EET lt PR, TD Ta TT Co TCH Dhemeaticd nda 2 fi py Ca BY / BP. GRAY MEEK. > Ink Slings. -—[t is never a laughing matter to work at a ticklish business, —Is it any half of the world’s population is trying to kill it. —The attempts of some to be funny are only eclipsed by these of others to appear wise. —We are ready to venture the asser- tion that the healthiest liver was the | Thankful one yesterday. --If Philadelphia has done nothing else she has given to Democracy Hon. WiLrLiam F. Hargiry. —The fellow who thinks that “talk is cheap,” will have a different idea after tackling the long distance telephone. —TIt isnot always best to rely too much on duty. It was a too strict enforce- of it that busted Republicanism this | fall. —It’s a peculiar fact that most people determine to ‘‘turn over a new leaf,” | just at the time of year there are nonew leaves to turn over. --The monster comet which is headed towards the earth with such frightful velocity, promises to be switching a tajl as long as the Republicans tail of woe. —The Harrisburg Patriot is as flat as a pan-cake. It is *too bad that such a journal should have gotten into such a condition all through the work of its sorehead owners, —We have dollars to cents that the writer of the article, ‘*Married Men Live Longer Than Bachelors,” which created some attention recently, is a maiden of many summers. —After all there is nothing in the be- lief of the survival of the fittest. Insur- ance companies have discovered that the average life of the mechanic is but 43.3 while that of the lawyeris 51.1 years. —If Republicans had only followed the advice which they are now so anx- iously wasting on the Democracy, the old elephant of the G. O. P. would not have tobe classed with invertebrate animals to-day. —The Republican National Commit- tee has abandoned its head-quarters in New York and one would conclude, on looking round, that 1t has reason to do the same with both hope and expecta- tion for the future. —'The old sinner who said his prayers and stopped drinking wken he heard that there was danger of a disastrous collision with a comet, is none the worse off now since the tailed star has decided to thump us on this trip. —Pennsylvenia Democrats need not feel ashamed of their record at the late election. Had the usual Republican majority in this State been only as large as in Ililnois and Indiana she would had chosen Democratic presiden- tial electors. —- General WEAVER, the defeated Peoples’ party-Alliance-Populist-Fused Democratic-Fused-Republican Candi- date for President, takes consolation in the belief that his party made a better showing and has a brighter future than tke Republican. —- Within the past five years immi- gration has done more to harm the country than all the other agents which act toward its destruction. Itis to be hoped that something will be done to check the influx of undesirable foreig- ners which threatens the stability of American industries. —A well merited title is that of “Deacon” by which Jas. H. WHITE the venerable member of of the New York stock Exchange is known. Sev- eral years ago he failed and compro- mised, his creditors offering to take fifty cents on the dollar, congratulating themselves that they got thal ‘mick. Fortune has favored the old speculatir again, and his high sense of honor has Jed him to pay the remaining fifty cents with interest. Such things are seldom heard of now-a-days. —The great Homestead strike is at an end. It was the bitterest conflict ever carried on between capital and labor. The latter having acknowledged itself beaten will now try to adjust the strain- ed relations which have existed, but de- pressed with the thought that its great struggle for the rights of the working- man willgo down in history asa stain upon the country’s honor. The ballot and not the Winchester is the weapon to be used when Plutocracy defies the rights of the weak. —Uncle JERRY RUSK’S report of the | agricultural interests of the country has been made to the president. Itis quite flattering to the farming classes and should by all means have been made before the election, Uncle JERRY does'nt seem to think much of General DYRENFORTH’S rain making experi- ments, and we're inclined to the belief shat he would have racommended hold- ing elections, every time the country needs water, if it had’nt been for hurt- ing BENJAMIN'S feelings. wonder time flies when VOL. 87. Let Us Hear From Them. Before the election there was no end “to the denunciat ons, by Republican | papers and speakers, of what they call- {ed the Democratic gerrymanders in ! Wisconsin, Michigan, New York and | the South. So intent were they on | having for the people, what they con- | sidered, just representation, that in the | three States named, where they le i lieved they controled the political cen- | timent of the Supreme Court, they ap- pealed to that body to annul the action | of the Legislature and to declare the £ apportionments made unconstitutional. | In Wisconsin these demands and efforts | were successful twice and the people of | that State were put to the expense of | two extra sessions of the Legislature, | before the Republican idea of a consti- tutional apportionment was secured. In the demand for the intervention of the Supreme Court, to compel equita- ble and just apportionments in the States referred to, there were no papers anywhere seemingly more earnest than the Republican organs of Pennsylva- nia, There was no quibbling, halting or hesitating on their part. Their’ de- nunciations of gerrymanders were bit- ter, and their demands for their correc- tion, importunate and determined. To hem, at that time, the expeuse of hear- ings before the Supreme Court or the cost of extra sessions of the Legislature to the tax-payers, was nothing in their estimation when compared with the great wrong they were attempting to right, or the necessity of a strict com- pliance with constitutional require ments, In these States, according to these papers, all was wrong because the ba- sis of representation was wrong. No- thing could be right until this wrong was corrected. There could be no jus- tice, no fairness, no equity in legisla- tion, no honorin anything the State might do, until equal representation was secured their people. All through the campaign we heard much of this unfairness, this injustice and the unconstitationality of gerry- manders—-away from home—and we heard it very often. We are listening now for something further on this snbject, that will bene- fit our people here in Pennsylvania. There is not a State in the Union BELLEFONTE, PA. STATE RIG HTS AND FEDERAL UNION. N Tov Lute, It is a very old aud in many cases may be a wise saying, that assures us it 13 ‘“‘betler late than never.” In the case of the very recent discovery, by the Republicans, of the evils of unrestricted emigration, it is possible that it would have been “better never than so late.” For thirty-two years, with the excep- tion of from 84 to '88, they have had almost undisputed sway of every de- partment of the government. They have had power to do as they pleased and authority to enact snch measures and enforce such policy as they deem- ed best. They restricted imports of all kinds that tended to lessen the ordinary ex- penses of our citizens, and closed our ports against everything foreign for which the necessities of our people made a demand, They railed against foreign methods, foreign customs, for- eign manufacturers and everything that was not strictly and exclusively American, except the one thing—the foreigner himself—and no matter how dirty, disagreeable or useless he was, or for what purposes, or under what circumstances he came, our ports were open for his entry and he was welcom- ed by the party in power, until our hospitals and alms houses are crowded with them ; our workshops and labor marts over-run by them, and our peo- ple, who must depend upon their labor for a living, are left to compete for em- ployment, at their own homes, with the cheapest rag-tag-and-bob-tail labor that the provinces of Europe can far- nish. Suddenly, now that they are about to retire from power, they waken up to the necessity of restricting emigra- tion, and have volumes ‘of advice to give the Democracy on this subject. It is a pity they did not realize the situation sooner. It is to their discred- it that they did not have the courage to meet the demands of monopoliats, and protected interests for cheap labor, with sach legislation as would have prevented the pauper labor of continen- tal Europe from over-running us and crowding our own people to the wall. It is to their failure to do their duty, becanse certain classes to which they so unfairly, unjustly aad infamously, districted as is Pennsylvania. There ! is no State anywhere in which consti- | tutional requirements on this subject | have been as flagrantly violated or as’ openly disregarded as in this. There is no State in which as many of its people are disfranchised by failure to have equal representation, or with as | many congressional, legislative and | senatorial districts, that are given more representation than they are entitled to. The opportunity for righting these wrongs; for obeying constitutional provisions that have long been unre- cognized ; for securing just representa- tion forall of our people, here in Penn- sylvania, without the expense of judi- cial trials or the cost of extra sessions, is here. The legislature of the State meets in less than six weeks from this writing, It is overwhelmingly Repub- lican in both branches. If Republican professions, when de- manding fair and just apportiouments for the people of Wisconsin, Michigan and other States, were not the hol lowest kind of pretense, we ought to have some demand soon from the pa- pers of that party, here at home, for the same fairness and justice for our own people. Pennsylvania has the same right to equal representation, under fair apportionments, and to constitutional protection in this matter, that the peo- ple of other States have. The Republican party in the State has the power and isin the position to give it to them. Has their papers, now that they can be of service in se- curing this right for the people of Pennsylvania, the honesty, the fairness and the courage to demand it of their own legislatare ? It is time for the Republican press of this State to epeak out on this sub- ject. —— Mr CLevELAND has given notice | to applicants for office that it is not the ' first one out, or the candidate who is ' most persistent in his demands, that "will stand the best chance of appoint ment,—a gentle hint that he who makes unseemly haste, or is tiresomely importunate in his efforts for recogni- tion, will not be of the many who are chosen to the feast: the present situation is chargeable. Death-bed repentences may be all right, but in this instance, the fact of the Republican party attempting to leave the impressicn that it passed away declaring for the interests ot the common people, by demanding the re- striction of imigration, is a deception that will deceive no one, and a pre- tense of repentance that will merit no forgiveness. Ou this subject, “better never than so late,” would have been the proper motto for defeated and disgraced Re- publicanism to follow. By referring to it only emphasizes its own faithless- ness, its cowardice and its failures. Will Roost Lower. Although Mr. Curis. Mace has succeeded in getting his candidate Mir- LER installed in the collector's office, he will hardly roost as high as he did pri- or to the election, when he was riding over the country with Alabama in his pocket. The dismal failure he made of his southern campaign, coup- led with the fact that his most vigor- ous efforts have failed to make any in- roads upon thestrength of the one man he would rejoice to see downed,—Sena- tor Quay,—will fix his position hereaf- ter in the Republican coop among the ordinary roosters of the flock, in place of on the upper perch, as its high co:k- o-lo-rum. ——It’s an awful struggle the Repub- licar papers are witnessing just now between Mr. CLEVELAND and. the friends of Mr. MurpHY, in New York. Strange to say, neither of the parties named nor any one else knows any- thing of the war, and every body seems content to allow these defeated and dis- couraged journals all the gratification they can get out of their purely imag inary conflict. ——It must be worm-wood and gall to a man like INGALLS to feel the heavy hand of disappointment that comes to him with the Kansas election, and to know that the one who is most likely to fill the place he so longed for in the United States Senate, is the weak woman, whose efforts he derided and whose ability he was so willing to discount, were under obligations objected, that | Will We Have Forty-seven States. | An opportunity to partly square up | with the Republicans tor trying to per- | petnate their power by manufacturing | new States, to secure their electoral | will be offered the Dem- | ocracy when it comes into power after | the 4th of March next. It will be by | the admission of New Mexico, Arizona ‘and Utah, to American Statehood. | These three territories would have been | admitted as States when the Dakotas, | Idaho and Wyoming were, but for the | fact that they were supposed to be Democratic and the Republicans want- ed no new States about the electoral votes of which there would be any doubt. It was for political reasons that Da- kota was divided, and that Idaho and Wyoming were admitted as States. It was for the: same reason that New Mexico and Utah, both with popula. tions larger than Idaho and Wyoming combined, and Arizona with fully ‘as large a population as Wyoming, were refused admittance. Back in 1888 the party at St. Louis demanded the admission of New Mex- ico along with other territories since made States, and the same year the Republicans in their platform, pledged themselves “to do all in their power” fo admit it “to the enjoyment of self- government as a State.” At the elec- tion in 1888 ic gave a Democratic ma- jority of 1,600, and that settled it. Idaho and Wyoming, both Republican, with a combined population of 145,590, were made into States with four United States Senators, two Representatives, and six electoral votes aud the politi- cal boon of a homerule administration. New Mexico with a bigger total popu. lation than the two combined, was ex- cluded from the Union of States and continued as a territory. For thesame reason Utah with a population larger than that of Nevada, Idaho and Wy- owing all together, and Arizona, with votes, than either of these three, were refused admittance and are etill governed as territories. With the House and Senate both in Democratic president back of them, there should be no hesitanzy or delay about the admission of either of these territories, It is a matter of justice to their people that they be allowed their own home government, and it is a .mat- ter of justice to the Democratic party, that it offsets in the Senate, the House and the electoral college, the power the Republicans gave to themselves by creating States of the little Republican territories of the Northwest. Bearing Fruit Already. Whatever other manufacturers may pretend to be frightened, about such changes as a change of administration may bring about in the policy of the government, the manufacturers of cot- ton goods are not of them. Already since the success of the Democracy, three large plants in Connecticut have notified their employees that after the 1st of December, wages will be in- creased seven per cent, and on Satur- day last the Manville company at Prov- idence Rhode Island, posted a notice that after the 5th of December wages in that establishment would be in. creased. Although no promise was made of a higher rate of wages, in case of Demo- cratic success, the fulfillment of the hope that such might be ‘the result is beginning to be realized much sooner than the most sanguine expected. Better times for the workingmen and women, as indicated by the action of the eastern Cotton Manufacturers, is but one of the good results of a firm faith in the wider and more progress ive policy that is sure to follow the general change that the Sth of Novem- ber brought. ———— —— A Treaton, New Jersey grand jury, hes recommended a whipping post for wife beaters. That jury is right. ‘We may talk about going back to the dark ages, and of cruel and in- buman punishment, but if we had more whipping posts and fewer expen- sive and comfortable jails, there would not be half eo many criminals to pun- ish or half the expense for the law | abiding people to pay, that we now . have. as many people and greater prospects | “ tL 5d , NOV, 25, 1892. | manulactures of woolens has got his raw the hands of the Democrats and a} ! | foreign manufacturer to accumulate as | advantage the foreigner will gain. If self, the price of wool will go up in con- Spawls from the Keystone, —Diphtheria’s scourge at Pine Grove does not abate. —Monongahela River mine strikers seem willing to return to work. —A fall of coal crushed Andrew Labotis life- less in a Shenandoah mine. —Lancaster County’s most teachers’ institute ended Friday. —Thirty hogs 'died withina few days at Bowers, Berks County, of cholera. satisfactory RS 2 —A step back ward upon the railroad (rack at Wilkesbarre cost Ella Niland her life. —An explosion of gas in a Mahanoy City colliery 3sally scorched Thomas Feeley. N O. 46. —Two loaded cars at Plymouth crushed to I — | death D.P. Hendershot, a rich contractor. A Leading Republican Journal Tells | the Story of Party Disaster. { —Friday Mr. and Mrs. Jeremizh Kohler, of Hanover, celebrsted their golden wedding. | i | From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. | —Governor Paltison appointed Walter Ryne | { “The Republican party was beaten kiewiz Justice of the Peace in Shenandoah. because it had taken a wrong position —Melancholy induced George Walker, of on some of the leading questions of nat- | Lisburn, Camberland Couuty, to hang himselfe ional concern. It was wrong on the [ —The body of Joseph Conover was found by Federal election matter : it was emphat- | the railroad track at Leaman Place, Lancas- teally and fatally wrong on the tariff, | (.,. : The passage of the McKinley law of | wr y bs a TI was the greatest Sea ever | on he Sis Sones Sovighed Joby ad committed. Ii overwhelmingly defea- | ‘iHiam Touhill of stealing a steamboat en ted the party in Congressional elections 8M of that year, and it was the leading | cause in the overthrow this year. Many Republicans who were neyer in favor of _ Place, the act believed after the set back of 1800 { —Fire having destroyed the Delong Bros’. that the popular hostility to it would | tannery at Reading, it is said it will never be subside by the time the Presidential | rebuilt. election came around, and that the | party might then retain its supremacy | al —IHarry Page, of Morrisville, was killed on the Pennsylvania Railroad Monday at that —Harvey Steff broke his back by falling off obacco s { 3 8 Lig in the executive branch of the govern- | a Hed 3 Driwostus, Tancatier ment and regain control of the legisla- tive branch. The returns show how completely and conspicuously those hopes have been blasted. “This thing called McKinleyism— this advancing of duties on articles which have been on the dautizble list for from a third of a century to a cen- tury, has been conderaned finally and eternally by the people. This verdict has been rendered twice, and after an interval of two years between the judg- ments. The first verdict may have been hastly given, and without sufficient ex- émination of the evidence, but the sec- ond was recorded after reasonable deli- | beration, and it was more pronounced and emphatic than the first. If the Re-, publican party is to win any victories in the future 1t must drop McKinleyism immediately and permanently, and send all the men who cling to it to the rear. The party must, of course, adhere to the rroective policy, but 1t must be protec- tion of the rational kind-the protection which keeps the interests of consumers | as well as those of producers in view.” | ee AA { | —The fear of a big land:lide drove the workmen from the Albion slate quarry at Pen Argyle. —TFor stealing two Bibles from a Carlisle | church James Stumm was sent to prison for | five years. —A runaway team at Treichlersvilla threw Daniel Kase from the wagon, inflicting eriti- cal injuries. —An ardent Wiliiamsport Democrat, while cheering for Cleveland, dropped his false teeth in the river, —Two hundred and sixty pounds of butter were stolen from the creamery at Sigmund | Lehigh county. —The cholera scare caused the abatement of 1000 nuisances in Reading, according to police court. —An unknown man was cut in two by a Pennsylvania Railroad train at Dillerville, Lancaster County. —The gunners who shot John Fulton near, Reading have not yet been located. Fulton’s condition is eritical. —With a club two burglars breke into Rub. | insky’s jewelry store at Shenandoah and stole §.00 worth of goods. Practical Reasons Why the Tariff Should be Altered at Once. —These two postmasters were named Satur- From the New York Evening Post. ! day; J. C. Huntington, Copper Tract, and J. B. There is one reason why the wool | Johnston, Packertorn, tariff should be repealed at as early a | : day as possible. The price of wool in | 11a f¥ : 3 po the London market has been greatly de- i Tes 18 Pa Statue af s Maloy Cy pressed since the passage of the McKip- | 2d Was fatally erushed. ley bill, and in consequer.ce the foreign —In a Lehigh Valley Railroad wreck at White Haven 20 cars were derailed and an unknown tramp killed. —Two road agents held up Joseph 'Ecken- roth, near Forneydale, Lebanon County, but he thrashed both of them. —The new Pennsylvania Railroad station at Schencks’, Bucks Couaty was opened Sator- day morning to the public. hi —While drunk Frederick Borngreves step. material at very low rates. This condi- tion of things now prevails. The for- eign manufacturer knows that there will be free wool and lower duties on wool- ens in this country within a measurable period of time. He knows, too, that | when the woul duties are repealed and | American manufacturers appear in the wool market on equal terms - with him- —Knights of Mal ta of Pennsylvania, in ses- sion at Harrisburg, installed Silas A. Lentz, of sequence of the new demand for it. | Allentown, Grand Commander: Obviously it is for the interest of the | —A carload of steel shifted, seriously injur- ing B. Conrad and Frank Sponk, of New Ber- much wool and make as mueh cloth as | linville, who were riding upon it. possible in the interval, to be sent to this country when the tariff is lowered. The longer the change is postponed the more —Professional burglars are making folks un- easy in the Schuylkill Valiey. Baring’s store at St. Clair is the latest place looted. —Five collieries near Shenandoah closed two weeks ago by the drought will resumed work Monday with 2500 men and boys. Republicans want to save the woolen manufacturers from this artificial and temporary disadvantage, they will do well to pass the Springer bill, which is now in the keeping or the Senate com- mittee of finance. : fe The Superfluity of Titles. From the Norfolk Landmark. It is time to be rid of this superfluity of titles in a democratic country. There is no harm, of course, and no improprie- ty employing a man’s legitimate title, his actual, living title; but the custom of titling everybody has gone to seed and has become a farce of the broadest kind. It is not suprising that our Southern country should be the subject or ridicule on this account. We heard of a gentleman who enjoyed the desigin- ation of colonel, and being one day in- troduced toa stranger, was usked if he had been a colonel in the Confederate army, he said no. “Then you were in the Federal army ?” said the 1nterloc- utor. “No.” answered the colonel. “In the State militia ?”’ asked the triend, not easily turned from the line of his inquiry “No, sir,” said the military man. “I am a colonel by brevet, sir; I married the widow of a colonel.” —Jolin Boardner, a bookkeeper of Pueblo, Col, who is eharged with being a defaulter for $800, was captured at Shenandoah. —Burglars pillaged the homes of Mrs. Bod- ner, D. A Weist, George Major, Joseph Peifer and Abraham Hummel, at Treverton, —Mahanoy City is infested by burglars, They stole $300 worth of goods from C, O'Brien’s clothing store Saturday night. —His attempt to shoot John Lane through an open window cost George Keeler, of near Tunkhanneeck, seven years’ imprisonment. —The wife of Join Heller, who killed him. self after shooting Muhringer, near Reading, is pissing and the authorities want to find her. —Official returns from all the counties ex- cept Cambria (and semi official there) put Harrison’s Plurality in Pennsylvania at 63,- 47. —Daniel Straining wandered from his home in Harrisburg and was picked up along the railroad with a fractured: skull and crushed legs. —D. Lutz & Sons, brewers, of Pittsburg, sued the English Brewing Syndicate for $100,000 damages because it didn’t purchase their plant. —Eight curved armor plates weighing 170° tons, and to be used for turrets oa the’ cruiser Terror, wera shipped from Bethlemem to. Brooklyn. —A passenger coach on the Lebigh Valley road at Lost Creek was thrown down an em- bankment ia a collision, but no one was seri- ously hart. : —The robbery of A. J. George's liquor stere, at Allentown, was confessed by Claude A. Fritz, of the same place, but who was captured in New York. ~The trial of Constable Phillips for killing Squire O'Donnell began at Pottsville yester- day. A jury was secured and the opening speech made. —The tremendous rains up the State flushe ed the Schuylkill River, and the mureury at Reading dropped 15 degrees in that many minutes last week. —On the ground of cruelty the Court at phevimies | Reading granted a divorce to J. A. L.. Jennings From the Pittsburg Post. ' from his newly-wedded wife, who, it is said The Republican papers are much giv- | pulled out his whiskers. en to editorials on “The Duty of the | —The Pennsylvania Railroad will build a Hour.” Tt was the duty of the hour line from William Penn to Mt. Carmel and that did the business ; that is, the Me- | then a link to Shenandoah, eompleting a Kicley duty. | route from Sunbury to Philadelphia. ] S———————— —The Rev. Jumes H. Baird, D. D., of Phila- Gone to Bed. delphia, has been appointed by Governor Pat- me | tison a delegate to the National Prison Asso- From the Providence Journal. | ciation Convention at Baltimore December 3. It is singular how quickly some peo- _pr. D. Frank Kline, resident physician at ple subside into innocuous desuetude af- the Lancaster County Hospital and Insane ter an election is over. There are Asylum, has notified the Board of Poor Diree~ Messrs. George Ticknor Curiis and Pa- tors that he will not be & candidate for re-slec- trick Egan, for example. tioa in January, Laying an 01d Ghost. From the Indianapolis Sentinel. Mr. Cleveland teok avery sensible view of the “business interests’ in his speech at the Chamber of Commerce dinner. The ‘‘business interests” are | neither horrible monsters seeking whom they may devour, nor are they common enemies to be hooted or pelted. The contusion in the public mind has arisen from the claim set up by the monopolies and trusts that they alone constitute the business interests, and that any interfer- ence with their plans of public pillage is certain to result in disaster to the coun- try. Mr. Clevelaud’s utterances on the subject are exceedingly timely and ap- propriate. * The Duty of the Hour.