Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 04, 1892, Image 2
pos mii He Bought Half A Cow. A Bargain That Ended in Considerable Compli- cations. From the Arkansaw Traveller. Bill Brown came over to his son-in- law’s house last week and said . «John, do you want to buy halt a cow P? ‘How much do you want for half?” asked John. «Ten dollars,” answered Bill. «All right. Here is your money. Guess you had better write me outa receipt.” «Yes ; here you are. Now, I want you to sign an agreement that you will feed your half of that cow, will you?” “Certainly.” John signed the agreement and Bill went off humming “Maggie Murphy’s Comrades.” Next day John went over to Bill's house. «Hello, John,” said Bill. “What do you want over here ?”’ “Come to get half the milk,” gaid John. «Half the milk?” “Yes; I own half of that cow, you know." «Yes, I know ; but you don’t get any milk.” “Why vill w (Cause it was the front half of the cow I sold you.” “What ?”’ «Yes, that’s what. You don’t get any milk: Isold it all, any way. There !”’ «Well, I'll see ail about that,” and John went home making the atmosp- here feel blue. About four hours later Bill came over to John’s house and yelled : «You, John Smith.” «Well I” yelled back Jobn. ¢. Do you want that cow to starve 4 «What's that 7” «I say, do you want that cow to starve 7” «What do you mean ?” «You own the front half of that cow and you'va got to feed it, that’s all. I’ve got your agreement that you would and—"’ s_the cow and you too. Yeu’ll find some food for her in the barn, you blam- ed pirate. You darned—"’ «Well, you’ve got cheek !”’ «I have ? Think you have. do you mean ?”’ «Do you think I’m going to pack fodder for your half of that cow 2” “QOh-" “And you just bring some water or that cow will die of thirst.” Then Bill walked away. Bill came limping over to John’s house the next day. «What's the matter now ?”’ asked John. «Matter enough,” said Bill. “You own the front half of-"’ .,Hang it¢ yes ; so you say.” «Well, that cow hooked me.”’ “Qh, she did ?” Yes.” “Well 2” . «I’m thinking about suing. you for damages.” «Qh, are you ?” “Yes, but I’m willing to compro- mise.” “Ah 1» “Yes, you give me $50 and your half of thatcow and I won't say anything about it.” After six hours of talk John paid the money and the old man away happy. SI. To Establish A Leper Colony. ‘What The Princess of Wales and Daughters Receive Miss Kate Marsden, LonNpon, Oct. 22—The Princess of Wales and her daughters yesterday re- ceived Miss Kate Marsden, who isin- terested in a project to establish a leper colony at Vilioosh, a town of Hastern Sibera. The Queen has summoned her to visit Balmoral Castle prior to her starting on her American tour to raise funds to carry on her work in aid of the lepers. Miss Marsden some months ago made a six weeks’ tour of the various leper settlements in Siberia. She said that as soon as any person shows signs of the dread disease the victim is at once driv- en into the depths of:the forest and is forced to live upon bark torn from the trees and rotted fish which is farnished by relatives, who deposit it at a distance from the miserable and filthy huts of the victims. The huts are one-half under ground for the sake of warmth, and are hun- dreds of versts apart, so that supervision is impossible. The lepers are ill-clad and live in indescribable filth and vice, dragging out a horrible existance for years until they die of disease or starva- tion, atter becoming so loathsome that they have lost all semblance to human- ty. TEE ST San Frawcisco, Oct. 23,—The steamer Rio Janeiro has arrived bring ing advices from Yokohoma to Oct. 7 and from Hongkong to Oct. 1. News has reached Shanghai that the Yellow river has again burst its banks, though the exact locality is not known. The news came from Yang-Ko, on the cost of Pe-Chee-Liee. This town is on a river which is connected with the Yel- low by canal, and the current from the Yellow was floating past Yang-Ko at the rate of six or seven miles an hour, A missionary who had come in from the flooded district stated that no less than twelve towns had been washed away, but as the water advanced slow- ly the people bad time to remove, 80 that not many lives were lost. It is reported that the floods have extended to three provinces. : EA Facing Theories and Conditions. From the Indianapolis News. Mr. Carnegie is going to write an: other book. It is theories which con- front Mr. Carnegie, pot conditions. When the lattar confront (him he goes fishing in Scetland. STRSTR. It is estimated that in Paris one person in every eighteen is a criminal, Cuts the Farmer. From the Pittsburg Post. The McKinley argument that the prosperity of the farmers last year was due to bis tariff bill gets a black eye in the decline of exportation and prices the last halt of this vear. For the three months ending with September exports of breadstuffs fell off $26,000,000. This marks the difference batween famine and normal conditions. Four years ago, under Cleveland, wheat was sold in Chicago at $1 09. To-day it was sell- ing at 73} cents. That 1s how the Me- Kinley law protects the farmer. Four years ago we imported 632,000,- 000 pounds tin plate, which, with duty added, cost $25,354,000. 'Lhis was paid for with 23,000,000 bushels of wheat at $1.09 a bushel. That was un- der Cleveland. This year, with the same amount of tin plate purchased abroad at the same prize, it will cost American consumers under the increased McKinley tax $32- 939,000. But how paid for? Itisnot a cash transaction, but a traffic on products. Well, at the present price of wheat in this country to pat this amount of tin late in the hands of American consum- ersit will take 45,000,000 bushels of wheat. The same amount of tin plate four years ago cost 23,000,000 bushels of wheat. The farmer gets dosed at both ends under Harrison. He get less for what he has to sell. He pays more for what he has to buy. TRS A Plain Talk. On a Plain Subject in Plain Language. A winter is just before us with all of its biting winds, cold, drizzling rains, sloppy muddy streets. and sudden changes of temperature. This will cause at least one-half of the people to have catarrh, colds, coughs, pneumonia, or consumption. Thousands of people will lose their lives and tens of thou- sands will acquire some chronic ailment from which they will never recover. Un- less you take the necessary precautions the chances are that you (who read this) will be one of the unfortunate ones. Little or no risk need be run if Pe-ru- na is kept in the house and at the first appearance of any symptom to take it as directed on the label. No one who values bis welfare should be without a copy of The Family Physician No. 2, a complete guide to the treatment and prevention of all climatic diseases of winter. Sent freer by The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Colum- bus, Ohio. —— Fully Explained. A mother, indignant to find her little daughter low in her class at school, ex- claimed, wrathfully : «I'm out of all patience with you, Mollie. I should just like to know why Sallie Jones is always at the head of her class and you always at the foot ?”’ Mollie hesitated for a moment, and then, looking her mother squarely in the face, said, demurely : «You seem to forget, mamma, that Sally Jones has very clever parents.”’— Rare Bits. Household Sweetness. Mr. Plummer, “I just found my bat on the refrigerator. I wonder on what ridiculous thing I will find it next ?” Mrs. Plummer. “Probably on your head dear.” . And Mrs. Plummer smiled sweetly as Mr. Plummer slammed the door and rushed down stairs. ETS GuaraNTEED Cure. We author- ize our advertised druggistto sell Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with & Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King’s New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottle’s free at Parrish's Drug Store. Large size 502° and $1.00. TT, — Brazil will remove its capital from Rio Janerio to some point in the inter- jor, so that in future revolutions the army and navy cannot jump on the Government together. — The wisest course in politics is to vote for best man, and you cannot be mistaken. So, in the use of blood-puri- fiers, you can’t be mistaken if you take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, because all parties agree that it is the best—the Superior Medicine. Try it this month. TOA ECTS, One million two hundred thous- and dollars’ royalty, it is said have been paid to Moody and Sankey for their gospel hymns. 3 FEE SR TOT ——Many old soldiers who contracted chronic diarrhea while in the service, have since been permanently cured of it by Chamberjain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy. Frank P. Green. ETAT TRS AA — Mrs. Timid—Did you ever find a man under the bed ? Mrs. Bluff-—Yes ; the night we there were burglars in the house. I found wy husband there. ——Hood's Pills are purely vegeta- ble, perfectly harmless, eftective, but do not cause pain or gripe. Be sure to get Hood's. ITTY ——No man Las a right to’ marry un- til he can supply the loaf of bread, and no woman has a right to marry until she can cook the loaf. f EE —— ——1In St. Loui§ the racing associa: tion own an elephant, which is used up- on the race-track. This talented crea- ture drags the roller over the track, works the scraper, and all together does the work of three men and six horses. TEER —— There is about one policeman to every 400 people, —~The persentage of paupers is (ne in every thousand. { the property of Wm. YERS PILLS 4 — Are compounded with the view to gener- al useiulness and adaptability. They are composed of the purest vegetable aperients. Their delicate sugar-coat- ing, which readily dissolves in the stomach, preserves their full medici- nal value and makes them easy to take, either by old or y>ung. For con- stipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick * he adache, and common derangements of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels ; also to check colds and fevers, Ayer's Pills =A RE THE BES T-— Unlike other cathartics, the effect of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen the excre- tory organs and restore to them their regular and natural action. Doctors everywhere prescribe them. In spite of immense competition, they have always maintained their popularity as a family medicine, being in greater de- mand now than ever before. They are put up both in vials and boxes, and whether for home use or travel, Ayer's Pills are preferable to any other. Have you ever tried them ? —AYERS PILLS— Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lo- weli, Mass. Sold by all Druggisis. EVERY DOSE EFFECTIVE. 3728 1 REWERY FOR SALE ORRENT. —The subscriber offers her Brewery property, situated one miles west of Bellefonte for sale or rent on easy terms. It consists of a large Brew House, with kettles, vats and every- thing complete, an excellent vault for stor- ing beer, two dwelling houses large stable out houses and two acres of land. Term will be easy and price or rent low. Appiy on the premises to 37-36-3m MRS. L. HAAS. IE EERIE ‘Tourists. TT SEY SL TITY 1 greg age ws Tourists, Speaking of Flying. Some run, some fly, and some are limited in me re senses than one, but the new fast trains on the Union Pacific 8j stem are out of sigh while the other fellows are getting their wingst fixed. The remarkable time of 13 hours and 25 minutes from Omaha to Denver made by the “Denver Fast Mail” is specially commend ed to people who wish to “get there.¥ To Portland in 65 hours via Omaha and the Union Pacific System, you save fifteen hours and fifty minutes over all competition ; to San Francisco in 67 hours via Omaha and the Union Pacific: System, you save twelve hours and thirty min- utes over all competition. For tickets via the Union Pacific or any information call ,on your pearest ticket agent or E. L. Lomax, Genl Pass. & Ticket Agt., Omaha, Neb. tf TT It May Be Interesting to Know. That when excursion rates are made to Chi. cago for people who live in the East, to enable them to attend the World’s Fair next year, it is contemplated by the Western roads to also make excursion rates from Chicago to all principle business and tourist points in the West, Northwest and Southwest, so that those who desire to spend a few weeks among their friends in the Great West, may have an op- portunity of doing without incurring much ad- ditional expense. It may be well to consider this snbject in advance of actual time of starts icg, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. has issued maps and time tables and other instructive reading matter, which it will be glad to furnish free of expense upon application by postal card address to Jno. R. Pott, District Passenger Ageut, Williamsport, Pa. or to Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger -| Agent, Chicago Ill se — In the First Place. “The Overland Flyer” of the Union Pacific System is to-day as it has been “for years, the most popular as well as the fastest Daily Trains Continental Train. The flyer isa solid vesti- buled train composed of Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars No change of coach Chicago to Denver, Ogden San Francisco or Portland. Note our common sense time table : “JHE OVERLAND FLYER.” go C. MILLER PRACTICAL, ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. Rentsor Sells property of all kind. Does a goron) collection business, opens or closes oks for firms or individuals. Spel attention given to collection rents and business accounts. If you have any real estate for sale or rent o1 wish to rent or buy property, call and see me at room 13, Criders Exchange, Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. 37-13-1y Philadelphia Card. DWARD W. MILLER, WITH WOOD, BROWN & CO., Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS &C. 429 Market Street: 151 PHILADELPHIA, PA. Gas Fitting. M. GALBRAITH, Plumber and Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa. Pays perticular attention to heating buildings by steam, copver smithing, rebronzing gas fix ruest, &c. 20 26 sSheriff’s Sales. HERIFF'S SALE! By virture of Sundry writs of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county and to me directed there will be exposed at Public Sale, at the Court House, in Bellefonte, on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1892, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described real estate, viz: All that certain lot of ground situated in the borough of Philipsburg, Centre county, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a post on Seventn street in said borough at the north west corner of M. G. Gray’s lot, thence along said street north west sixty-six (66) feet to corner of Louis Ath- erton’s lot, thence by line of said lot north- east two hundred and forty (240)feet to Eighth street,thence along Eighth street south-east sixty-six (66) feet to the corner of M. G. Gray's lot, thence by line of said lot south-west two hundred and forty (240) feet to the place of be- ings having thereon erected a large frame welling house, and frame stable. Being the same lot of ground which was conveyed to the said William E. Landon by Robert Lloyd by deed dated November 11th, A. D. 1885, and re- corded in Centre county aforesaid, in Deed Book Vol. A, No. 3, page 230. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as E. Landon. ALSO, All that certain messnage or tenement and tract of land situate in the township of Rush, county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: be- ginning at stone, thence by land of J. W. Mat- terninorth 5214° east one hundred and fifty-six (156) perches to post at Tyrone turnpike road, thence along said turnpike road north 7° 15 west 23 perches to post, thence along same north 15° east 18 perches to a post, thence along same north 44° west 43 6-10 perches toa - post, thence south 60° 30’ west a ong land of Rosa Pierce and others 302 feet to post, thence along land of Rosa Pierce and Wm. Bates north 29° 30 west 403 5-10 feet to post, thence along land of J. B. Wilcox south 60° 30 west 20.74 feet t> post, thence along same north 29° 4 west 325 feet to post, thence by land of Wm. Black south 45° west 265 feet to post, thence by land of same novt: 45° west 505 5-10 feet to post, thence by lands of Daniel Ryon 27° west 20 4-10 perches to post on bank of Moshannon creek, thence up along said creek south 13314° east 7 perches to post south 5° west 9 perches to post, thence south 29%4° west 8 1-10 perches to post, thence by land of J W. Mattern east 39 perches to post, thence by land of——— Hale north 175 feet to post, thence by same east 250 feet to post, thence by same south 175 feet to post, thence along land of J. W. Mattern south 13° 20’ west 20 perches to post, thence south 20° 45’ west 14 . perches to ost, thence north 80° west 59 perches to hem- ock on bank of Moshannon creek, thence up said creek south 80% west 14 1-10 perches to a post, thence north 77°30" west 14 perches to a post, thence south 80° west 30 perches to post thence south 63° 15’ west 17 5-10 perches te iremlock (down), thence along land of Jacok TF. Steiner south 36°45’ east 168 perches tt stones, the place of beginning, containing 13t acres and 29 6-10 perches neat measure. Be ing the same tract of land which was convey ed to Mrs. A. G. Hale by Chester Munson ant wife by deed dated January 23d, 1882 and re corded in Centre county in Deed Book, Vol. 8.: No. 2, page 188. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as fhe property of Mrs. A.G. Hale and W. W. ale, enue: —No deed will be acknowledged un- til he purchase money is od in full. . A. ISH LER, Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Sheriff. Oct, 12, 1892. Leave | Leave | Arrive | Arrive Arrive Chicago | Omaha [Denver Ogden |Portland 10.30 P.M. 2.15 P. M.|7.40 A. M.|1.00 A. M. 7.25 A.M. SaltLake|Sain Fran 300 A 3.19.15 A.M Sun Mon. Tue Wed. Thu. Mon Tue. Wed Thu Fri. Tue, Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Wed 1 hu Fri Sat. San. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun |Mon. Fri. Sat. Sun Mon Tue. Sat. Sun. Mon Tue. Wed. For tickets or ‘any additional information call on your nearest Ticket Agent, or address, E. L. Lomad, G. P. & T. A. U. P. System, Om- aha, Neb. tf ET A ————————————— Wanted. Flouring Mills at Reynolds. N. D. ($2,0c0 bonus) ; and Maynard, Minn. (Free site and half of stock will be taken). Jewelry Stores at Buxton and Neche, N. D. Banks at Ashby, Minn, and Williston N.D. Hotels at Wahpeton and Grafton, N. D (Stock will be taken); Crystal, N. D. and Waverly, Minn. (Bonus offered or stock taken). General Stores, Creameries, Harness Shops, Drug Stores, Shoe Shops, Lumber Yards, Tai} or Shops, Hardware Stores, Banks,fCarpenter Shops, Saw Mill, Soap Factories, Blacksmith Shops, Meat Markets, Bakeries, Barber Shops, Wagon Shops, Furniture Factories, Machine Shops, &e. needed and solicited by citizens in new and growing towns in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana. Free sites “water pow er for factories at various places. No charges whatever for information whieh may jlead to the securing of locations by interested par- ties. Farmers and stock-raisers wanted to occupy the best and cheapest vacant farming and grazing lands in America. Instances are com- mon every year inthe Red River Valley and other localities where land costing $10. an acr® produces $20. to $30. worth of grain. Fines sheep, cattleand horse country in America Millions of acres of Government Land still to be homesteaded convenient to the railway. Information and publications sent free by F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. 36-32. ET ST Suggestion for a Summer Trip. If you wish to take the trip of a liffe- time, purchase the low rate excursion tickets sold by all?principal lines in the United States and Canada via the Northern Pacific Railroad to Yellowstone National Park, Pacific coast and Alaska. The trip is made with the highest degree of comfort in the elegant vestibuled trains of the Northern Pacific Railroad, which carry dining cars are luxurious Pullman sleeping cars from Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis {o Montana and the Pacifi coast, without change, and -special Pullman sleepers from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Yellowstone Park. The scenery en route is the most magnificent to be found in the seven states through which the road passes. Beautiful mountains, rivers valleys, lakes and plains follow each other in rapid succession to delight the tourist, who will also find interest in the agricultural, min- ing, lumbering, industrial and other interests associated with the development of the great Northwest. The crowning glory of the trip through the Northwest, however, is the visit to Yellowstone Park, the land of hot Springs, geysers and gor- geous canons, and to Alaska with its endless oceans channels, snoweapped peaks, Indian villages and giant glaciers. If you wish to investigate this suggestion farther send to Charles S. Fee, General Pas- enger Agent, N. P. k. R., St. Paul, Minn., for opies of the handsomely illustrated “ Wonder- cand” book, Yellowstone and Alaska folders. The Land of Sunshine. A Unique Country where the Skies are almost Never Clouded, while the air is Coot and Brac- ing, like Perpetual Spring. As an anomalous southern resort, by reason of the fact that there one may escape summer heat no less than winter cold, New Mexico is rapidly becoming famous. Averaging through- out the entire territory 5,600 feet in altitude above sea-level, and characterized by dry air which, unlike a humid atmosphere, is incapa- ble of communicating heat, the temperature in midsummer remains at a delightfully com- fortable degree through the day, and at night becsmes invariably brisk and bracing. The sunshine is almost constant, yet the most vio- lent out-of-door exertion may be undertaken without fear of distressful consequences. Sun- stroke or prostration are absolutely unknown there. It is an ideal land for a summer outing. [ts climate is prescribed by reputable physi- cians as a specific for pulmonary complaints, and the medicinal Hot Springs at Las Vegas are noted for their curative virtues. The most sumptuous hotel in the west, the Mon- tezuma, is located at these springs. Write to Jno. J. Byrne, 723 Monadnock Block, Chicago, for “The Land of Sunshine,” an entertaining and profusely illustrated hook descriptive of this region, the most picturesque and roman- tic in the United States, 3742 3m The Titan of Chasms. A Mile Deep, 13 Miles Wide, 217 Miles Long, and Painted Like a Flower. The Grand Canon of the Colorado River, in Arizona, is now for the first time easily access- ible to tourists. A regular stage line has been esiablished from I lagstaff, Arizona, on the At- lantic & Pacific Railroad, making the trip from Flagstaff to the most imposing part of the Can- on in less than 12 hours. The stage fare for the round trip is only $20.00, and meals and comfortable lodgings are provided throughout the trip-at a reasonable price. The view of the Grand Canon afforded at the’terminus of the stage route is the most stupendous panora- ma known in nature. There is alsoa trail at. this point leading down the Canon wall, more than 6,000 feet vertically, to the river below. The descent of the trail is a grander experi- ence than climbing the Alps, for in the bottom of this terrific and snbiime chasm are hun dreds of mountains greater than any of the Al pine range. A book describing the trip to the Grand Canon, illustrated by many full-page engrav- Ings from special photographs, and furnishing all needful information, may obtained free up- on application to Jno. J. Byrne, 723 Monadnock Block, Chicago, Ill. 37-30-3m WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE ent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written ard Cash Compenies at lowest rates. Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna- does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. 3412 1y J, 3 in Stan EO. L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the Court House. 22 5 Machinery. JENKINS & LINGLE, [Successors to W. P. Duncan & Co,] BELLEFONTE, PA, RON FOUNDERS and MACHINISTS. * Manufacturers of the VULCAN CUSHIONED POWER HAMMER BELLEFONTE TURBINE WATER WHEEL, STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS, FLOURING MILLS, ROLLING MILLS, &C., &C. © Works near P. R. R. Depot. 9; O 11 50 1y Miscellaneous Adv’s. Tar PENN [RON ROOFING & CORRUGATING CO. Limited. | SHEET IRON & STEEL MANUFACTURERS in all its branches for BUILDING PURPOSE. INTERJOR & EXTERIOR. Circulars and prices upon application. G. M. RHULE, Ag’t. 36 10 tf. Philipsburg, Pa HE WILLER MANUFACTUR- ING CO. Sole Manufacturers of THE WILLER SLIDING BLINDS, THE WILLER FOLDING BLINDS, REGULAR INSIDE FOLDING BLINDS, WILLER SLIDING WINDOW SCREENS. And custom made SCREEN DOORS for fine residences. STAIR WORK in all its branches ready to put up in any part of the country. Write for catalogue. GEO. M.KHULE, Ag’t 3510 tf. Philipsburg, Pa. ANTED.—Wide-awake workers everywhere for Sueer's Puoro- graphs of the World ;” the greatest book on earth ; costing $100,000 ; retail at $3,25, cash or installments ; mammoth illustrated circu- lars and terms free; daily output over 1500 volumes, SHEPP'S PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE WORLD Agents wild with success, Mr. Thos. L. Mar- tin, Centreville, Texas, cleared $711 in 9 days. Miss Rose Adams, Wooster, t., $23 in 40 min- utes ; Rev. J. Howard Madison, Lyons, N.Y, $101 in 8 hours ; a bonanza ; magnificent outfit only $1.00. Books on credit. Freight paid. Ad. Globe Bible Pubiishing Co., 723 Chestnut St., Phila, Pa.or 358 Dearborn St, Chicago 111, 37-38-6m Electric Belts. REE disease, Rheumatism, Indigestion, Electricity will cure you and keep rove this, I will send DR. JUDD’S , $10, and them. Can bined, and produces sufficient Electricit Give waist measure, price and full particulars. Agents Wanted. 8713 1ynr Dyspepsia, — Trial. Why suffer from the bad effects of the La Grippe, Lame Back, Kidney and Liver: any kind of weakness, or other disease, when ou in health, (Headache relieved in one minute.) Te LECTRIC BELT to anyone on trial, 15, if satisfied. Also, Electric Trussess regulated to suit, and guaranteed to last for years, to shock. free, Prices, $3, and Box Batteries. ‘Costs nothing to try A Belt and Battery eon. Free Medical advice. Write to-day. ‘Address DR. JUDD, Detroit, Mich. Railway Guide. ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Nov. 16th, 1391. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrons, 6.55 a. m., at Altocna, 7.45 a. m., st Pitts burg, 12.45 p. m. Leave Rallefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.558. m. at Ai‘oona, 1.45 p- m., at Pitts- burg, 6.50 p: m Lesve Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.40, at Altoona at 7.50, as Pittsburg at 11.56. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a.m. arrive at Tyrone 6.55, at Harrisburg 10.30 a. m., at Philadel- phia, 1256 p.m, Leave Beiletonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., 8 Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. ; Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m , arrive at Tyrone, 6.40 at Harrisburg at 10.0 p. m., at Phila- delphia, 4.25 a. ML. VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte; 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 10.45 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.5% p. m., arrive at Lock Haven at 10.10 p. m. VIA LOCKE HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.17 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.45, leave Williamsport, 12.30 p. m. at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 300 m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.45 p. m., at Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.54 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10.10 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.26 h m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive at hiladelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis burg at 9.10 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.35 a. m. Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.00 p. m., arrive at Lewis burg, 4.45, at Harrisburg, 7.056 p. m., Phila- delphia at 10.55 p. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. 2 g B Nov. 16, g 2 © FlE<| 8 1891. = § = P.M.| A. M. | A. M. (AIT. Lv.| A. M. |p.& | P. M. 6 40| 11 55| 6 55|...Tyrone 7 55(310f 726 6 33| 11 48 6 48/.E.Tyrone.| 8 02{3 17| 7 32 6 29 11 43] 6 #4|...... Vail....., 8 05|3 20| 7 36 6 25 11 38| 6 10/Bald Eagle} 8 10(3 24| 7 41 6 19| 11 32{ 6 33|...... Dix.,..., 815(3 30| T 47 6 15 11 20| 6 30|... Fowler 8 17/3 33| 7 50 6 13| 11 26/ 6 28|.. Hannah...| 8.21/38 37| 7 5% 6 06] 11 17| 6 21|Pt. Matilda.| 8 28(3 44] 8 01 5 59] 11 09] 6 13|...Martha....| 8 36/3 52) 8 10 5 50 10 59) 6 05]....Julian..... 8 44/4 01| 8 20 5 41| 10 48] 5 55..Unionville.| 8 55/4 10| 8 30 5 33] 10 38 5 48|...8.S. Int...| 9 03|4 17| 8 40 5 30| 10 35| 5 4b .Milesburg | 9 07/4 20| 8 44 5 20] 10 25| 5 35/.Bellefonte.| 9 17/4 30| 8 b4 5 10| 10 11] 5 25|.Milesburg.| 9 32|4 40| 9 04 502 958 5 18/...Curtin....| 9 46/4 47| 913 4 55! 9 51] 5 14|.Mt. Eagle... 9 51{4 55| 9 19 449] 9 44| 5 07|..Howard...| 10 01|5 62| 9 28 4 40] 9 36| 4 59.Eagleville.| 10 15/5 10| 9 40 4 38 9383] 4 56 Beh. Creek.| 10 20/5 13| 9 45 426 9 21 4 46/.Mill Hall...| 10 35/5 24| 10 01 4 23] 9 18| 4 43|Flemin’ton.| 10 39|5 27| 10 06 4 20! 915 4 40 Leck. Haven| 11 45/5 30| 10 1C P.M. A. M. [A M. A. M. |A.M.| P. M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. NORTHWARD. SOUTHWARD, BR = 5 2 | Hg Nov. 16, n S g gel B 1891. B i =| F B|8 : g pol Pp. M. | A.M. |Lv. Ar. la. mM. [A.M [P.M 730] 315 8 00|..Tyrone...| 6 50 11 45/6 17 737] 322 807.E. Tyrone. 6 43| 11 38/6 16 743 327 811... Vail...... 6 37| 11 34/6 04 7 53| 3 36| 8 21.Vanscoyoe.| 6 27| 11 25/6 53 8 00| 3 42| 8 25|.Gardners..| 6 25| 11 21/5 53 8 07| 3 49 8 35/Mt.Pleasant| 6 16| 11 12/5 43 815 3 54; 8 45|..Summit...! 6 09 1 05/5 30 8 1¢| 3 59) 8 50/Sand.Ridge| 6 03| 10 58(5 27 821 4 01} 8 52|... Retort.....| 6 03] 10 54/5 25 824 4 02 8 b5(..Powelton...| 6 01| 10 52{5 23 8 30 Ql 9 04|...0sceola...| 5 52| 10 40/5 11 8 41 To] 2 13|..Boynton...| 5 45| 10 33|5 08 8 45| 4 18 9 17|..Moiners...| 5 43| 10 30/4 58 8 47| 4 22| 9 20/Philipshu’g| 5 41] 10 27/4 55 8 51| 4 26| 9 24|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 21/4 49 8 57| 4 32| 932|..Blue Ball.| 533] 10 17/4 44 9 03] 4 39, 9 39Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 10/4 39 9 10] "4 47| 9 47|....Bigler.....| 5 22| 10 01{4 81 9 17! 4 52| 9 54{.Woodland..| 517| 9 54/4 26 9 24| 4 58| 10 02|...Barrett....| 512 9 47/4 20 9 28| 5 02| 10 07|..Leonard...| 509 9 43/415 9 35 5 08| 10 14. Clearfield..| 5 0% 9 364 07 9 40] “5 11] 10 24/.Riverview.| 5 00 9 32/4 ¢2 9 47| 5 16] 10 29|Sus. Bridge| 4 54| 9 24/3 56 9 55 b 25] 10 35/Curwensv’e| 4 50| 9 20{2 50 P.M.| P.M. | A. M. A.M. | A. M. (P.M. BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after Nov. 16, 1891. Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 3 45 a. ms; 00 p.m, Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday....10 30 a. m, 5 25 p.m. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effuet November 15th, 1891. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. 111 103 114 112 STATIONS. A.M. | P. M. Montandon........ 9 20| 456 Lan Lewisburg... ..... Glen Iron...esemes Cherry Run... 753 338 3 58 318 415 302 4 28 2 47 4 34 240 4 40 2 32 4 45 221 449 6 2 23 4 53 6 218 5 02 HE 2 08 5 10| 9 10|.......Bellefonte.........| 6 20| 2 00 P. M. | , A.M. |P. M. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upver End. EASTWARD = = = = = = Nov. 16, = = 2 i 1891. i i £ Pe g Bu A.M | PoM A M. | P. M. 4 57|....Scetia..... 9 21 4 47|...... 5 171. Fairbrook.| 9 09] 4 27T|.... 5 29(Pa, Furnace 8 56) 4150 34| 5 36|...Hostler...| 850! 4 6} 5 4i|...Marengo.| 8 43] 4 52| 5 49).Loveville.| 837) 3¢ 58) 5 56| FurnaceRd|" 8 21{ 2 terse 11 02] 6 06|Dungarvin.| 8 27) 3 ¢ saiske 11 10, 6 10. W. Mark... 819 3: arses 11 20! 6 20/Pennington| 8 10 3 ¢ Si 11 32 6 32|...Stover...| 758 3 aaeser 11 40| 6 42|...Tywrone....| 7 50, 3 I 3 CENTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1892. EASTWARD. WESTWARD, Ac] Ex. | Mail} g,\ 1 ions. Ac.| Ex | Mail p.M.| P. M.A, M. |AT.| a. mip M. 6 35 3 50] 9 05].Bellefonte.|; 30 10 30] 4 40 6 28] 3 44] 8&9|..Coleville...|6 37| 10 35| 4 45 6 25] 3 41] 8 56/....Morris....|6 40! 10 38] 4 48 6 22| 3 38] 8 52|..Whitmer...|6 44] 10.43 4 51 6 19] 335 8 49|....Linns....[6 47| 10 46| 4 54 6.17] 3 33] 8 47|. Hunters...|6 60| 10 49 4 56 6 14] 3 31], 8 44|..Fillmore...|6 53] 10 52| 5 00 611) 328 8 ....Sellers....|6 57} 10 56 5 03 609] 3 26( 8 ...;Brialy.....|T 00] 10 58| & 05 605 3 23|' 8 35... Waddle.,.|7 05 11,01] 5 10 6 02 '3 20 "8 30{Mattern Ju|7'08| 11°03| 512 551 308] 818[.Krumrine.7 21} 11 13 524 548, 305 8 ....Struble...[7T 24{ 11 17| 527 5 45 8 00} 8 10{StateColl’'ge|7 30| 1F 20), 5 80 On the Réd ' Baik branch trains will run as ollows 1 GOING EAST WILL LEAVE Red Bank at 8 00 a. m Stormstown at 8 05 Mattern at 8 12 Graysdale at 8 17 Mattern Ju. at 8 20 (GOING WEST WILL LEAVE: Mattern Ju. ‘7 14 a.m, Graysdale 7 19 ' Mattern T 24 Stormstown 7 29 Red Bank 17 36 . Tues. A. Buozmaxus, and o IERBR o B ® a } CLT. RAR; Bur o B 2 *