Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 28, 1892, Image 1

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    ————— SAT AGI 10.5 A om R.A AE
Ink Slings.
-—Young America now blames the
black eye which he got for “fudgin’ at
marbles on “practicin’ for our foot-ball
—The wife of our President is dead.
The whole country, aye, even the
world, mourns the loss of so amiable an
American wife and mother.
—Can it be that there has been a
combine between Jupiter Pluvius and
the Prohibitionists to show Pennsylva-
nians the necessity of taking water?
—Do not run the risk of disfranchis-
ing yourself, by cutting your ticket.
Vote it straight. Then you need not
fear lest your vote will not be counted.
—Within the last forty years the Re-
publican party has changed its name
four times. On November 8th it will
change again, when its new name will
be “mud.”
—GiILroY's kite is supposed to have
flew pretty high, but Mr. GILROy’S
majority in the mayoralty fight in New
York will establish a new comparison
for things that fly high.
—Now that the CooLEY and DALTON
gangs of robbers have ceased to terrorize
the communities in which they reigned
supreme, why not all unite to wipe out
that Robber tariff monster, parasitic on
the farmer and laborer,
— According to the figures of a Bos-
ton writer, there are 1,800,000,000 souls
in heaven, against a population of 175,-
000,000,000, in the infernal regions. It
is not likely that his figures will be
verified until PECK gets down there to
look the matter up.
—Farmer’s Institutes are beginning
to absorb the attention of our State's
husbandmen, and many a farmer lies
conscience smitten on a sleepless pillow,
as phantoms, of a yard stick paling into
insignificance beside the giant(?)corn ear
he husked and told about at the gather-
ing, dance before his troubled vision.
—If the money, which protected
monopolists contribute to campaign
funds, for the purchase of votes was giv-
en to the voters in the form of decent
wages, States would have fewer costly
militia-striker encounters and the Rep-
publican party less trouble in making
workingmen believe that protection
raises wages.
—.With General SIcKLEs working
tooth and nail for his election and hav-
ing enlisted the support of Judge JoHN
C. REA, ex-commander-in-chief of the
Grand Army of the Republic and a life
long Republican, we cannot see how
veterans can do anything else than vote
for CLEVELAND and rebuke the perni-
cious and dishonorable pension methods
of RauM.
Protection has been a veil of decep-
tion which hung between the farmer
and workingman and prosperity. Rot-
tening, by the life blood of men who
have died while demanding the fulfill-
ment of promises ot ‘steady employ-
ment at higher wages,” the false fabric
will fallon Nov., 8th, when the people of
this broad land will avenge such human
sacrifices on the altar of a robber tariff
—Mr. EAN has been heard from.
The country at large must be at once
surprised and delighted that our min-
ister to Chili has a name which it is
possible to besmirch. A few more day’s
eompanionship with DAVE MARTIN
will make his conscience as invulner-
able to such shots as McVEAGH pepper-
elit with, as his nerve was to the cries:
ttresign,”’ of the country which he dis-
graced during the Chilian affair.
—Don’t thing because your daddy is
a Republican, and because your daddy’s:
daddy was a Republican, that you are
compelled to lumber along in the ruts
of oppression. The conduct of the gov-
ernment may have been guod enough for
them but look you, whither it is drifting.
Upon the young men of the land isits
future founded. See it as sagacious
young New Englanders have seea it.
Scions of prominent Republican faumi-
lies, who have kicked loose from the coat
tails of their daddies and dared to call
the party of their ancestors to account
for the depleted treasury, the pension
scandals and a tarift that makes the
poor man poorer and the rich man
—Mr. BLAINE'S review of the politi-
cal situation in the United States, which
appears in this month’s issue of the North
American Review, is certainly the most
extraordinary embodiment of Republi-
can inconsistencies which has been giv.
en to the public during the campaign.
In upholding the most liberal pension
system he uses the tollowing effective
sentence: “Surely the binding up of
the wounds of a past war is more merci-
ful and honorable work than preparing
the country for a new one,” yet with
the same swipe of his pen he endorses
the infamous Force bill plank, in the
Republican platform, and all the ne-
farious means Republicans are using to
keep the North and the South apart.
VOL. 317.
BELLEFONTE, PA., OCT. 28, 1892,
NO. 42.
Should Waken Up Soon.
Itis possible that political bigotry
and intolerable and unexplainable pol:
itical prejudices may keep some farmers
in the Republican ranks, but if so they
certainly should be few and far be-
There is no class of citizens in this
wide country, who, in proportion to
what they buy, pay as much of the
tariff duties as does the farmer; nor is
there any class of persons, be they cap-
italists or professionalists, mechanics or
laborers, who derive as little of the ben-
fits of this kind of legislation, as does
He is not only taxed to increase the
profits of manufactures and dealers
and professedly to furnish labor to oth-
ers, but he is taxed in order to restrict
his own markets and reduce the price
of his own products, at the same time
that it increases the price of all that he
is compelled to buy. .
The protective system; is one that
robs him at both ends. It increases
the price of everything he purchases,
and by preventing a demand for his
wheat from countries that under other
conditions would take itand pay in-
creased prices for it, it restricts his
market to an over supplied country
and secures him a fair price only when
crops fail and he has nothing to sell.
With a tarift of 25 cents a bushel on
wheat, and the farmer able to sell it for
but 70 cents; with a duty of ten dollars
per head on imported cattle, and stall
fed beeves selling at 3% and 4 ceuts per
pound on foot ; with a tax ranging from
5 to 30 cents per pound on wool, and
that article selling for less than it did
when there was no tariff on it; with a
duty of 15 cents per bushel on corn,
and the farmer unable to get more than
50 cents for what he has to sell, and
with every article of food, he buys, every
stitch of clothing he wears, and every
implement he uses, gone up in prices,
he ought to see, and must be political-
ly blind if he does not see that a tariff
in no way protects him, and that it on-
ly adds to his expenees,” while by its
restrictive policy, it decreases his in-
How long would the manufacturers,
or any other class or business interest
in the country, submit to a policy that
would tax them for the benefit of the
farmer ? How long would they sup-
port a party that enforced a policy that
restricted their markets and decreased
the value of the out-put of their mills,
to enrich the farmer or anybody else ?
And yet this is what the Republi:
can party asks the farmers to do for
the manufacturers, because these manu-
facturers put up the “boodle’’ to corrupt
elections and continue that party in
Surely the farmer is notso blind that
he cannot see, or so heedless of his own
interests that he will not learn.
If heis not, what hope can there be
for a party that has fooled, and robbed,
and taxed him as the Republican par-
ty has done? °
A Serious Matter for Farmers.
If there are to be no fences main-
tained in Centre county, how long will
it be until
theirs and expose their tracks to tres
the rail-roads take down
pass, through every farm they run and
along every public road they touch ?
It must be remembered thata law
that makes cattle, off of their owners
premises, trespassers, will make them
trespassers the moment they stray upon
a railroad track. What safety is there
for any farmer, or for any. man owning
acow ora horse, in case he can be
held liable for the damages that would
be caused by his stock getting upoa the
railroad track and causing a wreck?
, And that is just the situation they will
be in, if there are to be no fences main-
tained in Centre county. Both Dare
and Hayiuton are opposed to repealing
the law, that does away with fences
and makes every man a trespasser if
his cow gets upon a railroad track, or
steps upon the property of some one
——The only place that the work-
iigmen find that their wages have been
increasel, by a Republican turiff, is in
the Republican papers or at Republican
meetinze, Neither pay-day nor their
* pockets know anything atout it.
Where the Burden Falls.
It must be a consoling thought to the
advocates of a Republican tariff that
the ricn man’s wife, who wears silks and
satins, enjoys the comforts of seal skin |
sacques, adorns herself with silk laces
and diamonds, sleeps under fine blank-
ets, bathes in the attar of roses and an-
noints herself with oil of lavendar,
pays no increase of tariff duties, for
any of these luxuries, while the fami-
lies of the workingmen and farmers
that wear common alpacas with cotton
trimmings and ordinary woolen goods,
occasionally buys an imitation seal skin
sacque, sleep under common blankets,
use simple chinaware on their tables,
eat rice attimes, use castor oil when
necessary and are least able to pay tariff
taxes, are bled to the extent of over 100
per cent by the increased duties impos-
ed by the McKiNLEY bill.
While it exempts from its grind-
ing demands, the luxuries and adorn-
ments used and purchased only by
the rich, it also adds to the wealth of
the few by increasing the price of
that which, as manufacturers, they have
for sale.
The perpetuation of this iniquitous
system is the beginning and end of Re-
public hopes. If that party is con-
tinued in power, the rich will continue
to wear their furs and furbelous, their
fineries and fripperies, without the pay-
ment of increased tariff taxes, while
the poor man’s nose will be kept to the
tarift grind-stone until it is ground to
a point, or he is made sharp enough to
see the idiot he is making of himself
in'voting for a system that impoverish-
es himself and family to enrich others,
who care nothing for him or those who
are dear to him,
A Good Congressman.
" One name upon the Democratic
ticket that every Democrat in the dis-
trict will be gratified to vote for, is
that of Hon. Geo F. Kriss our candi-
date for congress. There is no dis-
puting the fact that Mr. Krisss is
one of the most caretul, considerate and
obliging, representatives the district has
ever had, While congress was in ses:
sion he was at his post of duty all the
time. There was nothing that any
constituent desired from any of the de-
partments that he would not interest
himself to obtain for them. There was
no measure the party favored but he
was ready to vote and work for. There
was no legislation for the benefit of the
people that he did not conscientiously
and earnestly support. Such a repre.
sentative every Democrat and eyery
other good citizen should take a pride
in supporting, and we predict for him a
vote in this county that will make him
feel that his worth as a representative
is appreciated, and his acts, while in
congress, are fully and warmly en-
Exactly So.
When Governor McKINLEY defined
Protection as being “a wall between
the American laborer and pauper la
bor,” he had evidently been consider-
ing the condition of affairs at Home:
stead. There it is a wall—a high, strong,
lightening-topped, wall—that shuts
American labor from the protected
works within and protects the “pauper
labor” that Carxeeie & Co. have
hired at reduced wages to take the
place of their former American work-
men. Great is McKinnyism! Great
is the protection it offers to the “pau-
per labor” that will accept the rates
of wages “protected” nabobs, see pro-
per to pay!
-—Mr. W. F. Smita, the Democra-
tic nominee for Prothonotary, is now
making one of the most successful
canvasses of the county ‘that has ever
been made. Wherever he goes he
meets hosts § of friends and when
he leaves a community he has
more friends to sweil his majority
then he had when entering it.
The reason is, that when people be-
come acquainted with him, they feel
that he will make a safe, polite and
competent, official ; that he is just the
kind of a man and citizen that is want-
ed in the important place for which
he is an aspirant, aud that the
best thing they can do for the county
and the courtis to elect him by an
overwhelming majority.
——TFine job work of ever discription
at the Warcaman Office. ’
How They Protect Welshmen at the
Expense of American Consumers.
{ While the Republican advocates of
protection talk of protecting American
| industries, their party goes on legisla-
| ting in the interast of a few special fav-
| orites, without asking whether it is in
the interest of our own people or not.
: Through its tin-tariff legislation it sim-
| ply robbed the consumers of this coun-
| try, during the year 1891, to the extent
of $4,629,750 for the sole benefit of
Welsh manufacturers, and of $10,000,-
000 more for the benefit of a few Amer-
ican experimental tin plate plants.
When the McKINLEY bill was pend-
ing in Congress and it became known
that the measure would be enacted in-
to law, American importers of tin-
plate began to purchase in Wales, in
increased quantities 1n order to avoid
the additional tariff tax. Welsh man-
ufacturers took advantage of the de-
mand and put the prices up, so that on
the increased price of tin imported,
from the date the demand began until
the MoKinLey bill went into effect, it
amounted to $4,629,750. Egery cent of
this went into the pockets of Welsh
manufacturers. It was a snuggsum in
addition to former profits.
The measure that accomplished this
end, “protected” no one in America,
for their was no such industry ito pro-
tect. It simply robbed the American
consumer, of this money for the benefit
of Welsh manufacturers, and added
$10,000,000 as duty, which the people,
who purchased this tin, paid, and which
went into the treasury of the general
government along with the other tariff
taxes imposed.
I: may not have been intended to
have worked this way, but all the
same it did so, and while our people
have paid already $14,000,000 of dol-
lars for the special protection of Amer-
ican tin-plate factories, all that we have
in this country eannot make enough
in a year to supply the demand for a
single weeks and the few that are run-
ning are ownad by Welsh capital,
operated ‘by Welsh workmen, use
Welsh plate; coat it with imported tia.
and then call it the product of an
“American industry.”
We first tax our people to benefit the
Welsh manufacturers, in Wales. We
continue that tax for the benefit of
Welsh workmen, who emigrate to take
advantage of the benefits Republican
tariff laws secures them.
A Scurvy Trick that will Fool but Few.
The condition of the Republican par-
ty is truly deplorable. Its hopelessness
and helplessness drivesit to that extent
that all honorable means to create a
sentiment in its favor have been aban-
doned, and “boodle” and trickery alone
are now relied upon for whatever suc-
cess its party leaders hope for. When
boodle and bribery fails, trickery, no
matter how palpable and disreputable,
is resorted to in the hope of stemming
the current of public opinion that is go
strongly running against it. Its latest
efforts is one of the scurviest that any
party has everresorted to. Itisto hire
Republicans to attend meetings, where
they are not known, and after the
speeches are over get up and announce
that they have always been Democrats,
but that they have got their eyes
opened politically and will hereafter
vote the Republican ticket. These peo-
ple, under assumed names, are then pub.
lished as converts and paraded before
the public as evidence that men are
flocking to the Republican standard, in
order to induce disgusted and discour-
aged members of that party to come
back to its ranks.
lisa cheaptrick ; a disreputable trick;
a scurvey attempt to fool the public ;
but since it has been uncovered and ex
posed in New York, it only shows the
hopelessness of the cause and the help
lessness of a party that is required to
resort to such means, to secure it a
shadow of hope.
‘When you see in a Republican paper
an account of recent conversions to Re-
publican faith, you will understand
how it is, who they are, and what they
amount to.
——He would certainly be a sweet
scented Democrat whe would vote for
M. S. Quay for United States senator,
and yet, that is exactly what the in-
dividual who votes for either HaMir-
Tox or DALE doer. A vote for either of
these candidates is a vote direct for
Blarneying That Doesn't Blarney.
From the Philadeiphia Record.
The manufacture of blarney is an
Irish art, and Irishmen fully under-
stand the value of it. As a political
argument it is thrown away upon
them. They are not to be captured by
a species of blandishment the insincer-
ity of which they know better than any
one can tell them. In diverting cam-
paign oratory from the tariff, the
Force bill aud wildcat banking to
Irish-Americanism Mr. Blaine has
given a humorous turn to political dis-
cussion without helping the Republi-
can candidates. Perhaps he did not
intend to help them.
It is an insult to the Irish under-
standing to ask Irishmen to vote one
way or the other way onthe tariff
question because Englishmen think
one way or the other upon that ques-
tion. Are [rishmen expected to vote
upon an issue affecting this conntry so
that they may help themselves and
help us to good government, or so that
they may please or displease the peo-
ple in some other country?
Who is Responsible ?
From the Williamsport Sun.
Governor Campbell has riddled to
rags the Republican pretension to the
sole championship of “honest money.”
“They have made all the money
there has been for thirty years,” he
said,” and if any of it is dishonest it is
Yes, the 60-ceat silver dollars piled
in huge useless heaps in the treasury
are Republican money.
The treasury notes now issuing at
the rate ot over $50,000,000 a year, ex-
pressly redeemable under the law in
these same 60-cent silver dollars, are
Republican money.
This cheap currency, which is driy-
ing gold out of the country and threat-
ening the nation with a silver basis, is
Republican money.
There never was a Democratic dol-
lar said Governor Campbell, that was
not worth 100 cents. And there never
will be one of any other sort.
A Great Catch.
From an Unknown Exchange.
At last the Republicans have a con-
vert to offset Gresham and MacYeagh.
He is none other than “Mike MeDon-
ald, the notorious boss and sport “of
Chicago, who is now out on bail on
the charge of offering a bribe to a
Chicago Justice. It is a great cateh;
for “Mike” is the king bee of Western,
gamblers, owns dozene of saloons and
sporting-houses and is easily a mil-
lionaire. With the “Dave” Martins
in the East and the “Mike” McDon-
alds in the West putting in their best
licks for Harrison, what matters it if
such fellows as Walter Q. Gresham,
Wayne MacVeagh, Charles W. Bartol,
William F. Thorne, Jacob D. Cox and
scores of men of like calibre refuse to
longer support him ?
Getting Their Eyes Opened.
From the Atchison (Kan.) Patriot
The farmers are fast getting their eyes
opened to the fraudulent character of
the protective tariff, so far as they are
concerned. Republican farmers have
year after year voted for protective tar-
iffs, taking the promise, of the speakers
or organs, that it was for their benefit as
being true. But year after year they
find that the products of their industry
have been growing lower in price, and
that their farms were depreciating in
value. Meantime they noticed that
the protected manufacturer was accum-
ulating vast sums of money through the
tariff that engendered trusts and moanop-
olies, and the farmer began to look into
the tariff question. He has been inves-
tigating it and he will give his verdict
on the 8th of November.
A few of the Evils.
From the Mifflinburg Times.
Facts are stubborn things. The Me-
Kinley tariff has raised no man’s wages.
1t has increased every man’s expenses.
It continues to increase the cost of liv-
ing. It robs the people and gives their
money to certain favored manufacturers
and the manufacturers have paid and
are willing to pay millions cf dollars to
keep up the policy of fraud and extor-
tion the bill represents. How foolish
is that voter who votes for a centinu-
ance of this Tariff tax !
How To Do It Right.
Irom the Pottsville Chronicle.
The simplest rule for voting the
blanket ballot on the 8th of November
is for each voter to look for the word
Democrat and wherever that word oc-
curs put a cross in the little space fol-
lowing it. Itis theonly way to put
down trusts and monopolies, to ease
the burden of taxation and to assure
the running of the country for the peo-
ple and not for the demagogues.
The Climate Alone Was American.
From the Lancaster Intelligencer
A banner of “American tin” swung
over Major McKinley when he made
his great tariff speech at Philadelphia.
It seers that this article was meade at
Norristown out of imported plates dip-
ped in imported tin by imported work-
men, The climate surrounding the
works was American.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Allentown makes tramps break stones for
the street.
—Belva Lockwood isat Homestead coaxing
peace to appear.
—The body of Theophilus Lewis was found
in a lime kiln at Strassburg.
—The Board of Pardons held a special meet
ing in Harrisburg Monday.
—Erie thinks of building a hospital] exclu-
sively for diphtheria patients. :
—Scarcity of water has closed Altoona laun«
dries, and dirty linen is the rule.
—The meeting of the Board of Pardons has
been postponed until next week.
~—For telling fortunes in Reading, ‘““‘Ahmet,
the Gypsy King,” repines in prison.
—Frank M. Gormley and E. Payson Quiek
of Philadelphia, are now notaries public.
—Struck by an express train at Northumber-
land, John Dawson lies near death’s door.
—Governor Pattison has gone to Indiana to
attend the Farmer's Institute in that county.
—Thirty men were indicted at Pittsburg for
stealing parts of the Monongahala River bed.
—Falling before an approaching train at Win-
ton, Mrs. Thomas Kane was ground to death.
—Snow fell Monday for several minutes at
Wilkesbarre, the first flakes there this season.
—John 8. Hoffman hanged himself in Read-
ing jail, but was cut down in time to save his
—Schuylkill County’s €¢'ection booths will be
minus guard rails, but ropes will be substitu-
—Moonshiners near Somerset fired their il.
licit distillery and fled at the approach of offi-
—The Pennsylvania State Farmers’ Alliance
and Industrial Union is in session at Williams-
—A Republican mass meeting in Harrisburg
was declared off on accourt of Mrs. Harrison's
—A Coroner’s jury decided that aged Maria
Dell, of McKeesport, was strangled and sand *
—Pittsburg school directors refuse to per.
mit an election booth to be erected in ona
school house.
—With a knife in his boot and a pistol in his
pocket, C. A. Albert was jailed in Reading for
illegal car-riding.
—While driving to Harrisburg, Samuel
Kauffman, a New Cumberland farmer, dropped
dead in his wagon.
—To escape arrest Mary Shellhorn, with a
baby in her arms, leaped from a second story
window in Pittsburg.
—Chairman H. C. Frick offered to give his
fair grounds at Mt. Pleasant to the public
school of that place.
—The new gang of outlaws at Uniontown
tried to murder Tom Brown as he marched in
the Columbus parade.
—The Reformed Synod will meet at St.
John’s Church, Lebanon, on the third Wed
nesday of Octocer, 1893.
—Tha Eastern Synod of the Reformed
Church decided Monday to erect a theologica t
seminary at Lancaster.
—Ground was broken at Lofty, near Hazle-
ton, by the Silver Brook Coal Company to find
supposed coal deposits. i
—A bullet intended evidently for a bird
struck Mrs. Sarah Conrad, of Williamsport, in=
flicting a serious wound.
—In place of a cane rush Lehigh University
students have what they call a “spree,” which
is a series of athletic contests.
—Four young men charged with stealing
goods from Grocer Laub’s store, at Lowry's.
now find lodging at the Easton jail.
—The Board of Adjustment of the Brother-
hood of Firemen, in session at Pittsburg, deny
that wage changes are béing debated.
—The Pittsburg cable car gripmen who ran
down several Republican paraders were exon-
erated from blame by the coroner's jury.
—Stricken with heart disease, Captain J. Ne
Vandover, of Eighth and Walnnt streets, Phil-
adelphia, fell dead Monday at Harrisburg.
~The hero of 13 accidents, in which various
bones were snapped, Enoch J. Jones, an aged
Wilkesbarre miner, met death by a gas explo-
—One hundred and sixty delegates elected
officers Monday at Schuylkill County's conven _
tion of Christian Endeavor societies at Shenan.
—Requisition papers were issued at Harris
burg for Frank Walker, charged with larceny
at Middletown. Walker is in jail at Hagers-
town, Md,
—A. D. Smith was appointed general super-
intendent of the Cornwall and Lebanon Rail
road, in place ‘of Ned Irish, who retires from
ill health. :
—With a deep gash cutin her head Mrs.
Marie Dill was found unconscious in the srozd
at McKeesport. She died soon afterward. She
was murdered.
—E. W. Ash, formerly trainmaster for the
Cornwall and Lebanon Railroad, at Lebanon,
has resigned to accept a position with the
Reading Railroad.
—Work on Shenandoah’s water works was
interrupted Monday by an injunction, on the
ground that the town’s financial condition
wasn't satisfactory.
—Rev. J. C. Heckman, Reading, asked the
Presbyterian Synod to take the churches of
that city from the control of the Lehigh Pres
bytery, but was refused.
—Four hundred men in Reading bought
tickets to a prize fight that did not material-
ize, and threaten vengeance because their
money was not returned.
—The opening session of the Decennial
meeting of the Woman's Home Mission Syn-
odical Society of Pennsylvania was held in
Harrisburg Tuesday night.
—Two Pennsylvania charters issued Mon-
day: The Tionesta Water Supply Company,
Forest County, capital $5000; York Mutual
Building and Loan Association, capital $375,000.
—An appeal has been filed in Dauphin Coun-
ty Court by the receiver of the American Life
Insurance Company, claiming that the recent
tax settlement by State accountants was ille
—Saturday morning Mrs. Thomas Clulin, of
Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland county, was found
dead in bed. She had retired on the evening
previous in her usual health. Saturday morn-
ing when she failed to appear the famiiy went
to her room and found her cold in death. She
was aged about 46 years.
—A terrific accident occurred at Saltsburg,
Westmoreland county, Monday, just before
poon: Mr. Wilson one of the proprietors of
the handle factory in that place, by some
means had his right arm caught in a belt an
so badly mangled and torn that it has to be
amputated above the elbow.