ER I SE Terms 2.00 A Year, in Advance —_—— Bellefonte, Pa., Nov. 4, 1892. es eee P. GRAY MEEK, =- m— EDITOR Democratic National Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT. GROVER CLEVELAND. OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT. ADLAI STEVENSON. OF ILLINOIS. State Democratic Ticket. EOR CONGRESSMAN AT LARGE. ORGE A. ALLEN, Erie, GE OMAS P. MERRITT, Berks. FOR SUPREME JUDGE. CHRISTOPHER HEYDRICK, Venango. FOR ELECTORS AT LARGE. MORTIMER F. ELLIOTT, Tioga. JNO. C. BULLITT, Philadelphia. THOMAS B. KENNEDY, Franklin, DAVID T. WATSON, Allegheny, mie FOR DISTRICT ELECTORS 1G. Thompson, Clem’t R. Wainwright ns. ys ’ Charles H. Lafferty, ? W. Redwood Wright, George R. Guss, John O. James, Cornelius W. Bull, William Nolan James Duffy, Charles D. Breck, S, W. Trimmer, Wm. G. Yuengling, Samuel S. Leiby, Azur Lathrop T. C. Hipple, : Thomas Chal fant, Ww. D. Himmelreich, P. H. Strubinger, H. B. Pies Joseph D. Orr, Charles A. Fagan, A. Payton John D. Braden Ano Mellon © Michael Liebel, Thomas McDowell, Jamet K. Polk Hall, Democratic County Ticke FOR CONGRESS, Hon. GEO. F. KRIBBS, Subject to the decision of the District conference. For Associate Judge—C- A. EN ; JNO. T. McCOR) For Legislature— }aas. SCHOFIELD, For Prothontary—W. F. SMITH, For District Attorney—W. J. SINGER, Esq. For County Surveyor—HORACE B. HERRING, —————————— Democratic County Committee of Cen- tre County for 1892. Committeemen. J. C. Meyer. . S. Garmam. Geo. R. Meek. James Coldren. .Abe Weber. . H. Carr. ‘Samuel Weiser, Jr ames A. Lukens. . W. Buckingham. rank W. Hess. . B. Wilcox, .E. M. Griest. B. K. Henderson. Districts. Bellefonte N. W... “ S. W. 8. Philipsburg... Unionville Bor. hilip Confer. Buss | : HE Leyman. “ W.P James W, Lucas. Burns: Williams Siisple. WE i. p. _N. Krumrine. Curtin......... 'N. J. McCloskey. Ferguson E. "Daniel Dreibelbis. " Ww. Frank Bowersox, J.C, Rossman. David Sower. ..William R. From. “John J. Orndorf. . A. Weaver. David J. Gates, James W. Swabb. ..H. M. Confer. John T. Merryman. Aaron Fahr. J. H. McAuley. vom sesssssensenes Ww. H. Williams. For Quay and Against a Fence Law. When the campaign for county rep- resentatives first opened up, we charged directly that the Republican candidates for Legislature were pledged to vote for Quay, and that both were opposed to any legislation that would secure the people of the county a fence law. We made these charges the first week after Mr. Hamivron and Mr. Dare were nominated, in order that they could deny them if incorrect, and that the people of the county might know ex- actly where they stood on these two important questions. The convention that nominated them pledged them to vote for Quay and they could not get out of that if they wanted to. On the fence question they could at least have denied the charge we made, if untrue, but they knew it was just as the Warcuman stated, and neither of them, nor their papers, have dared to gay a word on the question, that could be construed into a willingness to rep: resent the people of the county in this matter, as they desire. There is no denying that eight out of every ten tax-payers of the county favor a fence law, This fact is so appar- ent that even the few who are opposed to fencingadmit it. It is the duty of men elected as Rep- resentatives to do that which a majority of their constituents desire, but neither Hamirtoy nor Dare will make any promise of the kind, for the reason they are both personally opposed to a ence law. Dave is opposed to it, as a lawyer, because without any law on the mat ter of fencing, a condition we are now in, there will be interminable trouble among neighbors and endless litigation in court about tresspassing. He hopes to get his share of lawyers fees out of the troubles that will arise, and for this geason is opposed to any law on the subject. Hayton is a life long, and we be- lieve an honest opponent of fences. EATS SRA) his opposition to fencing comes from a firm belief, on his part, that it is a use- less expense to farmers, and that the county would be better off without fen- ces than with them. He has always advocated this side of the question, and his prejudices and convictions are so strong oun this subject, that he could not represent the wishes of the people if he wanted to- The trouble with bim is that he does not want to. He believes he is right on this subject and that those who differ with him are wrong. He hos absolutely refused to make any promise to secure a fence law, linking out of it by professing to favor a local option law on the subject—a law that he knows, has already been declared unconstitutional, and consequently could not be enacted or enforced—thus attempting to deceive the people into voting for him in order that he may be elected to misrepresent them. It is not probable thatthe people of the county will be fooled on this sub- ject. It isa matter of vital importance to them. And inasmuch as DALE and HasiLron are opposed to what the masses of the voters desire, no man who wishes to see a fence law placed upon our statue books, can vote for either of them. ’ RE Vote For Yourselves Once. Farmers, is it not about time that you were voting for yourseives once? For a great many years many of you have been voting to protect other inter- ests, and while men engaged in manu- facturing and the other enterprises have grown wealthy, and can give thou- sands of dollars yearly to buy votes to continue protection, you have made scarcely énough to pay your taxes and school your children. You may call it “calamity cry” or what you please, but to-day there is not one of you, who reads, this article, who can sell his farm for what it would have brought fifteen years ago. With all your labor and the help of your families, with the skimping and saving that you have done, you have not made as much money in ten years as one of these protected manufactur ers gives to the Republican corruption tion fund every campaign. You have been voting for them and their interests. Your sons have been doing the same; and herein a single instance is how it eftects you: during the year you buy one or two suits of clothes. You can’t get along with less. If you want to dress as good as some of your neighbors, one of these must be an all wool suit, and will cost not less than $30.00. Your boys want, and de- serve, tolook as well as other boys, and must have the same kind of a suit. Do you know what your part of the tariff ison such clothes? If the cloth is ‘valued at over 40 cents per pound you pay 44 cents per pound and 50 per cent of the value. You can easily figure the extra amount you pay on a suit. The cloth on an average will weigh five pounds and cost, say, $2.00 a yard. It takes 6} yards to make a suit. 44 cents a pound will be $2.20 and 50 per cent ad valorem on 6§ yards at $2.00 per yard will be $6.75. Add the $2.20 and you have $8.95 tariff on one suit, On cheaper suits the tariff is higher in proportion. This amount you pay on every suit you buy of the quality named. If the cloth is imported the $8.95 goes to the government, If it is made at home, it goes to some manufacturer whom you do not know and who cares nothing for you. So that in either event by voting for protection, you simply vote money outof your own pockets into the treasury of the United States that does not need it, or into the pocket of some manufacturer who neither knows nor cares for you. It is possibly none of our business, but for the life of us we can’t see what right you have to vote away the mon- ey that should go to purchasing com- forts and conveniences for your own family, simply to benefit richer men than vou are, and people who don’t care a bob-ee for you. Had you not better try to vote for your own interests once? And when some devoted protectionist tells you, that a vote for CLEVELAND and a low tariff will hurt the manufacturer, just tell him that if the manufacturer has to rob you to keeplfrom getting hurt, that hereafter he will have to take just what he gets—that you propose taking care of- yourself and family first, and of the manufacturer's interests after- ward. ETS SEM Vote Early. We will do him the credit to say that | i This County Not for Quay. There is nota Democrat in the coun- ‘ty worthy the name of Democrat, who would not be ashamed to see Centre county represented in the next legisla- ture by a wan who would cast his vote for M. S. Quay for United States Sena- tor. And yet that is just what Repub- licans are hoping to accomplish. They would willingly give us two thousand majority for the balance of the ticket, if we were fools enough to trade both or one of our candidates for the Legislature, for it. But it won't be done. Centre county is not for Quay aad consequently neith- er Hayirtox nor DaLe stand a ghost of a chance of election. On Monday last, chairman REEDER of the Republican State Committee, gent out his instructions to the party workers all over the state, to bend every effort to elect members of the Legislature. One of these letters is be- fore us as we write. It appeals to Re- publican, to save the United States Senatorship, by making extraordinary efforts to elect their members to the House. It shows that heis frightened. That he anticipates trouble in securing a Quay majority. That what the WarcaMaN has intimated about the chances of Democratic success in the State is true. That there 1s a chance for Democrats to elect a United States Senator, and possibly capture the elec: toral vote, by getting out the full Dem- ocratic force and polling it for the straight ticket. Centre county Democrats can take no chance of losing a victory like this, by staying at home or trading off part of their ticket. We ought to be good for 1000 Democratic majority. We will have that full figure if the vote is all polled, and every man on the tick- et should have it. Centre county is not for QUAY and no man who is a Democrat will vote for a candidate of a party, whose chief object in this state is, to continue him as United States Senator. Democrats, show your abhorrence of him and his infamously corrupt meth- ods to defeat your party, by voting sol idly against those who endorse his do- ings, and are trying to re-elect him to the position he has disgraced. — To vote the full Democeratictick- et place a cross mark in the square to the right of the word Democratic, thus: DEMOCRATIC | X wherever the word Democratie appears on the Official ballot. Nothing could be simpler. BR TTS, A Republican Law. A correspondent at Blanchard, writes to ask if it is true, that the bill repeal- ing our fence law and making every poor man’s COW a tresspasser, that gets upon another person's property, was signed by Governor PATTISON. Not by any means. The bill he refers to be- came a law on the 4th day of April 1889, almost two years before Govern- or ParTison assumed the duties of the office. It was signed by Governor Braver, and will be found over his signature on page 27 of the pamphlet laws for 1889. It is a full fledged Re- publican measure—the House the Sen- ate and the Governor that enacted the law, all being Republican. If people down the Bald Eagle and elsewhere in the county, think thatit is right, all they have to do is to vote on Tuesday next for Hamirron and Dane. Neith- er of these men will do anything to re- peal the unjust and obnoxious measure, and the man who wants the owner of any kind of stock in this county, left at the mercy of the railroad companies, and the speculators in wild lands, should turn in for these two candidates. They are pledged against any change that will benefit the poor man or farm. er. RL IEE Take No ‘Chances. Every Democrat who delays voting until evening ruus the risk under the new system, of losing his vote. A crowd at the polls at six o'clock, means that the booths will be occupied and those coming last will be unable to get in to vote. Take no chance of being lett, Democrats, but go out early and do your good work. n——— —Every Democrat wants to share in the glories of the overwhelming victory which will come to us next Tuesaay. Vote your ticket straight, then no pricking of conscience will annoy you when the exultant cheer of Democracy is heard throughout the land. I. Its The Same Here. Democrats, take no chances on los- | ing your vote by waiting until evening. | Under the new system voting will be | slow. Tt there are any number of votes | to be polled in the evening some one ! will be left, Don’t be that fellow. Go | out and vote in the morning. It takes | no longer then than it does later in the ' day. What the Republican party has done for the farmer istold in the fol- lowing extracts from an article on the depeciation of farm lands in Lancaster county. As it is down there, so it is here in Centre, and in every other county of the State. When the farmer has read and reflected over the facts given, he will probably conclude that some kind of a change is necessary. We need only add that the time to make a change in the policy that has brought about this frightful deprecia- tion in farm land, is next Tuesday, and the way to do it is by voting out of of fice the party whose admiristration of aftairs has brought it about: Here is the Lancaster situation : “In every instance I found the same state of affairs, the market sluggish, gales difficult except to those who for some special reason desire the acquisi- tion of agricultural lands, and forced sales in quite a number of cases beat- ing down prices far below minimum calculations. Inone large real estate establishment the proprietor has had printed a big poster, offering for sale a score or more of some of the finest {arms in Lancaster county. All are rovided with the best improvements and all are offered at prices which, a decade since, would have been consid- ered great bargains. Although these posters have been distributed broad- cast throughout Lancaster county and adjoining districts, although many of the properties have been advertised in the local prints and in Philadelphia and New York newspapers, and al- though the business is in the hanéds-at one of the most judicious and energet- ic agencies in this section of the State, not @ single purchaser has appeared during the four or five months that they have been offered for sale. In the window of another well-known agency is advertised for sale a fine farm, whose owner is Judge Livingston, but the bidders fail to come. Along: side of itis advertised Sherift Sides’ farm, which would probably go for sev- eral thousand dollars less than he paid for it ; still no purchaser seems willing to make the investment. Down in the lower end of the coun- ty the depreciation and demoralization of farm values seem to be especially severe. John Shultz has a good little farm in Providence township which cost him $85 an acre; he offered it for gale at $60, but could not get that bid, and it is not unlikely it could be bought for $50. The estate of B. Frank Scott comprising sixty-two acees of good to- bacco land, near Drumore Centre, was offered at public sale. The best bid received for it was $50 an acre, or & total of $3,100, yet it contains a fine brick house and good barn that did not cost a dollar under $1.000. A FEW MORE SPECIMENS. Here are a few more specimen bricks I picked up by the wayside in my tour of investigation : The “John Sener” farm, one of the finest in the county, near Willow street, now owned by W. D. Sprecher. It used to carry a $50.000 mortgage. Sold some years ago for $36.000; couldn’t be sold to-day for the latter figure. The famous “John Russel” farm, the model farm of the “lower end” of Lancaster county, which used to be counted worth $100 an acre, and the improvements upon which cost its owner $50 per acre, sold some time ago for $45 per acre. The Bellbank farm in Colerain town- ship, on the Octoraro, one of the most beautiful in the county, has been for sale for years. It will not bring the price of the improvements. " The William Spencer farms in the valley near Christiana, which are not over two and a half miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad, valued eight years ago at $70 per acre, sold recent- ly for about $45, which would not pay for buildings, fences, etc. The farm of the late Dr. J. M. Deav- er, in Drumore township, four miles from Quarryville, on the line of the Lancaster and Quarryville branch of the Reading Railroad, sold only a day or two since for $75 per acre. It is a small farm of about sixty-five acres, the most highly improved in its neigh- borhood. Here are estimated values of improvements : House, $2,000; barn, $1,000; tobacco shed, $500; fences and other improvements, $500; total, $4.- 000. From which it readily appears that the value of the land alone, ac cording to the price paid, was reckoned at about $6 an acre. My attention was also called to the depression in mill properties dependent upon farm values. These were some figures shown me: Stauffer mill, at Quarryyille, cost $14,000, eold tor $6,000. Shultz mill property, at Carmago, cost $10,000 sold for $4,500. Smith mill, at New Providence, cost $15,000, sold for $8,500. Shultz mill, at Martinsville, cost $8,000, sold for $4,000. I am sure that these figures are not isolated, but are representative of a prevalent condition directly chargeable to the burdens imposed by the monop- oly tariff so sorely borne by the farmer and so acutely emphasized by the Me- Kinley tax. A ——————————— A Good Candidate. The Philipsburg Ledger is not a Dem ocratic paper by a long shot. Its edi- to, Mr. Harry WiLLiams has been a candidate upon the Republican county ticket, and its surroundings, leanings and inclinations are all toward the Re- publican party, and yet it can be fair and honest. Here is what it says of the Democratic candidates for legisla- ture : Mr. James Schofield, of Bellefonte, Democratic candidate for legislature, visited Philipsburg on Friday looking after his chances for a majority in this locality. We have known Mr. Scho- field personally for something like twenty years, and lived in the same town with him for several years and we never knew anything against him. He is a mighty keen, quick-witted Irishman, and as far as we know, a square, honorable man. He is perfect ly competent to fill the office he seeks, and there is no reason under the sun why he should not poll the full Demo- cratic vote of Centre county. He ought to get a good vote in Phili sburg, for his wife is a Philipsburg lady, the eld- est daughter of the late Samuel Fleck, Esq. We should be very glad to hear of Mr. Schofield’s election. Deserting the Sinking Ship. Influential Republicans Who Have Openly De- clared for Cleveland. If there is any one doubtful as to the way the political current is running, a perusal jof the following may enable him to correctly understand. Itis a pointer to the halting and doubtful: A column of encouragement to those who want to see a change, and is a sure fin- ger-board to Democratic success. ADELBERT ANDRUS, Sinclairville, Chau- tauqua County, a farmer, always Republican until this year. HENRY C. C. ATWOOD, New York, for eight years Consul-General at San Domingo. JAMES H. BAKE, Secretary of State, Ohio, and later Secretary of State and Railroad Commissioner, Minnesota ; Brigader General during the war and Commissioner of Pensions during Grant. D. P. BALDWIN, Attorney-General of In- diana in 1880. W. BARTOL, President of the Philadel. phia Bourse. Dr. JOHN D. BRIGGS, Williamson, Wayne County, N. Y. BISHOP JOHN M. BROWN, of the African M. E. Church. 1RA D. BROWN, Republican member of As. sembly in 1872. JACOB DOISON COX, Secretary of the In terior under Grant. THOMAS J. CRAWFORD and W. T. Roberts acting Chairman of the Advisory Committee and former Vice-President respectively of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. GEORGE 8. COE, President of the American Exchange Bank, New York. . HARRISON CLARK, ex-Commander of the G. A. R. JOHN; B. CLARK, Professor of Political Economy ; EDWARD B. CROW Professor of Latin ; EDWARD DIXINSON, Treasurer ; BENJAMIN K. EMERSON, Professor of Geology ; WILLIAM C. ESTY, Professor of Mathematics; HENRY A. FRINK, English Literature ; EDWIN A. GROSVEN OR, Pro, fessor of Languages ; EDWARD P. HARRIS, Junior Professor of Chemistry ; ANSON D. MORSE, Professor of Political Economy ; H. HUMPHREY NEILL, Professor of English ; GEORGE D. ODS, Professor of Mathematics ; FREDERICK B. PECK, Professsor of Natur- alScience ; J. R. S. STERRET, Professor of Greek ; DAVID P. TODD, Professer of As- tronomy ; CHARLES A. TUTTLE, Professor of Political Economy; JOHN M. TYLER, Pro- fessor of Biology ; EPHRAIM L. WOOD—Pro- fessors of Amherst College who havesigned an appeal urging their fellow-citizens to give Mr. Cleveland hearty support. JUDGE DAY, for many years Republican member of the Supreme Court of Iowa, has written a strong letter favoring the election of Cleveland and made one speech. DR. C. DOANE, of Union, N. Y., life-long Republican. Has probably made more Re- publican speeches than any other man in the State. ROBERT H. DEMARS, Brooklyn. Profs. DOOUITTLE, WILLIAMS, CRAZIER and KLINE, of Lehigh University, who can no longer endure the tariff creed of the Republi- can party. Rev. H. C. DICKINSON, of Wallingford, who resigned from his pastorate rather than refrain from publicly announcing his change of political heart and the reason for it. HAMILTON G. EWART, former. Republi- can Congressman, North Carolina. t SAMUEL P. FOX, wellknown lawyer of Dunkirk, N. Y. DANIEL W. FRENCH, of Amesbury, Mass., State President of the Patriotic Order Sons of America. W. DUDLEY FOULKE, Chairman of the committee of Investigation of the National Civil Service Reform League. WALTER Q. GRESHAM, Postmaster-Gen. eral and Secretary of ihe Treasury under Arthur. JAMES GRESHAM, Republican nominea for Congress, Second District Brooklyn 1890. WILLIAM GREEN, of Gloversville, District Attorney of Fulton County. FISH GREENWOOD, Mass. B. GLOECKNER, a well-known furniture dealer, Albany, N, Y. JOHN A. GREW, of Pennsylvania, a cam- paign orator for Harrison, 1888. JUDGE HARE, who had been nominated by the party as an Elector-at-Large in Oregon. COLUMBUS B. BABROD, once Republican candidate for Congress, Indiana. CHARLES HARRAH, President of the Mid. vale Steel Works, Pennsylvania. A large con: tributor to the Quay-Wanamaker fund in 1888* J. H. HERRICK, of New York, ex-President of the Edison General Electric Company. A. FOSTER HIGGINS, New York, of Hig- gins, Cox. & Barrett, attorneys for the United St:.tes Lloyds. D. MORGAN HILDRETH, Republican nom- inee for Congress, Twelfth District, New York, 1888, and Republican Assemblyman from the Twenty-first District, 1860. FRANK A, HOBART, lifelong Republican and long member Republican State Com- mittee. : EDWARD HOLBROO, manager of the Gor- ham Silver Manufacturing Company. . FREDERICK B. HOUSE, Republican mem- ber of Assembly from Ninth District, New York, in 1883 and 1884. H. LE BARIE JAYNE, of Philadelphia, law- yer, member of the Union League and former member of the Republican City Committee. DANIEL McKENDREE KEY, Postmaster General under Hayes. ALBERT R. DEEDS, Professor of Chemistry in Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. manufacturer, lawyer, ‘Dedham, Ex-G. A. R. Department Commander LOUD, of Brooklyn, N. Y. THEODORE LYMAN, elected to Congress by Republicans in Massachusetts. WAYN MACVEAGH, Attorney-General un- der Garfield. HUGH McCULLOCH, Secretary of the Treasury, under Lincoln and Arthur. Dr. VICTOR MRAVLAG, well-known physi. cian of Elizabeth, N. J. R. T. McDONALD, of, Fort Wayne, Tnd., a shouter for Blaine at Minzeapolis. HENRY A. MEYER, Republican nominee for Mayor, Brooklyn, 1890. Ex-State Attorney JAMES M. MUNROE and Ex-Judge W. H. DOWNS, of Arundel County» Maryland, two prominent and lifelong Repub- licans. Prof. E. L. McLOUGHLIN snd Prof. GEORGE B. ADAMS. lifelong Republicans and members of tne taculty of Yale College. ROBEBT McADAM, dairyman and cheese. dealer, Rome, N. Y., long a most ardent Re- publican. Prof. HOYT NICHOL, editor o the Journal of Social Economics, of New York. JOSEPH A. NUNEZ, a member of the G. A. R, New York, and a speaker for Harrison four years ago. STEPHEN P. NASH, lawyer and well known asan authority on constitutional law, New York. JAMES K. O'CONNOR, of Utica, Republican member of Assembly from Oneida County in 1830. THOMAS M. OSBORNE, of Auburn, manu. facturer of agricultural implements. R.R. ODDELL, United States Commission- er under Harrison and long Republican leader in St. Paul. HENRY L. PIERCE, former Republican Congressman of Massachusetts. CHARLES S. FRIZER, President Reading Stove Works, Reading, Pa. D. E. REBER, of New York, a Republican campaigner since 1872. JUDGE JOHN F. RAE, of Minnesota, ex- Commander of the G. A. R. MARTIN G. REYNOLDS, manufacturer in Brooklyn, hitherto always a Republican. CHARLES E. ROBERTSON, Vice-President of the Brooklyn Lumber Company, well known as a campaign worker. JOHN H.LEAMAN, formerly a Republican Alderman in this city. HENRY A. STEHER, of Utica, Republican member of Assembly, 1885. CARL SCHURZ, Secretary of the Interior under Hayes. SPENCER TRASK, head of the large bank. ing-house of Spencer Trask &. Co., New York City. Rev. DR. BENJAMIN B. TYLER, pastor of the Church of the Disciples, of New York City, who has always been a staunch Republi- can but does not believe in MeKinleyism. FRANCIS A. WALKER, of Boston, some time Commissioner of Internal Revenue and Superintendent of the Census. JUDGE WATSON, Brooklyn, N. Y., Justice ofthe Polica Court, never yet voted other than a Republican ticket. Col. WILLIAMSON, ex-Attorney-General of Indiana, and heretofore active as a Republican speaker, is now stumping Indiana for Cleve- land. G.G. WILLIAMS, President of the Chem, ical Bank of New York and Chairman of the Clearing-House. The Philadelphia Record states that both Mr. WILLIAMS and Mr. COE have decided to vote for Cleveland. CHAULES A. WITHEY, a leading lawyer of Michigan. Dr. YORK, Republican candidate for Gover- nor of North Carolina, withdrew from the ticket and declares for Cleveland. a a aia. Hox. P. Gray MEeg—Dear Sir :—Since you published my letter to you in which I stated that I have discovered a remedy that would destroy Canada Thistles I have received let- ters from different farmers of your county and many have consulted me personally about the preparation, showing conclusively that the farmers are very anxious to get something that will destroy the weeds. In answer to all I will say that I firmly be- lieve that it will destroy them permanently by a single application , 1 applied it to a patch on my land a year ago and not a single one grew that year. A half teaspoonful of the preparation in five days after application destroyed the root six inches below the surface of the ground al though no rain fell in thistime to wash ig down. In all perennial plants the germ that gene- rates or causes the growth the next year is lo- cated at the surface of the earth or farther down. I believe that the germ in the thistle is located in the root, just al the surface of the ground, or near there, for the reason that on some of the weeds I did not apply more than fifteen or twenty drops.: This certainly did neg penetrate the root very deep yet the plant did not grow this year. Every tarmer knows that the germ of the timothy, which generates the stalk the next year, is located in a small bulbat the surface of the ground and if this bulb is bruised by the mower being set to low or by the hoofs of cattle or the close grazing of sheep it will not produce itself the next year and the root will die. The remedy should be applied when the ground is in sod and the ground should not be cultivated for a year at least after the appli. cation is made. This is cbvious for every farmer knows the more the ground is cultivated the more numerous the plants and the more vig _ orous the growth. The root of the weed is perpendicular | sometimes taking a zig zag course penetrating the ground quite deep and at from three to six inches from the surface horizontal roots spring from the perpendicular root. When these are turned to the surface by the- plow each one of these fibrous roots are cap- able of generating an infant plant and where you had one weed you will have many, but they are not capable to generate a growth when not near the surface so that when the main root is killed a certain distance below the surface all these roots if not disturbed by cultivation will die and decay. The advantages of this preparation are : 1st. It is very cheap 2nd. It is easily applied 3rd. It is a fertilizer 4th It will destroy and discolor the weed so that you need not miss any when applying it One farmer writes: you must show us beyond a doubt that it will do what you say it will or we will not invest. If you will show us that it will destroy them effectually we will want it and we will be willing to pay liberal for the use of it. 1 will give you a few testimonials. 1 have seen the preparation applied to the weed. The effect on it, which is very sudden, is certainly surprising. I believe it will do what is claimed, for it destroys it perma- pently JonN LIGGETT Justice of Peace. Beech Creek Pa. 1 know the ingredients used in the prepara- tion and have seen it applied to a number of Canada Thistles. Its action is certainly mar velous on the weed and and will certainly destroy the top and also the root, as far as the material penetrates it which will be to a depth corresponding to the amount of the prep- aration used. Gro. WILLIAMS JR. Druggist. Beech Creek Pa. I have used the Canada Thistle Annihilator on the weeds on my farm and from its destroy- ing action on the stem and root I believe it will destroy them permanently. 1 applied a half teaspoonful of the preparation to a single thistle and found in a short time by digging it out that it had dey ioved the root six inches under the surface of the ground. Harry FEARON, Beech Creek Pa. To those who are writing for some of the preparation for trial I will state that I will not sell any of it now but, next summer expect to have it in the hands of every farmer who has Canada Thistles. Very Respectfully J. E. TIBBINS. m— New Advertisements. OARDING.—Visitors to Philadel phia, on business or pleasure, {rom tis section, will find pleasant rooms and good boarding either by the day or week, at 1211 Greene Street. Centrally located. Pleasant surroundings. 37-32. ARM TO RENT.—That large and productive farm in Furguson township, Centre county, on the hite Hall road, near Pennsylvania Furnace Station, is now up for rent, from April next. Apply to Franklin Bowersox, tenant in charge or to . AYRES, | 37-35tf 805 North 17th Street, Philadelphia...