Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 18, 1892, Image 1
~~ . they are as old as youn are poor BEN BY >. GRAY MEEK. Ink “Slings. —HARRIsON on the morning of the 9th— Where am TI at. —“Every dog has its day,” the one with hydrophobia especially. —G. O P. now becomes most signifi- cant when read : gone out of politics. —Let your aim always be high, es- pecially when “shooting off your mouth.” —Stagg parties, with their resultant stagger, are again growing popular with | the male sex. : — What will be the name of the party with which Democracy will have to battle four years hence ? —Democracy will surely make every- thing prolific, but from more charch fes- tivals, oh, Lord, deliver us. —Cebinet makers are working extra time. One branch of industry started booming by the election of CLEVELAND. —For Mr. McKiNnLEY—It was the Force bill that did it. For Mr. Lobgr —-It was the McKINLEY bill that did it. —If the “country is going to the devil’ there is consolation in the fact that most of its voters will stay right with it. —SULLIVAN should change the name of his play from ‘the man from Boston” to the drunkard from Boston. His tour through this section was disgust- ing. —JouNNY DAVENPORT will soon be out of a job. It will be pretty hard for him to find a walk in civil life, in which his political experience will stand him in good stead. —Now for Democracy to prove to the country that its claims to be able to run a substantial and economic government are founded on factsand not on idle speculation. —New York swell-dom is going wild over a horse show. The only draw-back seems to be a difficulty, on the part of the ‘“vulgah’” classes real- ize why so many asses should be en- tered at a horse show. -—A patient ina Toronto, Ont., in- sane asylum has insulted the steward of the institution by swallowing kis knife and fork. The butcher has received a shaking up and is now furnishing a more tender quality of meat. —It was GROVER CLEVELAND whom the people chose tor President last week and not his wife or the baby, which so many of oursilly exchanges would try to make you believe from the space they devote to each. —DavE HrILL's reported engagement to a southern beauty has turned out to be a ‘canard.’ He can get married now if he wants to; but if he can find a ‘‘bet- ter half” than he is himself what a charming whole it will make. --When Democracy marched out of power on March 4th, 1889, it left $60,- 000,000 surplus in the public treasury. “.v'will go back on March 4th, 1893, to find a legacy of $52,000,000 indebtedness left by its Republican predecessors. -.If the Republican press would familiarize itself with the Democratic platform it would not need to waste so much time in idle speculation as to what we intend doing. The course of Reform is straight and easy to follow. -—The fellow, who neither contribut- ed a cent to the campaign nor turned his hand to secure the election of one candidate of his party, now premonishes of his desire to serve his country by making every one weary with his tales of how “WE did it.” —SAM JosEPHS has acquired fame as a song writer which has completely eclipsed the glories of the “Ta-ra-ra” man. Sam ought to bargain with Lorrie CoLLINs to take his ditty on GrovER back to “Lunnon” with her, when she goes home. GrovER will be “in” by that time. —The taffy which CHAUNCEY DEPEW had prepared to feed GROVER at the chamber of commerce banquet at Del- monico’s, Wednesday night, had to be eaten by the smart New Yorker. He anticipated CLEVELAND's defeat and had prepared a taffy eulogy which he was going to rub in, but he stuck in it himself. — With the public treasury depleted we wonder what excuse our Republican friends, who howled ‘wildcat currency’ at us, during the campaign, will offer for a system that opens the taucets of the treasury and forgets to shut them off until it is necessary to draw on the gold reserve for the payment of current expenses. —TImpress on your children’s minds the importance cf remembering. what Harrison looks like avd the meaning of the word Republican. By the time historic with his forlorn hops, will be incidents of antiquity, and your children | will then reccunt the tales of how the Democratic DAvip slow the Republican GoLiATII with shicts to save the country from the giant Robber. Reform li (2 Democratic STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. fe ; 2. “VOL. 37. BELLEFONTE, PA. NOV. 18, 1892. NO. 45. Must Do Something Yourself The Democratic victory was big, overwhelming, glorious;—greater than the most sanguine anticipated and more. decisive than the most hopeful had avy thought of. It was the voice of the people speak- ing for a change: —a change of men, of policy, of purpose. Asthe government has been run for years, its purpose was to protect and benefit the few. The change demand. ed is that its policy shall be to give equal protection, equal opportunities, equal advantages to all. And tbis change may be expected. It is right that it should be. It was promised in the Democratic platform, and is a car- dinal principle of the party. With that change, as soon as it can be brought about, will come a new era of prosperity, of better times.—an op- portuaity for the industrious and hon- est citizen to earn a comfortable living; for the masses to realize and enjoy comforts they have not known for years. It will only be an opportunity, how- ever, and he will be wise who takes advantage of it. No change that can be brought about will fill the meal-chests or meat barrels of the thriftless, or furnish clothes and comforts for the doless. Money will not lay round in heaps to be had for the gathering nor will the necessaries of life come to any one with- out an effort. No matter how great or positive the change may be, that will be made in the geperal policy of the government by the recent election, it will not be a change that will relieve men from la- bor gr effort, or that will repay idle. ness with plenty. The most it can be expected to do, will be to furnish men an opportunity to earn an honest and a decent living— to give capital and labor, equal recog: nition and equal advantages—to so frame its laws that all legitimate enter- prises and interests and that all classes of our people, no matter in what field of labor they may be compelled to seek a livlihood, may have equal opportuni: ties and the same meed of protection. He who expects that the change the people have voted for will bring abeut a millennium of labor, render individu- al efforts unnecessary, reward idlenese or encourage the indolent, will waken up to the mistake he has made when that change comes. After all it must be upon your indi vidual eftorte and exertions that you must rely. The Democratic party will help you, by giving you a fair chance ; the same that it will give to every one else, the rest you must do yourself. ee ,.,. — The Opportunity of a Lifetime. There is many a statesman who nev- er dreamed of enjoying the distinction of being a cabinet officer, and many another one whose ambitions would be fully realized, if he could secure a third class clerkship in any of the depart ments, who are liable at any moment now to be named as one of President CLeveELAND's advisors. The newspa- pers ure busy making up his cabinet and from the way they are working at it any fellow who is known outeide of his own election district is just as liable to be drafted into this service as not. In fact no one is certain that he will not be named for a cabinet position, and the fellow who has an itching for a high place without pay, has an oppor- tunity now, that may neyer again be presented. Official Vote for Congress. The official vote for the 28th con- gressional District is as follows : Kribbs. Andisws. Biglow. Lace. we 4072 383 . 384 ik HY 6501 4791 638 Y 2160 1398 Fores 656 940 17285 13283 1321 It wil be seen that Mr. Kriss’ ma- jority is 2760 votes and his plurality 4002. ——1It wasn’t the most orderly and beantiful marching, we'll admit—that of Monday night last, but then march- ing in honor of such a victory as that of the Sth inst was a new thing to most y | people, and the wender is that the boys | could quiet down enough to march at all. So far as it went it snited and | satisfied the Democracy, and as it was their glorification it don't walter a bob-ee whether it suited the other fel: 1OWs Or uot, It there are any capitalists who, as | Republicans allege, will refuse to in- | vest their capital until after they see] what the Democratic administration intends to do on the tariff question, | they are at entire liberty to doso. Their capital is their own; it is a free country | aod they have a perfect right to do just | | as they please in the matter—invest or net--as their inclinations or expecta- tives, would influence them to do. There is one thing certain however, that these professed capitalists should understand at the outstart, and that is, that the Democratic administration, or the government, while it controls it, will not be a side partner in any busi- ness enterprice. It will take no stock in any concern that expects to rob the masses by extortionate tariff taxes for its own benefit, nor will it license any one to tax the people from 60 to 100 per cent. because he isa favorite of the government, or a contributors to the campaign fund of the party that con- trols it. The capitalist who wont invest un- til he gets a promise that the Demo- cratic administration will assist him in robbing the public, as the Republican party has done, can make up his mind not to invest at all. That day has gone by. Legitimate business enterprises of all kinds will be fostered and cared fori capital in every honorable avenue will find full protection; manufacturers will be aided and strengthened, but no government favorites will find official protection in fleecing our own people, or legal assistance in robbing the many, for their individual benefits. The capitalist who waits for the’ Democratic administration to become his parcner in a general bunco business, will have time to learn that it was not for that purpose that the Democrats obtained power. Republican Deficiency Follows a Dem- ocratic Surplus. Four years ago the coming 4th of March, when President CLEVELAND va- cated the office of Chief Executive to make place for his successor Mr. Har- RISON, there was a surplus in the gov- ernment Treasury of somewhere near two billions of dollars. On the 4th -of March next, wher president HARRIsON vacates the same office] to make place for his successor Mr. CLEVELAND, he will return that treasury into the keep- ing of the new official, without a cent in 1ts vaults and with a deficiency in its funds amounting to almost one hun- dred millions of dollars. Thus in addition to the immense rev- enues of the government, it has taken the Republican party but four years to squander over two billions of surplus, and one hundred millions of funds held as a gold reserve to meet special de mands. During the campaign when it was intimated that there was trouble in se- curing the payment of warrants drawn upoa the treasury, the charge was vig- orously and emphatically denied by Secretary Foster. Now that the cam- paign is over, and nothing can be gained by concealing the facts, the truth is coming to the surface, and the startling intelligence stares the people of the country in the face that their treasury is bankrupt; that nearly every depart- ment of the government has over-run its estimates, and that thenew adminis- tration when it succeeds to power, will be obliged to provide for deficiencies, the totals of which will amount to al- most as much as do the revenues for an entire year. Under the circumstances the people have reason to be grateful for the good gense that influencad them in voting out of power the party that will bid a long and last farewell to official author- ity and official patronage on the fourth of March next. In addition to robbing the masses with its tariff taxes, it base robbed the treasury of its surplus and reserve funds, and will retire from office without a single redeeming act to be remembered to its credit. —— While New York's labor commis- sioner, Pick, may probably get his de- Will Wait In Vain, | Just Wait and See. To those Republicans who are pre: dicting all manner of calamities as a result of Democratic success, we reco- mend a little less wind and a fair dose of patience. Time will tell, whether they, in their croakings, or the people in their actions were right. In the meanwhile it would not be out of place, for there prophets of evil, to take an account of stock left by their bankrupt party, on its retirement from business on the 4th of March next. Hereabouts, where the readers of this paper are most deeply concerned, they will find a general depression in business the like of which has never been known before; they will find farm products almost valueless for want of a market; they will find but one furnace in the county in blast; less than half of the ore and coal mines in operation; the glass works, nail works, axe factory and other enter- prises closed down, and more men out of employment, than has ever been idle at one time in this section. Such is the inventory the Republi- can party presents to its successor. If, at the end of four years, there are not more furnaces, factories, mills, mines and other industries in opera- tion ; if at that time there is not a greater demand for labor; if there are not more workingmen engaged at their different trades and occupations, at as good or better wages than are paid to- day ; if the farmers wheat is not sell- ing forover 70 cents per bushel and his other farm products are a drug on the market as they now are; if the values of real estate are still down- ward and the general business depres- sion and discouragement exists that are apparent at this time, then it will be time to assert that a change of polit. ical control and of public policy was useless and foolish. It is patience that our Republican brethern need to cultivate at this time. Atter a fair trial, if the political change the people have made, does not prove for the better, then will be the time for them to show it. Where Was That Intelligence. It is possible that we will not hear so much shouting, from the back pews of the Republican tabernacle, hereafter about the superior intelligence of the masses of that party. It has al ways boasted that in its ranks could be found the educated, moral and intelli- gent, people of the country, and that to the Democracy belonged the illiterate, uneducated and ignorant. Prior to the last election, in order to teach the ‘“intelligent’’ Republicans of the county how to vote under the new system, voting schools were held in each district and a practical demonstra tion of how to mark and deposit the ballets given. Notwithstanding these instructions and the many precautions resorted’ to to have the vote exactly right, the “‘intelligent” people who be- long to that party, who knows so much and knows it so well, cast double the number of defective ballots,in this coun- ty, that the “ignorant” Democrats and presumably “ignorant” Prohibitionists did. In faet, but for the mistakes of R:publican)yoters, Centre,county would have had fewer defective ballots and shown a greater degree of intelligent and correct voting, in/proportion;to;her pop- ulation, than any county in the State. As it was but 117 out of a totakof 8629 ballots cast, were found incorrect ; of these “intelligent” Republicans cast 60; 5 Democrats 38 ; Prohibitionists 19. Until this record is changed, Repub- licans should keep quiet about the sa perior knowledge and education that characterizes the voters of their party. The tiliowing will be the repre- gentation in the next congressional con ference for this distriet, as fixed by the new system: the basis being one dele~ gate for every five hundred voters: Tolaliiii cicero inns ressnstdensssnnnn il —=The people who are afraid that serts, they will not be presented in the tion be now occupies. Mr. Pgok’s measure has been fillel for the time by the Democracy whom he at- tempted to betray. shape of a re-appointment to the posi- | laet ! | the Democracy will not size up to the situation, should wait and see. There more surprises in store for the lara Sth inst, ‘small doubt doubting and unbelieving than the one that tok the wind out of them on the A Fiiting Reward for a Worthy Man, From the Atlanta Ga. Constitution. “We offer no excuse, therefore, for de- claring thus early that there is one man above all others who has won the right to a place in Mr. Cleveland’s Cabinet. He is entitled to it not only by reason of his hard work, but by reason of the gen- jus he bas manifested in organizing and managing a graat campaign, the most successful in all respects that has ever been carried on in this country. That man is William F. Harrity, the chair- man of the National Democratic Com- mittee, whick has directed the campaign from beginning to end. When he was called to take charge, the general im- pression was that he was leading a for- lorn hope. Some of the best-informed. Democrats took no pains to conceal their belief that the Democratic candi- date would be defeated. It was under circumstances disheartening and almost hopeless that Mr. Harrity took charge of the campaign orgenization, and the splendid result is a tribute to the genius which was behind the tremendous ener- gy he displayed and the masterly tact which he brought to bear on the can- vass. The same qualities which have marked Mr. Harrity’s management of the national campaign have won Demo- cratic success in Pennsylvania on two notable occasions, and the result last Tuesday makes him one of the most conspicuous Democrats in the country. Heis nqw and has been for some time Secretary of State of Pennsylvania under Pattison and he possesses all the quali- fications essential to a Cabinet position. ‘We therefore nominate Mr. Harrity for a place in the Democratic Cabinet.” Over 600,000 Plurality. Form the N. Y. World.. The figures given upon this page show a plurality of the popular vote for Grover Cleveland of over 600,000. This total is quite certain to be in- creased by the full returns. A tidal- wave always grows as it advances. The Democratic candidates will have a large majority of all the votes cast— the first time that this has happened | since 1876. Mr. Cleveland’s plurality of the pop- ular vote in 1884 was 62,683. In 1888 is remarkable. The Democratic plurality on Con- gressmen in 1890 wae over 800,000. | Upon State officers last year it was over 900,000. In both these years there was a light vote. This year, up- on a full vote, it reaches the imposing total of over 600,000: Is it not time thatithe will of the: The next President is a Democrat. Planting for a Harvest. of Defeat. From the N. Y. Journal; If the only result of the combination: of the Republican factions in Pennsyl- vania is to present a solid support to | Quay for the United States Senator | ship, the Democracy will not be mueh seared. This tendency to adhere to a politi cal leader whose methods have been thoroughly discredited in the eyes of the nation by recent events sufficient- ly indicates the incapacity of the baat- en party for reforme The nation will take due note of the little combination in the Keystone State, and there is what its conclusions will be. What the Demoerats Will Dau From the New Yori. Work. The Tribune observes that “five mil- lion workers in this country are especi- ally interested to know what the Democratic party will do about the tariff.” Inasmuch assix and a half millions or more ef citizens, mostly workers, voted: for Grover Cleveland and tariff reforna after six years’ con- sideration of the subject, it is fair to presume that their wishes will be car- ried out. What the Democratic party will “do about the tariff” is. to reduce it to reasonable figures, as.the people have instructed it to do. A: Possible Emergency. From the Philadelphia Times. There is one possible condition that might make an extra session of ‘Congress a necessity, but it is impos- sible. The National Treasury is like- ly to oe bankrupt on the 4.h of March next, and it may be a necessity to sum- mon Congress to save the national credit. Only in the event of imperious necessity, however, would the Presi- dent be justfied in ealling an extra ses- sion to retrieve the national Bnances. Pr hating To one Pown, From the Cincinnati i Commercial. The Republican party may chose to indorse a modified tariff and no lon- COUNTY, DEM. VOTE pELEGaTE. | ger insist on the employment of Unit Oleatfielq ill 12 ed States marshals at the polls, bat it a mn will not have to go hunting aroaud in Blk... 212 wd future for new issues, as the Demo- i FORSSE sone summiviy rid crats have done. Its principles are 33 well established as beneficial to country, and they will not doned. The Animal Will be Chained. From the Washington Post. hande. = Yes, Charles, it is the cld Re: publican ag it was 98,017. The increase this year i people should be the law of the land 2:! the be aban- Secretary Charles Foster thinks ‘the | Democrats h Ave an eleph: int on their | i holding power of ent and wire nails by a novel Spawls from the Keystone, —Alsaes township, Berks County, has no post office. —After tumbling down stairs in Reading, Elias Moore never spoke. —William Hill, of Mt. Jewett, McKean coun- ty, drank laudanum and died. —John W. Williams has been re-married, at Scranton, to his divorced wife. —The Bare Rock Railrcad Company, capital $26,000, of Somerset, was chartered. —A compromise is likely to end the the Monongahela coal miners’ lockout. —Democrats in every village and city cf the State have ratified the glorious sweep. , —Simon Feldman, an embarrassed Pittston merchant, ended his life with a bullet —Playing with papers near a gas jet, Freddie Nadig, an Allentown boy, was cremated. —Many Berks county sportsmen. favor shortening the patridge gunning season. —No more steel rails will be made in the Edgar Thomson Steel Works at Braddock. —A fall of coal in the York Farm Colliery near Pottsville, crushed to death John Page. —Instead o petridges, Calvin Laub, of Meckville, shot a son of Daniel Peifer fatally. —A passenger train struck and mortally hurt Casper Yost, a car greaser at Packertone —The State Board of Agriculture will hold the annual meeting November 30, in Harris * burg. —Burns received several days ago Tuesday caused the death of Mrs. Helena MM Lilly, Easton. —A Fall of 50 feet ina William Penn coal breaker resulted in fatal injury to John Hoffe man. —Crime increases in Lancaster, as Novem. ber’s record breaking criminal Court cases proves. —A log rushing down a slide at Driftwood leaped from its track and killed Andrew Mc- Kiblen. —After boasting that he would “live fifty years yet,” Casper Marks dropped dead. at Evergreen. —The Democrats of Lancaster City celebrat, ed the victory with an ox roast and parade on Thursday. —There is a lively row inthe Welsh church | Pittsburg, about the language to bs used. in the service. —York’s school board decided Friday night that no more elections ean be held in. the .sehool houses. —Albert E. Speck, a printer in the Willimms- port Republican office, hanged himself in the composing room. —Trying to make a “flying swith” at Delano, a Lehigh Valley locomotive fell down a: §0- foot embankment. —Men and maidens are so shy in Pittsburg that a marriage bureau is to be established” to get them together. —Witnesses testified that young William Wolt, of Norristown, sold a stolen team. of horses seven times. ~~ —If the sacred relicts of.the late Father Mollinger, of Pittsburg, ere sold, import du- ‘ties will be collected. } —Annie Romig, a cook at the Vetter House, ‘Bethlehem, may die from.injuries caused. by ‘her clothing catching fire: . —Dr. Bruce Tule, of. Montandon, while ‘hunting in Lycoming county, emptied. two loads of shot in his thigh. —An inquest will be held in the case of Lumber Dealer J. A. Wolf, who was fouad dead in a vacant lot at Reading. —Charles McNamee, of Phoenixville; fell {over the Reading Railroad embankment and ‘was so badly injured that he died. —Lawyer Jones, arrested for making. an al- leged incendiary speech defending Hame- | steaders was discharged Saturday. | —Piutsburg held her breath on heaving a : rumor that Governor McKinley will go. there | to take Justice Shiras’ law practice. —Lehigh County has.declared war upon the Justice of the Peace, and threatens ia pay no more costs for discharged cases. —Robbers carted. away several hundred dollars worth of goods from Mahlon Mosser’s store at Fritztown, Berks Councy. —Thirty glass workers from Belgium, and intended for Pittsburg, landed in New York disguised in silk hats and kid gloves. —Laneaster county Democrats held a big ratsfieation Thursday. Governor Pattison and National Chairman Harrity speke. —Ilness may induce Frank J. Magee, of Pottsville, to resign the colonelecy of the Eighth regiment, Penvsylvania Guards. —While sitting near the railread track at Hummelstown,, 71-year-old Martin Shaffner was struck by a. train and fatally injured. —A son of William Sprenkle, of Nashville York county, had his leg caughtin a carriage wheel and he was almost instantly killed. —The valleys of Monroe couaty are alive. with rattlers, eopperheads and blacksnakes, driven from.the mountains by. forest fires. —The Phifadelphia and Reading railroad purchased five acres of land in Lancaster city. evidently intending to enlarge its freight sta tion. —Robhers raided the housese of Otto Fiest and Philip Stengle, at White Haven, lighted lamps ana boldly forced the owners to give up $160. _ —The Supreme Grand Commandery of: the Knights of Malta convened Wednesday in the hall of the House of Representatives, Harris. burg: —TFhe Lancaster county Teachers’ Institute wag opened Monday with an enrollment of 650. The opening address was made by Dr. J. Max Hark. —A car derrick and part of a bridge tumbled down an embankment of the Reading Rail- road in Harrisburg, seriouslylinjuring Adem Rheine. —The Philadelphia aud Reading car shops at Palo Alto and Schuylkill Haven worked «i day Sun lay in order to relieve the coal cca famine. —Amos Fenry, an alleged physician of Cam. bridge, O., was arrested in Lancaster, on Mon ~ day, tor alleged criminal assault on a 15-year 1d child. —Twenty-two skilled workmen, were Mon- day assigned to positions in the rod depart- | ‘ment of Carnegie's Beaver Falls Mills, near | Pittsburg. 1 { —The five children of Rev, John Hex | Jackson township, Lebanon county, were all | stricken with diphtheria the same day and ons has died. —Pennsylvania cut-nail makers will test the co test on November 30, at the United States ' Arsenal, at Watertown, Mass.