. widow Sarah A. Horner. New Advertisements. New Advertisements, Fauble’s Clothing House. New Advertisements. New Advertisements, New Advertisements. expenses paid. Address i Ww. & T. SMITH CO., Geneva Nursery, Geneva, N. Y. 87 41 4t Established 1843. ATHER MOLLINGER'S ORIGINAL PRESCRIPTIONS. Rheumatism Cure.... ... $2.50 Catarrh Cure......... 1.00 Epileptic Fit Cure. . 1.00 Blood Tea, for Constipation and purifying blood.......: A 25 Remedies for cure of all chronic diseases. SEND FOR BOOK FREE. eernen My name is the only guarantee of the gen- uineness of these medicines, I prepared them for Father Molliger for seven years. For sale by druggists. For sale by C. M. Parrish, Bellefcnte, Pa. A.F. SAWHILL, 37 381y nr. 187 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. UST ARRIVED. A complete line of Ladies Union Suits FROM 50 CENTS UP A beautiful assortment of trimming furs. Childreus coats from $1.25 up. LADIES WOOL HOSE at 18 cents, better ones for more money, ALWAYS PLENTY OF BARGAINS AT CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Spring Street, ellefonte, Pa. 37 43 1y OURT PROCLAMATION, — Whereas the Honorable A. O. Furst, Pres ident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Danie Rhoads, Associate Judges in Centre county having issued their precept, bearing date the 28th day of November to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peacu in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of Nov. being the 28th day of Nov. 1892, and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said county of Centre, that they be then and there in their proper per- song, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the 28th, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which ts theiroffice appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recogni- zances to prosocuts against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be shen and there to prosecute against them as thall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 1st day of November, in the year of our Lord, 1892, and the one hundred and fourteenth year of the independence of the United States. WM. A. ISHLER 37-43-4t Sheriff. EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here- by given to all persons interested that the following inventories of goods and chattels set apart to widows under the provis- ions of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been confirmed ni si by the Court, and filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans Court of Cen- tre county and if no exceptions be filed on or before the first day of next term the same will ba confirmed absoiutely. 1 The inventory and appraisement of the Jorsonal property of Daniel Horner, late of otter township deceased, as set apart to his 2 The inventory and S'Drisement of the ersonal Proper ty, of 8. A. Brew, late of Belle- onte borough, deceased, as set apart to his widow Catharine P. Brew. 3 The inventory and appraisement of the ersonal property of Ella B. Amesbate, of Col- ege township, deceased, as set apart to guard: ian of Effie I. Alexander. 4 The inventory and appraisement of the ersonal property of Geo. W. Witherite, late of i Shoe township, deceased, as set apart to his widow Mary Witherite. JOHN A. RUPP, 37-43 4t. C. U, C EGISTER'S NOTICE.—The fol- lowing accounts have been examined, assed and filed of record in the Register’s of- ce for the jnspention of heirs and legatees, creditors and all others in anywise interested and will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of Centre county on Wednesday, the 30th day of August, A. D., 1892. 1, The final account of James Gardner, sur- viving executor of etc., of Wm. Bailey, late of Ferguson township, deceased. 2. The account of W. H. Decker, administra- tor of etc., of Emaline Carner, late of Walker township, deceased. 8. Account of G. W. Haworth, administrator of etc., of Jane Simler, late of Pnilipsburg boro. deceased. 4. Account of Emeline Miller, executrix of ete. of Magdalena Harshberger, late of Walker township, deceased. 5. Account of Geo. B. Brumgart, adminis- trator of ete., of John Funk, late of Penn town- ship, deceased, 6. The account of D. H. Rote, executor of etec., of Rebecca Reager, late of Haines town- ship, deceased. 7. First and partial account of J. N. Krum- rine and Christina Krumrine, administrators of etc., of John C. Krumrine, late of College township, deceased. 8. The account of D. F. Bowersox, guardian of Ezra U. Musser, minor child of Henry J. Musser, late of Haines twp., deceased. 9. The account of D. M. Lieb executor of ete., of John Brachbill, late ot Bellefonte boro. deceased. 10. The account of D. M. Lieb, guardain of Lida L. Gregg, minor child of Col. Theodore Gregg, late of Milesburg boro. deceased. 11. The account of D. M. Lieb, guardian of Fannie B. Greg, minor child of Col. Theodore Gregg, late of Milesburg boro, deceased. 12. The first and final account of H. C. Quig- ley, trustee to sell the real estate of Wm. Coan, late ot Spring township, deceased. 13. The account of John W. Dasham, admin- istrator of etc., of Lydie Bitner, late of Potter township, deceased. 14. The account of David Krape and John Emerick, executors of etc., of Mary Royer, late of Gregg township, deceased. 15. Account of Willis Weaver, administrator of etc., of Wm. Mongomery, late of Howard township, deceased. 16. Account of Wm, McBates, administrator of etc., of Wm. Bates, late of Rush township, deceased. . 17. The final account of Adam Hoy, admin- istrator of John 'I'. Hoover, decd., as fil d by executors of said Adam Hoy, deceased. 18. The second and final account of Jacob L. Runkle, administrator of ete., of Michael Runkle, late of Bellefonte boro. deceased. : 19. The fest and fl aghonat of D. C,Kel- er, guardian of James A, Noll, minor child of Mary E. Noll deceased, ? er 20. The account of W. C. Patterson, adminis- trator of etc., of James I. Fulton, late of College township, deceased. 21. Account of David M. Lieb, guardian of C Jasper Stover, minor child of S. A. Stover, late of Bellefonte boro, deceased as filed by Kate J. Lieb, executrix of David M. Lieb, deceased, 22. Account of David M. Lieb, guardian of Joseph L. Runkle and Geo. P. Runkle, minor children of Michael Runkle, late of Bellefonte boro, deceased, 23. Account of D. M. Lieb, guardian of Mau- rice Runkle, minor child of Michael Runkle, late of Bellefonte boro, deceased. 24. Third separate zccount of B. H. Arney, executor of ete., of Jacob Arney, late of Potler township, deceased. JOHN A. RUPP, 37-43 Register. OTICE.—All persons indebted to the estate of the late Robert McFar- lane will please pay their accounts at the hardware store now D. Irvin & Son. All ae- counts not paid by December 15th will be col- lected by law. With thanks for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same i D. Irvin & Son. we are WM. & J. K. McFARLANE, 3741 4¢ Administrators DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.— Letters of Administration on the es- tate of Christopher Hearkimer, deceased, late of Huston township, having been granted to the undersigned, herequests all persons know- ing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated by law ior settlement. ADAM HEARKIMER, 37 87 6t. Williamsport, Pa. ARM FOR SALE. The subscriber, executor of the estate of John L. Rumberger, deceased late of Fergu- son township, offers at public sale ou the pre- mises on Saturday November 26th, 1892, at 1 o'clock p. m. the valuable farm belonging to said estate containing. —EIGHTY ACRES MORE OR LESS.— Located on the line of the L. C. and L. railroad about one mile from Rock Springs, Pa., upon which is erected. GOOD FARM BUILDINGS of all kinds, with an abundance of pure water, and excellent fruit. The land and fences are in the best of order, and everything is in good condition and calculated to make a pleasant home. Terms easy and payments made to suit pur- chaser. A.G. ARCHY, Executor, 87-43 Pine Grove Mills, Pa. Hardware. IF YOU WANT. A first class Range, Cook Stove or Parlor Double Heat- er, go to Daniel Irvin & Son's The Model Apollo Range, right or left hand. The Golden Grain Cooks and the Hardware Store. Regulator and Happy Greeting Double Heat- Some Call ers cannot be equalled. fine Heaters at cost. and see for yourself. 37-41-3m. Danier Irvin & Sow. Minnle’s Shoe Store. The steady increase in our trade is remarkable—We can account for it only in the goodness of our goods, and reasonable prices. Our stock of winter boots is now full. In men’s oil grain and kip — hand-made — we have the very best productions of reliable manufactures. Equal — if not superior—to best home-made goods. We are sole agents for Al- fred Dolges felt shoes and slippers. They are so well known that they need no special mention. Remember we have the sale of them and all others are imitations. Do you want a school shoe for that boy that will wear bim all winter, keep his feet dry and protect health? If so buy our “Steel Shod” line —they are neat, substantial and low in price. Of course we lead in ladies’ shoes—same as in all other lines—Hand and Goodyear welts at prices that will sur- prise you. MiNGLE's SHOE STORE. 87 38 SOME NEW THINGS. We have just received a big lot of new children’s suits and overcoats. Among these goods you will find some of the most desirable styles and the best of wearers that the market affords. We have given this line a great deal of care and attention. We have gone to great trouble and expense to show you a line of children’s clothing that will compare favorably with any seen in the largest |! cities, They are the pro- duct of the largest manufac- tories and for fit, style and workmanship they cannot be surpassed. We would be pleased to have you call even if you are not immediately in need of anything in our line, It iswell, you know, to look out for the future FAUBLES, Brockerhoff House Block. LECTION PROCLAMATION. God save the Commonwealth. I, William A Ishler, High Sheriff of the county of Centre, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid that an election will be held in the said county of Centre, on : TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1892. For the purpose of electing the several per- sons hereinafter named, to wit : . Thirty-two persons for Presidential Electors for Per nsylvania; Two persons for Congress at large, to repre- sent the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the Congress of the United States; One person for Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ; One person to represent the 28th Congres- sional District of Pennsylvania in the Con gress of the United States; Two persons to represent Centre county in the General Assembly of Pennsyl vania; One person for Associate Judge for the Courts of Centre county ; One person for Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts of Centre county ; ong person for District Attorney of Centre y: One person for Surveyor of Centre county. I also hereby make known and give notice that the place of holding election in the sever- al wards, boroughs, districts and townships within the county of Centre is as follows. For the North ward of the borough of Belle- fonte, at the court house in Bellefonte. For the South ward of the borough of Belle- fonte, at the ccurt house in Bellefonte. For-the West ward in the bor_ugh of Belle- fonte, at the court house in Bellefonte, For the first ward in the borough of Philips- burg, at the Wheelman’s Club oe corner of Beaver and Second streets. For the Second ward of the borough of Phil. ipsburg, at the public building at the corner of North Centre and Presqueisle streets. For the Third ward of the borough of Phil- ipsburg, in the room of Bertie Haines, situate on Spruce street. For the borough of Centre Hall, in a room at D. J. Bartges’ hotel. For the borough of Howard, at the public Seco) hone in Said borough. or the borough of Milheim, in r National Hotel. 2 ! 08 8, 45:9 For the borough of Milesburg in the public building on the north side of Market street. For the borough of South Philipsburg, in the school House. For the borough of Unionville, at the new school house in said borough For the township of Benner, at the court hot i Bellefonte. or the township of Boggs (eastern pre- cinct), at Curtin’s al ey ¢ P For the township of Boggs (western pre- cinct), at the school house in Central City. LL the fownsiiin of Bose {aerthern pre- nct), at the public school house kno “Walker's A dl house.” "2 For the township of Burnside, at the house formerly kept as a public house at Pine Glenn. For the township of College (eastern pre- cinct), at the school house in Lemont. For the township of College (western pre- cinet), at the public hotel of 8. 8. Grieb. For the township of Curtin, at the school house near Robert Mann's. For the township of Ferguson (old precinct) at the public house of J. A. Decker, in Pine Grose Mills. L or the township of Ferguson (new precinct at the old school house is (new ) . For the East Precinct of Gregg township, in room of house occupied by David Sowers, at Penn Hall. . For the West Precinct of Gregg township, in a room at David Rhule’s hotel. For the Northern Precinct of Gregg town- shin, at Murray’s school house. For the township of Haines (eastern pre- “nay, at the public school house at Wood- ward. For the township of Haines (western pre- cinct), at the public house of T. G. Edmunds, at Aaronsburg. ; For Half Moon township, in the Grand Army Post Hall inthe village of Stormstown. For the township of Harris, st the Union Hotel in Boalsburg. For the township of Howard, at the school house in the borough of Howard. For the township of Huston, at the Silver Dale school house. For the Jownsain of Liberty, at the school house in Eagleville. For the township of Marion, at the school house in Jacksonville. For Milles township (eastern precinct , in he dwelling house of Jasper Wolf, at Wolf's re, For Miles township (middle precinct), in the vacated school house in Rebersburg. For Miles township (western precinct), in the empty store room on the property of Llias Miller, at Madisonburg. Fer thetownship of Patton, at the house of Peter Murray. For the township of Penn, at the public house kept by W. W. Rishel, at Coburn. For the township of Potter (northern pre- cinct), at the public house of D. L. Bartges, in Centre Hall. For the township of Potter (southern pre- cinet), at the public house formerly occupied by 8. D. Burris. _For the township of Rush (northern pre- cinet), in the school house at Cold Stream. For the township of Rush (southern pre. cine), in the public school house in the vil- lage of Powelton. or the township of Snow Shoe (eastern pre- cinet), at the school house in the village of Snow Shoe. For the township of Snow Shoe (western pre- cinct), at the school house in the village of Moshannon. For the township of Spring (western pre. cinet), at the public school house known as the Fuir Grounds School house. For the township of Spring (northern pre. cinet), at the court house in Bellefonte. For the township of Spring (southern pre- cinet), at the Hotel of Gottleib Haag, in the vil- lage of Pleasant Gap. for the township of Taylor, at the house erected for that purpose on the property of Leonard Merryman. Forthe township of Union, at the school house in the borough ot Unionville. For the township of Walker, in the school house in Hublersburg. For the townshipot Worth, at the school house in Port Matilda. The following is the official list of nomira- tions made by the several parties, and as their names will appear upon the ticket, to be voted on the 8th day of November, 1892, at the dif- ferent voting places in Centre county, as cer- tified to respectively by the Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Commissioners of Centre county. REPUBLICAN NOMINEES, (Presented by Party Conventions.) Electors: — Benjamin F. Jones, Allegheny City. William Wood, Philadelphia. W. Henry Sayen, Delaware county. J. Francis Dunlap, Manheim. John L. Lawson, Philadelphia. John Mundell, Philadelphia. John Hunter, Philadelphia. Alex. Crow, Jr., Philadelphia. Charles B. Siner, Philadelphia. Maxwell Clower, Chester county. William H. Grundy, Bristol, Traill Green, Easton. James K. Mosser, Lehigh county. J. M. W. Geist, Lancaster. Henry A. Knapp, Scranton. William J. Harvey, Wilkes-Barre. James Muir, Pottsville. John H. Saeibley, New Bloomfield. Coe Durland, Honesdale. Pierre A. Stebbins, Coudersport. Lloyd T. Rohrbach, Sunbury. C. 8: Schoch, Middleburg. J. Schall Wilhelm, York. Louis J. McGregor, Hyndman. James. B. Laux, Greensburg. Robert Pitcairn, Pittsburgh. James H. Lindsay, Allegheny City, T'homas L. Lincoln, Carmichael’s. Sylvester D. Bell, Butler. Matthew H. Taylor, Erie. Charles F. Barclay, Sinnamahoning. Jesse E. Dale, DuBois. Congress at Large: — William Lilly, Mauch Chunk. Alexander McDowell, Sharon. Judge of Supreme Court: — John Dean, Hollidaysburg. Congress : — Charles E. Anderson, Clarion County. Representatives f— ohn Hamilton, State College. Alfred A. Dale, Bellefonte. Associate Judge :— Samuel T. Gray, Benore P. O. Prothonotary :— John C. Miller, Bellefonte. District Attorney :— Geo, W, Zeigler, Philipsburg. County Surveyor :— Jesse Cleaver, Unionville. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. (Presented by Party Conventions.) Electors :— Mortimer F. Elliot, Wellsboro.’ John C. Bullitt, Philadelphia. Thomas B. Kennedy, Chambersburg. David T. Watson, Al agheuy ous, Samuel G. ' hompson, Philadelphia. Clement R. Wainwright, Phil Adam 8. Conway, Philadelphia. Charles H. Lafferty, Philadelphia. William R. Wright, Philadelphia. George R. Guss, West Chester. John O. James, Doylestown. Cornelius W. Bull, Milford. William Nolan, Reading. James Duffy, Lancaster County. Chas. Du Pont Breck, Scranton. Samuel W. Trimmer, White Haven, William G. Yuengling, Pottsville. Samuel 8S. Leiby, Marysville. Azur Lashrob Susquehanna County. Torrence C. Hipple, Lock Haven. Thomas Chalfant, Danville. Wm. D. Himmelreich, Lewisburg. Deter a Sean er, Adams County. enry 3. Piper, Tyrone. Joseph D. Orr, Leéchburg. Charles A. Fagan, Pittsburg. Andrew A. Dayton, Allegheny City. John D. Braden, Washington. Michael Liebel, Erie. Thomas McDowell, Port Allegheny. James K. P. Hall, Ridgway. John Conway, Rochester. Congress at Large :— George A. Allen, Erie. Thomas Polk Merritt, Reading. Judge of Supreme Court :=— Christopher Heydrick, Franklin. Congress :— George F. Kribbs, Clarion. Representatives :— ohn T. McCormick, (Ferguson Twp.) James Schofield, Bellefonte. Associate Judge :— Corlis A. Faulkner, Philipsburg. Podonetany = William F. Smith, (Penn Twp.) District Attorney :— Wm. J. Singer, Bellefonte. County Surveyor :— Horace B. Herring, Gregg Twp. PROHIBITION NOMINEES. (Presented by Nomination Papers.) Electors :— John C. Bateson, Hollisterville. Wm. F. Boyd, Philadelphia. Wm. B. Brickell, Pittsburg. James Black, Lancaster. Abraham A. Barker, Ebensburg. Edward Campbell, Uniontown. D. McClure Fair, Blairsville. George H. Goebel, Philadelphia. Edwin R. Gearheart, Effort. George R. Greiss, Alburtis. Charles E. Hyatt, Chester. Benjamin Harding, Pittston. William W. Hague, Tidioute. Chas. W. Huntington, Williamsport, John B. Jones, Philadelphia. Elisha Kent Kane, Kane. Eli L. Lowden, Nebraska. Frank 8. Lourimore, New Brighton. Robert F. McClean, New Bloomfield. Antrim F. Morgan, Quakerton. Robt. L. Montgomery, Turbotville. A. Foster Mullin, Mt. fly Springs. Franklin G. Percival, Philadelphia. Artaur J. Pilgrim, Pottsville. William J. Robison, Allegheny. Barr. Spangler, Marietta. Adie A. Stevens, Tyrone. Franklin H. Taylor, Philadelphia. Alfred G. Thomason, Scranton. James P. Thompson, Johnstown. William N. Wallis, Patterson. Welcome J. Weeks, Fairview. Congress at Large :— Simeon B. Chase, Easton. James T. McCrory, Pittsburg. Judge of Supreme Court :— Amos Briggs, Philadelphia. y (Presented by Party Conventions.) Congress : — William 8. Bigelow, Philipsburg. Representatives : — illiam J. Dale, Spring Twp. Charles Hess, Philipsburg. Associate Judge :— William Thompson, College. Prothonotary : — : James W. Scott, Philipsburg. PEOPLE'S PARTY NOMINEES. (Presented by Nomination Papers.) Electors :— L. F..Armbrust, Greensburg. J. W. Boak, Harlansburg. Frank Buob, Philadelphia. Robert Brett, Philadelphia. C. A. Burrows, Sharpsburg. M. L. Cowley, Washington. E. 8. Crooker, Union City. A.J. Deitz, Philadelphia. W. E. Ewer, Corry. John O. Exley, Philadelphia. D. H. Fisher, Entriken. W. A. Gardner, Andrews Settlement. Wm. Grant, Philadelphia. B. F. Greenman, Eldred. J. M. Hower, Bloomsburg. Wm. Heffler, Danville. G. C. Hickok, Myrtle. H. Hock, Philadelphia. A. H. P. Leuf, Philadelphia. 8. J. McManus, Ambrose. C. M. Morse, New Wilmington. 0. G. Moore, Knox. W. A. Olmstead, Sanford. Ephraim Philips, Mahonington. Clarence Price, Danville. H. C. Snavely, Lebanon. C. P. Shaw, Austinville. Perry Smith, Richardsville. J. E. White, Elbridge. F. M. Windsor, Burtville. G. E. Ward, Economy. J. A. Welsch, New Castle. Congress at Large: — 8. P. Chase, Brookfield. G. W. Dawson, Beaver. Judge of Supreme Court :— R. B. McCombs, New Castle. SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY NOMINEES, (Presented by Nomination Papers.) Electors :— Gus. Arlt, Philadelphia. E. M. Brandt. Erie. Fred Bauer, Everson. Chas. Backofen, Erie. A. Cullen, Erie. Jac. Diebold, Everson. Julius Froehlich, Philadelphia. Chas. Hammermueller, Philadelphia. Henry Hoehl, Philadelphia. August Lange, Philadelphia. Chas. Loether, Pittsburg. W. H. McGovern, Erie. Christ Mast, Scottdale. John Prescott, Erie. Heary Peter, Allegheny. Allen Pardee, Erie. Otto Roth, Philadelphia. Chas. Ricker, Philadelphia. Matthew Smith, Pittsburg. Adolf Starke, Everson. Jac. Simon, Scottdale. John Stam, Tyrone, Chas. Schleicher, Erie. John Stein, Philadelphia. William Steppers Philadelphia. Jac. Sengers, Philadelphia. Fr. Schotte, Erie. Wm. Scott, Pittsburg. Joseph Tresek, Philadelphia. P. Totzhauer, Philadelphia. John Westwater, Pitts urg. Henry Winter, Philadelphia. Congress at Large :— J. Mahlon Barnes, Philadelphia. Thomas Grundy, Pittsburg, Judge of Supreme Court :— ° N. L. Criest, Pittsburg. Notice 1s HEREBY G1vEN, “That every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of trust under the Government of the United States, or of the State or of 2ny city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned office, or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is or shall employed under the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary departments of this State or of the United States, or ot any city or incorporated district, and also that every Member of Con- gross and of the State Legislature, and of the elect or Common Council of any eity, or Com- missioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapab e of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of an Election of this Com- monwealth ; and that no Inspector, Judge or other officer of any such election shall be eli- gible to any office then voted for, except that of an election officer. At all elections held under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened at elphia. 7 o'clock A. M. and closed at7 o'clock P. M. Given under my hand and seal, at my office in Bellefonte, this 26TH DAY OF OCTOBER, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-two, and in the One Hun- dred and Sixteenth year of the Independence of the United States. WILLIAM A.ISHLER. Sheriff of Cent , 740, entre Co. A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE. TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL ‘AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM - EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. eet MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. —WILL BE AT THE— BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA. —THURSDAYS— Nov. 10. Dec. 8, Jan. 5 Feb. 2, & 30, Mch. 2, & 30, April 27, May 25, June 22, ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL. TATION FREE TO EVERY- BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Wonderful. Tyrone, Pa. Sept. 29th, 1892. Dr. Say. The medicine you gave me for Bronchitis and Asthma helped me wonderful- ly. Thereare5 or 6 patients here who know of my case, and want to consult you and want to know if you will stop over here; if not we will come to Bellefonte at your next visit. Yours Respectfully, Mrs. JENNIE CARSONS. Thanks to the good Dr. I feel once more hale and hearty. Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 13th, 1892. For more than 5 years I have had sore eyes and at the same time a miserable case of Dys- pros Ifelt bad all over, became thin and pale, ost all appetite and energy. But now after only a few months treatment with Dr. Salm I have gained Yory much in flesh, have a good color, eat heartily ; my eyes are as good as any ones, and Dyspepsia is all gone. Infact I con- sider myself entirely cured, and thanks to the good Dr. I feel once more hale and hearty. Attested by Miss MiLLie KELLEY her mother SnowShoe, Centre Co. Mrs. Sarah Kelley. Successful double cross-eye operations. Indiana, Pa., Oct. 12th, 1892. I have been cross-eyed, and that very badl for over 28 years. Dr. Salm operated on bot eyes in less than two minutes time, without causing the least pain, nor was I confined to my room for a moment. I can conscientiously say that my eyes are now perfectly straight, thanks to the Dr. ® fall espectfully, Mus, CarLie KINTER. SEVERE EYE TROUBLE. I have been troubled with some Eye disease for some time. The pain was almost unbear- able at times, and I couldn’t think of reading or sewing at any time. I put myself under the care of Dr. Salm, who visits Butler eve four weeks, and after only three months trea ment, [ consider myself entirely cured, and I can safely say that my eyes feel better and have better vision than at any time within the last twelve years. Mus. P, GOLDEN, Butler, Pa., W. Jefferson street. EAR TROUBLE AND CATARRH. I have been troubled with catarrhand deaf= ness, ringing in the ears, about six years. Tried two different doctors in Pittsburg and ever so many patent medicines, without the least benefit. I have now been under Dr.Salms treatment four months, and the improvement is remarkable, and [ am certain that withina short time I'll be entirely cured. He is tht Doctor to go to, to get cured. W. R. MILLER, Kelley Station, Armstrong Co., Pa. Oct. 3, 18H GROWTH REMOVED FROM THE EYE BALL. Dr. Salm has removed a hard, gristly growth from my left eye with perfect success and but little pain. The sight has also improved to a great extent. Respectfully, Mes. ELMIRA ADAMS, Wick, Butler county, Pa., January 22, 1891. REMOVAL OF TUMOR FROM THE EYE- BALL. A few months ago Dr. Salm removed from my left aye-ball a tumor size of a small hazel nut with “perfect success and no pain whatever, and was not kept in the house a single day on account of the operation. ALice Work. Rochhster Mills, Indiana Co., Pa., Jan. 14, 1891. TUMOR REMOVED FROM THE EAR DRUM. I have had a tumer growing in the ear al- most attached to the drum. Dr. Salm remov- ed the same four weeks ago without any pain, and as I caf see now, with splendid results. He is a great physician. PETER ANMAN, Somerset, Pa., January 16, 1891, PRIVATE DISEASES. On account of having heen Attending Physi- cian at Hot Springs Dr. Salm has never failed to cure a case of Private Disease peculiar to either sex, no matter of what nature or how long standing. RUNNING OF THE EARS. Our little son Brinton has for the last five years had running of both ears, and the same was so offensive that it was almost impossible to be near him ; he became emaciated pale and puny, and was nearly always crying on account of the pain. We had him treated in Linesville, Clarion and Oil City by the best home physicians. but no cure resulted and we might just as well have thrown our money in the fire. Dr. Salm has been treating him for three months, and an entire and splendid cure has been made by him on Brinton. Mgrs. R. V. McNAUGHTEN, Kingsville, Clarion Co,, Pa., Jan. 27, 1891. CATARACT SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED, Having heard of successful cataract opera: tions Dr. Salm has made, particulary of one case of an old lady in Columbus, 1 decided to have him operate on my right eye, in which I was blind for nine years. The operation wag performed some time in July; the pain was not worth mentioning and no chloroform wa given. Asaresult 1 can to-day see far ant near, read and write again, and from having been in ill health and puny, I am slso rapidly improving in strength. I will gladly answe any| correspondence and personal inquiry, re garding this successful operation. I was years of age when the operation was performed MarGAREr KELLEY, Ashley, Delaware Co., Ohio, Address all communications to box 760, Col. umbus, O. OUR ADVEKTISEMET WILL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT. 37 4 2%