Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 14, 1892, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 14
, 1802,
To CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
You can’t be consistent Mr. Preacher man,
You will preach all your life in vain.
Though you stop railroad cars and the sale of
You can’t stop your female members’ train.
The fall tree pruning season is
—— Philipsburg has several cases of
— Are we to have a Columbus day
——Dust six inches deep covers Cen-
tre county roads.
—— Fix yourself for the winter by
subscribing for the WATCHMAN.
——A number of Bellefonte mer-
-chants will put arc lights in their stores.
—— All of Bellefonte’s schools observ-
ed a holiday to attend the funeral of
Prof. D. M. Lieb on Monday.
— The State College “scrub” foot
ball eleven was beaten at Altoona, on
Saturday, by the score of 16 to 6.
——On last Sunday evening John
Lambert and a Miss Houser, of this
place, were joined in matrimony.
——Miss Mary Bing, of Unionville,
is visiting at the home of ex-Commis-
sioners’ clerk Geo. W. Rumberger, in
——J. M. Bunnell, our former mus-
ic dealer, now keeping Philipsburg
and vicinity in tune, was in town on
Wednesday. 3
——The hardware store owned by
Messrs. Gilliland and Breal, at Kar-
thaus, was recently robbed of $400 in
cash and $100 in merchandise.
——Don’t miss “Frou-Frou” it is a
play you will not likely have a chance
of seeing soon again. At the opera
house, next Wednesday night.
—— After spending a few days pleas-
antly with friends in this place Mrs
James C. Williams, of Philipsburg,
departed for her home on Tuesday.
——Miss Mollie Pile, daughter of
Col. Eyre Pile, of Atlantic City, N. J.,
is in town preparatory to beginning her
winter’s work as teacher of the Port
Matilda school.
- —The little Vernon brothers, the
musical prodigies, gave quite a delight-
ful entertainment in the Methodist
church on Friday night. Their skill
is something remarkable.
——Rev. W. 0. Wright, of Miles-
burg, officiated at the Whiteman-Holt
wedding, in Philipsburg, on last Thurs-
day afternoon. Itissaid to have been
one of the social events of the season.
— “Frou-Frou,”” the beautiful
French drama, will be produced for the
first time on a Bellefonte stage, on Wed-
nesday night, October 19th, when Mad-
aline Merli will appear with a strong
——Mr. Robert McCalmont, of the
firm of McCalmont & Co., is rapidly re-
- covering from his recent almost fatal at-
tack of Typhoid fever. His many friends
will be pleased to hear of his improve-
——Next Thursday, the 10th, Mrs.
Gilmore will display the beautiful hats
and bonnets that she selected during her
recent visit to New York and Philadel-
phia. Every one is cordially invited to
the opening.
——- Notwithstanding the many ru-
mors of the awful diphtheria scourge that
is supposed to be killing off Bellefonters
like flies we all are safe and happy.
. There is not a case of diphtheria to be
found in the town.
~—Mr. William T. Hillibish will
withdraw from the firm of Wm. T.
Hillibish & Co., tomorrow night. He
has simply determined to quit the sup-
ply business and leaves his partners
with the most friendly relations.
—- Woodward, this county, is excit-
ed over a cave which promises to sur-
pass in beauty and size the wonderful
Penn’scave, It is suid to be five miles
long, with numerous chambers, a stream
of water and a beautiful water fall.
——A party of Bellefonte’s young
ladies and gentlemen enjoyed an im-
promptu dance in the Republican club
rooms, in the Arcade, on Tuesday night.
Miss Gearhart, of Clearfield, and the
Misces Witter and Hiltner, of Tyrone,
were the guests of honor.
——Four drunken Finlander’s were
locked up on Tuesday afternoon because
of their determination to fight. They
had gathered up a first class row down
at their boarding shanty, near the glass
works, when officers Montgomery and
Gares appeared or the scene.
— We would just like to get the
printers of this office under obligations
to some of our generous farmer friends
for a “jimmy john.” or keg full of cider.
This thing of watching apple wagon af-
ter apple wagon on its road to the press,
and then see it return with barrels full
of that gladdening stuff without
having any to drink is simply madden-
| LEIB.—Died on the morning of the 7th inst.
David M. Lieb aged 36 years and 6, months.
Nobody who has known Mr. Lieb well
can conceive the thought that he has
| left us forever without a peculiarly deso-
— latesense of personal and irreparable
bereavement. There was in his way
of thinking in his aims and aspirations,
| in his setivity, in his intercourse with
others, in his whole being so rare an
element and influence of virtue that it
appears hopeless to fill the void which
his death has made in this community.”
The schools, his church, the temper-
ance cause in fact every educational and
reform movement have lost a worker,
who seemed by his well cultivated in-
tellect, his excellent judgment, his gen-
tle temper and his quiet authority, fitted
by nature for leadership. Although as
aman Mr, Lieb was independent and
aggressive in temperment, he was
capable of great tenderness in his rela
tionship with men, for he possessed in
an eminent degrée the ‘‘greatest of all
things’’—Charity for and sympathy with
all that were needy or distressed. He
shielded his own and the oppressed of
other circles from care and trouble and
as he was the ideal christian so was he
the ideal man for his true politeness
and pleasant manner was the out
growth of a kindly pure heart. ‘No
coarse utterance crossed his lips be-
cause no coarse thought crossed his soul”
and no great moral truth tbat he ever
tried to impress upon his day or Sabbath
school scholars could be half as effective
as his own active, unselfish and pure
life has been.
Unceasingly he labored through his
short lite for all that was noble and
elevating, and although a man of much
ability he asked for himself only the op-
portunity to do good, and if his great-
ness is to be measured by what he ac-
complished for our town both as an
educator and a man; the inspiration
of his example will live for generations
and his name will remain honored as
one of our noblest citizens.
A year ago last June, Mr. Lieb’s
friends realized that he was far from
well and that his untiring energy was
telling on his naturally strong constitu-
tion. Work was his recreation, and rest
for him at that time seemed out
of the question. After a time he
tried Atlantic City but he came
home unable to assume his duties
ot City Superintendent of our
schools, a position that he held for
fourteen years. The school board would
not accept his resignation but gave
him a year’s leave of absence and last
month when was it decided that he was
still unable to work on account of his
throat and lungs, insisted on extending
higleave another year ; but this Mr. Lieb
would, not have although he would not
acknowledge that he was dangerously
ill, and was cheerful and confident of
his recovery until the day he died. The
High School and the Brick Building,
which should be called after him, are so
clearly the outcome of his perseverance
and success that they will ever be a
monument to him as a teacher.
David Mitchell Lieb was the son of
John D. and Margery Mitchell Lieb.
Always a close student he was well pre-
pared for college when he entered
Princeton in 1874, and on graduating
in '78 he accepted the Principalship of
the Bellefonte schools with which he has
been connected ever since. Unmarried
he lived in the old homestead with his
sister Katherine, who with two brothers
Dr. Andrew, of Bethlehem, and Mitch-
ell, of Bellefonte, watched with anxiety
and helplessness his long and painful ill-
ness. Monday morning Rev. Mr.
Houck, Dr. Laurie, and Rev. D. M.
‘Wolf officiated at the funeral services
in the Methodist church, in which he
was treasurer of the Board of Trustees,
a Steward, a class leader and a Bible
teacher of thirty-five young men. The
floral tributes were possibly the most
beautiful that have ever been brought to
Bellefonte, and were the offerings of the
Reserve Corps, his Sunday school class,
the High school, the teachers and schol-
ars of the other schools and the Ep-
worth League.
WiLris NerF DEAD.—On last Sun-
day night Willis Neff, the fourth son of
Jos. L. Neff, of Roland, died at John-
sonburg, Elk Co., where he had been
employed for some time. Deceased was
ill but a short time with Typhoid fever
and his recovery was thought possible,
but despite all the efforts of kind hands
he died. He was 40 years of age
and was engaged to be married to a
young lady in Johnsonburg. Funeral
services were held at the home of his
parents on Wednesday.
Mrs. D. P. McKinney, the Howard
milliner, will have her opening of fall
and winter goods to-morrow, Saturday
Oct. 15th. Her stock includes the lat-
est novelties in hats and bonnets as well
as a carefully selected line of fancy
goods. The ladies of Howard and com-
munity will do well to attend her open-
ng, for then the choice of her fine line
can be secured.
——TLock Haven citizens and the fire
insurance men,of that place,bave offered
a reward of $1000 for the arrest of the
fire bugs who have caused so much
trouble down there.
: ~ Tyrone has forced her chief bur-
gess to resign. © .
.. . The ice-man now collects his dues,
For winter doth appear ;
The plumber siraightway fills his shoes,
And makes all life seem drear. .
Messrs. Lennon and Wallace are
sole proprietors of the Heutzdale A4d-
vance. John T. Farrell Esq., having
disposed of his interest to them. Cur
best wishes gentlemen.
——Our friend Hon. Joseph W. Mer-
ry, of Beech Creek, is devoting his time
to building railroads, He has a con-
tract to grade a section of the extension
between DuBois and Clearfield.;
— Next Wednesday night you will
have an opportunity of witnessing one
of Gilbert’s master pieces. Madaline
Merli, the brilliant young Italian ac-
tress, will appear in “Frou-KFrou.”
——An Italian thief stole a horse,
buggy and harness from a Mr. Hoover,
at Unionville, on last Saturday. Later
he was seen in Tyrone with his plunder,
but has not been captured as yet. $20
reward is offered.
——Lock Haven people are drinking
canal water. The water committee of
that place would do well by connecting
their mains with the Globe bottling
works instead of giving the people the
slimy filth of that stagnant canal.
——The Bellefonte society of Chris-
tian Endeavor was represented at the
Altoona Convention by Miss Sadie Bay-
ard, Henry Brown, Charles Bosner,
Harris Heylman, and Samuel Taylor.
Several other members of the society
were in attendance.
— An Italian laborer, who had
charge of the blasting on the George S.
Good section of the Clearfield extension
looked into a hole, on last Friday, to
see what was the matter with a blast
which he thought had not gone off soon
enough. It went later. He went with
——Little Frank Harbaugh, the
bright son of Mr. George Harbaugh
who lives on West Curtin street, died
from diphtheria at noon on Saturday.
Owing to the malignant type of the dis-
ease he was buried at sun down. His
was the last case of that dread disease in
——An immense flag now floats to
the breeze in front of the young mens
Democratic club rooms, on Allegheny
street. Itis a fitting emblem of the
party which stands to defend it against
the ignominy of a Force bill. The stars
and stripes are symbolieal of freedom
and above all things in elections.
——Corney Garman and his bride
arrived on the late train Saturday night
and were driven directly to the Garman
House where a few intimate friends were
in waiting to welcome them, Mrs. Gar-
man was, before her marriage, Miss
Sophia Schoff, of New York, a very
pretty girl who has many friends in our
——Philipsburg i3 so greatly excited
over an electric street rail-way, which
outside capitalists say they are going to
build,that the good citizens of that town
met on Friday night to decide what col-
or the cars should be painted and
whether, in case ot crowds, it will be
the men or the women who will have to
hold onto the straps.
—— Mr. George Potter and family, of
Fort Wayne, Indiana, have been spend-
ing the week with Mr. Potter's brother,
James, on Spring street. They visited
the College on Monday, Of course
none of thestudents knew George, but
we’ll bet those old trees winked know-
ingly at each other as he walked 'neath
their spreading branches.
——A wreck at Flemington bridge,
on the B. E. V., on Friday night, com-
pletely demolished eleven cars loaded
with coal and lumber. A broken axle
is supposed to have caused the train’s
leaving the track and falling over a
twenty foot embankment, Two tramps
who were supposed to have been under
the wreckage turned up in a sadly de-
moralized though unhurt condition.
——James Solt, the crippled man
who supports his large family by sprink-
ling our streets in the summer and sell-
ing coal-oil in the winter, was down
town, on Tuesday, for the first time in
fourteen weeks. He received very ser-
ious injuries to his limb some time ago
by falling on one of our streets. The
WATCHMAN is glad to see him about
again for he has always been an indus-
trious citizen.
~——Joseph Hirst,an aged veteran and
travelling Menonite preacher, was
found lying in a fence corner near the
home of George Schaffer, near Aarons-
burg, on last Friday. Mrs. Shaffer
would not admit him to the house, fear-
ing diphtheria, but her husband made
him a bed in the barn where he died a
fow hours later. He had considerable
money on his person and bank books
showing a credit of nearly a thousand
sharp report of a pistol rang out on
the early Saturday morning air, and the
people who were waiting about the pas-
senger ' station, in this place, for the
arrival of the early trains were too much
startled to realize that a human life was
ebbing away before their eyes.
son of David Hoover, who lives on the
Buffalo Run road about mid-way be-
tween this place and Roopsburg, left his
home on last Saturday morning about
five o,clock, with the intention of going
to Wall station , a point on this side of
Pittsburg, where, until last July, he
been employed in a lumber yard. At
that time he was forced to come home
because of having been hurt by a falling
lumber pile. Ever since that he has
been trying to regain his kealth. When
his loving old mother bade him “God
speed,” and watched her boy disappear
in the breaking dawn of that fateful
day, little did she dream that in less
than an hour and a half that same child
would be returned to her, cold in the em-
brace of death.
Upon reaching the passenger station
he purchased a ticket for Tyrone: then,
going out on the platform, walked down
to the North end of the station where
night watchman, Wm. Reasner, was
standing. He and William had always
been friends and during their conversa-
tion Hoover asked fora chew of tobacco.
Everyone who has been about the Belle-
fonte station will remember that watch-
man Reasner has but one arm—the re-
sult of a railroad accident--so he turned
the pocket, in which he kept his tobacco,
toward his friend and bade him take it
out for himself. In the same pocket
‘William carried his revolver and at the
sight of it Hoover said : “You still carry
the same pop, don’t you Bill ?”’and took
the pistol out— this remark was occa-
sioned doubtless because ‘“Alec’’ had of-
ten cleaned the weapon--Reasner did
rot think anything of his friend’s taking
it, and looked down the platform at
something that just then claimed his at-
tention. When he turned again Hoover
had the weapon pointed at his right
temple and, before he (Reasner) could
interfere, fired. The poor fellow fell
in his tracks and never moved a muscle
after the fatal shot. The ball had taken
an upward course and caused instant
death. In falling he struck against the
end of the building, and in that half
sitting posture he remained until under-
taker Harris removed the body to his
father’s home. Some kindly hand had
thrown a newspaper over the blackened,
distorted face, but for nearly two hours
the body lay there without having been
~ When the undertaker turned it over
the pistol dropped from the hand of the
dead man.
He was just about 30 years of age,
unmarried and, until hewas hurt, a
mab of genial disposition, inclined to be
jovial. Since the accident at Wall
Station, in which a large lumber pile
fell on his head and breast, he has acted
slightly peculiar and itis thought that
in a moment of temporary insanity—
caused by despondency--he committed
the rash deed.
In the absence of Dr. Buckingham,
county coroner, ‘Squire S. H. Foster
held an inquest over the remains.
Funeral serviceg were held on Monday
becomes our pleasure to call the atten-
tion of the citizens of Bellefonte to the
fact that another payment is due on the
Logan Steamer Co’s, engine and that
only through your liberality can it be
made. The company, as you well know
is altogether a volunteer organization
and as such needs the support of every
one who can afford to give a dollar to-
ward the liquidation of its debt. All of
the payments, thus far, have been met
and it is to be hoped that the one to fall
due in a few days will only have to be
mentioned to be paid. The company
cleared a neat sum at its annual picnic
last summer, but the amount was in-
sufficient and it is the intenfion to raise
the balance by popular subscription.
Our citizens should remember that
our firemen do not recieve a penny, in
vemuneration, for their work. Their
pleasure being the saving of the proper-
ty of others. And in remembering this
they will not fail in understanding that
the payment on the steamer is their gain.
Show the firemen that you appreciate
their work by making your subscription
voluntarily. Do not wait to be asked,
but send your check for whatever you
think you can give.
Schaeffer has arranged to hold political
meetings at Linden Hall, on Monday
night, Oct. 17th; at Potter's Mills, on
Tuesday night, Oct. 18th, and at Boals-
burg, on Wednesday night, Oct. 19th.
Some able exponents of Democracy will
be procured for the meetings. Let there
be a good turn out at these meetings.
time during Wednesday night robbers
forced their way through a window in
the store building of T. B. Buddinger,
‘Sundayed in town.
James Alexander Hoover, the oldest |
at Snow Shoe, and succeeded in carryin
dollars. Strange that he should have
preferred the life of a tramp to any |
off censiderable clothing, overcoats an
jewelery. No clue as to the miscreants |
——W.: C. Lingle, of Philipsburg,
——A water famine threatens the an-
thracite coal regions of the State.
—— Two hundred men’s winter coats
$1.50, $1.75, $2.00Lyon & Co.
——A number of sale advertisements
appear in this issue. Don’t fail to- look
them up.
——The greatest line of children’s
and misses coats from $1.25 to $10.00.
Lyon & Co.
After a delightful season of duck
hunting in the Dakotas, Judge A. O.
Furst arrived home on Monday night.
——Special, great big bargains in
boys suits at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. Lyon
& Co.
—Gen. G. W. Stewart, of Eden
Hill, near Spruce Creek, died very sud-
dendly of heart diseaase, on Wednesday
—— Overcoats of all styles and grades
light, tan, brown, silk lined, silk faced
from §$7,00 to $15.00. Lyon & Co.
——The story about the discovery of
a wonderful cave at Wood ward ,surpass-
ing Penn’s cave in grandeur,has turned
out to be a canard.
——The Method ist sociable last night
at Mrs S. A Bell’s was a very pleasant
affair. Sandwiches, coffee, cakes and
candies were served.
——Ladies, misses and children’s
fall and winter coats all in, already, and
a great big line it is. Lyon & Co.
—— Memo rial windows are to be pla-
ced in the Reformed church for Martha
Keller, Dec’d, and in the Methodist, for
the late D. M. Lieb.
——Next Friday will be Discovery
day and all the schools throughout the
county are preparing to give old Chris-
topher a good send off.
——We are all ready for fall and
winter. The grandest line of children
misses and ladies coats just opened. Ly-
on & Co.
——The town council of Curwens-
ville purchased a safe in which to store
the borough’s valubles. Bellefonte is
not troubled with anxiety over her list
of creditors. :
——Our little girls winter coats all
beautiful styles with long caps $2.00,
$2.50, $3.00, $4.00, and up to $10.00
Lyon & Co.
——1It makes one’s heart glow to go
out tothe Standard scale works and
see the general activity about the place.
If Bellefonte had a few more such prom-
ising industries the outlook would be far
——Mr Frank Steele, who has} been
sick for three months with dropsy, is so
low that there is no hope of his recovery.
Mr Steele was eighty-one years old last
Christmas, and was in his time a very
useful man:
——The old Harrison flag pole,which
was raised at Curtin’s iron works four
years ago has been cut down and sold to
the Bellefonte public schools for simil ar
use. As far as bringing any success
to the men who raised it first it
was a flat failure.
—-The coroner's jury in the case of
Katie Starr, the Curwensville girl who
was found dead in bed some days ago,
has rendered its verdict, but was unable
to decide whether the strychnine was
self administered or not. A medical
examination is being made in Philadel-
——Lowry Walker, the son of A. A.
‘Walker, of this place, who was brought
home from the Collins’ railroad opera-
tions, on the Clearfield extension, last
week, suffering from an ugly gash in the
leg, is mending rapidly. In} getting
away froma blast he was struck by a
flying rock.
——Judge Daniel Rkoads was strick-
en with something like paralysis on last
Saturday afternoon, while sitting in a
chair in his son’s coal office, and for a
while his life was dispaired of, but we
are pleased to say thata steady im-
provement since Sunday has brought
him almost out of danger again.
——Louis Bagnarelli, the Italian
fruit dealer who several years ago oper-
ated a? stand on High street, writes
frequently from his home in Porto
Civitanova, Italy. He is still as much
in love with Bellefonte as ever and
manifests a great interest in the people
whom he became acquainted with while
hera. :
~——The Mountain Qourier, published
at Allport, Clearfield county, has sus-
pended and its list of three hundred paid
up subscribers will doubtless feel delight-
od that their names have been entered on
the Philipsburg Ledger's list for the com-
pletion of their subscription. While
we are sorry for the publishers of the
Courier we congratulate its subscrib-
ers on the substitution.
——Men’s cheviot suits in black,
brown, woodbrown, double breasted or
single $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00 | T;
:and 12.00. The handsomest styles best
making and sewing, good goods and
nobby styles. Lyon & Co.
liam Hooven,, of .Carwensvill§} Clesid- +"
field county; Pa.jarrived in Williams.
| port,Saturday evening, with a wheelbar-
row, with which he proposes to travel a
distance of 6,240 miles 1n a circuit in
365 days. He left his home on Monday _
and came by the way of Clearfield; Mill
Hall, Lock Haven and Jersey Sbore,
having averaged twenty-seven miles per
day during his time on the road. He"
left yesterday for Laport, Sullivan coun-
ty, intending to go on in the direction
of Scranton. Mr. Hooven is a man
aged about thirty six years and has a
family of seven children. He expects to
make sufficient money during his trip
by corresponding for papers to support
his family.— Williamsport Republican.
——Boys cheviot suits for boys from
5 to 14 years double breasted cheviots
and single $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 $4.00,
$5.00 and $6.00 nobby stylish good
goods in black, brown tan &c. Lyon
& Co,
Postmaster General Wanamaker has
signed a contract for the new issue of
what will be known as the Columbian
series of postage stamps. The stamps
will be of the same height as the pres-
ent issue, but will be twice the width,
and the illustrations will include various
scenes connected with Columbus’ voy-
age and discovery. The new stamps
will be ready about January 1st.— Eu.
——A beautiful line of ladies fall
coats in tan and other light shades and
black for $3.50 to $12.00. Lyon & Co.
A CArITAL JokE.—The Philipsburg
Ledger tells the following good story on
our former - businessman, Mr. Edwin
Tyson :
“The butchers worked a great joke on
Mr. Edwin Tyson. They got a stuffed
fox and putin his chicken coop, and
Tyson and Mr. William Ayers went
out and threw clubs at it, and finally
Tyson got brave and went into the
coop and welted the fox with an ax a
couple of times before he discovered that
he was being imposed on.”
Emery, a typo of this office, left this
morning to attend the Y. M. C. A. con-
vention at Germantown, Pa.—Tuesday’s
Lock Haven Democrat,
—— Don’t forget that Madeline Merli
will appear in Gilberts’ beautiful
drama, “Frou-Frou,” at the opera
house, next Wednesday night.
Wanted, A Good Girl.
Small family, convenient house, will pay
good wages. Apply in person or by letter to
Mrs. J. A. Woodcock, East Linn street, Belle-
fonte, Pa. 3740 3¢
Sale Register,
Ocr. 15,—At the residence of Stewart Decker,
near Lemont, horse, cow, buggy, sleigh and
ageneral variety of household goods. Sale
at 1-p. m.
OcroBer 21st.—At the residence of Willis
Weaver, in Milesburg, Pa. Good horses,colts,
cows, sheep, buggies, sleighs, harness ete.
Sale at 1 o'clock.
Ocr. 22.—At the late residence of Aaron R.
Hall, deceased, in Union township. Horses,
cattle, sheep, farm implements etc. Sale at
10a. m. .
Ocr. 27,—At S. B. Leathers’ in Howard town.
ship* horses, cows, young cattle and his en-
tire outfit of stock and farm implements.
Sale at 10-a. m.
NoveumBer 18t.—At the residence of J. Newlin
Hall, one mile west of Howard, horses, colts,
pigs and farm stock of all kinds. Sale atl
o'clock p.m.
——Don’t miss seeing those $10 suits
at Fauble’s.
——Suits made to order $18.00-19.00
20.00. z
Overcoats made to order$18.00-19.00-
Pantaloons made to order $5.00-6.00-
Leave Your OrRDER Now.
MonrtaoMERY & Co., Tailors.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. facksox & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White Wheab......ccereraseercsssersrsrsssssisnssenes 66
Old wheat, per bushel 75
Red wheat, per bushel new 70
Rye, per bushel 60
Corn, ears, per bush 25
Corn, shelled, per bushel... 50
Qats—new, per bushel.......iecveeeiirenennnee 30
Barley, per bushel......... 48
Ground Plaster, per ton.. 9 50
Buckwheat per bushel..........cccunviiennences 50
Cloverseed, per bushei 00 to $6 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ...
Eggs, per dozen.....
Lard, per pound.....
Fail Hams 4
allow, per poun
Butter, per nound
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at #2 per annum (if paid strictly in
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the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
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