intelli- gence and before hé became blind was a tireless student. He conducts a news stand delivering the daily papers to his numerous customers without assistance and in this way gains a comfortable living for himself and family. He goes about the city wherever his business calls him, unattended, and is often seen on Newspaper row. He is an expert billiard player and some of his perfor- mances with the ivory balls would be highly creditable to one who could see. SUCCESSFUL IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS. As the blind person’s only association with the world about, is ‘by means. of sound it is not at all surprising that it is through a musical training that the great majority ot them are fitted to earn a livelihood. Tn various parts of the United States there are now 150 blind people employed as piano tuners. There are fully as many more who are teach- ers of music in schools for the blind, nearly 500 who are private teachers of music, 100 who are church organists, 15 or 29 who are composers and publishers of music and a large number who are dealer in musical instruments. ? Steinway & Sons employ two blind iano tuners. One of them, Gustavus . Kaufmann, who is now aboat twenty one years old, has been blind from his second year. He is a graduate of the Institution for the Blind,and an accom- plished tuner. He lives in Brooklyn, and goes to and from his work unatten- ded. His evenings are given to piano practice, and he has frequently appeared in concerts. He gives great promise as a composer, and many of his composi- tions, which include piano solos, sonatas songs and male choruses, have been ac- cepted and published. Albert Leitz, the other blind piano tuner employed by the Steinway, is also an expert work- man. Clement Hagor i3 organist of the Episcopal church at Highlands, N. Y., and has besides a large number of pu- pils. The choir which Mr. Hagor di- rects is not surpassed in many of our large cities. The oldest and ths best known hymn writer now living is a blind woman, Fanny Crosby, of Park avenue, N. Y. Her hymns, “Pass Me Nct, O Gentle Saviour,” ‘Rescue the Perishing,” “Saviour, More Than Life to Me’ and Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross,” are are known and sung wherever the Eng- lish language is spoken, and, though blind from infancy, she has composed more than 3,000 others. She is now sixty-five years of age, and before she made hymn writing her life work. was for many years a teacher of the blind. All of her poetical efforts are dictated to to a secretary, and so faithful is her memory that she often composes a dozen or more hymns before she dictates any of them to her assistant. Her disposi- tion is a sunny, hopeful one, and her cosy home is the abiding place of cheer- fulness and contentment, The cases I have cited by no means exhaust the list of those who, though blind, have made their way in the world. Robert Leebold was for some years the postmaster of a little town in Westchester county and proved a most efficient and capable official. Martin Farrell owned three farms in Orange county, all procured through his own efforts, as he began life without a dollar. James Peacock, until stricken with fa- tal illness, was an expert electrician in N. Y. A blind man named Selly conducts the leading upholstery estab- lishment in Poughkeepsi and is making money, while there are many blind men who are prospering as real estate and insurance agents So it will be seen that the lot of the blind person is any- thing but a hopeless one. ——For pity’s sake, don’t growl and grumble because you are troubled with indigestion. No good was ever effected by snarling and fretting. Be a man (unless you happen tobe a woman,) and take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which will relieve you, whether man or woman. — Jerry Simpson won $550 on the election und has invested the money in a stocking factory. Tourists. New Advertisements. It May Be Interesting to Know. That when excursion rates are made to Chi- cago for people who live in the East, to enable them to attend the World’s Fair next year, it is contemplated by the Western roads to also I make excursion rates from Chicago to all principle business and tourist points in the West, Northwest and Southwest, so that those who desire to spend a few weeks among their friends in the Great West, may have an op- portunity of doing without incurring much ad- ditional expense. It may be well to consider this subject in advance of actual time of start- ing, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. has issued maps and time tables and other instructive reading matter, which it will be glad to furnish free of expense upon application by postal card address to Jno. R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa. or to Geo. H. Heatford, General Passenger Agent, Chicago IIL. ET The Titan of Chasms. A Mile Deep, 13 Miles Wide, 217 Miles Long, and Painted Like a Flower. The Grand Canon of the Colorado River, in Arizona, is now for the first time easily access- ible to tourists. A regular stage line has been esiablished from Flagstatf, Arizona, on the At- lantic & Pacific Railroad, making the trip from Flagstaff to the most imposing part of the Can- on in less than 12 hours. The stage fare for the round trip is only $20.00, and meals and comfortable lodgings are provided throughovt the trip at a reasonable price. The view of the Grand Canon afforded at the'terminus of the stage route is the most stupendous panora- ma known in nature. There is also a trail at. this point leading down the Canon wall, more than 6,000 feet vertically, to the river below. The descent of the trail is a grander experi- ence than climbing the Alps, for in the bottom of this terrific and snblime chasm are hun dreds of mountains greater than any of the Al pine range. ? A book describing the trip to the Grand Canon, illustrated by many full-page engrav-. ings from special photographs, and furnishing all needful information, may obtained free up- on application to Jno. J. Byrne, 723 Monadnock Block, Chicago, Ill. 37-30-3m A T——————— Wanted. Flouring Mills at Reynolds. N. D. ($2,000 bonus); and Maynard, Minn. (Free site and half of stock will be taken). Jewelry Stores at Buxton and Neche, N. D. Banks at Ashby, Minn, and Williston N.D. Hotels at Wahpeton and Grafton, N. D (Stock will be taken); Crystal, N. D. and Waverly, Minn. (Bonus offered or stock taken). General Stores, Creameries, Harness Shops, Drug Stores, Shoe Shops, Lumber Yards, Tai or Shops, Hardware Stores, Banks,[Carpenter Shops, Saw Mill, Soap Factories, Blacksmith Shops, Meat Markets, Bakeries; Barber Shops, Wagon Shops, Furniture Factories, Machine Shops, &e. needed and solicited by citizens in new and growing towns in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana. Free sites * water pow er for factories at various places. No charges whatever for information which may {lead to the securing of locations by interested par- ties. Farmers and stock-raisers wanted to occupy the best and cheapest vacant farming and grazing lands in America. Instances are com- mon every year inthe Red River Valley and other localities where land costing $10. an acre produces $20. to $30. worth of grain. Fines sheep, cattleand horse country in America Millions of acres of Government Land still to be homesteaded convenient to the railway. Information and publications sent free by F. 1. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. 36-32. The Land of Sunshine. A Unique Country where the Skies are almost Never Clouded, while the air is Cool and Brac- ing, like Perpetual Spring. As an anomalous southern resort, by reason of the fact that there one may escape summer heat no less than winter cold, New Mexico is rapidly becoming famous. Averaging through- out the entire territory 5,600 feet in altitude above sea-level, and characterized by dry air which, unlike a humid atmosphere, is incapa- ble of communicating heat, the temperature in midsummer remains at a delightfully com- fortable degree through the day, and at night becsmes invariably brisk and bracing. The sunshine is almost constant, yet the most vio- lent out-of-door exertion may be undertaken without fear of distressful consequences. Sun- stroke or prostration are absolutely unknown there. It is an ideal land for a summer outing. Its climate is prescribed by reputable physi- cians as a specific for pulmonary complaints, and the medicinal Hot Springs at Las Vegas ere noted for their curative virtues. The most sumptuous hotel in the west, the Mon- tezuma, is located at these springs. Write to Jno. J. Byrne, 723 Monadnock Block, Chicago, for “The Land of Sunshine,” an entertaining and profusely illustrated book descriptive of this region,-the most picturesque and roman- tic in the United States. 3742 3m Abraham Lincoln: When leaving his home at Springfield, Ill, to be inaugurated President of the United States, made a farewell address to his old friends and neighbors, in which he said, “neighbors give your boys a chance.” The words come with as much force to-day as they did thirty years ago. How give them this chance? Up in the northwest is a great empire wait- ing for young and sturdy fellows to come and develope it and “grow up with the country.” All over this broad land are the young fellows, the boys that Lincoln referred to, seeking to better their condition and get on in life. Here is the chance! The country referred to lies along the Northern Pacific R. R. Here you canffind pretty much anything you want. In Minneso- ta, and in the Red River Valley of North Dake. ta, the finest of prairie lands fitted for wheat and grain, or as well for diversified farming. N Western North Dakota, and Montana, are stock ranges limitless in extent, clothed with the most nutritious of grasses. Ifa fruit farming region is wanted there is the whole state of Washington to select from As for scenic delights the Northern Pacific Railroad passes through a country unparallel- ed. In crossing the Rocky, Bitter Root and Cascade mountains, the g' 2atest mountain scenery to be seen in the United States from car windows is found. The wonderful Bad Lands, wonderful in graceful form and glow- ing color, are a poem. Lake Pend d'Orielle and Coeur d'Alene, are alone worthy of a trans- continental trip, while they are the fisher- man’s Ultima Thule. The ride along Clark’s Fork of the Columbia River is a daylight dream. To cap the climax this is the only way to reach the far famed Yellowstone Park. To reach and see all this the Northern Pa- cific Railroad furnish trains and service of unsurpassed excellence. The most approved and comfortab'e Palace Sleeping cars: the best Dining cars that can be made; Pullman Tourist cars gocd for both first and second class passengers; easy riding Day coaches, with Baggage, Express, and Postal cars all drawn by powerful Baldwin Locomotives makes a train fit for royalty itself. Those seeking for new homes should take this train and go and spy out the land ahead. To be prepared write to CHAS. 8. FEE, G. P.& T. A. St. Paul, Minn. ED R CONSTIPATION. Ayer’s Pills, For Dyspepsia Ayer’s Pills, For Biliousness Ayer’s Pills, For Sick Headache Ayer’s Pills, For Liver Complaint Ayer’s Pills, For Jaundice Ayer’s Pills, For Loss of Appetite Ayer’s Pills, For Rheumatism Ayer’s Pills, For Colds Ayer's Pills, For Fevers Ayer’s Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists, 37-L0 EVERY DOSE EFFECTIVE OARDING.—Visitors to Philadel- phia, on business or pleasure, from this section, will find pleasant rooms and good boarding either by the day or week, at 1211 Greene Street. Centrally located. Pleasant surroundings. 37-32. REWERY FOR SALE OR RENT. —The subscriber offers her Brewery property, situated one miles west of Bellefonte for sale or rent on easy terms. It consists of a large Brew House, with kettles, vats and every- thing complete, an excellent vault for stor- ing beer, two dwelling houses, large stable out houses and two acres of land. Term will be easy and price or rent low. Apply on the premises to 37-36-3m MRS. L. HAAS. UST ARRIVED. A complete line of Ladies Union Suits FROM 50 CENTS UP A beautiful assortment of trimming furs. Childrens coats from $1.25 up. LADIES WOOL HOSE at 18 cents, better ones for more money. ALWAYSPLENTY OF BARGAINS AT CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Spring Street, ellefonte, Pa 37 43 1y Prospectus. 1 EXHAUST YOUR APPROPRIATION For reading-matter until you have seen the NEW { PETERSON { MAGAZINE For fifty-two years, Peterson's Magazine has been the leading lady’s magazine of America : and Now, with new ideas, new contributors, new size, and new dress, the new managers will spare no expense to make 9 B 1891. BF [BE B | § g" P.M.| A, M.-| A, M. |ArT. Lv.| A. Mm. |p.a.| p. bm. 6 40! 11 55| 6 55|...Tyrone....| 7 55(3 10 7 25 6 33| 11 48| 6 48|.. 8021317 732 629) 11 43| 6 44 8053 20| 7 36 6 25 11 38] 6 40 810324 741 6191132 633 8 15/3 30| 7 47 615| 11 29| 6 30|... 8 17/3 83| 7 50 6 13| 11 26| 6 28... 8 213 87| 7 54 6 06 11 17| 6 21|Pt. Matilda. 8 28/3 44] 8 01 5 59| 11 09] 6 13|...Martha....| 8 36/3 52| 8 10 5.50( 10 59) 6 05|....Julian..... 8 44/4 01] 8 20 541} 10 48 5 55/.Unionville.| 8 55/4 10| 8 30 5 33] 10 38| 5 48/...8.S.Int...| 9 03/4 17| 8 40 5 30| 10 35| 5 45| .Milesburg | 9 07(4 20| 8 44 5 20( 10 25| 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 17(4 30| 8 54 5 10 10 11] 5°25|.Milesburg.| 9 324 40 9 04 6502) 958 518/..Curtin..., 9 46/447 913 4 55| 951 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 9 51(4 55 919 449 9 44 5 07|...Howard...| 10 01/5 02| 9 28 440| 9 36, 4 59|.Eagleville.; 10 15/5 10, 9 40 4 38) 933] 4 56 Bch. Creek.| 10 20/5 13| 9 45 426 921 4 46|.Mill Hall...; 10 35/5 24 10 01 4 23 9 18 4 43 Flemin’ton.| 10 39/5 27| 10 05 420, 915 4 40Lck.Haven| 11 45/5 30| 10 10 P.M.| A.M. |A M. A. M. [A.M.| P.M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. FE. SOUTHWARD, W REE) Nov. 186, 4 BE ? 5E FR ? P.M.| P. M. | A. M. (Lv. Ar. a. M. [A.M [P.M 730 315 8 00|..Tyrone....| 6 50| 11 456 17 737 322 8 O07.E. Tyrone. 6 43| 11 38/6 10 743) ‘3 27 8 1ll...... Vail...... 6 37| 11 34/6 04 7 53) 3 36| 8 21|.Vanscoyoc.| 6 27| 11 25/5 53 8 00, 3 42| 8 25|.Gardners..| 6 25| 11 215 53 8 07| 8 49) 8 35/Mt.Pleasant| 6 16! 11 12/5 43 8 15| 3 54| 8 45|...Summit...| 6 09] 11 05(56 30 819) 359 8 50 Sand. Ridge 6 05| 10 58/5 27 8 21) 401] 8 52... Retort.....] 6 03] 10 54[5 25 824 402 8 55.Powelton.., 6 01| 10 52/5 23 8 30] 4.03 9 04|..0sceola...| 5 52| 10 40/5 11 8 41 10] 2 13|.Boynton...| 5 45] 10 33/5 €3 845 418 9 17|..Bloiners...| 5 43| 10 30/4 58 847 422) 920 PijlRn ‘gl 5 41 10 27/4 55 8 51| 4 26| 9 24|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 21/4 49 8 57| 432 9 32|..Blue Ball..| 8 33| 10 17/4 44 9 03] 439 9 39|Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 10/4 39 9 10| 4 47| 9 47|....Bigler..... 5 22| 10 014 31 9 17| 452| 9 54..Woodland..| 5 17| 9 544 26 9 24| 4 58 10 02|...Barrett....| 5 12| 9 47/4 20 9 28| 5 02] 10 07|..Leonard...| 5 09] 9 43/4 15 9 35| 5 08| 10 14|..Clearfield..| 5 04| 9 36/4 07 9 40| 5 11) 10 24|..Riverview.| 5 00| 9 32/4 (2 9 47 6 16| 10 29|Sus. Bridge| 4 54| 9 24/3 56 9 55 5 25| 10 35 Curwensv’e| 4 50 9 20/2 50 P.M.|P. M. | A, M. A.M. [A MPM. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after Nov. 16, 1891. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday..... Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday now> RES mPEP BEER LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effect November 15th, 1891. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. 111 | 103 114 | 112 STATIONS. P. M. | A M. A.M |P MC 2 05) 5 50|....... Montandon........ 920 458 2 20| 6 20|..... ...Lewisburg.. ..... 910) 445 2 30/ 6 30(. 87 287 635 4 32 2 47 645]. 4 22 3 03 7 00. 409 813 733 402 338 719 753 338 358 753 732 318 4 15 8 10|....Rising Springs. 716 302 4 28] 8 244....... Centre Hall 703 247 4 34| 8 32|. aes 6 567 240 4 40 837 6 50] 232 4 45 8 42|... 6 45 227 4 49| 8 46 641 223 4 53 851.. 637 218 502 9 00]...... Pleasant Gap 628 208 5 10) 9 10........, Bellefonte......... 6 20] 200 P. M. | A.M. A.M. | PM. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD 2 = Nov. 16, 2 8 E H 1891. i » a B a Be A.M. | P.M A.M. | PM 951 456 Scotia..... 9 21 4 47]... 10 21| 5 17|.Fairbrook. 9 09 4 27 10 28) 5 29|Pa.Furnace| 8 56 4 15/. 10 34| 5 36|...Hostler...| 8 50, 4 08 10 46) 5 42|..Marengo..| 8 43] 4 01 10 52| 5 49 on .|] 837 355 10 58| 5 56| FurnaceRd| 8 31] 3 49 11 02| 6 00|Dungarvin.| 8 27| 3 46] 11 10, 6 10(..W.Mark..., 8 19| 3 38 11 20{ 6 20|Pennington| 8 10| 3 30 11 32| 6 32|...Stover..... 7 58 318 res 11 40| 6 42|...Tyrone. 7 50] 3 10]. ELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1892. EASTWARD. WESTWARD, Ac. Ex. | Mail. gp oon | Ac] Ex | Mail. roe) Pp. M.! A. Mm. |AT. Lv. am] A, mp. um 635 350] 9 05|.Bellefonte.|{3 30] 10 30, 4 40 6 28 3 44 8 89|..Coleville...[6 37] 10 35| 4 45 625 341] 8 56 6 40} 10 38 4 48 6 22) 3 38) 852 6 44| 10 43 4 51 619 335 849 6 47| 10 46 4 54 6 17| 3 33] 8 47|.. Hunters...(6 50| 10 49| 4 56 6 14) 3 31] 8 44|..Fillmore...|6 53| 10 52| 5 00 6 11) 8 28 8 40|....Sellers....|6 57| 10 66] 5 03 609 326 8238 7 00) 10 58) & 05 605 323 835 ...I705/ 1101] 510 6 02! 3 20| 8 30|Mattern Ju|7 08] 11 03] 512 551) 308 8 18|.Krumrine..|7 21| 11 13| 5 24 548) 3 05 8 14|....Struble...7 24| 11 17| 5 27 545 300 8 10/StateColl'gelr 30| 11 20 5 30 On the Red Bank branch trains will run as follows : GOING BAST WILL LEAVE Red Bank at 8 00 a. m and 5 85 p.m Stormstown at 8 05 5 40 Mattern at 812 5 43 Graysdale at 8 17 5 46 Mattern Ju. at 8 20 5 50 GOING WEST WILL LEAVE : Mattern Ju. 7 14a. m. and 5 13 p.m Graysdale 7 19 516 Mattern 7 24 5 20 Stormstown 7 29 5 23 Red Bank 7 35 5 35 Tros. A. SHOEMAKER, Supt.