Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 04, 1892, Image 1

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    —Vote your ticket straight.
—Let every Democrat do his duty,
on Tuesday, and victery will be ours.
—Make yourself a committee of one
to see that every Democratic vote in
your precinct is polled.
—If you think that Centre county
can afford to go without fences vote for
either HAMILTON or DALE.
—Vote a straight Demcecratic ticket
and sustain the rights of the masses
against the demands of the classes.
—No better man could be had to re-
present this District in Congress than
GEORGE F. Kriss. Vote for him.
-—It is always a source of satisfaction
to be on the side that wins. Cast your
vote for the straight Democratic ticket.
~. There is nothing encourages like
encouragement. All the signs point to
an overwhelming Democratic victory.
—In making up your ticket don’t
forget that HORACE B. HERRING is the
man you want to vote for, for County
—Did it ever occur to you Democrats
who are proposing cutting your Legis-
lative ticket that you will be voting di-
rectly for Quay.
—Itis not difficult to vote the BAKER
ballot. Just put a cross mark (X) in
the little square at the right of the word
Democratic, wherever it appears.
—W, F. SMITH, the Democratiz can-
didate for Prothonotary, is a shrewd
farmer who will make an efficient and
faithful county officer. Vote for him.
men who are in touch with the farmer
and workingman. They will make ex-
cellent Representatives and should re-
ceive the support of every Democrat.
—A vote for HAMILTON or DALE
will be a vote to send MAT Quay back
to the United States Senate. It will be
your endorsement of the disgrace into
which that political trickster has
brought the State.
—WiLLiAM J. SINGER, the Demo-
«cratic candidate for District Attorney,
1s a rising young attorney, whose hon-
est work for his party and acknowledged
ability in the law makes him a candi-
date worthy everyone’s vote.
—Workingmen, what do you think
of FRrIcKk's last contribution to the Re-
publican campaign fund? $250,000 is
the amount he subscribed, yet he has
‘been beating down wages at Home-
‘stead for the last four years.
—Republicans will vote the Demo-
cratic ticket on Tuesday, not because
they are Democrats, but because they
are too honorable to endorse the contin-
ued deception of their own party lead-
ers. The party has become so corrupt
that its own members will purge it.
—Work as you have never worked
‘before, from now until next Tuesday.
Pennsylvania can be made Democratic.
‘We have a chance to carry b- . Legis-
lature and Senate and elect a United
States Senator. Don’t stop until every
vote in your precinct has been polled.
—Don’t stay away from the polls be-
cause you don’t understand the new
way of voting, Itis exceedingly sim-
ple and there will be plenty people
to show you the points you can’t see
through. Experience is the best teach-
er. Thisis your country and if you
don’t know how to run it, the Lord help
—1In an interview, at Pittsburg, the
other evening post-master General
‘WANAMAKER admitted that the Demo-
crats had made considerable gains in
New York city and Brooklyn, but said
they had hopes of making up enough
in the country districts to overcome it.
‘With all their money New York will
be Democratic. The farmers are not
the class ot people to be bought,
~—The desperate means which dirty
Republican politicians are taking to pre-
judice the Temperance people against
CorrLis FAULKNER, Democratic candi-
date for Associate Judge, are proving a
boomerang for their own destruction.
The Temperance voters of the county
are not so dumb as Republicans suppose
them to be. The Republican bench in
this county has increased licenses rather
than diminished them and the Prohibi-
tionists purpose resenting it by voting
—A just rebuke was given the Re-
publican party for its lying campaign
documents by Dr, W. 8. BickLow, the
Prohibition candidate for Congress.
During a speech, at Martha Furnace,
one night last week he picked upa let-
ter which the Republican county com-
mittee is circulating; with the hope of
deceiving the people, about the kind of
aman CorLis FAULKNER, the Demo- |
cratic candidate for Associate Judge, is.
Dr. BiceLow denounced such untruths
as the letter contained as unworthy any
political party and said that bis twenty
years acquaintance with. Mr. FAULK-
NER has bred nothing’ but respect and
the best wishes for the gentleman.
I or
VOL. 37.
BELLEFONTE, PA., NOV. 4, 1892.
NO. 43.
The Centralization of Wealth.
It is the boast of the Republican par-
ty that since it came into power, thirty
years ago, the country has increased in
wealth to the extent of one hundred
billions of dollars. Probably it has.
These are big figures, but we have a big
country and one does not feel like dis-
puting a statement of this kind, with-
out the facts showing to the contrary,
and rather than bother hunting them
up, we will admit that probably it has
grown in wealth to that extent.
But who has got it?
Thirty years ago there was less than
a half dozen millionaires in the coun-
try; to-day they can be numbered
by hundreds.
Thirty years ago such a thing as a
monopoly was unknown, and a trust,
as an organized piracy, was undreamed
of ; to-day we have them in every state
and feel their blighting effects in every
line of business.
Thirty yearsago sixty per cent of our
people owned their own homes, to-day
less than thirty per cent. are the poss-
essors of anything except the scantiest
and cheapest outfit of a renter.
Thirty years ago everybody had a
comfortable competency—there was no
one very rich and but few very poor;
to-day every community has its one or
two millionaires, and its thousands up-
on thousands of very poor people.
While the country has grown in
wealth, during the years of Republican
rule, just as it would had any other
party been in power, ihe entire tenden-
cy of legislation, and the aim and ob-
ject of that party, has been to place all
that wealth in the hands of the few.
It has made millionaires of one class
and homeless, houseless, almost hope-
less, workers of the other.
A few years more in this same line
will see us in the same condition as the
countries of the old world—the few in
castles—the many in hovele,
It is to change this general tendency
—this Republican policy—that makes
the most pressing demand upon the
people for a change of administration.
It cannot be doe too quick. The
evil of centralization of wealth has al-
ready been fastened upon us, It can:
not be corrected in a day, or a year, or
perhaps four years, but a beginning to-
ward its correction can be made by
making a change in the administration
on Tuesday next.
He who wants to see the wealth of
the country so distributed that the few
may have all and the many be but
little, if any, better than jtramps, will
vote to continue the present policy.
He who would have every worthy
man enjoy his full share of the in-
creasing wealth of the country, will
vote for a change of policy and for the
defeat of the party that for the past
thirty years has controlled every pow-
er of the government for the sole pur-
poee of enriching the few and impover-
ishing the many.
It Will Be Dangerous.
In many places in this county it has
been the practice, where a number of
Democrats were working together, at
threshing, corn busking, or other labor,
to work on till evening and then go in
a body to vote. This year such a
course will be dangerous. There are
always persons who put off voting un-
til the last minute, and if that is done
under the new system of voting, a great
many will not have an opportunity to
vote at all. Those who come late will
be crowded out.
The way to do is to go in the morn-
ing and be sure of getting your vote in.
It will take no more time to vote in the
forenoon than it does later in the day,
and when it is done, you feel you have
fulfilled a duty. Take no chances. Go
early when there is plenty of light to
see to mark your ticket properly and
plenty of room and time to cast your
Take Your Neighbor With You.
Let every Democrat who has a team
hitch it up and take some Democratic
neighbor, who has nore, to the polls
with him in the morning, If he can
save a vote, or make a vote in this
way, it will certainly repay him for the
trouble. Every Democratic vote counts
and a full Democratic vote carries
Penusylzania this fall.
——The Warcaman should be in
every home in the county.
83.33 Cents Per Month.
“If we manufacture our own tinplate and
thus afford employment to 500,000 persons, we
may throw that many out of employment in
England and make a dismal state of atfairs
there ; but our correspondent will not contend
that this country would not be greatly benefit-
ted by keeping at home the $22,000,000 which
we have been paying for tinplate. The 500,000
persons getting better wages here would not
only consume a much larger quantity of agri-
cultural products than they did in England.”
~ Philadelphia Press.
What a fat take it would be for
workingmen! What a fortune-maker
for the masses! What a soft snap for
the unemployed! What a wage-pro-
ducing industry for the country!
We mean the manufacture of all the
tinplate we use, on the terms and at
the figures the Press holds forth to the
people, as an inducement to vote for
the continuation of the McKINLEY tar-
iff. :
We import, it is said, $22,000,000
worth every year. To manufacture
this at home, Republican papers assert
would give employment to 500,000
workingmen. This would be a big ar-
my of laborers. With that many em-
ployed men there would be many fami-
lies to feed and take care of. It would
require many houses, much furniture,
lots of clothing and large quantities of
provisions to maintain such a number,
and of course any country would be
built up that could secure and main-
tain an industry employing $500,000
Oa paper and without thinking this
promises well. But it is like most of
the other tariff promises and profess
ions, only a big thing for a very few
people, and very thin wages for those
who work under it, and but little bene-
fit for the community which hasit. It1s
a campaign promise, intended only for
those who do not think, and a pointer
for the Republican who wants some-
thing to talk about, even if there is
neither facts nor sense connected with
In the whole list of Republican tar-
iff promises there is nothing hollower,
brassier or balder than this tinplate
business. There are none of them that
will look any rawer when uncovered,
or peter out less when you come to sift
Let us see.
Twenty-two millions of dollars, diyid-
ed among 500,000 workingmen would
be exactly $44 a piece. You couldn’t
make it more if you work at it a month.
Its the exact sum that $22,000,000 of
tin, if the raw material and everything
else that goes into the making of it,
was paid out in wages, would furnish
each of the 500,000 people annually,
who might be employed in the busi-
ness. >
Possibly there are men that $44 per
year would satisfy. If there are such,
they should vote for the party that
proposes such a basis for wages in a
new industry it intends building up,
by continuing its tariff on tin.
$3.33 per month! Who wouldn't
burrah for Harrison and the tin-plate
tax |
Would Knock the Wind Out of Them.
If ¢very Democrat in the county who
has a buggy or a spring wagon will
use it next Tuesday, morning, in haul-
ing to the polls other Democrats who
have none or are slow about going to
vote, the enure party strength in the
county can be polled by noon. What
a glorious thing this would be, and
how blue the backers of a robber tariff,
that enables protected manufacturers
to contribute millions of dollars to de-
feat Democracy, would look, when
they would find the Democratic people
thus earnest in trying to protect them-
Vote early and be prepared for a
most glorious victory.
PE ——
Don’t Attempt to Scratch Your Ticket.
It is easy enough to vote under the
new system as every one will find when
he comes to deposit his ballot. But if
Democrats want to be sure of their vote
for CLEVELAND aud others on the tick-
et, they should vote straight. Its the
sure way. A wrong mark may lose
you the vote,
The right way for a Democrat to
vote is to vote straight, There is no
doubt about how his vote will be coun.
ted then. Put an X at the right ofthe
word “Democrat” wherever you find it
in the second column of the ticket, and
you are all right,
Would Do Nothing for the Farmer.
If the farmer, and grain grower, and
dealer in grain would only lay aside
their political prejudices a moment and
think, but few of them would ever
again vote for a party that limited the
products of their farms and mills to
the markets of this country. Last win-
ter when Mr. BrLaiNe was blowing
about reciprocity—free-trade in spots—
the Ohio Miller's Association drafted a
memorial upon the subject of recipro-
cal trade with France, and asked that
some effort be made to extend the mar-
ket for American flour and wheat.
WaireLaw Rem, Republican candi-
date for Vice President, was at the
time negotiating a commercial treaty
between the United States and France,
but no notice whatever of the Miller's
Association request was taken. Mr,
Brave acknowledged the receipt of
the memorial and afterwards wrote
that he was unable to do anything in
the matter. The French Consul Gen-
eral at Chicago was appealed to, to as-
sist in the movement, and wrote that
“the French Government is ready and
“willing to buy $30,000,000 worth of flour
“from America per year providing the
“United States Government will allow
“the French in return to sell $30,000,000
“worth of their products upon equally fa-
“vorable terms.”
But it didn’t suit Mr. Rem or the
party he represented, to make a mar,
ket for $30.000,000 of American wheat
or flour, to be paid for in products that
might come in competition with arti-
cles manufactured by some of their pet
industries in this country, and so the
farmer’s wheat was left to take care of
iteelf, while the Republican party turned
its attention to taking care of the manu-
From this single instance the wheat
grower and flour-seller can see the op-
portunities that are lost to them
through the restricted trade that a pro-
tective tariff makes necessary.
They vote to protect the manufac-
a demand for their wheat or flour.
They vote to give the manufacturer
has to sell, and to decrease the price of
everything they produce themselves.
Could blindress, or bigotry, or political
prejudices go further ?
Seventy cents a bushel for wheat,
ought to open the eyes of every farmer
in the country to the necessity of a
change, and any change that would
widen our markets would be to his ad-
vantage. .
It is for this that the Democratic par-
ty is struggling.
To vote the full Democratic tick-
et place a cross ‘mark in the
square to the right of the word
Democratic, thus :
wherever the word Democratie
appears on the Official ballot,
Nothing could be simpler.
At the Mercy of Railroads.
The man who wants to put the poor
man’s cow and the farmer's stock at
the mercy of the railroad companies,
and who wants to make the owner of
a horse or cow responsible for any dam-
age that would result in case of an ae-
cident caused by their getting upon
the railroad tracks, will vote for Hau-
1LToN and Dare. They are opposed to
fences, and without fences every man
in the county is responsible for any
damage his stock may do, whether to a
railroad company or to any one else.
No fence law 1s just what the rail-
road companies want. If a farmer, or
lot owner, 18 rot required to protect his
property with a fence, neither would
the railroad company be, and without
fences any stock that would stray up.
on the property of the railroad com pa-
ny, would be committing trespass, just
as it would ifit would stray upon prop-
erty belonging to any one else.
Without fences along railroads, what
would farmers through whose lands
these roads run, do?
And yet Hayirron and DALE are both
opposed to a law that will make rail
road companies, as. well as everybody
else, protect their own property by keep-
ing up substantial fences.
The man ‘who votes for either of
them votes against fences.
{ -—Are you going to vote yourself four
| years more of pretection and starvation
or will you try a change and cast your
| vote for CLEVELAND and prosperty.
turers and at the same time to prevent |
the highest price possible for what he |
The Way It Works with the Farmer,
From the Milton Record.
The average price of wheat during
the administration of Cleveland was
one dollar and two cents per bushel.
Under the McKinley tariff Jaw that
the Republican Congress enacted, Pres
.ident Harrison signed, and the Minne-
apolis Convention endorsed, and which
every monopoly Republican newspa-
per and every Republican demagogue
orator insists benefits the farmer, the
price has tumbled down to seventy
cents a bushel. This fact carries with
it the conviction that supply and de-
mand regulate the price of wheat or
any other commodity and that a high
tariff cannot maintain a big price in the
face of a surplus production. So the
McKinley bill has failed to benefit the
farmer as a producer. How does it
strike him as a consumer? Is he ben-
efitted by having to pay more for his
wearing apparel, more for a score of
articles of food in general use, more for
a hundred other articles he must buy ?
If taking money out of his own pocket
and putting it in the coffers of the mo-
nopoly manufacturer betters his condi-
tion and promotes general thrift and
prosperity, then protection is a good
thing for the farmer.
am —————
Hard on The Imagination,
From the Wage Eaners Journal :
Candidate Dale was in town Tuesday.
He is an opponent of Mr. Schofield.
He was being introduced to the Repub-
licans in the town by Geo. W. Zeigler,
Esq., whois alsoa candidate, on the
Republican ticket, for distriet attorney.
Mr. Dale asked us, in any reference we
might make of him, to forget any bad
we had heard of him and imagine
something good. We promised to do
so. We have imagined and imagined
and imagined, tut for the life of us we
can’t call to mind or imagine any good
thing he has ever done sufficient to
cause any man—no matter what his
politics—to cast his vote for him in
preference to Mr. Schofield.. If the
gentleman objects to this notice, he
must blame our weak imaginative
powers. They were never good at best,
but when called into service to imagire
that a Republican lawyer would make
a better peoples’ representative in the
Legislature than a plain matter of fact
business man, we can’t do it; we ean’t
friend Dale neither for love or money ?
It is Going to be Big.
From the Phila Herald.
Bourke Cockran claims that Cleve-
land’s plurality in New York will be
75,000. Thereis no good reason why
that should not be about the figure.
{ The party in the State was never more
| thoroughly united—was never more en-
| thusiastic and determined in its purpose.
‘When Tammany and the Mugwumps
| are equally in earnest for Cleveland ;
when the Tiger trots along in the pro-
cession as complacently as the most ex-
acting civil service reformer ; when the
original Hill men and the original
Cleveland men—the Snappers and the
anti-Snappers — have resolved them-
selves into a harmonious aggregation of
political Damons and Pythiases, all in-
tent upon the election of Cleveland.
there isn’t money enough in the Re-
publican party to overcome such a com-
bination of winning forces.
Cleveland is bound to have a plurali-
ty in New York State, and it is going
to be a whopper.
How His Eyes Were Opened.
From the Philadelphia Record.
William O’Donunel will vote for
Cleveland. “I have been voting for
protection to American labor, and in
the iron and steel industries particularly
for the last 25 years,” he said, bitterly
to-night, “and I had to become a poor
man to find what a fool I have been.”
O’Donnel went to work in Van Alen’s
Iron Works in Northumberland in 1868
at $2.75 a day. He has been rich since
being a prime mover in establishing the
nail works here in 1883, but continued
reverses swept everything away from
bim, and yesterday he applied for the
same job at Van Alen’s and was offered
$1.28 a day, the wages paid for that
work now. O’Donnell was a hot pro-
tectionist heretofore, a leader of the
laboring elasses and a prominent figure
in -local polities.
We Are All Americans.
From the New London Telegraph.
Now an appeal to Indian Americans
isin order. It is disgusting to note
how contemptible are the methods in-
culcated by the present political exigen-
cy. All sorts of addresses are being
made, some having no basis but radical
prejudices. All kinds of hyphenated
Americans are frantically adjured to
vote. It is incomprehensible how men
of average intelligence can tamely sub-
mit to these insults, for they are really
nothing more. There ought to be no
recognition of race in American poli
tics. Men vote as American citizens,
not as representatives of races.
A ———————
They Will Vote for Their Homes.
From the Winston (N. C.) Sentinel.
There are over twenty-five citizens of
Winston-Salem. formerly Republicans,
who will this year vote for Grover
Cleveland. Among them are some of
the best: business men in this commu:
nify. These men are actuated neither
by! prejudice nor other bad motives, but
thew have become convinced that the
sogial, political and commercial pros-
perity of the country will be favored
"by the election of Cleveland.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—There is a case of small pox in Allentown-
—Street cars of Washington were tied up by
a strike.
—Survivors of the 153:d Regiment had a re-
union in Easton.
—There was a slight rainfall up the Schuy!-
kill Saturday.
—The Moses Taylor Hospital, in Scranton
was opened Tuesday.
—P. H. Myers was Satur day appointed post-
master at Eastmont.
—Farmers are battling with the mountain
fires at Beaver Falls.
—Martin S. Filbert, of Womelsdorf, has
81500 to bet on Cleveland.
—An express train ran down and killed Mrs.
Nicholas Reatt at Butler:
—On one gunning trip J. J. Houck, ef Read
ing, shotseventy wild ducks.
—A visiting preacher tried to pass a counter-
feit dollar in a Marietta store,
—A charter was granted for an Opera House
at Johnsonburg, capital $25,000.
—Adjutant General Greenland
troops will be sent to Homestead.
—The Highway Committee of Councils re"
jected a Reading trolley ordinance.
—The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company
will sink a big shaft at Kaskawilliam.
—An electric car killed Howard Bickert, a
babe, at Rittersville, Lehigh county.
—Timber in a Mt. Carmel colliery fell in and
crushed John Berceitz’s head to a jelly.
says no
—Pittsburg is considering the idea of Bor-
rowing $2,600,000 for city improvements.
—Guns cracked in every woods ia the State
Tuesday—the opening of the game season.
—School children at Alburtis are kept a
home during the prevalence of diphtheria.
—Accidentally discharging his gun, Edward
Flynn, a New Castle lad, got the load in his
—With Solemn services the corner-stone of
St. Stanislaus’ Polish Church was laid at Haz-
—Maurderer Keck, of Lehigh, cannot eat
since informed that he must hang next
—It is proposed to pipe water to the Connels-
ville coke ovens from Cheat River, West Vir
While riding on a load of corn fodder, at
Garfield, David Long was killed by a jolt of the
wagon. *
—Lawyer Jones declares that he did not ad
vise Homesteaders to shoot down deputies
like dogs,
—William Rothrock, an Altoona printer, fall
45 feet, breaking through a seven inch floor
and lives.
—Burying a diphtheria victim in Chester
without a permit may cost Uudertaker Fair-
lamb $50.
—Both parties estimate a considerable fall-
ing off of the vote in the German district of
the State.
—The “Gobin Guards” is the name of a fe
male military society formed of 44 women in
_ —Coal miners at Mahanoy Plane resumed
work Monday, but difficulty is experienced in
movin g ears.. .
—All the judges of election in Berks county
will meet Saturday to get instructions as to
the voting rooms.
—The loss of both legs was the result of
Brakeman Lewis Krum falling under his
train at Hazleton.
—Six hundred Epworth League delegates
of Central Pennsylvania, held a convention in
Harrisburg Tuesday.
—Hazleton’s water reservoir is nearly empty
and the crystal fluid is only served through
the pipes twice daily.
—The Presidential funeral train on its re-
turn journey passed through Harrisburg at
one o'clock Saturday.
—Fifteen hundred people will be admitted
to the hanging of William F. Keek at the Al
lentown jail next week.
—Officers are looking fora man who sold
for $1800 some worthless brass for gold dust, to
Mr. Goldberg, of Pittsburg.
—An ordinary pistol cartridge was wrapped
in a cigar and exploded as Sylvester Steckel,
of near Bethlehem, smoked.
—Constable Isaac Philips, of Honeybrook ,
who killed "Squire O'Donnell during a politi,
cal'dispute, is out on $2500 bail.
—Judge David McMullin was [elected presi-
dent and T. F. McElligott secretary of Lancas-
ter’s non-partisan school beard.
—To check suits brought to recover pre-
miums, the State Fair Assoeiation paid all
awards, in Lancaster, on Satuaday.
—Owing to the work at Homestead, the
Guardsmen’s rifle practice will be extended
wo weeks, thus ending November 14.
—William Weihe, Tuesday, retired as presi:
dent of the Amalgamated Association at Pitts
burg, and M. M. Garland was installed.
—To relieve overcrowded railroad tracks the
Reading Railroad Company may re-open the
Schuykill Canal next year for coal traffic.
Quarreling over some chairs, 74-year-old
Christian Hoffsas beat 60-year-old Henry
Schmidt, at Reading, and Schmidt may die.
—A band of burglars, simultaneously robbed
six houses at Pleasant Hill, near Hazleton se-
lected what goods they wanted and vanished.
—Stockholders of the Lehigh River Bridge
at Bethlehem, have decided to accept $26,000
forit from the county, and it was freed Mon-
—President Bowman and Cashier Green, of
the defunct Muncy Bank, were held in $5000
bail at Williamsport, Monday, for trial at Pittss
—In the Bethlehem Iron Worksa steel in-
got, weighing 81 tons, is being forged into an
armor plate 17inches thick for the battleship
—While fishing inthe Octorara Creek at
Laneaster, Jonas Martin landed the body of
Matilda West, who had drowned the day pre,
—His gun exploded, tearing off the hand of
James Dollerton, near Fourth and York;streets
Philadelphia, while he was gunning near
—The eight Sunday newspaper cases, in
. which selling papers on Sunday is charged
| came before the Supreme Court at Pittsburg
Monday. Decisions were reserved.
! —The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
. company, Wednesday, p «id into the the state
: treasury, through the attorney general's de-
* partment, $80,000 tax on loans for the years
1887 and 1888. These" eases, two in fnumber,
; were appeals taken to the supreme court, in
+ which an opinion was handed down at the op.
ening of the court at the October term in Pitts
" burg, deciaing in favor of the commonwealth .